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Jul 22, 2022 89 tweets 18 min read Read on X
notifications - yoonmin au

min yoongi hates park jimin. he really, really hates him. meanwhile, park jimin is just a terrible texter with his notifications off.

#ymfest22_d15 #yoonminfest #yoonminau ImageImageImageImage
• crack mostly
• one sided “hate”
• fools in love actually
• very light and prob short
• basketball captain!myg and student council vice-president!pjm
• non-factual and unserious college life
1. jimin texting habita are just plain self-projection henlo Image
2. park fucking jimin Image
3. pjlomlstbh ➡️ stupid park jimin ImageImageImage
4. Image
5. hi that tomorrow took some time but we’re back with these fools Image
6. and they're panicking again Image
As Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung enter the gym, they already have Yoongi’s attention.

Since Jungkook had warned him about them coming, Yoongi had been hyper-aware of the entrance, constantly glancing to check everyone who came inside.
Now that they have arrived, Yoongi feels glued to his place, awkwardly looking at the pair walking to the stands, where he and most of the team are sitting.

“Good afternoon,” they greet.
Taehyung’s voice, despite being deeper, sounds more cheerful besides Jimin’s quiet polite murmur.

Yoongi curses himself for thinking the other looks beautiful on his neat wide slacks and shirt.

He reminds himself that he has messages sitting unattended on this man’s phone.
“We’re looking for the club’s captain, if possible,” Taehyung continues.

Yoongi glances at Jimin, who despite being the one in charge, keeps to himself, watching the conversation.

“That’s me. How can I help?” he answers, after.
Before Taehyung can reply, his phone rings loudly, and he excuses himself to a corner, after asking Jimin if he can take over and receiving a reassuring nod.

Jimin gives Yoongi a discreet smile before explaining.
“We need to know when you’re available for welcoming new members,” the blond says, extending him a clipboard. “Just write down the day and hour, your name, year and contact.”

Yoongi scoffs. “You must be kidding me,” he mumbles.
He sees Jimin looking at him, questioning, from the corner of his sight as he writes, yet the blond doesn't say anything. So, Yoongi doesn't, too.
7. soon ImageImage
8. lane Image
9. good morning ☀️ hope everyone is having a nice day, the poll wasn't finished but written was winning largely and m impatient, let's roll Image
10. wrong Image
11. there - i wanted to ramble here but actually m too sleepy to do that 😵‍💫 Image
12. he - also i believe i said this would be short? but if i didn’t m saying it now 😁 Image
13. what if by jhope but yea so short i might finish it later today if i have time 😁 Image
14. afternoon ImageImage
15. kim namjoon Image
16. kidding Image
17. fine Image
18. later that day ImageImageImage
19. crush Image
20. morning it's a new day hope everyone is alright lets get into this once more 😁 tell me things :D ImageImage
21. blushing (would anyone be interested in a super quick socmed tiny doctor yg fic if yes pls like this post. ill pin it in ~eight hours?) Image
- 📚📚📚📚
Yoongi looks at his phone, deliberating if he should or not text Kim Namjoon.

They had decided to meet earlier, to organize better.

Yoongi made sure to arrive on time, afraid to disturb the other. Yet, eight minutes had passed, and no sight of Namjoon.
He’s unsure if that’s enough to be alright for him to text the student council representative, so he settles on waiting a while more.

Gladly, he doesn't wait long, the old wooden door announcing the other’s arrival.
Although, when Yoongi turns to find Park Jimin rushing to him in his full glory, Yoongi thinks he’s not that glad anymore. At all, in fact.

The other bows at him as soon as he reaches Yoongi. “Sorry, for arriving late,” Jimin apologizes. He straightens up.
“I missed my bus, and had to run. Hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long.” Jimin says, rushed alike his breathing.

Jimin’s hair is ruffled, from the running, Yoongi guesses. It looks soft, still.

Yoongi blinks. “What are you doing here?”
“Eh?” Jimin stifles, and his eyes lock with Yoongi’s. Comically, they’re as wide as Yoongi believes his own are.

