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Jul 7, 2022 97 tweets 23 min read Read on X
the boy from busan - yoonmin au

the five times yoongi, a personal chef who found himself taking care of a beach shack, tried to get a regular customer’s number, and the one time he gets it.

#ymfest22_d4 #yoonminfest ImageImageImageImage
🌊 personal chef! yoongi
🌊 5+1 stuff
🌊 mutual pining
🌊 fluff
🌊 food
🌊 inspired by the girl from ipanema cover by bibi
🌊 #yoonminfest #yoonminau
1. how things started (socmed aus r vv hard, kneeling for every writer 🧎) ImageImageImageImage
2. meanwhile in busan ImageImage
3. delusional (good morning theres interactions here what if i cry hello people hope u’re having/have a great day ImageImageImage
4. rude and annoying and cruel and spiteful Image
5. boyfriendless ImageImageImage
- 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊
Yoongi rings the bell and texts Eunseo to warn her that he’s arrived. Soon enough, the older lady shows up, smile widening.

Although there are grey strands on her hair, wrinkles making themselves known and her tired eyes, Eunseo looks just like the same his teenager self met.
“Yoongi yah, hello darling. How was your trip? You should have let me cover up the expenses” She hobbles slightly, so Yoongi extends her his arm for support, entering the house.
It’s a small house with a small garden, white walls, and a dark wooden floor.

“Hi, don’t worry I’m fine, thank you. I’ve told you, I often move around for work, it's alright,” he takes them to the kitchen, as asked by Eunseo, leaving his luggage in the hallway.
Dark cyan kitchen cabinets reflect on the white marble, knives and pots hanging on top of the stove. There’s a comfortable and homey ambiance to it that Yoongi appreciates.
“So, Eunseo ssi. About the meals, I’ll need you to write down the ingredients or meals you like and don’t like, and anything else that you feel like I should know. Since I’m staying with you, I’ll make them at the moment.
“The fees you’re paying already cover ingredient prices, so you don't need to worry about that either.” Yoongi mumbles, a routine he has engraved into his mind.

Eunseo lets out a shallow giggle, waving her hand as she takes a seat.
“Look at you all serious and grown-up, going straight to business. You do your stuff, dear. You’re already helping me a lot. To be quite honest, having somebody take care of the shack was more important.”

Yoongi isn’t surprised. He’d feel the same way.
“About the shack, what do you need me to do?”

“It's nothing much, seriously. What I sell more there are snacks like sandwiches and hot dogs, drinks, milkshakes and slushies but especially ice cream, during this time of the year.
“I usually open it around a quarter past seven in the morning, but for you around eight it’s fine.”

Yoongi nods. It doesn’t sound like it’ll be difficult. “Alright, then Monday I’ll go there. Tomorrow I’ll pass by the supermarket to get everything I need then.”
“I’ll give you money,” before Yoongi is able to intercept the lady, she is already talking again, “It’ll be too much if you pay. You can take my car, too”

He smiles. “Alright, thank you Eunseo ssi. I’ll try to help you around as much I can.”
“You used to call me Aunty, go back to that!”
6. sunday - hello i was going to start updating one hour ago but then kim taehyung happened and i gotta have priorities Image
7. he is so cute and beautiful and i have a new playlist and lots of pictures
anyway back to the au 😁 Image
8. monday @ 6am - also should i try to use timestamps? i feel like everybody ignores those or perhaps i’m just projecting Image
9. monday @ 8am Image
10. cute man - btw ill say it in my dn when i update my fics and ill leave it there for more so 6 to 7 hours 😁 sorry for the blabbering 🤸 Image
11. simping Image
- 🌊🌊🌊🌊
When Jimin gets there, the man is fumbling with himself, covertly checking his appearance in the door’s mirror.

Jimin makes sure to give the man a bright smile. “Good morning. Are you the one opening the shack today?”
He knows the question is silly since the person had already unlocked the place, but he wants to look sweet and respectful to the pretty man.
The stranger strains his eyes to the establishment and answers. “Uh, yes,” he scratches his head, ruffling his hair. “If you give me a minute, I’ll take your order quickly.”

The man opens the door and fastly closes it, not leaving Jimin time to answer.
12. heavy statements Image
13. changing tactics ImageImageImage
14. anxious boy Image
- 🌊🌊🌊🌊

Jimin hums as he sees the man approach his seat. He straightens his back as he rests his head on his palm, elbow supported on the table.

