What is a pond?! We’re excited to announce our new publication rdcu.be/cP6tH in @SciReports that compiles existing scientific and legal pond definitions, compares how ponds functionally compare to lakes and wetlands, and proposes an evidence-based pond definition. 1/n
While seemingly everyone knows a pond when they see one, we lack a universal pond definition. The confusion causes debates over how many lakes a state has (cough, @mndnr and @WDNR) and creates challenges in upscaling global GHG emissions for ponds, lakes, and wetlands. 2/n
@SciReports Here, we found that existing definitions are largely qualitative– calling ponds small and shallow. 3/n
@SciReports We also found that ponds are functionally distinct from lakes and wetlands. Multiple metrics of ecosystem structure or function have nonlinear relationships with waterbody size and depth indicating ponds, lakes, and wetlands all function differently. 4/n
@SciReports Ultimately, what is a pond? We propose that ponds are small (<5 ha) and shallow (< 5 m) with < 30% emergent veg cover. Ponds can be permanent or temporary and natural or human-made. 5/n
@SciReports An evidence-based pond definition will inform #lake, #pond, and #wetland science, monitoring, legislation, and management. Ponds often lack legal protection and are underrepresented in monitoring efforts. Part of that may stem from unclear definitions. 6/n
@SciReports This was a large collaborative effort with 20 authors that originated through @GLEONetwork meeting discussions and is the first #PONDING publication. 7/7