Jamie Walters, CAIA Profile picture
Aug 9, 2022 2824 tweets >60 min read Read on X

It's not like there wasn't a self-coup attempt that the American government does not yet fully understand and has a congressional committee trying to better understand. Image

Why would Paul Manafort surface on 8/8/22 with this admission, which he lied to Mueller about, the day Mar-a-Lago has a lawful search warrant executed?


"Manafort told Insider that he directed his deputy, Rick Gates, to feed Kilimnik polling data via email to 'keep Konstantin informed.'

SSCI listed 3 ways Konstantin Kilimnik may have been involved in the hack-and-leak. Image

Did Russia insert disinfo in the Steele Dossier as L Graham and Ron Johnson claimed?

Yes, most likely, but most of the Dossier was also probably accurate.

One can hope that the conversations between useful idiots Kevin McCarthy and Donald Trump have been recorded since Jan 2021 to present.

Mike Flynn or Paul Manafort have any crimes related to CI and EC?

Both their pardons would have covered crimes related to CI or EC as they knew what they did.

Wonder whether John Ratcliffe has any legal exposure if documents are floating around? Image

We are a pathetic body politic in America.

This is precisely what Donald and the GRU want ppl like Yang to be saying, to make Donald the center of attention and to convince all the useful idiots 'the Democrats are unjustly persecuting.'

That's stupid.

It gives Donald Image

and any foreign military agencies a license to use Donald again by trying to make DOJ hesitant to investigate him for crimes where there is probable cause.

Just dumb from Andrew Yang.

MAGA is now cheerleading defund the police.

Always projection with MAGA politicians.

Back to what Andrew Yang is claiming: it's all marketing.

Trump also ran on drain the swamp. Just sell it as draining the swamp by executing a lawful search warrant of a former Image

twice impeached POTUS.

Can't drain the swamp if you're not willing to investigate politicians.

That simple.

I'd have wire taps between L Graham and Donald Trump.

Graham says he speaks to Donald twice a day.

Graham is under investigation in GA so maybe he should not be talking about DOJ to spin it right now.


Current DOJ and DIA and NSA must be worried about Donald delivering defense info to aid foreign governments (e.g. Saudis', Russians').

To not be concerned would be dereliction of duty.


It's not like Donald was not being asked questions or to return documents.

The Just Comply line MAGA uses does not apply to itself.

Back to Lindsey Graham's comments.

Keep in mind that Don McGahn is representing Lindsey Graham against Fulton County GJ subpoena.

Biden has signed the official paperwork for the U.S. approval of Finland and Sweden to join NATO.

You know there are some folks who would love to use Donald Trump for information. J

Plus, did Kushner provide Saudis with info for $2B fund?

In other news, 2016 Trump Campaign NDA is now not being enforced.

People should speak up. Image

It's not like the 2016 Trump Campaign doesn't have a known history of trying to avoid sanctions to the highest bidders.

Part of Flynn's job was to secure going around sanctions.

Wonder whether FBI, DOJ, DIA, etc know who might have been delivering or selling secrets (if anyone)?

Kash Patel has always been a suspicious person in the Trump Admin.

May 5, 2022: breitbart.com/politics/2022/… Image

It's almost like a foreign intel service has useful idiots taunting Biden of prosecutions while claiming DOJ is politically motivated.

Ignore all the noise from these idiots.


Aug 08, 2022 New Yorker long article:


A Pentagon official who had worked closely with Miller had heard a rumor about him potentially replacing Esper more than a week before the election.

“My first instinct was this is the most preposterous

thing I’ve ever heard,” the official recalled.

But then he remembered how Miller had changed in the Trump White House.

“He’s inclined to be a bit of a sail, and as the wind blows he will flap in that direction,” the official said. “He’s not an ideologue.

He’s just a

guy willing to do their bidding.”

By coincidence, the official happened to be walking into the Pentagon just as Miller was entering—a video of Miller tripping on the stairs soon made the rounds.

Accompanying him were three men who would, for a few weeks, at least, have

immense influence over the most powerful military in the world:

Kash Patel, Miller’s new chief of staff;

Ezra Cohen, who would ascend to acting Under-Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security;

and Anthony Tata, a retired general and a talking head on

Fox News, who would become the Pentagon’s acting head of policy.

The three stooges: Patel, Cohen, Tata.

Might one or more of them been more than a simple stooge / useful idiot?

Cohen, who had worked earlier in his career at the Defense Intelligence Agency under

Michael Flynn, had initially been hired at the Trump National Security Council in 2017 but was pushed out after Flynn’s swift implosion as Trump’s first national-security adviser.

Johnny McEntee, Trump’s thirty-year-old personnel chief is also suspicious but perhaps just

another useful idiot.

How close is Douglas Macgregor to Mike Flynn?

With the GRU in US Courts systems in the past under Trump's watch, did Trump learn of the search warrant ahead of time, and we just don't know that yet?

If Trump was not tipped off, then GRU is not in the court systems anymore.

But was Donald tipped off? Don't know yet.

We do not yet know whether Donald has a SCIF at Mar-a-Lago, still, as a former POTUS.

But you know how careless he is - he'd leave documents in a hotel safe rather than place in a SCIF.

Plausible deniability - can say i had them secured.


But almost like you intend others to access them when in a hotel safe.

Further, a crime is the simple existence of some docs at Mar-a-Lago, so a moot discussion.

Presidential Records Act of 1978 was passed in response to Nixon's effort to take his Presidential tapes and

papers with him to California, where they were in danger of being destroyed.

Lying Ted Coup is out with his marketing material. Image

Kevin McCarthy, Oct 28, 2016 sang a different tune. ImageImage
1878 Image

What if the execution of a lawful search warrant of Mar-a-Lago has the chilling effect on any future presidents’ ability to hide classified materials, detailing their efforts to overthrow the government, or ability to sell state secrets?

Oh. Wait. That's why GOP is mad.

If you or I stole material, say 15 boxes of docs, including some classified, what would be shocking is being given over 6 months to JUST COMPLY before being the subject of a search warrant.

Imagine getting that much leniency.

The government wanted possession of the documents. They had solid probable cause for a search warrant.

With the documents safe & secure, no indictment of Trump for criminal possession is required, so DOJ is doing Donald a solid and a favor.

No indictments,

unless overwhelming evidence that he intended on using any document for a corrupt purpose (e.g., selling state secrets, obstructing justice, hiding crimes), but even then, with this DOJ, he’ll most likely get a pass.

The GOP reaction and fear-mongering will permit


Will DOJ be too fearful to execute a search warrant next time with all the GOP reaction?

Not if it's a D like Hilary who is a target, but if it's another Trump?

You'd think the MAGA voting bloc would be thrilled of any potential for draining the swamp.


Wondered whether Donald has a single copy of the 7/25/19 transcript of the call between himself and Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

We've never seen the actual transcript, only the edited coverup.
1889 Image

Donald has moved to the “FBI planted evidence” phase of the spin. Why not? Wray is never going to come after Donald.


Donald's "Old Crow" spinning to bat for him?

When you're asking DOJ to comment about an ongoing investigation and not asking Donald to divulge the warrant, you are losing. Image

Look how fast even the Old Crow comes out swinging for Donald.

Of course he is the presumptive nominee for 2024 and of course the GOP will line up behind him so fast your head will spin.

Have you seen the part of this thread on Tom Cotton?


The idea that you can’t hold Donald accountable because his supporters might be mad at you will come back to bite those @GOP House Reps / useful idiots like Greene, Boebert, Jordan, Perry, Gosar, etc.

Q: When did the DOJ start treating removal of classified documents like a felony?

A: When President Trump signed a 2018 law making it a felony.

Joke is on Donald, but Garland or Wray are doing him a favor. See thread above. Image

Democrats have an opportunity to demand Chris Wray be fired and replaced (for past action and inaction).

MAGA Senator's will go along for present action.

Make MAGA Senator's your useful idiots. Image

As laid out above, Donald will fund raise.

Under Seige is the marketing term.

Wonder what American Actor with a Russian citizenship starred in a movie called Under Seige?


Review: Svalbard cable went down Jan 05, 2021 to Jan 06, 2021.

From DoD IG Report: "On Jan 8, 2021, an NSA employee tried to retrieve an NSA document from Mr. [Michael] Ellis that contained information of a classified, controlled compartmented

NSA program 'of some of the most sensitive information that NSA possesses.'

Mr [George] Barnes [NSA Deputy Director] told us [DOD IG] that Mr Ellis refused to return the document, retained it for the White House archives, and, based on what the

media.defense.gov/2021/Oct/21/20… Image

NSA employee saw placed the document in a container that did not meet the security storage requirements for such a sensitive program.

[NSA Deputy Director] Mr Barnes told us [DOD IG] that he contacted Mr [John] Eisenberg on Jan 9 2021, for help obtaining the document & Image

the document was returned to the NSA on Jan 14, 2021.

Trump Admin had a loose piece of intel from Jan 8 to Jan 14th, 2021 floating around not accounted for that may have been very valuable to foreign intel agencies.

Meanwhile, Russia was toying around with British subs

and cutting undersea cables that say, NATO might use, on Jan 5, 2021.

The NSA director, Gen. Paul Nakasone, had placed Ellis on administrative leave the day President Donald Trump left the White House — just as Ellis was taking up the position. The reasons: a pending Pentagon inspector general probe,


an official told The Washington Post at the time, and a security inquiry into Ellis’s handling of classified information, according to a letter from Ellis’s attorney to Nakasone, a copy of which was obtained by The Post. Image

You know Donald would love for the transcript of the call with Zelensky to disappear, forever.

Has it?


More under siege lingo from Russia and Donald Trump.


Had missed this.

Coincidence on location of the art gallery?


John Mark Dougan a former cop, has been living in Moscow since 2016, when he fled Florida after being fingered in an elaborate fake news operation—one in which he claimed that slain Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich handed him a trove of leaked DNC emails.

John Mark Dougan worked as a Palm Beach County sheriff’s deputy in 2005, the year the department launched an investigation into Jeff Epstein.

Dougan was under investigation for alleged hacking around 2016.


Dougan fled to Russia in 2016 [Trump Campaign underway] to escape legal trouble [prime target of a foreign intel op].

Dougan claims to have stolen material from the Epstein investigation but claims that he’s never been approached by the Russians about Epstein.

Say what?

Dougan, a former Marine, quit the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office in 2009 and launched a whistleblower campaign against former fellow sheriff’s officers, accusing them, in a series of rogue websites of child molestation, corruption and Nazism.

Recall, Palm Beach County

launched an investigation into Epstein in 2005.

Could Dougan have been trying in 2009 to put leverage over Palm Beach County Sheriff Deputies, on behalf of a foreign intel operation, wittingly or unwittingly?

Dougan fled to Moscow from Toronto in 2016 and was granted


Why would Dougan be granted asylum in Russia in 2016 when Putin was installing Trump in America via Manafort, Flynn, and Stone?

Dougan in 2022 is on a mission to “prove” baseless allegations that Ukraine has been developing bioweapons.

Asked whether the Russian

government or military is supporting his trip, Dougan wrote, “I'm in no way associated with the Russian military."

He added that he is receiving “no funding from anyone except for donations from people that watch my channel. These aren't much, so I'm funding most of this


Yeah, right.


When Trump targeted Michael Avenatti, it was perhaps not because Avenatti was a possible challenger in 2020 or a pain in his ass with Stormy Daniels or a pain with the Kavanaugh quid pro quo.

It was because Avenatti might have had too much

interest in the CDs and hard drives in Epstein's safe in Manhattan.

No surprise they placed Avenatti in Epstein's cell.

Suspect there is more to the story of what Avenatti was cooking in 2019.

insider.com/fbi-used-saw-o… Image

DOJ got a subpoena for Mar-a-Lago surveillance tapes.

Newsweek reports a mole inside Mar-a-Lago.

Well, if I were running Counter-Intel ops, I'd want Donald (and the rest of the world) to think there is a mole too ;)


We already knew @GOP is a party more than prepared to abandon rule of law.

The GOP Senate permitted Trump's lawlessness, over-and-over.

Of course these GOP Senate numb-nuts are going to threaten retaliation against the A.G.

Trump properties serve as Kompromat

factories and Trump trafficked girls in his past.

How many GOP Senator's does Donald or his handlers have Kompromat over?

How many House Reps?

This was predictable and anticipated.

He forgets to mention his compound has CCTV.

Useful idiots gonna be useful idiots. Image

AG Garland and FBI Director Wray were doing Donald Trump a solid, a favor, by being so lenient and giving him so much time to comply, endangering American National Security, by failing to secure Docs for at least one year.


DOJ's attempt to bend over backwards to obtain voluntary compliance with the law, and to avoid drama with Donald was so stupid.

They got drama anyway.

DOJ created an impression that Trump was entitled to have docs and that it was DOJ, not him, that was out of line.

Yes, DOJ was out of line but not for finally securing docs.

No, DOJ was out of line by taking so long and endangering US National Security.

What trade-offs were evaluated to permit taking so long?

Did DOJ need to wait so long to not screw up a case?

Or was the AG

showing favor and trying to avoid drama?

Without "fear of favor" sounds good, but in practice, is that how DOJ operates when it comes to Donald or Senators?

Donald probably took National Defense Information and will claim he declassified in Jan 2021 without telling agencies.

The GOP Senate told Donald he could do whatever he wants.

Donald was the perfect mark for every foreign intel apparatus.


House Ways & Means Chair Neal on Trump's taxes:

"With great patience, we followed the judicial process, and yet again, our position has been affirmed by the Courts ... When we receive the returns, we will begin our oversight of the IRS's mandatory presidential audit


Right, when the House gets his returns.

Donald will appeal again and buy at least one more year before another appeal or technicality.

Donald makes the House look like idiots.

Back to the National Defense Information Donald may have been holding.

A time-line of the DOJ dance.


Member of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps charged with plot to murder former National Security Advisor John Bolton.

According to the affidavit, the "murder was to be committed in the United States in exchange for payment in excess of $250,000."

In November 2021, Image

Shahram Poursafi contacted a confidential human source on an encrypted messaging app. Poursafi said he wanted Bolton "purged" and, when asked how, responded "by car."


According to court documents, beginning in October 2021, Shahram Poursafi, aka Mehdi Rezayi, 45, of Tehran, Iran, attempted to arrange the murder of former National Security Advisor John Bolton, likely in retaliation for the January 2020 death of Iran’s Islamic

Revolutionary Guard Corps – Qods Force (IRGC-QF) commander Qasem Soleimani. Poursafi, working on behalf of the IRGC-QF, attempted to pay individuals in the United States $300,000 to carry out the murder in Washington, D.C. or Maryland.


What's your over / under on whether Trump and Pompeo allowed the Iranians to conduct a missile strike on an American base seriously injuring dozens of US personnel in Iraq to get the two of them off the IRGC hit-list for their decision to conduct the

Soleimani assassination, while leaving John Bolton on the list?

The irony of Bolton being sued by Trump's DOJ for allegedly publishing classified info in a book while Donald stole documents and left them unsecure in a resort where foreign agents no doubt pass through. Image

No, the GOP is fractured.

When useful idiots build a narrative that the GOP is united and have WV boys believing that Trump is now boosted to win in 2024, you know Russia is planning to try to steal an election and reinstall their malware into the WH again. Image

When Fox Propaganda attempts to normalize by mixing up facts to deliberately deceive useful idiots. Image

Trump will try to make it sound like a routine quabble over docs and classifications, but it's just cover for how to try to leak secrets or sell them while mishandling information.


DoJ’s willingness to unseal the warrant signals there is not a larger criminal investigation and this was simply about the documents, meaning Donald is not under a criminal investigation.

It's a R FBI Director and Federalist Society AG after-all so don't expect much.

Magistrate Judge Bruce E. Reinhart orders DOJ to confer with Trump lawyers and get an answer by tomorrow about whether they support or oppose the motion to unseal.

Just on yea or nay will be required of Donald, without explanation. They're so nice to him.

The Magistrate Judge saved him from needing to provide any explanation with his yea or nay by making the DOJ certify Donald's position.

Perhaps it is a grand jury issued warrant? We don't know.

Here is what Donald will do. He won't oppose the unsealing of the warrant

and the return on the condition that the affidavit also be unsealed because he knows that DOJ will object to unsealing the affidavit & the judge will agree with DOJ due to an ongoing investigation and privacy and safety of any informant or whoever provided an interview to

the FBI when accosted, which does not make them an informant or mole.

This is how Donald can play the media and fool useful idiots and spin a narrative for months.

DOJ will never give up its source or whoever provided an interview to the FBI when accosted.

The Affidavit of Probable Cause is attached to the Application for the Search Warrant.

DOJ has not moved to unseal those.

Trump does not have those and we may, in fact, never see them.

Affidavit usually released only when arrest is made or when target is charged, and

under a protective order in the case of sensitive info.

The public will probably never see the affidavit.

Eight Senator's may get to see it at some point, but half of those idiots can't be trusted (e.g., Rubio).

