The #FordeReport team were shocked by what they had received. So were we.
The #FordeReport team were forced to abandon Term of Reference 2 (ToR2) due to the massive risk of legal sanction, and the 'timely' involvement of the Information Commissioners Office and their investigation, risking undermining the entire basis for the inquiry.
The 'purely by chance' involvement of the ICO, and the lack of statutory powers of the #FordeReport team, meant witnesses could not be compelled to contribute, and massive sections of the inquiry were basically put aside. This is both good and bad for justice.
The #FordeReport team saw clear evidence that the MacNicol-era party was institutionally sexist, misogynist, racist and utterly corrupted. Just as most of the left had been claiming for decades. Centrist extremists have much to answer for.
The #FordeReport states almost unequivocally, that the party is NOT what it says it is, and as we all know, under the influence of the venture capital controlled Labour Together, Labour First and Labour Progress, these values have been further eroded.
The #FordeReport states clearly that the Labour Party is unable to "...participate constructively in the nations democratic process." In short, the Labour Party is finished. It must be shut down, and the Labour Movement refounded excluding the money men.
This is what is known as a 'caveat'. The #FordeReport here suggests members want a 'broad church'. They dont. They want a Socialist party representing the nations workers. NOT the money men. This is a political statement and should not be in the report.
In the #FordeReport, it is clear that right-wing party staff, put in place through grace and favours, were on a mission to remove Corbyn immediately - it is unsurprising that Corbyn's team were paranoid about their involvement.
The Labour Party and it's anti-democratic relationship with foreign goverments, private equity, intelligence services and private donors, directly caused a paranoia to set in, and from our evidence on #BehindLabour, we have seen why. #FordeReport @Standup4Labour
At #BehindLabour, we have seen examples of antisemitism in the Labour Party. As present in every other party, and society at large. The #FordeReport agrees that antisemitism was weaponised by everyone, probably encouraged by enemies of the left. @Standup4Labour
This writer was suspended and blacklisted for FIVE YEARS after applying to be a councillor, but never expelled. I left. The #FordeReport showed the disciplinary process was open to use as a factional weapon, and it was. This disorganisation was 100% intentional. @Standup4Labour
Why should the Labour Party do this alone? Why not ALL engaged in politics? The answer? It is impractical, unworkable + expensive. There's no such thing as an 'independent member', they'll be corrupted / coerced. The naivety of the #FordeReport here is showing. @Standup4Labour
The #FordeReport discusses the intentional incompetence, allowing grey areas in constitutional jurisdiction to be used to exclude members from political participation. It's a favoured tactic of money men the world over. This was a coup, not a democratic party. @Standup4Labour
There is no recognition or explanation of the involvement of HaslamDodd spin doctors who appeared to be in receipt of submissions to the #FordeReport.