Yoongi looks away, embarrassed for letting his shock get to him. He can feel Jimin’s eyes on his face, but he tries not to think about it.
“I was expecting Kim Namjoon... I didn't know you were the one coming, that is.”

“Oh. Namjoon-hyung didn't warn you?” Jimin pauses to clear his throat.

“He needs to do something for his class, so he couldn't come,” Jimin clarifies. His boots thump against the wood floor.
“Do you mind if I do it instead?”

Jimin’s question makes Yoongi turn to the younger one. Jimin’s eyes aren't fixed on Yoongi and his fingers fiddle with his bag’s straps.

There’s a small pout on his lips and Yoongi wishes he wasn't so infatuated by the blond.
“It’s alright,” Yoongi nibbles on his lips. “Was just surprised.”

Jimin nods, looking up at him.

“Let’s not waste time, then.” He says.
They seat in the stands at an arm's length of distance.

Yoongi asks Jungkook where he is, followed by a series of panicked messages regarding Park Jimin. The other answers him a simple ‘omw’, ignoring most of Yoongi’s messages.
Yoongi is left waiting, counting the minutes for Jungkook to arrive.

“So,” Jimin murmurs beside him, “How do you usually do this?”

“Uh, it’s tradition to have matches in between the newbies. But we didn't have this many people last time, so it didn't take much time.
“Then, we deliver the list of people in the club and those who aren’t.”

Jimin moves, catching Yoongi’s attention. He grabs a notepad and a pencil. “We can do that, but maybe shorten the matches’ time, so we can fit more people in one hour.”
Yoongi nods. “Sorry for all the trouble.”

Jimin tilts his body forward. “It’s fine,” he says, sending Yoongi a small smirk, teasing. “After all, this is Min Yoongi, star shooting guard.”
Yoongi blushes. “Stop.”

His whining seems to entertain Jimin, as the blond laughs softly at it, his hands covering his mouth and eyes smiling at Yoongi.

Yoongi thinks he could give him the world, for it only.
“Isn't it true? Star player Min Yoongi in his first year and captain by his third.”

The older has a surprised smile on his face.

“What’s this? Park Jimin has been keeping an eye on me? I'm honored.”
He’s happy to make Jimin blush. Still, the blond manages to return a tiny “Naturally,” despite keeping his eyes on his hands.

Thankfully, it makes him miss Yoongi’s fond smile.
“Actually, Jimin...”
“I’m here!” Jungkook’s voice bursts through the door.

Although there was nothing more than Yoongi wanted some minutes ago, now he feels miserable seeing Jungkook.
Still, it makes him giddy listening to Jimin’s disappointed sigh. The feeling goes both ways.

He notes then that they're sitting closer, having shifted slightly towards each other.

After Jungkook’s arrival, it doesn't take long for the newcomers to come.
Even though they both have to focus on their tasks, Jimin and Yoongi lock eyes throughout the hour, leaving only a thrill for the mutual interest.
As Yoongi listens to Jungkook brag about how he got Jimin’s friend’s number, he watches Jimin move away to a corner.

It takes him thirty seconds of self-motivating and his friend eye roll to go to the blond.
However, when he approaches Jimin’s back, he hears him talking.

“Yeah, it was alright. Felt like running away, but thankfully it was alright,” he pauses, presumably to listen to the other person.
He laughs before answering. “Stop, nothing happened. I’m on my way home, alright? See ya.”

Jimin is turning before Yoongi can register. He halts, wonder in his face.

Maybe it is irrational to be upset about being ignored after he and Jimin spent the afternoon and the younger had retributed his attraction. However, things feel quite uncertain, so Yoongi decides to hold back on his date offer.
“Ah, nothing,” Yoongi stutters.

Jimin’s mood glooms, his shoulders dropping.

“I’ll see you tomorrow?”
Jimin smiles at him. This time, however, it doesn't reach his eyes.

“Of course.”
As Friday passes by, Yoongi is restless. Keeping his worries worked against him, his overthinking pilling up with the time passing.

When he sees Jimin, he's eager to be with him, which makes him feel frustrated throughout the day.
Luckily, there aren't many people left from the first day, and after accompanying three matches, they're wrapping everything up.

