Wuggie here, thanking mew all for your love, support & prayers for Myself, Heri & Xanawu during some of our darkest hours - we're so grateful & appreciate mew all so much!

We've been part of the #Anipals/#CatsOfTwitter for almost 2 1/2yrs now - a lot of things have happened.
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Many of mew may have seen my interview when I was on #OTLFP.

I described our family, our world and why we came to Twitter, what we try to contribute to the community and how much we love being here.

But there were things I did not mention. Things not suitable for the show.
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I did not talk about the struggles & adversities we've faced ever since we joined #CatsOfTwitter - struggles created & perpetuated by accounts in our community of #Anipals.

Bullying, scamming & emotional abuse are very real threats here - not just to Xanawu but to all of us.
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Over the coming days, this Wuggie thought he'd tell mew a story...tell mew how he met his adversaries, the love bombing, the manipulations, the discard...

and the punishment we bear for speaking out.

Including pals & details NOT mentioned in my blog.
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See mew tomorrow for the origin story - it will be fun!😺

Milk bottles and cookies will be served at the #ChillTent during Story Time🥛🍪📖

...to be continued tomorrow....
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals #narcissisticabuseawarenessday #stopcyberstalking
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Story time, it's story time!!!

Did mew get your milk bottle and some cookies?

Well then pull up a chillow and I shall begin....

Once upon a time, there was a little tuxedo cat named Mr. Wuggums.....
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I joined the #CatsOfTwitter Community on March 17th 2020 to help soothe my💔 from the 🌈 of one of our older brofurs that morning.

I did what any new account would do. Post pictures of myself, talk about my day and try to meet new furriends.
#Anipals #dogsoftwitter
I went to my first twitter party at the end of August 2020. I attended #Nipfest.
It was a pivotal moment for me - a mind expanding welcoming of community, liberal ideas, inclusivity & overall grooviness. I thought I'd found my lost Tribe
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
It made me feel so happy, so a part of it all, that I opened our tent to all festival goers, providing music, noms & fellowship during overnight hours.

Mew can see & feel the love in the documentary I made about it - Nipfest:The Movie.
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What I did not put in my documentary of the festival, was a group of pals I met there.

This group welcomed me to their camp, plied me with drinks, laughed at all my jokes, flattered me with compliments...and the subject turned to fez'.
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Sirs Dylan, Bertie & their pal, Beastie said they knew where to find a very fine fez! They knew a pal that made custom fez for them!
When hearing the fez maker was someone I'd already met I felt maybe these could be good new furriends.
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I'd wandered into the Edible Cats Club without realizing it. They've always been at Nipfest, love bombing & recruiting. Members will be there this year posing as members of #Hedgewatch, pretending to be anything but who & what they are.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
I made furriends with pals who were the 'security' for Hedgewatch that year. I was hosting my first filmfest at the time & thought it might be fun to have 'security' at the event to keep fans away from celebrities who would show up.
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By this time, I knew who ECC was. No one told me they were dangerous. None told me about their recent upset before I got there. An upset where they refused membership to an angel account, feeling pals w/angel accounts have mental issues
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That would have been a HUGE red flag for me.

Instead, I asked filmfest security if they'd like to become the security team for ECC. ECC even put me on the team though I'm just an actor w/no time to attend the constant club initiations.
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ECC leaders told me I could come and go as I pleased - no pressure. @jerry_tuxedo would head the team.

A couple weeks passed. Puddin @georgiarealist & boss Marmite decided all security team members should also be members of the ECC.
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The team agreed but I said I was too busy to participate in a club due to my schedule.
Next, I was approached by a cute ECC girl every time I would come to twitter. She'd flatter me, give me noms, etc.
I joined the Edible Cats Club.😿
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Imagine my surprise when they added me to their chat room & read what was in it. Seems there was a twitter glitch that day, and I could see all the conversations in the room that had occurred before I was invited in....
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What I saw, was a discussion as to how to get all security members to join ECC. I saw them talk about me, about how difficult I was to recruit & how it NEEDED to happen. Then I saw them ask "how to do it?"

