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Jul 29, 2022 221 tweets >60 min read Read on X
yoonmin au

min yoongi and park jimin publish manhwas together. for convenience, they live together.

then, yoongi gets offered a collaboration with another artist, and apparently, also has plans to move out.
#yoonminfest #ymfest22_d19
#yoonminau ImageImage
✍️ mutual pining
✍️ lack of communication
✍️ living together for ‘convenience
✍️ tiny hurt lots of comfort
additional tags: light angst? happy ending?

any type of interaction is strongly welcomed, tell me things :D

now lets roll owo
- ☀️
Yoongi pours the alcohol lazily. He usually tries to hold back his drinks since his tolerance isn’t like Jimin’s. But tonight, Yoongi feels finally tranquil after months of stress, so he believes himself worthy of the whiskey on his hands.
As he leads the glass to his lips, Namjoon enters Seokjin’s kitchen. Yoongi greets him with a smile, matching the other.

“Hyung! Congratulations!” Namjoon shouts, wrapping his arms around Yoongi.
It had passed some time since they last saw each other; before Yoongi and Jimin immersed themselves in meeting the deadlines for K: legna’s ending.
Thankfully, the comic was well-received, but the deadlines were also tighter. “Woa, even your hair is longer, you did work really hard, huh?”

Yoongi chuckles at the taller’s bewilderment. Truthfully, the past two months of closing up the series were exhausting.
Yet, he and Jimin pulled through the breakdowns and doubts.

“Yeah, deadline hell got us good,” Yoongi answers, sipping from his glass. “How have you been?”

“I’m alright, working on something new,” he says, inclining to the counter.
He shakes his head to Yoongi’s quizzical look as he points at the bottles Seokjin lined up on the counter. “I actually wanted to talk to you about it.”

“Oh?” Yoongi turns to him with raised eyebrows. “Why so?”

“Remember that idea I told you? The historical novel?”
Yoongi hums. “Are you doing it? Must be a lot of work.”

“Yeah, that’s why I wanted your help,” he replies intelligently. Namjoon’s quick to add, “But don’t worry. Jungkook already told me how you and Jimin work exclusively together. I just want your advice in some parts.”
It’s not that he and Jimin work exclusively, Yoongi rebuttals on his head.

When they started working together, fresh from college, they had agreed to focus on the series solely. Somehow, that agreement seeped into the second, third, and now, fourth work they did together.
They just kept it from habit.

Before Yoongi can respond to Namjoon, Jimin enters the kitchen, followed by Jungkook and they quickly draw the two of them into the discussion that arouses in the space.
“I’m telling you, Jungkook-ah-” Jimin stops himself, noticing the other two standing by the counter.

“But he’s already on his way, hyung! Seriously,” the younger sighs, pouting. “Oh! Namjoon-hyung, you’re here!”
Namjoon waves at them weirdly, suddenly put in the spotlight. Yoongi takes mercy on him.

“And what are you two babbling about?”

“Nothing!” Jimin screams promptly.
Fastly, he turns to glare at Jungkook, most likely to silence him, but to his distaste, the younger is already going against his words.
“It isn’t nothing! See, the other day, Jimin told me he wanted to meet a dancer so they could help him in this WIP he’s working on,” Yoongi peeks at Jimin, who has seemingly lost hope and has resorted to covering his face with his hands.

Yoongi is aware of Jimin’s problem.
Jimin prefers having someone posing for him whenever he can’t get the imagery quite as he liked.

Most of the time, as the one who lives with him, Yoongi is the victim of the younger’s demands, so they could get it just as Jimin wanted. And, usually, they work it out.
When he lacked height, he wore high heels. When his hair wasn’t as long, they ordered a wig. When he wasn’t as bulky, they filled his pillows and taped them to his clothes.

Dancing per see, however, is a limit Yoongi cannot push even if he tried to.
“And I know a guy from college who used to be my roommate that is a dancer. So I told the guy he could come tonight.”

Yoongi stares at Jungkook, who is wearing a tired face. “And…?”
“And Jimin-hyung doesn’t want him to think this is something like a blind date because it’s not a ‘formal meeting’ or whatever,” Jungkook answers with a groan turning to Jimin.

“If it does happen, it’s unrelated! Live a little! Can you tell him how silly this is, hyung?”
It takes Yoongi a second to understand that the hyung Jungkook is referring to is him. He clears his throat quickly.

“Yeah,” Yoongi says, scratching his head. “I don’t see why not.”

As if being called, the doorbell rings. Jungkook perks up.
“That’s probably Hoseok-hyung,” he turns to Jimin with a frown. “Don’t overthink it,” he adds before leaving.

Yoongi looks at Jimin and finds him already looking at him. Yoongi turns a blind eye to how tight his stomach feels and smiles at the younger.
- ☀️
Hoseok is a bright person.

That’s the characteristic of his that stands out the most to Yoongi- maybe because it feels the most opposite to himself.

Hoseok smiles with all his face, and laughs with all of his body; always radiating every part of himself proudly, shining.
Contradictory to Jimin’s initial beliefs, he and Jimin get along well.