Because this case involves classified material /

state secrets, Classified Information Procedures Act probably controls how it is handled.


Notice how AG Garland responded to GOP demands within a couple of days by giving a public presser but for over 1.5 years, AG Garland doesn't tell Democrats squat.

GOP has that power when the AG gives it to them.

Can you pretend a search warrant is under routine audit, or is that an excuse that only applies to tax returns?

With the tax returns, despite Donald losing an appeal this week, he probably can buy himself another 12 months on another appeal b4 buying more time in late 23.

DoJ’s willingness to unseal the warrant signals there is not a larger criminal investigation and this was simply about the documents.

It's a R FBI Director and Federalist Society AG after-all so don't expect much.

To Garland's credit, the public did not know of a

subpoena from June - until now.

No leaks.

But, here is where AG Garland is a fool.

If history is a guide, Donald could leak the warrant and then blame the DOJ for leaking it and make it a media cycle for a week during the mid-terms, and Trump can attack AG Garland.

Recall Putin hated Hilary Clinton and saw to it that 'her emails' would be a thing during an election, making the election about alleged mis-handling of information?

No surprise that Donald is un-coincidentally about to be in a political branding exercise that he frames

as a power grab by the Ds over some documents.

The sad thing is, Donald or anyone at Mar-a-Lago could really be passing secrets to foreign adversaries, but the AG will fail to prosecute for espionage, even if it's provable, because he's a former POTUS and the AG relies

on OLC opinions.

I'm still not a fan of AG Garland or FBI Director Chris Wray.

Democrats, if they had any brains, would take advantage of the GOP wanting to fire Wray (Senator's have public demands) and appoint a first Democrat FBI Director.

cc: @WHCOS

Cheney, an opportunistic genius at political branding.

If Biden discussed firing the FBI Director, it would publicly force a split among GOP Senators.

At present, Cheney and Kinzinger are the only GOP Reps who are pro-police in the media cycle


leading into mid-terms.

The MAGA wing is full on defund the police and abolish the FBI and fire Chris Wray, including Tom Cotton, MT Greene, Marsha Blackburn, Ted Cruz, Lauren Boebert, etc.

Split the idiots and fracture the party.

The claim of planted evidence that Trump made (and Senators implied) is being pushed by Trump to fire up “deep state” conspiracy theorists who make up a significant portion of his base.

The dirty trickster, Roger Stone, may have yet another October Surprise up his sleeves.

If you are Putin, you're laughing all the way to the bank.

He has 1/3 of the voting public in America thinking Trump is being mis-treated by liberals who allegedly hate him for having some documents and it's so unfair because Obama had some papers too.


Putin could be informed as to what information was contained in those documents, damaging to US National Security interests.

It's not like it is rocket science to obtain copies at Mar-a-Lago when the docs are mishandled and unsecure.

Further, Putin has a party, the GOP,

hell-bent on defending Trump and disparaging the DOJ and FBI.

Imagine the success of the intel operation for the Russians.

America's DOJ / FBI thinking twice about any wire-taps or spying and the fact is, there were some docs at Mar-a-Lago not secured and vulnerable to

acquisition or transmission of the information to a foreign adversary.

If you can get a former POTUS or his associates like Patel to commit espionage, you're doing alright.

Who knows - it could happen.

Trump family is responding by by attacking Hunter Biden, Obama, Hillary, the FBI, AG Garland & Robert Mueller.

Have you noticed that not one has yet to deny that Trump stole classified documents?


What if the CCTV that Trump turned over to the FBI has any gaps in it?

Would the public ever hear about it?

Do you think a foreign adversary would need more than an hour to obtain access to the CCTV at Mar-a-Lago?

Shiffer was reportedly present at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. Have not verified.

How long until Donald tries to make him a martyr like he tried with Ashli Babbit, but failed?

Does Schiffer have connections to Mike Flynn's operations, Stop the


Steal Organizers, or to any foreign intel services?

An OLC Opinion, for a Federalist Society AG.

1971 ImageImageImageImage

The April 1951 OLC opinion analyzes the Federal Records Act of 1950 and explains the difference between “official” papers of presidents, which have always belonged to the government, and “personal” papers, for which title passes from the president to the government upon

deposit with the GSA under § 507(e).

The opinion notes that because there is no title passage provision with respect to official papers of heads of agencies, Congress likely already regarded those records as owned by the government, and notes that “removal of such papers

by heads of agencies might well be a crime,” citing § 2071.

Might well be a crime is not the same as is absolutely a crime.

Will we ever know if AG Garland relies on the OLC opinion, eventually, to guide his decision making?

If the FBI found TS documents on Monday, is that not evidence that someone violated the Espionage Act?

Does it matter if the DOJ decides to not prosecute it?

Useful idiot Andy Biggs is familiar with Stop the Steal three Amigos. Image

Ricky Walter Shiffer, a non-prosecuted Jan 6ther.

Is that not a lesson that maybe it is a good idea to prosecute crimes of those from Jan 6th?

Plenty of them have not been prosecuted.

Donald could hand out state secrets on 5th Avenue tomorrow, in broad daylight, to Putin, Kim Jong-un, etc and AG Garland would find an OLC memo to excuse him from prosecuting.

When you rely on an OLC opinion, you allow others to do the thinking for you.

It would be

convenient to not charge to avoid public scrutiny and heat from GOP Senators, and thus far, this AG's vibe is that he'd prefer to avoid any criticism from the GOP.

Garland did not owe Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Marsha Blackburn, or any of them any statement,

but he provided them something.

Next time, hopefully the AG learns to make a public statement ahead of the curve, or remain silent and speak through actions or no actions.

Down-playing crimes.

Just admit it, you don't expect any charges from the AG.


Ricky Walter Shiffer's phone, computer and cloud storage will be examined.

Anyone who was agreeing with his plan to murder FBI agents can be charged as a co-conspirator.

Those poor idiots - sure, they'll get charged.

People like Trump? So far, nothing but passes.

Ricky Walter Shiffer was reportedly posting to Truth Social, Donald's social media platform, while engaged in a gunfight with the police.

What did Donald say about Section 230?

Ricky Schiffer's twitter account, admiring MT Greene. Image
1989 Image

Using social platforms to manipulate and influence Trumper's is still a low cost way to execute a military strategy for foreign adversaries.


When you read that the FBI was seeking nuclear documents at Mar-a-Lago, keep in mind what you already know about the 2016 Trump Campaign and the information in the Tom Barack indictments and recall Jared Kushner's


$2B investment from the Saudis, but for what, his looks?

In 2016, there was a Mike Flynn-backed plan to transfer nuclear tech to the Saudis.

Investigators fear President Trump is still considering the plan, which was pushed by Flynn and Trump friend Tom Barrack.

Both Flynn and Manafort made certain that their pardons would cover these crimes by referring to a secret document that was disclosed in Manafort's EDVA tax case.

The "subsequent investigative authority," referred to in the Flynn pardon sounds cryptic, but it's Image

referring to a nuclear deal, probably.

The Feb 2019 report: oversight.house.gov/sites/democrat…

On July 20, 2021, Tomas Barrack was indicted as an agent working at the direction of a foreign power, obstructing justice, and making false statements to law enforcement.

He was jailed for two days before being released on $250 million bond secured by $5 million in cash.

The indictment was broadened in May 2022 to include alleging Barrack sought hundreds of millions of dollars in investments from the United Arab Emirates while illegally lobbying the Trump administration on its behalf.

SCI is handled within formal access control systems established by the @ODNIgov.

Often, those with TOP SECRET Clearance also have TS-SCI.

Wait. Recall John Ratcliffe was Donald's useful idiot at ODNI?

salon.com/2019/07/31/is-… Image

What kind of a fucking moron would store nuclear weapons documents like maybe Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information in their fancy resort where ppl go in and out all day?

A very stable genius?


Man. Woman. Person. Camera. Tv.

People praising AG Garland may want to ask what happens when the US Gov must prove expected damage.

A defense attorney for Donald might argue if the docs are so sensitive, why did you allow my client and all these other unauthorized people to sort through them?

Why did you pussy-foot around for a year to obtain them from my client when you believed the docs were stored in an unauthorized place?

They’re obviously not really that potentially damaging.

Not sure AG Garland is the wizard of oz some think he is.

Donald: I needed nuclear codes for my presidential library.

AG Garland: Are you using the Dewey Decimal System?

Donald: I used to adore Huey, Dewey, and Louie, but then Disney ...

AG Garland: Melville Louis Kossuth "Melvil" Dewey is who I was referring to Mr. President.

Now Donald's lawyer spills the beans - the Trump Family observed "the whole thing" on CCTV.

Christina Bobb, a former OAN anchor, not only promoted Trump’s baseless claims about voter fraud around the 2020 election but was directly involved in

helping organize the fake electors plot under Rudy Giuliani.

She’s now paid by Trump’s Save America PAC as his attorney.

AG Garland has demonstrated a willingness to risk national security, at least temporarily, to show some deference and courtesy to Donald Trump.

What kind of judgement do you have to show deference and courtesy to Donald while risking national security?

I think Garland

has handed Donald his defense by being too nice and providing too much deference and time.

The Dewey Library Joke in reference to Mulvaney: Image

In fairness, perhaps DOJ did not wait one year, which means Donald's defense that I suspected AG Garland handed him is null and void.

Did NARA wait a year before informing DOJ?

NARA could say, we did not know he had ____ OMG.

"I have a nuclear, a weapons system that nobody's ever had before. We have stuff that you haven't even seen or heard about. We have stuff that Putin and Xi have never heard about before." — Donald Trump to Bob Woodward in 2019

Donald, 2022, to AG Garland Image

Alternatively, Donald could be feeding fake info to WaPo and NYTimes to make it sound like he had nuclear information so he can then tear down the story and cry witch hunt. Image
2014 ImageImageImage

Has Kevin McCarthy condemned the attempted breach at the FBI’s Cincinnati office yet?

Has anyone in the GOP leadership?

Shiffer was told to destroy the FBI by Rep Paul Gosar, Rep MT Greene, Judge Jeanine of Fox, etc.

Comrade Putin would like some more information.

Should he page Donald?

2018 Image

"I have a nuclear, a weapons system that nobody's ever had before. We have stuff that you haven't even seen or heard about. We have stuff that Putin and Xi have never heard about before." — Donald Trump to Bob Woodward in 2019

Donald was possibly bragging about W76-2,

a small, tactical nuclear warhead designed to counter enemy tactical nuclear weapons, a useful military defense against Russia's capabilities in the Baltics.


Just today, 8/12/22, Russia has informed Kyiv that it has implanted explosives at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in occupied Ukraine.

The Zaporizhzhia plant, the largest in Europe, utilizes six VVER-1000 pressurized


light water nuclear reactors (PWR).

Mr. Putin would enjoy having information fed to him from Mar-a-Lago on US defense capabilities against nuclear weapons.

What about the Saudis?

Flynn and Trump were desperately trying to provide Arab states with the ability to make

nuclear weapons from Russian spent fuel to be used to run reactors.

Headline: Trump, in financial trouble, and facing multiple state grand juries, steals national security documents from the White House that would be worth a bigly amount to several foreign governments.

18 months later, Saudi Arabia gives $2 billion to the Trump family then hosted a couple of golf tournaments at Trump clubs.

I guess it was all due to Donald's NY charm?

Ted Cruz and Ron DeSantis: Stealing nuclear secrets is bad, but have you considered the threat of a gender-neutral Mr. Potato Head? Image

One does wonder whether Donald is feeding 'fake news' to NYTimes to be able to disparage the Times, the AG, the FBI, the Deep State, etc?


The Dirty Trickster, Roger Stone, would pull off something like this.


Trump's friends love to hype it for political purposes.

2030 ImageImage
2032 Image

EO13972 | Promoting Small Modular Reactors for National Defense & Space Exploration. Trump signed this Executive Order 5 Jan 2021, one day before 1/6.


Know what else was happening on Jan 5 / 6 2021?


Trumps presidency started with Jared Kushner discussing establishing a back channel at the Russian embassy to avoid US intel, Flynn’s secret talks w Russia & potential Saudi nuke deal, and Trump handing secrets to Russians at the Oval Office.


Donald day dreaming a wall of smoke around Mar-a-Lago to hide evidence.


August 12, 2022

Useful idiot Republicans from House on HPSCI had a presser this morning.

If you cut through the rhetoric at the press conference, the HPSCI Rs said:

-We don't know much about the search

-We'd like to know more about the search

-There are circumstances where the search could be justified

-Please tell us more about the search.

They said more babble and misdirection, but that’s all they had.

Useful idiot, Rep Mike Turner says "there are a number of things that are classified that fall under ..

the umbrella of nuclear weapons but that are not necessarily things that are truly classified.

Many of them you can find on your own phone."


The even more useful idiots from the conservative Republicans’ House Freedom Caucus cancelled their 9:00 a.m. ET news

conference to discuss the FBI search of former President Donald Trump’s Florida estate.

While Donald Trump got on the "release the warrant" bandwagon last night (despite refusing to do so for days), his attorneys — who have until 3pm to confer with DOJ about Trump's

official position — have still not said anything publicly.

They are playing a game and are in disarray.

Trump is only consenting to unseal the affidavit because he has been advised that he can’t stop it, and he would look even worse by trying to oppose it.

The game he is playing is for DOJ to be first mover so he can later release his copy and doctor lines on it to manufacture a claim that “see, they planted evidence" by removing lines of inventory from his copy or altering.

Good luck with that beyond a few media cycles.

Yes, he's going to go with the "they are planting evidence" claim.

That's why he will not be the first to release an inventory list.

By having DOJ first release, Donald can then later at a time he selects for max benefit, release his copy of an inventory list, and Image

remove from his copy, any line items or alter any to manufacture a story of the FBI planted evidence. The Deep State is out of control.

Meanwhile, the FBI is run by his appointee, Chris Wray, who even most Ds don't like.

Donald tries to "normalize" his reckless behavior by drawing his useful idiots attention to a claim about Obama.

Those guys who participated on 1/6 are some emotional creatures, easy to trigger, and are so gullible. Image

That's useful idiot GOP Rep Stefanik playing to those gullible Trumper's.

Fox is now showing its gullible viewers a fake photo of GMax, breasts bulging, with the Magistrate Judge who signed the warrant in the photo holding alcohol and oreo's.

Fox showing manufactured propaganda.

AG Garland will do nothing to Fox.


The video from prior Tweet is propaganda designed to appeal to gullible Trumper's like the guys that stormed the Capitol on J6 or the guy who showed up at the FBI office in Ohio 8/11/22 and was killed by police.

Did you notice how no Republicans in Ohio commented on that?

A problem for Trump and the @GOP
is that they are worried about the politics of Donald’s utter recklessness and criminality when they should be worried about the national security implications and the GJ investigating it.

Spy was a satirical monthly magazine published from 1986 to 1998. Based in New York City, the magazine was founded by Kurt Andersen and E. Graydon Carter, who served as its first editors, and Thomas L. Phillips Jr., its first publisher.

Spy specialized in irreverent and

satirical pieces targeting the American media and entertainment industries and mocking high society.

The very first issue of Spy, quoting Donald Trump, in 1986.

He's been a mark for decades.

Trump first appeared on the Russians’ radar in 1977

when he married his first wife, Ivana Zelnickova, a Czech model, who died under mysterious circumstances in the last month the day before a scheduled deposition.

Trump became the target of a spying operation overseen by Czechoslovakia’s intelligence service in ry.

cooperation with the KGB.

Three years later Trump opened his first big property development, the Grand Hyatt New York hotel near Grand Central station.

Trump bought 200 television sets for the hotel from Semyon Kislin, a Soviet émigré who co-owned Joy-Lud electronics on

Fifth Avenue.

Joy-Lud was controlled by the KGB and Kislin worked as a so-called “spotter agent” who identified Trump, a young businessman on the rise, as a potential asset. Kislin denies that he had a relationship with the KGB.

Then, in 1987, Trump and Ivana visited

Moscow and St Petersburg for the first time. Yuri Shvets said, on record, Donald was fed KGB talking points and flattered by KGB operatives who floated the idea that he should go into politics.

The ex-major recalled: “For the KGB, it was a charm offensive.

They had collected a lot of information on his personality so they knew who he was personally.

The feeling was that he was extremely vulnerable intellectually, and psychologically, and he was prone to flattery.

“This is what they exploited. They played the game as if they were immensely impressed by his personality and believed this is the guy who should be the president of the United States one day: it is people like him who could change the world.

They fed him these so-called active measures soundbites and it happened. So it was a big achievement for the KGB active measures at the time.”

That was the late 1970s. Soon after he returned to the US, Trump began exploring a run for the Republican nomination for

president and even held a campaign rally in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. On 1 September, he took out a full-page advert in the New York Times, Washington Post and Boston Globe headlined: “There’s nothing wrong with America’s Foreign Defense Policy that a little backbone

can’t cure.”

