More zio disinfo from Sam Tripoli & Santos Bonacci.
'The Catholic, Jesuits, Black Nobility, Khazarians are the top of the pyramid and j-ws are just a boogie-man.'
Santos is monetized on Youtube w/ 240k subs and Tripoli has a top podcast on iTunes.
Obvious kosher narrative.
The abrahamic/torah conspiracy is the top of the pyramid. It predates catholicism, jesuits, khazars, and is the root of the power that's dominated the last 2k years.
Christians are pawns and scapegoat dupes of the judaists. Get it straight.
Note the #godwins in the description. That would be Yahweh the fake God of the hebrews/israelites/j-ws.
I'll debate any one if these kosher conspiracy frauds
Sam Tripoli allows biased creeps to influence the guests he hosts and topics he covers.
He knows his life will be ruined if he actually went 'deep' and followed the truth wherever it goes.
@fatdragonpro knows I like him. I just think he's been mislead and is perpetuating misinformation. I'd love to have a conversation about why I strongly disagree with the theories he's been espousing.
I also sympathize because, like me, he's got young kids to support. Cont...
We need a government of Christians who worship Jesus and the Bible.
'Salvation is from the j-ws' - Jesus
'Curse them (j's) and be cursed, bless them and be blessed' - Bible
'You (j's) are Chosen above all the nations' - Bible
America has the biggest Christian population in the world. 9 in 10 in congress are Christians.
Christians have made America a ziocracy.
Nick worships Trump, the 'greatest friend Israel has ever had'.
Another Christian zio nist involved with Jan 6th. Check out Pastor Mark Burns...
Roger Stone, Flynn, Alex Jones, Owen Shroyer, and Pastor Burns all hanging out on Jan 6th in the 'War Room'.
Imagine still shilling for Infowars and Trump.
Roger Stone explaining where his 100% loyalty to zi0n the morning on Jan 6
Roger Stone with QAnon network promoter Robert David Steele.
QAnon was instrumental in the Jan 6 set up.