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Jun 28, 2022 284 tweets >60 min read Read on X
◆ Slow Dancing With You ◆
dancer x barista #2seok au

— where Jung Hoseok falls hopelessly in love with local barista Kim Seokjin. Image
※ Things to know:

—strangers to lovers
—lots of fluff and mutual pinning
—oblivious to attraction (for both of them)
—dancer Hobi
—barista Jin
—inspired by AJ Mitchell's song:…
Interested? 🤭
Alrighty! Before I get started I just wanna mention that this is a work of fiction I made for you guys for free so pls be respectful and enjoy!

Interactions also help motivate and inspire me so they're greatly appreciated!!! 🥰🥰

Jin sighs as he leans against the countertop, hand to his cheek as he gazes at the scene before him. The café wasn't that busy today and though Jin didn't mind the slowness he couldn't help but watch the door with intent.
Nothing mattered more than watching that door and Jin couldn't help the excitement bubbling within him. Moon café is Jin's baby and over the years it's grown immensely in popularity especially since it's seated right next to the local university.
And though Jin is proud of the shop's success nothing could calm the fire slowly building in his chest, wanting—/needing/ to see his favorite ray of sunshine.

"51... 52... 53..." Jin mumbled under his breath eyes never wavering from the door as he counted the seconds till
his happy pill enters the shop for his usual coffee.

Taehyung, who had just finished grabbing more cups from the back, turned to look at his long time friend and boss and couldn't help but chuckle fondly as he saw the state he was in.
Ever since his friend Jungkook brought his friend Hoseok to the shop, the two, and sometimes more, would visit the shop everyday. Taehyung was happy that his friends were hitting it off and that they're little group is growing beyond just him Jin and Namjoon hyung.
But if he was honest with himself, he's overjoyed that Jin finally has something to look forward to everyday. Though Jin loves his job and what he does, Tae's noticed that recently he's been kind of in a slum. Then Hoseok came and just lit up Jin's life like never before.
It's truly breathtaking to see every day and Taehyung couldn't help but lean against the counter and watch as Jin perked up after hearing the shop bell ring once more. The elder scrambled to busy himself with something, trying not to seem like he was waiting for Hoseok as the
male happily approached the counter with Jungkook by his side.

"Morning Jin hyung!!" Hobi exclaimed, smile filled with pure radiance as he leaned against the counter, eyes immediately glued to Jin and the elder couldn't help the fond smile that appeared on his face.
"Morning Hob-ah!" Jin exclaimed, leaning against the counter and being mere centimeters away from the male.

To onlookers the two looked like they were going to kiss and though Taekook wished for nothing more, the sad reality was that they're friends were oblivious to their
attraction to each other and it made everyone in their friend group face palm at how dense the two were.

Though no one could really blame them considering the two's past dating history but they hoped that as time went on something— or someone would knock some sense into them.
"The usual?" Jin asked as he playfully smirked at Hobi, giving a smile and wave to Jungkook who went to Tae to have his order taken.

"You know it! But can you make it a double?"

Jin looked at Hobi in surprise, pausing briefly in making the drink before responding.
"Long day ahead of you?"

Hobi nodded, "You betcha! Don't want to run out of energy you know?"

Jin chuckled as he nodded, happily adding an extra shot of expresso to Hobi's Americano— the male's favorite drink and of course the most popular one at that too.
Jin knows that Hobi works hard at his job and though the pair have only known each other for a few months he still didn't know what the male did for a living. He knew it involved teaching of some sort but with what Hobi never said.
Jin respected Hobi's privacy and never pried since he seemed pretty guarded about the topic but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't at all curious about what his happy pill did for a living; especially if it involved getting more caffeine in his system.
The elder put the thought to the side for now, popping on the plastic lid on the large coffee before sliding it over to Hobi, loving how elated Hobi became as he saw the drink.

And as Hobi reached in his pocket to pull out his wallet, Jin raised a hand to stop him.
Hobi stared at Jin with curiosity, those chocolate eyes of his widening cutely and Jin had to quickly ignore the flip his heart did at the sight.

"It's on the house Hob-ah."

"But Jin hyung—!"

Jin shook his head, contagious laugh filling the air and it made Hobi's smile
deepen as he was graced with the sound; it being one of his favorites in the world even if he didn't want to admit it out loud.

"No buts! Take it and have a good day alright? Don't overwork yourself or I'll beat you up you hear!"
Hobi bursted out laughing at the threat, knowing that Jin was kidding though it could turn serious should Jungkook, Jimin, or Yoongi informed the elder of him overworking himself. Hobi has yet to see his lovely barista angry and though the thought made him curious, he'd rather
stay on the elder's good side for as long as he could.

So, once the laughter died down and more people filled the café, Hobi promised that he'd do his best, laughing once more when Jin threatened him again. It was all playful and it left the shop bubbling in warmth.
And though Jin deflated in sadness as Hoseok and Jungkook left the shop, he knew that he'd see him again the next day. And that was more than enough for him to carry on with the day, taking care of all the university students that came in for some mid-morning caffeine.

"A 5, 6, 7, 8!" Hobi exclaimed; he, Jimin, and Jungkook walking around the room and surveying their students as they ran through their routines.

Their job never got easier but they loved it a lot, especially since they got to teach ballet to the next generation of dancers.
The three were ballerinas too and were quite known in the industry. That's what made their academy so well known and though Hobi was always drained by the end of the day he wouldn't have it any other way. This is what he loved and he'd keep doing it for as long as he could.
"Alright everyone take a break! You've all done fabulously today!" Hobi exclaimed, the students sighing in relief; some falling to their knees while others rushed to get water or have a bathroom break.
Hobi laughed at each of their reactions, his heart full of nothing but love for his students as he too went to get some water.

"They're looking good aren't they?" Jimin said as he took a seat next to Hobi, the elder chuckling as he leaned against the mirror behind them.
"They're fantastic Jimin, maybe the best students we've had in years! I'm sure they'll all do well in the expeditions coming up." He praised, relishing in the crisp water that flew down his throat, his body sighing in relief as the water refreshed his system.
"Speaking of expeditions, Hobi hyung, Yoongi hyung wants to talk with you!" Jungkook said as he came running over, bunny eyes wide with urgency as he ventured toward the pair.

Hobi knew better than to keep his best friend waiting so with a huff, he was hauling himself to his
feet and leaving the lovebirds and their students in the dance room, telling them he'd be back soon.

Hobi's sandals clapped loudly as he walked through the wide halls of the academy, spying some of his other students in practice rooms and of course some of
Yoongi's students perfecting their craft within their studios. Yoongi is a well known producer in the music industry and though Hobi wonders why he continues to be his manager after all this time but he appreciates the effort his best friend puts in to ensure Hobi
gets to perform for the best shows across the globe.

Hobi even likes to speculate that without Yoongi he'd never be where he is today and the thought filled him with much appreciation as he typed the code into the keypad and shared a chuckle after spying the elder's
not so welcome, welcome mat.

"Hey Yoongs! What's up?" Hobi cheered as he entered the studio, relaxing in the dimmed light and sat in the couch adjacent to the elder's desk.

Yoongi smiled as he took off his headphones, turning to his best friend with both happiness and
something else brewing on his face; and that made Hobi evermore curious.

