#bkdk #HAPPYIZUKUDAY #HappyBirthdayIzuku #勝デのデ生誕祭2022

Really, Kacchan? Right on his birthday? Image
Belated happy birthday for zuku <3

Anyway, this is composed of socmed and narrative style for roomates bkdk who are mutually pining for each other and are not hiding it at all but still manage to be dense. they're stupidly in love, your honor.
they're tweeting as if they don't see each other's tweets 😩 ImageImage
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Izuku flinches when a slam on his door shatters the silence in his room.


"Open the door, Deku."

His eyes widen as soon as he hears Kacchan behind the closed door. He immediately dashes off, even tripping on the stacks of his books on the floor before reaching the door.
"Kacchan!" He pants and opens the door, smiling so widely that his lips hurt. Kacchan has always managed to get him beaming and it never mattered whether it is during the day or at 1 fucking am.

Speaking of which, why is Kacchan still awake? It's not usual for him to stay up —
late. And why post a thread about Izuku at midnight? Did it have something to do... with his birthday? He did mention it but Kacchan didn't say anything about it and it's not like Kacchan would actually waste hours of sleep just to greet him. That would be so romantic of him.
"Dumbass, you're muttering." Kacchan flicks his forehead and walks past him to sit on his bed. Izuku's face reddens, still not used to being with him in one room despite sharing an apartment for almost three years. Living under one roof is one thing but having Kacchan's —
presence in a closed space is a completely different level.

Izuku breaks off from his thoughts and rebutts, "You love my muttering." That is actually double-edged (everything he does with Kacchan is) because as much as teasing Kacchan feels fun, it also gives him a severe —
heart attack whenever Kacchan looks caught off guard with a hint of blush rising up to his ears. It's so adorable he could die.

"I knew I shouldn't have mentioned that. Your balls grow big every fucking time." Izuku refuses to feel embarrassed by the term because he is not —
a primary schooler who just learned the names of genital areas.

Even with the full-on panic he's having about being alone with Kacchan in his room, Izuku flops down beside him and faces him with a smirk. "Oh please, you /love/ the challenge."
The corner of Kacchan's lips (god, his lips) curls up and he crosses his arms while giving Izuku the piercing stare that shot right through his heart. "Of course I do."

/Izuku was already damned in this game the moment he participated./
Coughing, Izuku diverts the subject to buy time for his poor heart because if not, he'll end up on the ground, convulsing. "So? What made the grandpa break his sleeping schedule?"

"I still have two more." Kacchan leans back and Izuku notices the subtle roll of his shoulders; —
he does it when he's trying to release tension.

"Two more?" Izuku asks. He's curious about what could've made Kacchan look… nervous. It doesn't seem to be concerning—Kacchan would've told him otherwise—but he still can't help but feel a bit worried. "Two more of what?"
Kacchan lets out an exasperated sigh which makes Izuku even more confused. "We were just talking about it!"

"Oh!" Izuku's mouth forms an 'o'. "The thread! The one that… Oh yeah, the one where you said I'm a shitty roommate." He fakes annoyance and squints his eyes; which —
isn't effective as Kacchan just flicks his forehead again. "Ouch! Stop it!" He slaps Kacchan's hand down, a bit too much for his liking, but Kacchan doesn't seem to mind.
"Idiot," Kacchan says, almost sounding affectionate as he raises his hand to touch Izuku's red forehead gently while Izuku does his best to remain calm and not look stiff. "—that's the sixth reason."
Izuku's jaw drops and he tries to slap Kacchan's wrist but Kacchan must've seen it coming because he immediately pulls away while laughing.
"You're unbelievable!" Izuku huffs but he also starts chuckling while watching the creases on Kacchan's face as he laughs. Izuku is one of the few people who are blessed enough to see this side of him and he won't waste that privilege by not drilling every second to his memory.
"I'm not wrong, though?" Kacchan smirks. "You're an idiot," he repeats with more emphasis this time and Izuku just rolls his eyes. "Who the hell doesn't notice that he's gathering stalkers from literally everywhere?"
Izuku raises both of his hands defensively, as if doing it is going to make him win the argument. "I never actually witnessed them stalking me!" Kacchan's huge hand scoops his face. "Kacchan! Stoppp!"
"You didn't see them 'coz I chased them out!" Kacchan snaps and Izuku instantly stops struggling. Kacchan sounds… kind of angry. Not too much to actually call it anger; it's more of a worried snap, Izuku guesses.

