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Jul 22, 2022 111 tweets 29 min read Read on X
@MarcusBlimi newest contribution of note:

A tirade against the deplorable "antivaxxers" in Rockland county😱😱

Her invectives are quite revealing

Let's unpack her multiple🧵tweet by tweet

As the saying goes, sunlight is the best disinfectant



The tone of the OT is indicative of the authoritarian paternalistic snobbery that follows

"She wanted my advice, I had none to give her"

Cuz nothing conveys genuine desire to improve the welfare of a group of people like sneering condemnations they're hopeless (or worse)
Sneering condemnation?

More like inflammatory vitriol designed to provoke animosity against them


There's another issue here: @MarcusBlimi does not understand why people who don't share her views disagree

Nor does she care to understand the views of ppl "beneath her"
So we'll digress a bit

One of the most narcissistic traits of elitist snobs like @MarcusBlimi - especially the "expert class" - is their dismissal of everyone who doesn't accept whatever falls out of their mouths as gospel truth

Or as Fauci so eloquently put it:

Only someone intellectually hampered, morally lacking, easily deceived, malevolently motivated

and of course


could ever reject the sainted wisdom of the experts

That's what they truly believe

Everything they say exudes this sentiment in droves


Is this true?
Or are there actual reasons that some people have for distrusting the expert class and medical establishment

"But then you shouldn't accept any new medical development since 1497!!"

We'll get to this absurdly dumb accusation later don't worry
So to sum up this debate, there are two issues that lie at the heart of the dispute between "experts" like @MarcusBlimi vs the "anti-experts" she ruthlessly impugns:

1. Are "experts" trustworthy

2. Do "anti-experts" have rational positions and coherent logic to their positions
We'll start with #2

As it turns out, MIT published a study - a very comprehensive study - about this

And yes Blimi, I linked to the study AND even an article published by MIT about the study😇

Boy is this study a thorough refutation of elitist snobbery
They analyzed about half a million (!!) anti-expert tweets


Well, we'll let the authors do the talking, shall we

They really wrote this up very well

despite being from the expert class that looks down upon the petulant unruly illiterate peasant rabble

Select quotes:
1) "Indeed, anti-maskers often reveal themselves to be more sophisticated in their understanding of how scientific knowledge is socially constructed than their ideological adversaries, who espouse naïve realism about the “objective” truth of public health data."
2) "This study shows the opposite: users in these communities are deeply invested in forms of critique and knowledge production that they recognize as markers of scientific expertise."

3) "Anti-mask approaches acknowledge the subjectivity of how datasets are constructed, attempt
to reconcile the data with lived experience, and these groups seek to make the process of understanding data as transparent as possible in order to challenge the powers that be. For example, one of the most popular visualizations within the Facebook groups we studied were unit
visualizations, which are popular among anti-maskers and computer scientists for the same reasons: they provide more information, better match a reader’s mental model, [etc.]"

4) "Arguing that anti-maskers simply need more scientific literacy is to characterize their approach as
uninformed and inexplicably extreme."

5) "This study shows that there is a fundamental epistemological conflict between maskers and anti-maskers, who use the same data but come to such different conclusions."

6) "While previous literature in visualization and science
communication has emphasized the need for data and media literacy as a way to combat misinformation, this study finds that anti-mask groups practice a form of data literacy in spades."

7) "Within this constituency, unorthodox viewpoints do not result from a deficiency of data
literacy; sophisticated practices of data literacy are a means of consolidating and promulgating views that fly in the face of scientific orthodoxy."

8) "Not only are these groups prolific in their creation of counter-visualizations, but they leverage data and their visual
representations to advocate for and enact policy changes on the city, county, and state levels."

9) "Its members value individual initiative/ingenuity, trusting scientific analysis only insofar as they can replicate it themselves by accessing and manipulating the data firsthand"
10) "They are highly reflexive about the inherently biased nature of any analysis, and resent what they view as the arrogant self-righteousness of scientific elites."

11) "Most fundamentally, the groups we studied believe that science is a process, and not an institution."
12) "these groups mistrust the scientific establishment (“Science”) because they believe that the institution has been corrupted by profit motives and politics."

13) "The knowledge that [what] the CDC and academics have created cannot be trusted because they need to be subject
to increased doubt, and not accepted as consensus."