And it makes sense to Yoongi: Jimin is full of life, effortlessly bursting with energy and Hoseok, for the most of it, seems like that, too.
Before telling Seokjin he’ll be leaving earlier with a whipped-out excuse, the last thing Yoongi sees is Jimin falling onto Hoseok's body as he laughs.
- 🌑
Yoongi hears them from his room. The fumbling steps, the hushed voices, the jingle of Jimin’s charm.

That’s the thing about their apartment. Cosy and warm, making them sign it as soon as they could.
However, the walls were thin- so fucking thin that Yoongi could hear Jimin’s low curses after the stumbling in the entrance.

He hears it: one, two, three, four, five, six steps. They halt.
Then a door, just across his, opens and closes and it’s enough for Yoongi to let go of his breath.

He forces himself into sleep. Shutting his eyes tight, Yoongi inhales, counts to three, and exhales.
After another three times, it all seems useless as the knock on his door knocks all his air out of him.

Yoongi stills in the silence.

Then, Jimin’s voice, soft and mumbled from across the door, “Hyung?”

Yoongi doesn’t know why he freezes, no answer slipping out of his brain.
He’s used to this- Jimin coming to sleep in his room.

Like everything between them, it washes over them as an easy steady habit that he can’t seem to remember when it became as ordinary, just as the sand touching the waves.
Maybe the lack of answer seems a pass to Jimin, the door creaks disclosing his entrance, despite the utter silence.

One, two, three, four thuds, and the bed dips.

Yoongi opens his eyes,and Jimin’s face is right in front of his.
He feels like cursing himself for disposing of his comforters, no thick layer sheltering him from Jimin’s eyes.

“Oh, you’re awake.”

With all the light coming from behind Jimin, only a few strokes of the moon caressing his hair and cheekbones.
Yoongi can point out the lines of the other’s cheek, pressed against the pillow, and his eyes dozed and locked on Yoongi’s own.

“You smell like alcohol,” Yoongi decides to point out ultimately.

Jimin hums. “I’m feeling lazy.”

“What are you? A kid? Go to your room, brat.”
“It’s too cold there. Anyway, what’s this treatment? First, you leave without telling me, now you ban me?” he groans out, “Incredible, Min Yoongi.”

Yoongi sighs. “I was just feeling tired and you seemed like you were having fun. You’re here, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, because Hoseok-hyung and Taehyung dropped me off!”

Yoongi bites the inside of his cheek. The burning on the lower part stomach that had lingered since he left Seokjin’s part flares.

“How was it with Hoseok?”
Jimin closes his eyes, snuggling more into the bed. “Great, actually. He was super on board with the ideas I explained and very cool. I’m excited to see him again.“

The burning expands to his chest. Then it hollows.

Yoongi closes his eyes.
“Cool. Now seriously, let me sleep Park Jimin.”

Jimin laughs. “Aish, you really need to value my illustrious presence more, hyungie.”
- 🌑
As soon as Yoongi closes the door behind him, Jimin’s voice blasts through the apartment.

Then, hurried fumbling steps and a mess of brown strands secured in a ponytail and a sweatshirt that had been missing from Yoongi’s closet make out Jimin’s hasty figure.
“You’re finally home! Come, I spent the whole morning reading about reviews on the ending; some are really on point too!” Jimin says, taking his wrist and dragging him inside.

“Uh, sure…But I need to talk to you first.”
Jimin stops to look back at him with interrogating eyes. “Alright. I made lunch, so let’s eat while we’re at it.”

Yoongi allows himself a smirk. “The great Aglio Olio returns?”
Jimin’s frown and protruding pump lips are worth it.

“Kimchi-jjiggae, that, as a matter of fact, you are no longer worthy of,” he replies angrily, stomping off to the kitchen, making Yoongi’s bright laughter fill the house.
And it eases him up until Jimin looks at him from across the table, with his mouth full and his lips tainted red from the stew, asking, “Then, what did you want to tell me?” that Yoongi’s anxiety shows itself once again, bigger and firmer.
Yoongi forces the food in his mouth down to his stomach and focuses on the clutter on top of the table behind Jimin- their workspace and the one spectator to their brainstorming, discussions and all-nighters.
When he looks at Jimin, the other gives him an expectant gaze.


“Then…I’m gonna work with Namjoon on his new novel,” Yoongi blurts out. “I spent the morning in a meeting with him, talking about it.”

Jimin’s mouth opens and then breaks into a small, embarrassed smile.
Jimin’s mouth opens and then breaks into a small, shy smile.

“Oh, that’s it,” he shoves some more food into his mouth hurriedly. “Alright? It’s not like we’re working on anything, too. What is it about?”
Yoongi blinks. “Oh, uh, historical stuff? Nothing like what you usually like I think.”

Jimin laughs shortly, eyes focusing on his bowl. “Yeah, probably.”

Yoongi nibbles on his lips. “I was also thinking,” he starts, taking the chance as Jimin’s attention is diverted.
“That since the process will take some time, I could make good use of it and start to move out? I know there was never a chance as we were doing series back to back, but now it’s possible. I want my own space, and I bet you want yours too.”

Yoongi reasons, faltering.
His eyes fumble across their apartment, avoiding Jimin, while the silence stretches uncomfortably between them.