The ad offered some highly unorthodox opinions in Ronald Reagan’s cold war America, accusing ally Japan of exploiting the US and expressing scepticism about US participation in Nato.


It took the form of an open letter to the American people “on why America should stop paying to defend countries that can afford to defend themselves”.

The bizarre intervention was cause for astonishment and jubilation in Russia.

A few days later Shvets, who had

returned home by now, was at the headquarters of the KGB’s first chief directorate in Yasenevo when he received a cable celebrating the ad as a successful “active measure” executed by a new KGB asset.

“It was unprecedented. I am pretty well familiar with KGB active

measures starting in the early 70s and 80s, and then afterwards with Russia active measures, and I haven’t heard anything like that or anything similar – until Trump became the president of this country – because it was just silly.

It was hard to believe that somebody

would publish it under his name and that it will impress real serious people in the west but it did and, finally, this guy became the president.”

Check out Craig Unger's book and interviews.

I am going to skip a lot here as you can refer to the other thread(s) from the

past. Let's move on to this point.

On the 9/11 time-line and how it moved intel and FBI assets away from Russia, keep in mind that on February 18, 2001, Robert Philip Hanssen was arrested and charged with committing espionage on behalf of the

intelligence services of the former Soviet Union and its successors.

Hanssen pled guilty to 15 counts of espionage on July 6, 2001, two months prior to 9/11, and was sentenced to prison without the possibility of parole. Hanssen is considered the most damaging spy in

FBI history.

Trump sealed FBI documents for another 25 years. Why?

Is Donald Trump competing with Robert Phillip Hanssen to be the most dangerous spy in American history?

Material includes TS/SCI and TS documents.

Exe grant of clemency for Roger Stone ... hmmm ... which one? Image

Billions in debt to foreign creditors, business with autocratic and unfriendly regimes, multiple bankruptcies, thousands of lawsuits, including for fraud and nonpayment of debts. Bankrupted casinos with past settlements for money laundering.

The perfect guy to be

stashing TS/SCI and TS documents by the pool house at a private resort.

TS/SCI documents are the kind of things you can't just walk out of a SCIF with.

Trump had them for more than 1.5 years after leaving office - serious risk to national security.

Useful idiot from GOP Senate spreading mis-info Image

Donald must be putting on his Steve Urkel suspenders on loan from Roger Stone and saying to the lawyer's, Did I do that?

On the other hand, while they're playing Oops I Did It Again at Mar-a-Lago, Donald could decide to spill the beans to AG Garland on the the criming' Senator's, House Reps, and SCOTUS Judges have done, in exchange for a get out of jail free card.

On an earlier post, I point out what Brian Kilmeade of Fox showed on air last night.

Apparently, the lawyer's must have told him he needs to put out a statement.

Fox committed prima facie defamation against a federal magistrate judge. Image

Vladimir Putin and MBS to Donald J Trump:

"We Love You. You are Very Special."

Lindsey Graham and Jonathan Turley are daring DOJ by demanding the affidavit, something the public will never see.

Let’s assume for a moment DOJ believes affirmative misuse of materials in Donald’s possession and not just that he was wrongfully retaining materials.

1519 suggests DOJ is accusing Donald of deliberately concealing from the government his possession of documents, even after they asked for them back.

How to prove deliberate concealment / intent to deceive beyond a reasonable doubt? I’m sure there is a way as we don’t

know all the details. Donald kept National Defense Information (NDI) and refused to give it back. He did not even have a clearance. Pleading ignorance that the docs / info was still there after June is Donald's best bet in a court, but he need not worry about it if DOJ

fails to take him to trial. DOJ must charge him and force him to claim ignorance.

When faced with the choice between keeping the warrant hidden (as was his right) or thrusting himself onto the national and world stage as the flagbearer for a war against the "radical left

Democrats," a manufactured psyop, he chose the second option.

Donald knows his best defense is a political one and he's got plenty of House Reps and Senator's wrapped up in crimes who would literally permit Donald to shoot you on 5th Avenue and get away with it to protect

their own hides.

In the public, his best bet is to continue lying and spinning, framing the narrative as Trump versus the "radical left Democrats" and an out-of-control FBI and AG.

Donald's lawyer, Alina Habba is on America's Voice Live from his Bedminister club in NJ

advising him that if he just says he won’t run for president, all these investigations and charges will go away and be dropped.

She's not advising Donald but spreading propaganda to his base. They desperately need his base to believe their lies and they expect he will

not be prosecuted.

Donald’s game plan is to expect DOJ will think twice, three times before charging him with anything, by painting the narrative as corrupt FBI / DOJ out to get him from day one and he’ll spin the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax talking point with Jim Jordan

next to him and they are all counting on DOJ to fail to prosecute.

Breitbart just put out the names of the FBI agents who did the search. FBI is investigating “unprecedented” number of threats against bureau in wake of search of Mar-a-Lago, including against agents

listed in court records as being involved in the search.

Donald may be aligned with foreign nation-state actor's, wittingly or unwittingly, operating inside the U.S., but he will lose fighting against an FBI that's not on his payroll.

On the propaganda front, it is no

surprise that Tulsi Gabbard is working for Fox and filling in for Tucker Carlson on the same day the world learns Donald Trump is being investigated for espionage. Tulsi from Hawaii is like Sarah Palin from Alaska.

Who packed boxes at the White House in Jan 2021? How did

docs get to his private club? Did anyone have access? How were they stored? Were they hidden from FBI/NARA during past visits? Are other former clearance holders involved?

Could the IC have discovered copies of documents in the wild without any classification markings?

Did any U.S. allies notice anything or did any spies disappear somewhere?

Two sections of the Espionage Act (§ 793(d) & (f)) apply even to those lawfully in possession of national security information and prohibit certain conduct even by those who were entitled to have

the underlying material in the first place.
He's not being investigated as an enemy spy. He's being investigated as someone who recklessly put our nation at risk.

Is the Espionage Act about espionage, or is it about criminal prohibitions involving the mishandling of

classified documents? The latter, at least the way it's written.

That's why it's been (successfully) used to prosecute leakers who had no intent to harm the United States or aid a foreign power.

Does anyone believe Donald ever gave up on Mike Flynn’s pitch to transfer

nuclear tech to the Saudis?

A finding of probable cause that Donald Trump violated 18 USC 793 of the Espionage Act places him in the company of a notable list of whistleblowers charged under this law, e.g.: Daniel Ellsberg, Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange, and Edward


18 USC 2071 — Concealment, removal or mutilation
18 USC 793 — Gathering, transmitting or losing defence information
18 USC 1519 — Destruction, alteration or falsification of records in Federal investigations

It strains all credulity to argue Donald Trump didn’t

know he took TS/SCI material, but Donald can claim ignorance the materials were there after June.

But then, who was responsible?

These are materials that very few can see, and even then, must view them in secure facilities.

They’re not papers in your bridal sweet

or basement room by the pool and cabana boy.

18 USC §1519 is about document crimes that are part of obstructing an investigation or some other federal matter.

So what is the thing that DOJ thinks Trump was trying to impede?

Either DOJ is charging Trump with 1519 just

for generally obstructing govt (possibly Archives) or they have specific investigation(s) with destroyed docs from which they want obstructed information.

The Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA) controls how classified material is handled in court.

The probable cause affidavit likely contains references to the CIPA material possibly including sources and methods. That will never be disclosed publicly.

Two days before the failed self-coup, Trump gave the Medal of Freedom to then Rep. Devin Nunes.

Devin Nunes,

formerly Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, resigned from Congress to work for Trump as the CEO of Truth Social.

Now that we know the Mar-a-Lago search happened because of probable cause related to espionage, we need to know what Devin Nunes knows.

And we need

to know if Truth Social is nothing but a vehicle for money laundering, another way for Donald to accept payments for selling government secrets like nuclear tech to the Saudis, who had a thing for Twitter.

And we need to know more about Jared Kushner’s $2B injection from

the Saudis, following the bail out of 666 5th Avenue.

Backing out of the Iran nuclear deal and re-imposing sanctions would imply that Iran couldn’t just sell oil on the open market and get paid directly.

No. Iran had to do it covertly and get paid indirectly, using schemes like Turkey’s cash-for-gold op. You can google that for 2016 stories.

Erdogan is still looking to sell gold to support his collapsing currency in March 2021 and in 2022.

Erdogan and his friends at

Aktif Bank and Halkbank were making billions helping Iran evade sanctions.

Donald Trump was just a valuable useful idiot at the time.

If you remember, Bill Barr canned Geoff Berman at SDNY so that he could use his newly enhanced control to dismiss or short-circuit all

of the pending cases in Manhattan that implicated Trump or his associates.

For Trump Admin, prosecuting the Turkish Halkbank over the Zarrab Iranian sanctions evasion scheme was too much for Trump and his handlers.

Halkbank, Turkey’s second-largest state-owned bank,

spent more than $2.6M on lobbying by Ballard Partners, hiring them in August 2017.

Ballard dropped Halkbank in late 2019 after it became public that Halkbank was a participant in a sanction’s evasion scheme, whereby Halkbank participated in the illicit movement of

billions of dollars of Iranian oil revenue.

Through Ballard Partners, Lev Parnas said he was able to secure tickets to V.I.P. balls at Trump’s January 2017 inauguration for at least three foreign businessmen.

Among them was Mübariz Mansimov, a now-jailed shipping

magnate originally from Azerbaijan who, along with Parnas, helped set up two lucrative lobbying contracts between Turkey and Ballard’s firm, Ballard Partners.

By at least 2015, Putin-connected Turkish “businessman” Kamil Ekim Alptekin and Kremlin-connected Russian

“businessman” Dmitri “David” Zaikin were working together to establish a very large Turkish lobbying enterprise.

Alptekin paid Mike Flynn $600,000 in late January or early February of 2016, about a month before Gold Trader Reza Zarrab was arrested in Miami in March 2016.

Recall it was Geoffrey Berman’s refusal to give soft treatment to Turkey’s state-run Halkbank, that got A.G. Bill Barr to corruptly pressure Berman to drop charges against Turkish officials tied to Erdoğan’s ruling Justice and Development Party during a meeting in

Washington in June 2019.

“This is not how we do things at the Southern District,” Berman reportedly replied when Barr tried to persuade him that the move would mend U.S. foreign relations with a critical ally while effectively enforcing U.S. sanctions.

Berman specifically balked at the notion of granting immunity to Turkish officials without their agreement to assist in the department’s investigation, telling DOJ attorneys it would be unethical.

“This is completely wrong,” Berman reportedly said.

“You don’t grant immunity to individuals unless you are getting something from them — and we wouldn’t be here.”

Erdoğan of Turkey had pushed for the ouster of ex-U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, who brought the original charges against Zarrab but was fired by Trump,

who was working for a Putin / Erdogan axis.

The Turkish government had developed relationships with several Trump insiders, including his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and Brian Ballard, the powerful lobbyist mentioned earlier, who previously served as vice chairman

of Trump’s inaugural committee, to engage in an elaborate effort to influence the administration in backing off Halkbank.

Anyhow, it would be no surprise if Donald never gave up on the nuclear deal that Mike Flynn was pushing in 2016.

On July 20, 2021, Barrack was indicted as an agent working at the direction of a foreign power, obstructing justice, and making false statements to law enforcement.

He was jailed for two days before being released on $250 million bond secured by $5 million in cash.

The indictment was broadened in May 2022 to include alleging Barrack sought hundreds of millions of dollars in investments from the United Arab Emirates while illegally lobbying the Trump administration on its behalf.

Classified info pertaining to nuclear weapons has its own classification designation under the Atomic Energy Act called Restricted Data.

Violations involving Restricted Data, like other classified info, are investigated by the DOJ Counterintelligence & Export

Control Section.

The most recent criminal case involving Restricted Data concerned a nuclear weapons engineer in Maryland, who was using dead drops in WV.


All a foreign adversary need do is get the information it was seeking to Mar-a-Lago and Donald left the door open until the FBI asked he at least put a pad lock on the room.

The atomic energy act exempts this kind of material from unilateral declassification by the

executive — a president does not have the authority to declassify material on nuclear or atomic energy or weapons. Said authority would require a binding act of congress, though a senator could theoretically read it into the congressional record under the debate clause.

Summary: One of Mike Flynn’s goals with Donald as president was to build reactors in Saudi Arabia & have Eric Prince supply private armies to guard them in an effort to “re-colonize” the Middle East.

It was called the Middle East Marshall Plan.

Mitch McConnell wanted a

test reactor in Kentucky so Mitch blocked restrictions on Donald giving nuclear information to Saudi Arabia, thereby allowing for some flow of nuclear info to the Saudis.

Donald awarded nuclear permits to Saudi Arabia after the killing of Khashoggi.

Then Jared Kushner

gave INTEL to Saudi Arabia about traitors to the crown and the crown prince said Jared was in his pocket.

But $2B? There must have been more to the transaction.

The Saudis wanted reactors so they could get uranium to make weapons and perhaps warhead designs.

"I have a nuclear, a weapons system that nobody's ever had before. We have stuff that you haven't even seen or heard about. We have stuff that Putin and Xi have never heard about before." — Donald Trump to Bob Woodward in 2019

Donald was possibly bragging about W76-2,

a small, tactical nuclear warhead designed to counter enemy tactical nuclear weapons, a useful military defense against Russia's capabilities in the Baltics.


Flynn and Trump were desperately trying to provide Arab states with the ability to make nuclear weapons from Russian spent fuel to be used to run reactors.

The Russian News Agency TASS has been on lock-down not discussing anything since Monday's search warrant,

perhaps because a scheme involved Mr. Putin.

Headline: Trump, in financial trouble, and facing multiple state grand juries, steals national security documents from the White House that would be worth billions of dollars to several foreign governments. 18 months later,

Saudi Arabia gives $2 billion to the Trump family. Are these three related?

When confronted by the 9/11 families objecting to his hosting the Saudis in the last couple of weeks, who played a critical role in the 9/11 attack, Trump replied that we still don’t know who

is responsible for 9/11.

Wasn't that odd?

Trumps presidency started with Jared Kushner discussing establishing a back channel at the Russian embassy to avoid US intel, Flynn’s secret talks w Russia & potential Saudi nuke deal, and Trump handing secrets to Russians at

the Oval Office. Naturally, theft of nuclear secrets makes sense.

You have to ask yourself, for a guy everyone said couldn’t be bothered to read the PDB, what possible use could he have for such sensitive documents that are worth a bigly amount to foreign adversaries?

Sure wasn’t to study for a second career as fission nuclear weapons designer, although his uncle went to MIT.

When Kash Patel says Donald declassified docs, you start asking questions about Kash Patel and for whom does he work?

Mike Flynn Pushed Saudi Nuclear-Plant Plan despite warnings, per House Report - Flynn & Derek Harvey who Flynn brought to National Security Council to oversee Middle East affairs pushed "Middle East Marshall Plan" ignoring repeated legal & ethical warnings.

Per whistleblowers Derek Harvey said during 1st week of Trump Admin decision to adopt IP3’s plan to develop dozens of nuclear power plants was made by Flynn during transition when he was IP3 advisor.

Days after the inauguration IP3 officials sent docs directly to Flynn

for Trump to approve including a draft Cabinet Memo stating Trump had appointed Tom Barrack as special rep.

After Trump fired Flynn the plan continued w/Harvey, Tom Barrack & Rick Gates. IP3 leaders stated in letter: “agreements by President Trump and Mohammed bin Salman

have established the framework for our unique opportunity to take the next steps with IP3 and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia” & referenced partnership to acquire Westinghouse.

A striking part in report says Deputy Nat'l Security Advisor McFarland said Trump told Barrack he

could lead implementation of Middle East Marshall Plan - but Trump said Barrack could not be paid for his role. Why? A bit like Manafort working for "free", wasn't it?

Jan 2018 Brookfield Business Partners, subsidiary of Brookfield Asset Management, announced plans to

buy Westinghouse Electric (part of IP3’s proposed consortium) for $4.6 billion.

Brookfield Asset Management bailed out Kushner Cos 666 Fifth Ave property. Coincidence? Later, Kushner got $2B from the Saudis in 2021 as well.


Derek Harvey who Flynn brought to NSC to

run Middle East affairs and is at the center of House Oversight & Reform report on effort to push Saudi nuclear plan - had worked for Devin Nunes and returned to work for him after HR McMaster fired him from NSC.

Again, is Truth Social a money laundering op?

This Dec 2017 article on the secretive lobbying push involving Michael Flynn, Tom Barrack, Rick Gates and Iran-Contra figure Robert McFarlane has more details:


Before advising IP3 Flynn was in talks with Alex Copson at ACU Strategic Partners about a Middle East plan w/Russian co Rosatom.

As of Nov 2018 Rosatom and Saudi Arabia were continuing talks. In Jan 2019, Senate Republicans questioned Rick Perry’s decision to award a

$115 million no-bid contract to Centrus Energy to develop a nuclear enrichment facility & if $ would go to Russia. Centrus buys enriched uranium from Tenex, part of Russia's Rosatom.