14) "As we have seen, people are not simply passive consumers of media: anti-mask users in particular were predisposed to digging through the scientific literature and highlighting the uncertainty in academic publications that
media organizations elide. When these uncertainties did not surface within public-facing versions of these studies, people began to assume that there was a broader cover-up."
Bonus 15)

One of the study's authors stated (from MIT's promotional article for the study):

“It’s a very striking finding,” says Lee. “It shows that characterizing anti-mask groups as data-illiterate or not engaging with the data, is empirically false.”…
Let's repeat that last one:

Claiming that the anti-mask etc. people are illiterate or acting unscientifically is EMPIRICALLY FALSE

Hey Blimi, do you know what "empirically false" means??

It was referring to your snotty elitist depiction of ppl who don't trust "experts"
I can't emphasize these quotes enough

You should read them each a few times so that they sink in

People have been effectively propagandized / gaslit by cretins like @MarcusBlimi that everyone anti- experts is either illiterate or malevolent while ppl who follow are the opposite
Of course, some ppl are simply delusional

I was thrown off a WhatsApp chat for the grievous sin (heresy?) of arguing that publicly claiming that "communicable disease-causing agents do not exist" is harmful to people who fall for such nonsense
In other words, our side's version of the ppl who wear two facemasks while driving alone with the windows open

There are a small % of ppl that gravitate to loony irrational quackiness

It has nothing to do with whether they believe in experts or not

ANY position can be warped
This paternalistic "I am incomparably superior to you intellectually and morally" attitude of experts like @MarucsBlimi is why the academic world still loves communism, authoritarian control, and enforces modern day colonialism on Africa via "international aid" $$ etc.
"Experts" think that anyone who doesn't trust them is by definition an unexplainable phenomenon, an irrational person who is mentally like a "broken" record incapable of reason

When experts like @MarcusBlimi are in fact the most unreasonable of them all

The irony is delicious
Unreasonable because they are unwilling to even consider entertaining the possibility that maybe just maybe there is an alternate view that might be rationally held by people

@MarcusBlimi can't offer any advice cuz she's not looking to help, she wants to bludgeon into submission
Hey Blimi, want to understand the thinking of people who hold opposing views to your vaunted expertise?

Who am I kidding, of course she doesn't

But for everyone else:

One Pandemic, Two Interpretations, and the Unbridgeable Chasm that Separates Them…
Let's move to point #1 here

Are "experts" trustworthy?

Answer: NO

Not in a million years

Especially an illiterate clown show like @MarcusBlimi

See, one way to get people to distrust you is to claim expertise in a subject you're ignorant about

Worse, you can really really get people to distrust you if you not only fraudulently claim expertise but ruthlessly bully everyone who resists your benevolent intellectual dictatorship mafia

For instance…
I could spend weeks going through @MarcusBlimi timeline debunking one illiterate contention after another

Point is, any half-witted troll can Google a vast array of studies etc "proving" any establishment narrative

Like @MarcusBlimi

And then claim to be an EXPERT
"Look I'm so smart and sophisticated, I can quote all these Lancet/NEJM/JAMA studies"

"And fact checkers"

"And I can even quote other experts too!!"

You can do this without actually ever knowing anything about the subject or arguments of the studies etc. whatsoever
It's dishonest and a major turn-off to many people

It's like virtue signaling by scientists over climate change despite not having the foggiest idea about the GAST vs Satellite datasets, patterns of surface vessel water temp testing, modeling formulas for avg temperature et al
So let's discuss: How do laypeople assess the reliability of experts?

Cuz we still drive cars
use toasters
ride elevators
fly in airplanes

and all the other amenities of society that were developed by and whose reliability is based upon experts

Of course @MarcusBlimi would tell you that's because we're just selfish and stupid and irrational and unthinking and hypocritical

The reliable rejoinder of aggrieved troglodyte trolls like Blimi

But for honest people who aren't narcissistic maniacs what's the real answer?
A Layperson's Guide to Adjudicating the Credibility of Scientists and Scientific Claims

"People faced with a dilemma whether to accept a purportedly “scientific” claim that is not clear-cut or self-evident are not adjudicating whether inferences from…
observations, facts, and logic are a legitimate basis for determining reality – in other words, whether they believe in the logic of the scientific method – they're adjudicating whether the scientists who announce the findings of scientific inquiry are credible and trustworthy."
The Characteristics of Dis/Honest Experts & Public Officials

Do they...

