One political party celebrates Orban reciting Hitler at their convention. One political party facilitates-if not promotes-forcing child rape victims to give birth or face criminal penalties.
One political party exploits having visible Nazi supporters as evidence of woke hysteria. One political party is totally out of control, capable of anything, on a fascist bender.
The midterms will are battle between this one party & a d/Democratic party.
The greatest trick academic psychology ever pulled was convincing the world that college students self-reporting symptoms of psychopathology on questionnaires is representative of the real world to the point that the same lexicon could be used to describe both phenomena in pubs.
Eg “___ style links with____”
“___ d/o symptoms link with __”
Sort of true…but sketch type statements like this.
To understand the depravity of Donald Trump, it is helpful to focus on the Trump University crime as a model of persuasion that he applied directly to his next venture-political campaign fundraising. 1/
Sales training at trump u was a masterclass in how to swindle. The teachings were applied to campaign fundraising & what we got is really disturbing. It has not sunken in at all. It just sunk in with me recently. 2/
All this talk about why people support trump pervades every podcast I listen to. Some like the cynical explanation — they like that he lies, that he’s craven, offensive, provocative, commits crime, 3/
For some reason, it is common practice when tracing the history of modern day personality disorder categories to go back to antiquity (specifically, the Hippocratic-Galen theory of four humors w/each humor bearing some concept overlap w/modern psychology & PD classification). 1/
So who am I to buck such a trend? I went for it & traced the history of schizoid PD back to the phlegmatic humoural type & perhaps also an amalgamation of traits depicted by Theophrastus’ characters. 2/
Every diagnostic construct in modern day psychiatry can be traced back to these traditions: Ancient Greek medicine & what some MFer they call Roback said is “literary characterology” aka literature. At different points in time, one or the other of these approaches has 3/
It’s actually very tragic that the “national expansion of community behavioral health center model” is the go to funding move whenever the government tries to “address mental health.” Imho, that system is a disaster & an insult to psychiatry, psychology & social work. Such waste
Policy makers wonder why it’s so hard to hire doctors in this system. It’s unbelievable.
It’s nothing more than the continuation of the policy of de-institutionalization that so many have to come to acknowledge has detrimental in the context of the influx of homeless mentally everywhere in some cities.
Viking Range Recalls Freestanding Gas Ranges Due to Risk of Gas Leak and Fire Hazard |… Bad news for Viking. I think another recall is coming.
I say this because they are taking back the defective oven we bought to do internal testing as it as been marked for a possible recall. As you may recall, the electrician we hired reported that the unit could have easily killed anyone of us in the apt any time: electricity leak.
The super was electrocuted and thought we was going to die.