"Hey J-Hope." Yoongi teased, earning an eyeroll from Hobi as he playfully swatted at the elder, this being routine for them for years now and it never got old.
"Jungkookie said you needed to speak with me?" Hobi asked, leaning back against the sofa and relishing in its plumpness as he focused his gaze to the elder who just nodded at his question, turning back to his computer and pulling up a tab.
"The Fall's advanced showcase set list was just announced."

"And?" Hobi asked, not worried as he raised an eyebrow at Yoongi, wondering why he was being so hesitant about everything.

Yoongi just sighed as he turned the monitor to Hobi.
"They're all partner and team performances; not a single solo showcase being found anywhere in the roster."

Hobi grew shocked at this, sitting up and propping his hands on Yoongi's desk to take in the flyer presented to him.
As much as Hobi didn't want to believe Yoongi's words, he couldn't deny the truth that was staring him in the face. No normally this wouldn't be an issue but once ballerinas become famous they're required to perform in one showcase every Spring and Fall to maintain their
popularity, sponsors, and influence over the next generation of dancers. Failing to do so damages your reputation forever and Hobi couldn't help but pale as he took everything in.

Yoongi just gulped as he turned his gaze to the monitor.
"Jungkook and Jimin already signed up for the duo expedition in November but I wasn't sure which one to sign you up for since you know..." Yoongi trailed, making Hobi slowly nod, already knowing what he was going to say.
Though Hobi was popular and a well known ballerina, he's created more rivals than friends over the years. And because of that he's left to the shock overwhelming him.

What was he supposed to do? He didn't have any other friends other than Jimin and Jungkook to dance with and
by the looks of it, the trio showcase was already fully booked. No wonder the couple signed up for the duo performance.

Hobi couldn't help but sigh, those eyes that were bright with light seconds ago now dulled as he fell back onto the couch.
"What do you want to do?" Yoongi asked, concern for his best friend washing over him as he stared at Hobi.

The younger just sighed, running a hand through his hair as he got to his feet, now noticing the time.

"Sign me up for the duo one..."
"But Hobi—"

"Don't worry I'll find someone to partner with. We have a little over 3 months to prepare, it'll be fine. I promise you Yoongi." He said with a weak smile and though Yoongi was skeptical he went along with his friend's words, trusting him and his decision.
"I gotta go but we'll talk later okay?" Yoongi nodded, bidding Hobi farewell as the younger exited the studio and went back to his class, uncertainty plaguing his mind.

He didn't know what he was going to do but he had hope that somehow everything would turn out okay.

Impatient, long fingers drummed against the ceramic countertop, Jin anxiously turning his attention from the watch hanging on his wrist to the glass door in front of him. It's been almost 2 hours since Hobi was supposed to come in and get his usual coffee
And while there have been times where Hobi has shown up late or not at all, Jin couldn't help but be worried. For this was the 5th day in a row that his happy pill hasn't visited the shop and this is unusual for Hobi.
It had Jin running in worrisome circles and he couldn't help but impatiently wait for the younger and of course wonder what was going on and if he was alright.

Taehyung, who just finished adjusting the pastries sitting in their display case, looked to his friend in concern.
Tae knew that Jin was worried but he's never seen the elder this bothered before at least not since the incident that's happened years ago and he winces at the thought, knowing that it's a sensitive topic for everyone involved.
The younger shakes his head, dusting his hands before approaching the elder, smile small and warm as he leaned against the counter.

"Hey hyung."

Jin didn't say anything, merely nodding at Tae's presence making the younger purse his lips at the lack of a response.
He would've pried more but more customers, plus another friend, entered the shop and while he decided to take care of the customers lining in front of him, he gave a silent signal to Namjoon who just entered; pleading for him to talk to Jin or at least distract him.
Tae knew that if anyone could get Jin out of the funk he's found himself in it'd be Namjoon. Those two have been friends since high school and have been each other's backbone for years now. Namjoon's seen the thickest sides of Jin and knows exactly how to break those walls down.
Thankfully, Namjoon received Tae's message and made quick work in making his way around the line toward Jin, giving the elder a calming smile that Jin couldn't help but acknowledge.

"Hey Jinnie hyung."

"Hi Joon..." Jin mumbled, voice low as he finally turned his attention
from the door to stare at his best friend.

"You seem to be in quite the sour mood, hm?" Namjoon teased, making Jin roll his eyes but he chuckled nonetheless, visibly relaxing and having Tae silently cheer in celebration.
"I guess you could say that..."

"What's got you so worked up hyung? Is your leg hurting you again?" Namjoon asked, gentle and warm as he slowly chipped away at the cracks in his bestie's walls; always knowing what to ask and say to get the elder to open up to him.
Jin shook his head, glancing down at his left leg with a neutral glare before meeting Namjoon's eyes again.

"No, my leg is fine. Nothing more than the usual drama as you already know."

Joon chuckled, "It's quite the attention seeker isn't it?"
Jin couldn't deny that and the thought made yet another laugh escape his lips.

"If it's not that, then what's got you all knotted hyung?"

Jin sighed, running a hand through his indigo locks, debating if he should really share what was on his mind.
But he knew better than to hide anything from Namjoon, since he'd find out anyway, so with a deep breath he let those walls fall.

"Hoseok hasn't came into the shop today..."

"Oh? That's odd, he comes in every day doesn't he?"
Jin nodded, "Every day at the same time without fail."

"Maybe he just couldn't make it?" Namjoon suggest and Jin couldn't help but laugh bitterly and shake his head.

"I don't think that's it Joon, he hasn't came in all week! I'm worried about him..."
And there it was, the confession now in the open air and hearing it aloud only made Tae and Namjoon share a knowing look, turning to their oblivious friend who was now sulking and longingly staring at the door; wishing for Hobi to pop in and brighten his day as he always does.
"Well, why don't you go and visit him for a change?"

"What?" Jin said, flabbergasted at Joon's suggestion as the younger just gave him a comforting smile.

"Yeah you could visit him at work, check up on him, and of course deliver coffee."
"He's always coming to visit you, why don't you visit him for a change?" Namjoon continued, shrugging his shoulders as he straightened his posture.

It wasn't a bad idea but Jin hesitated. He's never wanted to bombard nor intrude on Hobi's personal life.
But the worry that was coursing through him wouldn't shut up and Jin knew that if he wanted it to settle, this may be the only option.

"But I don't even know where he works..."

"I do! He, Jungkookie, and Jiminie work at the same place! Let me send you the address!"
Taehyung exclaimed, finally done with the customers and instantly pulling out his phone to send the dance instructor's work address with his best friend.

"But will he even be there?" Jin hesitantly asked and Namjoon couldn't help but chuckle at how cute his best friend was.
"I ran into Yoongi hyung before coming here. He stopped by the shop to pick up some more music samples and we chit chatted for a bit before he left. He mentioned that all of them have been very busy lately, especially Hobi. So, I think he'll be there Jinnie."
Namjoon's music shop 'Archive Records' is a pretty popular shop in the district and Yoongi always loves stopping by to get new music. It wasn't surprising to Jin that the younger stopped by and chatted with Namjoon.
There was a new hope flowing through Jin's veins but still he hesitated, deflating again atop the countertop.

"But what if he doesn't want to see me..." he whispered, those inner insecurities coming out a bit and it had Tae and Namjoon immediately emphasizing with their friend.
"I think he will hyung."

"Yeah! If he didn't, he wouldn't come to the shop every day!"

Jin hesitated, "You guys really think I should do it?"