Holding Kacchan's wrist, Izuku peeks through his fingers that —
were blocking his eyes. "That's actually sweet," he comments and smiles. "Thanks for doing that, Kacchan."

Kacchan visibly swallows and he pulls his hand away like he was burned. Izuku would've felt offended if he didn't know him. "You're fucking annoying," Kacchan mutters.
Izuku's eyes followed his hand. "Tsk. And I was just planning to bite it," he whispers, but he intentionally says it a bit louder so Kacchan could hear.

"Motherfucker," Kacchan breathes out in disbelief while Izuku just gives him a deceiving innocent smile.
He scoffs and for a moment, he seems to be pondering something until he sighs and offers his hand, making Izuku look at it in confusion. "Stop looking so confused, Deku." A hint of mischief flickers on Kacchan's eyes and Izuku holds his breath. "Go on, /bite me./"
"W-w-what—" Izuku's face goes numb and he immediately covers himself with his two hands. "Kacchan, that's so unfair! You can't do that!" he shouts into his palms as he blushes furiously, determined to not look at Kacchan's eyes anymore. He'll melt in humiliation if he does.
"And why not, hah?"

"'Coz I might actually do it!" Izuku wishes he hadn't said that out loud but it's too late.

Embarrassed, he digs his face deeper on his palms like it's enough to hide his entire existence. He silently hopes that Kacchan will just joke about what he said —
like they always do. He enjoys the teasing and insults but he doesn't think he's prepared to have Kacchan call him 'weird'—

"Number seven. You're fucking dense."

His heart halts abruptly and he slowly looks up.
Kacchan is looking at him, oddly calm, but his chest heaves deeply, as if he's trying to contain his nerves… what is there to be nervous about?

"Uhm???" Izuku's head tilts to his side as he shoots him a puzzled look.

"Ugh, Deku!" Kacchan runs a hand on his face and /groans/.
Izuku doesn't want to think further of his voice and focus on the matter at their hands instead, but can you blame him when he's been pining for this man ever since he was a child and it became worse when they became roommates?!
It seems like Kacchan notices that he's currently having an internal crisis (Izuku doesn't know whether to feel glad or ashamed of that) as he snaps his finger to get back his attention.

"S-so? Where were we?" Izuku asks, his mind still floating but is enough —
to hold a sober conversation. It's his usual struggle when he's talking to Kacchan. His mind wanders several territories, sometimes even in inappropriate places— okay, clear mind, clear skies, the lord has come, the lord watches.
Kacchan speaks, pulling him back to his different and weird mantras. "There goes your stupid attention span. Third reason why you're a shitty roomate," he says gruffly, though there's no real bite in his words.
Izuku pauses and realizes that he's right. But he also tries to stop himself from laughing when he realizes something about that reason. "My short attention span has a reason, you know?" He maintains the vague answers, not wanting to expose himself sooner than planned.
"Yeah?" Kacchan suddenly looks interested and he eyes Izuku more than he usually does while also trying to make it subtle; something that could've been successful if Izuku wasn't Izuku.
Fighting a grin on his lips, Izuku feigns to be nonchalant as he pretends to look at his nails. "I won't be saying it, though." Kacchan opens his mouth—probably to curse at him—but Izuku is quick to cut him off with: "But Kacchan is Kacchan. I can make exceptions."
Kacchan's eyes narrow. "I am so /not/ buying that." He looks incredibly doubtful and Izuku silently dies inside. Distrust looks so hot in Kacchan and Izuku wonders why everything about him looks so hot and adorable and perfect and gorgeous and magnificent.
"My All Might," he states before his mind gets lost from its track again. "Kacchan, give me back my All Might." He doesn't mean to have that come out as a whine but it still managed to be one. He clears his throat. "Give All Might back and I'll tell you," he repeats firmly.
Kacchan stares at him and Izuku knows it's working when Kacchan stops to think. You see, Izuku only does that if the thing he's offering has an equal or even more equivalent than All Might. Kacchan is aware of that and right now, he must be trying to weigh his decisions.
It's kind of hilarious how they look so serious about trading All Might with a secret but that's how they always are: Hilariously silly. And dumb. And everything that Kacchan has to say about them.

