November 13th 2020 Johnson was caught drinking at an event during a Covid lockdown
1 person who attended was fined but not Johnson.
Asked in Parliament by Labour MP if #Partygate happened
Johnson said "no"I'm sure...all rules were followed". #MorningJoe
Ruled unlawful by Supreme Court, he suspended Parliament, after his attempts to push through a Brexit deal faltered ahead of his own deadline of October 31st 2019.
After two failed attempts to get MPs to vote for a general election, he promised to "Get Brexit Done".
He was returned to power with the biggest Conservative majority since Margaret Thatcher's 1980s heyday.
His Brexit deal was approved and on January 31st 2020 the UK left the EU.
@LeaderMcConnell in 2019, “I don’t think reparations for something that happened 150 years ago for whom none of us currently living are responsible is a good idea.”
In the United States, reparations to SLAVE OWNERS were paid at height of the Civil War.
On April 16, 1862, Lincoln signed “Act for Release of certain Persons held to Service or Labor within the District of Columbia” into law.
It gave former slave owners $300 per enslaved person set free
It incentive former enslaved to leave U.S. for $100.
Haitian Independence Debt saddled Haiti with reparation payments to former slave owners in France
In 1825, King Charles X decreed that he would recognize independence For 150 million francs
More than 10 years of the Haitian government’s entire revenue.
In Fayetteville NC According to Rick and Maria Iwanski, their granddaughter, Jada Johnson, 22, was in the midst of a severe mental crisis when she was shot seven times by the police
AFTER they called an ambulance to help & police arrived first.
Her boyfriend had people driving by their house harassing her but police said they were called for a break in
They wanted to arrest her for making a false police report.
She became agitated, but agreed to go to the hospital but didn't trust the cops to escort her.
Rick Iwanski took an officer into another room to explain Johnson's condition and recent hospitalization.
"I told him that this isn't a normal situation,. "This is a mental health issue here. ...
He's the guy that became the shooter. He's the guy that killed her that one."
Trump supporter #RayRoseberry is threatening to blow up his truck on Capitol Hill near the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court. Capitol Police are negotiating. He was livestreaming it on Facebook till his profile was taken down
The last post Ray Roseberry shared on his Facebook page before he started live streaming his #libraryofcongress bomb threat, was a video post from @DonaldJTrumpJr stirring up his supporters against Biden.
He has a criminal history & is threatening to blow himself up with propane. His truck is filled with US coins in multiple bags.
He says bomb was built by a military vet & he is 1of 5 "southern Patriots" already in the area & he's just the beginning.
A white neighbor Michael Frederick Jr. who shot at a Black family’s Michigan home, slashed tires on a vehicle and wrote racist graffiti on a truck, told a judge Monday that he did it because of a Black Lives Matter sign in the window. #MorningJoe
Frederick said during his sentencing in Macomb County Circuit Court “I targeted these people because I didn’t like their political sign that they had in the window,” he said. “I think you guys are some great people and didn’t deserve this at all.”
Frederick pleaded guilty to 3 counts of ethnic intimidation, 2 counts of discharging a handgun at a building, felony firearm & malicious destruction of property.
Shots were fired at the Halls’ home, a swastika painted on 1 of their cars, tires slashed & front window smashed.