Beyond Qatar's link, why did Brookfield bail out Kushner on 666 5th Avenue?

A key proponent of the nuclear effort was General Michael Flynn, who described himself in filings as an “advisor” to a subsidiary of IP3, IronBridge Group Inc., from June to Dec 2016—at the same

time he was serving as Donald Trump’s national security advisor.

Just a coincidence?

Westinghouse was a major nuclear power company that was struggling through bankruptcy (filing Ch. 11 in 2017). Brookfield acquired Westinghouse in Jan 2018, approved by Trump's DOJ.

Brookfield bailed out Kushner in May 2018, closing on 666 5th Ave just before Kushners owed $1.2B balloon payment.

Energy Sec Perry pushed Westinghouse on MBS the same month its new owner Brookfield bailed out Kushner.

May 9, 2018, Perry lobbies Saudi "to use

Westinghouse to construct its reactors: 'We tried to really drive home to MBS. You have to use Westinghouse.” Sept 26, 2018, Sec Perry reportedly stated Saudi "recently made a decision that keeps U.S. businesses—foremost Westinghouse Electric Co.—in the mix for what could

ultimately become a market worth tens of billions.”

More dots to connect from the Steele Dossier, Rosneft, and Kushner pushing a military blockade by Saudi/UAE against Qatar in 2017, followed by a $184M loan by Qatar-backed Apollo, and then his 666 Brookfield bailout.

EO13972 | Promoting Small Modular Reactors for National Defense & Space Exploration. Trump signed this Executive Order 5 Jan 2021, one day before 1/6. Image

Trump was possibly being persuaded to lift regs & add guidance that would steer profit, to certain people [Barrack, Rod Martin of the original PayPal Mafia, Arab states] in order for them to capitalize off of the government's new use of small modular reactors.

Donald's strategy is convince people this kinds of garbage (standing order) is real and frame it as the radical left democrats out to set him up to take him down.

DOJ should not fear charging for politics or optics as this guy is a nat sec threat.


American legal system is not equipped for norm-breaking or law breaking by by an ex-president, making Donald the perfect intel asset to do harm to America.

The "I brought my work home with me defense" makes no sense when you consider there was not a peaceful transfer of

power to the Biden Admin.

Trump Admin did not work with the incoming Admin until last possible moment and was hostile to the incoming admin, while the Trump admin was a cluster fuck of acting heads and yes men, a ripe time for a mole within the Trump Admin to steal

classified and NDI.

John Ratcliffe was Donald's useful idiot at ODNI. Imagine what you can get out with that idiot in charge on intelligence.

Ratcliffe trying to convince ppl FBI is muscle arm of Dems is ludicrous when you consider America has never had a Democrat FBI Image

Director, but if I were Biden, I would can Wray and change history.

Jan 19, 2021, following a failed self-coup, memo's like this one would be meant to provide cover and confusion for a moment like this to obfuscate the possibility Donald took NDI / nuclear blueprints and transferred them.

If you were a foreign


military intel op with someone within the Trump Admin, you'd be putting things like that memo in front of your useful idiot to sign and then covertly stealing NDI in boxes.

Crossfire Hurricane was the code name for the counterintelligence investigation undertaken by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from July 31, 2016, to May 17, 2017, into links between Russian officials and associates of Donald Trump and

"whether individuals associated with [his] presidential campaign were coordinating, wittingly or unwittingly, with the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election".

Funny Donald has a memo to declassify materials pertaining to this Image

from after Jan 6, 2021.

Someone wants to know more about the investigation into links between the Trump Campaign and Russia.

Alfa Bank chairman Petr Aven was meeting quarterly with Vladimir Putin, where he would receive “implicit directives."

In a court filing, Fusion’s lawyer, Joshua A. Levy, accused Alfa Bank of engaging in a “treacherous game”: using the U.S. court system to uncover Image

covert methods used by American intelligence agencies.

“Exposing these sensitive law enforcement methods to our enemies, including but not limited to the Russian government, would harm all of us,” Levy wrote. (Alfa Bank has denied the accusation.)

And Donald tries to Image

declassify materials related to Crossfire Hurricane ...

Add 2 + 2

Lindsey Graham is a useful idiot to Donald Trump and William P Barr.

Within days of Graham posting to Senate Judiciary site, a pro-Trump blogger, claiming to have pieced together clues contained in the ImageImage

notes, revealed the source’s identity: Igor Danchenko, a Russian-American political analyst in Washington, D.C.

Do not forget that Alfa Bank’s principals—Aven, Khan, and a man named Mikhail Fridman—were personally suing Fusion GPS, the research firm in Washington that had

hired Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence agent, to investigate Donald Trump’s relationships in Russia before the 2016 election.


For four months, during the summer before the 2016 Presidential election, two servers registered to Alfa Bank repeatedly looked up the address of another server, maintained by a mass-marketing firm for the Trump Organization.

Thousands of these lookups, which typically precede communication, appeared in logs of the Domain Name System, a global database of online addresses; the traffic was noted by a group of prominent computer scientists with unusual access to those records.

The Trump Organization and Alfa Bank denied that they had been communicating at all.

Alfa Bank’s lawyers in the United States had carried out an aggressive campaign to uncover the identity of the sources who gathered the D.N.S. logs.

Think Trump has any incentives to

assist Alfa Bank execs who report to Putin regularly?

William P Barr appointed John Durham to protect Alfa Bank.

The dossier that Steele assembled claimed that Aven and Fridman had been close confidants of Vladimir Putin since he was the deputy mayor of St. Petersburg,

in the nineteen-nineties, when they sent him “large amounts of illicit cash.”

Reagan and Bush administrations partnered with Solntsevskaya to bring down the Soviet state in the USSR’s waning days of the late 1980s.

Solntsevskaya is Russia’s largest and most powerful

organized crime syndicate.

They are associated with Alfa Group and Semion Mogilevich.

They put Putin on their payroll in the early 1990s, when Putin was beginning his political career as deputy mayor in St Petersburg.

Robert Hanssen’s spying activities for the

Russian mob between 1992 to 1999 were conveniently excluded from his indictment.

Putin might have an axe to grind with US Intel Assets and the Clintons.

Dick Cheney was doing business with Solsnetskaya front Alfa Group (who controlled Tyumen Oil) in 2000.

George HW Bush was in Moscow in 2003 begging Russian mobsters to launder their crime cash through Carlyle Group private equity.

Alfa Ban and Alfa Eko, a trading company, had been deeply involved in the early 1990s in laundering of Russian & Colombian drug money & Image

in trafficking drugs from the Far East to Europe.

Alfa Groups top executives, oligarchs Mikhail Fridman and Pyotr Aven, “allegedly participated in the transit of drugs from Southeast Asia through Russia and into Europe.”

Let us repeat that the Steele dossier alleged that Fridman & Aven had been close associates of Putin, ever since Putin was deputy mayor of St Petersburg in the 1990s. And that they sent Putin “large amounts of illicit cash”.

It was Aven who hosted & funded Carter Page’s trip to Moscow in 2016, through his New Economic School.

Mikhail Lesin, the founder of Russia Today (RT), traveled from California to DC to attend a gala honoring Aven


and was mysterious beaten to death in 2015.

Fridman, Aven, & Alfa Bank sued data researchers who discovered that Alfa Bank was performing database replication processes with computer servers belonging to Trump Org and two other entities linked to Alfa Bank

(Heartland Payment Systems & Spectrum Health) during the run up to the 2016 election between May and September of 2016.

Uh oh. Getting close to discovering anything about how maybe Trump could have been installed in 2016 and H Clinton wiped out from implementing a foreign

policy not welcomed by some Arab states and Russia?

Spectrum Health and Amway are closely related.

Amway heir Dick DeVos (aka Betsy’s husband hence Erik Prince’s brother-in-law) is chairman of the board at Spectrum Health.

Amway Vice Chair Bill Payne is also on the

Spectrum Health board. Amway opened up its own Russia division, in 2005.


In 2014, Amway partnered with Alfa Bank to create a prepaid gift card/loyalty card program.

Point to a thread earlier from another account that goes in depth on this and how

< $200 payments via prepaid gift cards are a way to funnel cash to a campaign when you also have a list of registered Republicans for whom you can attach a name to a donation.

Do this 250K times at $199 a pop and you can inject cash in a campaign, undetected, for some a

quid-pro-quo like maybe a foreign policy shift or for access to information.

I should mention here that Trump / Pence were like Bush / Cheney to organized crime.

Both these GOP admins were favored by foreign adversaries.

Alfa had been acquiring increasing stakes in Tyumen Oil and was seeking access to the White House with the Bush / Cheney ticket.

Tyumen’s lead attorney at Akin Gump was James C. Langdon Jr., a managing partner at the firm.

He was also one of George W. Bush’s

“Pioneers,” that is, one of the elite fund raisers who brought in at least $100,000 for the Republican presidential hopeful.

See how organized crime makes U.S. Presidential / VP candidates useful idiots, wittingly or unwittingly?

In June of 199, Langdon helped coordinate

a $2.2 million fund raiser for Bush, and agreed to help recruit 100 lawyers and lobbyists in the capital to raise $25,000 each.

From Clinton to Bush to Obama to Trump. Organized crime could not have H Clinton following 8 years of Obama. Image

Per The 9/11 Commission Report - the supposed 'masterminds' of both the 1993 World Trade Center bombing (Yousef) and 9/11 plot (Yousef's uncle KSM) were planning bombings, assassinations, and other terrorist attacks out of Manila in 1994.

In 1996, KSM arranged for a meeting with Osama bin Laden in Tora Bora.

Discussed ops "pursued by KSM & colleagues in the Philippines" and a list of ideas for new terrorist ops - including one "that would involve training pilots to crash planes into buildings in the US."

Intel and FBI assets were moved away from a focus on Russia following 9/11.

Keep in mind that on February 18, 2001, Robert Philip Hanssen was arrested and charged with committing espionage on behalf of the


intelligence services of the former Soviet Union and its successors.

Read that linked thread in last tweet and the rabbit holes it goes down in other links.

In 2001, Putin was working a Russia-Falkon private equity deal.

Final agreement was supposed to be signed in Image

July 2021, but the process was delayed.

That's when allegations of bribery and organized crime began to surface.

Falkan may have ties to Russian mafia and foreign intel services.

Oh - that is a company that Paul Manafort appears to have represented in the late 70s and Image

whose owners did business with the Bush family.

And this company may have ties to the Russian mafia and foreign intelligence services.

A final agreement for Falkan was signed in Oct 2021, following 9/11 in America.

With Falkan, might Putin be able to launder using debt

transactions for cover?

Did the bin Ladens net $770 million from the Russian debt deal around 9/11 following Russian Intel getting Bush / Cheney into the WH (useful idiots).

Did some or all of this money get laundered into Carlyle Group private equity? Image

Was there a connection between Falkon and the Bin Laden family?

nytimes.com/2001/10/26/bus… Image

Dick Cheney and W Bush rushed us into a 20 year war in Afghanistan, where America ended up fighting Chechen rebels.

Such useful idiots and a payoff to the foreign intel ops that gave America Bush / Cheney.

Don't forget Bush v. Gore 2000 and Roger


Stone's Brooks Brothers Riot.

How do you think we got George W Bush?

Don't forget, Rudy Guiliani was considered a running mate to Bush at one time.


Bush ran again in 2004 which meant that Rudy Giuliani’s first opportunity to cash in on the image created from 9/11 was the 2008 election.

See how W Bush and Rudy Giuliani were the preferred useful idiots?


Williiam Burck (along with Rudy Giuliani and Kirkland & Ellis) represented Reza Zarrab in the cash-for-gold Iranian sanctions evasion Turkey money laundering case.

Go find a mention of this earlier in the thread.


Burck’s firm (Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan) represented Prevezon in their Magnitsky money laundering case.

Burck also represented Don McGahn (nephew of mob lawyer “Paddy” McGahn), Steve Bannon, and Reince Preibus.


Need to bookmark this and

deep dive into William Burck his law firm.

A point of this thus far is to demonstrate how foreign adversaries push dumb Presidential and VP candidates onto American voter's to serve the interests of these foreign adversaries and organized crime.

The CIA is known to have worked with organized crime and a goal of foreign governments adversarial to America would be to pluck of former US National Security persons (e.g., Mike Flynn, or former FBI Directors) to entice them into organized crime.

Paul Behrends, a former aide to Dana Rohrabacher (Putin’s favorite congressman) associate of Erik Prince, and Knights of Malta member, partnered with oligarchs and organized crime to topple the Soviet state.

Mr. Putin knows this history and would like payback. Image

Paul Behrends was working with organized crime to dismantle the Soviet Union from within.

Huh. Sounds like Comrade Trump, wittingly or unwittingly, working to dismantle America from within, with the help of Mike Flynn, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, etc.

Paul Behrends died under mysterious circumstances.

He arranged for Erik Prince to work in Dana Rohrabacher’s congressional office.

Keep your friends close but your enemies closer?


Jeffrey Bossert Clark was an appointee from William P Barr’s former firm, Kirkland and Ellis, counsel for Russian Alfa Bank.

See how these slime ball attorneys and Trump yes men are wrapped up, if only in the periphery, in organized crime?

The Trump DOJ was infiltrated with organized crime.

Alex van der Zwaan, son-in-law of Alfa Bank owner German Khan, who was convicted and imprisoned for lying to the FBI, regularly communicated with Konstantin Kilimnik in Russian via encrypted apps.

Konstantin Kilimnik

provided internal RNC polling data to Russian intelligence.

Remember that list of GOP potential donors we talked about and how that would be valuable if you needed potential donor names to use if you were making < $200 prepaid gift card payments to say the Trump Campaign?

Alex van der Zwaan was as Skaaden Arps attorney.

Paul Manfort's daughter worked at Skaaden Arps too.

The son in law of the Alfa Group oligarch was speaking in Russian to a Russian spy over encrypted apps, and then that spy gave RNC polling data to Russian intelligence.

Might this have been at the time Alfa Bank and Trump Tower were sharing mysterious data packets?


They were providing stolen voter registration data to Brad Parscale for targeted propaganda campaigns.

Betsy Devos owns Spectrum Health.

Was she a useful idiot to the data transfers or a willing participant to a conspiracy to defraud the United States of America?


In 2016 Deutsche Bank (the only bank willing to lend to Trump) sold loans that had been issued to sanctioned VTB Bank to Alfa Bank.


An old Kirkland and Ellis Alfa Bank attorney Brian Benczkowski quashed the investigation into the mysterious

data transfers.

“In one tranche of data that he gave them, they noticed that a third entity, in addition to Alfa Bank and Spectrum Health, had been looking up the Trump domain: Heartland Payment Systems, a payments processor based in Princeton.”


“Heartland...had recently been acquired by Global Payments, which, in 2009, had paid seventy-five million dollars for United Card Services, Russia’s leading credit-card-processing company; two years later, United Card Services bought Alfa Bank’s credit-card-

processing unit.”

Did any Heartland DNS lookups correspond with the sudden rush of small donor contributions into the Trump Campaign when it needed cash?

You didn't think Trump Campaign was setting GOP records for small dollar donations without an element of

organized crime did you?


Andy Khawaja claims the Saudis and the Emiratis illegally paid tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars to the Trump campaign in 2016.

He says that to keep it secret, they disguised the money [...] using stolen identities and ‘virtual credit cards.'


QIA, Zuberi, Nader, Broidy --> Lindsey Graham?

Why were all the Kirkland and Ellis attorneys who formerly represented Russia’s Alfa Bank (owned by oligarch German Khan) brought in to DOJ during the Mueller investigation?

William P Barr, Brian Benczkowski, Jeffrey Rosen, Jeffrey Bossert Clark, etc.

Recall Donald's red line for Mueller was finances?

if the Mueller investigation uncovered evidence of the GOP conspiring with hostile adversaries to launder dirty money into political campaigns, that would explain the urgency to maintain control at DOJ and constrain

Special Counsel Mueller.

Take a breathe. Yea, there is plenty of scum in the GOP.

Do you recall when the Manhattan Attorney’s Office went looking for evidence of potential money laundering & election fraud then subpoenaed documents relating to Stripe?


“One of Stripe’s big investors is Thrive Capital, the founder and managing partner of which is Josh Kushner.

Josh Kushner, who was apparently not named in the subpoena, is the brother of [Trump’s] Son-In-Law Jared Kushner.”

You know who else is Image

invested in Stripe? Yuri Milner and DST Global.


Yuri Milner, NYT reports, used Kremlin cash to invest in Facebook and Twitter, both of which were used by Russia to wage information warfare and military grade psyops against western democracy.


Stripe banned Trump after Jan 6, 2021.

However, the RNC’s new fundraising platform, WinRed, still uses Stripe as the card processor.


“...WinRed, the small-dollar fundraising platform for Republican candidates and political-action committees...is a Stripe customer, and Stripe processes payments submitted over WinRed” Image

One of the cofounders of Stripe is Patrick Collison.