The cute cat volunteered.😿
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That cute, sweet little ECC girl cat had volunteered to flatter and seduce me until I joined their club.

Then the real nightmare began.

(to be continued tomorrow)
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
It's time for Chapter Two!

Gather round, dear #Anipals, as I regale mew with a tale both sweet and scary, of wolves in cats' clothing and those who deny they ever knew them....

Story time snacks are available at the #ChillTent😺
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Ice cream party!

Who doesn't love an ice cream party? I was a new pal on twitter, and when @Tonithecat32 announced she was having an ice cream party, I was totally on board. What a great opportunity to socialize and meet new furriends!
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
Parties were full even w/out a # - pals came from all over while Toni served 🍦 gifs: it was busy fun! Toni seemed to have a hard time keeping up w/the crowd. I thought I could help out by serving an ice cream or two while she was busy.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
She was sweet and thankful and so nice to me all the time that I gave her an ice cream truck she could use. @Tonithecat32 demanded I partner with her - she said (her) "Mommy Kara insists".
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I started selecting items & making menus for our weekly parties, it got busier and busier and @Tonithecat32 was more and more distracted, kept starting new threads so I couldn't see customers and then would cry "Wuggums where are you?"
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She started crying a lot. Every day, never letting pals know what the problem was. Then, she started letting it slip she needed 💵.

"Mommy Kara insisted" Heri join us to serve🍦 as well. She gave him the same praise, love & flattery.
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She'd DM me, but I'd never reply, as I was already starting to feel uncomfortable about the whole situation: mew could say my Spidey Sense was starting to tingle.

She kept starting multiple threads during our 🍦parties w/o a tag for us
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She'd scold us for serving pals she deemed important to her. She'd snub humans, angels & stuffed pals and scold us for double serving pals. If someone showed up late she'd be rude to them & deny them service. We'd be scolded if we did.
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But @Tonithecat32 /Kara had so many furriends, important pals like @fluffybasil who is in #theaviators and @Lpowell588Lady who is a #weeti. I was so new to twitter, I thought maybe I was just learning the rules of the land, so to speak.
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Then @Tonithecat32 started scolding her customers, pals she'd tag in her tweets; more tags than tweet text, usually. She started scolding her furriends about why won't they retweet, why aren't they at her ice cream party this week, etc.
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When I became a member of the Edible Cats Club its leaders asked me to bring the truck to a party. I said I was unsure (concerned as to what was really going on by this point, or if toni would take offense - she was never a 'joiner').

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To my surprise, she readily agreed! I made the menu, poster, promoted, & met w/@Tonithecat32 beforehand

She arrived an hour early, ruined the tightly run ECC schedule & blamed me for it. "Mr. Wuggums never told me what time it started"
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Heri & I discovered @Tonithecat32's a scammer who loves taking money from cancer patients, the elderly & pals on fixed incomes. She used big name, respected accounts to validate her & shame anyone who questioned Kara's new GFM campaign.
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We quit doing 🍦 parties in Dec 2020 & spoke publicly about toni/kara's scamming in January '21. Many victims spoke up, too & now the menace that is Mommy Kara has been all but removed from our community, hiding behind a locked account.
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It was a terrifying ordeal. She screamed at us & threatened us when we started talking. Her "big dogs" wouldn't stop attacking us & negating everything we said about her..it got ugly & I don't want to talk about it anymore right now.😿

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Heri and I got a good deal of support during this time from the anipals community.

But the club I was a member of, @EdibleCatsClub avoided me. None spoke to me, leadership never DMed me to see if I was okay or to offer any support.😿

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What Edible Cats Club admin actually started doing, was they started to complain about my own parties that I began hosting as a way of offering pals a safe place to gather and enjoy tea and treats.

