Dietmar Pichler Profile picture
Jun 20, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read Read on X
Die ältesten und falschesten Ukraine-Mythen: 🧵

"Russisch wäre verboten": Es wird immer noch auf Russisch publiziert, Zelenskyys TV Serie war auf Russisch, selbst in der Hauptstadt ist Russisch Verkehrssprache - Fakt: Ukrainisch soll gestärkt werden
Amerikaner haben Euromaidan mit 5 Mrd. finanziert.
Diese Ente hält sich auch leider noch immer: Fakt: Das Geld ist seit 1991 als Entwicklungshilfe geflossen, also bereits seit mehr als 2 Jahrzehnten und hatte natürlich nichts mit dem Euromaidan zu tun.
Es gäbe "ethnischen Konflikt" "Bürgerkrieg":

Fakt: Ergibt keinen Sinn, Ukrainer sind ethnisch sehr gemischt und zwar in allen Teilen des Landes.

Der Konflikt im Donbas wurde von Russland, russischen Warlords (Girkin, Borodai) und extremistischen Gruppen "auf Urlaub" initiiert.
Russland greift und griff wegen Ukraine in der NATO an: 2014 ging es nur um die EU-Assoziierung und auch 2022 war keine Mitgliedschaft in Sicht, der Membership Action Plan war gar nicht angelaufen.
"Denazifizierung". Präsident Zelenskyy ist jüdischer Herkunft, verlor Vorfahren im Holocaust. Rechtsradikale haben trotz Bündnis zusammen nicht einmal 3% erreicht.
In der Ukraine gibt es wie überall Rechtsextreme, in Russland sind die Ausmaße und Auswirkungen aber viel größer.
"Ukrainer machen 8 Jahre Genozid" im Donbas

Fakt: Ukrainer haben versucht Expansion der russ. Kräfte abzuwehren, viele zivile Opfer können direkt den russ. Warlords zugerechnet werden, zum Beispiel beim Angriff auf Mariupol. Seit 2016 gab es 365 zivile Opfer
"Chruschtschow war Ukrainer"

Fakt: Er ist in Russland geboren und seine Familie kam aus Westrussland. Er war BERUFLICH in der Ukraine tätig. Der ständig wiederholte Mythos "er war Ukrainer und hat deshalb die Krim verschenkt" ist falsch.
"die gespaltene Ukraine".

Fakt: nur weil in Städten wie Kharkiv, Poltava, Odesa etc. die russische Sprache sehr präsent ist, fühlen sich die Menschen nicht automatisch weniger mit der Ukraine und Europa verbunden. Viele Geflüchtete in der EU kommen aus den östlichen Regionen.

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Mar 11
How to identify a Russian propaganda agent of influence – someone who consciously or unconsciously promotes narratives beneficial to the Kremlin?

What roles do they play in society? What are their key messages? And most importantly, what do they always leave out? Guideline:🧵
Who is a Valuable Agent of Influence?

A valuable agent of influence is someone with credibility and reach—an expert, a journalist, or especially someone who is a professor. People tend to trust academics, and they are often hesitant to criticize them.
How do they frame their "analysis"?

They may briefly condemn the Russian invasion—if at all—before quickly pivoting to "but" and pushing propaganda.

The bulk of their argument focuses on blaming "the West," "NATO expansion," "Biden," Ukraine and asking for "peace at all costs"
Read 13 tweets
Feb 12
Because powerful voices are pushing Ukraine to basically surrender to the Russian imperialist invasion, I want to highlight key facts that must be considered. Anyone is free to verify them.

I start with this: No! Putin does not want peace, he started the war, twice! (Thread)🧵 Image
1.1 The Russian invasion of Ukraine began in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea and the (semi-)covert invasion of the eastern Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. Image
This invasion was carried out by "little green men," "Russian soldiers on vacation," radical groups like Wagner, Sparta, and the Russian Orthodox Army, as well as Russian intelligence officers such as Girkin and Borodai.@Montrey82631182 Russian agent Igor Girkin, asking people to join his fight
Read 16 tweets
Dec 30, 2024
My 16 key messages regarding disinformation and foreign interference in 2024📑🧵

1) It is not only social media
2) It is not only the far right
3) Raise awareness about agents of influence
4) Influence campaigns can be subtle and remain unnoticed

5) It is a global information war: "BRICS Plus against us."
6) Monitor the analog world as well: a lot of agents of influence propaganda is found in our universities, bookstores, and events.
Read 13 tweets
Nov 9, 2024
5 steps to protect our information sphere from dictators seeking to divide and conquer us🧵

1) Expose agents of influence – publish a list of Kremlin-
paid actors
2) Debunk their narratives
3) Clearly explain the situation
4) Raise public awareness
5) Educate society
Authorities must expose agents funded by authoritarian regimes like Russia, China, and Iran who spread propaganda and lobby for them. The list of Russian-funded influencers and "useful idiots" should finally be made public.
Politicians, experts, civil society, and academics—everyone who cares about protecting democracies—should make every effort to debunk the narratives of propagandists who clearly work in favor of authoritarian regimes through constant fact-checking.
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Oct 24, 2024
16 reasons we should be very alarmed! 🧵

1) Russia is successfully uniting the anti-Western propaganda bloc

2) Many naive & non-resilient Westerners are embracing the 🇷🇺narrative of a "multipolar" world

3) Disinformation & influence campaigns are not limited to social media
4) We are ignoring "traditional" propaganda channels (books, events, and agents of influence).

5) Russia and its allies have deeply infiltrated and contaminated our societies with agents of influence, useful idiots, spies—or people who serve both roles...
6)Anti-Western narratives are widespread in the West, in the far left, the far right & even the center

7)We take democracy for granted and remain unaware of the authoritarian threat

8)The issue isn't just dictators but also their enablers, partners, and apologists in the West
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Sep 18, 2024
Who creates Russian propaganda, and what forms does it take? Covert, overt, subtle, and "cultural", Russian propaganda has many faces and influences all spheres of our information space 🧵 Image
Category: Covert

The recent leaks once again revealed how Russian "agencies" work for the Kremlin to create and spread toxic propaganda and disinformation online, even identifying and sometimes supporting useful Western idiots to amplify their channels.
Category: Subtle

Agents of influence, often professors, impact not only the education system but also mass media, bookstores, and mainstream discourse.

They say things like, "I condemn Putin, but NATO, the US..." "Realpolitik", "we need diplomacy, not weapons"
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