In 2016, Russian state propaganda outlet Sputnik published a story about his involvement with Russian “entrepreneurs”.


“Stripe Atlas allows entrepreneurs to incorporate a US company, set up a US bank account, and accepting payments with Stripe, according to the company’s website.” Image

“Donations from political action committees to some of...Trump's biggest allies in Congress tumbled during the first 3 months of the year amid...backlash over the January 6 US Capitol insurrection...But small-dollar donors have helped to fill their campaign coffers in Image

many cases."

“A CNN review of newly filed campaign finance reports shows the share of donations from political committees fell between the fourth quarter of 2020 and the first quarter of this year for roughly 120 members of Congress who objected to certifying Trump's loss

in January.”

“But small-dollar donations soared for many...Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Georgia Republican ... raised $3.2 million - more money than the other House members who voted against certifying President Joe Biden's win on Jan 6."

Huh. You already suspected Image

M.T. Greene was an asset of a foreign adversary, didn't you?

“Nearly $2.6 million -- or 80% of Greene's contributions -- came in amounts of $200 or less, federal filings show.”

Remembering what Andy Khawaja told us about a scheme to launder money into campaigns? Image

“In addition to Greene, three Republicans objectors took in at least $1.5 million in small donations during the first three months of the year: Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley and Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan." Image

Would you know it? These high volume but small dollar donations come in through Win-Red, the Stripe customer we covered.


“the latest filings show that small-dollar donations from individuals, many made online through the Republican party’s WinRed platform, have more than made up the gap for GOP candidates, especially those loyal to the former president. Hawley, Cruz, Greene, Gaetz and Jordan” Image

Andy Khawaja who has been indicted and arrested for laundering foreign funds into US political campaigns claims that he taught convicted lobbyist George Nader how to disguise large foreign payments as small micro donations beneath the $200 reporting threshold.

Suspicious data transfers occurred between Trump Tower, a Russian bank with connections to Putin, Spectrum Health, and a payment processing company connected to Russia.

We see evidence of a coverup concerning the investigation of the suspicious data transfer that included.

DOJ appointees who had worked for the Russian bank, lying to the FBI by lawyers related to the bank owner and aggressive legal threats against anyone asking questions about the suspicious data transfer by the law firm who represents the Russian bank, while some involved

with the coverup had worked for this exact same law firm.

Now you might guess the purpose of John Durham?

Obfuscate and coverup?

If you think it sounds far-fetched that the Russians would finance campaigns of US politicians in exchange for favors click this link.


Lev Parnas, Igor Fruman, David Correia, and Andrey Kukushkin were indicted for financing campaigns of US politicians for favors.

Stripe has a program to create virtual prepaid cards on the fly.

Even the Proud Boys saw a wave of contributions before Jan 6th.

I bet some intel agencies tried hard to obfuscate the source of the funding.



Early Facebook investor and PayPal’s co-founder Peter Thiel, as well as Tesla’s Elon Musk, who also co-founded PayPal, along with top Silicon Valley VCs have invested US$2m in Limerick brothers Patrick and John Collison’s latest venture: Stripe.

Would not be surprised if adversaries pumped small dollar donations into Bernie Sanders to siphon votes and provide cover - can't be too obvious you prefer all those GOP crooks.

There is a bunch more we could uncover to demonstrate how George W Bush was a preferred candidate in 2000 over Al Gore by foreign adversaries.

We might come back to that.

Sarah Palin was the useful idiot in 2008 that the Russians cultivated but they did not get her into the oval office as the VP of John McCain, an old guy who could have passed during his first term.


Brian Benczkowski, whom Trump nominated and the Senate confirmed to lead the criminal justice division at DOJ also represented Alfa Bank at Kirkland and Ellis.


When you are running a Criminal Enterprise from the WH and within DOJ, keep it in the

Before William P Barr was Trump’s AG, he represented the Russian bank Alfa Bank and had financial interests in the Russian Vector Group.


Morgan, Lewis, & Bockius was the 2016 Russia Law Firm of the year, the year of the 2016 Trump Campaign.

Mike Flynn's sentencing was sabotaged by Barr recruit Timothy Shea of this law firm. the same firm that was Donald Trump tax counsel.


Felix Sater was represented by Morgan, Lewis, & Bockius at his 2009 sentencing hearing for his conviction in a stock fraud scheme involving the Russian mob.


Felix Sater laundered Mukhtar Ablyazov’s money from Kazakhstan into the Trump Soho project via the shady criminal Bayrock deal.


Well, geez, Morgan and Lewis of Kazakhstan:


Timothy Shea also sabotaged the Roger Stone sentencing.

Do you think they reward a guy like Shea with legal work through his firm so he can get credit for bringing in billable hours?

The Justice Department on Monday dropped its two-year-long prosecution of a Russian company charged with conspiring to defraud the U.S. government by orchestrating a social media campaign to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.


Assistants to U.S. Attorney Timothy Shea of Washington and Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers cited an unspecified “change in the balance of the government’s proof due to a classification determination."

Oh, a classification determination. Ha.

Donald Trump is trying to pull a classification determination trick in Aug 2022 to get himself out of trouble.

Prosecutors also cited the failure of the company, Concord Management and Consulting, to comply with trial subpoenas and the submission of a “misleading, at

best” affidavit by Yevgeniy Prigozhin, a co-defendant and the company’s founder. Prigozhin is a catering magnate and military contractor known as “Putin’s chef” because of his ties to Russian President Vladi­mir Putin.

Ask William P Barr why did he withdrawal the Red

Notice on Yevgeniy Prigozhin.

After Timothy Shea delivered for the criminal syndicate, they moved him to DEA in May 2020.

3095 Image

With all the docs Donald had at Mar-a-Lago, sure would be nice for him to declare what he declassified, and why.


See Tweet 3074 then dive into this great thread:


Michael Cohen: Mr. Trump speaks in code.

Mr. Garland: Should I invite Mr. Trump over for some drinks? Does he like beer as much as Mr. Kavanaugh? Image

If Donald's lawyers were not above the law, DOJ would charge at least one of them on Monday and challenge any gray areas without fear of losing.

Mr. Garland cannot claim that no one is above the law after Monday if no attorneys for Donald get charged, and Donald can

send Garland a check from GOP coffers for the PR.

Did the FBI recover all the classified documents?

They don't know.

Has anyone already made use of them with third parties? Maybe they do know something?

If any of Donald's lawyer's are charged under the Espionage Act, DOJ will have to rebut the claims being floated by Kash Patel and John Solomon that Trump declassified material.

Challenge any gray areas for Nat Sec, right?

By the time of its criminal referral, the National Archives had already found that documents that were responsive to the J6C investigation had been “altered, destroyed, or mutilated.”

Someone had attempted to destroy evidence implicating Donald or others in J6 is an

inference one can draw.

But that evidence destruction may have happened in Jan 2021, following J6, in D.C.

It sounds like the feds were seeking evidence it believed had been altered, destroyed, or mutilated.

It's not spelled out by we're drawing inferences.

Was any such evidence recovered in Florida on Monday pertaining to obstruction of an ongoing investigation?

18 U.S. Code § 1001 regards lying to DOJ about possession of classified documents. At least one lawyer committed this crime. Image

Donald loves attacking judges.

Two days back, a Fox host (thread above) showed an on air doctored video of the federal magistrate judge holding alcohol and oreo's sitting next to G-Max w / boobs bulging.

Now Donald and Don Jr. are trying to smear the magistrate judge Image

for allegedly having repped Epstein employees.

That's the allegation made by Donald, a guy who was friends with Epstein and partied with Epstein.

But Donald understands the PR game he's playing.

Let's hope that under Chris Wray, there is a large counterintelligence investigation of people surrounding Donald Trump.

Before Garland made his public statement on the search and told us he was unsealing, Donald had a msg for Garland: “The country is on fire, what can I do to reduce the heat?”

The next day, Donald claimed the FBI planted evidence.

Heat reduction?


The day after a Trump supporter tried to harm FBI agents in Ohio, Trump leaked the names of FBI agents who served his warrant to Breitbart and Breitbart published it.

More heat reduction?

Donald believes he can take action to "reduce the heat," and wanted AG Garland aware.

So if Donald believes he can take action(s) to influence, presumably "his people," you know the "we love you, you're very special" people, then why did Donald sit silently for how many Image

hours on January 6th?

Asking for @RepLizCheney as it might be good to be aware of Donald's state of mind on his ability to influence people in any efforts to "reduce the heat."

House Intel Chair Schiff and Oversight Chair Maloney are asking ODNI to initiate a damage assessment of Trump's handling of documents at Mar-a-Lago.

It's about time, given the responsibility of Oversight.

It looks like the information about, presumably, French President Macron is a subset of Roger Stone's clemency.

Recall that in 2017, Roger Stone acolyte Jack Posobiec shared hacked Macron emails.

The White House gave him press credentials.


Macron was allegedly mean to Trump, per Trump, so Trump took docs about him as a party favor, but shared with whom?

Before visits, Presidents get in-depth/confidential assessments on foreign leaders from the intel community.

Those reports can be “juicy” & need to be

kept “close hold," probably difficult for a fast and loose kinda-guy who hung out with Jeff Epstein.

Anyhow, suppose the material is good blackmail material worth $$$ on an open market.

Might the GRU be willing to pay $$$ for material damaging to the French President?
4018 Image

But if you cannot trust the GOP useful idiots on the committee who may get access to information to feed to Donald, what do you do?

Not provide oversight since your committee is hostage to useful idiots?


House Intel Committee useful idiots Mike Turner, Elise Sefanik, Mike Gallagher, etc will use any information to inform Donald.

Maybe it's best to say hold onto info we are requesting because we have some useful idiots on our Committee we cannot trust, and say it publicly.

DOJ should indict Trump's lawyer on Monday or
indict Trump under 18 USC 1001/1519 for intentionally providing his lawyer false info to pass to DOJ.

Either one of those two happened and either the lawyer needs indicted or if a guy fed the lawyer false info, that guy.

It is about nuclear tech and nuclear submarines and nuclear weapons designs.

Kristian Mark Saucier (born c. 1986) is a former U.S. Navy sailor who was convicted of unauthorized retention of national defense information and sentenced to one year

in prison in October 2016 for taking photographs of classified engineering areas of USS Alexandria (SSN-757), a nuclear-powered attack submarine, in 2009.

Then President Donald Trump pardoned Saucier on March 9, 2018.

Yes, Donald pardoned a guy trying to provide

nuclear secrets to US adversaries.

In July 2018, Saucier filed a lawsuit against former President Barack Obama, former FBI Director James Comey, former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and others, claiming that he was

selectively prosecuted, claiming that a double standard exists that protected Hillary Clinton in her email controversy, and seeking $20 million in damages.

All of Saucier's claims were dismissed by a federal court by U.S. District Judge David N. Hurd in February 2019.

Russia and China are both eager to try to catch up with US nuclear submarine technology.


Another nuclear tech case - Federal agents arrested Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder and four others in July 2020 as part of a $60 million racketeering

and bribery investigation that prosecutors described as one of the largest public corruption cases in Ohio history.

All the charges are tied to what federal prosecutors said was a criminal enterprise dedicated to securing a bailout for two nuclear power plants in northern

Ohio owned by FirstEnergy Solutions of Akron. The bailout is expected to cost the state's utility ratepayers $1 billion.

Summarize: Federal officials had arrested Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder, former Ohio GOP chair Matthew Borges, Image

Neil Clark, (a lobbyist in Columbus), and two others in connection with a $60 million bribery case related to nuclear.

Trial delayed to Jan 2023.


Suspicious when dark money shows interests in nuclear power bailouts and GOP politicians take


A KY GOP election attorney, Eric Lycan, was also involved with the Householder Ohio case.


Lycan was treasurer for three different PACs that funneled dark money into campaigns. In 2019, Lycan was also the counsel for the Kentucky GOP.

That KY attorney might have some relations with Mitch McConnell or Rand Paul.


Another nuclear tech transfer possibility - SCANA is the parent company for SCE&G, which was later bought out by Virginia-based Dominion Energy.


Until Bill Barr became Attorney General, he was on the board of Dominion - the company that

SCE&G (SCANA’s subsidiary).

Did the SCANA Exec get a secret plea bargain?


Should ask Lindsey Graham, SC.

Must be more digging into the SC SCANA Exec case and who would like to have seen the exec in such a vulnerable position?



Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, William P Barr, etc made Michael Flynn’s crimes go away - some of which revolved around working with a private group to sell nuclear energy technology to Saudi Arabia.

In 2016, there was a Mike Flynn-backed plan to transfer nuclear tech to

the Saudis.

Investigators fear President Trump is still considering the plan, which was pushed by Flynn and Trump friend Tom Barrack.

Both Flynn and Manafort made certain that their pardons would cover these crimes by referring to a secret document that was disclosed in

Manafort's EDVA tax case.

The "subsequent investigative authority," referred to in the Flynn pardon sounds cryptic, but it's referring to a nuclear deal.

Feb 2019 Report: oversight.house.gov/sites/democrat… Image

If you recall, Ahmad Khawaja had claimed in 2019 that George Nader told him that the Emiratis wanted to keep Iranian oil out of the open market and had cut a deal with the 2016 Trump campaign to back out of the Iranian nuclear deal and keep Iranian oil under sanctions.


There was a Khawaja/Nader prepaid gift card campaign donation scheme, where you can pump money into failing campaigns in amounts <$200 to avoid being detected, and it's probably related to the Reza Zarrab/Turkey/cash-for-gold/Halkbank/Aktif Bank

Iranian sanctions evasion scheme that Flynn was pushing in 2016.

Backing out of the Iran nuclear deal and re-imposing sanctions would imply that Iran couldn’t just sell oil on the open market and get paid directly.

No. Iran had to do it

covertly and get paid indirectly, using schemes like Turkey’s cash-for-gold op.

Erdogan is still looking to sell gold to support his collapsing currency in March 2021 and in 2022.

Erdogan and his friends at Aktif Bank and Halkbank were making billions helping Iran

evade sanctions. Donald Trump was just a valuable useful idiot at the time.

If you remember, Bill Barr canned Geoff Berman at SDNY so that he could use his newly enhanced control to dismiss or short-circuit all of the pending cases in Manhattan that implicated Trump or

his associates. For Trump Admin, prosecuting the Turkish Halkbank over the Zarrab Iranian sanctions evasion scheme was too much for Trump and his handlers.

Halkbank, Turkey’s second-largest state-owned bank, spent more than $2.6M on lobbying by Ballard Partners,

hiring them in August 2017.

Ballard dropped Halkbank in late 2019 after it became public that Halkbank was a participant in a sanction’s evasion scheme, whereby Halkbank participated in the illicit movement of billions of dollars of Iranian oil revenue.

Through Ballard Partners, Lev Parnas said he was able to secure tickets to V.I.P. balls at Trump’s January 2017 inauguration for at least three foreign businessmen.


Among them was Mübariz Mansimov, a now-jailed shipping magnate originally from Azerbaijan who, along with Parnas, helped set up two lucrative lobbying contracts between Turkey and Ballard’s firm, Ballard Partners.

By at least 2015, Putin-connected Turkish

“businessman” Kamil Ekim Alptekin and Kremlin-connected Russian “businessman” Dmitri “David” Zaikin were working together to establish a very large Turkish lobbying enterprise.

Alptekin paid Mike Flynn $600,000 in late January or early February of 2016, about a month

before Gold Trader Reza Zarrab was arrested in Miami in March 2016.


Recall it was Geoffrey Berman’s refusal to give soft treatment to Turkey’s state-run Halkbank, that got A.G. Bill Barr to corruptly pressure Berman to drop charges against

Turkish officials tied to Erdoğan’s ruling Justice and Development Party during a meeting in Washington in June 2019.

“This is not how we do things at the Southern District,” Berman reportedly replied when Barr tried to persuade him that the move would mend U.S.

foreign relations with a critical ally while effectively enforcing U.S. sanctions.

Berman specifically balked at the notion of granting immunity to Turkish officials without their agreement to assist in the department’s investigation, telling DOJ attorneys it would be


“This is completely wrong,” Berman reportedly said.

“You don’t grant immunity to individuals unless you are getting something from them — and we wouldn’t be here.”

Erdoğan of Turkey had pushed for the ouster of ex-U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara,

who brought the original charges against Zarrab but was fired by Trump, who was working for a Putin / Erdogan axis.

The Turkish government had developed relationships with several Trump insiders, including his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and Brian Ballard,

the powerful lobbyist mentioned earlier, who previously served as vice chairman of Trump’s inaugural committee, to engage in an elaborate effort to influence the administration in backing off Halkbank.

Anyhow, it would be no surprise if Donald never gave up on the nuclear

deal that Mike Flynn was pushing in 2016.

On July 20, 2021, Barrack was indicted as an agent working at the direction of a foreign power, obstructing justice, and making false statements to law enforcement.

He was jailed for two days before being released on

$250 million bond secured by $5 million in cash. The indictment was broadened in May 2022 to include alleging Barrack sought hundreds of millions of dollars in investments from the United Arab Emirates while illegally lobbying the Trump administration on its behalf.