The two nodded, giving the elder bright smiles and encouraging thumbs up, making Jin chuckle at how corny they're being.
"We won't push you to do anything you're uncomfortable with, hyung, but we think you should. And who knows, maybe more will come out of this." Namjoon said with a shrug, making Jin look skeptically at him.
He wasn't sure what Namjoon meant by that but he decided not to think much about that or the thoughts itching to overflow his mind. So, with a proud huff, the elder got to his feet and began making drinks for Hobi and his friends to deliver to them.
Tae and Joon gave each other a celebratory fist bump, before shoving Jin out the door mere moments later.

"We'll hold down the shop till you get back!! See you later hyung!" Taehyung said, before handing Jin a bag of goodies to take with him and slamming the door in his face.
His friends were acting really strange but Jin didn't have much time to think about it, shaking his head and following the directions to Hobi's work place.

Turns out that it wasn't that far from Jin's café, merely 10 minutes and Jin couldn't help but hum at the coincidence.
Though he couldn't help the nerves flowing through him the closer he got. He thought of backing out and just going back to the shop but he knew that both Tae and Joon would nag him to no end if he did. So, he pulled himself together and made his journey.
"This must be the place..." Jin mumbled as he stared at the large pristine building before him. It was sleek, professional, and definitely classy and Jin couldn't help the intimidation filling him as he climbed the steps of the '3J Academy'
Upon entering students of all ages and backgrounds filled his vision and taking one look at their outfits and the practice rooms they left, Jin knew exactly what kind of academy this was. It was a dance academy, and not just any dance academy it was a ballet school.
The realization made Jin smile fondly at the students he passed, trying to find Hobi without needing to ask for help since he was stubborn that way.

"Jin hyung?" A familiar voice called, having the elder stop and turn to see who had called him.
It was Jimin, with Jungkook being right beside him, and he couldn't help but smile at the couple.

"Hey Jimin, Jungkook." He greeted, the pair instantly dismissing the students they were talking to before running up to the elder and tackling him in a hug.
"We're so happy to see you! It's about time you visited the academy!" Jungkook exclaimed, giggling as he watched Jin try to regain his balance from the sudden embrace.

"Well, you guys haven't stopped by the shop in a few days and I thought you guys could use a pick me up..."
Jin trailed, and though that's one of the reasons he's come to visit it's not the main one. And Jimin and Jungkook seemed to figure that out, looking at each other and sharing playful smiles before focusing on Jin once more.
"Wow, that's so nice of you hyung! Thank you!" Jimin exclaimed, eyes bright as he surveyed the drinks and treats Jin had brought with him.

The elder couldn't help but chuckle at Jimin's behavior, handing him and his boyfriend their drinks and respected snacks.
They even offered to deliver Yoongi's for Jin and though he wanted to protest, the couple wasn't having any of it; telling Jin that he needed to go and visit Hobi right that second.

"Go down the hall, take the first left, and Hobi hyung will be in the 3rd room on the right!"
"He should be practicing in there but I just know he'll be happy to see you! Don't forget to say bye before you leave!" the pair exclaimed, waving goodbye to the elder as he went on his way to find Hobi.
It seems it's not only his close friends that were acting weird today, Jin pondered as he followed the couple's instructions, careful to not get lost as he traversed the halls of the academy. He passed many students in ballet class, practicing on their own or with others in
practice rooms, and even some who were plopped in front of computers. Jin presumed they were working on music since he remembers Yoongi telling him one time, long ago, that he has students of his own.
This place filled Jin with warmth and fondness yet he couldn't help the prick of nostalgia and longing that brewed in the background. He didn't have time to ponder those feelings for next thing he knew he was standing in the doorway of an open dance studio.
It was a beautiful little room and Jin couldn't help but marvel at it. But the second he turned his attention to the male dancing across the room was his breath taken away.

There Hobi was, gracefully dancing to a beautiful classical piece that Jin recognized but couldn't
pinpoint. He was drenched in sweat, breathing heavily, and laser focused but Jin swears he's never seen Hobi as beautiful as he was within that moment. He moved with such grace, such poise, and it made Jin's eyes water.
Hobi danced with so much emotion, so much passion and pride and it opened a feeling within Jin that he thought has been buried for good. It hurt but in the most beautiful way possible and he couldn't help but shed tears at the younger's performance.
The second the music ceased, Hobi collapsed to the floor, breathing heavily and trying to regain his strength and Jin couldn't help the awe that escaped him.

"Wow..." he breathed, catching the younger's attention and startling him as Hobi scrambled to his feet.
"J-Jin hyung! W-What are you doing here?" Hobi stuttered as he pranced toward the elder and Jin couldn't help but choke on his words. Hobi was just so /ethereal/ and Jin couldn't help but surrender to his radiance.
"I-I um..." Jin trailed, fumbling over his words as the younger stared at him with those beautiful, sparkling eyes of his, his stare never wavering and it made Jin more nervous than he already was.
"Is that for... me?" Hobi asked, gesturing to the coffee and pastries seated tightly in Jin's palms.

Jin never handed the treats over so quickly in his life, ears burning as he finally got out the words he's been desperately trying to share.
"Y-You haven't been at the shop lately and I figured you could use a pick me up..." he trailed, trying to not sound weird and freak Hobi out but once the younger's pretty laugh filled his ears, Jin couldn't help but relax.
Hobi's laugh is one of Jin's favorite things and loves being able to hear it.

"That's so sweet of you, thank you." Hobi said with a smile, gently taking a sip of the coffee and relishing in its liquid goodness; a loud, long 'mmm' echoing from his throat and it made Jin smile.
Jin loved being able to take care of those he's fond of and being able to care for Hobi after he's been practicing filled a need that Jin didn't know he had. And to make sure his time wasn't wasted, Jin took it upon himself to start the conversation.
"You didn't tell me you were a ballerina."

Hobi smiled sadly as he messed with the coffee mug seated in his palms.

"I wanted to tell you, really I did! But there's such a stigma around being a dancer, especially if you're male, and I don't know.. I didn't want you to hate me."
Hobi trailed and it caused a frown to appear on Jin's face. There was nothing wrong with being a dancer, regardless of gender, and Jin made sure he told Hobi that.

"I could never hate you Hob-ah! I think it's amazing what you do and by the looks of it you're phenomenal at it."
"The way you danced... the amount of emotions you portrayed and embodied, the story you told, brought me to /tears/! You're fantastic Hoseok and you shouldn't feel shame in that. Besides who gives a fuck about what others say?"
Hobi couldn't help the laugh that escaped him after hearing Jin curse. He's never heard the elder use such foul language but it was definitely brightening his mood and Jin could tell.

"I'm honored to get to see this side of you Hoseok... it's gorgeous and I love it."
Now it was Hobi's turn to blush and though his face was surely crimson he couldn't help but stare at Jin with literal stars in his eyes. He's been fond of the barista since the very first moment he's met him. Jin just has this unique charisma that draws you in.
And Hobi couldn't help but fall /hard/ the second he met those lovely dark eyes of his. Since that day, he's seen the world in a different light and every day he sees a newer side of Jin, a new perk that he couldn't help but adore.
But now he's realizing that Jin never got that same opportunity and after hearing how fondly he spoke of Hobi's dancing— his passion and his lifeline, the younger vowed to let the elder in a bit more.
Because lets face it, the two already have it bad for each other and what's better than getting to know each other just a bit more? Hobi loved the idea and he couldn't help but share more with Jin as the two sat there in the practice room.
Jin was right to be concerned about Hobi, given everything he's told him about the showcase, but he knew that Hobi would succeed at finding a partner and giving an amazing show once the time came around.
And so the two continued to chat and indulge in each other's company. It was refreshing, intimate, and comforting and both Jin and Hobi couldn't help but yearn for more. Though their desires were halted when Jimin and Jungkook called Hobi for their class.
"This was nice..." Jin said as Hobi walked him out, the younger giving the elder a fond yet sad smile, not wanting him to leave just yet.