We can see clearly in the #FordeReport that they feel the Labour Party is not in line with its foundational principles, and as such, is wholly 'out of order' in its legal commitments to members. @Standup4Labour
The #FordeReport suggests that the party should be inclusive - but makes no reference to being a SOCIALIST as being a protected characteristic. Because it isn't under the party constitution. This is what you call "SPIN", and leaves room for further purges. @Standup4Labour
The left are not generally rich people, with lawyers on tap. So it's fair to say that we can assume, with a degree of confidence, where most of these legal threats were coming from... #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
This was one of our biggest concerns about the #FordeReport. Areas outside of the scope provided huge potential for critical damage to the party, and the right-wing interests controlling it. As suspected, they were mostly covered up, ignored as 'out of scope'. @Standup4Labour
This is a failure of the #FordeReport to acknowledge Corbyn's involvement in other punitive court cases against him, resulting in his failure to be able to contribute unless compelled. It's not rocket science! @Standup4Labour
The #FordeReport highlights, what we consider to be, an intentional lack of records and administration, removing paper trails and therefore evidence of intentional factional malfeasance in party administration. @Standup4Labour
The #FordeReport once again shows the party has failed in its purpose to be a viable opposition. The affiliated Unions MUST take action, disaffiliate and convene a pan-left conference to refound the Labour Movement politically, excluding the money men. @Standup4Labour
The #FordeReport agrees that this was NOT about antisemitism. As we all know, this was about destroying organised labour from fighting back against disgusting private capital forces intent on destroying our national identity. @Standup4Labour
Crucially, despite what certain NEC personalities will probably state, the #FordeReport has been unable to identify who leaked the document. @Standup4Labour
The #FordeReport is clearly trying to put distance between itself and the Labour Party's internal investigations. Understandable, in law, professional integrity is everything. @Standup4Labour
This author can confirm that many of the documents held by the party, were actually held by unaccountable CLP execs, and Regional Directors, in personal insecure storage locations. The inquiry never asked. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
At this point, this extract about the GLU in the #FordeReport fails to mention the person in charge of that department. A man who has since left the party, to work for Heathrow and some right-wing organisations, and who personally oversaw the witch hunt. @Standup4Labour
The #FordeReport does not "consider that any of the leaked report's authors embarked on this task with a preconceived narrative, or reverse engineered the evidence to fit it."
In short, it's all real. It's all true. It's not doctored. It's not fake.
The #FordeReport suggests no evidence that the problem of antisemitism in the party was overstated. These are spin words - as they refer to "in the Leaked Report". (Use of capitals is important.) Outside of the Leaked Report, there is a huge body of evidence. @Standup4Labour
For the #FordeReport to conclude that a summary document could be used as a media briefing document is pure conjecture, and should not have been included. This is anti-Corbyn spin. @Standup4Labour
Naivety shows in the #FordeReport again. Are they unaware of @TheGrayzoneNews reports about intelligence infiltration of the Labour Party? About #BehindLabour reports of thinktank / commercial co-option of party administration? The conspiracies are real! @Standup4Labour
The centrist extremists tried to hide their hateful ways, but the evidence given to the #FordeReport spoke to the truth. They bullied, lied and manipulated their way to the end of the Corbyn era. @Standup4Labour
There is a key senior staff member at the centre of this. A young man groomed and recruited at university by senior Labour Party MP's - currently on the defensive for Keir Starmer. We'll discuss him later. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
This is a crucial #FordeReport finding - the HATRED against the left was real. This wasn't factional political 'shenanigans', this was visceral hate of a whole group of people, because of their 'identity' as leftists. History teaches us important lessons on this. @Standup4Labour
The Southside HQ staff, and crucially the Regional Officers, became "more explicit" in their identification as Blair-ideologues. They captured the executive branch of the party, and used it corruptly to enrich and empower themselves and their allies. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
The #FordeReport is promoting Labour Together as a non-factional writer on this topic. This is simply wrong. LT worked with Valent Projects, an anti-corbyn spy-for-hire outfit, to produce the aforementioned report. This is so wrong, that it is partisan spin. @Standup4Labour