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.@georgiarealist started sending me DMs telling me stuff like: that "tiki bar" thing you're having? Well, it's at the same time as one of our #ECCEnrolment (initiation) ceremonies, and so is this other party you're having later on, etc.
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Edible Cats Club officials like Olly the Cat @AlanSla90124663, @MurphyTCat and the original ECC HH (Marmite below in blue) deny ever knowing @Tonithecat32. Those that say they knew about her, always say they had nothing to do with her.

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It's like the party never happened. But I know it did - I was there..
The Edible Cats Club & its leaders deleted many, if not all, of their own tweets from that day, but they cannot delete tweets from others who attended, nor ours.
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Marmite Tabby Cat, the Head Honcho & founder of the Edible Cats Club knew @Tonithecat32 was a pro scammer and emotional abuser who had driven many accounts from twitter but did not warn me....
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Head of ECC invited a scammer into her own club event so members could meet Toni & get invited to her weekly 🍦 parties. There was even discussion about making Toni a member - I recall @georgiarealist talking about it.
(To Be Continued)
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Gather 'round, furriends - it's Story Time!📖

The ink has just dried on the last page of Chapter Three I was penning at my little kitty desk.😺

I'll be with mew momentarily - desserts & breakfasts are available at the #ChillTent.💖
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Mardi Gras!

It's a big deal at Xanawu & Heri suggested we have a small Mardi Gras party to help with our healing after Toni; the revelry would put distance between us & that manipulative affair. He said, let's call it Cat Carnival.
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Heri has great ideas - I❤️to run w/them & make them larger than life: I suggested to him we have a huge global themed festival & call it #CatCarnivale. We invited all the groups on anipal twitter to participate in our 12 day festival.
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Being a member of the Edible Cats Club I thought I'd offer them 1st choice on the schedule. I do all the promotions & they would host an event for a few hours - dinner parties were their claim to fame, I thought it'd be a perfect fit.
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I DMed ECC secretary Puddin @georgiarealist w/the idea. She promptly shot me down. She told me Head Honcho Marmite would never agree to such a thing, they already had a Mardi Gras party scheduled in March and would not do another.

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She told me no, not room on the schedule for it & they already had a party in March of the same theme. I explained how their party would be perfect, the exposure it would bring to the club, how it would help show them off positively.
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She agreed & brought her new Deputy Head Honcho, @MurphyTCat into the DM so we could discuss the details together.
I mentioned ECC has initiation ceremonies Mon/Tues and perhaps we could use one of those days for the Cat Carnivale🐱🎭
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They didn't want to open a "private ceremony" to the public. Actually, after a new member swore an "oath" to the ECC all were invited to the Clubhouse bar to celebrate, but the ECC had a new Discord account & was urging members to go

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A strange division was taking place in the ECC.

We picked a day. Now, the theme.

ECC just wanted their party in New Orleans, I suggested a beautiful Fete of the Flowers as they celebrate in Nice, France. They reluctantly agreed.

#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
The next meeting Marmite was too busy to deal with me so left me with @MurphyTCat. Murphy brought in Olly the Cat @AlanSla90124663 & ECC head caterer to hammer out details in a series of DM meetings that went on unnecessarily for days
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They'd often gather while I was hosting a Twitter event & if I did not reply to their DM quickly they'd disparage me as though "oh, he's just not around...I guess he's not interested...we'll just have to do this without him...., etc."
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
ECC didn't build a float though they had a graphic artist, they didn't use the motif we agreed on - they just had another costume ball w/the same cajun food they wanted to do the whole time. A promised 2hr event was reduced to 75min.

#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
I promoted them & their party was a success. Everyone wanted to join - the Edible CATS Club started accepting all species of animals into their membership. But you couldn't be an angel account, nor a stuffed animal account, of course.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
I also approached #nipclub because Heri & I were familiar with them as well.
We'd been going to nipclub for several months at this point. That girl cat from the ECC who had sweet talked me into joining turned me on to the place.
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Nipclub agreed to host a night during CatCarnivale. I started convos w/an employee who was always there, playing the music, talking loudest, appearing very "in charge"....his name was @kittehboi. They call him "Breeze", I call him KB.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
I liked the music he DJ'd, we were chatty in public & @ #nipclub. When I saw @kittehboi tweet a pic in a costume I felt perfect for a Cat Carnivale event Xanawu was hosting, I sent him a DM to offer him a role.