It’s pulled carelessly as Jimin’s voice breaks it, snatching Yoongi’s eyes into his. Yoongi’s taken aback by Jimin’s searching eyes digging through his face.
“I…I don’t understand,” Jimin responds finally, his voice cracking slightly. The bowl in Yoongi’s hands is lukewarm. “Have I been pestering you too much? I’ll try not to do it again, you don’t have to trouble yourself that much for my mistakes, seriously.”
Yoongi shakes his head. “Nothing like that. We only did this because it was easier for us but I think now we can manage it fairly well, so there’s no need for us to be together this much.”
Yoongi waits for Jimin’s reply. It drags slothfully as the last bits of warmth slip out of the stew and the spice lays on his tongue.
Jimin nods, twice, before a smile cuts through his face once again.

“Alright, then. What are you thinking about?”

The hollow, once again. It plummets.
- 🌑
After the talk during lunch, contrary to their usual stay-in days where they lounge around the living room, Jimin goes instantly to his room.

Jimin closes the door and leans his back onto it, his head thumping into the wood softly.
He closes his eyes tightly and lets go of his breath, cleaning his face with his palms.

It takes him a moment to decide what to do with himself, but he settles for texting a simple ‘hey, im omw,’ to Taehyung.
After shoving his phone back into his pocket, he puts on a hoodie and goes straight to the entryway.

One, two, three, four, five, six steps. Then, while crouching to put his shoes on, Jimin considers simply leaving as the sting in his eyes becomes more unmanageable.
Yet before he can give it a second thought, Yoongi speaks behind him.

“You’re going out?”

“Going to Tae’s. No need to wait for me.”

“Oh. You’ll crash there, too?”

Jimin hums as he gets up. He snatches his keys, and after a short wave to the older, he’s out.
He doesn’t let himself cry on the streets, too aware of the people around him.

Still, when he gets to his best friend’s house, who opens the door with a frown while blabbering away, Jimin’s tears pour nonstop.
- 🌑
Taehyung’s house has his bedroom, kitchen, and living room all in one single space.
Even from where he sits on the floor by the small coffee table, while receiving Hoseok’s hair caresses, he can feel Taehyung’s worried eyes on him, all the way from where he stands by the kitchen counter.
He thanks Taehyung after he hands him a cup of warm chamomile tea, despite not drinking it. He focuses on the buds of chamomile floating in his hands and inhales the steam mindlessly.
“He told me about these apartments he saw online and everything he needed so perfectly listed, I can’t help but think he has this all sorted out like he has been waiting for this and-”
“Hey, hey, slow down, Jimin,” Hoseok tells him, his eyes bulging out. “Drink up your tea first, hm?”
Jimin nods, sipping quietly. He looks at the small candle next to the half-full wine glasses on the table and tries not to feel bad about interrupting the small date the other two had going on.
He knew Taehyung and Hoseok were interested in each other by how they stuck together right from the start in Seokjin’s party.
Jimin even had the opportunity to crack up at Hoseok’s panicked blabber about his best friend and see them out when they went out together after dropping him home.
He didn't expect Hoseok to be in Taehyung’s house to witness his breakdown, but then again he also wasn’t expecting Yoongi to suddenly move out, so perhaps he should be paying more attention.
He scatters his mind carefully for any sign or warning of Yoongi’s decision, but can’t help to be more frustrated.

Jimin knew it all along: he was holding onto nothing.
He was simply lucky the older, as the workaholic he is, had offered for them to move in together; and Jimin was more than eager to fulfill his daydreams.
Maybe Jimin got too greedy during the three years with the touches and constantly sneaking into Yoongi’s room.

But Yoongi was so awfully close and it was hard not to clasp for more each time the older allowed him. So, Jimin just kept looking, asking, taking more.
He should’ve known better, truly. That’s just how Min Yoongi is, forever calm and giving.

But Yoongi is constantly moving forward.
If Jimin is stuck on an art block, he lays back until he feels ready once again, whilst Yoongi would get up and occupy himself with different tasks until he’s charged once again.

Yoongi is moving on; even if Jimin would do anything to remain in the warmth of their apartment.
A ringtone brings him back to his surroundings. Hoseok excuses himself and Taehyung reassures him that it’s ok while moving to sit next to Jimin.

He wraps his arms around Jimin, squeezing him tightly.
“You’ll be ok,” he whispers, his chin on top of Jimin’s head. “Maybe it was the time for this. Do you want me to call Jungkook? We could have some fun.”

“I’m still upset about what he did. I know he was right but still.”
Taehyung hums in understanding. “He’ll be sad if you don’t tell him. He worries about you too much, you know.”

He knows. Jungkook was like his little brother, having followed him from Busan.
But whenever it came to Yoongi, Jungkook was always protective, speaking how ‘someone needs to look after you if you don't’.
Jimin knows if he tells Jungkook, there’s a chance the younger one will turn into a mother bird, so he mumbles to Taehyung, “I’ll tell him tomorrow morning. Right now, I just want to forget it.”

“If you say so,” Taehyung replies, tightening the hug.
While Taehyung falls asleep, Jimin stays wide awake.