Kacchan takes one last minute before coming to a conclusion. "Fine."
Izuku internally cheers as he watches Kacchan return to his room to get All Might junior.

"All Might!!!" Izuku yelps and tries to snatch his hero away as soon as Kacchan comes back but the latter holds it up in the air, his other hand on Izuku's head to stop him from jumping.
"Attention span's reason first," Kacchan demands, his hand still raised up high, completely using his height to his advantage. Izuku can find a way to jump and take it back but a promise is a promise and that is a shared principle between them.
Nervously, he hides his hands behind him as he gathers his words. Kacchan stands patiently in front of him, but one of his feet taps the floor relentlessly, informing Izuku that he wants the answer /now/.
"Well, Kacchan," Izuku starts. He wants to regret what he said but… he's not getting the signals wrong, right? Because if he's not, then admitting the reason is a good thing. If not…
Gulping, he immediately says, "I don't want to be weird but it's because of /you/, Kacchan." He doesn't bother looking at Kacchan; he's too busy keeping down the urge to run away. "My just floats a lot when we're together... /It drifts from you back to you again/."
There, he said it. Now, what's the next plan? Should he run? There's the window but Kacchan is hella fast, he can catch up. The door? It'll only take a few steps but like he said, Kacchan is FAST.

That leaves him one option: Knock Kacchan down.
Izuku doesn't wait and hurriedly throws himself on Kacchan with the intention of slamming his elbow on his stomach.

""OI, DEKU, WHAT THE FUCK—" Kacchan's face pales and he immediately rolls back to the corner of the bed but Izuku only had to take a deep breath —
before madly crawling to him. He doesn't know why Kacchan kind of screamed but that was the purpose: to scare him away then knock him out.

"Kacchan, stop struggling!"




Izuku lays on the bed, wiggling like a fish brought to land as he's suffocated by Kacchan's strong arms. It's all suffering until he taps his arms twice to give up.
Kacchan loosens his grip but still remains in his position where Izuku's head is squashed against his chest with his arms locked around it and it eventually led Izuku to a realization that "wow, this is actually nice."
"I can't fucking believe you." Kacchan moves away from him. He's sweating, but the flush on his shoulders, neck, and face doesn't seem like it was from too much exertion. "Happy fucking birthday, shitnerd." He sounds sarcastic but it doesn't matter.
Izuku's heart almost stops and it is followed by a soft croon in his chest. He sits up and asks, "You remembered?"

Kacchan looks genuinely offended by the question but he still answers, "Of course, I did. I'm not as forgetful as you." He fans himself by his shirt —
and Izuku gulps as he watches. "That's what the thread is for."

"/Oh./" Izuku's eyes are probably sparkling but he's too happy to care. He clasps his hand together and looks at Kacchan in awe. "That's your gift to me?! It's so sweet and thoughtful!"

The moment is broken when —
Kacchan rolls his eyes, though. "You're the only one who would think that's a gift. It's not thoughtful enough." Izuku disagrees but he keeps his mouth shut because Kacchan has more to say. "I just wanted to greet you first." See, Izuku knows that it's not not-thoughtful.
"That is so—" Izuku begins to tear up and he opens his arm, his lips wobbling as he tries to hold in his sobs. "Kaaaccchaaaaan!"

Kacchan snorts but also guides him to his arms. "Crybaby," he utters and gives Izuku a tight squeeze that is enough to choke him (ALMOST, TSK).
"I still have a gift." Izuku's about to let go but Kacchan's hand remains seated on his waist as he gets something from his pocket.

"What is it, what is it?" Izuku whispers excitedly. He's definitely buzzing from the ecstacy he's getting by being held by Kacchan.
Sadly, Kacchan has to move away to hand him a small ticket. He doesn't need to look at it to know what it is. He has seen enough of them in his life to recognize it at one glance.