"It was... we should do this again sometime?" Hobi asked, not knowing if he's overstepping or not but the deep smile Jin gave him was all
the reassurance he needed.

"I'd love that. I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course! See you tomorrow Jin hyung. Text me when you get back to the shop?"

Jin chuckled, "Of course Hob-ah. Don't overwork yourself okay?"

"No promises."
Jin rolled his eyes and sent a playful glare toward Hobi, telling him he better or he'll be back.

"Oh no! What am I going to do~" Hobi teased, knowing that Jin coming back would be more of a wish come true than a punishment. And Jin knew that too.
Feelings were brewing quickly and though that fire continued to grow, neither Hobi nor Jin itched to put it out. For this is the first time they've felt alive in ages and wanted nothing more than to relish in this newfound sensation.
For the next few days, Jin and Hobi took turns visiting each other and ensuring that they were properly taking care of each other. It was nice to have something to look forward to and though the pair saw each other practically every day even with their coffee visits,
this allowed them to be more intimate with each other and they loved every minute of it.

Jin’s beautiful laugh filled the practice room as he sat beside Hobi, cup of tea seated tightly in his palm as Hobi stared at him with intense care, thinking that this man right here held
galaxies in just his laugh alone. And it was fucking beautiful to witness.

“Wait so Yoongi-ah said /that/?!”

Hobi nodded, “Unbelievable huh?”
“It’s not just unbelievable, it’s absurd!! Ah that man…” Jin trailed, taking a deep breath, and admiring the atmosphere around him. It was quiet, relaxing, and comfortable; Jin couldn’t help but relish in it though it left a bittersweet taste in his mouth the longer he sat there
“Right! I still can’t—” Hobi started only to be cut off by a soft knock echoing from the doorway, startling the pair and causing them to turn and see who had interrupted their lovely conversation.
“Hobi hyung, Yoongi hyung said he needed to talk to you. Mind if I steal him for a bit Jin hyung?” Jimin asked, lips pulled in a warm smile as he waited for an answer.
Jin wasn’t about to deny Jimin’s request, after all Yoongi could be calling Hobi to talk about his upcoming recital that was in just under a month and a half. Pity bloomed with Jin’s stomach as he watched the pair leave, giving a soft nod to Hobi who said he’d be back soon.
Jin knew that Hobi must’ve been frustrated— defeated even. He’s got a choreography down for the performance, costumes planned out, hell even a song he wants to perform! The only thing he doesn’t have is a partner. And the fact that the younger has yet to find someone to perform
with him hurts Jin’s heart. He wishes he can help— wishes that there was something more he could do other than just be a pillar of support for Hobi to lean on. But that part of his life died years ago and as much as Jin wished it didn’t, it did and there’s nothing he could do
about it now.

He sighed as he shakily got to his feet, muscles nagging at him for sitting down for so long as the elder stretched, giving his body what he needed as he gazed at the empty room before him. It was quiet without Hobi’s beautiful voice filling it, far too quiet for
Jin’s liking. He didn’t know how it happened, but memories from his past began Jin’s head, coaxing the elder to do the one thing he’s forbid himself from doing for almost 7 years now. Should he indulge himself just this once? No one was here, he was alone and could do it.
But what would it cost him? Probably nothing, lets be honest, but it scared him how much this world was calling to him again. It was pleading for Jin to return and though the elder vowed to leave this part of him behind, he couldn’t help but yield to the cries echoing within him
and give them what they wanted— what /he/ wanted.

No sound filled his ears except the roaring of his heart and that’s all that Jin needed to reignite the spark within him. He was rusty— he knew that, yet it didn’t stop him from dancing with everything he had within him;
taking him back to those monochrome days that only now started to shine with color.

Jin moved beautifully throughout the room, jumping and spinning with such poise and skill he surprised himself with still being able to pull off the moves. It was exhilarating and god it made
Jin’s soul ache at how much he missed this— missed this part of his life. He hated having to stay away, for having to forget this part of him and pretend it never existed. But here he was, being selfish and indulging himself in this long-lost drug even if it knew it could
kill him. Yet he didn’t care, losing himself in his movements and allowing fire to bloom once again. But it all came crashing down the second he heard a familiar voice scream at the top of his lungs, making the elder come back to his reality.
Jin cursed as he lost his balance, tripping over his limbs just to get himself steady but it didn’t matter, his happy pill was racing toward him at unimaginable speeds, barely giving the elder time to brace before he was being embraced in a bear hug.
“HOLY FUCKING SHIT! JIN HYUNG THAT WAS AMAZING!! YOU DIDN’T TELL ME YOU DANCED!?” Hobi screamed, making Jin flush, not knowing how to respond.

Jung Hoseok, a person that Jin’s been fond of for a while now has just witnessed one of Jin’s greatest secrets.
How was he supposed to get himself out of this one?

“I-I…umm…” Jin tried to get out, but he couldn’t stop tripping over his words, them all cluttering his throat and unable to have the elder voice them.
Though it didn’t seem like Hobi cared, the younger having literal stars in his eyes as he looked at Jin. It was cute but his sudden gasp ruined the moment.
“Oh my god… wait a minute! You can /dance/! This is perfect!”

“Wh-What do you—”

“You can be my partner Jin hyung! Will you dance with me?”
Jin didn’t know what to say, those words that were stuck in his throat making it contract even more as he stood there looking at Hobi with wide eyes, unsure if he had heard him correctly. He was kidding right? Surely, Hobi didn’t ask him to perform with him, right?
Jin questioned, doubting that this was his reality as he continued to gawk at the younger. But Hobi was having none of it, gifting the elder with the sweetest pair of puppy eyes he could muster. And upon seeing those beautiful, bright orbs of his sparkle with immense admiration,
Jin finally gathered the courage to speak.

“I-I don’t know Hob-ah… I don’t really dance anymore…” he trailed, breaking away from Hobi’s intense gaze to the floor below, guilt blooming within him as well as the slow burn of pain, making him inwardly wince at the
ache running through every vein of his body.

“Please hyung!! I could really use your help and it’s only one performance! Please!!” Hobi begged, trying to lock eyes with Jin again but the elder being stubbornly adamant on not letting that happen, avidly avoiding Hobi’s gaze
as he moved to take a seat on the polished floor, his body begging for the relief he was now giving it.

“Trust me, you don’t want to have me as a partner. I’m /beyond/ rusty, I haven’t danced in years.”
Hobi scoffed, “Rusty!? You call /that/ rusty!? There’s no way! You were /phenomenal/ hyung! You’re far more capable than you think you are, it’d be an honor to have you as my partner! Please dance with me hyung!”
Hobi begged, joining Jin on the floor but instead of gazing at the elder, he turned his body to the floor, bowing before the elder in hopes he’ll grant his wish.