Taehyung’s apartment is lit up by the city lights that infiltrate from a big window. The light blankets keep Jimin nicely tucked in and Taehyung’s warm feet on his legs comfort him.
Meanwhile, Yoongi’s room would be completely dark if it weren't for the square window on the wall by the right side of the bed, Jimin notes thoughtlessly.
In the beginning, whenever he went into the room, he couldn't help but tremble from the cold as the older would keep the air conditioner on throughout the day.

He nagged the older about their electricity bill but Yoongi made sure to cover it all himself.
He shook his head and enfold himself with the blanket.

No more useless thoughts.
- 🌘
“Hyung?” Jimin knocked on the door. He waits but decides to go in when the minutes pass by and no response comes. “I’m coming in,” he sings.

He shudders from the cold, rolling his eyes at the older’s habits.
Then, he looks at Yoongi, curled in his bed, all the way to the left side.

He has his glasses on and his phone is right beside him and the lights are still on.

Jimin tries not to coo at it, cursing at his fool of a heart instead.
A couple of months had passed since he and Yoongi started living together and working themselves to the extreme for their comic.

Still, he wasn't quite used to the domesticity he often bumped into, his heart rolling and bumping, longing as always.
Now, Jimin was only a foot away, but he found himself stuck there.

He moved Yoongi’s glasses and phone to his bedside table, then turned off the lights.

Before going out, he glanced at the older once more. Right then, as Yoongi couldn't see, Jimin closed the distance anxiously.
He laid next to Yoongi and traced with his eyes the effortless up and down of Yoongi’s chest and the peaceful expression on his face.

He fought back the urge to touch the other’s cheeks and lips glowing because of the shy moon peeking at his shady actions from the window.
Jimin allowed himself to stay there and succumb to the drowsiness.

The next morning, Yoongi didn't scold him or give him a weird look for breaking in.

Maybe because he is too busy trying to calm down his cold.
“I’m fine, Yoongi hyung. I just get sick too easily, I swear,” he explains to Yoongi who merely looks at him warily.

The next time Jimin goes into Yoongi’s room, it’s an ambient temperature that makes him frown. The bed is also shed from the usual comforters.
When he asks Yoongi about it, the older man plainly answers him that the electricity bill was getting ridiculous, so the comforters were too much.

Jimin accepts it easily.
- 🌑
“Alright, I think that’s perfect,” Jungkook says with a frown of concentration.

He has his editor face on, reading the small script Namjoon delivered while scribbling around it.
He looks up as he speaks, “The timeline might be a problem with the number of flashbacks, so don’t forget to make sure it fits correctly.”

Both Yoongi and Namjoon nod. Soon they’re all getting up to leave the small meeting room.
“Oh hyung,” starts Namjoon, “Are you still looking for an apartment? Apparently, there is one in mine. We could grab something on the way there if you want to check it?”

While Yoongi is busy thinking, Jungkook intercepts the conversation.
“Apartment? Are you and Jimin moving out?”

He has his doe round eyes piercing through Yoongi’s face with questions. Yoongi avoids them.

“No, I’m moving out,” he chuckles. “But yeah, I’ll come with you Namjoon.”
“Wait, wait. Why are you moving out?” Jungkook asks him loudly which wins them weird stares.

Namjoon and Yoongi smile awkwardly at their surroundings before turning to Jungkook.
Namjoon scolds him but the younger one doesn't pay much mind to the other. Jungkook focuses on Yoongi instead.

“What do you mean why? Just felt like it was the time to.” Yoongi shrugs.
“Just like that?” He seemingly dumps the question, immediately following it with another one. “Does Jimin know?”

“Yes, Jungkook. Jimin knows.”

Jungkook nods. Then he says his goodbyes and takes his leave hurriedly.
“What is wrong with the kid?”

“Try asking Seokjin-hyung because I seriously have no idea.”
- 🌑
Jimin is in the middle of eating leftovers he found in Taehyung’s fridge when the bell rings. Then, it rings repeatedly.

Jimin grunts, getting up to open the door. “I’m coming! Geez, just wait!”
The bell continues to ring.

When Jimin swings the door open, he finds Jungkook gasping for air, with his strong stare searching through all of Jimin’s face.

“Jungkook-ah? What are you doing here?”
“Hey,” he starts, catching his breath. “ heard about it…about hyung. How, mh, how are you?”

Jimin nods. He goes back inside and sits by the coffee table again with Jungkook tracking right behind him. He takes a seat across from Jimin and leans into the table.
“I know you’re still angry, but I’m worried.”

“How did you even find me?”

Jungkook snorts. “I went to your apartment and you weren't there. Taehyung’s place is like an extension of your room to you.”
Jimin frowns and hums. He keeps on eating.

“Hyung. Can you please just talk to me?”

Jimin drops his chopsticks in his bowl.
“Alright. I am sorry for deluding myself with this fucking fairytale because I’ve loved him for years even if that will not make him love me,” he says, quoting Jungkook’s words from the day of the party. “He’s already leaving, so no more of that for you to worry about!”
“I’m sorry about that, okay!” Jungkook shouts before sighing. “That wasn’t the best way to express it.”

“Yeah sure,” Jimin replies while picking up his chopsticks.
“I've been seeing you keep your hopes up through heartbreaks, it’s tiring.”