This author personally submitted direct evidence to contravene these statements, to the #FordeReport. I have evidence of party staff acting in a fundamentally partisan manner, against the left, in a coordinated manner with external organisations. @Standup4Labour
The #FordeReport accepts that party executives and staff had become 'right wing', and formed a mono-culture. In short, this was a coordinated capture of the administrative / executive wing of the party by external (sometimes overseas) interests. @Standup4Labour
This is legitimate criticism of the Corbyn era by the #FordeReport. However, it is understandable given the involvement of intelligence / PMIC services within the party at a high prevalence. This would induce anyone to paranoia! @Standup4Labour
Several of those unions, thankfully no longer as such, were dominated by low mandate leaders who attracted "coke snorting", "sex crazed", "corrupt" headlines. Our unions are back in the hands of their members, and fighting the good fight! #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
This reveals the stakes involved here. Directors of any organisation, even an "Unincorporated Association" have obligations under law. These directors according to the #FordeReport, in our opinion, failed to comply with those legal obligations, and are liable. @Standup4Labour
The 'Narcissistic Individualism' exhibited by centrist extremists within the party, is laid bare here in the #FordeReport, as they see the party as THEIRS to advance their careers, influence and bank accounts. @Standup4Labour
This is gaslighting from the #FordeReport. The hostility from Regional Offices and their CLP outposts was IMMEDIATE upon joining the party in 2015. As a new member, this author was pre-emptively investigated as a threat to the party by centrist extremists. @Standup4Labour
Under the tenures of Sam Matthews and Nareser Osei, the centrist extremists continually used the GLU, or 'Trot Hunting Unit' as the function to smear and exclude their political opponents. Neutral? My arse.🍑 This was coordinated external sabotage. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
It is a leaders job to heal divisions. The left failed in this. But the #FordeReport fails to acknowledge the presence of external agencies, parties, donors and individuals purposefully sabotaging the party from the outside and within. Is this naivety? @Standup4Labour
The #FordeReport once again states that the Labour Party is no longer fit for purpose. What the media doesn't want, is a caucus for the left, and just the left, immune to corruption and coercion. Because they know we'd win - and change would come. @Standup4Labour
YOU ARE SAD? SO SAD? Tell this to the old Corbynite supporters who went to their grave having been robbed of hope and smeared as bigoted antisemites! Your emotions count for shit when you've contributed to a person's demise and suffering. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
(Getting angry now.) The #FordeReport agrees that abuse by centrist extremists was not removed from "being part of party culture" or "private". They were confident in their abuse, confident with impunity. They abused, leftists suffered immeasurable loss. @Standup4Labour
When people think they can act with impunity, and get away with whatever they like - you know what I mean, the privileged SPAD-gits in navy blue trousers / terrible beards... they take what they want, hurt who they want. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
This is an accurate note by the #FordeReport. Most have gone on to lucrative work for polluters, BICOM-connected organisations, hedge fund ventures / venture capitalists, banks and more. It all depends on who their sponsors were really. 🤷🏻♂️ @Standup4Labour
This is PEAK Naivety from the #FordeReport. "Politics is war by other means". 'Seeing the good in people' counts for shit, where money and influence are involved. The constitutional basis of political parties, and Representation vs Facilitation are the key faults @Standup4Labour
This is an unbelievable leap from the #FordeReport. First of all, "the left" is not "the Labour left". Second, not "improperly pursued by the complaints team"? Which definition of 'improper' are your team using? Which parts were outsourced to CAAS / LAAS? @Standup4Labour
The #FordeReport agrees that centrist extremist party staff purposefully 'baited' Corbynite staff into providing contextually lacking soundbites which were then leaked to the press in a coordinated fashion. Who were they really working for? Not Labour. @Standup4Labour
They were not 'validation exercises'. They were purges of leftists - please include the context references made by centrist extremists themselves as to how they viewed these exercises, otherwise this is dishonest. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
According to the #FordeReport, aside from creating a tool to profile people based on their social media output which is deeply wrong, centrist extremist party staff came up with THEIR OWN CRITERIA of how to ban or remove people from the party... @Standup4Labour
