Dr Strangetweet 🍌 Or How I Learned To Love The RT Profile picture
Jun 27 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
At the risk of angering the brisket experts, I’m going to tell you how I make the best brisket I’ve ever eaten.

It’s simple and easy.

At the outset, let me say I break several “rules”. It works for me. It may or may not for you.

Ready? First, the rub:

Salt 1/4 cup, garlic powder 1/4 cup, black pepper 2 tablespoons.

That’s it.

This will make a lot of rub, so have a container and store it for the next several briskets. Image
May 23 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
"Alito should resign!"

Alito has resigned. He's resigned to the fact that your a bunch of ahistorical, hysterical harpies who are perpetually outraged by the noxious nonsense noise you're being fed. You're sheep, bleating whatever CURRENT DAY's virtue is while the shepherds fleece the flock, even and especially when CURRENT DAY's virtue is something that you yourself don't subscribe to until the MKUltra style programming switch gets flipped. Then suddenly you're all in.
Apr 5 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
If you're deconstructing your faith and you end up with "God is cool with your sin", you've done it wrong. "Jesus loves those people!"

Yes, He does. He died for them so they can be redeemed and, to quote Jesus, "go and sin no more."
Dec 13, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
“Prayer doesn’t work!”

Too many people have a grotesquely wrong concept of who God is, why we pray, and what we should expect when we do. First, God is not some magic genie to be called upon with our whims and wishes. He isn’t summoned and commanded to perform this or that.

He is the Creator, the King of kings, the Alpha and Omega, the First and Last.

And He does not answer to you.
Nov 28, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
DeSantis has earned my vote.

Since his first day in office as governor, DeSantis has consistently pushed a conservative agenda.

Florida has seen population growth as a result.
Florida is no longer a swing state as a result. We have permitless carry.
We have a 6 week abortion limit.
We have election integrity.
We have a budget surplus.
Nov 14, 2023 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
So many "all I said was that it's bad Palestinian kids are dying. Why all the hate?" takes.

Let me explain it to you. But bear with me. I don't have enough crayons for you to eat while I draw you a picture. No Palestinian child dead today that was alive October 6 was targeted by Israel.

I know, I know. The pro-Hamas media made you think that Israel was killing children, but that's because they know you hate Jews and so they fed that evilness that dwells in your soul.
Oct 30, 2023 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
"You can criticize Israel without being antisemitic."

Yes, I can. But apparently, you can't. I haven't criticized Israel's response because, quite frankly, it's not my place to tell them to stop killing people who want them dead.
Oct 26, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
The Venn diagram of "it's the guns!" and "Hamas is just striking back for decades of apartheid" is a perfect circle.

So no, you cannot have my guns. I mean, really, even if you were pro-Jews owning guns to defend Israel, I would still say no to giving them up.
Oct 26, 2023 • 18 tweets • 3 min read
"People are celebrating the firings of peaceful protestors. It's McCarthyism. The free speech absolutists are nowhere to be found. Just shows their hypocrisy."

Excuse me, but this is the bed you made.

Night night, stupid. You said a red hat was the new klan hood.

You said free speech was a Nazi value.

You said gun ownership was fascist.

You said the OK hand signal was white supremacy.

You said eating ethnic food was colonization.

You can have all the shut-the-fuckupcakes.
Oct 6, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
The Commander Biden story is more than just a "dog bites man/multiple people" story.

It's a perfect encapsulation of the Biden administration and the multiple failures therein. Back when he was running for president, there was a theme of "Biden is a decent man; he even loves dogs." This was in contrast to the Orange Man Bad, who does not love dogs.

But upon further examination, Biden's love for dogs does not extend to the point of training them well.
Aug 24, 2023 • 18 tweets • 3 min read
A man finds himself on a plain. In his right hand he holds a lantern, the light before him spread just a few feet.

The pure darkness of the night makes it impossible to separate the sky from the plain on the far horizon. There is no moon, but the stars… The stars are out and so numerous that it appears they cover even the land, by the man’s figuring. There’s nothing but blackness between him and anything else, so he starts to move to the horizon.

As he walks he sees that one of the stars on the ground grows closer.
Aug 2, 2023 • 16 tweets • 2 min read
I usually bounce between the optimism of the red pill and the nihilism of the black pill.

Today, the black pill is winning. The laws are being entirely unfairly enforced. And it’s all political.

From the top of power in DC to the people on sidewalks, it’s all politicized and wrong.
Jul 18, 2023 • 23 tweets • 3 min read
The problem with American churches is that they’re full of Americanized Christians.

The problem with Americanized Christians is that they have been conformed to the world rather than to Christ.

There is no distinction in lifestyle between most Christians and non-Christians. We put anything and everything above Christ, and our churches reflect it. Instead of calls to repentance, we get philosophical lectures. “You’re okay” vs “you need Jesus.”

There is little calling out of sin and much covering over sin because “we don’t want to offend people”
Jun 30, 2023 • 15 tweets • 2 min read
As Pride month draws to a close, I want to thank each and every person who made Pride so toxic that only pedophiles will ever want to be involved again. If it wasn't for Dylan, people still might be drinking the piss water that is Bud Light.

Thank you, Dylan.
Jun 19, 2023 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
From the bottom of my heart, shut the hell up.

This thread is littered with people who “did the right thing for society” by saying “Eff them business owners, teenage grocery store workers, and anyone who isn’t part of the laptop class.” “You were mildly inconvenienced, but you acted as if your rights have been taken away.”

That’s because our rights were taken away .

Just because you didn’t pay attention, doesn’t mean you’re right .
Jun 19, 2023 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
There's a time to drop a WELL ACKSHUALLY and there's a time to step back and look at the bigger picture.

And when I'm telling you to use Juneteenth as a weapon against the Democrats, it's the latter, not the former. Correcting my "Juneteenth was when the last slaves learned" history is absolutely worthless and a waste of my time.

See the bigger picture. I'm begging you.

Jun 19, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
Oh shut the fuck up. “It’s about competing with 4th of July!”

No, stupid. Nothing competes with 4th of July.

This is about celebrating that the last slaves found out they were free.
Jun 17, 2023 • 13 tweets • 2 min read
Everyone knows John 3:16. Little children can recite it from memory.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

However, I think we often overlook the most important word:

Gave We focus so much on “God so loved” and “whosoever believes” and “eternal life” and the other great parts that we overlook the true meaning of “gave”.
May 27, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read

Trump pushed to get the vaxx through.
DeSantis pushed the vaxx.

Neither mandated it.
Both left it up to individuals and fought municipalities that mandates it. Trump pushed guidelines for “15 days to slow the spread”.
DeSantis shut down Florida.

DeSantis reopened Florida.
Trump pushed guidelines to reopen states as state government allowed.
May 27, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I was going to do a thread on how the Right needs to stop with the stupid in-fighting, but no one wants to stop.

We’re too busy having a circle jerk to fight the Left. Yeah, we had success with Bud Light and Target.

Big friggin’ deal. That’s 2 out of hundreds. Not exactly a winning record. And there won’t be as long as the enemy is standing next to us and not across the battlefield of policy.
Apr 25, 2023 • 8 tweets • 1 min read
Dear World Leaders, Medical Experts, Bureaucrats, Local Governmental Authorities, and Dr. Fauci:

You absolutely demanded lockdowns.

You absolutely demanded vaccinations.

You. Absolutely. Did. You demanded we miss funerals.

You demanded we wear masks that you admit now don’t work.

You demanded our businesses be sacrificed on the altar of the “greater good” while you enriched yourself.