1. How many times does someone says “including others doesn’t hurt you”? We hear it all day long.
They are wrong. They know it. They don’t want you to know it.
2. Let’s start here. When women are a subset of women they cannot lay claim to anything that was separately a woman’s. In one linguistic sleight of hand, women have lost their individuality that determines who has control of something. Be it sports or prison or their name.
3. Now the woman is just a grumpy member of the group trying to keep something away from other WOMEN.
EVERY reason why we have separate spaces women is instantly wiped out with this trick. We are stunned.
We try to explain. We are sure it’s a misunderstanding.
4. We try to justify why we have separate spaces. We explain desperately about things we all knew five minutes ago.
We are sure they just don’t get it. As we explain power differential we
5 are called shrill or mean. Or worse they get endless accusations of NAMALT (not all men are like that).
And why are we doing this? To justify our right to get our OWN stuff. We beg for our own stuff back. We try to explain why we should have our own stuff.
6. And all because with one linguistic move, women have ceased to be an entity entitled to their OWN things. It’s the ultimate takeover.
Property belongs to the owner. If you get the clerk to add a name to the title of your home, you no longer own it.
7. This is actually a thing thieves do. They change the title on your home. (Check periodically). It’s sinister because it is effective.
That’s what TWAW does. It changes the name on the title.
8. And since the phrase is trans women are women and women are cis women, the TW now gains the prominent and controlling place on the title. The women are just cis women. A subset. A minor player. With no rights at all. Full control has been turned over.
9. But the game is not complete. For women are powerful and can speak up. Who would let them take their stuff without complaint?
So now we get to the second genius move. The way to shut women up. We are told we are hateful if we object to having our own stuff taken.
10. We are now just a member of the group taking OTHER’S stuff. Now it is fully theirs. They are entitled to it. We are excluding them from THEIR stuff. It is akin to racism. It is ingroup superiority and it cannot be allowed.
Do you see what they have done?
11. You are now a terrible person if you object to the thief inserting his name on the title of your own home against your will. The home you worked for. Paid for.
You are now begging to be allowed a piece of it. Maybe we can compromise you, plead. You want to be nice.
12. And when you beg for someone to recognize you as a full being, you are told the mantra again. It is now solidified. You are no longer you.
It has been declared.
And If you DARE even name this as men taking over women’s stuff, you are called a bigot,
13. or a transphobe. You cannot name the thing being done to you or by whom it was done. Especially the latter. You cannot state this is the more physically powerful group taking something from the less physically powerful. That is absolutely taboo.
14. Social media will punish you. You will be ostracized. You will be silenced if you push it.
For simply naming what has happened to you, you are punished.
What can you do?
15. Refuse the game the best you can. Refuse the linguistic sleight of hand. Call it out. Make it clear. Say no.
16. Forced inclusivity does harm you.
This isn’t about civil rights this is about property rights. Ownership. Control. That’s the linguistic game here.
17. No one has a civil right to take your stuff away from you. They don’t have a right to include themselves in your spaces, races, or places. They are yours. You earned them.
Say no.
N. 🟥
O. 🔴
18. Addendum: See. Here is the perfect example. Now it is called cis supremacy if women have their own stuff. (This discussion is about rape shelters btw. They don’t even want women having those.). See how the game works?
19. For the gaslighting people who say no one is taking the word female away from you. It’s gone too. In the new language there are no words for women to speak of themselves.
20. Remove language from a group and you have achieved total subjugation over them. Try it. Try to speak of women’s issues in this new language. It can’t be done. You can’t speak of women, or even females now. These words no longer have the meaning you are trying to convey.
21. Remember I said you try desperately to explain things we all know? Don’t. They know perfectly well why you’re saying what you are. They use your own discomfort to gaslight you and make you angry. It’s a power play.
Don’t play their game.
22. Do you see how this works? The women inmates are so unimportant they don’t even have a descriptor. If they are dehumanized then it is ok to house them with anyone who seeks to be housed with them. They are background noise.
• • •
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Remember that executive order that Trump wrote to protect women’s sports? Well, the NCAA (the biggest college sports assoc there is) wrote a new policy that pretends to comply with the new rules but really doesn’t. They are giving Trump a giant middle finger. Here is how. 1/
Oh, it sounds nice. They say that men can’t play on women’s teams. That’s is good. Right? Except…. 2/
They shirk responsibility for this entirely. They say it is up to the schools to determine who is eligible. And we know how many schools don’t want to comply with this. The Dems for some reason REALLY want to end women’s sports. 3/
Nurse Sandie Peggie has now been threatened to be fired because she knows a man is a man! The vindictive man in question, Dr. Upton, used the ladies changing room and is throwing a petulant fit bc Sandie dared to want a ladies only ladies changing room. 1/
The hospital, who is being sued bc they let a man use the ladies changing room, has now decided to subject the nurse to further disciplinary proceedings! Not the man who walked into the ladies changing room. They are going after HER! 2/
The original hearing is in the middle of proceedings and won’t be concluded until at least July when the next hearing is to be held.
This is shocking that the hospital would pull this in the middle of this situation.
If only it was so easy. Dan, and others, think all we need to do is say no and all of these men will leave our private spaces. Except that isn’t what happens.
We say no and they argue with us. They call us names. They threaten us. And then they do what they want. 1/
This is a typical response. These men will just walk into our private spaces.
So now what do you suggest we do? In some places they have made it the law that we can’t even argue with them. Any man at all can come into our spaces and we just have to put up with it. 2/
So yes. Women are angry.
People think there are two sides here. There are not. There are men barging their way into our spaces and us saying no.
We say no nonstop and they keep barging their way in. 3/
When I first got into all of this I, like everyone else, wanted to be kind. I was happy to use whatever language anyone wanted. Sure. Why not?
But then something changed. We call it “peaking”. For me it was a story about a women’s r*p* shelter.
I couldn’t quite believe what I was seeing. People were angry at a shelter??? Huh? Then I discovered it was a particular group of men who were furious at the shelter for being for women.
Again. Huh????
This story started with a man who wanted to be volunteer and sit on the phones and listen to the women’s stories. This shelter is well aware of that type and thus only accepts women volunteers. It’s a shelter run by and for women only.
Most people have no idea how bad it was for those women swimmers who had to change all their clothes in front of William “Lia” Thomas and see him waltz around displaying his franks and beans.
They psychologically tormented these girls in order to force this on them.
Most people think that these men have altered their bodies. The overwhelming majority of them have not. (Over 90% still have the bait and tackle.)
I hope those three women who are suing for pain and emotional distress get every penny those Ivy League schools have. 2/
People thought we were all making it up. They really didn’t understand what was being done to those women. They just thought they had to swim against a guy and thought that was bad enough.
This is why some of us haven’t stopped fighting. 3/
Three swimmers from Penn are suing the Ivy League and the NCAA for allowing a male (William “Lia” Thomas) to be in their changing room while they were completely nude and then allowing him to compete against them! 1/
2. They seek damages for “pain and suffering, mental and emotional distress, suffering and anxiety, expenses costs and other damages.”
In case you didn’t know, these schools really allowed that man into their changing room and provided the ladies with no other place to change.
3. Female racing swimsuits are extremely tight and it’s very hard to wriggle into them. It takes a long time. They told these women to change in front of this man.