He dismisses the offers for dinner, not feeling in the mood, telling them they can go ahead.
He turns around after watching them leave, called by the soft hum next to him.

When they lock eyes, Jimin mutters, "Are you going home now?"
They didn't talk much until then. Yoongi had been lost in his head and tried to focus on something else. Other than the courteous greeting and casual questions, Jimin didn't try to speak to him, too.
"Uh yeah," Yoongi answers, waddling on his feet.

Jimin nods in understanding. They stay in a tense silence in front of each other, eyes dodging contact.
"Do you," Jimin starts, loudly, startling Yoongi. The blond clears his throat before continuing, not minding his reddening cheeks. "Do you maybe want to walk back together?"

Once again, Yoongi is shocked.

"I don't live in the dorms," he observes.
"Oh," Jimin says, discouraged.

So, Yoongi is quick to add, "But it's the same way! I don't mind," he adds then, softly, "Would love to actually."
Jimin smiles widely at him. It's enough to push Yoongi's earlier dilemma into the back of his mind.
As they walk back, they smoothly whisper the conversation, only for them to hear, and stumble into each other.

The adrenaline is enough to drive Yoongi into asking Jimin to eat together in a small restaurant near the campus.
He ignores the fact that he had refused the other's offer earlier. Then, he was unmotivated to go out with that many people, the problems too clouding to ignore.

Now, he's walking with his crush who made advances first, and he's happy to spend more time with the younger.
As they seat themselves, there's an excitement Yoongi is overjoyed to see they both share, guessing by Jimin's smile.

Before they can get a word in, a phone rings between them.

Jimin doesn't budge, watching Yoongi.

When Yoongi picks up, there's a deep voice speaking instantly.
"Min Yoongi? This is Kim Namjoon, are you still with Jimin?"

"Uh, yeah. What's up?" Yoongi stammers back.

He tries not to coo at Jimin's questioning face, turning away from the growing frown.
"Oh, finally!" The other says, voice tired. "I swear to god, I've tried everyone and nobody was with him. Sorry, could you tell him the timetable was altered, so tomorrow the meeting is not at 11AM but at 7?"

"Sure?" he replies.
"Thank you so much. Sorry for the trouble again, but otherwise I'd never get to him."

Yoongi hums, mindlessly. "It's alright. I held him back a little."

There's a small gasp in the background that amuses Yoongi. Quickly, the phone call ends.
Yoongi laughs. "Namjoon-ssi asked me to warn you that your meeting tomorrow will be earlier. 7 AM."

"Damn it," Jimin groans. "So early, and for what."

His attitude makes Yoongi laugh lightly.
"He sounded like he was trying to get to you for a while now, though," Yoongi murmurs. He doesn't know how to approach the texting fiasco with Jimin, so he tries to smooth it into the talk.
Meanwhile, the younger one blushes one more time. It amazes Yoongi how easy it is for it to happen.

When they're far away, Jimin's gaze is enough to make Yoongi flush, but close like this, Yoongi has the upper card.
"Probably," Jimin explains. "I have all of my notifications off, so when they can't get to me, they have to figure out who I'm with."

Yoongi stares at him, confused. "All of them?"
Jimin nods, bashful.

"So unless you happen to be on your phone, you don't get news, calls," Yoongi pauses before trying, "or even texts?"
The other nods again. "Not likely though, so I mostly miss everything that's not said to me personally," Jimin carries on.

Yoongi barks out a laugh as he feels relief flood. "That's good. Really fucking good."
He stops. "Don't you feel disconnected?"

Jimin shrugs, "Meh. Having them on just makes me too anxious and I'm constantly checking them, so I prefer it like this. Although, now I kinda forget I have a phone at all. But, minor details."
Yoongi laughs at his antics. "Sure, minor details."

Jimin smiles. Then, it grows into a smirk.

