1/ Get ready for the second installment of my ICU #Flextorials 💪🏻 This thread focuses on ICU intubation. These #MedEd#Tweetorials are designed to help you get in procedure shape for fellowship and residency. Enjoy! #EmoryNCCTweetorials
2/ Warm up: Push ups
3/ Rush to the head of the bed to claim the intubation!
4/ Run, crawl, shimmy under the bedside table if you have to, but you’ve got to get there first!
5/ Duck under the oxygen pump tubing (side-lunge or limbo-style are both acceptable)
6/ Jump on the back of the bed if you are vertically challenged to get the best leverage to mask.
7/ Add weight, you never know when you’ll simultaneously have to lift the head board out of the way…
8/ Plate holds to strengthen your fingers - minutes feel like hours when you’re holding a jaw thrust to bag!
9/ Plate raises. Imagine you’re lifting the plate (or laryngoscope to where the wall meets the ceiling).
10/ Cool down with burpees, cause they’re @b3ta_lacTAM’s favorite.