Bad plan on my part.

#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
The guy led me on some strange mental cat & mouse game for days in DMs. I'm trying to organize this groundbreaking, never before done that I know of 12 day festival on Anipal Twitter and KB keeps lighting up my DMs with weirdness.

#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
He doesn't want to work with me, he doesn't like my work. He asked what language I'm speaking, parroted back things I said, got argumentative when I tried to talk about Nipclub's plans for Cat Carnivale & bristled at my suggestions.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
But the DMs from @kittehboi kept coming. At the strangest hours of the day/night. Stuff that was disjointed, passive/aggressive or just downright aggressive and then bouyantly weirdly friendly.

#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
.@kittehboi's pals told me "Breeze has issues". Said he's involved w/all these events/groups on Anipal twitter & if Heri & I wanted to attend any of them we'd just have to put up with him & his abusive outbursts like everyone else.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
I will say however, all other groups involved in #CatCarnivale 2021 were fabulous. They worked hard & pulled together as a community to bring a dream to life in such a way that gave me a great deal of pride & gratitude.💖
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Story Time, it's Story Time!📖

Gather 'round, furriends, as I regale mew with Chapter Four of my tale .....the Beginning of the End.

PopTarts, cereals, milk bottles and juices are available at the #ChillTent 🐾💖🐾
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CHAPTER FOUR: The PawCircle Room

A problem with big festivals is that once they're over, many of the participants suffer from "post-party depression". With pandemic in full swing, those emotional/psychological effects were amplified.
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I looked for other outlets. Anipal social events were scarce at that time, many had used up their resources for #CatCarnivale & my circle of pals was small. I looked to my club for furriendship & tasty noms. It's the motto of the ECC.
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Sadly, it was like they'd packed up everything fun & taken it over to Discord. If I asked about an activity, I was told "Oh, we have that on Discord, you really should go over there...we can set you up, you know, we're happy to help"

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When an ECC member refused to go to Discord? They would pressure a little more, shame us for not going along with their idea & then get sullen. They would often avoid us for a bit after that, ghosting as punishment for not conforming.
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The only events the Edible Cats Club were hosting on Twitter at the time were their initiations, a monthly event that Head Honcho Marmite was kind enough to let Olly the Cat have on twitter, & the odd themed party held weeks apart.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
With their move to Discord, the Edible Cats Club's multitude of DM chat rooms were reduced to two rooms available to members who were non-Discord users: ECC Quiz & ECC Chat Room for Fun Conversation.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
ECC Quiz room was dominated by two pals who took up most of the convo with a back & forth exchange of gifs. When I tried to get involved & play, they shot me a dirty look & went silent for a bit, then resumed their game, ignoring me.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
I went to ECC Chat Room for Fun Conversation to find pals: the room was full of paw circle talk. Post after post about a member who was hurting, lost, in pain, someone they knew who was hurting, lost or in pain, & member's reactions.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
That wasn't a fun chat. I told a few pals & they agreed - they don't go in that room anymore because it's depressing. We wanted to go to the DM to get away from upsets of the world, not walk right into them due to a mislabeled room.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
Again, my Spidey Sense began to tingle. But rather than be put off by the lack of companionship within my own club, I planned another celebration to give myself & pals a place we could gather, enjoying furriendship and entertainment.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
Toni held her ice cream parties on Wednesdays. My 1st twitterversary was coming up Wednesday. I thought I'd break free from the psychological bondage, empower myself & celebrate a day very important to Xanawu, the day our Jason went🌈
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I declared from here on out, every Wednesday at Xanawu would be known as Wuggsday (Wuggie Wednesday) & we'd have a St. Paddy's Party. I started promotions. So did ECC; they were having a St. Pat's Party too, I said I'd try to stop by.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
I notice talk in the ECC Chat Room for Fun Convo. A new member @PeytonReads was posting, asking Marmite & Puddin where she could leave a suggestion to include angels & stuffies in ECC. They told her where she could put it.🙀

