As an abuse and rape survivor, kindly take a fucking seat. True emotional intelligence is recognizing that men can be & are frequently abused by women. It isn't abnormal. It's so normal that people can witness a woman beating a man in public & assume he deserves it. #MenToo
It's so normal a woman can emotionally/mentally abuse a man by cutting him off from his friends, screaming at him for the slightest misstep, & trash talk him so badly to his friends/family that they despise him, & use his children as pawns and nobody thinks it's bad. #MenToo
It's so normal that a woman can force sex on a man, or drug him & brag about it, people will say he was lucky, or he wanted it because he got an erection or ejaculated. It's the same victim blaming/rape apology that female survivors rail against when it's used on us. #MenToo
Continuing in that vein, it's so normal that women can sexually assault/rape men that other women praise & celebrate it, & also deny that women -can- rape men. Women can literally grab men they don't know by the crotch & no one will say boo. #MenToo
True emotional intelligence is being able to recognize the trauma caused by abuse in an abuse victim without giving a damn about the gender of the abuser or the victim, & both believing & supporting them, because they need & deserve it. #MenToo
Also, the fact that QT thinks that men get the benefit of the doubt when it comes to abuse and sexual assault is mind-blowing. That's absolutely not the case. There are hundreds of shelters and resources for female victims, and next to none for male victims. #MenToo
Often when men go to therapists to talk about their abuse, they're blamed and shamed for it, and are told how privileged they are and that the woman is exercising her rights to fight back against an 'oppressor.' #MenToo
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I mean, this. I've come to the conclusion that while it would be absolutely wonderful to have a partner, it's not something that's likely to happen. I'd not only need someone able to handle being a partner to someone that's disabled and has chronic pain, but also has absolutely >
no interest in sex of any kind except for 1-2 days a month when ovulating kicks my libido into overdrive, and even then can be picky about what's involved. Plus there's the whole neurodivergency and all of my quirks, habits, etc that come with that, and I'm just over here like>
'Welp, that ain't gonna happen. Might as well get comfortable with myself!'
Which is exactly what I've done. I've not had a partner in over ten years, I'm comfortable in my own company. I'm not sure I'd even know how to date at this point.
Also, continuing on tweet trend about my mom's Alzheimer's... she's been starting to get delusions; nothing too bad or wild, but she has over the past several months become more and more certain that the tiny black specks in the house - that in reality have been literal bits of>
dirt, small bits of black fuzz from clothes, ground pepper, or tiny bits of burned tobacco - are actually mites.
On the one hand, she's been more active in keeping things clean because MITES MUST DIE
On the other hand, what the fuck lady?
We've repeatedly proven to her that >
they aren't mites, but true to delusion, she either insists they are anyway, or gets very extremely upset because we're 'challenging her' and she 'doesn't have a brain anymore and doesn't know anything anymore and everything she does is wrong!'
It's so hard not to be resentful and hold a grudge when your Alzheimer's stricken mother says things that emotionally wound you.
It's hard to be the one that remembers and is haunted by what's said long after she's forgotten. And you feel like an asshole for any resentment >
or anger you have because of what's said to you... because you know it isn't her fault.
But it still fucking hurts.
Fuck #AlzheimersDisease
It really fucking sucks. For family, for friends, for caregivers, and for the afflicted.
She's been having occasional delusions, but now the paranoia is kicking in on top of it. Somehow in the span of fifteen minutes I went from her telling me how much she appreciates me and how kind and considerate I am, to being talked to and treated like I was spawned directly >
It's kind of wild how much caring for a parent with Alzheimer's is similar to parenting. Allow me to elaborate.
1) The only calm, quiet 'me' time you get is before they wake up. 2) When things get too quiet, you immediately become alarmed. 3) Frequent monitoring of the doors is>
A massive necessity because you never know when they're going to just wander outside. 4) Rationality? What's that? 5) Emotional outbursts and temper tantrums over the smallest thing. Things will be thrown. Feet will be stomped. 6) No is never a well received word. 7) They must>
Have the things they want RIGHT. NOW. If they cannot, prepare for a tantrum. 8) They have favorite things they constantly use and carry around with them everywhere. 9) Be prepared for messes on the toilet. 10) Up and down all night and you never really know why, just that they>
I can't believe people are making me defend him, but here we go:
He was presented with a plan that would cost like $9B. That would deliver food to 42M people... for one year. In doing so, the local economy would be devastated.
Deliver food for a -year.- It's to build infrastructure in countries that are impoverished or on the brink of famine, in addition to investing in researching better means of shipment to prevent spoilage, so that food can permanently get to where it needs to go. The world 2/
Already produces enough food to end world hunger multiple times over. The problem is getting the food where it's needed most.
In addition to the infrastructure (which, by the way, the construction and maintenance of would bring jobs to the countries involved), researching 3/