The #FordeReport shows that regional officers selected the targets (we already knew this, they took their enemies out first). We didn't know that centrist Labour Students staff were privy to it, nor that opposing a Miliband Leadership was grounds for exclusion... @Standup4Labour
All sorts of 'abuse flags' were scanned for as needing discipline by the GLU. Nearly two thousand. Only 294 were given to the NEC members as being used. The mix of words scanned for, favoured the right-wing hugely. This is flat out corruption. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
This author was 'administratively suspended' (blacklisted) for FIVE YEARS from September 2016. They had no intention of readmittance, my SAR proved it. This was arranged via my CLP Chair, who didn't want me to take one of her county councillor seats. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
The #FordeReport agrees that the 'validation' exercise should have been carried out BEFORE members joined the party, not AFTER. If you were suspended / expelled on these flimsy issues after joining, Forde agrees that this was wrong. How does that make you feel? @Standup4Labour
The #FordeReport concludes that the GLU, (thereby the NEC) happily ignored abuse from centrist and right-wing extremists in the Labour Party against leftists. They hunted leftists, almost exclusively. @Standup4Labour
One of the most damning parts of the #FordeReport, they make it VERY clear. The centrists and right-wing of Labour engaged in wholesale leadership vote-rigging against Corbyn via the GLU team, in a coordinated, underhand, disgusting manner. @Standup4Labour
In the #FordeReport we see the hatred and contempt with which centrist extremists hated the left. They rang bells, and cheered, every time one of us had our lives and leftist identities shattered by baseless smears from a party we loved. @Standup4Labour
The centrist extremists within the Labour Party believed they could 'hoodwink' the NEC, with contempt for everything it stands for, by withholding evidence and context on expulsions and suspensions. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
Which senior staff? Who was in charge when they were all present? We know who is at the centre of this conspiracy, and also the subject of another investigation wholly unrelated. The GLU acted like a terrorist cell in the heart of the Labour Party. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
The #FordeReport agrees that the GLU diverted resources from dealing with ACTUAL antisemitism, to instead focus on 'Trotspotting'.
The Labour Party must come to an end, and be refounded by the Unions. @Standup4Labour
This author is cream-crackered. I've spent the day analysing and reading through as much as I can, and I've run out of energy. The #FordeReport is a massive document, with a huge amount of nuance and detail to be observed. We'll start again tomorrow and continue the journey. ✊🏻
The GLU under Sam Matthews specifically sought out Corbyn's office to sign off on antisemitism case responses, and then shouted "CORBYN IS INTERFERING!" How long until Matthews pulls another #PanoramaSadFace and speaks out? #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
It's almost like the GLU was obsessed with taking anyone even remotely sympathetic the Palestinian cause. Was the - at this time - GLU Head Sam Matthews connected with any representatives of the Israeli state? 😉 #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
The problem with gaslighting is that 'legals' tend to blame victims as equally culpable as the abusers. The two sides here are not equal. The GLU set up LOTO's office as clear as day. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
"Falsely accusing them of a witch hunt in regards to antisemitism..."
The #FordeReport once again references the Labour Together report. Labour Together is one of the PRIMARY sources of the sabotage against the left. They worked with Tangent Communications, a spy for hire outfit associated with anti-Corbyn intel groups. Ridiculous. @Standup4Labour
The idea that party staff should not reflect the wider membership, is both ridiculous and offensive. Why is the #FordeReport team so naive on this? They've stated that the executive arm was stacked with Blairite's... so why is the left not allowed to balance this? @Standup4Labour
The centrist extremists knew that the Regional Offices were key to controlling CLP's, and so happily acted 'ultra vires' and made hiring decisions outside of their remit, to further stack the executive in the right's favour. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
As we have already seen today, disgusting misrepresentations by Paul Waugh about Labour Party issues are nothing new. Centrists were happy to put Labour staff in the firing line of the media, consistently. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
According to the #FordeReport, media hacks consider ANY member of staff inside a political party fair game to corrupt, coerce or recruit - especially if they're young and inexperienced. This is contemptible stuff. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
They see it as THEIR party, not OUR party, and they'll do anything they can to keep it away from lefties. It's toxic... so let's give it to them! #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