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If we were making suggestions, I thought I'd speak up. I asked if they could give us a room for paw circle matters only. Peyton & Myself were curtly dismissed, punishing me (& all non-discord members) for asking for a paw circle room.
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They didn't discuss it further with me. I thought about how busy they are all the time & thought maybe I could help by creating & maintaining a room for the club myself. So I did.
I called it the Paw Circle of Love and Support Group.
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I posted in the ECC Room for Conversation that I was doing so for Edible Cats Club members who weren't on Discord for whatever reason. I asked ECC members in the "conversation" room if they'd like to be added to the PawCircle group.
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I also said that if I met someone in the future whom I felt would be a valuable contributor to the group I would add them regardless of their "living" status. All are equal in the eyes of Xanawu: human rights are important to us here.
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Several members joined the pawcircle room - Olly the Cat @AlanSla90124663 raised his paw & brought some of his pals along. I was never contacted by Marmite or Puddin about the matter so I was left to assume everything was fine.
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My Twitterversary comes. Wuggsday is celebrated at Xanawu & I happily drop by the ECC party to touch base w/pals there.
I got a cold reception. Many didn't talk to me, Olly didn't serve me & my good pal Gabe ghosted me. I went home.😿
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We only had about 500 followers at the time, if even that, so it was a crushing blow to me. I took the next day off. My parents tended the garden that day, & when they came back inside to check my messages, I was shown a bunch of DMs
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Actors in my tiny theater troupe DMed, "Are you okay?" "Olly's really attacking you out there! Everyone is ganging up on you and saying you have to leave the ECC"
@AlanSla90124663 had blocked me. But I can see the others' responses.😿
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I was devastated. Pals were calling me names, saying I was breaking rules...I didn't know the Edible Cats Club HAD rules! I thought it was just 'take a food name, volunteer as you can'. Now I'm hearing there's rules I may have broken
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Now I'm hearing there are rules I've broken, that the cat club who started accepting other species won't allow angels or stuffies, & the world on Discord is an Eden that us stubborn ECC members are missing out on.

Something's amiss.
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This was everything that happened leading up to my blog post. The following chapters will be taken directly from my blog at mrwuggumsparty.com with additional commentary in tweets as needed.

Stay tuned!
(To Be Continued....)

#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
Story Time, it's Story Time!📖

Gather 'round, furriends, as I regale mew with Chapter Five of my tale .....Damage Control/Aftermath.

Cookies, milk bottles and other treats are available at the #ChillTent 🐾💖🐾
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So, there I was...cast out by my own club members who I considered my pals & peers.

I was no longer in the ECC chat rooms. They'd disappeared. It was likely caused by Olly The Cat's @AlanSla90124663 blocking me in order to lynch me.
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I received a DM from the Deputy Head Honcho, @MurphyTCat.

Other than him DMing me it was time for my initiation in Oct., I'd had little interaction with him outside of Cat Carnivale planning in the group DM.

A total stranger to me.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
The following tweets contain screenshots of my actual DM conversation w/@MurphyTCat - nothing has been edited or redacted.

Seems a vote over Angels/Stuffies got out of paw over on Discord - @AlanSla90124663 made it a Twitter lynching
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Yes, I was upset about no angels/stuffies in the club, but I was more uptight about being lynched by members of my own club & then them NOT wanting to talk to me, sweep it under the rug & move forward.

Don't be a bigot AND an abuser.
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Again it's suggested I & others go to Discord. I'm given a link to vote on the issue; I ask to share it w/members who are not on Discord. By the time Murphy returns w/approval from leadership, I had 30min to tell 100 non discord pals.
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The results were in.
The majority of club members (on Discord) felt angels & stuffies had no place in their elite, exclusive society.

An awareness crept over me that this isn't where I belonged at all. Scared & abused, I stayed calm.
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Again, he tried to lure me to Discord to talk about it where I can't report it to Twitter.

