◼️ Realize that God’s got your back – Genesis 26:11-14
God is always several steps ahead of the enemy. He always shows up in time, and when He does, a potentially in-conducive environment becomes tailor-made for you.
◼️ Remain with proven principles - Genesis 26:12, Genesis 8:22
Engaging your supernatural advantage keeps you above every apparent recession in your life. The twin force operation of the Blessing and the favour of God will distinguish you from the rest.
Examples of proven principles
▪️ The principle of the tithe – Malachi 3:9
▪️ The principle of sowing and reaping - Luke 6:38
▪️ The principle of faith. Faith is obedience to the Word of God.
Today, I declare that I am in Him. All the promises of God to me are in Him, and they are yes and amen. I say, yes, and amen to them!
I am in Christ and so I am a new creation in Christ. Old things have passed away and all things have become brand new.
All these new things originate from God my Father. I am born from above. My roots have changed. I belong to the family of God.
There is no condemnation to me because I am in Christ Jesus, for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death.
I am His workmanship.