He looks up to him, as he starts. “So, you’ll be the one taking care of the shack from now on?”
Jimin tries not to smile widely when the man startles visibly at his words. He looks at Jimin blankly for a while before answering. “No, no. It’s a temporary thing.”
He maintains his gaze on the man, to keep him talking.

The stranger leaves the plate in front of him as he continues. “I’m just doing the owner a favor, while she can't do it herself.”
Jimin wiggles on his seat, happy. “I guess we’ll be seeing each other more then! This is where I eat after surfing,” he says, pointing at the beach. “I’m Jimin, by the way.”

He looks at the man, expectantly.
It takes him a moment to understand what Jimin wants. The man smiles shortly.

“Yoongi.” He mutters.
15. pretty names ImageImage
16. efforts - hello once again hope we’re all alright there are in fact people reading so i feel less lonely blabbering here. do tell me your thoughts if any :D ImageImageImage
17. thee boy - also i’ll divide the update in two, otherwise it’ll be too big!! i’ll be here again tomorrow probably 🫣 Image
18. i also would join the simp side for park jimin actually that might be the realest thing of this au ImageImageImageImage
19. next morning ImageImageImage
20. i - just a man (i have very strong feelings for mofy duck jimin actually) ImageImage
21. reverse Image
- 🌊🌊🌊🌊
While Yoongi leaves Jimin’s order in front of him, he feels over conscious of the small bouquet of sunflowers behind him.

He had been lucky to arrive before the younger and prevented having to talk on the spot.
However, it’s been around eight minutes since the younger one arrived and made his order and Yoongi still wasn’t able to bring himself to speak about the flowers.

He may have taken too long, because Jimin is soon speaking about the new presence.
“Yoongi ssi, you got flowers?”

“Yeah,” Yoongi clears his throat. “Do you like them?”

Jimin smiled apologetically while nodding. “I do, but I need to keep my distance from them.” He taps his nose. “I’m allergic to them. I think whoever you got them to will love them, though.”
“Oh. They’re not mine, though. Just doing someone a favor,” he says, turning to the flowers. “Do you need me to put them farther away?”

“No, don't worry. I’m peachy.”

Yoongi nods.
That afternoon, he takes back the flowers to Eunseo, feeling glad the older lady enjoys them and that no disaster was caused. The yellow card with his number ends up in the trash can.

He should stick to one plan, after all.
22. ii - anyway Image
23. (next day) iii - people ImageImageImage
24. iv - noodles ImageImageImage
25. on the other side Image
- 🌊🌊🌊🌊
When Yoongi arrives to open the shack the next morning, Jimin is already there, smile beaming. He’s wearing a T-shirt this time, gladly, but his still wet hair is pushed back, showing his whole face and forehead, which makes Yoongi feels a little dizzy.

Yoongi rushes to the man.
“When I said that yesterday, I really meant treating you to some food since carbs are good for you. I didn’t know there could have been another meaning!” Despite his burning cheeks, Yoongi makes sure to clean his name.

Jimin blushes slightly.
“Good morning, Yoongi ssi. I guessed so, since it didn’t fit the conversation. Don't worry. I appreciated the real intention behind it!” He says brightly.

“I’m still sorry. And good morning,” he says pouting. He opens up the shack.
“Today the weather is a little bit chilly, so I think you won't have many customers like the other day. I hope you don’t feel tired."

“I feel okay, thank you. You’re still here, despite the chilly weather Jimin ssi.” he stops, thinking about his choice of words.
“Not that I don’t want you here or that you can’t be here, I was just wondering why, you know?” He waves his hands around as if the gestures would help him clear himself.

Jimin giggles.
He’s sitting at the countertop, like the other days. It seems he gave up on sitting at the tables further away. “I know, don't worry. Around sunrise, it’s the best time to surf and I completely forget about the weather then!”

“Huh, you must like surfing a lot then?”
“Yeah. I can show you how when you’re free if you’d like.”

Yoongi smiles, “Yeah, that would be great.” he looks at his hands, his fingers prodding into his nails. “Actually, Jimin ssi, I was wondering-”
Before he can keep on, a soft meow accompanied by a thud on the countertop where Jimin is leaning interrupts him.

The cat meows once again, paws stretching to Yoongi. “Oh! A cat!”
“Jimin ssi, this is Sugar. It’s a stray I’ve been feeding and apparently, she got attached to me,” he scratches behind the cat’s ear making her softly purr. “Say hi to Jimin, pretty.” She doesn't budge, busy receiving her caresses.
“Hello dear.” He smiles at Yoongi’s carefulness with the cat. “Heh, look at her, all happy!” Jimin comments.

