Coco 🌻 Profile picture
Jul 4, 2022 110 tweets 18 min read Read on X

Stripper Lan Wangji and bodyguard Wei Wuxian

Wwx’s job is to make sure no one harasses or gets too handsy with the dancers and he takes it very seriously – especially when lwj is involved.
All the dancers have a signal to send him when they need help if wwx doesn’t register the situation first.

Lwj has never had to use it.
The second a shady person reaches towards his bare thigh or the little bunny tail attached to his thong wwx is immediately there, catching their hand in a bruising grip with a glare that could strike down gods.
It annoyed lwj when they first started working together. He is a full grown man with copious amounts of self-defense training, not a helpless little dancer.
He could very well take care of himself against pervs who foolishly think his choice of career should make him receptive to their advances, tyvm.
After a week of unnecessary rescues and the feeling of those sparkling grey eyes trailing him through the club, whether he was dancing or not, lwj firmly recommended he focus his efforts on those who actually need his help.
Despite lwj's rudeness throughout the encounter, wwx merely threw his hands up in surrender with a light grin and promised to back off.

True to his word, he only stepped in when lwj was performing on the pole and not in a position to defend himself well.
Outside of performances, when lwj roamed the club to watch the other dancers and field requests for lap dances or a private performance in one of their monitored rooms, he was on his own, just as he preferred it.
Cw: Harassment
But things change embarrassingly quickly when a particularly strong and persistent man sets his sights on him.

Lwj once again dodges a wandering hand with a look that usually makes men tuck tail and run. This man only laughs.
Cw Harassment

"Aw come on honey, why so cold?"

Lwj doesn't respond. It's a comment he gets often and, in his experience, there's no point in trying to argue or explain.
Men like this are incapable of understanding that lwj's job is to *dance*, not fulfill the fantasies said dancing apparently invokes.

While he strives to be elegant and appealing during his performances, he has no desire for the patron's attention or interest outside of them.
Cw harassment

When the man realizes he's not going to answer, he scoffs.

"You must be new or something. Listen, sweetie, you're not going to make any money being so aloof, no matter how pretty you look on the pole."
Lwj narrowly resists the urge to roll his eyes. He is far from new and he's one of the club's top earners in tips. Most patrons understand to appreciate the art by itself, even in the private rooms.
"The club has several signs reminding people to respect the dancers," he reminds instead. "and not expect or ask for anything outside the dance."

The man barks a laugh and gives lwj a patronizing look.
Cw harassment

"Come on. Everyone knows that's just bs to make the club seem better. If you really want to make it in this industry, you need to warm up a little and entertain the customers with money. Especially those willing to pay a little extra..."
Cw: sexual harassment

The man trails off with a pointed once over. His hand slides across the top of the bar, edging closer to lwj's. Lwj's vision sharpens and he moves it further away. The man huffs indignantly.
Cw: sexual harassment, degrading sex workers

"Do you still not understand what I'm saying? Look, I'll lay out flat. You're a stripper. You make good money taking your clothes off and dancing pretty, but everyone knows that's just foreplay. The real money comes after."
Cw: sexual harassment, degrading sex workers

"After?" Lwj prompts with an edge of warning.

"Any of those sluts back there will tell you the real money comes from people like me who enjoyed the show enough they're willing to pay extra for a more... intimate performance."
Cw: sexual harassment

The man rests a hand on his thigh and leans close enough lwj can smell the alcohol on his breath.

"And, if you stop being such a dick, I'm willing to pay quite a lot of money to take you home and give you a good time."
Cw: sexual harassment

Lwj grabs his wrist, intending to remove the hand on his leg, but the man's grip tightens painfully on his thigh. He winces when the man digs his nails into the soft flesh there.
Cw: sexual harassment

"You have now broken several rules. Let go and get out of the club," lwj growls. He's strong enough to remove the hand himself, but the man's nails make it impossible to do so without harming himself.
Cw: sexual harassment, degrading language towards sex workers

"You have no right to kick me out," the man sneers. "Youre just a paid whore here. Your job is to entertain me. I've been real patient with you since you obviously don't know the ropes, but now you're pissing me off."
Lwj has never felt a stronger urge to absolutely deck someone. The owner would probably back him up on it too if he did. They're very strict about allowing workers to defend themselves however necessary.
Cw: Sexual harassment

But it would be a bad look for the club and he really doesn't want to deal with the police tonight.

