This is beautifully made. The ingenuity of language, the commonality of its appreciation & respect. I hope everyone has happy #Bloomsday this year, wherever you are. I will celebrate it as I always do, by staying home & doing nothing.
This passage has been one of the greatest influences on me as a would be writer, not in style but in the possibility & magic of language. For as difficult as Joyce can be sometimes, we are eternally rewarded with moments such as this.
'Listen: a foreworded wavespeech: seesoo hrss, rsseeiss, ooos. Vehement breath of waters amid seasnakes, rearing horses, rocks. In cups of rocks it slops: flop, slop, slap: bounded in barrels. It flows purling, widely flowing, floating foampool, flower unfurling.'
& the obligatory 'and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower...and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will yes.'
Tell that to the women & guards in Limerick Women's Prison, dealing with ultra violent male bodied prisoners. Imo, if the average person understood that Self-Id allows for the reality of something like this, as just 1 example, they'd balk & want an alternative solution.
Self-Id is inherently corruptible. Why? Because it enshrines in law that the possibility of male violence is a fantasy. It removes the safeguards that women & children need in vulnerable spaces to protect them, not from the Whole, but from the Lowest common denominator.
Saying that; Being anti Self-Id is not being anti trans. It is being wary of those who would take advantage. 4% of prisoners in Scottish women's prisons are male. Over 20% of prisoners in Limerick Women's Prison are male & violent.
When you change the definition of a protected political class to include everyone, then you remove that protected class's ability to raise objections to ensure that their rights are upheld.
Words matter. For millennia Woman, in word & meaning, was a commodity for men; a literal repository for life, of which we men controlled. Just as the word & the power of the real life representation of that word was finally in grasp, to suddenly say that it &
the reality that it has always represented is NOW meaningless, outdated or somehow deficient remains both insulting & a great betrayal. Removing or even diminishing the language needed to object or raise concern is dangerous for the precedent it sets for every area affecting
My mind still boggles that RTE is being brought before government to explain why it allowed for a balanced conversation to be had around issues that many women feel affect them & their rights as citizens as well as the counterpoints to those arguments.
The poet John Milton philosophised that restricting speech wasn’t necessary because the truth would prevail "in a free and open encounter.” Thomas Jefferson argued that it is safe to tolerate an ”error of opinion-where reason is left free to combat it.” Fredrick Siebert said
“Let all with something to say be free to express themselves. The true and sound will survive. The false and unsound will be vanquished.” The poet John Stuart Mill believed that free speech should be tolerated because it will lead toward the truth. These are all manifestations of
This is a terrible & sad decision. Homophobia isn't gone, this we know. Two gay men have been brutally killed this year alone. Yet Dublin Pride have terminated their contract with the biggest provider of exposure they have, compromising the social benefits of the whole group.
A perfect indicator of the moral or ethical veracity of an idea or movement is in how it deals with those who disagree. If your movement castigates instead of speaking to a better judgement, if fire & brimstone is the innate reaction to disagreement, if the doling out of physical
or mental pain is the only appropriate response to ideological challenge, if censorship is preferable to exposure; then your idea or movement is not good. How you react to things that make you uncomfortable is an indicator of stability & maturity, two things that are very much
A very interesting article about Collective Narcissism & its societal affect. Collective Narcissism: '“a belief that the exaggerated greatness of one’s group is not sufficiently recognized by others,” in which that thirst for recognition is never satiated'…
'Groups may differ in their narrative about why they are superior...Regardless, collective narcissists are resentful of other groups, and hypersensitive to perceived intergroup threat. As a result, collective narcissism often breeds prejudice...'
'CNs tend to respond to the perceived threats of other groups in outsize, often aggressive ways...But group members don’t always benefit from this thinking: CNs are hypervigilant about “enemies within,” members who, in their opinion, reflect negatively on the group.'
My wife says this all the time too. She was a tomboy who developed early & got the wrong attention for it. She hated her breasts, cut her hair short, wore big jumpers, her dad's blazer. & in many ways, she'll admit how she was disassociated from her body until she was an adult.
Only yesterday we were talking about how much the idea of femininity seems to be influenced by drag these days. She said if she was a teen now knowing how she was back then-& this was the face or the ideal of femininity & the only or popular or suggested alternative to that was
transition-she would have easily gravitated towards that as a rejection rather than as an acceptance. & that worries her, to know how her normal teenage issues could have affected the rest of her life. It's daunting to try & anticipate how they'll affect our daughter's life.