Solicits Contrary Opinions
Willingness to entertain they are wrong
Solicit Input from stakeholders, especially those most adversely impacted by your decisions/policies

Minimizes the adverse consequences as much as possible
Carefully avoids the appearance of any impropriety
Nakedly Political / opinion always seem to align with the prevailing political winds
Engages in Ad Hominem Attacks
Claims that “the Science” “says” to choose policy “X”
Benefits personally from society’s misfortune
Act threatened by the prospect accountability for the failure of your policy or claim
Being more definitive than is warranted
Relies on Charisma
Does the expert speak out against policies based upon a distortion of their opinion?
Assessing the Quality of Expertise:
Speaks/writes with technical precision
Can comfortably articulate complex points with clarity and precision in regular layperson English

Institutional Indicators of Bad Faith:
Tolerance of corrupt or compromised officials
And finally, to pull all of these traits together:
Do the experts have any capacity for self-introspection
I loved writing this line:

"Anyone who frames the rejection of “experts” and/or their claims as a rejection of the proper application of the scientific method is a repulsive and manipulative liar engaging in propagandistic intellectual thuggery"
I haven't ever seen Blimi try to think about how other people judge for themselves if she and her colleagues are credible and trustworthy

She doesn't care

None of them do

They feel entitled to unquestioning submission bec of their credentials

Oh and one more thing about this article and the rest of my articles I'm about to quote

"You're a narcissistic egotistical clown who cites himself as evidence that he's right"


I am perfectly at peace with using my own material

Especially when it's useful
Which leads us to the next question:

How did the experts perform over covid??



17 reasons why it is irrational to trust the medical community regarding the covid vaccines

Public health policies over the past two years have failed to curb covid at all but wrought unmitigated societal devastation. What exactly have they done right?…
1) The mother of all biases: The medical community bet every ounce of credibility and authority they had on the vaccines being safe and effective, so they cannot afford to ever admit they were wrong should the vaccines ultimately turn out to have real safety issues

'Nuff said
2) The politicization of the medical community…
3) The insistence on a “One Size Fits All” contrary to fundamental medical practice

4) The lack of consistent evidentiary standards

5) Few medical professionals including those involved in making policy or opining on the vaccines have any idea how the vaccines work
6) They got pretty much everything about covid wrong before the vaccines

1. Mortality Rate
2. Mortality Stratification by Age and Comorbidities
3. The Infamous Imperial College Doomsday Model
4. Neil Ferguson
5. Covid Morbidity and Mortality for Kids…
6. Outdoor Transmission
7. “Flatten the Curve!"
8. Lockdowns slowed the spread
9. Shifting goal posts to define the objective of the lockdowns
10. The IHME models
11. The constantly shifting positions on wearing masks, especially outdoors
12. The Covid Death Count
13. Florida was going to be a disaster
14. Sweden
15. Hydroxychloroquine
16. The deliberate and malicious disregarding of the massive lockdown costs
17. Kawasaki Disease Mania!
18. Camps/schools are dangerous and risky
19. We need massive contact tracing in order to reopen safely
That was a PARTIAL list written in late 2020

7) The failure to treat covid
8) The lack of critical or independent thinking by anyone in the mainstream medical community
9) The medical community failed to convey basic risk stratification
10) Public health officials used wrong information and spurious data to construct pandemic policies
11) The medical community never admitted that they made serious mistakes
12) The denial of natural immunity
13) Censorship and Fraud
14) They don’t denounce useless and harmful practices derived from their policies and statements
15) The medical establishment is riddled with massive financial conflicts of interest
16) Every specific claim made regarding the vaccines so far has ultimately proven to be false
And lastly,

17) A significant % of the medical community are genuinely evil people

"You're making stuff up"

Read the article first

"You're definitely making stuff up"

Provide specific examples and we can debate it

Unlike a certain blue check, I am not afraid of a discussion
Isn't it amazing how much there is to unpack behind the anti-expert epistemology??

Blimi, do you at all care to understand why some people think you're a fraud?