"I do have the right and that is not my job. I do not need your help. Let go and leave or you will be forcefully removed."
Cw: Sexual harassment

The man throws his head back in a bitter laugh.

"By who? You? HA!" He digs his nails in harder, almost certainly drawing blood. Lwj tightens his grip on the wrist, preparing to rip it off regardless of the damage when a dark voice interrupts.

"By me."
Lwj jumps and whirls around. Less than a foot away from them, wwx glares at the creep, hot fury radiating off him in waves. His gaze slides to the hand on lwj’s thigh and those silver eyes gleam dangerously, like a pistol that’s found its target.
Lwj swallows to relieve his suddenly dry throat. He opens his mouth to speak, but the man beats him to it.

"And who the fuck are you supposed to be? His boyfriend?” He laughs.
CW: Derogatory language

“Hasn’t anyone told you to never date a whore like him? At least not if you can’t handle sharing him with others.”

Rage burns through lwj’s body, but he remains silent. He recognizes his best bet at avoiding further injury is to allow wwx to do his job.
"All that bullshit must leave an awful taste in your mouth," wwx says, lips curled in disgust. “I'm security and I'm giving you one chance. Take your hand off his leg or I’ll do it for you. No guarantees you'll ever be able to use it again if I do.”
The man looks him over with a sneer. Lwj bites down on a sigh. He knows exactly what the man is seeing.

The club guard uniform is an unimpressive black t-shirt and a pair of dark-wash denim jeans. The shirt says security at the back, but there's no way the man could see that.
Coupled with his lean frame, wwx looks no different than the stray college students that wander in from the streets, teeming with excitement and nerves like they're doing something crazy.
"You're security?" The man says in clear disbelief. "I don't buy it. I doubt you could even bench press a toddler; no way they would hire someone like you."

Wwx quirks a brow and looks pointedly at the hand. "You sure you wanna risk it?"
Cw: pain/minor injury

The man meets wwx's eyes with a challenging smirk. Sharp pain jolts along lwj's thigh as the man slides his hand up without removing his nails, leaving deep scratches in his wake.
Lwj hisses and automatically tries to jerk away, but the man holds tight and the motion only results in more pain.

Wwx's eyes flash with rage. He lunges forward and grabs the man's upper arm in a powerful grip.
The man jerks slightly and his grip slackens dramatically, as though he's lost control over his arm.

Lwj's leg tingles with relief as wwx easily removes the hand from his thigh. Wwx uses his hold to drag the man from his seat.
"Get the fuck out," he growls and roughly pushes him towards the door. The man stumbles a few steps, then whirls back to face wwx, scowling furiously.

"What the FUCK?!" He cries, then rushes forward, arm reeled back.
Lwj jerks to his feet, and reaches for wwx in an attempt to pull him out of the way, but he's too slow. He can do nothing but watch in horror as the man swings at wwx, putting his full body weight behind the motion.
//sorry for such a short update and leaving it on a cliff hanger! I’m struggling with writing the next scene since it’s a touch different than what I normally write. I’ll update more tomorrow!
ASDJSL I accidentally broke the thread with the update, Im fixing it now!! I deleted the broken part, sorry to anyone who saw that and got confused!
Cw: minor violence (sorry, I should have warned this sooner!)

Just before the punch makes contact, wwx catches it and uses the momentum to twist the man’s arm behind his back and slam him into the bar top in one smooth motion.
The man grunts in pain and flails against wwx’s hold, shouting every curse word known to man and threatening anything from legal action to violence.
Lwj - along with half the club that has turned to see what all the noise was about - stares in stunned silence as wwx effortlessly pins him down, looking completely unaffected by his struggles.

“Calm down,” Wwx advices, voice laced with anger.
Cw: mild violence

The man shouts something unintelligible and tries to push up against wwx’s hold with all his strength. Wwx easily shoves him back down with a force that makes the glasses on the bar rattle.

The motion draws lwj’s gaze to the bulging muscles in wwxs arms.
More specifically, to the veins popping out with strain. They curl around his bicep and fan out along his forearm.

Lwj wants to trace each of them with his tongue, then dig his teeth into the one trailing up the side of his neck. He wonders what sort of noises —
Lwj abruptly cuts the thought off and forcefully stomps about the heat licking at his lower belly.

