For #AsteroidDay, some thoughts about the threat and the history of addressing it.
tl;dr Don't worry about the asteroids; worry a bit about the way science works.
So: there was a time in the early/mid 1980s when a very few people had begun to worry about the threat of asteroid impacts, but no-one has started to do anything about it.
Their worries were focused on the possibility that the impact of a large asteroid (a body with a diameter >1km) would create something like a nuclear winter -- a smaller version of the dinosaur-killing apocalypse 66m years ago which might kill a quarter of Earth's population.
With the help of an amenable Congressional representative, the late great George Brown, and despite (or perhaps because of) a certain fractious heterogeneity, this community was crucial to what became the Spaceguard survey.
(If you have access, that piece works better as a pdf)
Having played my own small role in chronicling that story as it happened, I find myself amazed by two things.
One is that it worked.
The Spaceguard survey was based on the idea, since borne out, that it was possible to estimate the size of the population of near-Earth asteroids, and thus to predict how many remained to be discovered.
At the beginning of the survey maybe 10% or so of the big near-Earth asteroids capable of causing a global catastrophe had been discovered. By the end of the 2000s more than 90% of them had.
Happily, none of them posed any sort of century-scale danger. That meant that the chances of a nuclear-winter-type event due to a previously undiscovered asteroid had been slashed.
And the risk due to a previously discovered asteroid remained zero.
Here is the key graphic.
Green is the risk as it appeared before the survey started, dominated by the big asteroids (right hand side) that can cause nuclear winters.
Red is the residual risk in 2008, after most of the big asteroids had been found.
Red<<Green. Big success. W00t!
In the years since there have been a lot more discoveries.
Data compiled by Harris and colleagues in 2017 showed that there were then fewer than 5 asteroids larger than 2km in diameter still to be found in near-Earth orbits, and maybe a couple of dozen between 1km and 2km.
That meant the two bigger red bars in the 2008 graphic were a lot smaller, and the rest of the right-hand-side red was basically gone.
The data are in table 2-1, here…
Data collection has only improved since then, and the lack of any announcement shows that it hasn't turned anything up.
The risk landscape has thus been utterly transformed.
That leads to the second thing.
In 2015 I went to a meeting about asteroid impacts in Frascati. In the past these meetings had been kind of tiny. This one seemed huge. It was full of people with plans for space missions and the like.
What had once been a small risk which was wrongly being dismissed as utterly negligible had become a much smaller, IMO actually negligible risk being given a disproportionate amount of researcher hours and funding dollars/euros.
Many wise friends tell me that the term "technoscientific imaginary" is ugly, unnecessary jargon. But it captures the complex of ideas around asteroid risk, asteroid deflection, precursor missions and the dynamic through which they seek to realise themselves.
It feeds on a set of imaginings, norms and incentives that feed on each other. And it takes you away from wise action. It builds up the idea that something is a problem which isn't, and that there is a proper way of dealing with it which may be suboptimal,
That's about it. Asteroids do not pose anything like the threat they once seemed to pose. The idea that technologies and techniques for deflecting them are important and need development has undue currency and prominence. /finis
Climate freak-out update: So after an extraordinary 35 days -- five whole weeks -- in which every day was hotter than every day on record in any previous year, the record global-air temperature streak is over.
Having broken the previous record temperature (16.92ºC, set on August 13th 2016) on July 3rd, and set a new record on July 7th (17.23ºC), the temperature as given by the NCEP reanalysis fell back below the 2016 record on August 8th (just: the temperature was 16.91ºC)
The ERA 5 reanalysis used by @CopernicusECMWF shows something very similar (though it is not as up to date). To provide an extra perspective, the analysts have added to their ERA 5 plot an indicator line showing the mean expected in a world 1.5ºC above the preindustrial norm.
Last week's @TheEconomist climate coverage in one handy thread (with extracts for non subscribers)
The data team looked at the extraordinary low in winter sea ice around Antarctica.…
As they point out
My colleague @DSORennie writes about the Chinese leadership's unwillingness to associate extreme weather in the country to climate change…
So this is freaking me out.
The squiggly line son this chart are average sea surface temperatures over the course of the year going back about 40 years.
Up until March this year, the highest value on this map was 21ºC, a record set in 2016
This March this year's temperature beat that record, going above 21ºC. (Peaks are in march because most of the ocean is in the southern hemisphere, and March is late southern summer)
Note-worthy but unsurprising: in a warming world, sea surface temperatures rise.
If you wanted to worry, you might have noted that the 2016 record was set in the second year of an El Nino event. When this year's record was set, the world was still officially in a La Nina. In general El Nino's are got, La Nina's cold.…
A few non-spoiler world-building thoughts about #AvatarTheWayOfWater
The General tells us the Earth is dying. At the same time the Earth, or maybe just some American-led faction of it, is capable of launching fleets of very big near-light-speed interstellar vessels.
So it's a future of ecological collapse and amazingly high tech on a mega-industrial scale (those starships must represent thousands of terawatt-years of energy in launch costs alone @anderssandberg@robert_zubrin ?)
In which case it represents the dark side of decoupling. Earth's civilisation is clearly way beyond fossil-fuel use and capable of synthesising just about anything, but the Earth's environment is still going to shit.
Of my various responsibilities the essay strand, invented by @tomstandage is both my shame and my delight.
Shame because it always comes in last in terms of priority and so we end up doing far too few of them.
Delight because they are ace, and a bit different.
Most of my job this year was running the briefings @TheEconomist, and far and away the biggest thing there wast the Ukraine coverage, especially the first six months of it. You can get a lot of that from this thread of @shashj's