Honest people do try to have at least a bit of self-awareness

It's easier though to denounce your detractors instead

Specifically for a community like Rockland, the medical professionals elevated during covid have been every bit as bad as advertised

Here is Dr. Daniel Berman, one of the most influential docs in this demographic

On Vaccinating to Herd Immunity…
On Vaccine Vs Infection Immunity…
On Vaccinating Children…
On Vaccines and New Clumps of Cells (have to be careful, this is a 3rd rail issue for the Twitter censors)…
Speaking of cute babies, I wrote this in September, which was a comprehensive overview of the available evidence suggesting there was gonna be a big problem

Remember what they said


Then there's Dr. Aaron Glatt

A real menace

See he isn't just illiterate, he lied under oath in a court affidavit to prevent a patient in his hospital from getting a certain medicine

Deborah Bucko died amidst the ongoing court wrangling after initial dramatic improvement
Glatt was possibly the most aggressive advocate and driving force behind the wholesale abominations of institutionalized child abuse of masks/social isolation of kids, even TODDLERS!!

I know because I saw 3yo's in my community with the wretched masks strapped on
He caused an untold number of deaths from both covid and the magic unicorn juice

Plus even more suffering and disability

Glatt is one of the most scientifically inept ppl I've seen

He could legitimately challenge Topol as @eugyppius1 crowned "mentally vacant covid astrologer"
Dr. Glatt on lockdowns written June 2020…

Dr. Glatt on covid metrics also from June 2020…

Glatt on asymptomatic transmission also from June 2020…
I don't have time to write up entirely new pieces more comprehensively exposing the illiterate hubris of Angels of Death like Glatt so these will have to suffice
Basically, there is plenty of legitimate rational basis to distrust experts

Especially government experts

With that in mind, let's return to the @MarcusBlimi tirade thread
Talk about obnoxious

There is definitely an angry frustrated vibe flowing here


Hey Blimi, you're missing the main reason:

Medical professionals are not considered trustworthy, and they're not even anymore presumed to be moral
See you campaigned to abuse their children, their families, their communities

You bullied, maligned, attacked, embarrassed, humiliated, shamed, manipulated, gaslit, propagandized, hurt, and ostracized everyone who didn't mindlessly bend the knee to your dictums and diktats
You're the "bad guy" to a heck of a lot of, not a trusted voice of expertise and wisdom

And you're ignorance is now on full display for everyone to see

It really is that simple

And you don't care

You will double down, find comfort and support in your insular social bubble
So @MarcusBlimi finally says something that is at least partially accurate

Viral infection sequelae are indeed something that for whatever reason is never really discussed

But the question is ultimately

overall is the benefit of vaccination > risks of vaccination
Even as late as a year ago, I would've dismissed any questions about the safety of standard vaccines

I used to think that the antivaxxer movement was a farce

Now, I'm not so sure

You can't unsee the pervasive corruption that controls ALL public helath agencies and institutions
To be clear, I hear plenty of deranged claims from people who are antivaxxers

You know, like I hear from the mainstream medical community or psuedo-experts like @MarcusBlimi

They're irrelevant

I intend to do a deep dive into vaccine studies/literature and health metrics
For me, the jury's out

I have confidence that the CDC vaccine studies are fraudulent though

Also, prior vaccines are not remotely like the covid magic unicorn pixie dust

Which is a truly remarkable achievement

Definitely the first with such a diverse array of bioactivities
If @MarcusBlimi genuinely cares about the immunocompromised etc., then she would think twice before brutally savaging the people whose cooperation she needs to help these unfortunate folks

Also, "need to alter schedule" is not compelling to listen to untrustworthy healthcare ppl
I mean, c'mon, take the tylenol that might have Fentanyl in it cuz ppl need to alter their schedule or attendance for significant life events

I wouldn't trust you even if you were offering me Ivermectin 7 days into covid symptoms if I suspected it might be laced with Fentanyl
Again, talk about obnoxious

and being full of yourself

One of the primary reasons that people believe crazy delusions is that the medical community assassinates (PROFESSIONALLY NOT LITERALLY) any reasonable expert who bucks conventional consensus on vaccines
In other words, they clear the field of all rational ppl leaving only the crackpots who they can't character assassinate because their authority/credibility isn't derived from a formal credential

Naturally, people who distrust the med community will turn to more unsavory options
If I know for certain that you're lying, and the only other option is Alex Jones, well I might think that Jones is a nut but he's a better option than the proven liar - it's better to be right 20% of the time than 1% of the time.
And no, you will never catch me citing AJ as a reliable source of info


Although these days, perhaps I should hedge...

just a little...

cuz boy are we in dark times

Civilization Dies in Darkness (yup, modifying WaPo's self-owning aphorism)
But where @MarcusBlimi tirade gets real hot and spicy is in thread #2