“Jungkook. I’m the one who has been keeping his hopes up through heartbreaks. I know it is tiring,” he says curtly, emphasizing his words.
“That’s not what I mean,” Jungkook says with a frown. “I wish you were kinder to yourself, that’s all.”

Jimin sighs. He doesn’t offer any other response as he chews on his food, making Jungkook sigh, too.
“What will you do now?”

Jimin forces the food down.

“There’s nothing to do. Just nod and celebrate like the good friend I am supposed to be.”

They keep themselves silent as Jimin finishes eating.
The silence is easily filled when Jungkook utters, “I’m sorry, hyung. I really am.”

Jimin pushes himself not to cry again and pretends Jungkook is apologizing for their argument.

He nods in acknowledgment.

“I know, Jungkook-ah. I’m sorry, too.”
- 🌑
After Jimin closes the door to their apartment (only his soon, his mind supplies unhelpfully), he notices Yoongi’s sneakers resting neatly on the corner of the shoe rack. He can hear Yoongi’s whisper-like talking down the hall.
Jimin glances at the mirror on top of the wood rack. When they were looking for the table that’s now separating the kitchen and living room, their work table, Jimin saw the circular mirror and insisted on getting it, too.
- 🌘
“We already have a mirror in the bathroom and your room has that huge one, too. Why do you need another?”

“Because!” Jimin whined. “It’s a necessity to have that final last peek at yourself before you leave home. A ne-ce-ssi-ty!” He cried out.
“I don’t know, sounds a little like narcissism to me,” Yoongi said casually, grabbing one of the boxes with the mirrors.


“Focus on your task, Jimin-ah.”
- 🌑
Looking at the mirror now, the first thing that stands out is his red puffy eyes, a blatant indication of how he spent his night.

Feeling the heaviness on his bones, he decides to head to his room and sleep the rest of the day.
Yoongi usually uses his headphones when taking calls, so Jimin believes he’ll pass unnoticed.

Jimin takes one, two, three, four, five steps to his room’s door.

Jimin stops one step away from his room.


Yoongi’s long hair is falling nicely across his face, phone pressed to his ear with his shoulder and his dark eyes are centered on Jimin.

“Yeah,” Jimin smiles as big as he can bring himself to. “What is it?”
Yoongi stares blankly at him for a moment. “You’re home.”

“What’s this?” Jimin laughs out. “Yeah, I’m home.”

Yoongi attempts to speak, but his phone drags his attention again.
“Oh, sorry Namjoon-ah, was talking to Jimin. Yeah, don't worry, I’ll pick them up. Sorry for the trouble,” the older one smoothly wraps up the talk, putting his phone in his shorts’ pocket, along with his hands.
“Namjoon-hyung?” Jimin points with his head.

“Ah, yeah. Left my headphones at his place,” Yoongi says, leaning into the wall. “I…Found an apartment. Well, Namjoon did. There was a couple that moved out recently in his building so I went there to see it and it’s… Nice.”
Jimin nods. “Lucky.”

“Yup. Lucky.”

“You’ll even live near Namjoon…” Jimin murmurs. It’s an unnecessary thought, so he changes the topic. “How’s working with Namjoon?” He says instead, as he shifts on his feet, hands fumbling with his hair.
“Pretty nice. Much slower,” Yoongi notes, his eyes flickering to the ceiling. But he doesn’t expand on the matter. As always.

Whenever the conversation turns to Namjoon and their novel, Yoongi is fast to evade it, as if it wasn't meant for Jimin to know.
“You left your tattoo gel in the living room,” Yoongi tells Jimin, pointing to the room behind him.

“Oh, thanks,” Jimin replies, awfully aware of the Moons stretching across his back. “I’ll take care of it later.”

The silence thunders between them.
It shouldn’t matter, really.

It’s just one of those things Jimin asks Yoongi to do, selfishly, and the other does, kindly.

One of the few moments where Jimin could feel Yoongi’s touch on his skin and pretend the care it held was love, like a foolish clown.
One of the moments he so desperately grasped onto, even if the tattoo is leaning more into a healed state now.

However, since Jimin tattooed the moons, Yoongi was the one helping him as long as he was around.
Stopping it suddenly makes it seem as if something is wrong, like a loud siren alarm.

So, Jimin adds quickly, “I bet you have a lot to do, for the novel and all.”

Before Yoongi can reply, Jimin hastily warns the other he’s going to take a nap and enters his room.
- 🌗
“Hyung!” Jimin shouted from the bathroom. “Do you mind helping me?”

“What is it?” Yoongi answered from the living room, two octaves lower than the other.

He got no answer which made him frown.
Soon enough, Jimin’s frame entered their living room, where he met Yoongi sitting at the table.

Shirtless with pajama shorts hanging lowly on his hips.

Yoongi was always aware that Jimin is effortlessly beautiful.
Jimin was just out of the shower- the vapor followed him faintly, and Yoongi’s shower gel became stronger on the air as the younger one came closer, the smell stuck on his skin, ‘Jimin must be out of his, he thought.’
Yoongi thought Jimin was the most beautiful person he had ever seen.

“Do you mind spreading this on my back?” Jimin requested, handing him a tube, and turning around.