Community Organisers, a key part of the Corbynite strategy to win elections, were blocked from the outset by selfish centrist extremists, with vociferous opposition from Regional Officers especially. They didn't want intruders in their petty fiefdoms. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
For too long, Labour Party Regional Directors (seen as indelibly corrupt by the left with good reason) have had carte blanche to act with impunity - with several well known examples of criminal behaviour being covered up, or perpetrated by key allies. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
Dear Labour Party Regional Directors, your region does not *BELONG* to YOU personally. You are an employee of the members. You are answerable to them! Stop behaving like sociopaths, viewing outsiders as 'spies'. The #FordeReport lays this attitude out clearly. @Standup4Labour
The Labour Party Regional Directors were key in blocking the Community Organising Unit. Of all of the roles in the Labour Party, theirs is the most corrupt, and the most corrupting. Too much power, too little oversight, terrible personnel standards. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
People on BOTH SIDES were not just factionally opposed, they had financial interests to consider. The nature of the Labour Party and its fluid constitution invites corruption upon ANYONE inside it with influence. It must be scrapped and redesigned. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
The #FordeReport argues that HQ staff had a 'mandate' to decide on strategy for winning elections. This is not the case, and never has been. Members decide! This 'Narcissistic Entitlement' of the Labour Right is from the same source as Tory entitlement - MONEY. @Standup4Labour
A £135k secret printing budget? Worked on by Sam Matthews? Who implemented the system & had a cosy relationship with the supplier? Which people stood to gain from siphoning off £135k of campaign funds into this special pot? #FordeReport@Standup4Labour@skwawkbox@KitKlarenberg
Centrist extremist staff at the Labour Party put their own self-interest above the needs of the Labour Movement, and considered their directives superior to those of the left-wing vast majority of the membership. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
This is a freebie to the guilty people from the #FordeReport team. It's not criminally illegal to embezzle money in an organisation? OK QC. But it is liable to a tortious misuse claim by members against relevant Directors, both personally and organisationally? @Standup4Labour
This is an outdated premise posited by the #FordeReport, but understandable if you're NOT at the cutting edge of political theory and awareness. All seats are winnable. By whom, or what, and on what basis, are the key questions. @Standup4Labour
An evolving 2017 election campaign strategy would make absolute sense. It was uncharted waters. It was also at this point that the donors and manipulators behind the centrist careerists saw their chance to use Brexit to stop a Corbyn government. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
"Seeing those figures move should have convinced all factions of the need to rapidly shift the campaign focus." (To an offensive strategy.)
The Keith-Brexit brief was used to justify protecting centrist careerist seats instead. Disgusting duplicity. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
Did the #FordeReport understand how & who was secretly stuffing the print queues full of centrist propaganda instead of making it available to LOTO to change tack quickly and easily? This author is a career Marketer - it's easier to do than they make out. @Standup4Labour
The #FordeReport states that the rules are CLEAR. LOTO has the final say. Entitled centrists with delusions of grandeur and machiavellian personality disorders should fall in line with their leadership diktat, even if they dont like it. @Standup4Labour
The "senior member of HQ staff" deliberately hid the budget from the Campaign Committee and the Campaign Coordinator. I hope he's paid back the money he appropriated from members for his pet project on an 'Ultra Vires' basis? No? #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
Who had deep knowledge of the leaflet printing system? Who, so far, has remained generally nameless in almost all of the discussions about the #FordeReport, and had connections to The Campaign Company, and PLMR a lobbying firm? (Both deeply anti-Corbyn)
Centrist extremists funneled money through their pet Regional Directors, and favoured donor-proxy candidate seats. This wasn't 'by accident', or a 'quirk of the job', this was intentional redirection of party funds by interests external to the party. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
Where did this £45,000 expenditure go? It's not accounted for anywhere, and the #FordeReport did not have the jurisdiction to find out. Who do we look to, to explain this discrepancy? @Standup4Labour