Turns out she had some advice to offer after all😏😏

But as we shall see, it would be better for everyone for @MarcusBlimi to keep her morally deranged invective to herself
First, before I savage this contemptible screed

Please everyone else, leave out personal tragedies, it's unbecoming and morally decrepit

I have no interest in getting any more messages about "she deserved _____"

It's really not nice
G-D killed the talking donkey to spare Bilaam extra posthumous embarrassment - "Look! that's the donkey that reproached Bilaam" - that wasn't strictly warranted for his sins

And he was one of history's most wicked ppl

**of all time**

Now, back to our feature presentation
Blimi demand #1 is ill-considered

And didn't she herself already say that these ppl are hopeless and deadset in their ignorant ways??

Which is it??

Of course, DEMAND that the major media outlets that serve the community partake in what will be perceived as propaganda

Like that's gonna work🤣🤣

You might pick of a few people

But at what cost?
Have you considered the prudence of starting a major communal row?
Recruiting (bullying) shared institutions or entities to take sides in vicious internecine squabbles is generally not a great idea

If you are a thoughtful person that is

But rabid "my way or the highway" egotistically inflated snobs like @MarcusBlimi have no such compunctions

Not only internal community fighting

Also intrafamily warfare

Have we really not seen enough of this discord from the covid vaccine fights??

Seriously, someone needs to take a chill pill and learn about mediation techniques

You know, peaceful methods for outreach

Nuremberg Code is too constrictive you see

This is McCarthy redux, except McCarthy was right about the commie infiltration

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to get that publicly threatening or coercing doctors to comply undermines their credibility and is unethical
Or maybe it does take a rocket scientist

or at least a medically credentialed individual

the utter lack of self-awareness and common sense here is stunning

And whatever happened to "informed consent"??

Doctors acc to Blimi cannot have independent medical opinions
And then she wonders why ppl think she is untrustworthy and morally decrepit

Ppl who callously employ "ends justify the means" justification are properly viewed as dangerous and evil

Cuz they are

Especially when trying to overthrow fundamental universal ethical principles

This is downright authoritarian

Sick the govt on the opposition

This is an open declaration of war

If someone threatened to report me or my doctor to the govt - someone with ample connections to high govt officials - I would take that extremely seriously
Threatening people in an existential way is the ultimate zero-sum scenario

People faced with an existential threat might react in kind

They would even be prudent to do so

@MarcusBlimi is playing a dangerous game here
Especially in light of the perception by half the country that the medical community/govt caused hundreds of thousands of deaths from covid/jab policies

"If you like your doctor, you can ke-"

Nah, too bad

We're yanking his credentials

And laughing all the way to the bank
Blimi you don't grasp how you and your ilk are viewed by half of society these days

The medical community is an evil institution

Shockingly so

Never forget what they did to us…
And especially our children…
One of the most serious sins one can commit is to tattle to the govt on someone else without proper justification

@MarcusBlimi is a demented authoritarian

She's like the crazed soldier type chomping at the bit who can't wait to shoot stuff

Like I said, bludgeon into submission

This is pernicious and vile

And definitely not thought through

@MarcusBlimi is content to indiscriminately lob grenades and sit back and watch the ensuing carnage

And lobbing unfair insults to boot

The cray-cray keeps rising

@MarcusBlimi wants to bring one of the most evil and despicable and demented attempts to criminalize the regular practice of medicine to NY

She obviously is incredibly naïve about the reality of politics and how govt powers are wielded
The blatant dishonesty of the Jewish medical organizations is a far bigger problem

To be clear though, Hatzalah I am unwilling to attack because we all owe them an unpayable debt for what they do for community

& they'll fall in line if the truth gets out
But how about disbanding JOWMA for starters

Or at least reforming it so that they operate under the aegis of more competent people

They've gone rogue religiously and medically

Then there are the various medical chesed orgs

Forcing disabled kids to get boosted to attend camp??
That's disgusting

Almost as bad as denying transplants to unvaccinated ppl

Yes Blimi, we agree, we need substantial communal reforms…
CONCLUSION (finally😂😂)

@MarcusBlimi is a hardcore elitist snob high on her own inflated sense of moral/intellectual superiority and expertise who wants to coercively inflict her views on ppl who don't trust her and her ilk

This is not a recipe for sustainable communities
Outbreaks of highly contagious diseases is a serious community issue