Yoongi laughs softly. “Let me feed her real quick.” He picks up the cat from the countertop and leaves to the back.
Yoongi crouches down next to the cat, leaving the small plate at his feet, and keeps on patting her back as she starts eating. He sighs quietly at the cat’s timing.

It did bite him in the ass, after all.
26. v - gentle Image
- 🌊🌊🌊🌊
When Yoongi wakes up, the weather is sunny and fresh. It’s a Sunday, which means Yoongi will only open the shack in the afternoon. However, that also means he won’t see Jimin until the next day which makes Yoongi feel unfortunate.
Still, he needs to get ready, as he’ll need to go to the supermarket to restock. The afternoons have been hotter each day. As a result, the beach has been full, affecting the number of clients at the shack.
Eunseo wasn’t understating when she mentioned the large orders of ice cream. Yoongi has never bought as much ice as he did in the passing week.
Yoongi already has a routine: enter the store, visit the same four aisles and greet the cashier. When he gets to the shack, he should first prepare the ice cream (disregarding the times he got distracted by a surfer) right after making sure the machine it’s clean.
Only then he should start to attend, as he is readier. And like that, while Yoongi eases through the establishment, the time passes quickly.

Sunday would go just the same. There’s a steady inflow of people that makes him stretch the hours.
Despite that, there’s a slow decrease in the ice cream machine’s speed until it stops altogether. Although a couple of customers come, it wasn’t a significant number given the time, which allows him to stop and close.
He texts Eunseo asking whether the machine shuts down frequently. Eunseo answers almost immediately, telling him that it’s unusual and she’ll send someone to see it.
She asks him to wait there and look over it.
While he waits, he sits on a stool, puts on his earphones and turns on his playlist.
Shortly, the guitar and piano fill his ears along with the singer’s voice. He lays his head on the countertop and closes his eyes, taking in the beach breeze.
Yoongi startles when he feels two beats on the wood, just as the singer reaches the chorus. He looks up to find Jimin sitting right in front of him, mirroring his own position, with his chin supported on his joined hands and an amusing smile plastered on his face.
Jimin plucks one of the earphones out and says, “Hi, Yoongi ssi.” Yoongi hates when people take his stuff without permission but as Jimin’s voice joins the singer’s, he doesn’t mind at all.

“Hello,” he remembers the time. “It’s late…What are you doing here?”
“Just went for a stroll along the beach since the weather is so nice. But I wasn’t expecting to see you here,” he stresses on the word. “Shouldn’t you have closed at this hour?”
Yoongi hums. “I’ve closed already but one of the machines broke down,” he points at the back with his thumb. “I’m waiting for the mechanic.”

Jimin’s face lights up with understanding, as he sits up straight. “Should I keep you company then?”
“Oh, don’t let me hold you. Not that I wouldn’t like your company, I would, it’s just-”

“Then if you don’t mind, it’s settled!”
Yoongi doesn’t argue. Jimin puts his elbows on the countertop and holds his head with his hands, making his cheeks puff out. “Also, doesn’t music that loud hurt your ears? I called you three times and you didn’t even notice when I sat down!”
Yoongi looks away. “It isn’t as detailed.” He’s aware he’s pouting, but he feels giddy acting cute to Jimin. The other smiles at him.

“What were you listening to?”

“A Bossa Nova cover, he looks tentatively at Jimin. “Do you wanna listen?”
Jimin nods vigorously so Yoongi passes him one of the earphones but before he can play somebody enters his camp of vision.

“Excuse me, is Min Yoongi here?”

He gets up quickly, mouthing a 'sorry' at Jimin before he attends to the mechanic.
“Yeah, it’s here. Can you go around? There’s a door in the back. It should be open.”

When he looks back at Jimin, the other is already getting up. “Jimin ssi,” he says, louder than he expected, making Jimin jump, confused.

Yoongi clears his throat and bites his lip. “Can I have your number? So I can text you the song and all.”

Jimin blinks before he grins widely.
It’s the biggest one Yoongi saw until now and Jimin looks effortlessly beautiful, hair faintly dancing with the wind and eyes extended into thin lines.