Then, ECC graciously said they'd let me keep MY pawcircle DM room I was lynched for creating - provided they put their brand on it.

I quit.
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I penned a resignation letter.

I believe in open, honest dialogue - particularly after the kinds of manipulations I'd experienced up to this point. I posted my resignation on my website. I tweeted it as well. mrwuggumsparty.com/?p=625
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Club members went crazy.

Attacks on my character began anew. Olly had made a weak apology telling pals how he'd lost himself but loved Marmite so much he'd do it again if he had to: what kind of apology is that?
(To Be Continued...)
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Story Time! It's Story Time!

Grab your cookies and milk bottles from the #ChillTent, kick back on some chillows and listen to tonight's tale!

Chapter Six - Enter the Stalker.
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This is my resignation tweet.
I see in this thread now pals who once tweeted their support of me, have since deleted those tweets: what could have changed their mind about me?
I am the same tuxie I ever was😿
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I faced more backlash than I want to remember.😿 They were cruel, said they'd done nothing wrong - leadership said they weren't responsible for the lynching on Twitter though pals who were at Discord said that was indeed the case.
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Pals that came to my defense were ripped to shreds.

Some so badly they're no longer active on Twitter.

And then....I got a DM from my attacker Olly The Cat @AlanSla90124663...and another....

Heri'd had enough.
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We learned ECC Leader Marmite & Puddin @georgiarealist accused me of "poaching members" for the PawCircle DM group I created SPECIFICALLY for club members who were not on Discord.

Oh, & criticized Marmite in that room she wasn't in.
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Being an underling in the Edible Cats Club makes Olly an expert at being unctuous & flowery w/his apologies, or maybe it's a skill his hoom acquired & honed?

We were softening our stance, did he sense it? He played the "victim card"
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OMC...poor Olly the Cat: abused on Discord just like I'd been hearing happened there from other pals!

Maybe Olly's just a sucker, a pawn in a larger game being played by Marmite & Puddin!?

I explained that to Heri who wasn't in ECC
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals ImageImageImageImage

Poor sad, pathetic old man.

Yes, I'm a sucker, a softie, a visionary, a dreamer. I believe when pals tell me something because I'm an honest cat myself.

I bought it all hook, line & sinker. He was a victim: I had to help him.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals ImageImageImageImage
I knew he'd been through a lot - we all had. So when he started bringing me noms in DMs, I never thought of it as love bombing or trying to buy my silence so I'd not talk any more about this on Twitter

I was nice to the 'victim'
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals ImageImageImageImage
Days pass...Olly's hoom gets his money - all is purrfect in his world now only ten days after ruining mine.

ECC branding starts to creep in, even though he knows how badly I've been hurt - he cloaks it in 🌈news. I don't know Eric.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals ImageImageImageImage
I created boundaries to helped me feel safer. I put Xanawu logos on the memorial announcement.

Thinking he might like more than a monthly Twitter gig, I offered him a job.

He'd put a reminder about my bday on his phone 'ages ago'.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals ImageImageImageImage
This was the last DM I ever got from him.

He dropped me after that. I noticed he'd talked to me for 12 days.

Just long enough for pals on Twitter to forget ECC had ever been jerks.

But MY reputation was shot.
(To Be Continued...)
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals Image
Story Time! It's Story Time!📖

Grab some Mexican brekkie, coffee or cocoa from the #ChillTent, kick back on some chillows & listen to tonight's tale, a story of putdowns & letdowns!☕️

Chapter Seven - The Not So Merry Month Of May.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals Image
Just after #mrwuggumsfilmfest in November 2020, we decided we'd host a similar themed party the first weekend in May 2021; why not? Manny bought more souvenir tiki glasses than we knew what to do with, so it seemed like a fun idea.🍹
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals ImageImage
Seems #nipclub DJ @kittehboi had a party that weekend, too.

Though our luau was scheduled for the same day, when Kittehboi asked for volunteers, Heri offered to DJ for him.

