Jennifer 🟥🔴🧙‍♀️🦉🐈‍⬛ 🦖 Profile picture
Baby beginner at all of this. Deliberately, thoroughly, and indecently defiant. Take what you like and leave the rest.
14 subscribers
Dec 20 9 tweets 4 min read
I decided to help this woman out as she seems very confused. No. The Holocaust is not akin to telling men they can’t come in the ladies room.

How is this not like the animus towards a certain group? Well let me show you.

A thread. (Trigger warning.) Image See the difference? Image
Dec 19 7 tweets 2 min read
The evolution of Terving:

Step one. You try to be nice. You say over and over how you respect everyone. You are sure if they understood that women sometimes need their own spaces this would all go away.

1/ Image Step 2. So you explain. And explain. And explain. And explain. You give examples. Only somehow it is all turned against you. You are accused of weaponizing trauma. Huh? Weaponizing?????

No. You were just expecting a modicum of understanding. You did not find it. 2/ Image
Dec 18 9 tweets 2 min read
THREAD Reposting Ted Cruz is rare for me but when a man has it this right, you have to give him credit.

Watch as the witness is squirming from answering bc it backs her into a corner. Her ideology prevents her from making this admission. 1/ Notice how she claims that sex and gender are different. But she acts like that is some kind of gotcha as to why men should play in sports.

Lady, YOU have it backwards. We separate sports by sex not by gender. Gender just refers to the social expectations of the sexes. 2/
Dec 14 5 tweets 2 min read

In five days it will be five years since JK Rowling wrong this rather innocuous tweet telling people to live their best life. It changed the course of history.

1/ Image She was standing up for Maya Forstater who was being forced out of her job for simply stating that men aren’t women. She sued and won a judgement of £ 91,500.

Dec 10 4 tweets 1 min read
Female inmates are being forced to share a shower with a male convicted of m*rder. He has his franks and beans. He is violent. Will someone please protect these women somehow? @NancyMace please can you help them?

1/ Image The women inside are in agony and terrified. The authorities say there’s nothing they can do about it unless something “really happens” claims one of the women inmates.

Something really IS happening to them. Being forced to share a shower with a man is a serious harm. 2/
Dec 7 5 tweets 2 min read
Thread. Dr Johanna Olson-Kennedy tells an audience that it’s understandable that males would want a fake woohoo and says the hard part is that it sterilizes children and she whines that people get “SUPER” worked up about that.

She goes on.

She states a double mastectomy is safe. Safe means free from danger. It is not free from danger. It is major surgery that removes a part of your body. It carries all kinds of risks. It is not “safe”. Nor is it reversible.

Though she later makes the outrageous claim that you can buy some more if you want them back.

Dec 4 33 tweets 6 min read
Alito is quoting the Cass Report. Says in almost all instances the risks and dangers greatly outweigh the benefits.

“You just relegated the Cass report to a footnote.” Sotomayor is focusing on the fact that some children need this treatment and will suffer without it. Appears to be arguing for heightened scrutiny on this issue.
Dec 1 4 tweets 1 min read
Yes. That three letter word that starts with a “C” and ends with “IS” is most certainly a degrading term. It is no different than calling a woman a Bimb* Barbie. In fact, that is what you’re calling her. You are calling her a stereotype.

(CAUTION: The word is not allowed on this platform so don’t use it in the replies.) 1/Image Whether or not you care that someone calls you that is irrelevant to whether or not it is a degrading term. You don’t have to feel degraded for a term to be degrading.

No one is a walking talking stereotype. It’s degrading to anyone to say that’s all they are. 2/
Nov 26 6 tweets 2 min read

The volleyball ladies lost this round of their case. They were suing to get the man out of the tournament. The judge, who demonstrated bias from the start, demanding fake pronoun usage, ruled against them. 1/ Image
The judge said that the ladies had failed to show that the balance of equities is in their favor.

What on this earth does he think the purpose of having women’s sports is? 2/ Image
Nov 21 5 tweets 4 min read
A thread.

Oooh McBride is in trouble!!! A story in a whole bunch of parts.

Here is how it started. “I’m not here to fight about bathrooms.”

And now see where it goes: 1/ Image These folks are not happy. 2/ Image
Nov 20 5 tweets 2 min read
Let’s talk about spy cams. They are small these days. They can look like the head of a screw. Do you know what is big business? Selling that footage. You or your daughter could have been filmed.

Do you know where they get placed? Bathrooms. 1/ Image They get placed in bathroom stalls and changing rooms.

What is the easiest place to put one of these?