Jin gasped, unsure of how to react to Hobi’s grand gesture. He’s persistent, that’s for sure, but Jin understood why
This showcase was important to Hobi, it was the lifeline of his career and if he didn’t perform by the committee’s rules, he can kiss his passion goodbye. Jin was all too familiar with this, the shadow of his past veiling his eyes as he recalled the very day he had to say goodbye
to this world. It’s not a time he likes remembering and frankly he prefers to pretend as if that memory didn’t exist. But here he was, recalling it and the utter shame it brought him mere seconds after it happened.
He shuddered as it flashed before his eyes, the tears from back then reappearing in the present as they pricked at Jin’s eyes. It was just as painful as it was back then and fuck did it hurt. Was he really ready to face this again? Could he even face the past now?
Jin didn’t know yet the longer he sat there with his thoughts, his memories, an image of Hobi being in his position painted itself within his mind. And it made him freeze the second he saw that possible future reveal itself. He could see Hobi on the floor, curled inward as the
cruel words of others famous to ballet filled his ears. The tears he was shedding mirrored his own and it pained Jin greatly just to imagine it. He hated his past— hated the scars it left him with and the turmoil that constantly ate at him.
But if he could prevent someone dear to him from experiencing the same, he’d do it in a heartbeat.

So, with a heavy sigh he gently placed a hand in Hobi’s dark hair, startling the younger who lifted his head to stare at the elder. Jin gave Hobi a soft smile, though it was
a tad uneasy and Hobi could clearly see the anxiety bubbling within Jin as they locked eyes. Yet he didn’t have the time to question him about it as his voice was filling his ears. Jin spoke so softly— so gently, acting if Hobi would shatter within that very second and it made
Hobi’s heart ache at the thought. Though he listened intently, holding on to every word as if it’d be the last thing he’d ever hear.

“To be honest, I never thought I’d ever be given the opportunity to come back to this world— to this place that we both love. It scares me...
"terrifies me even. I’m not even sure if I’ll be allowed to participate! But if it means the load you’ve been carrying will be lightened after all that you’ve gone through, I’ll dance with you Hoseok. You have my word.”
Hobi’s eyes widened, not expecting the elder to say the very words he was yearning to hear but here he was, being graced with Jin’s promise and he couldn’t help but pounce on the elder. Jin yelped in surprise as Hobi’s body crashed with his own, but that shock was quickly
replaced with a flush that coated Jin’s face, unable to fathom that he was /embracing/ Hobi right now; a dream of his, that he didn’t expect to happen, coming true.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You won’t regret this hyung, I promise!!” Hobi cried as he snuggled into Jin, happiness flowing through every cell within him, unable to contain himself but who could blame him?
Jin just chuckled, pushing the embarrassment aside as he reassured the person who’s sparked joy into his life. “I don’t think I could ever, especially since I’ll be dancing with you. But go easy with me on the choreography alright? I don’t dance like how I used to.”
Hobi nodded, “Of course hyung! You have my word! Ah I’m so excited! I gotta tell Yoongi!!” He exclaimed, jumping to his feet, running a few laps around the practice room before sprinting to Yoongi’s office, calling the elder’s name as he paraded through the hall.
Jin just chuckled as he watched Hobi’s excitement overflow. Though it warmed him greatly to see the younger so happy, he couldn’t help the anxiety that bloomed within him as he glanced around the empty practice room. He still wasn’t sure if he could do this, if he was up for it
or even if his body could manage the strain of falling back into old habits. But if it’ll keep Hobi’s career afloat, Jin will do everything he must to prevent the younger from ending up in the same position as him all those years ago.

He swore by it.

“O-Once…m-more…!” Jin huffed as he hauled himself to his feet, his body wobbling from fatigue but the elder chose to ignore it as he replayed the song, forcing his tired limbs to run through the routine once more.
Ever since Hobi and Jin became partners for the younger’s exhibition, they’ve been practicing almost every day on the routine he planned to showcase. There were days where Jin could keep up and get a good feel for the dance but sadly most days, he struggled to keep up with Hobi
get his body to bend a certain way, or even balance correctly. It was a fight every day and though Hobi took it easy on him, Jin was even harder on himself. This performance needed to be perfect and with how Jin was now, they’d never be up to that level of perfection
in the little time they had left. So, here he was alone in the dimly lit practice room, working his ass off as he ran through the choreography again and again, not caring if his body was pleading for him to stop and rest. Getting this dance down and perfected to every miniscule
detail mattered more than anything else and Jin was adamant on drugging himself on that statement, leaping and twirling around the room even if every cell within him was crying for help.
Jin was falling back into his old habits, he at least recognized that, but this was far more important than any performance he’s had in the past. Hobi’s reputation is on the line with this showcase, and one slip up could ruin the younger for good. It was bad enough that it was a
battle to get Jin cleared to participate and become Hobi’s partner and he wasn’t about to fail the younger by not being able to be up to par for the performance.
He had to be beyond perfection so without hesitation he worked his body beyond its limits and refused to give it an ounce of rest, tightening the brace encapsulating his left leg and hipbone before leaping into action yet again.

Hours later Hobi was bumbling into his academy, greeting familiar faces with that lovely smile of his as he scrambled inside, itching to find something or more like someone as he traveled through the halls of the school.
“Morning hyung!” Jungkook greeted as he ran into Hobi, startling the sunshine elder and causing him to stop in his tracks.

“Morning Kook… say you haven’t seen Jin hyung around here, have you?”
Jungkook shook his head, “Nope! Haven’t seen him since yesterday when you two were practicing. Why?”

Hobi sighed, running a hand through his dark hair in worry, making Jungkook stare curiously at his friend.
“I went to the shop to pick him up so we could run through the routine once more, but Tae told me that he hasn’t come in today and that he’s tried calling him, but he won’t pick up.”

“Do you think something happened to him?”
“I’m not sure but that’s why I’m looking for him. You sure you didn’t see him come in?”

“Positive hyung but if I do, I’ll let you know. And I’ll let Jiminie know too.”

Hobi nodded, “Thanks Kook. I appreciate it.”
“I hope you find him soon hyung.”

“Me too…” Hobi trailed, giving the younger one last goodbye before shuffling down the hall, having a hunch of where Jin was but he prayed that it wasn’t true.
With little effort Hobi was bursting into the practice room he and Jin usually train in, finding a familiar figure laying on the floor, huffing loudly and not moving an inch. Fear overcame the younger as he ran toward his friend, shouting his name as he approached him.
Jin just groaned at the sound, hands rising to his head as he covered his eyes, trying to cease the pounding headache now echoing in his head. Hobi sighed as he saw the elder come to life, relieved that he wasn’t dead.
“You scared me!” he screamed, smacking the elder which only made Jin chuckle as he lowered his arms and gave the younger a playfully apologetic smile.

“Sorry Hob-ah~” Jin rasped, the deepness of his voice causing a blush to spread across Hobi’s face, though he refused to believe
he had an attraction toward the elder’s voice as he pouted, deciding to turn his gaze away from the elder’s eyes and have them look elsewhere. But elsewhere, in Hobi’s mind, seemed to be Jin’s body and as he gazed at it he couldn’t help but froth at how beautiful the elder was.
Jin had to be sculpted by the gods because he was breathtakingly gorgeous and the longer Hobi stared the more he fell, that blush roaring to life and making the younger unnecessarily nervous. However, as he watched Jin struggle to sit up, that infatuation turned to immediate
concern, reaching out to stabilize the elder as he surveyed him for any injuries. And it was then that he took in the severity of Jin’s physical state.