“Yea. I’d love that.”
27. +1 - number 🥳 ImageImage
28. pretty cute ImageImage
During the next week, Jimin would be the first client to arrive and the last one to leave, bodies close, hands occasionally rasping into Yoongi’s.
Sometimes they’d walk along the beach, enjoying the sea wind and others they’d seat on the sand and watch the sunset, pinkies touching.
Eunseo does him a favour and doesn’t mention anything when Yoongi leaves the house for late-night walks and returns smiling and giddy like a teenager, and, for that, he’s grateful.
When Eunseo leaves Yoongi at the train station, back at her feet, she hugs him strongly and thanks him for the help. Yoongi goes back to Seoul with a new number on his mobile phone and a date scheduled for when Jimin comes back.
- 🌊 the end
n it's done 👯 thank you all so much for reading!! i was meant to finish this yesterday but i was too busy dying a little. still, i hope it was a nice read heh

(disclaimer: i SWEAR, i know how to write paid and intentions, like 🥲 n e way)

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Oct 5, 2022
a #yoonmin au- “boo!”

yoongi prepared a horror movie marathon for him and his date, jimin, a horror writer, unknowing of the fact that jimin is shit-scared, terrified of them. ImageImageImageImage
1. hello hi welcome to another silly thing. *offers a hug* hope we’re alright. i need to go to bed in like ten to twenty but i’d like to get the first part posted so here we go. ImageImage
2. date Image
Read 52 tweets
Aug 2, 2022
a #yoonmin au

jimin gets recommended a doctor to help him ease out all the office tension. after an embarrassing moment, he’s not so sure if he wants to attend his reserved sessions anymore. ImageImage
• tomorrow
• crack
• super light and short (won't pass 15 tweets I think)
•inspired by a random video I saw :D
2. hihi hope everyone is alright <3 this will be a very bad humor with narration on texts very quick!! tell me things and enjoy!! 🤲 back to the fishes (can we appreciate my editing skills heh) ImageImageImage
Read 24 tweets
Jul 29, 2022
yoonmin au

min yoongi and park jimin publish manhwas together. for convenience, they live together.

then, yoongi gets offered a collaboration with another artist, and apparently, also has plans to move out.
#yoonminfest #ymfest22_d19
#yoonminau ImageImage
✍️ mutual pining
✍️ lack of communication
✍️ living together for ‘convenience
✍️ tiny hurt lots of comfort
additional tags: light angst? happy ending?

any type of interaction is strongly welcomed, tell me things :D

now lets roll owo
Read 221 tweets
Jul 27, 2022
#ymfest22_d17 #yoonminfest
"So, are you free today?" Jimin says as he dodges another punch.

"Not this again, Park," Yoongi grunts, blushing. "I'm trying to beat you up"

Jimin skips another hit.

"Ok, but what about a date instead?" Jimin grins. "I know a great place near here!"
"Can you focus?!" Yoongi shouts.

It's been exactly two days since Jimin was able to take off Yoongi's mask during one of the raven-haired's interceptions.

Ever since he has been set on taking the pretty man out, despite him working for his enemy.
"I am focused, Yoongi!" he jumps back, avoiding a kick. "Going on a date with you is a serious matter."

"I regret telling you my name," the other bemoans.

"What! Nonsense. In fact, you should tell me more!"
Read 23 tweets
Jul 22, 2022
notifications - yoonmin au

min yoongi hates park jimin. he really, really hates him. meanwhile, park jimin is just a terrible texter with his notifications off.

#ymfest22_d15 #yoonminfest #yoonminau ImageImageImageImage
• crack mostly
• one sided “hate”
• fools in love actually
• very light and prob short
• basketball captain!myg and student council vice-president!pjm
• non-factual and unserious college life
1. jimin texting habita are just plain self-projection henlo Image
Read 89 tweets
Jul 12, 2022
apartment 127 - yoonmin au

when seokjin, namjoon’s boyfriend, leaves on a business trip, he leaves his cat hybrid, yoongi, with him. however, it seems that namjoon’s hybrid jimin doesn’t like him very much.

#yoonminau #yoonminfest #ymfest22_d7 ImageImage
🐈cat hybrids yoonmin
🐈hybrids and humans don’t have the same rights. hybrids usually have an owner.
🐈hate at first sight
🐈very light
🐈misunderstanding and lack of communication
🐈happy ending
🐈short threadfic
“Are you sure about this, Namjoon?” Seokjin asks, watching Jimin glare daggers into Yoongi’s side. The other remains unfazed.

“I really am not,” Namjoon sighs. “But we need to ease them into the other if we want to move in together. You get going.” He kisses him quickly.
Read 212 tweets

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