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🌸 MDZS, Good Omens & OFMD | 26 | NSFW | All dynamics | Tumblr & bsky: courtonfire 🌸
Lomawwxlwj 🇱🇦 🐶🐱🍊🏔️💚❤️🐰🦁 Profile picture Katherine Ingrid Santa Cruz Profile picture 3 subscribed
Apr 28, 2023 39 tweets 6 min read
Lwj blinks at the computer screen of the person sitting in front of him in class.

Surely… Surely it’s not this easy.

In large font across the top of the page is, “Caring for Wei Wuxian’s Demon”

This is… a list of instructions to manage his crush’s inner demons? For the first time in his life, Lwj completely tunes out the professor and focuses all his attention on the list. It is, admittedly, a bit odd, but fitting for wwx’s personality. As discreetly as possible, he slips his phone from his pocket and snaps a picture of the list.
Feb 2, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
Thinking about N*etflix password sharing ban and exes wangxian. Wwx has been leaching off of lwj’s account since before they were even together and just… never stopped using it. And lwj has to know at this point and he’s never told wwx to fuck off so he assumes it’s FINE. When wwx finds out the reason he suddenly can’t login anymore ISNT bc lwj has finally changed the password, he sighs the most complicated sigh of his life. It’s one part relief bc thank god lwj isn’t the one to shut off even this connection between them and 12 parts dread bc now
Dec 15, 2022 26 tweets 5 min read
“Lan Zhan…” wwx whispers into the darkness of their shared dorm room.

Lwj rolls onto his side, facing wwx’s bed. “Hm?”

Hesitant silence lingers for a moment, then, “would you miss me?”

Lwj turns the words over in his mind, struggling to understand.

“Miss you?” CW: wwx is not in a good place here. He has no suicidal intentions but I think this qualifies as suicide ideation. It’s mild hurt/comfort.
Please proceed with caution.
Dec 14, 2022 33 tweets 6 min read
“Lan Zhan,” wwx murmurs weakly. “This.. this is it. Im really dying.”

lwj doesnt respond.

Well, he never was good with words anyway, wwx excuses. He inhales what little oxygen he can manage pours all his remaining energy into turning to face him.

“Try not to be too sad, okay?” “We all knew this day was coming, it’s just a bit sooner than expected.”

A few feet a way, lwj’s hands curl into fists.

“Wei Ying,” he warns. Wwx smiles softly.

“We haven’t always gotten along —“ a series of dry coughs interrupts his words. When he can finally breath again,
Nov 6, 2022 69 tweets 12 min read
A little foxxian and dragonji for @Fae_HuliJing's birthday!

Lan Wangji's tail swishes with anticipation as he watches the door from behind the register.

Any minute now, his cozy, peaceful cafe/bookstore will be filled with all the chaos a Hulijing has to offer.

He can't wait. The customers have long since been chased away by the small snowstorm outside, leaving the cafe in comfortable silence.

In the center of the room, surrounded by large chairs, a fire crackles eagerly, offering its heat and warm, flickering light to the space.
Nov 4, 2022 170 tweets 28 min read
Wei Ying and Lan Zhan are going on vacation together and Wy is finally going to make his move. He’s got a plan that will blow lz’s mind so hard he might give wy a chance.

Then he checks into the hotel room the day before lz arrives and finds TWO beds. Wei Ying is going to pass out and/or die of stress. This hotel is well-rated for its customer service and yet –

“What do you mean you moved me to a room with two beds?!”
Oct 28, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Lan Zhan is gone on a week long business trip and Wei Ying is… fine, actually.

There was a time when he would have moped and mourned dramatically.

A time when, w/o lz’s light, he would have let the shadows creep around him and drag him into their darkness.

But not this time. This time, he has learned to keep some of that light - and some of his own - in his heart and in his mind.

This time, he knows how to keep the darkness at a safer distance - still hovering nearby, but no longer consuming him.
Oct 26, 2022 111 tweets 19 min read

Lan Wangji has found himself in a… predicament, to say the least. The timeline goes like this:

5:07pm: Bunbun knocks her favorite ball under the bed.

5:08pm: lwj attempts to crawl under the bed to get said ball

5:10pm: lwj realizes he’s stuck. // will be NSFW with bottomji 🫡 mild CNC but wwx checks in with him regularly
Oct 21, 2022 21 tweets 4 min read
I don't have time to write it, but I can't stop thinking about streamers Lwj and Wwx who both have a cooking show, but only one can actually cook.

Wwx's process is as disastrous as the end result, while lwj is elegant and makes amazing food.

Naturally, they do a collab video. It goes about as well as any of their fans could have expected. Wwx is a mess, both literally and metaphorically. lwj's fans finally get to see his stony exterior break when wwx 'mistakes' cayenne pepper for cinnamon and promptly dumps it into the frosting for the cupcakes.
Aug 26, 2022 84 tweets 14 min read
Uni student Lwj has poor eyesight and needs his glasses to properly see.

One day, in a rush, he collides with another student and his glasses fall off. The student helps him up and finds his glasses, but runs off before lwj can see him.

