There is nothing unique about the time we are living in. The battle that is raging now has been one that has been playing out since the beginning of time. The battle between good and evil. It lies dormant for periods and then voila, you get the Holocost, Spanish inquistion,
killing fields, etc. The reason for the evil is the same reason its always been. Power, Greed, combined with the ignorance of the human race. Some things never change. This time around, its framed politically (D vs R). But make no mistake what is happening now transends
politics. The difference this time around is the US is now a player. Before it was either not in existence or you could count on them not to go too far astray from human decency. But we are in a time that is not familiar to Americans. They do not have a clue what is unfolding.
Americans have been lulled into complacency as over the last 100 years America has been a model and stablizing force in the world. Far from perfect, but yet far from evil. At this point in time you cannot say that. So the question is who is going to win this time around?
Will it be good or evil? A difficult question to answer right now. Good has always seemed to find its way to the winners line. But not without catestrophic loss. And sometimes it takes many many years for good to show its head once consumed.
Once you become a student of History, you understand what is transpiring. It is just human nature playing itself out once again. As Hofstadter said in "Metamagical Themas", its mans creativity at the individual level and flirtation with self extinction at the group level. #wakeup
Americans need to smarten up. Conservatives, liberals, progressive need to come together in a common purpose. Afterall, we are all Americans. We may disagree on some issues, but a common threat ties us together , we are all Americans and have an interest in keeping this
together. As I assure you, when the smoke clears politicians will not have your back nor will any foreign power that gains influence. Once their end goal is reached do you really think this censorship is not going to roll over on everyone. That they will continue to allow
the violent demonstrations that rock this country to the core. Do you think that no bail policy will continues once they come in to pick up the pieces? No my friends, the tyranny that will come will not only affect conservatives, but it will effect liberals and progressives.
I think you have to take it one step at a time. 1. Will the Jan 6th committee send to the DOJ a recommendation of indictment in a report laying out their findings. 2. Will the DOJ take it to a Grand Jury 3. Will the Grand Jury indict? #wakeup#WakeUpAmerica
Breaking it down in this manner can give someone a reasonable idea of what to expect. Considering the makeup of the Jan 6th committee and the leaks it seems likely a referral for prosecution will be made. The DOJ's actions make it clear that they will seek an indictment.
The way they are handling the Jan 6 prisoners, the rather dangerous extension of domestic terrorism definitions to include in some instances parents, make it more likely than not they will proceed that way.
Sinema is the change agent that the Republican party needs now. Integrity, courage, and a desire to represent her constituents. She has no future in the Democrat party. But, If the wind blows right she could be a very popular leader on the other side. @SenatorSinema#wakeup
I could foresee her being on the national ticket on the republican side if the establishment Republicans get wiped out in the primary as they should. There are issues you may not agree with, but that is good, not bad. Provides balance. @SenatorSinema#wakeup#WakeUpEverybody
Arizona constituents would welcome her switch. A perfect opportunity for her to strengthen her position as a change agent and future national leader. Who else has shown her resolve? Her phones should be flooded 24/7 requesting the switch. @SenatorSinema@kyrstensinema#wakeup
It always amuses me when people talk about fixing the human race. From the beginning of time until today there is no indication that the human species has the ability to learn from its mistakes. If the species were an experiment they would have ended it long ago. #wakeup
Hofstadter had a brilliant discussion of human's creativity on the individual level vs their flirtation with self extinction on the group level. It should be required reading for all. @TuckerCarlson#wakeup
I do not see anything wrong with an opinion and a news section of the media. It has always been that way and I do not think it should change. On the other hand, they should not get a pass just because they call themselves journalists.
There should be an oversight in journalism, just as there should be for all entities that have the potential to sway public opinion. That is one of the things lacking right now. The end result is you get selective enforcement of the laws and selective journalism.
The U.S. has a choice to make. Either split up the country into two countries with two separate governments independent of each other, or start having equal justice under the law. Otherwise there is little doubt this country will fall. #wakeup
No country in the past has been able to survive this level of division and tribalism without massive bloodshed as the end game. When you have the media screaming for de-Ba'athification you know something is very wrong in society. The media gets their talking points from
from the political "elites". They do not make it up on the fly. This will go down as a very dark time in American history. The abuses of power unfolding with the media being the propaganda arm of the people pulling the strings is a recipe for disaster.