If this testimony is to be believed, then why do we see key people in the GLU who have deep knowledge of how the campaign, merchandising and budget allocation systems work, directly involved in the Ergon House scam? #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
It's amazing what you can hide in the 'LEAFLET Budget' isn't it? Twenty staff, graphic design and more. All of it sought to erase Jeremy Corbyn's identity from the Labour Party, and to hide their malfeasance. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
The Labour Party is hopelessly split, and must split in reality, with the real leftists that represent Trade Unions taking their affiliations with them. We cannot have the kind of corruption shown below taking place again. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
An externally sponsored faction within the Labour Party, working against the democratic mandate of the party decided by its members, chose to sabotage the LOTO agenda in line with the wishes of their external sponsors. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
So rather than win the election and put in place a transformative Socialist government, the centrist extremists were more concerned with protecting their donor-proxy MP's like Gloria De Piero... #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
The 'false equivalence' theme of the #FordeReport continues, as it discusses two issues shown below. One we have hard evidence for, the other we have only understood via 'verbal' hearsay from centrist extremists. @Standup4Labour
At #BehindLabour, we feel that whilst all factions were behaving with self-interest, everyone wanted to win and beat the Tories. That being said, the self-interest in many cases undermined any efforts the party gave towards that collective aim. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
The 'culture of entitlement' we have come to expect from blue-trousered adult-babies is shown again. They believe their interests and ideas outweighed the millions of members they were supposed to represent. THIS IS SERVICE, NOT A CAREER OPPORTUNITY! #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
@mentions@Standup4Labour We had a copy paste snafu here - this tweet should reference Valent Projects, not Tangent Communications.
Could this be it? Could the VAT have gone AWOL? Another question for the 'budget controller' and arch-smear-merchant in charge of that particular black hole. #FordeReport@Standup4Labour
Psyops pushed by @novaramedia in no particular order. 1. @JustStop_Oil. Like @novaramedia itself, JSO is a front for CIA cutout @weareplanc, which is directly involved in the theft of Syria's oil. 1/…
2. #ItWasAScam. @novaramedia and its presenters validated the false notion that @jeremycorbyn's Labour Party had an antisemitism problem. They have never apologised…
@novaramedia @jeremycorbyn 3. @paulmasonnews. @novaramedia published articles by aspiring MI6 friend Mason. When Mason's emails 2 MI6 officer & Integrity Initiative member Andy Pryce leaked, NM ridiculed him. The real joke was on NM's audience. Mason is 1 of several links between NM & Integrity Initiative
🧵1/ The #RussellBrand @rustyrockets debate rumbles on, whilst the role of @Channel4 @C4Dispatches #Dispatches and the claims of a political agenda behind the docu-drama remain generally unexamined.
So we decided to take a look from that angle, and see what was there...
*DISCLAIMER* This thread is not about believing or disbelieving women in reporting sexual assault. Due process is the only tool we have in punishing perpetrators, and it must be used. If you think it's not doing the job (it isn't), vote in better legislators to change the law.
🧵2/ The production company behind the docu-drama is @HardcashProd. A company with a long history of producing content that comes from an avowedly establishment / centrist perspective.
The @AJIunit episode of #LabourFiles this evening wasn't particularly enlightening if you've been paying attention for the past seven years.
We all knew that British / US / Israeli intelligence communities had been working together to undermine the British anti-imperialist left.
Whilst shocking, the information presented was nearly all fairly well documented. What IS shocking is how little attention most on the left were paying to this stuff when it was all originally coming out.
We must do better. We must take action and improve our operation.
It is VERY clear that the Labour Party has a serious psychopath problem, as well as an infestation of intelligence service parasites.
The party has been weaponised against the people of Britain. Defending staying inside it, or promoting the brand, should be offensive to you.
This program will shake the foundations of British democracy with state sponsored antisemitism, islamophobia, intelligence organisation involvement, and Labour Party Terrorism.
@AJIunit#LabourFiles is already making the case that the British intelligence community, and those at the top of the Labour Party, are set on demonising the city of Liverpool. A point we made live on @Standup4Labour#NOTPMQs this week.
The program already names John Stolliday and Iain MacNicol as key people working against British Democracy and the left. Disgusting.