He was drenched in sweat, breathing far too heavily, and had a ghostly glow over him. And each time the elder tried to get his
body to do something, it disobeyed, caving in with a shaky sigh and Hobi couldn’t help but take in how frustrated it made Jin. Slowly but surely the younger was connecting the dots and as he handed a bottle of water to Jin, he knew for sure what had happened while he was gone.
“Jin hyung?”


“Were you here /all/ night?” Jin froze at the words, water getting caught in his throat and causing him to convulse as he tried to not die
And once he was out of harms way, the elder gazed at Hobi with nervous eyes about to say something in rebuttal but Hobi already knew the truth. He was upset that Jin was pushing his body farther than what it could handle but he understood where the elder was coming from.
It took him back to his younger years when he debuted. Hobi grimaced as he recalled those dark days— the many times he passed out at the studio from overwork, preventing himself from taking care of himself to just get in a few more minutes of practice, and worst of all convincing
himself that it was for the best. He knew that Jin must’ve gone through the same thing back when he was a ballerina, and he couldn’t help but grow melancholic at how the elder seemed to be falling back into those bad habits. He didn’t want Jin to break himself like this,
he refused. So, with a huff he was getting to his feet and extending a hand toward the elder who was still spilling excuses.

Jin froze at the sight of the younger's hand, staring at it with innocently guilty eyes and Hobi had to do everything in his power to prevent
the coo bubbling within him from escaping his lips.

“Come on hyung. There’s something I want to show you.” Jin hesitated but nodded taking Hobi’s hand and stumbling as the younger aided him to his feet. He wasn’t sure what Hobi had planned nor why he was being mysteriously nice
to him after finding out he hadn’t left the academy after the pair had their usual practice. It was new, Jin had every right to be wary, but he couldn’t help but follow the younger, watching as they exited the academy hand in hand.
Both their faces were painted red but neither of them refused to let go, their hands clasped tightly in one another and fitting oh so perfectly it made their hearts swoon. Hobi gently guided the two of them to a nearby park, the scenery being beautiful in the midmorning light as
the two traversed through. Jin was confused why Hobi brought him here but continued to let himself be led by the younger, having full trust in him.

“Take a seat hyung.” Hobi said as they arrived at a nearby bench, him waiting for the elder to take a seat before he did.
Jin looked at him in suspicion but did as he was asked, taking a seat with Hobi right beside him.

“Why’d you bring me here?” Jin whispered, not having the energy to project more than that and Hobi understood, listening intently to every word Jin spoke, holding onto them tightly.
“I know what it’s like to lose yourself in your passion… to become so laser focused on getting every movement, every leap, and every twirl correct. It’s overwhelming and merciless as it eats away at you,” He paused before continuing, “I know that me telling you to stop won’t do
"much. So, instead whenever you’re getting close to overworking yourself, your body, and neglecting your needs think of this place and us together. If there’s anything I’ve come to learn from dancing for years is that holding onto something special gets you through a lot of tough
"times… I like to use memories of my friends, of beautiful places and people to remind me of what’s important and why I’m doing what I’m doing. It helps me to remember that pushing myself past what I’m capable won’t solve anything and that I’m perfect just the way I am;
"those people in the committee don’t define me and every day I remind myself of that. And I want you to remember that too. You don’t need to be perfect Jin hyung because you’re already amazing and that’s enough. I promise.”
“But what if I’m not? What if I can’t be enough for them, for you, or for /myself/?”

Hobi smiled as he intertwined their hands once more, pulling the elder so close that there wasn’t a single gap in between them; allowing his soothing voice to comfort Jin in a way that he
knew only he could do.

“Then that’s okay. Nothing is ever easy hyung and there will always be people you can’t please. But I want you to know that no matter what they say, what they think, or how they act you will always be perfect to me, and I’ll remind you of that every day.
"Because you deserve to be loved, to be admired, and to be graced with nothing but kindness because you’re such an amazing soul Jin hyung. You’re beautiful, talented, and beyond funny. I love getting to spend time with you and I don’t care if we fuck up our performance. I’m more
"grateful for the fact that we get to dance /together/. So, please hyung slow dance with me and forget about everything else. Okay?”
Jin hiccupped, burying his face in Hobi’s hair as he sobbed, holding onto the younger’s hand tightly as he tried to pull the younger even closer to him. Hobi didn’t know how impactful those words were on Jin’s heart, but he knew that he’d treasure those beautiful sentences till
the day he died. So, with a nod he croaked out an okay and Hobi couldn’t help but smile, allowing Jin to release all that he needed as the two sat there together; nothing being better than being in this moment together.
And though they had a long, challenging road ahead of them, slowly those walls they’ve both built over the years being broken down and as each day passed their bond grew even stronger. The two still had many things to conquer but they were going to overcome them together,
hand in hand for the trust they had in each other was far greater than anything they’ve experienced before, and they weren’t about to let it go anytime soon.

Jin couldn’t stop his palms from shaking, anxiety peaking in every nerve— every cell in his body. He was beyond nervous, feeling as if he was going to throw up as he followed Hobi, Jungkook, Jimin, and Yoongi deeper into the theater, bypassing other people roaming the area
who instead of doing something better with their lives were staring at their little group, making Jin tense up even more, feeling their eyes roam across his body and judge every movement he made.
Today was the big day— the day Jin would once again go up onto that stage and perform for the first time in 7 years. He had every right to be nervous, after how his last showcase turned out who wouldn’t be? He was frightened, afraid for the outcome of this exhibition and that
crushing judgement that would overwhelm him should he fail. He couldn’t fail— didn’t want to since this wasn’t about him, this was about Hoseok and his reputation; he was the one with something to lose yet as Jin glanced at the younger’s direction, he saw no fear in his eyes
nor hesitance. He was confident, basking in the radiance that was himself, his skills and talent and he /relished/ in it. Jin wished he had an ounce of his confidence, a piece of what made Hoseok so self-assured that he didn’t seek approval of anyone.
It made him bow his head in shame, tuning out what Yoongi was telling them all as they finally made it to their dressing rooms.
“Jimin, Jungkook-ah you guys are performing first. Make sure to stretch properly and run through your choreography again if you need a refresher. You both can join me, Namjoon, and Taehyung-ah once you’re done. Hobi, Jin-hyung you guys perform later;
“exactly three performances after these lovebirds. According to the schedule you two are closing out today’s showcase.”

Jin tensed at that, the pressure that’s been building from the moment they walked into the building increasing 10-fold as he registered the younger’s words.
They were closing the showcase— the /last/ performance for the Spring duet ballet exhibition. If Jin wasn’t nervous before he definitely was now, clenching his fists tightly, knuckles turning white and nails digging into his skin as he tried to prevent an
anxiety attack from taking control of him. Hobi turned toward the elder and looked at him in worry, noticing how Jin’s anxiety was getting to him yet unable to comfort him as Yoongi kept talking.
“Once you two are done, the judges will tally points and hand out awards to the top three performances. There’s an afterparty occurring in the lobby after that but we can skip it if you guys want. But that’s everything, any questions?”
“If we skip the afterparty, can we go out to eat?” Jungkook asked, making chuckles escape the group of friends.

“Sure Jungkook-ah, I’ll even make my treat if any of you manage to snag the top three spots.” Yoongi stated, making the youngest exclaim in approval, practically
jumping for joy, determined to put on an amazing show just to get the chance to spoil himself using Yoongi’s money.

