I discovered there is a large # of ppl who’ve been led to believe T cells are bad for us & responsible for COVID death
Some even ask for trials to prove T-cell benefit… hm
T cells protect
W severe disease, immunity can induce harm, YES, but it doesn’t mean it’s bad
I don’t believe the person leading the “Anti-T cell” charge means to confuse ppl to think T cells are plain harmful
BUT - the rhetoric led many folks down a path of confusion… without deep knowledge of how immune system works, have jumped to “T cells kill us” conclusions
Why did I turn off replies on this thread?
Bc this is an extremely heated discussion among ppl who feel T cells are just plain harmful.
I don’t want to have to deal w the immense number of replies I’d get to the thread
But scientifically, I feel it important to weigh in
A remarkable view into the biology of this virus and just how fast new (sub)variants take over
For flu - its on order of months/years when sweeps occurs
With SARS-CoV-2, immunity & high transmissibility put pressure on the virus to shapeshift - and the most fit sweeps
Figure above of wastewater RNA frequencies for each variant in the Twin Cities from @dhmontgomery
Of not the sweeps in a single city are faster than global - so the comparison to flu on a global scale isn’t exactly correct, but the point remains - this virus changes fast
There were many people at the beginning who felt this virus would follow a trend of slow mutations - I never agreed w that. The difference is this is a new virus and arrived as a “baby virus” not nearly optimized. So we are watching it get optimized “within” the human species.