Classified info pertaining to nuclear weapons has its own classification designation under the Atomic Energy Act called Restricted Data.

Violations involving Restricted Data, like other classified info, are investigated by the DOJ Counterintelligence & Export

Control Section.

The most recent criminal case involving Restricted Data concerned a nuclear weapons engineer in Maryland, who was using dead drops in WV.


All a foreign adversary need do is get the information it was seeking to Mar-a-Lago

and Donald left the door open until the FBI asked he at least put a pad lock on the room.



Let's collect some points, summarized.

1. One of Mike Flynn’s goals with Donald as president was to build reactors in Saudi Arabia & have Eric Prince supply private armies to guard them in an effort to “re-colonize” the Middle East.

2. Mitch McConnell wanted a test

reactor in Kentucky so Mitch blocked restrictions on Donald giving nuclear information to Saudi Arabia, thereby allowing for some flow of nuclear info to the Saudis.

3. Donald awarded nuclear permits to Saudi Arabia after the killing of Khashoggi.

4. Then Jared Kushner

gave INTEL to Saudi Arabia about traitors to the crown and the crown prince said Jared was in his pocket.

But $2B? There must have been more to the transaction.

5. The Saudis wanted reactors so they could get uranium to make weapons and perhaps warhead designs.

6. Feb 2022: Maryland Nuclear Engineer Pleads Guilty to Espionage-Related Offense

7. Oct 2016: Kristian Mark Saucier takes photographs of classified engineering areas of USS Alexandria (SSN-757), a nuclear-powered attack submarine, in 2009. Convicted but Trump pardons,

March 9, 2018.

7. Two nuke power plants in Ohio owned by FirstEnergy Solutions of Akron needs bailout and we have a $60 million racketeering and bribery case with trial delayed to Jan 2023, and we don't know KY GOP election attorney, Eric Lycan connections.

8. Another nuclear tech transfer possibility - SCANA is the parent company for SCE&G, which was later bought out by Virginia-based Dominion Energy related to failed V.C. Summer nuclear project / possible plea deal.

9. Jared Kushner brokered a deal for his family to be bailed out of their massive debt on 666 5th Ave, to permit Westinghouse, through an opaque and problematic process, to be owned by Brookfield Asset Mgmt, allowing Russia and China to gain nuclear control & info.

10. The V.C. Summer SC nuclear shit show was partially responsible for Westinghouse’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy in March, 2017, shortly after Donald Trump took office.

Tom Barrack saw the bankruptcy as an opportunity to transfer nuclear tech.


11. Russia was interested in Westinghouse.

Tritium, Mixed Oxide (MOX) fuel reprocessing: agreement that we have had with Russia for the last 20 years to turn their nuke material into fuel --> Maybe Putin wants to keep material in Russia?

Mixed Oxide Fuel (MOX) is a blend of uranium and plutonium (U and Pu) into new commercial nuclear fuel that can be burned in nuclear power reactors but cannot be used to make nuclear weapons.

But could you use the stuff that goes into MOX for weapons grade material?

Russia would want to process its own Pu into nuclear fuel for power (or anything else).

If you can bankrupt facilities to process U and Pu in America and make is so America can't uphold a treaty to process nuclear fuels, does that give Putin opportunity to use Pu for

weapons, provided they know what to do with it?

In late 2016, Russia suspended the landmark agreement to dispose of surplus weapons-grade plutonium.



Putin was seeking leverage over dipshit Donald seeking reducing the American military presence in NATO countries near Russia’s border, canceling all sanctions against Russia and compensating Moscow for losses resulting from those sanctions.

The 2016 suspended nuclear accord, signed in 2000 and updated in 2010, required both countries to dispose of 34 tons of weapons-grade plutonium, enough to make approximately 17,000 nuclear weapons, according to a State Department document released after the 2010 signing. Image

Jeffrey Immelt signed a Russia Direct Investment Fund deal with Kirill Dmitriev in 2013.




armscontrol.org/act/2010-05/ru… Image

Tweet 4075 meant to convey that in 2016, Putin killed that nuclear treaty just as Trump was being installed and as the Saudis were seeking nuclear tech.

I have not looked into Rick Quinn of SC 2016 / 2017 corruption / misconduct yet to draw any inferences.


Will have to pick back up on the nuclear thread later.

Is Turley saying because of the chaos in Jan 2021 and Jan 6th that Donald might have taken documents home and expecting ppl to take that excuse?

How stupid do they want ppl to be?


Rand Paul of KY wants to eliminate the Espionage Act now that Donald is under investigation for violating parts of it.

Josh Hawley is obstructing any inquiries into Trump's corrupt DHS IG.

They self identify. Image

When shaking hands, Donald would suddenly jerk the other's hand, pulling him off-balance.

Macron was stronger & didn't let that happen.

He held onto Donald's hand while Donald was trying to pull away.


"I'm the one in charge here," was the message, and Donald did not approve.

It's probably that petty and childish.

M.T. Greene, Andy Biggs, Rand Paul, Josh Hawley all self identify.

What volume of < $200 donations went to their campaigns at critical times using pre-paid virtual gift cards processed with Stripe / Win-Red? Image

Considering the source and who may feed Maggie info, take such headline with a grain of salt unless and until DOJ confirms or denies.


That info Maggie from NY Times is reporting is just the kind of info Trump's people will feed the media so that it can be disproven later and Jim Jordan can have a talking point to play on a loop to discredit everything.

Is Rep Mike Turner simply a useful idiot with the mind of a child or does he know what he is part of and actively obfuscate for some incentives?


The top lawyer at the NSA during Trump's presidency says Trump's latest defense - claiming he had a standing order declassifying the info in whatever docs he happened to take from the Oval Office to the residence - is "preposterous."

I'm surprised he didn't throw in Melania's underwear.

Mixing alleged attorney-client-privilege info with TS/SCI ? Image

Trump's attorney Bobb had claimed the Trump family watched the entire "raid", except for a small part, on the CCTV from NYC.

Wait, does that mean from NYC you can turn on a CCTV at Trump's Fl compound and see the storge closets and bridal sweet?

Did Bobb lie to you?

Threats to FBI HQ, federal judges, gov officials - sounds like Trump's people are unwittingly working with a foreign military intel op.

Not to fear, Trump appointed Director Wray is on it.


“If you only start packing with two days left to go, you’re just running low on time,” a former aide said. “And if he’s the one just throwing things in boxes, who knows what could happen?” ⁦


Russian asset, Ron Johnson of WI.


You should be aware that Kash Patel wrote a sick and twisted children's fairy tale titled "The Plot Against the King," and it's all Trump / Russia talking points.

You should also know that Steve Bannon said of Kahs Patel: "He'll be the head of CIA in the second term." Image

Mike Lindell of MyPillow guy fame was also pushing Patel for CIA.

Translation - they got very close to having an even more useful idiot, and likely Russian asset, running the CIA, following the big score of having John Ratcliffe over ODNI in the first term.

When you watch people like Ron Johnson of WI, a Senator, or Kash Patel, or Devin Nunes, or GOP Rep Mike Turner talk about how they are not concerned about what docs were at Mar-a-Lago, recall Trump once said to ignore the lying fake news media.

What Trump did not tell you

was it is his people lying to you, including GOP Senators and House Reps.

Listen, it's not like the United States has not planted, witting and unwitting, people in the legislatures of other governments in the past, and it's not like Russia was not interfering in 2016 in

"sweeping and systematic fashion," per Mueller.

There was only so much Mueller could tell you.

Senator’s and Reps who went to Moscow and then didn't retire:

John Kennedy
Ron Johnson
Rand Paul
Steve Daines
John Hoeven
Jerry Moran
John Thune
Mitch McConnell

Keep in mind, out of the group of who appear useful idiots & unwitting assets and the group who appears

witting assets, maybe one of them works for CIA and is a Senator or House Rep and maybe most of them really are traitors.

As you watch all the Trump stooges on Fox, including his lawyers and current GOP Reps and Senators, keep in mind, one potential active measure is to release provocative (untrue) allegations in hopes that his critics will run with those.

Once those have been discredited,

his supporters can focus on how that part of the narrative has been "debunked", casting doubt on the true allegations, a specialty they call in Ohio GOP Rep Jim Jordan to handle by having him do rolling media tours to talk up the "debunked" pieces to discredit the truth.

From David Ignatius April 2021 piece: Trump in Dec. 2020 briefly tried to “remove Haspel at CIA & replace her with Patel."


Haspel’s apparent crime was that for months she had been resisting efforts by Trump & Patel to declassify the info he

had gathered for Devin Nunes back in the 2018 report.

“Trump’s plan unfolded days later when Haspel visited the White House.

After the briefing, she was approached by Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who told her that Trump intended to fire CIA Deputy Director Vaughn Bishop and install Patel in his place.

Haspel balked.”

During this same week we now know Trump was preparing to summon a mob to DC to provide cover for real organized militias to attack the Capitol on Jan. 6 to keep him in power.

Among visible text on Mike Lindell's paper were the words “Insurrection Act now as a result of

the assault on the”,

“martial law if necessary”


“Move Kash Patel to CIA Acting.” ImageImage

They also use Jim Jordan to talk up "debunked" pieces in hearings in the House of Reps, where he can be more blatant, protected by the Speech and Debate Clause.


The Russia / Saudi axis has been alive and well since at least 2016.


On Jan. 5, 2021, Deputy Director of National Intelligence during the Trump WH, Susan Gordon, said Trump should NOT receive intelligence briefings after leaving office.

washingtonpost.com/opinions/sue-g… Image

Keep in mind, last week, you learned the Iranian's have a bounty out to kill John Bolton in MD or DC by "car," and Trump / Pompeo probably made a deal with Iranian's to get themselves off a kill list by permitting Iran to strike a US Base in Iraq


injuring 20 service members, and throwing Bolton under the bus.

Bartiromo = useful idiot, married to Jono Steinberg, useful idiot like Jared Kushner.


Kushner 666 5th Ave bailout + transfer of nuclear tech via Westinghouse

Kushner $2B injection into PE fund without GP experience by Saudis

With that context:


Despite right-wing social outlets asking Trumper's to show up at the DC Field Office, no one showed up.

No surprise they found ppl willing in Az, a state Mike Flynn and Ali Akbar had infiltrated years ago.


Trump designated these seven guys as his representatives to the National Archives.

Among these seven men are the former White House Counsel, Pat Cipollone; former deputy White House Counsel Patrick Philbin; and Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel chief Steven Engel. Image

Even former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows, one of the seven, partially complied with his House January 6 Committee subpoenas before cutting off cooperation.

Notice the above Tweet attached document is dated Jan 19, 2021.

And then on June 19, 2022, Trump appoints two

more Representatives for access to Presidential Records: Kash Patel and John Solomon.

Those two are not cooperating with J6C but some of the original seven are. Image

John Solomon and Kash Patel were both members of the “BLT Prime Team”, a group of Trump sycophants in and out of government service who aided and abetted Trump’s clandestine effort to


steal the 2020 presidential election by contracting with Kremlin agents in Ukraine for manufactured “dirt” on Joe Biden Image

Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko confessed to misconduct.


The BLT Prime Team name comes from the fact that meetings were held inside the BLT Prime Restaurant in Trump International Hotel in D.C.

After Biden’s Inauguration, Mike Flynn called for a violent military coup, one that would involve his brother Charles as a seditious rebel, during a QAnon rally in Dallas.


General Charles Flynn was not officially part of the chain of command on

January 6, 2021 with respect to the question of whether National Guard troops would be deployed to the U.S. Capitol.


But Charles Flynn was inexplicably inserted back into the chain of command on January 6.

Moreover, Charles Flynn was an essential

part of the decision to keep National Guard troops away from the Capitol for hours on January 6.


Narrator's Note: I recognize I messed up the numbering again and am just going to roll with it.



Slate article referenced a few tweets up in thread mentions a whistleblower revealed that the Pentagon had even lied about its lies around Charles Flynn.

Why and how did both the Pentagon and Charles Flynn lie about his involvement in decision-making on January 6?

What role did Trump political appointees Kash Patel and Ezra Cohen-Watnick play in either the initial decision not to relieve the Capitol on 1/6 by the Guard,

or any discussions that subsequently played out about countermanding that order?

When and by whom was the judgment of Chris Miller and Charles Flynn countermanded on 1/6 to deploy the Guard?

Was it General Milley after Mike Pence's call?

Wiping phones of Pentagon person(s) can be to destroy evidence that would shine light on these questons.

washingtonpost.com/national-secur… Image

Enter again Lieutenant General Walter E. Piatt, Director of the Army Staff


On December 6, 2021, Colonel Earl Matthews, a veteran who held “high-level National Security Council and Pentagon roles during the Trump administration”, and who was senior legal counsel to Major General William Walker, commanding general of the District of Columbia

National Guard, on January 6 had sent a letter to Congress in which he called both Charles Flynn and Walter Piatt “absolute and unmitigated liars” over what he said were their false accounts of January 6, 2021.

Colonel Earl Matthews accused both Flynn and Piatt, in writing, of committing felony Perjury.


The DoD-IG report [the report by Pentagon Inspector General Sean O’Donnell about the Pentagon’s alleged actions on January 6] relied heavily on close associates of LTG Walter Piatt and other Army Staff principals.


Critical electronic evidence produced by Piatt has been destroyed.

Who at the Pentagon was aiding and abetting the legal standing of a federal witness who stands accused of Perjury, Piatt?



We knew that former national security adviser Michael Flynn had raised the possibility with Trump of declaring martial law to ‘rerun’ the election.

We know the Pentagon lied about Charles Flynn being on the phone on 1/6 with Piatt, telling those at the Capitol a request

to deploy the D.C. National Guard for relief is conditionally denied, a move to buy more time on J6.

Weeding Out Disloyalty: John McEntee of the White House Presidential Personnel Office assisted Trump in executing his 2020 purge of all non-radicals in the Inspector General offices of his largest executive-branch departments.


Purge began with the Pentagon and the intelligence units associated with the Pentagon’s activities.

Side Note: Why has Biden not fired the DHS IG?

Among the first people to be fired on Trump's purge were Glenn Fine, the Pentagon’s Principal Deputy Inspector General,

and Michael Atkinson, the Intelligence Community Inspector General.

Glenn Fine was tapped for the role of the Defense Department’s acting inspector general in January 2016 and remained in that post until his ouster April 6, 2021.

cbsnews.com/news/coronavir… Image

The actions of Flynn, Piatt, and others at the Pentagon on January 6 made it not only feasible, but probably that the joint session of Congress scheduled for 1/6 would be delayed not just for a few hours but for days, which we now know was precisely the plan endorsed by

Trump and several members of his inner circle, including Mike Flynn.

A delay of the joint session that lasted several days would have given Trump and his allies on GOP-led state legislatures the time they needed to certify new (fake) Trump “electors."

Sure was convenient

having an IG at the Pentagon who would write a fraudulent report and cover-up for you once you've purged those not "sufficiently loyal to Trump."


Donald Trump also fired the State Department Inspector General, Steve Linick in May 2020.

Donald Trump also axed the State Department Inspector General, Steve Linick.

Was Pompeo in on the self-coup attempt and pre-purge effort, or is Pompeo a double agent type figure? Image

At the time State Dept IG Linick was removed by Trump on a Friday night, Linick was investigating the basis and justification for a 2017 arms deal Trump had signed with Saudi autocrat Mohammed bin Salman.


Glenn Fine had the right to stay on as Deputy IG at the Pentagon after his firing as Acting IG, but Trump had, by Spring 2020, made so clear he wanted Fine gone that on June 1, 2020, Fine resigned his Pentagon position.

Trump first nominated Jason Abend to replace Glenn Fine at the Pentagon, and Abend was a useful idiot, highly partisan loyalist and yes-man.


Abend was never confirmed.


Abend: “unqualified”, “inexperienced”, “untested."

With Jason Abend failing confirmation, Pentagon Inspector General (DoD-IG) appointee, Sean O’Donnell, got the role.

It's almost like Trump nominated Abend and wanted him to fail confirmation so Trump could get O'Donnell on as Acting IG at the Pentagon. Image

O'Donnell oversaw the writing of the Pentagon’s report about January 6.

O'Donnell was in the Acting IG of Pentagon position illegally, but without anyone to enforce laws, it's a go.


O'Donnell as Acting IG at Pentagon was illegally in that role as was DHS Secretary Chad Wolf, whose J6 communications are mysteriously gone.

From O'Donnell's report on 1/6:

“Miller’s staff” which was headed up by Kash Patel, falsely reported to O’Donnell that “the FBI had no specific concerns” about January 6, that DHS “was not tracking any threats to Federal facilities [including the U.S. Capitol]”, and Image

that the U.S. Marshals Service had no plan to be involved in responding to January 6 at all.

Chris Miller, Kash Patel, Ryan McCarthy, and Cohen-Watnick all severely underestimated the turnout on 1/6, and thus the presence of authorities.