On Jimin’s back, seven Moons were perfectly drawn, with the full Moon right in the center.
Yoongi opened the tube and squished a fair amount onto his fingers.

As his fingers neared Jimin’s torso, the younger murmured, “Just cover it nicely.”

“When did you even get this?” Yoongi asked while coating Jimin’s warm, honey skin covered with ink with the gel.
Jimin turned his head back to Yoongi, peeking over his shoulder. “It’s been almost five days, I think? It’s better if you just tap the product in.”

“And I only know now.”Yoongi shook his head, laughing. His fingers crossed from the top of Jimin’s back to almost its end.
He passed his fingers through the details on the full Moon to the small mark in the middle of the first one.

Yoongi blinked and shook his head. ‘Focus, focus, focus,” he chanted.

"It's really pretty.”
“Thanks,” Jimin said, turning around. He has a warm blush on his cheeks that Yoongi assumes it’d from the shower. “I really think so, too.”

Yoongi hummed.
That night, when he looked at the Moon from his bed, he thought it looked much more beautiful etched on Jimin’s golden skin.
And on the next morning, when he found Jimin leaning onto the counter to eat his cereals and he saw the Moon uncovering from the loose shirt, he was sure it was much more beautiful.

Later at night, Yoongi offered to help Jimin again, feeling the itch on the tip of his fingers.
- 🌗
Yoongi opened the tap carefully, washing the tattoo gel from his hands silently while he strained to listen to Jimin in the living room.
Jimin gets drained during slumps; Yoongi knew it- had known it for a while then and perhaps it was the reason why he then started tending more to Jimin during them.
He made a side mental note to make the younger’s favourite for lunch the next day, before turning the tap off and hastily finishing his nightly routine.

The apartment was dim when he stepped out of the bathroom, no sign of Jimin in the living room.
He checked Jimin’s room, softly calling for the other and quickly laughing to himself when he found the room empty.

‘Of course.’

Surely, when he opened the door to his own room, Yoongi found Jimin curled, sleeping on the right side of his bed.
There’s a notebook sitting comfortably on his bedside table, a couple pencils placed on top and an anime-themed cup, Jimin’s cup, next to them.
Adding ‘scold Jimin for bringing dishes to the bedroom’, Yoongi trudged to his side of the bed and let himself fall next to the younger, breathing out the exhaustion happily. Yoongi looked at the other, relieved Jimin got to rest.
“The ends of his hair are too dry,” Yoongi mumbled, catching the strands falling onto Jimin’s face in between his fingers, then he pushed them back, hooking them behind the younger’s ear, absent-mindedly.
Yoongi caught sight of his hands, the tattoo gel that sneaked underneath his nails, stuck between them and the flesh.

He yawned, half-asleep, and decided to take it off the next morning.
He melted with practiced ease into the warmth oozing from Jimin’s body that settled right onto Yoongi’s own and decided then he preferred it to a freezing temperature.
- 🌑
Realizing you have been in love with your roommate for who-knows-how-long is quite stressful, Yoongi has come to learn.

For example, you become too aware of how often you think about them and, apparently, can’t buy your groceries without overthinking.
Yoongi huffs, narrowing his eyes to the row of chips. It’s stupid- had it been one month ago, he would have grabbed five packets and gone on with his day.
Now, he’s being taunted by some snacks, wondering whether Jimin will uncover the layers under Yoongi’s feelings if he takes too many bags.

So he stands in the store, pondering at which quantity of chips does one cross from platonic care to an I'm-in-love-with-you care.
He, shamefully, ends up only taking one, as he notices the weird look from the worker refilling the hall, and makes way to his apartment.

When he gets there, laughs creep under the door, boisterous and joyful.
And it’s ugly, so ugly, both the way his stomach turns and he wants to keep Jimin with him as long he can; how it twirls again, then plunges, when he distinguishes Hoseok’s voice.
Jimin has rosy cheeks and a smile when Yoongi enters their living room, hands heavy with bags.

There are at least six beers on top of the table, and next to where Jimin sits, on Yoongi’s spot, lies an unfamiliar colourful backpack with multiple pins.
“Oh, Yoongi-hyung! Hi! Didn’t hear you arrive” Hoseok greets him from his stilled position. Yoongi presumes it's a dance pose.

“It'd be hard to with how you two were laughing,” Yoongi points light-heartedly.
He moves to the kitchen counter before adding, “ I brought food for dinner,” he says to the air, a notice for Jimin.

He sucks in his breath and latches onto it when Jimin joins the conversation, softly saying, “You should stay for dinner, hyung.”
And Yoongi isn’t used to this- the waves didn’t reach this high, didn’t hit this strong, didn’t swallow him whole- and he doesn’t know how to feel about how Jimin speaks to Hoseok as if he needs him to stay.

He remains focused on the groceries, fixating on the butter’s bar code.
“You sure, Jiminie,?”

‘Jiminie, Jiminie’

“ Yoongi-hyung, do you mind it?”
Yoongi hums, scanning the soy’s ingredients as if he hadn’t been buying from the same brand for years, “You’re here already, so just stay for a little while. It won’t take long.”

“Then you should join us for drinking!”
- 🌕
Due to the years of knowing Jimin, Yoongi knows the other is comfortable with drinking.