“Anything else?” Yoongi asked, waiting for another query but not receiving any, making him nod as he pocketed his phone.
“Alrighty then. I’m going to join Taehyung and Namjoon-ah in the audience before security kicks me out. Break a leg guys!” Yoongi cheered, earning shouts of thanks and farewells as he bid the quartet of dancers farewell.
“Hey, you okay?” Hobi asked, round eyes flooded with concern as he pulled Jin away from their friends, wanting to check in on him after noticing how anxious he was getting during Yoongi’s speech.
Jin let out a shaky breath, trying to put a smile on his face to reassure the younger but it was forced as he went to respond. “I-I’m alright… just nervous is all…”
Hobi nodded, fully understanding Jin’s nervousness. After their afternoon in the park, Jin finally explained to Hobi why he stopped dancing and how he was basically outcasted form the ballet world. Apparently when Jin was fresh out of college, he was headlining a showcase just
like this one except it wasn’t in Seoul but abroad in London. It was Jin’s big break after climbing the ladder of fame since he was little, and he knew that this performance had to be /perfect/. Jin worked day and night to get his choreography down, struggling with it since there
were moves within it that Jin hadn’t quite mastered yet nor could get to flow correctly. Namjoon noticed the elder’s struggle and begged Jin to talk to the choreographer to change them or at least alter them to fit Jin’s current abilities, but Jin refused.
The two ended up in a heated argument after that and didn’t speak for weeks.

Jin continued to overwork himself in his routine and without Namjoon or Taehyung by his side, he went down a spiral of precision that created the demons Hobi has met previously. When the day came for
Jin to perform, he wasn’t in his best state— exhausted from the limits he’s constantly pushed passed for weeks now. And when Jin went up onto that stage, though he danced beautifully when it was time to execute one of the hardest moves in Jin’s choreography,
his body finally caved. As Jin landed, his ankle caved inward, making the dancer lose his footing and come crashing harshly onto the stage. Due to shock, Jin couldn’t catch himself and ended up landing right onto his kneecap, shattering it.
The performance was instantly halted, and Jin was sent to the hospital. After surgery, the doctors told Jin the severity of his injuries and told Jin that he couldn’t continue dancing; his career was ruined just as it started. It was entirely his fault, he knew this and hated
himself for it. It took Jin a very long time to come to terms with what had happened and how he was instantly outcasted the second he crashed onto that stage. It left him hollow— without purpose and it clouded Jin’s heart for years, leaving him in crutches and
holding onto a dream that was long gone. It wasn’t till 2 years ago that Jin got the courage to try again, to fix his life and to stop mopping around.

He went to physical therapy to start walking properly again, he took beginner dance lessons to ease his body back into the
movements engraved in his every muscle, and to pass the time, Jin opened up his café; it being a retirement plan for him, and Jin figured since he wasn’t dancing anymore, he might as well go through with it and become a businessman. Jin regrets that performance more than
anything, and after telling Hobi all this the younger reassured him that though he caused his own downfall, here he was yet again finding the courage to go on stage with a friend and dance. Saying that maybe Jin /needed/ to fall to be able to soar again and Jin
couldn’t help but find truth in those words. Though it still made him nervous and Hobi understood, wrapping his arms around the elder and pulling him into a sudden embrace.
“You’re going to be amazing Jin hyung, you have nothing to fear. We’re in this together and I won’t let you fall again, I promise.”
Jin was stunned from the sudden gesture but relaxed into Hobi’s touch and his words, both hating and loving how Hobi always knew exactly what to say. It made him emotional damn it! But Jin couldn’t find it in him to complain, wrapping his own arms around Hobi and pulling him
close, breathing in his familiar scent and relishing in the comfort this man brought him.

They’ve spent so much time together these past few months. They laughed, they cried, they hurt, and they flew. Every day they experienced something new together but through it all they had
each other’s backs and continued to make their gray world saturated with color. Hobi is everything Jin’s been searching for these past 7 years and ever since Hobi walked into his shop a week after their opening day, Jin knew this man would change his life forever.
He wasn’t sure how he would but standing here with his happy pill in his arms in the backstage of a theater waiting to put on a performance they’ll dance to together, Jin couldn’t help but think that this is the happiest he’s ever felt. Through all the anxiety— all the fear that
plagued him, he found the happiest blooming within him and grasped it tightly; holding onto it tightly and letting it flourish. Jin knew that if Hobi was by his side, he could accomplish anything and that was all he needed to calm the nerves bubbling within him.
“I got you Jin hyung…” Hobi exhaled, burying himself deeper into Jin and keeping him close, not only to reassure the elder, but reassure himself of the fact that he was dancing with the man he cares for most. Spending all this time with him, Hobi has gotten to rediscover a part
of himself he didn’t know was hidden. Jin brings out all of Hobi and accepts him for the person he is, regardless of his flaws, his imperfections, and his worries. And as each day passed them by, Hobi could tell he was falling for the male, harder than anyone he’s been fond of
in the past. Jin just gets him— they get each other, nothing is complicated when they’re together and even if it does, they always work things out /together/.

Nobody has ever shown Hobi so much appreciation, adoration, or fondness in his life and Hobi promised himself that after
this performance was done, he’d ask Jin out, now realizing that he can never be without the moon to his sun and that he wants to circle their universe together forever.
Jin sighed, relaxing further in Hobi’s embrace as he gave him a soft squeeze, “I got you too Hob-ah… always.” He exhaled, making butterflies explode in Hobi’s stomach at how deep— how /intimate/ their conversation was seeming.
And Hobi couldn’t help but cling to that feeling as they pulled away, hearing Jimin’s and Jungkook’s voices calling them.

“Guess it’s time to get ready, huh?”
“Guess so… let’s go show them what we’re made of.” Jin said, making Hobi sprout a proud grin, wrapping his arms around Jin’s waist and keeping his arm there as the two walked, loving how perfectly they fit together.

Soft murmurs echoed in Hobi’s ears as he and Jin tiptoed onto stage, the large red velvet curtain hiding them from view from the audience before them, it being mere seconds before they were set to perform. Contrary to what Jin initially thought, Hobi was nervous too, he was
just /really/ good at hiding it. After growing up in this industry and receiving the ‘feedback’ he has, Hobi refused to let others see the weakness in him. That was for him to know and deal with and he didn’t need others criticizing him for it. But seeing Jin crumble before him
due to the fear hiding in the darkness of this theater, Hobi let those walls fall, never wanting Jin to think that he was the only one worried about this. Yet Hobi knew that together he and Jin would put on the performance of a lifetime, not because they were both talented and
had an amazing set but because they were with /each other/.

They were each other’s secret weapon and no matter what happens on that stage Hobi could care less for the results, he’s just glad he got to dance with Jin, his moon and most precious person. But beyond all else,
Jin is the one person Hobi wants to grow with from this day onward and the second they’re away from the spotlight he’s making his move; he just hopes Jin will accept him. And as he turned toward the elder, he was met with soft eyes and a warm smile, making Hobi’s own match
the elder’s beyond enamored with the male beside him.

“You ready?” Jin whispered, the silence that was now beginning to blanket them as darkness filled their vision making Hobi’s heart race, itching to just pull the elder in and kiss him.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Hobi said, breathless just by being beside Jin and the elder couldn’t help but chuckle fondly at him, making Hobi wish for a light to see that beautiful smile Jin has— the one that can light up a room, the one that brings smiles to everyone’s faces,
the one that Hobi fell in love with. He wants to see it, /needs/ to see it and though Hobi knew he should be more rational about this, he couldn’t help himself, carefully inching closer to Jin to the point where their bodies were flushed against each other.
Jin flushed at their close proximity, barley able to see Hobi’s face through the darkness blanketing them, watching in anticipation to see what he’d do, his heart hammering in his chest each time a second passed.
“You’re ethereal Jin hyung… I’m afraid I won’t be able to take my eyes off you the second those curtains rise.”

