Of the 15 points made, we’ll analyze points 6 – 10 below…
2) And here are all 15 points:
3) Number 6 is the hardest of all 15 for me. 400 felony prosecutions. 10,000 misdemeanors. His opponents have zero prosecutions. Those numbers are simply amazing to me. @shestokas is clearly ready to #MakeCrimeIllegalAgain. He will prosecute crime. Consider that.
4) And the fact that his opponents have zero prosecutions is beyond stunning. Sure, any attorney can prosecute, but not any attorney will. We're at the very heart of the swamp here. The right people are never prosecuted. The wrong people are never safe from prosecution.
5) Point 8 brings us to the national component of @shestokas' run. Look at the states where he has invested his time and effort fighting for election integrity. If those states had it, there would be no President Biden. That's where the steal occurred.
6) Election integrity is the very question facing America. If we fail to have it now, in 2022, how do we hold hope for our future? Election integrity is the very essence of the 1st Amendment. There is no greater expression of our free speech than our free vote.
7) Follow the logic again. Through election fraud, the Illinois machine holds its state in thrall, enslaved to its will. With @shestokas empowered as AG over elections, the machine will face its greatest enemy, and Shestokas will not lose to them. He will not cower.
8) I should share that, while @shestokas was traveling all over America following the election theft, he and I would speak from time to time - he never had any time! - and I witnessed his fury and passion, his fight for the law first hand. He's the real deal.
9) His opponents do, indeed, scoff at election integrity. This is the heart of our fight on the right. Over and over, we send up candidates who scoff at us, at the law, at the passions that ignite our patriotic souls. Aren't you sick to death of this? I sure am.
10) It is time we select and support candidates who refuse to scoof when the powers that be command that they scoff. Don't you want an independent thinker, one who has memorized the American Creed, and written the very book on the Constitution, in power as Illinois AG?
11) Covid was all Biden had to justify his presence as a candidate, at all. You know, from his basement. If it weren't so deadly dangerous it would be laughable. What politician do you know who claims to have defended churches deemed non-essential during Covid?
12) Picture it yourself. There you are, in a court of law, and your job is to stand up for a church whose Constitutional rights have been abridged. What furies and passions would wrack your soul as you stared down the very face of evil in America?
13) Picture all the threats. Picture all the enticements. Picture the coordination of forces, all against the small church deemed non-essential. And think about that, here in America. Religious freedom is the very heart and soul of our history.
14) That, my friends, is the very definition of what we want in an Attorney General. We need a @shestokas in every state, but most especially in Illinois. We're lucky to have him. Please express your support with whatever you can, here:
15) No support you give, between now and 2024, will go farther to build election integrity across our entire nation. With election integrity, Illinois becomes a state to fight over. That's why all the rest of us need @shestokas as Illinois AG.
2) Second, here are all 15 points our man makes in the one minute video above. Who knew you could pack that much info into just 60 seconds? Me? I have to unpack it, and that's what you see here...
3) So who is this man, @shestokas? To me, he's my Declaration of Independence and Constitution guy. His book on Jefferson's Declaration was a turning point in my life, no kidding.
The quote is famous: "Do we have a Republic or a Monarchy," Ben Franklin was asked? Ominously, he replied, "A Republic if you can keep it." Please note that he was not asked about a Democracy. Let's discuss that.
2) It's not that difficult, really. A Republic is WHAT we are. Democracy is HOW we do it. We honor the vote of the majority in our elections...for representatives who create the laws, and for executives who execute those laws. That's a Republic.
3) From just this much we can see that the founders did NOT have a crystal ball. Remember, they were against political parties and could not have imagined the two-party system we have now, and have had ever since the turn of the 18th into the 19th century.
Cheaters are boring. Their illogic is stupid and insulting. It leaves a bad taste in the mind. But someone has to call these cheaters on their fake polling, and that is my job.
2) We have to begin with the math. They called 677 Likely Republican Voters. (More on that below...) Half in Chicago, half in the rest of the state. Chicago has almost 4 million people, Illinois almost 13. But half and half, eh? Can you say slanted...a little slanted?
3) Now we're told that our man @shestokas hardly even makes the race, whereas DeVore and Kim have 20 and 18%. Hmm. How is this explained? Wait til you hear!
"There are teams that are fair-haired, and those that aren't so fair-haired. Some teams are named Smith, some Grabowski. We're Grabowskis."
~ Mike Ditka, Head Coach of the Chicago Bears, January 1986
2) We're going to dive right into politics. If you want the story - and it is a GREAT one! - behind Ditka's so-politically incorrect claim, do Czech out this article (did you see what I did there?).
3) My people - you know, the Scopellitiskis - are from the South Side of Chicago. I know the Grabowskis. They're rough, ready, hard-driving, hard-working, hard-drinking, hard-patriots. You do NOT disrespect America around them. They'll give you what for. Seriously.
My $27 buys 3,000 Incredibly Powerful Digital Outreaches
There are two things here I’ve never done. The first is to make a political cash donation. The second is to ask you to do the same thing, and to ask two others to do so too.
2) Dave Shestokas is, to my eye, one of the most important candidates in America today. He is precisely the kind of man we want in public office in general, and in specific he is flawlessly qualified to become the Attorney General in Illinois.
3) A peerless Constitutional scholar, Dave is 100% dedicated to MAKING CRIME ILLEGAL AGAIN. Let's focus on a single type of crime, one that has national implications: Election Fraud in 2024. With Dave as Illinois AG the Fraud Machine will quiver with fear. I mean that.
It is part of the playbook to create chaos and destruction, when what you wish to do is topple a society. Consider this video from 2020:
2) Who could have imagined that the wealthiest part of Chicago's downtown might be subject to such lawless violence. How can our nation lose sight of the fact that without law there is no freedom? It truly boggles the mind, and be clear, we face precisely such and worse, today.
3) In coming analysis, we're going to learn a great deal more about the office and obligations of the Attorney General, and specifically Illinois' AG. But there is something profoundly general, national about this topic. Every one of us faces loss of freedom through lawlessness.