How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App's hard work because true inclusion requires the greatest effort to be as right for everyone as possible. It requires dialogue, examination, debate, fact, convincing. It requires the kindness that Conor so woefully and lazily misplaces here. have no escape anymore; in sports, in school, in the spaces in life that they had to fight to carve out for themselves in order to give them places of safety, opportunity and confidence. They are constantly facing social pressures to conform to a hypersexualised can't claim righteousness while denying women their right to voice & agency in issues that affect them. If you do, you're not the beacon you think you are., women lift far more of their share of the mental load than men. According to the 2017 Modern Family Index, women lift far more of their share of the mental load than men. It's a heavy burden that sees women having to take on the role of is inherently corruptible. Why? Because it enshrines in law that the possibility of male violence is a fantasy. It removes the safeguards that women & children need in vulnerable spaces to protect them, not from the Whole, but from the Lowest common denominator. passage has been one of the greatest influences on me as a would be writer, not in style but in the possibility & magic of language. For as difficult as Joyce can be sometimes, we are eternally rewarded with moments such as this. matter. For millennia Woman, in word & meaning, was a commodity for men; a literal repository for life, of which we men controlled. Just as the word & the power of the real life representation of that word was finally in grasp, to suddenly say that it & perfect indicator of the moral or ethical veracity of an idea or movement is in how it deals with those who disagree. If your movement castigates instead of speaking to a better judgement, if fire & brimstone is the innate reaction to disagreement, if the doling out of physical yesterday we were talking about how much the idea of femininity seems to be influenced by drag these days. She said if she was a teen now knowing how she was back then-& this was the face or the ideal of femininity & the only or popular or suggested alternative to that was we define the world for young women who are beginning to find & question their place in the world, their values, their identity, their own value & self-worth they take into adulthood, matters. They will deal with the insidiousness of sex inequality their whole lives. we get acquiescence demanded as kindness, biological reality equated with bigotry & critical thinking abandoned for subterfuge or outright rage. But the support of women's equality on the basis of their sex-class isn't bigotry.