Burnsville - About 1:40 a.m., vehicle vs pedestrian.
Hwy 13 and Nicollet Ave
Male was breathing but not conscious w an obvious broken leg. CPR was begun a short time later.
The vehicle stopped. Was reported to be traveling 60 mph at the time.
State Patrol requested for recon.
1/ Check this out.
We received this message from a female follower about an incident that happened to her just after 1 p.m. Friday near E 28th St and 35W.
Never doubt your gut instincts, despite "leaders" that tell you to ignore them.
2/ The female sent us these pics of the vehicle that was following her.
3/ This is the SAME vehicle we posted in the attempted carjacking video that happened about 1:45 p.m. near 29th and Chicago Ave, where the victim pulled his own gun and scared them off.