Such indecent thoughts have no place in a situation like this. He should be ashamed.
“Are you kidding me?!” The man shouts, breaking through lwj’s thoughts. “All this because I propositioned that uppity prick? He should be thanking me! With that attitude and shitty dancing there’s no way anyone else is interested in him! I was being generous offering to help!”
Wwx throws his head back and laughs, though it holds none of the joyous tones lwj usually hears when it rings through the dressing rooms or across the club.
“Are you kidding *me*?” Wwx asks. “You come into the club, harass and disrespect a dancer, refuse to leave, then take a swing at a security guard, and you think you should be *thanked?*”
Someone should probably step in to properly remove the man and diffuse the situation, but it seems not a single person, lwj included, feels the desire to do anything different than Wwx. In fact, the bartender, Song Lan, looks like he wants to do worse things.
Wwx laughs bitterly. "If you can't recognize that Lan Wangji is a brilliant, elegant, *beautiful* dancer, and think he owes you something just because of his choice of career or clothing, then you're the one that doesn't understand how this industry works."
A few cheers of agreement rise from the surrounding crowd. Lwj ears flush bright red and he hurriedly shifts his hair to cover them.

wwx, finally noticing their audience, hauls the man up and starts forcing him toward the door, speaking louder to be heard over his protests.
"Pole dancing and stripping are beautiful, sensational forms of art," he continues. "Especially when Lan Wangji does it. You clearly are incapable of appreciating that properly or holding basic respect for the performers and the club's rules, so it's time to go."
Wwx carts him to the door with ease, as though he's a toddler throwing a tantrum rather than the full-grown man he is. People jeer at the man as he's dragged by, but lwj hardly hears it over the static in his brain.
Anyone watching may think he's zoning out because of the chaotic situation centered around him. That would be the reasonable reaction. He's had to chase off multiple handsy creeps offering to pay for sex, but never anyone so persistent that it led to violence.
And perhaps it will hit him later but, for now, the image of wwx's muscles flexing while he easily defends lwj from an ignorant pervert runs on a never-ending loop in his head with the soundtrack of his effusive praise in the background.
The crowd roars as wwx tosses the man out on the street and informs him he is permanently banned and he will ensure other local clubs know about him as well.

Wwx turns with a victorious grin and does a silly little bow that draws a few laughs.
Lwj is still buzzing as wwx trots back over to him, several people clapping him on the back for a job well done. As he approaches, the grin on his face slips into a concerned frown.
"Hey, you alright?" He questions softly. Despite being a naturally tactile person, he stops a respectful distance away, likely trying to avoid spooking him any further.

The consideration does not escape lwj's notice and does absolutely nothing to help his internal plight.
"Mn," he croaks in a poor attempt to sound like a lwj not currently undergoing a sexual crisis. Understandably, wwxs expression clouds with doubt.

"Let's get you out of here, okay?" wwx suggests gently. "I'm sure the owner will be fine with you taking the rest of the night off."
Lwj considers it. He's in his highest-earning outfit and still has four hours left in his shift on a busy night, so he'd be giving up a substantial amount of money if he leaves now.
But then again, he doesn't have much need for the money right now and he'd be lying if he said he felt like continuing to entertain guests after everything.
Plus, it would be nice to get home early and relax a little. He's worked the past four nights in a row and it's starting to take a toll on him. It would also give him more time to work through this new, irritating attraction to the annoying guard before his next shift in two days
Having made up his mind, Lwj agrees stiltedly. wwx smiles and gently guides him to the dressing room with a hand hovering near his lower back, not touching, but close enough to feel its warmth on his exposed skin.
Lwj tries not to think about how safe it makes him feel or the mortifying urge to abruptly stop and forcefully close the distance between them just to feel wwx's hand on him, even if only for a second.
Several people shove dollar bills in their path and shower him with compliments and expressions of sympathy. Wwx accepts them all on his behalf with a charismatic grin and words of gratitude.
By the time they reach the door wwx is holding a stack lwj imagines will more than cover the loss he's taking by leaving early.

Lwj pauses to brace himself for the chaos he knows is about to ensue. Wwx chuckles.
"You sure you want to go in there? I can grab your stuff for you," he offers.

Lwj sighs and shakes his head. "It will be fine. They mean well."

Wwx smiles softly. "That is true. I'll try to keep some of the attention off of you okay?"
An unbidden image of wwx surrounded by people in various states of undress, smiling flirtatiously as he recounts his heroics pops into lwj's mind.