However, he didn’t understand Jimin’s state until Jimin stood up to grab another bowl for Hoseok and tripped, only keeping himself up thanks to the counter.
Seeing how Jimin is out on the table, snoring faintly, even though he hardly sees Jimin drunk, Yoongi thinks he should have expected it.
Maybe he was too distracted seeing how Hoseok kept glancing at Jimin, subtle, quick looks that the younger didn’t seem to notice but wouldn’t leave Yoongi’s mind.

Maybe he was drunk, too.
Hoseok scoffs while looking at Jimin. Then he gets up, stretching his limbs. “I should probably get going. I’ll help you drag this one to bed.”

So Yoongi grabs Jimin’s left side while Hoseok lifts the right one, and they stumble to Jimin’s room with its owner lugging along.
They drop him in his bed in a not so softly manner. Yoongi turns off the AC and covers Jimin with the blanket on the end of the bed.

When he stands up, Hoseok is looking at him already, nibbling on his lips with creased brows.
Yoongi waits for what the other has to say; nothing comes.

Instead, Hoseok smiles small at him and tells Yoongi he’ll be going.
“Tell Jimin he can text me when he wants to do the posing stuff again, please,” is the last thing Hoseok says before waving goodbye and disappearing to the elevator.
Yoongi moves to their kitchen-slash- living room and works out a quick cleaning of their mess and the jealousy that settled in the low of his gut, eroding it throughout the evening.
He inhales the grease remover smell that persists in the air and blinks rapidly to help him sort out his mind as he leaves for bed, ‘Jimin and I are friends, Jimin and I are friends, Jimin and I are friends, Jimin-’

Jimin is laying on Yoongi’s bed. On Yoongi’s (unspoken) side.
“Jimin?” Yoongi tries, approaching quietly from the right side of the bed (Jimin’s side because Jimin seeps into Yoongi’s life easy like that.
His notebooks rest in a pile on Yoongi’s bedside table, and his tattoo gel finds its way close to Yoongi’s flesh, just like Jimin effortlessly did. Like the waves on the shore.)

Yoongi receives a soft hum, and the waves hit stronger. “What are you doing here?”
“My room’s too cold,” Jimin mumbles, wrapping onto himself.

Yoongi lets himself smile with no one to catch him. He notices that from Jimin’s side of the bed, the full moon meets Jimin's pink cheeks and tranquil face, the waves are higher and Yoongi is aware he’s in love.
“I turned off the AC it won’t be cold for long. Do you want another blanket?”

Jimin hums vaguely again, but Yoongi takes the nuzzling onto his pillow as a ‘no’, the tug on his chest an ‘I love you, so much. How could I not if it’s you?’
“I want to stay here. With you,” Jimin sighs quietly, almost incoherently, and Yoongi can hear his heart thumping in his ears. “I want you to stay, hyung. Why don’t you want to stay?”
It’s a full moon and the tides hit higher and stronger; Yoongi’s heart wants to escape his chest and Yoongi is so badly in love with Jimin.

Jimin is snoring again and Yoongi wants to stay, to stay right there.
- 🌖
Jimin knew it was a problem.

How his heart raced when he saw Yoongi. How he felt giddier whenever the older one paid him attention.

How he always wished Yoongi would sit beside him, how he wanted the other to stay longer.
He appreciated that Taehyung had introduced him to his hyung to help Jimin with the written part of his assignment. However, he couldn’t help but let his mind wander off as he noticed Yoongi’s soft, gentle edges and wanted to get closer.
Even though Jungkook pointed it out, Jimin waved it off. He liked lingering around Yoongi, and Yoongi didn’t mind his eagerness, his pushiness. And Jimin craved, so he stayed.
Yoongi helped him with his assignment and listened to Jimin ramble about the characters he invented and their worlds.

Yoongi looked up references for the character Jimin had told him about.
Yoongi helped him make sense of his plot holes and accepted to do a comic together.

Jimin kept craving more. He kept clashing against the edges, over and over, but Yoongi was soft, warm edges, so no matter the crashes, Jimin stayed.
- 🌖
When Jimin steps out of Yoongi’s room, the other is in the middle of putting on his shoes. Their eyes meet before Yoongi looks away, muttering a greeting. The silence settles heavier.
“You’re leaving?” Jimin asks still. His voice is raspy, and his mouth tastes weir, but he’s more worried about Yoongi’s behaviour.

“Namjoon’s,” the other mumbles. Jimin nods even if Yoongi isn’t looking at him.
“I’ll see how long will the legal process of the apartment and if I can move him soon.”

Jimin breathes in and Yoongi still isn’t looking at him.

“Maybe if I pressure it a little, it’ll go faster,” Yoongi says, grabbing his keys to leave.

Jimin hurries to Yoongi-one two three four five steps, holds the other back by his arm with strength, and Yoongi’s finally looking at Jimin.
Although Yoongi looks somewhat petrified, Jimin’s panic is spreading too quickly and he needs to know why Yoongi’s leaving.

“Will you, please, tell me why you’re leaving?” His voice is hoarse, the pick of tears in his eyes increasing, but Jimin tries his best to hold them.
“There’s no reason Jimin-ah, I’ve told you.”