Christopher Miller failed to grant DC Mayor Bower’s request for assistance without conditions that made his superficial approval of the RFA meaningless.


This would have made it impossible for the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department and the Image

civilian government in D.C. to properly defend the Capitol on January 6.

SIDE NOTE: Do we yet know the cause of death of Senate Sergeant-at-arms Michael Stenger who died on June 27, 2022?

Then-acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller, per the Pentagon's IG Report (made by a useful idiot)


Notice the desire to ensure that DOJ and not the Pentagon, would take the lead on any federal response to January 6.

Wouldn't the authority to Image

deploy federal troops belong to either Donald Trump or Christopher Miller?

Why was Miller set on ensuring the Pentagon couldn’t respond on January 6, and that only Trump political appointees at DOJ could?

Was Miller a useful idiot following Trump's orders?

Or was Miller

a witting participant in an overall criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States?

Could this answer why Miller was set on ensuring the Pentagon would not respond on 1/6, but rather, DOJ?


According to internal White House documents,

then-President Trump had informed sycophant Jeffrey Clark, advised by Ken Klukowski, a legal adjunct to Trump lawyer John Eastman, that he was the acting Attorney General of the United States.

It's like Trump or Miller wanted the Pentagon to not have a responsibility for

a response on 1/6, at least under the control by DoD people, but rather, Trump or Miller wanted DOJ to take control, but at a time when Trump had no one leading DOJ or was trying to install Jeffrey Clark.

Trump appointee Ryan McCarthy approves the D.C. RFA, and then, after this has already happened, Christopher Miller apparently discusses the D.C. RFA with Jeffrey Rosen for the first time.

You see, Miller does not discuss with Rosen at DOJ until after D.C. RFA approval at Image

a time when Miller said DOJ would take control.

It's like Miller or Trump was setting up a shit show for no one to be in control of a response on Jan 6th by the National Guard.

Is Pentagon IG O'Donnell doing more fibbing in the IG report?

Is Chris Miller, Kash Patel, and Ryan McCarthy hiding info from O'Donnell that he failed to put in the IG report?

Recall Christopher Miller and Ryan McCarthy had made the job of Mayor Bowser,

Metropolitan Police Department Chief Robert Contee, and D.C. National Guard Major General William Walker impossible on Jan 6th.

Colonel Earl G. Matthews said in his letter that the Secretary of the Army, Ryan McCarthy, whose January 6 texts were


illegally destroyed by the Pentagon in contravention of FOIA regulations, failed to show up at the first emergency interagency conference call on January 6, a crucial moment that arose at 2:30 PM ET on January 6, 41 minutes after a riot had been declared at the Capitol.

Instead of gathering any intel about events at the Capitol from those who were there, Trump’s political appointee, Ryan McCarthy, inexplicably excused himself from his office to go speak to another civilian Trump political appointee: Acting Secretary of Defense Miller,

whose January 6 texts and secure messages the Pentagon has now also illegally destroyed.

With Ryan McCarthy MIA, who was on the interagency call between the Pentagon and the Capitol at 2:30 PM ET on J6?

Piatt and Flynn! That is who was on the Pentagon's end of the

Conference call.

Under the standing letter that Ryan McCarthy had issued to Major General Walker on January 4 only McCarthy had (a strictly limited) authority to send in the Guard.

But McCarthy was conveniently MIA for the first 2:30 PM ET call

and Piatt and Flynn were on it for the Pentagon.

Colonel Matthews summarized in his letter to Congress that Generals Piatt and Flynn told the people on the 2:30 PM ET call at the Capitol that:

“it would not be his [Piatt’s] best military advice to recommend to the

Secretary of the Army [McCarthy] that the D.C. National Guard be allowed to deploy to the Capitol at that time. LTG Piatt stated that the presence of uniformed military personnel could inflame the situation and that the [D.C.] police were best suited to handle the


Both LTGs Piatt and Flynn stated that the optics of having uniformed military personnel deployed to the U.S. Capitol would not be good.”

Piatt and Flynn had just been told that the situation was out of control and could not be contained by the police.

Piatt and Flynn projected to the D.C. National Guard an implied understanding that they had some authority over federal troop deployments on January 6.

But they did not!

Why was Ryan McCarthy not present?

Too convenient?

Colonel Matthews reported, after Piatt and Flynn would not send or recommend sending the Guard, that D.C. Metropolitan Police Department Chief Contee then stated that he would inform the Mayor (D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser) that the Army was refusing to send the National Guard

to the Capitol and that he would ask her to convene a press conference to make this refusal known.

LTG Piatt then asked Chief Contee to please not do this.

Piatt and Flynn appear to have refused to take the request to Ryan McCarthy, but McCarthy could be in on it with

Piatt and Flynn providing McCarthy plausible deniability.

Piatt asked the metropolitan police department to hide from the public that the Pentagon had, in McCarthy’s then-still-unexplained absence, refused to relieve the U.S. Capitol on the authority of Piatt Flynn!

Piatt tried to evade responsibility for his inaction by saying “he had no power to deny or approve the [MPD] request, only that he would not recommend [its] approval to his [civilian leadership].”

Neither Ryan McCarthy nor Chris Miller were on the 2:30 pm ET call.

Did Kash Patel and Cohen-Watnick create the conditions for the 2:30 PM ET call to have only Piatt and Flynn on for the Pentagon?

The 2:30 call lasted until 2:55 PM ET, a 25 minute stonewalling effort that started an entire hour after the Capitol breach.

As Matthews reports, “LTG Flynn then [at 2:55 PM] directed that a secure video conference bridge be established between the Army Staff and

the D.C. National Guard Leadership. At approximately 3:05 PM, MG Walker joined from his office the secure video conference hosted by LTG Flynn. Present with MG Walker were BG Dean, [myself], 1LT Nick, and CSM Brooks.”

Chris Miller and Ryan McCarthy were not on the 2:55 PM ET call either, and conveniently, their communications have been destroyed, illegally.

The conference call Flynn convened at 3:05 PM ET stayed open until 5:15 PM ET, a total of 130 minutes, but it was only in the final seven minutes of this 130 minutes that word came down from Trump’s civilian leadership at the Pentagon, Christopher Miller, the he

“had authorized the D.C. National Guard to deploy to the Capitol in support of the USCP.”

Neither Miller nor McCarthy appears to have ever joined the call during its 130-minutes.

DoD destroyed the records of the call. Charles Flynn, Mike Flynn's brother, is still Active


The Guard was released only after it was clear that the self-coup would fail.

Guardsmen from two bordering states had been ordered to the Capitol by their governors at this point in time.

Kash Patel and Ezra Cohen-Watnick are not mentioned in the 152-page

Pentagon Report, authored by a lying IG loyal to Trump.

Did Patel and Cohen-Watnick tie up Ryan McCarthy and Christopher Miller for the period from 2:30 PM ET to 5:15 PM ET?

Colonel Earl Matthews’ wrote to Congress, that “The DoD-IG report incorrectly indicates that

McCarthy was an active participant on the [130-minute] call.”

Why would Pentagon IG O’Donnell falsely place a Trump political appointee on a call he’d deliberately avoided?

Why would the Pentagon destroy all electronic evidence relating to a Trump political appointee

it falsely placed on a call he was never on?

Colonel John Lubas introduced Piatt and Flynn and said Ryan McCarthy "could not participate."

Just ask Lubas who gave him that information. Image

Pentagon IG O'Donnell's report cites an anonymous “witness” to the call for a false claim that Piatt told the call participants “McCarthy was [absent because he was] getting the approval from Mr. Miller [for the deployment of the D.C. National Guard.”

O'Donnell made up

this lie of an anonymous witness in his IG report.

It's like McCarthy and Miller were tied up to take them out of the chain of command as unwitting useful idiots, or they were wittingly a part of the conspiracy.

If O'Donnel's claim that McCarthy was absent to get approval from Miller is to be believed, you have to then believe it took McCarthy 122 minutes to get Miller to approve.

Ask Miller and McCarthy under oath is that accurate or a lie?

Any effort to figure out which of McCarthy or Miller lied to Congress or the Pentagon, or if both lied, is now made impossible by the destruction of their communications.

Witting or unwitting participants?

Intermission: Rupert Murdoch ally Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal had a 6% stake in 21st Century Fox, and was one of the top owners of Fox’s Class B shares, which came with voting rights, until late 2017.

Murdochs own around 39% of the voting rights.


Intermission: Richard Grenell is a part of the criminal conspiracy. Image

Why does Joe Biden still have Trump's Inspector Generals' in positions?

Sean W. O’Donnell wrote the Pentagon report on 1/6 as Pentagon IG while he was also EPA IG and it's a work of fiction.

Why does Joe Biden still employ DHS IG Joseph Cuffari?

Really - Biden seems

unfit for office following the Trump Administration, given his "let's just get back to 'normal' approach", and he's not taking seriously the national security threat that Trump was & is and that Trump's loyal useful idiots were and some still are as government employees.

@January6thCmte - put Sean O’Donnell who wrote the IG report for the Pentagon for 1/6 under oath and ask him questions about that report.

Sean works for Joe Biden now and serves at his pleasure.

Dec 18, 2020: Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller ordered a Pentagon-wide halt to cooperation with the transition of President-elect Biden, shocking officials across the Defense Department, senior administration officials tell Axios.


Kash Patel and Ezra Cohen-Watnick ran Chris Miller's office.

On the same day the Department of Defense, via Christopher Miller, broke off all contact with an incoming Biden Admin, Michael Flynn publicly announced for the 1st time the he believed


Trump “could use the armed forces to conduct a do-over election in several swing states he lost. Trump, he said, ‘could take military capabilities [of the Department of Defense] and place them in those states and basically re-run an election in those states.’”


underscore this Flynn statement happened the same day Christopher Miller refused DoD cooperation with an incoming Biden Admin.

Was Flynn running the Trump Presidency?

Given what Biden must now know about the transition, about the planning for 1/6, about 1/6, about the purges of IG's and Dept Heads, about the installation of incompetent ppl to run departments or be IGs, about what Trump had at Mar-a-Lago, you have to ask, why has Biden

not communicated to the public the threat Trump is?

He never mentions his name.

Are Joe Biden and Chris Wray, unwittingly or wittingly, acting as hostage to a past President, who was installed by a foreign power?

whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/… Image

Trump fits the definition for Domestic Terrorism.

All the deleted texts and phone data for DHS IG and DHS, Pentagon IG, and records destruction.

AG Garland has said strongly and repeatedly: no one is above the law.

At what point do you ask,

are these people all full of shit?

18 USC 1519 obstruction of an investigation is plain as day.

DOJ may also use 1519 for concealing docs from Archives, which is consistent with the search warrant's primary objective being to obtain and secure docs.

Document concealment,

evidence destruction of text messages and other forms of electronic communications, lies in Pentagon IG report, discrepancies on time-line of Jan 6 decisions related to deployment of National Guard ...

Yes, indict Trump or resign, AG Garland!

You have sitting House Reps mocking you and DOJ career people.

cnn.com/videos/politic… Image

After Nov 3, 2020, election day, Trump appointed Kash Patel, former aide to Devin Nunes, chief of staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller, a move that followed the dismissal of Mark Esper.

Patel reportedly encouraged Trump to fire Secretary of Defense

Mark Esper, arguing that Esper was disloyal to Trump by refusing to deploy military troops to Washington to quell the George Floyd protests.

On November 10, 2020, President Trump relieved a number of senior defense officials including Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, and

Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Joseph Kernen resigned in anticipation.

Trump appointed Cohen-Watnick to fill the role as acting undersecretary with principal deputy Joseph Tonon assuming the day-to-day duties of the role of ASD SO/LIC.

In December 2020, Cohen-Watnick was appointed by Trump to chair the Public Interest Declassification Board.

Cohen-Watnick continued serving into Joe Biden's presidency.



It is obvious that loyalty was what matter for Trump to appoint Cohen-Watnick and Kash Patel after Nov 2020 election loss, and competence did NOT matter.

On J6, Slate reports, Patel “talked throughout the day” with White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, who after

January 6 would refuse to release many of his December 2020 and January 2021 communications to Congress despite a federal subpoena requiring it.

Meant to link to the Pentagon IG report earlier, the report full of lies.


A prediction for 2024: Bad actors will do everything possible to induce DOJ to seize some voting machines.

DOJ may or may not, but I suspect intel operator's will do what they can to induce voting machine seizure in 2024 for the spectacle and chaos.

Post 1/6, Team Kraken needed Kash Patel at the CIA and Ezra Cohen-Watnick at the Pentagon.

Patel could leak intelligence about Iran to justify the Pentagon seizing U.S. voting machines, and Ezra Cohen-Watnick could sell the idea within the Pentagon using the fraudulent

intel from Kash Patel.

This does not imply that both Cohen-Watnick and Patel would have or did agree to this, but that Flynn, Powell, or Trump would have used Patel and Cohen-Watnick for this purpose.

Cohen-Watnick had admitted to


Vanity Fair that Trump wanted to move Patel to the CIA.

This scenarios was for Powell’s coup plot that Lindell brought to the Oval Office on January 15, 2021, to come to fruition.

From the outside, two ex-military Intel guys, Mike Flynn and Phil Waldron would have been

pushing Trump to use the Pentagon to seize voting machines, once the 1/6 operation failed.

Patel at CIA would have access to all foreign intelligence compiled by the CIA, but also be in a position to frame that intelligence (or even launder, into an undeserved state

of credibility, “new” intel from men like Eduardo Bolsonaro) in support of a Pentagon seizure of voting machines.

Eduardo Bolsonaro, son of neo-fascist Brazilian dictator and Trump ally Jair Bolsonaro,

could feed Patel at CIA manufactured intel from Brazil.

With Patel at CIA, Cohen-Watnick would presumably have been elevated to the role of Chris Miller’s de facto or de jure chief of staff.

Then Flynn's pal Phil Waldron's plan to use cooked

evidence with a deliberate misreading of federal legislation concerning international terrorism, would spring into action to have DHS seize voting machines or, in the face of any unwillingness by DHS to do this, have President Trump declare

martial law via the Insurrection Act of 1807 or other means to give the Pentagon the authority to immediately seize voting machines across the country; and schedule a national “re-vote” of the 2020 election.

That would entail no mail-in balloting and the presence of armed

soldiers at all polling places.

Keep in mind, this was the plan that evolved past the 1/6 self-coup plan coming to full fruition.

Phil Waldron covered in WaPo


11/7/21 email discussing the appointment of alternate slates of electors as part of a “direct & collateral attack” after the election; a 1/5/21 email RE a 38-page PowerPoint briefing titled ‘Election Fraud, Foreign Interference & Options for 6 JAN’

january6th.house.gov/sites/democrat… ImageImageImage

Recall Donald blocked disclosure of WH visitor logs that would show who visited him in the WH?


Recall the December 21, 2020 meeting at the White House where Trump met with members of the House Freedom Caucus and discussed with all of them something they apparently thereafter believed required the receipt of a presidential pardon?

What if the Phil Waldron / Mike Flynn seize the vote machine by Pentagon plan could not get off the ground due to Pat Cipollone and what if DOJ would not do it, although it was crazy at DOJ with the Jeff Clark / Jeff Rosen situation, so Waldron, Flynn, Powell, Trump decided

to attempt to advance the Phil Waldron plan using House Freedom Caucus and Mark Meadows?

On December 21, 2020, Sidney Powell was seen entering the WH with a document that clearly referenced the (manufactured) “foreign interference” component of the Waldron Plot

(“Iranian Threat Actor Identified Obtaining Voter Registration”)

Smells like GOP members of the House were briefed on a Waldron, Powell, and Flynn seditious scheme on December 21 as they met to discuss Trump’s plan for January 6, which explains why they asked for a pardon.

SIDE NOTE: Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) was head of the House Freedom Caucus and introduced Trump to Jeffrey Clark.

William Barr resigned in part because Trump asked him to seize voting machines and Barr refused.

Phil Waldron admits “that whole [fake elector] strategy started from that [November 25] Pennsylvania hearing.”

Waldron was referring to a hearing where he testified before a group of Pennsylvania legislators.


Waldron came to the WH from PA on Nov 25 when following a WH meeting, “The White House focus turned to pushing Republican-led legislatures in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia to replace Biden electors with those for Trump.”

You know what else happened on Nov 25, 2021?

Donald Trump pardoned Mike Flynn.

Looks like Trump pardoned Flynn in a quid-pro-quo for Flynn and Waldron to help Trump stay in power.


This may explain why Lindsey Graham is willing to obstruct to protect Lindsey Graham.

washingtonpost.com/investigations… Image

Donald Trump had repeatedly threatened to overthrow the Nicolás Maduro administration of Venezuela.

Eduardo Bolsonaro, son of neo-fascist Brazilian dictator and Trump ally Jair Bolsonaro, was perhaps willing to feed fake intel to Kash Patel


to further the Waldron plan.

Plus, some wealthy oil men in America would love to see regime change in Venezuela for investment opportunity there.