Jin gulped, his body drumming with delight over Hobi’s words as a feeling that wasn’t new to him began making itself known once more, Jin finally realizing what
exactly that feeling was as he sat in this intimate moment with Hobi. He didn’t know what came over him, nor why he decided to be so bold, but he couldn’t let something as great as this get away from him, not when he’s already come so far. Jin wrapped his arms around
Hobi’s waist, placing his forehead against the younger’s, before going in and giving him a quick sweet peck on the lips, whispering against them the second Jin pulled away.

“Then don’t. Watch me and only me Hoseok. I want you to— I /need/ you to…”
Hobi couldn’t mute the pure love overwhelming him and his entire being, the buzz from Jin’s gentle kiss still lingering on his lips as he stared at the elder’s beautiful dark eyes, already getting drunk on them the longer he stared.
And after hearing Jin’s request, who was he to deny him?

“I would love nothing more hyung.” He said with promise, making Jin’s body sigh in relief as he continued to hold Hobi, the younger being engulfed in his embrace and he couldn’t wish for anything better.
“Introducing our final performance of the night: Jung Hoseok and Kim Seokjin!” The announcer declared, claps from the audience and some cheers now filling their ears as the curtain slowly began to rise.

“Let’s blow them away hyung.”
“With pleasure sunshine.”
And with a final peck, the two were separating and getting into their starting positions, eyes closed in anticipation as they waited for their cue.
— here is the video i referenced for 2seok's performance! please watch it for a better understanding of their duet! —
As the curtain rose and bright white light coated the stage, both Hobi and Jin knew that this performance was more than just maintaining one’s reputation or reigniting another; it was about /them/, the bond they have for each other, that love— that trust they carry in one another
and that was all that mattered as the music began playing and they began to dance.

Both males wove across the dark stage as waves of light, their white silky outfits beautifully decorating their skin and causing them to look even more breathtaking than they already were.
And no one could dare to look away from the masterpiece the pair were showcasing to the world. Their performance wasn’t long, the pair never intended it to be, but it had such difficult and technical elements to it that they knew they’d surprise everyone in the room with
their skilled mastery. At first Hobi was worried that Jin would hurt himself after teaching him his side of the choreography, but the barista reassured Hobi that he could do it. Hobi believed him and here weeks later on this stage Hobi couldn’t be prouder of his moon, carefully
watching out of the corner of his eyes how beautifully he was pulling off the moves. And as Jin’s hands wrapped around Hobi’s waist to lift him into the air he couldn’t help but fall into the tenderness of the elder’s embrace, knowing and trusting that Hobi would be alright in
Jin’s arms. Afterall Jin promised him that he’d always catch him during those intimate practices they had and never once has he failed to uphold that sentiment.
Their lungs were running a marathon, their muscles were pushing them to overcome, and both males were coloring the stage in a beautiful light that only those dedicated to the story they were telling could see. And once they were done, roars of applause filled their ears,
the pair breathing roughly as Jin lowered Hobi to the ground, his arms carefully wrapping themselves around Hobi’s waist and he couldn’t help but love the feeling.

“We did it.” Jin whispered, voice giddy with a new light and Hobi couldn’t help but stare lovingly at him, hand
reaching and gently caressing Jin’s cheek.

“We did, I’m so proud of you.”
“I’m proud of you— of /us/. But I can’t help but thank you Hobi, you brought me back to the world I thought I was banished from for years and lit up in a fire that only you can; you brought dancing back to me, thank you.” He said breathless as tears began to fall from
those pretty eyes of his. Hobi cooed as he carefully wiped away those tears, placing their foreheads together and gazing into Jin’s eyes with so much adoration, it made the elder flush. Hobi didn’t say anything, he didn’t need to for Jin already knew what he was trying to convey,
and he couldn’t help but chuckle before dragging him off stage, itching to just be alone with Hobi. Yet sadly they couldn’t for they were instantly jumped by Jimin and Jungkook, the couple gushing about how amazing their performance was and how fantastic they were.
Both males took the compliments they were receiving but their hands never left each other, clasped tightly together for neither of them could bare to be apart from the other, not after the silent confession they shared nor the intimacy they just showcased for an
entire audience to see. Hobi and Jin would be stuck with each other from this moment forward and neither of them could wish for anything better.
“Oh! They’re announcing the results! Come on hyungs!” Jungkook exclaimed, grabbing Jin’s arm, and dragging both him and Hobi back to the stage, every duo who’s performed tonight now standing there awaiting to hear the results of the showcase.
An elderly woman stood center stage, looking as poise as ever as she held a microphone and golden envelope in her hands, giving a soft smile to the performers now standing beside her.
“Tonight, we were graced with fantastic talent and artistry from everyone here and before I announce the results, I want you all to know that you did a beautiful job and you all should be proud of what you showcased tonight.”
Claps filled the theater for a brief moment before they paused, allowing the lady to speak again.

“With that here are the results for the Spring duet ballet exhibition!” Everyone gulped as she peeled open the envelope and began reading the words printed on the paper.
“In third place we have Hwang Hyunjin and Lee Felix. In second place we have Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin. And finally, in first place we have Jung Hoseok and Kim Seokjin. Congratulations to all of you!”
Cheers flooded the area and both Hobi and Jin couldn’t believe their ears. Was this real? Did they really win the Spring ballet duet showcase? But as they turned and looked at each other while roars of congratulations filled their ears from friends and competitors alike,
they couldn’t deny the truth. They had won and Hobi couldn’t help himself from jumping at Jin, the elder expertly catching him and spinning him around in elation, completely ecstatic that they had won.
Never in a million years did Jin think that he and Hobi would ever be in the top three nor win this showcase, but here they were, holding each other close and crying tears of joy because they had proved the haters, the naysayers, and their demons wrong—
they had won this competition and they only had each other to thank. And as Jin put Hobi down so he could say a few words, the younger couldn’t tear his gaze away from the elder as he held the microphone close to him and uttered the words he’s been
dying to say since the very first moment he and Jin’s eyes locked.

“I only have one thing to say… Jin hyung will you slow dance with me forever and be the only partner I’ll ever need?”
If Jin wasn’t crying before he definitely was now, shocked at Hobi’s boldness but overwhelmed with adoration and love for the man standing a mere 3 feet away from him. And with stuttered words, he answered his beloved sunshine.
“O-Of course I will you idiot!” Hobi laughed, giving the microphone back to the lady before running into Jin’s arms once again and giving him the kiss he’s meant to give him all this time.
After performing by themselves for years, Hobi and Jin finally found the partner they’ve been wishing for ever since their careers began. And though they now have each other to dance with,
nothing could compare to loving each other as beautifully as they have been. It’s something they’ll cherish forever as they continue to slow dance with one another till the sun sets on their horizon.
— THE END! —

omg that was such a ride and i'm so happy that these two are as happy together 🥺 Thank you all for joining me on this journey and for giving me all the love and support on this story! I'll be uploading this on ao3 soon! love you guys!

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Jun 23, 2022
⟪ Wrapped Around Your Finger ⟫
a idol x stranger #yoonmin au

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