Serious issues require serious people who are thoughtful, humble, and strive to find and implement a solution in the most amicable manner possible

And most of all, people who are honest and realistic
@MarcusBlimi is not a serious person but an incendiary flamethrower lobbing grenades all over the place

She is a hardcore a partisan with a reputation for being aggressively confrontational and divisive

She is pouring gas on the fire

Hopefully she'll just be ignored

• • •

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More from @Ashmedaidemon

May 9, 2024
Surprisingly, there are almost 40 case report studies documenting a cancer following covid vaccination

Anaplastic large cell lymphoma at the SARS-CoV2 vaccine injection site (Revenga-Porcel et al)
A Case of Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia Unmasked After Receiving J&J COVID-19 Vaccine (Veerballi et al)

"Our case suggests the possibility of developing CMML associated with limited scleroderma after receiving the J&J COVID vaccine."
Bell's palsy or an aggressive infiltrating basaloid carcinoma post-mRNA vaccination for COVID-19? A case report and review of the literature (Kyriakopoulos AM et al)

"Overall, the short time frame and extremely invasive characteristics of BCC metastases in our patient suggest that immune system disturbances by the mRNA anti-COVID-19 vaccination may have led to the accelerated progression of the disease."
Read 44 tweets
Aug 18, 2023
Let's do the same, but for Ages 18-44
Sesame Street is even more appropriate (& is probably the approximate level of education for half this cohort now too)
1) ICD Codes beginning with the letter "A"

"A" is for Arrythmia, a condition where your heart isn't beating properly, which can cause you do drop dead without warning, and is a frequent cause of sudden death in young people killed by a covid vaccine. Image
2) ICD Codes beginning with the letter "B"

"B" is for Blood Pressure, which is probably going to go waaaaay up (or down) following a covid vaccine, which could be a sign of potentially lethal injury caused by the vaccine. Image
Read 28 tweets
Aug 17, 2023
🧵going through the entire alphabet of 11 years of data from the CDC with every ICD code from every US death certificate 2010-2021, Sesame Street style!!

1) ICD Codes beginning with the letter "A"

"A" is for Anaphylaxis, an allergic reaction some people have to a covid vaccine Image
2) ICD Codes beginning with the letter "B"

"B" is for Brain Bleed, a condition that causes strokes, which can happen following covid vaccination Image
3) ICD Codes beginning with the letter "C"

"C" is for Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, a rare but always fatal complication of covid vaccines where your brain matter degenerates into a sponge-like mass with lots of holes Image
Read 27 tweets
Jul 20, 2023
Minnesota, deaths with various cancers by ICD-10 codes

[make sure to read the chart titles]


C20, Malignant neoplasm of rectum Image

C21 - Malignant neoplasms of anus and anal canal Image

C259 - Malignant neoplasm, pancreas, unspecified Image
Read 45 tweets
Jun 2, 2023
The CDC @CDCgov is fraudulently doctoring mortality data by not assigning the ICD 10 codes used to identify vaccines as a Cause of Death - T88.1 or Y59.0 - on MN death certificates that identify a covid vaccine as a CoD

Receipts below


@EthicalSkeptic @JesslovesMJK @joshg99
Basically, the coroner filling out a death certificate writes out a text description of the cause/s of death, which is sent to the state govt

The state transmits these to the CDC, who then assigns the corresponding ICD 10 codes for the CoD's listed on the death certificate

“history of covid infection in May 2020” (about 7-8 months prior to death) gets U07.1 (“COVID-19, virus identified”)

"covid vaccine second dose *TEN HOURS* prior to death" gets. . . nothing Image
Read 12 tweets
Feb 5, 2023
Fatal Cardiac Arrests in Vermont in 2022 were nearly DOUBLE the pre-pandemic 5yr average - 314 vs 160

5-year average: 160
2020: 234
2021: 274
2022: 314

Let's break this down shall we
@EthicalSkeptic @RMConservative @justin_hart @EduEngineer @ShannonJoyRadio @Storiesofinjury
Vermont is the most vaxxed state in the union. They had >95% of their seniors double jabbed by September 2021.

Just sayin'…
Even more impressively is that 2022 came after what should be a whopper of a PFE from consecutive years of big time excess mortality in 2020/21

Yet, 2022 still crushed the competition, with hordes of mild lethal cardiac arrests despite this clear disadvantage
Read 19 tweets

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