In that short time, lwj falls in love. It should have been impossible, but he was hopelessly charmed by the person's rambling as they scrambled to pick up the fallen items. They even diligently checked on lwj's glasses, which had thankfully fallen in the grass and not on the concrete for damage before giving them back
Aug 18, 2022 160 tweets 27 min read

Secretary Wei Wuxian's boss, CEO Lan Wangji, is a total ass. So he doesn't feel even the slightest bit of guilt when he loses a bet to nhs and has to shove a remote-controlled vibrating plug up his ass and wear it at work for at least half a day. Nhs is left in charge of the remote and he has already proved himself to be a merciless overlord. Wwx spent the entirety of his 7 fucking am bus ride to work in alternating states of pleasure, humiliation, and general misery as nhs explored the full range of the plugs settings.
Jul 30, 2022 166 tweets 28 min read
Florist Wei Wuxian opens a shop next door to a tattoo and piercing parlor owned by Lan Wangji

When they meet wwx takes in lwjs multiple facial piercings, the stunning sleeve of baby blue clouds wrapping around bulging muscles, gorgeous eyes and suddenly decides he needs a tattoo A tattoo from lwj specifically. He's grateful he had been considering getting one for some time now as he stumbles through an explanation of a floral pattern he wants along his collar bone.
Jul 20, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
Despite the ads on p*rnhub's promises, Wei Wuxian is having extreme difficulty finding hot dilfs in his area online. All the profiles are either bots or scam accounts.

So, he naturally decides to design a shirt that says "Searching for hot DILF" and take a walk around town. Lwj, who has taken his nephew to the playground at the park so his brother can have some much-needed alone time with his husband, spots wwx walking by and immediately thinks: Opprotunity™️.
Jul 4, 2022 110 tweets 18 min read

Stripper Lan Wangji and bodyguard Wei Wuxian

Wwx’s job is to make sure no one harasses or gets too handsy with the dancers and he takes it very seriously – especially when lwj is involved. All the dancers have a signal to send him when they need help if wwx doesn’t register the situation first.

Lwj has never had to use it.
Jun 21, 2022 53 tweets 9 min read
Wei Ying has a habit of kissing his best friend’s cheek all the time.

His friend, Lan Zhan, who has been in love with him for years, is steadily dying inside, but has absolutely no intentions of stopping it.

Apparently he doesn’t have to, because one day, wy stops on his own. It has been a couple days since they had seen each other, which usually means Lz gets *double* cheek kisses. But this time, he gets none.

Lz is at a loss. Wy is acting normal otherwise. He doesn’t seem angry or upset or out of it - nothing to suggest a cause for this change.
Jun 20, 2022 40 tweets 7 min read
Wei Wuxian is 100% one of those conference speakers that unapologetically and repeatedly goes over the allotted time for his talk.

And Lan Wangji has the great displeasure of being scheduled to speak after him at almost every conference they both attend. Lwj, the petty bitch he is, starts calling the remaining time in more frequent intervals than the organizer.

Organizer: “5 minutes remaining.”
Lwj:…. 4 minutes and 30 seconds remaining.
This continues with wwx gets increasingly agitated each time.

Lwj: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 -
Jun 14, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
PLEASE imagine modern Wei Wuxian, an absolute genius with computers - when it comes to things like Artificial intel. , cyb3r security, etc.

However, when it comes to basic things, like putting his slides on a screen for a presentation at a conference? Absolute no go. Luckily he has very tired and mildly confused IT specialist, Lan wangji to help him out!

This is…technically not in his job description. He does much higher level support on the network and such. Not helping a supposedly tech savvy man reset his forgotten password 2x a week.
Jun 5, 2022 278 tweets >60 min read
Wei Wuxian is not entirely sure how, but he has found himself reading gay erotica (very, very *graphic* gay erotica) on a redeye flight next to a refined looking man, who, in turn, is focused on an equally refined book of poetry pertaining to morality. Cw: This will be NSFW with public/semi public sex.
Jun 1, 2022 38 tweets 6 min read
First year high school student, Lan Wangji's, uncle and head of the academy assigns him the harrowing task of keeping an eye on notorious trouble maker wwx (also a first year and already in near daily detentions).

By the end of the first semester, Lwj is in love. An entire semester of trailing after the beautiful, infuriating, *shameless* boy to ensure he’s not breaking the rules, then overseeing his near daily detensions when he inevitably does? Lwj didn’t stand a chance. Wwx burst through his walls like they were made of wet paper.
May 30, 2022 24 tweets 4 min read
Thinking about Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji going on a date to a night market.

Wwx drags lwj to try every spicy street food vendor and help him rate the spice level from 0-10 for his blog. It is terribly inefficient bc lwj gives everything a 10+, but wwx appreciates the indulgence. To make up for the destruction of lwj's taste buds, wwx also buys him heaps of boba, sweet waffles and every other sweet, mouth soothing food he can find.
Mar 10, 2022 143 tweets 21 min read
🧋Modern university bffs Wangxian share 1 class this semester. WY is always late because he *has* to get bubble tea (He needs the sugar to get thru the rest of the day lz!) and never remembers to place a pick up order before he leaves so he always has to wait in a super long line Then, one day, he walks into the shop with his usual loud greeting and the employee behind the register immediately abandons his post to thrust a drink at him.

“Here’s your pick up order.”