“But you’re leaving, specifically after I asked you to stay,” Despite the laugh in his words, his throat is dry and his lungs empty. Jimin feels over-aware.
He hears Yoongi inhaling and sees his throat bobbing up then down, the dark eyes evading his. “You can’t tell me it’s a coincidence, hyung. Why are you leaving me?”

“I didn't think you'd remember. It's not why.”

“You’re avoiding me.”
Yoongi scoffs, frowning at Jimin. “You did too.”

“Because you said you were leaving me!” Jimin answers quickly, tightening his fingers around Yoongi’s arm. “I want you to stay.”
"So tell me why, please."

“I can’t,” Yoongi whispers as he closes his eyes and steps back to release himself from Jimin, his back thumping against the door. Whilst Jimin wants to close their distance, as always, he finds himself stuck one step away.

“It’s too much, Jimin.”
His lungs deepen and Jimin feels sick. He holds his eyes on Yoongi. “Me? I’ll try not to, so-”

“No, Jimin. Not you.”

Yoongi glares at the ground. “It’s too much to handle. You’re everywhere. I cannot clear my head from you even if I try, and I swear I have, alright?
"I'm trying, but you keep sliding through, and I find myself feeling selfish and wanting to hold you back, even if I know you have whatever you have with Hoseok. And I can’t do that. I shouldn’t even be telling you this.”
Yoongi looks up and quickly detaches himself from the door. He steps closer to Jimin, but he freezes on the spot. “Jimin, hey, Jimin. Why are you crying?”
“You,” he clears his throat, “what do you mean, hyung?” Yoongi looks lost, eyes large with worry. Meanwhile, Jimin feels light, free to take that one step between them. “Please.”

Yoongi looks into his eyes, unsure.
Still, in a volume he could only speak in due to their distance, he mumbles, as if afraid he’s mistaken what Jimin’s asking for, “I love you.”

Jimin presses his lips tight together and nods.
Jimin’s hands creep to the other’s arms, and his head falls to Yoongi’s chest, his own swelling up.

Naturally, Yoongi is warm.
“I want you to hold me back with you, Hyung. Have wanted that for so long,” he presses his fingers to Yoongi’s skin, because he can, and pulls away to look clearly at Yoongi.

The older’s eyes are sticking out, making Jimin laugh softly. “I love you.”
They stand in silence for a moment until he feels Yoongi’s hands creep to his hips, warm and tender. Yoongi bumps their foreheads together; then their noses with a chuckle.

“Will you stay with me?” Jimin breathes out.

Yoongi nods. “Yeah. Yeah, I will.”
- 🌕
Yoongi is laying on the left side bed and Jimin too, splayed on top of the older one. Yoongi’s hands run on Jimin’s bare back, from the top of his tattoo to where he can reach.

They spent the day spilling secrets and ranting, crashing into each other midway.
When the night rose, Yoongi dragged Jimin to his room, pretending the younger's feet hadn't memorised their way.

“By the way, hyung, you do know Hoseok-hyung and Taehyungie are seeing each other, right?

Yoongi’s fingers stop. “What?”
“Yeah. Hoseok-hyung came alone the other day because Tae is in Jeju for work. Pretty sure he mentioned how excited he was for when he came back.”
“I was distracted, “Yoongi laughs, “You thought I liked Namjoon, so who are you to talk,” he says, pinching Jimin lightly before going back to caressing Jimin’s back.

Jimin pouts at him. “You were acting defensive.”

“I was discovering feelings, mind you.”
Jimin laughs, leaving a peck on Yoongi's chest. “I’m glad you were.”
- the end 🌕
thank you so much for keeping up with me in this bumpy road T-T i hope you enjoyed it somewhat. i made a retrospring if by any luck u'd like to leave a message retrospring.net/@moonlit_pluto (+)
i have updated my rentry and archive of works so its easier to navigate; i would like to say that save for one threadfic i left unfinished here, i will be moving threadfics mostly to ao3 and leaving twt more for socmed (save for tiny ones and drabbles maybe not sure) :]
LASTLY if u would please vote :] oKAY BYE
( btw about the socmed, it would first be a tiny one and then the angel one, as i don't have that one outlined yet and other ship would also be socmed)

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Oct 5, 2022
a #yoonmin au- “boo!”

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Jul 27, 2022
#ymfest22_d17 #yoonminfest
"So, are you free today?" Jimin says as he dodges another punch.

"Not this again, Park," Yoongi grunts, blushing. "I'm trying to beat you up"

Jimin skips another hit.

"Ok, but what about a date instead?" Jimin grins. "I know a great place near here!"
"Can you focus?!" Yoongi shouts.

It's been exactly two days since Jimin was able to take off Yoongi's mask during one of the raven-haired's interceptions.

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"I regret telling you my name," the other bemoans.

"What! Nonsense. In fact, you should tell me more!"
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Jul 22, 2022
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Jul 12, 2022
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“Are you sure about this, Namjoon?” Seokjin asks, watching Jimin glare daggers into Yoongi’s side. The other remains unfazed.

“I really am not,” Namjoon sighs. “But we need to ease them into the other if we want to move in together. You get going.” He kisses him quickly.
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Jul 7, 2022
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