I said I'd help promote; the party was charity oriented.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
Heri got added to Kittehboi's party DM group.

For some strange reason, a short time later Heri saw a public tweet asking @MrWuggums to remove himself from @kittehboi's DM group - that he did not know how Wuggums got there.

#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
Though Heri & I have explained to @kittehboi time & time again during the 8 mos we'd known him at this point that we were two cats, each with our own typist, he never seemed to "get it".

Heri left the DM & removed his volunteership.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
Later, I'm working in my art studio one night getting things ready for the upcoming luau when I get a DM - must have been around 2AM.

From @kittehboi. He was crying.

"Please don't take my ChiliPawty away from me!!!!"

Excuse me?

#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
He'd already accused me of being "Cat Mafia" & wanting to take over all of Cat Twitter one night when I was having a drink at Nipclub. After CatCarnivale I was trying to keep my distance, but I wasn't going to hurt a pal in distress.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
I calmly tried to tell him I wasn't trying to take his party away or take over. I explained we're a troupe of purrformers that enjoy having events. When one "show" is over we start on the next. He said I come on like a steamroller.😿
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
Justifying myself (?) I said "I'm an actor who has to self promote. If mew can't get excited about your work, how can mew expect anyone else to get excited about it?"

He bristled: "I'm excited about my work, why would you say that?"
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
I tried to get out of this conversation in a civil manner. He belittled my work, the efforts I make, tore apart my purrsonality. I offered again to promote his party to show peace - he said no, that if I did I'd just make it my own.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
I explained how I enjoy promoting other pal's events - that I like to shine the spotlight on others and help build them up because I feel they deserve it.

Kittehboi said "Don't shine the spotlight on me - I don't need building up".

#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
He was so hurtful I was in tears by the time he finished telling me how horrible I am & needs nothing from me.😿

Heri went in and told Kittehboi off. Kittehboi still couldn't seem to understand Heri and I each have our own typist.

#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
I only spoke to that hateful cat a few times after that in public, simply to be polite because Heri was a DJ at #nipclub at the time.

I was still showing up for Heri's sets then, but waiting til KB was finished with his own shift.

#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
The luau itself had its own set of challenges.

I was casting new actors to expand my hula troupes for this event.

One of my main actresses, Suzie Gravy @Dr_eVal, was purrfect for a particular role.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
Suzie @Dr_eVal & Xanawu had already been working closely together over the past months at #MannysTikiBar where she'd been having a torrid "onscreen" affair with Manny, playing at his bar & talking of their past antics together.
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals Image
She was never any good w/the tech end of posting her songs/pics, making some events more difficult than they needed to be, but I thought we got along. She's a member of the ECC. Said she wasn't online during my lyching, didn't know.

#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
I asked for two pics of her. @Dr_eVal said "You can count on me!"

Days passed.

She said her Mum was ill before when she'd not seen the ECC attacks, I thought maybe her Mum was ill again. I went with another actress for the role.

#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
Imagine my surprise when I found out later: Suzie Gravy was at a party for an ECC bride who was to be married soon.

Their theme was luau....complete w/hula dancers. Their party was almost identical to ours I'd planned & promoted.😾

#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
I saw all I needed to know. Her position with Xanawu Studios was terminated.

During this time, another pal asked me to escort her to this ECC wedding. I didn't want to disappoint; though I had extreme anxiety about going, I agreed.

#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals Image
Two things happened: our Mommy was violently, physically ill all night/morning before the wedding; it was impossible for me to attend.🤢🤮😿

Then our Manny went to the hospital, fighting for his life.🚑🏥💔😿

(To Be Continued....)

#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals Image

• • •

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More from @MrWuggums

Sep 10, 2022
Hello furriends, happy #Caturday!

I hope everyone has been having the bestest weekend!