"No need," he says curtly. Wwx's eyes widen at the tone, but lwj pushes the door open before he can respond.
The second they step in, the other dancers swarm them. As lwj predicted, Wwx is quickly pulled away by a group of dancers begging for the story and praising him for his actions.

Lwj fights down the ridiculous impulse to grab his hand and yank him back to his side.
He really needs to deal with these inconvenient feelings. Until tonight, he could hardly tolerate wwx. Now, after only a few kind words and an impressive display of strength and morals, he wants him by his side and his side alone? It's deplorable.
His friends and fellow dancers, Lqy and mxy, soon appear to pull him from his thoughts. They gently bully him to a nearby chair. Mxy quickly grabs a first aid kit and gets to work disinfecting and bandaging the scratches on his thigh.
Lwj winces at the sting of the alcohol.

"Hold still," mxy chastises. "We need to get these cleaned up. You should have done this right away."

"I forgot about it," lwj admits, surprised at the truth of the statement. Mxy gives him a sympathetic look.
"We heard what happened. Are you alright?" Lqy asks, forehead scrunched in concern.

"Mn," he reassures, relieved to not have to recount any details. "The situation has been handled. I am going home for the night."
"That's a good idea," she says. "Are you okay going alone? I can take the rest of the night off too if you want company."

"Me too," mxy adds.

Lwj heart warms at the generosity of his friends. Still, he shakes his head.
"I will be fine. He didn't say anything we haven't heard before and Wei Wuxian intervened before things went too far."

Lqy smiles ruefully as she begins to brush out his hair. Tension lwj hadn't realized he was holding drains out at the soothing sensation. He leans into it.
"Yeah, I know what you mean. Those assholes are everywhere." Lwj and mxy nod bitterly. "Wei Wuxian, though. I know you don't like him, but I'm glad he was there."

Lwj hums. "The scratches would have been a lot worse without him. I do not know what else the man would have done."
A chill crawls up his spine at the realization. He has no idea what could've happened if wwx hadn't shown up when he did. Lwj would have pulled the hand off and earned some gnarly cuts, but then what? How far would things have gone before someone else noticed?
Lwj shivers. Almost involuntarily, he searches the mirror in front of him for a glimpse of wwx. A spark of electricity replaces the chill when he catches wwx already watching him.

Wwx notices him looking. 'you good?' he mouths.
Lwj nods, pointedly ignoring the telling heat on the tips of his ears. Wwx beams at him and lwj's heart skips in his chest. The moment is broken by someone calling wwx's name. Wwx winks at him and then turns in their direction.
Lwj shifts his gaze forward and finds lqy giving him a knowing grin. He narrows his eyes in warning. She raises a brow. They stare each other down until lqy relents, though the look on her face suggests this isn't over.
Just as Lwj wipes off the last of his makeup, wwx saunters over to place the stack of money from the sympathetic patrons in front of him. A red scrunchie holds the bills together.

“Here you go,” he chirps. “You about ready to go? I’ll walk you to your car.”
Lwj is confused. There is a valet for the dancers and thus need for such a thing. He opens his mouth to deny, but lqy beats him to it.
“That’s a great idea! I heard the valet left early and who knows if that creep is still lurking out around?!"

"Yeah!" Mxy chips in, ignoring lwj's glare. "And Luo Qingyang and I really need to get out there now!"
Lwj knows for a fact Lqy and mxy have 20 minutes until their shift starts. Before he can say as much, they both hurry off with a hasty, “Sorry Wangji! We’ll text you!”

Wwx passes him the wad of clothes mxy had left for him on the table.

“Well,” he says, grinning widely. “I guess it’s settled then. I’ll meet you by the door when you’re done.”

Left with no other choice, Lwj reluctantly nods his agreement.
He waits until wwx has stepped outside to exchange his white, transparent crop top and shorts for a soft blue t-shirt and a pair of grey joggers.
As he dresses, several dancers approach to offer their sympathy for the night's events. Thankfully, they all know and understand his desire to avoid unfamiliar touches, so no one tries to express their support tacitly. Still, the level of social interaction is draining.
By the time he meets wwx there's a dull ache behind his eyes and he can't wait to be alone, in the peaceful silence of his apartment.

He must be making a face because wwx skips his usual exuberant greeting and gives an understanding smile and takes the bag from his shoulder.
"I got your keys from the front desk. They said it shouldn't be far."