In a bathroom stall that is “gender neutral” with floor to ceiling walls and doors.

So before you advocate for those please think of this. 2/ Image
Nov 19 5 tweets 4 min read
A thread.

Do you finally get why we don’t want men in our bathrooms???

This guy isn’t a one off. Women who say no to these men get all KINDS of threats all the time.

Will you all PLEASE keep these men out of women’s restrooms???
Threats from these men are not unique to Nancy Mace. We get them ALL the time. 2/ Image
Nov 19 10 tweets 2 min read

This is not a political statement as many have said. Saying it is, well, THAT’S the political statement. And it was brilliant of Kellie-Jay Keen to force their hand.

This is just a word. A word we need in the English language bc adult human females exist. 1/ Image The adult human female is a big category. We have a word for the fourth stomach of a cow (abomasum). Don’t you think half the human race needs a word?

Without a word you erase a concept. Have you ever tried to discuss something you can’t put in words? 2/
Nov 16 4 tweets 2 min read
Would you like to know the behavior that was deemed unacceptable?

A woman was wearing a shirt with the dictionary definition of a woman on it. That’s all.

That is deemed so unacceptable that they think the person should be thrown off a plane. 1/ Image They think it’s a dog whistle to even mention that women exist.
This is how far they have come.

You cannot have women in their world. Our existence causes them agony. Just our existence. They demand we stop ….being. 2/ Image
Nov 15 6 tweets 4 min read
Part 2 of the Wi Spa responses thread, so people can see what was being said to all of us who were standing up for the women and children victims of the flasher.

The third screenshot is of a man that I think the Guardian thought was the guy. I think he was not the guy. 1/ Image
People decided to protest this spa and it’s allowing that man in the ladies room. (There wasn’t much they could do. By law they had to let him in there.)

Antifa then organized a protest against the protesters! That flasher had to be protected! 2/ Image
Nov 15 7 tweets 7 min read
This is a thread on the responses to the Wi Spa incident. It shows how vicious people were in responding to anyone who objected to a man taking his clothes off and entering a women’s section of a spa where a nine year old was present. 1/ Image
They had swarms of people shaming the women and the little girl for having eyes and seeing the flasher. Remember when people used to know that wasn’t ok?

They lionized the man and villainized the women. 2/ Image
Nov 8 5 tweets 3 min read
Thread. To the folks who think this isn’t happening. Consider that perhaps your sources of information are not giving you all the information. To the folks who think this is just fear mongering:)

Men have won over 3130 competitions that were meant for women. 1/ Image Men have come in 1st, 2nd or 3rd in women’s competitions 5,246 times and counting.

They have set at least 356 records in women’s sports. Records women may never touch. 2/ Image
Nov 5 8 tweets 3 min read


Ooh!! They are in trouble!!!

A US Congressional committee is now conducting oversight of a $9.7 million dollar grant for a study of “gender medicine” that has been hiding findings bc the study found this stuff doesn’t help kids! 1/ Image The New York Times recently reported that the head of the study Dr. Johanna Olsen-Kennedy confessed that she is withholding the finding of the nine year study bc of a lack of evidence that this stuff helped children. 2/ Image
Nov 4 9 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING. THREAD. People ask why women don’t just refuse to play. It’s bc their college scholarships are threatened.

Here we see the head coach of the volleyball team get advice from counsel? on whether he can get one of the women off the team and take her scholarship! 1/ Image Todd Kress is the head coach. Gary Brickwood is an atty. Gary sent Todd a message where he says the school has the “discretion to decide that [Brooke] Slusser…should lose her playing position, co-captain position and her scholarship”!!!

2/ Image
Nov 2 7 tweets 3 min read

An email was sent to students at University of Reno saying they are “deeply disappointed in the UNR Women's Volleyball Team's violation of the student code of conduct, title XI, and NCAA codes of conduct.” 1/

😮😮😮😮 Image
These poor women have the whole school against them and still they are fighting for what’s right by refusing to put themselves in harms way. These Equity, Diversity and Inclusion people are shameless. 2/ Image
Nov 1 10 tweets 2 min read

Holy cow!! The assistant volleyball coach at San Jose St Uni (SJSU), the team with the boy on it, has filed a Title IX complaint over this against her own school. Melissa Batie-Smoose is standing with the girls and the allegations are astounding!!

1/ Image Allegedly, things are falling apart at that school. It sounds like an absolute nightmare for all the girls on the team.

For one thing, they are afraid of being hurt in practice. When the boy spikes the ball the girls are turning away! They don’t want to be hurt. 2/