I mean, it’s your fault, but you’re not going to like it.
See, we were cool with the status quo.
Yeah, we wanted abortion to go back to the states. Yeah, we wanted gun rights expanded. Yeah, we wanted our kids safe from LGBTQ indoctrination.
But it wasn’t enough to fight about.
We thought you were like us, that we could argue and make small gains and lose some ground but everything staying fairly level and levelheaded.
But boy, were we wrong.
Because while we were copacetic and just going along to get along, you were pushing.
You pushed abortion. From “legal, safe, and rare in these specific instances”, you pushed now to the point of post birth abortion on demand for any reason.
You pushed gun control. From “background checks and gun free zones” to now “red flag laws” which deny due process.
You pushed “the rights of gay marriage” to now the “right of LGBTQ teachers telling kindergarteners about their sex life.”
And during all of this, you pushed disagreeing politically to calling us Nazis and justifying violence against us, justifying harming our families and our jobs.
So now, we push back.
We pushed back with Trump.
We pushed back with state legislators.
We pushed back with school boards.
And we haven’t even begun to push back, kiddo.
We’re going to push abortion back to the “rare” side in many states.
We may give you a timeframe like 12 to 15 weeks, about what your beloved “other industrialized nations” give.
We may not.
We’re going to push back on gun control.
We’re not going to accept your offer of “you can keep some guns until we decide to get rid of them.”
We’re going to elect legislators to make ownership easier. We’re claiming our rights back.
We’re going to push back on the LGBTQ agenda.
We’re going to make your lives miserable when you try to get our kids to question their gender.
We’re going to remove the power you think you have and put it in the hands of the parents.
You had a chance to call a truce.
You had a chance to be in control and be happy.
You had a chance to just leave us alone.
You didn’t.
You pushed and prodded and provoked.
And you’re threatening to commit violence now?
Good luck with that.
There’s a saying about the danger of making people who want to be left alone get involved.
You’ve made us get involved.
So all of it, from here on out, is squarely on you.
Enjoy the whirlwind you have so deservedly reaped.
No effing shit, Sherlock. When Congress hands out blank checks to departments and then doesn't require them to pass an audit for their next blank check?
That's a constitutional crisis.
When Congress spends and spends and spends and puts more and more burden on the taxpayer, then cries about cutting things like spinning kittens to study motion sickness and a queer comic book in Peru?
That's a constitutional crisis.
We've been in this crisis for a long, long time.
You bitches in DC have been fleecing us and giving us NOTHING except your contempt.
Forget J6. You all deserve to cower under your desks in fear of taxpayers. Instead, you flaunt around like peacocks.
The scents of pumpkin and apple pies filled the house.
The women chatting in the kitchen; the men outside prepping the fryer; the children laughing as they watched movies.
It was Thanksgiving time once again, and Allen hated every second of it.
"Hogwash," he muttered to himself as he turned the page on the magazine he was pretending to read. "Why we have to come here every Thanksgiving is beyond me. I hate it."
His wife stuck her head in the study. "What's that, dear? You need something."
Allen shook his head and forced a smile. "No, I'm good." Janice stepped into the room and rubbed his shoulder.
"I know this isn't your favorite place to be. But try to be pleasant."
Allen shook his head. "I'll be pleasant when we're in the car going home Friday."
Look, I get that for many of you, Hillary and Harris not being elected is like slapping your momma.
And by the emotional immaturity many of you still have in your late 20s and 30s, they probably should be slapped for doing a piss poor job of raising adults.
Your need to be coddled and have a safe space on hand when you don't get your way so you can throw a rage fit and scream obscenities like a young teen trying to be edgy in front of the cool kids... that is on you.
Your mental health is your problem. You deal with it.