The impressive deep pattern recognition abilities of #DNN's such as #LLM's are sometimes confused for reasoning abilities
I can learn to guess, with high accuracy, whether a SAT instance is satisfiable or not, but this not the same as knowing how to solve SAT. Let me explain. 1/
Suppose you train a learner with a large number of Boolean 3-SAT instances labeled with whether or not they are satisfiable. There is no reason to doubt that a modern #DNN-based leaner will manage to learn deep features corresponding to the γ ratio-- #clauses/#variable .. 2/
..and armed with γ, it can also essentially figure out the sharp-threshold phenomenon w.r.t. to γ, and should be able to predict with high certainty that the γ < 4.3 are satisfiable and γ > 4.3 are unsatisfiable. 3/
Depending on the distribution of instances provided, this simple guess can be of arbitrarily high accuracy (e.g. if there are not too many instances in the γ ~ 4.3 region). This can be easily mistaken as the learner "learning" to reason about satisfiability.. 4/
Clearly the learner has no idea of resolution rule or Davis-Putnam procedure, and yet has been dubbed an SAT-expert 😆. 5/
Such reasoning by pattern recognition will have brittle generalizability limitations. If the test instances were chosen from the region of γ~4.3, the performance of the learner degenerates to a coin-tosser--even though the trusty Davis-Putnam will have no problem succeeding! 6/
Of course, seeing patterns in reasoning problems is not anything to be sneezed at. After all, our interest in mastering it is what is behind much of "street fighting" math (e.g. Polya's "How to Solve it"). 7/
But finding approximate shortcuts over provably correct reasoning procedure is obviously not equivalent to doing reasoning--unless you have an ability to establish from first principles reasoning that your hunch is actually correct. 8/
(A bit of System 1/2 analogy: System 2 reasoning can be compiled (approximately) into System 1 reflexes to improve efficiency--even though the reasoning resides in System 2.
System 1 may have helped us survive; but it is System 2 that helped our civilization to flourish!) 9/
This is basically the deeper reason by #LLM's will have difficulty "planning". Even if you get them to imitate planning by fine tuning them with a ton of problem instances and plans, they can still be brittle and highly distribution sensitive. 10/
There seems to be an almost willful confusion about the need and role for explainability of #AI systems on #AI twitter.
Contrary to the often polarizing positions, it is neither the case that we always need explanations nor is it the case that we never need explanations. 🧵1/
We look for explanations of high level decisions of (what for us are) explicit knowledge tasks; and where contestability and collaboration are important.
We rarely look for explanations of tacit knowledge/low level control decisions. 2/
I don't need explanation on why you see a dog in a picture; why you put your left foot 3 mm ahead of your left, or why facebook recommends me yet another page.
I do want one if am denied a loan, or I need a better model of you so I can coordinate with you. 3/