Lwj nods at him gratefully and they quietly make their way to the parking lot. The person wwx spoke with was correct, his car is parked only a short walk from the club and they find it easily.
Wwx peers through the windows and checks for any damage that could have been done in revenge. Lwj finds it highly unnecessary -- how would the guy possibly know which car was his? -- but he appreciates the caution nonetheless.
"Well," wwx declares. "Looks like there are no creepy men hanging around, so I guess my job here is done!"

"Mn." An awkward silence falls between them.

"Is there something else?" Lwj asks when it becomes clear wwx isn't planning to leave.
wwx chuckles nervously and scratches at the back of his head.

"Uh yeah, I mean I was gonna watch you drive off, just to be extra sure, you know?"

"Ah," lwj says and puts his hand out expectantly. Wwx gives him a confused look and hesitantly grabs it.
Lwj quickly tugs his hand back, a blush rising to his cheeks.

"My bag," he clarifies.

"Oh!" wwx startles and quickly hands it to him. "Right, my bad. Of course you don't want to -- yeah, uh sorry about that."
Against all reason, lwj finds the flustered reaction cute. A small smile tugs at the corners of his lips. He stamps it down before wwx notices.

"No need," he says and places the bag in his backseat.
Wwx watches him, chewing on his bottom lip in apparent thought. Lwj really needs to get out of here before he does something foolish, like offer to take over the job of biting his lip.

"Listen," wwx says. Lwj pauses in opening the driver's door.
"I'm sorry about earlier. I know you can handle these things yourself, but I overheard him while I was making my rounds and when you didn't immediately pull away from his hand, I knew something was wrong and I just lost it, I guess."
Lwj swallows down the silly feelings that arise at the thought of wwx 'losing it' over him. Wwx is protective over all the dancers, as his job. The statement means nothing. He releases the handle to face him.
"There is no need to apologize. I admit things had gotten... out of hand. I am grateful for your well-timed intervention."

Wwx exhales in relief. "Yeah, no problem. I mean, I was doing my job. I'm just glad you aren't mad! I thought for sure you'd hate me even more!"
Lwj brows furrow. "I do not hate you."

Wwx's laughs. "Aiyah, there's no need to spare my feelings, Lan Zhan. I know you can't stand me, it's fine! I know I'm not for everyone."

"You are... a lot and sometimes that overwhelms me," he admits. "But I do not hate you."
Lwj is surprised at the truth behind his own words. Since Wwx had started, he had felt consistently irritated by his presence. Wwx is shameless, loud, frivolous and annoying, but tonight has brought out the more positive qualities lwj has been overlooking.
He is kind, protective, humorous and outgoing in a way that puts even the most nervous dancers at ease. And lwj can certainly no longer deny the man's attractiveness.

He had thought, before, that he disliked wwx, but he now realizes that was never the case.
A pretty boy with a nice smile protected him against creepy men, watched him dance with heated eyes, threw an arm around his shoulders in greeting, and flirted with him shamelessly? Then turned around and did the same to others?
It seems only natural lwj gay panicked himself into false hatred.

"Oh," wwx breathes. Lwj feels just as off-balanced as wwx sounds. They stare at each other quietly, both lost in their own thoughts.

Wwx clears his throat and glances away, effectively breaking the moment.
"Haha, I should, uh, I should probably get back in there soon. Wen Qing will have my head if I leave her to watch the floor by herself much longer."

Lwj collects his thoughts and shoves them in a box to deal with when he is far, far away from the eyes of others.
"Mn," he pulls open the car door, then pauses. "Thank you again, Wei Ying."

Wwx blinks at him with wide eyes, cheeks flushing. Lwj tilts his head in question.

"Ah! That's just the first time you've called me that, I think. It surprised me is all," he chuckles.
"There's no need for thanks though! It's my job after all."

Lwj's stomach twists with unreasonable disappointment at the reminder. Unaware, wwx steps back and flashes a grin.

"You're off tomorrow right? And I'm off on Monday, so.. see you Tuesday?"
"Mn. Tuesday," lwj echos and finally slides into the car. He wastes no time leaving the parking lot after that.

And if he watches wwx in the mirror for as long as he can, and notices him watching back, well. That's no one's business but their own.
//I may try to write a bit more tonight, but I'm not sure, so I just want to say now: sorry for taking so long with this update! My brain did not want to work with me the past few days, unfortunately.

Thank you all for reading! Just a bit more to go now 🥰

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More from @court_on_fire

Apr 28, 2023
Lwj blinks at the computer screen of the person sitting in front of him in class.

Surely… Surely it’s not this easy.