"I wouldn't mind having your number, though, Min Yoongi."
Yoongi's eyes widen. Then he laughs, embarrassed. "Now, that's a funny story."
22. development Image
23. brave ImageImage
24. once again Image
25. months later ImageImageImage
26. baby Image
- the end!!! 😁😁
(1/2) HELLO so i am a liar 😟 jk jk i really didn’t have any time today to sit in a corner and focus on writing had to vacuum sweep and scrub if u get me. BUT tiny doctor au will be pinned in 20 mins and i’ll start updating before posting this 👇 fic first thing in the morning
(2/2) STILL thank u so so much for reading, liking and talking to me! i appreciate it very much!!
i’ll start warning about updates according kst so if anything happens and i cannot update, i can give a timely warning
now, i shall threaten u to come with me to the next one 😁 /lh
AND THERE WE GO it’s super late and m super tired have/ hope you had a great day!! :D

• • •

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Oct 5, 2022
a #yoonmin au- “boo!”

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1. hello hi welcome to another silly thing. *offers a hug* hope we’re alright. i need to go to bed in like ten to twenty but i’d like to get the first part posted so here we go. ImageImage
2. date Image
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Aug 2, 2022
a #yoonmin au

jimin gets recommended a doctor to help him ease out all the office tension. after an embarrassing moment, he’s not so sure if he wants to attend his reserved sessions anymore. ImageImage
• tomorrow
• crack
• super light and short (won't pass 15 tweets I think)
•inspired by a random video I saw :D
2. hihi hope everyone is alright <3 this will be a very bad humor with narration on texts very quick!! tell me things and enjoy!! 🤲 back to the fishes (can we appreciate my editing skills heh) ImageImageImage
Read 24 tweets
Jul 29, 2022
yoonmin au

min yoongi and park jimin publish manhwas together. for convenience, they live together.

then, yoongi gets offered a collaboration with another artist, and apparently, also has plans to move out.
#yoonminfest #ymfest22_d19
#yoonminau ImageImage
✍️ mutual pining
✍️ lack of communication
✍️ living together for ‘convenience
✍️ tiny hurt lots of comfort
additional tags: light angst? happy ending?

any type of interaction is strongly welcomed, tell me things :D

now lets roll owo
Read 221 tweets
Jul 27, 2022
#ymfest22_d17 #yoonminfest
"So, are you free today?" Jimin says as he dodges another punch.

"Not this again, Park," Yoongi grunts, blushing. "I'm trying to beat you up"

Jimin skips another hit.

"Ok, but what about a date instead?" Jimin grins. "I know a great place near here!"
"Can you focus?!" Yoongi shouts.

It's been exactly two days since Jimin was able to take off Yoongi's mask during one of the raven-haired's interceptions.

Ever since he has been set on taking the pretty man out, despite him working for his enemy.
"I am focused, Yoongi!" he jumps back, avoiding a kick. "Going on a date with you is a serious matter."

"I regret telling you my name," the other bemoans.

"What! Nonsense. In fact, you should tell me more!"
Read 23 tweets
Jul 12, 2022
apartment 127 - yoonmin au

when seokjin, namjoon’s boyfriend, leaves on a business trip, he leaves his cat hybrid, yoongi, with him. however, it seems that namjoon’s hybrid jimin doesn’t like him very much.

#yoonminau #yoonminfest #ymfest22_d7 ImageImage
🐈cat hybrids yoonmin
🐈hybrids and humans don’t have the same rights. hybrids usually have an owner.
🐈hate at first sight
🐈very light
🐈misunderstanding and lack of communication
🐈happy ending
🐈short threadfic
“Are you sure about this, Namjoon?” Seokjin asks, watching Jimin glare daggers into Yoongi’s side. The other remains unfazed.

“I really am not,” Namjoon sighs. “But we need to ease them into the other if we want to move in together. You get going.” He kisses him quickly.
Read 212 tweets
Jul 7, 2022
the boy from busan - yoonmin au

the five times yoongi, a personal chef who found himself taking care of a beach shack, tried to get a regular customer’s number, and the one time he gets it.

#ymfest22_d4 #yoonminfest ImageImageImageImage
🌊 personal chef! yoongi
🌊 5+1 stuff
🌊 mutual pining
🌊 fluff
🌊 food
🌊 inspired by the girl from ipanema cover by bibi
🌊 #yoonminfest #yoonminau
1. how things started (socmed aus r vv hard, kneeling for every writer 🧎) ImageImageImageImage
Read 97 tweets

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