“We are very disheartened by the social media that is controlled largely by, whether it is the Jewish lobby or specific NGOs..a llot of money is being thrown into trying to discredit us.”
The remarks were made by a member of a UN inquiry team looking into the Gaza war of May 2021 in which 250 Palestinians and 13 Israelis were killed - and a lot of Gaza’s infrastructure was destroyed.
Tactically speaking that the challenge was made by Israel’s newly appointed interim PM Yair Lapid is far from surprising. And nor is the response of Western Powers.
“The US and other Western countries, including Germany, Britain and Austria, denounced — very predictably — Kothari's comments as ‘anti-Semitic’.”
That said ^^ this is very disappointing - and completely gutless.
If this world has learned anything over the 8 decades since WWII and the Holocausts, one lesson must surely be that systemic impunity to violence against civilians has a deeply dangerous impact on everyone’s security.
“The fight against anti-Semitism cannot be waged with words alone, it requires action. This is the time for action; it is time to disband the Commission. This Commission does not just endorse antisemitism — it fuels it." Yair Lapid said in his letter.
The remarks by Kothari were arguably a tone deaf, and certainly unfortunate. But they are not grounds to end a commission of inquiry into the series of serious war crimes committed by a Israel in Gaza May 2021.
Israel’s obvious sense of impunity displayed in numerous recent events in the occupied territories must not be allowed to be further bolstered by poorly phrased remark in a podcast.
At this point in the Israel/Palestinian conflict what peace there is in Israel is being delivered primarily via the virtue of Palestinian restraint in the face of continuous provocations - including the apparent assassination of a journalist.
This commission of inquiry needs to complete its work and publish its findings. And the ICC needs to also complete its inquiries into illegal settlements and the killing/maiming of unarmed young people in #GreatReturnMarch
One would think that as victims of systemic oppression themselves, Israelis ought to be more cognisant than most of the importance of maintaining a rules based intl. order with effective sanctions against perpetrators of systemic violence against civilians.
Two US cable TV hot takes on last nights Taiwan Crisis sparked by incoherent and unintelligible Biden Administration/Democratic Party actions - 1st MSNBC - What Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip Means.
And 2nd @CNN - which has a Retired Admiral on board to lend credence to its report. As well as politics reporter @abbydphillip who has a crack at producing a credible political explanation.
The issue with her “it’s all about midterms” and being “tough on China” explanation is that it’s very bad politics.
One of the main reasons Trump had genuine political support was his opposition to starting wars.
The politics of this do not help the Democrats in the mid terms.
The dominant narratives at present seems to be that @SpeakerPelosi is the one exercising poor judgment in this crisis. But she ought not be underestimated.
The chorus of accusations that she’s doing this for personal financial gain are absurd and premature.
- trust us we are not seeking war
- but we know what they China are going to do next - more bad stuff
- but be reassured we are going to keep on doing what we always do to keep the world safe.
So are there any news stories yet about this 70 billion Pound contract to privatize/outsource the net-zero transition planning and implementation effort of the UK Govt. to two guys in Penzance yet?
To put this in perspective this is:
- nearly twice the size of the annual UK Defence budget.
- 70% of the annual GDP of Ethiopia, Africa’s 2nd most populous nation with 115 million people
- 1045 £s per person in the UK
There was one bidder, the evaluation of bids ran from June 3rd to July 14th and the contract was announced a week after @BorisJohnson resigned.
Looks like TPLF will attend talks. @reda_getachew discusses visit of the UN/US/EU envoys + Canada/UK/Italy ambs. to Mekelle. Says they were told to go back to Addis and pressure the Govt to agree to their unacceptable pre-conditions for talks. We shall see what happens next.
It seems likely to me that a message will be delivered to Addis by the ferenji, some minor concessions will be made and TPLF will be forced to back down on the unacceptable items - I.E. return of Welkaite, which will not be happening any time soon.
As usual lots of bravado and bluff, but the reality now is that the TPLF is not just being pressured to end this war by the AU, the forces arrayed against their belligerence now consist of the three main parties who previously facilitated it - and defended them diplomatically.
Small thread, excellent broader point. US Domestic politics always trumps (sic) international relations in modern day America and it has become deeply destructive and toxic pathology.
Because of the Ukraine War and it’s entirely predictable impacts on European energy markets, the Euro has been trashed. It is now at its lowest levels vs USD since launch in 2002, lower than the low point of the 2014-17 Euro Crisis. And will probably go lower.
Current US Foreign Policy in:
- North Korea
- Iran
- Ethiopia and the HoA
- China,Taiwan & the South China Sea
- Afghanistan
- Central & South America
- Israel
- Syria
- The Sahel and Sub Saharan Africa
- & Europe/Ukraine
… is failing
@RedwanHussien The thread linked above takes a look at the international and Govt. of Ethiopian position on proposed peace talks. To better understand the current TPLF position the most recent two TPLF Tigrai TV propaganda bulletins now follow. The first from July 26th.
This ^^ bulletin published Tuesday 26/7 begins with a briefing from TPLF leader Debretsion Gebremichael - in which he states the latest demand of the TPLF, i.e. that services - electricity and communications - must be restored before peace talks can commence.