In large font across the top of the page is, “Caring for Wei Wuxian’s Demon”

This is… a list of instructions to manage his crush’s inner demons?
For the first time in his life, Lwj completely tunes out the professor and focuses all his attention on the list. It is, admittedly, a bit odd, but fitting for wwx’s personality. As discreetly as possible, he slips his phone from his pocket and snaps a picture of the list.
There are 10 instructions on this list so far. Some of the items are rather… strange, but well, so is wwx, if he's being entirely honest.
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Feb 2, 2023
Thinking about N*etflix password sharing ban and exes wangxian. Wwx has been leaching off of lwj’s account since before they were even together and just… never stopped using it. And lwj has to know at this point and he’s never told wwx to fuck off so he assumes it’s FINE.
When wwx finds out the reason he suddenly can’t login anymore ISNT bc lwj has finally changed the password, he sighs the most complicated sigh of his life. It’s one part relief bc thank god lwj isn’t the one to shut off even this connection between them and 12 parts dread bc now
he has to get his OWN overpriced account. He can technically afford it now that he isn’t a broke ass grad student, but its the PRINCIPLE of the thing.

And that is the ONLY reason he texts lwj, who he is 100004638% over and absolutely does not think about every 10 minutes,
Read 25 tweets
Dec 15, 2022
“Lan Zhan…” wwx whispers into the darkness of their shared dorm room.

Lwj rolls onto his side, facing wwx’s bed. “Hm?”

Hesitant silence lingers for a moment, then, “would you miss me?”

Lwj turns the words over in his mind, struggling to understand.

“Miss you?”
CW: wwx is not in a good place here. He has no suicidal intentions but I think this qualifies as suicide ideation. It’s mild hurt/comfort.
Please proceed with caution.
Sheets rustle as wwx shifts.

“Yeah… just… if I was gone forever, for some reason.” Wwx inhales shakily. The sound is alarmingly wet, like he’s been crying. “Would you miss me?”

He says ‘would you miss me?’ But Lwj hears the uncertainty.
Read 26 tweets
Dec 14, 2022
“Lan Zhan,” wwx murmurs weakly. “This.. this is it. Im really dying.”

lwj doesnt respond.

Well, he never was good with words anyway, wwx excuses. He inhales what little oxygen he can manage pours all his remaining energy into turning to face him.

“Try not to be too sad, okay?”
“We all knew this day was coming, it’s just a bit sooner than expected.”

A few feet a way, lwj’s hands curl into fists.

“Wei Ying,” he warns. Wwx smiles softly.

“We haven’t always gotten along —“ a series of dry coughs interrupts his words. When he can finally breath again,
He tries again. “We haven’t always gotten along, but always did love hearing my name on your lips, Lan Zhan.”

Lwj finally whirls towards him. “Wei Ying —“

“Shhh,” wwx soothes hoarsely. “There’s no time for ‘thank you’ or ‘I’m sorry’. Let me say a few more things. Okay?”
Read 33 tweets
Nov 6, 2022
A little foxxian and dragonji for @Fae_HuliJing's birthday!

Lan Wangji's tail swishes with anticipation as he watches the door from behind the register.

Any minute now, his cozy, peaceful cafe/bookstore will be filled with all the chaos a Hulijing has to offer.

He can't wait.
The customers have long since been chased away by the small snowstorm outside, leaving the cafe in comfortable silence.

In the center of the room, surrounded by large chairs, a fire crackles eagerly, offering its heat and warm, flickering light to the space.
Outside, snow drifts lazily to the ground. For now, it lays pristine and undisturbed, but it's nearly 7pm, which means any second now --

Bright laughter floats in from outside, as though carried in by a wayward snowflake. Lwj sits up straighter.
Read 69 tweets
Nov 4, 2022
Wei Ying and Lan Zhan are going on vacation together and Wy is finally going to make his move. He’s got a plan that will blow lz’s mind so hard he might give wy a chance.

Then he checks into the hotel room the day before lz arrives and finds TWO beds.
Wei Ying is going to pass out and/or die of stress. This hotel is well-rated for its customer service and yet –

“What do you mean you moved me to a room with two beds?!”
Wy intentionally booked a single room and arrived a day earlier than Lz specifically so he could recreate the “Oh no! There’s only one bed!” trope and convince his best friend to sleep with him. Just sleep! Though, he wouldn’t be opposed if lz wanted the other meaning –
Read 170 tweets

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