"A hero fest!!!" Izuku gasps. —
"Oh my god, are you- are we..." Kacchan flashes him his own ticket with a grin and Izuku almost loses his breath with another gasp. "We're going together?!" Oh god, oh fuck, is it a date, is it a date, is it a date— "IS IT A DATE?!"

/Shit./ That slipped out.
Kacchan looks surprised and Izuku's head starts formulating whether it is a good or bad surprise and as they start to function, they are interrupted by Kacchan's response: "I thought I already made it clear?"

Izuku's face is on fire and so is Kacchan's. "You made- you made what clear?!"

Disbelief shows all over Kacchan's face. "I just fucking confessed minutes ago!" he declares in a loud voice. Izuku backtracks to their conversation and no, he didn't! "Idiot, I said you were dense —
even allowed you to bite me! Then you fucking went and attacked me for whatever goddamn reason you had in your head!"

"You call that 'confession'?!" Izuku gestures his hand around in an attempt to explain whatever is going on with them at that moment. "I attacked you 'coz I —
was embarrassed to admit that I'll bite you if you asked!"

"Embarrassed?!" Kacchan looks like his whole bloodline was offended. "Fucking- I'll allow whatever shit you want with me!" He shoves his forearm on Izuku's mouth and Izuku gags. "Bite and see that I'll fucking love it!"
"Kacchan- wait—" Izuku has no choice but to chomp and let his angry noises be muffled. Kacchan just smirks above him and suddenly, it lit a fire under Izuku's annoyance.

With a stubborn look on his face, —
he flicks his tongue out and sucks on Kacchan's muscle, effectively surprising him. That's it, be surprised, motherfucker.

"You do know that you're only proving the point that I'll love it, right?" Kacchan rasps out, too breathless and addicting for Izuku's sanity. "God, Deku."
"You said the seventh reason why I'm a shitty roomate is because I'm dense. What does that have anything to do with this?" Izuku asks, giving up on the bite show and just hugs Kacchan's arm.
"/That./" Kacchan points at his arms that were cluthing Kacchan's like a koala. "You can do that without knowing that I'm internally having a heart attack."

"But heart attacks are supposed to be internal in the first place."

"Deku, what if I deck you right now?"
Izuku may try to deny Kacchan's accusations that he's dumb but he's kind of getting a little convinced now. He just... doesn't get it? Why would Kacchan feel a heart attack? That's not rational nor logical. Is that even possible for Kacchan? He doubts that.
"Listen, you fucker." Kacchan forces him to look at him by grabbing him by the jaw (god, forbid Izuku's jumping heart). "I can't believe I have to spell this out but what do you feel when I'm this close to you?" /He's gonna die./

Izuku swallows. "I-I'm gonna die."
Kacchan pulls back the same way he did earlier— like he was burned. "Is that bad?" he asks and Izuku wants to smack his head for being worried.

KACCHAN IS JUST SO DENSE. Oblivious to the fault! How could he not know what 'dying' means—

Enlightenment slowly settles in Izuku's mind and he closes his eyes to take a deep breath. Does this mean... Does this mean that Kacchan feels the same way as him? Oh god, no, that's impossible. Okay, why is Kacchan getting closer, oh god, Izuku's dead. He's dying. Stop it!
"Kacchan?" Izuku calls him with a tiny and unsure voice. Kacchan seems to be lost in thought but when he hears his voice, he blinks owlishly (so cute!), as if he just got his consciousness back.

"This is making me feel like I'm gonna die," Kacchan replies and everything clicks —
to its places. He gives Izuku a look that he /understands/. "Fuck, is this what you meant earlier?"

"Yeah, you /idiot/," Izuku mocks. He's been waiting for a chance to use that and the opportunity has been bestowed. Good job, Izuku. You're a Kacchan kinnie now. "It seems like —
we're on the same level of density, Kacchan." He laughs becase wow, that one's a good discovery. Had Kacchan not demonstrated his capability to be as dense as him, he would've thought he already lost his mind. That's how implausible it seems. For him, that is.
"Stop it. I don't want to be compared to you," Kacchan spats out. Insulting, yeah, but Izuku might have a thing for that. Gosh, he might be a simp.