We've got beef stroganoff, buttered noodles, salad & crusty bread at the dining tipi along w/too many drinks to mention - stop by the #ChillTent now😺💖
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals
heri here... mmm stroganoffs!! wif noodles!! thanks wuggie!! *makes plate an digs in* #chilltent
Mew are welcome, Heri - mew can go back for seconds, too; I made plenty! (((hugs)))🐾💖🐾

Here's a tea for mew
Read 4 tweets
Sep 10, 2022
dj heri here.. is #CaturdayEve an #HeavyMetalCats gonna pawty.. im hopes mew is ready to jam.. we gots lots to covers tonite in ours rehearsal room! so if mew is tuned up all im has left to does is says.. are mew ready to rawk?🤘😸🎸
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #HeavyMetal
dj heri here.. tonite we starts wif mine fave.. #BlackSabbath for #HeavyMetalCats 🤘🎸💜

@17castiel @CaptainChaos5 @KandHarpo @MrsSchabacker

dj heri here.. this weeks we is back in da old band room.. im needed to get back to basics.. cause its an long ways to da tops
#HeavyMetalCats 🤘🎸💜

@17castiel @CaptainChaos5 @KandHarpo @MrsSchabacker @spookybear615 @Fritzcat2016 @LolaJakeTheKiw1

Read 38 tweets
Sep 9, 2022
dj heri here.. im gots an few tunes for mew tonite at da #chilltent house pawty! im hopes mew is getting ready for an great weekends.. cause we gonna has da funz!
dj heri here.. next up im has an squeeze tune! #chilltent housepawty is every thusdays.. which is cool for cats!
Oh wow, hey, little brofur! I didn't know mew were at the #ChillTent - I'd gone back up to the house for some more pasta to put on the snack table....can I get mew anything? Drinks, noms?

Here, let me set mew up with a big meatball and a strawberry cream soda!😺 *high paws* ImageImage
Read 16 tweets
Sep 8, 2022
Hello furriends, happy #Purrsday!

It's an emotional world today as we contemplate the departure of a great soul from this earthly plane.

A trip to the spa will do me good. I'll leave in an hour, mew are welcome to come along💖🌺
#ChillTent #CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals Image
Is everyone ready?

Hop in - we'll be there in about 15minutes.....let me crank some tunes for us!😺🐾💖🐾🚐
#ChillTent #CatsOfTwitter #CatsOnTwitter #dogsoftwitter #Anipals

heri here.. *sings* magic bus! magic buuuuss!!... im wants it im wants it im wants it...
Read 11 tweets
Aug 27, 2022

Ooops.... look out, #HeavyMetalCats - I forgot about that slope on the way to the club from tipi village!🙀

Big Laundry, coming through!!!

Whew, no damage done - how's everyone doing this #CaturdayEve?💖
#ChillTent #BeIn #WuggieLove
heri here.. watch out wuggie!! *catches laundry hanper*.. here mew goes .. thanks for doings da laundry.. did mew gets any noms or drinks? im has da chuck wagon key.. #chilltent
Thanks Broseph - mew are a lifesaver on that one!

No way did I want to mess up the Harvest Gold paint job on these washer/dryers - it's vintage!

Speaking of vintage, have mew seen my van? I left it parked by the warehouse. Lemme get a wrap and soda
#ChillTent #BeIn #WuggieLove
Read 7 tweets
Aug 27, 2022
dj heri here.. #CaturdayEve an we cranks ours motors to head out on da hiways for #HeavyMetalCats wif hard rawk pawty funz! im hopes mew is all buckled up for #HeavyMetal cause its times for me to asks.. is mew ready to rawk?
#CatsOfTwitter #dogsoftwitter #HeavyMetal
dj heri here.. tonite ours themes should be easy to picks up.. mew can hear it comings an miles away!
@17castiel @CaptainChaos5 @cat_carmela @SirLongpaw
#HeavyMetalCats #chilltent #bein
dj heri here.. this uncensored vid is da ones im knows! rawk hard but dont get trashed an drives!!😺🤘🚗

@17castiel @CaptainChaos5 @cat_carmela @Angie390460 @MrsSchabacker @ml8905 @KandHarpo

#HeavyMetalCats #chilltent #beIn
Read 44 tweets

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