"Sure, you wouldn't want that. I pined for you for three years. Ecstatic but not exactly a good experience when you're—" Izuku —
looks at him from head to toe. "You're dense, Kacchan! DENSE! How many tweets did I have to make for you to know that I love you?" He freezes. /He said it./ Not on a tweet reply but on person this time!

Kacchan isn't moving like he's processing the information in his —
head. He's taking too long that Izuku actually reconsiders his plan escape from earlier. If Kacchan keeps making him nervous, he'll end up having arrhythmia.

"K-Kacchan?" Izuku utters nervously and the response he receives is —
Kacchan taking out his phone right in front of him. "Uhm, Kacchan? Hello? What are you doing?" Has he finally lost it?

"Give me a moment, Deku. I need a meme." A meme?

His notification sound rings and Izuku fishes out his phone as well and almost bursts into laughter.
Believe him, Izuku is trying his best not to laugh out loud but as soon as he sends his reply to Kacchan, he breaks into a hysteric laughter. Image
Kacchan outright glares at him but Izuku is not in the right mind to stop. He just whispers his apology through his laughter while Kacchan waits for him to calm down.

"I'm sorry, this is just—" Izuku puffs his flushed cheeks to stop himself. "Y-yeah, you were- pfft, saying?"
"Oh, I wanted to say that 'same', I was actually pining for your ass for /three fucking years/ as well. Fucking idiot." If emotions had physical bodies, Izuku's nose would've bled by how strong their whiplashes and slaps are. WHAT THE HELL, MAN.
"S-so... All this time? Like me?"

"All this time I was like you."

Izuku's system is dancebreaking and he doesn't know if that's good but with how happy he feels right now? /Absolute good news./
Their thoughts reign over them for a moment, letting them absorb all facts that are thrown at them at 2 fucking am. It is 2am already! They've been going at this for an hour and almost two!

Izuku is a little aftaid that this might be just a happy birthday dream but when —
lays his gaze on Kacchan and sees him staring back with an assurance that says, "Hell yeah, I fucking loved you all this time that you thought it was one-sided."


"S-so, date on Saturday say then?" Izuku blurts out, not knowing what to say afterwards. He's still a —
bit suspicious of this reality, especially since Kacchan hasn't actually said the words out loud. Though, it seems like Kacchan has no plans with letting him sleep with those thoughts tonights.

/"Yes, I'm inlove with you, shitnerd. Even when you're a really shitty roommate."/
Izuku could've had his existence fade away in glee at that moment but he refused to.

Smiling, he grabs Kacchan and works om his courage to initiate another hug that isn't meant to be faked platonic this time. "Saturday it is, then."

• • •

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Jul 22

Katsuki and Izuku are a sky and land apart— an assumption that the two of them decided; a mantra that they try to keep and use to convince themselves that /no, they don't deserve the other, and no, they shouldn't even dare reaching out/.

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For as long as Katsuki remembers, every step that Deku takes has been significant to their land. His existence is the very definition of gentlest touch, his breath wakes the resting moon and stars to rise, his swaying hand being the one that heals, his small stature as the —
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It should be fun.

Mirror mazes became popular in their school as a date spot to go to with your partner. It strengthens a bond, they said.

...Katsuki and Izuku wished they never listened.

/They shouldn't have entered that place./
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"Kacchan," Izuku panted. His hands were shaky as he tied a red ribbon around his own wrist. "U-use this. This will be the proof that we're the real ones."

Katsuki looked at the lace and he felt himself melting apart. "Fuck, I'm sorry, Izuku. I-I shouldn't have brought you here."
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Jun 12
ok think of PR #bkdk who are a menace to haters.

someone shits on idol!deku's dm with threats? expect pr katsuki to qrt every post of that person with a disgusted meme and a caption of 'Big L'

for some reason, people /love/ it and pr team is confused whether to fire him or not.
someone disses idol!dynamight? pr izuku only has to drop numbers on their dm and it's their ip address. there's always an ominous :) or :D at the end of his messages.
both of the idols get humiliated on socmed? run.

or else you'll find two untraceable accounts spamming your post with your government name and statements like:

"your cat, luna, is cute and she seems to love me everytime i come by."

"your sister just graduated. congrats!"
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