These incentives were probably being enjoined.

According to the Washington Post, after the 2020 election

“The [false] claim that all U.S. voting machines secretly harbored Venezuelan software was repeated by Giuliani and Powell in numerous media appearances.”


SIDE NOTE: Russell Ramsland

Dominion lawsuit:

“Waldron was working w/ ASOG, whose co-founder, Russell Ramsland was helping Powell.

As early as August, Ramsland had been hired by Patrick Byrne to “reverse engineer” evidence needed to


“mislead people into believing” that Dominion helped steal the … election”

Allied Security Operations Group "report" was signed by Russell Ramsland.


Ramsland lost the 2015 Republican primary for TX-32 to Pete Sessions and was investigated by the FEC regarding improper solicitation of donations.


SIDE NOTE: Katherine Friess does not want her phone records seen.


By the end of a six hour 'unhinged' meeting that took place in the White House on the night of December 18th, Trump announced an endorsement for the Stop the Steal rally planned for 1/6 by Alex Jones, Ali Alexander, & Roger Stone.


Christina Bobb appears to be who provided the draft EOs discussed at the 12/18/20 meeting, co-written by others and reviewed by Friess.

Bobb is squarely behind the Waldron seize the voting machines plot as perhaps the primary engine for it?

DHS-IG Joseph Cuffari has

covered up Bobb's work at DHS.

Had 1/6 happened as planned, Trump would have executed Bobb's EO.

REMINDER: Don't forget the destruction-of-evidence scandals at DHS, DoD, and the U.S. Secret Service.

Alex Jones, Ali Alexander, and Roger Stone, the leaders of Stop the Steal, claim that they were personally asked by Donald Trump to lead the January 6 march on the Capitol.

Trump was perhaps making the three amigos useful idiots to the Christina Bobb / Phil Waldron / Mike

Flynn plan, or the three knew and were more than useful idiots.

Too bad the Secret Service texts that could link Trump to the three amigos are destroyed.

But why can't Garland prosecute at least someone for obstruction for destruction of the SS texts?

Did Tony Ornato

serve as the conduit between the three Stop the Steal leaders’ and the White House?

Too bad the SS texts have been destroyed.

Pentagon, DHS, and the U.S. Secret Service deleted texts and secure messages.

Someone must be held accountable for the coverup.

Department of Homeland Security Inspector General Joseph Cuffari was tasked with figuring out how and why the electronic devices of the Secret Service agents closest to Trump on January 5 and January 6 were wiped.

I find it baffling why Biden retains this useful idiot.

The Biden team wanted to repair what it saw as damage to the government wrought by Mr. Trump through his many violations of norms and kept Trump's IGs, which was utterly stupid for Biden to do!


DHS-IG Cuffari was not only kept in his role but now has sole authority over recovering the destroyed Secret Service texts and secure messages that can serve as the crucial evidence to link Trump to the Stop the Steal Organizers.

Is Biden crazy? I hate to be bashing him,

but it's warranted.

Cuffari was in charge of a Justice Department inspector general field office in Tucson, Arizona and fails ethics.

Again, Biden is stupid for not recognizing how dangerous Cuffari is in his role as DHS IG, loyal to Trump.


Cuffari may be found to be an accomplice to the overall criminal conspiracy, via obstruction at a minimum, and President Biden's poor judgement will probably cost him a re-election.

I think it's that bad, politically for Biden, and criminally for Trump and his accomplices.

Biden has retained DoD IG O'Donnell and DHS IG Cuffari, and O'Donnell, the guy who wrote the report on 1/6 full of lies, is tasked with investigating Cuffari for allegations of retaliation against whistleblowers on his staff.

Biden is committing dereliction of duty by

not having fired both O'Donnell and Cuffari.

Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), chair of the House January 6 Committee, and Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), chair of the House Oversight Committee, have now asked Cuffari to step aside and let someone else seek the missing Secret

Service texts.

How on earth does Biden not recognize this as his responsibility to intervene? It's nuts! Does he fear being called a partisan out to get Trump? If yes, Biden needs removed yesterday, but we can't have Trump, so what's the game plan?

Cuffari is clearly at DHS as IG to cover up and Biden is cool with it.

It's almost like Biden does not want to deal with Trump in any way and would have us all forget the four years of the disaster that was the Trump Administration.

President Biden made a campaign promise not to fire any Inspectors General during his presidency, a pledge he renewed in Aug 22, to avoid the appearance of the Watergate-level scandal his predecessor created by repeatedly firing IGs who attempted to investigate him or his


But this is so utterly deranged and stupid!!!

It's two IG's who are part of the cover up.

Now you understand why the 'but Hunter Biden' stuff?

They need to force Biden to not fire any IGs to execute the coverup.

Not only has DHS, the USSS, and the Pentagon hidden critical federal evidence and destroyed evidence like text and electronic comms, the Trump WH does not have call logs from Jan 6 for 7 hours.

1.5 year later, not a single person charged with obstruction, and two of

Trump's IGs are in the Biden Admin obstructing.

The Senate Intelligence Cmte. is requesting that DOJ and ODNI "provide the Committee with the classified documents that were seized in the search of Mar a Lago, and an assessment of potential risks to national security as a result of their mishandling."

Can you think of at

least two GOP Senators on Senate Intel who would eagerly work to protect Donald Trump?

Who received access to voting machines and when?

Another mystery.

washingtonpost.com/investigations… Image

Lisa Gordon Hagerty - she's mentioned above and this thread details her firing (to enable Trump to execute nefarious goals).


SIDE NOTE: Old article on theory of Kompromat


They self-identify.

Jim Jordan
Louie Gohmert
Steve Chabot
Darrell Issa
Matt Gaetz
Mike Johnson
Andy Biggs
Tom McClintock
W. Gregory Steube
Tom Fiffany
Thomas Massie
Chip Roy
Dan Bishop
Michelle Fischbach
Victoria Spartz
Scott Fitzgerald
Cliff Bentz
Burgess Owens ImageImageImage

Political actors secretly obtained access to election systems in Coffee County GA in early 2021.

See WaPo link a few tweets above.

Access sufficient to manipulate Georgia BMDs using know vulnerabilities? Yes.

GA officials who would say OMG aware? Ha. Not for a year.

It was just one part of a secretive, multistate effort to access voting equipment that was directed by lawyers allied with Trump and that was broader, more organized and more successful than previously reported.

When you have a plan to rerun elections under martial law,

by creating sufficient chaos to act as a pretext for the invocation of the Insurrection Act of 1807, it just might be useful to have access to BMDs across states, while at the same time you're planning to prohibit mail-in-voting in your fraudulent rerun,

carried out by the Pentagon using Ezra Cohen-Watnick at the Pentagon and Kash Patel at CIA (once moved) to cook up fake intelligence under the CIA banner, (since you failed to find useful idiots at DOJ and DHS to go along with your criminal scheme) so that you can execute

such election rerun, following a successful self-coup and occupation of the US Capitol.

But the self coup failed.

According to the Washington Post, after the 2020 election “The [false] claim that all U.S. voting machines secretly harbored Venezuelan software was repeated by Giuliani and Powell in numerous media appearances.”


What neither Giuliani nor Powell could do was prove their claims.

This would require a member of Team Kraken like Patel having access to intelligence presumptively in the hands of the CIA, or for Powell to work directly with the intelligence guru at the Pentagon, Flynn’s

protégé Cohen-Watnick, for Team Kraken to gain access such critical information.

Waldron’s implication that the January 15, 2021 Lindell Document was a product of his work, a scheme that would have further empowered Powell and moved Patel to the CIA, both explains

Lindell’s Insurrection Eve dinner with Venezuelan Eduardo Bolsonaro and further underscores that Waldron’s efforts to stage a coup inside the Pentagon did not end in mid-December 2020.

As the Washington Post reports, “on November 15, 2020, Trump retweeted to his

millions of online followers a video clip of [Russell] Ramsland [falsely] saying in a pre-election interview that votes from 29 states were routed through ‘a server in Frankfurt, Germany’ and that [Spanish electronic voting system company] Scytl ‘controls and reports your

vote.’ Ramsland also contributed material to [Trump lawyer Sidney] Powell’s lawsuits….[and one] Ramsland claim [about the election] was amplified by Giuliani and Powell at a [November 19, 2020] news conference at the headquarters of the Republican National Committee.”

Translation: Trump was being fed fake Intel by Mike Flynn's operations, including Phil Waldron and Christian Bobb to induce their useful idiot into action.

There's more to the story but let's keep this short.

Reminder, not only has DHS, the USSS, and the Pentagon hidden

critical federal evidence, via destruction of electronic communications like texts and calls, but so has the Trump White House , as there is no visitor or WH call log from Jan 6th.

How can DHS and the Pentagon hide stuff and destroy evidence?


Remember, Trump purged departments, including the Sec of Defense, the Attorney General, and Inspector Generals across branches.

He then left vacancies or installed either loyalists or incompetent guys who had no idea what they were doing.

Plus he looped a couple of

them into the criminal conspiracy, wittingly or unwittingly.

All three Stop the Steal leaders, Roger Stone, Ali Akbar, and Alex Jones indicate that the U.S. Secret Service, one of the Trump administration entities that erased all electronic communications from January 5 and January 6, was designated by Trump to assist the three of

them in bringing the White House Ellipse mob to Capitol Hill, making the aforementioned now-destroyed Secret Service texts perhaps the most important [ but conveniently lost] evidence in the January 6 investigation, as they could link Trump directly to the domestic

extremists who stormed the Capitol grounds on J6.

Trump had loyalist Tony Ornato effectively running the SS and then-Trump Secret Service detail chief Bobby Engel appears to have gone along with a scheme or at least looked the other way.

Further, Trump blocked from the Biden Transition Team, any access to Defense Intelligence. That makes it all appear on the up and up, right?

And Joe Biden fears looking too political if he fires DHS IG and EPA and Pentagon IGs.

You don't protect against a

domestic terrorist, Donald Trump, by fearing you are going to look too political by replacing a few IGs.

No. That's a recipe for permitting a domestic terrorist, aligned with hostile foreign interests, to control the United States within 4 years.

Mike Flynn, Phil Waldron, Christina Bobb, Rudy G, Sidney Powell, Donald Trump, Kash Patel, Flynn’s protégé Cohen-Watnick, Russell Ramsland, Scott Perry, Tony Ornato, Bobby Engle - they all wanted to be David Blaine but instead of a disappearing elephant: votes, replaced

with fraudulent votes by re-running the election by creating sufficient chaos to act as a pretext for the invocation of the Insurrection Act of 1807 to have the Pentagon re-run it, and maybe using access to BMDs across states to tinker with votes while blocking mail voting.

Judge Hogan: "I keep hearing from Jan 6 defendants... We're being persecuted.. like it's unfair. I do not understand this."

That is the msg a military PsyOp would want to send to permit criminals to walk free on a crime related to a failed self-coup to make America's

so-called rule of law appear as broken as in other places where a dictator rules.

Kash Patel at Bedminster today getting his story straight while failed self-coup accomplices warn of a second coup if DOJ prosecutes them for their first coup.

Richard Grenell as Former Acting DNI for three months probably also trying to keep up with the manufactured version of events.

Let's hope the Russian's have not hacked into the federal court system computers and DOJ systems again, or rather, hope the federal government has these systems properly secured by now, unlike under Trump.


The import of the last tweet being that the DOJ has asked the federal magistrate judge to keep the affidavit sealed to, among other things, protect an ongoing investigation, direction of it, and witnesses, and Trump's handlers have incentive to steal that info.

When you slow-roll a decision to take highly sensitive docs for weeks, maybe your prosecutorial judgement is not so great.

wsj.com/articles/merri… Image

DOJ is worried about what sources & methods may have been compromised.

Garland will slow walk and dance around finding Donald guilty of anything.

DOJ doesn't give a hoot about retention in this case.

Obstruction? DOJ needs to determine motive


and could see them charging a Trump lawyer for obstruction, even an ambivalent AG.

"Those considerations are not impactful," when referring to whether actions are influenced by political considerations.


Garland would not slow walk for weeks a search if not for

his obvious political considerations, afraid to have any contact with team Trump.

I think a different AG with a different attitude would not slow walk and be as careful and deliberate.

Opinions vary like car mileage.

DOJ could use Donald's "can I do anything to turn down the heat" comms with the AG and subsequent messaging to Trumper's as evidence, but could use does not mean will use. Image

House Homeland Security chair Bennie Thompson and House Oversight chair Carolyn Maloney threaten to subpoena DHS IG Joseph Cuffari over refusal to comply with investigation into handling of deleted Secret Service texts.

Why has Biden not fired him?


Why has DOJ not done anything with IG Cuffari for obstruction of justice?

This is of course what your puppet would be expected to say when you have engineered a take over of US Foreign Policy pre-2016 by installing ppl inside Trump Campaign and Trump Admin while pitting a two party duopoly against one another using psyops / social media / Fox Image

and by funding both witting and unwitting GOP Reps / Senators, and by sometimes helping a D far left candidate, or giving some appearance of helping one to provider cover for your operation.

It's an operation that depends on the two parties within the Senate to be at odds

and best way to achieve this such that GOP Senator's blindly protect Trump is make them paranoid of the DEMOCRATS and spin such a narrative, but do it consistently to feed the paranoia of GOP witting and unwitting Senators.

These "sources close to Trump" are confessing

to concealing official records to thwart an investigation, which is one of the crimes under investigation, 18 USC 1519.

Since Donalds' attorney's says the affidavit should be released despite knowing that this would jeopardize the witnesses, the investigation, and our

national security, this implies Russia and Trump / Flynn is not in DOJ systems (like was the case in 2020 [Solar Winds]) and able to see what's happening and suggests Russia/Flynn/Trump do not have an operative or mole inside DOJ able to feed information.

Has the PsyOps succeeded in inducing a sufficient number of GOP Senator's in demanding the affidavit be released?

Rand Paul and Lindsey Graham are aligned with Alina Habba on this point.


Trump's hanlder's could drop such information to test the waters and can later claim this is fake news.

They are testing the waters and gauging reaction(s). Image

Senator John Cornyn is also wittingly or unwittingly on board with Lindsey Graham and Rand Paul and Trump's lawyers.


Same with GOP Senator Marsha Blackburn of TN.

But she is also behind efforts to block bills that could ensure US elections are more secure.

We have a subset of the GOP Senate, wittingly or unwittingly, part of the large criminal conspiracy, aided


and abetted, wittingly or unwittingly for them, by hostile foreign powers influencing GOP foreign policy and hence desiring GOP majorities in the House and Senate.

That foreign policy has to do with, among other topics, U.S. nuclear tech, Iranian & Russian sanctions,

and sale of U.S. weapons technologies.

Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Marsha Blackburn, Rand Paul, John Cornyn

The psyops operators are looking to install Mehmet Oz as a Senator from PA.

Turkey has been friends with the Russians and Saudis, Image

using the Iranians, when it benefits Erdogan, like in a cash-for-gold sanctions evasion scheme years ago when Trump was being installed to remove some barriers to "trade" via removal of sanctions.

Now Peter Navarro is saying mean things about Jared Kushner.

Jared’s “neuter the boss” role quickly became a source of friction between us.


Navarro: He [Jared] believed that I, more than anyone inside the West Wing, could “rile up” the president

to take actions that were, in fact, totally consistent with Trump’s central campaign promises.

But as this particular Wall Street transactionalist liked to say (and it always made me cringe): “That was the campaign. This is reality.”

Navarro of Kushner: In the cold light of a January West Wing day, there was simply no other explanation than nepotism to account for how this decidedly unqualified Clown Prince wound up sitting as a modern-day Rasputin at the right hand of Trump.

More Navarro scuttlebutt.

Fortunately, if Trump makes it back to the WH, it will be a Kushner-free zone.

Kushner has already disqualified himself from future WH employment by cashing in on his WH connections to fund his many entrepreneurial ventures.

You don't say! Image

Lindsey Graham is back at joining Trump's lawyer's, Ted Cruz, Marsha Blackburn, Rand Paul, John Cornyn, etc., being witting or unwitting useful idiots, knowingly or unknowingly, trying to obstruct an investigation into a massive criminal conspiracy,


and, dare one say, an act of war, if you consider interfering in the 2016 Presidential election in "sweeping and systematic fashion" and continued interference in U.S. domestic politics of a two party duopoly and act of war.

But so too are sanctions imposed on others -

an act of war, disguised as a retaliatory and defensive foreign policy objective to influence behavior via incentives or dis-incentives.

NY Times 8/16/22

Pat A. Cipollone and Patrick F. Philbin, the White House counsel and his deputy under President Donald J. Trump, were interviewed by the F.B.I. in connection with boxes of sensitive documents that were stored at


Mr. Trump’s residence in Florida after he left office, three people familiar with the matter said.

Mr. Philbin tried to help the National Archives retrieve the material, two of the people familiar with the discussions said.

But the former president repeatedly resisted

entreaties from his advisers.

“It’s not theirs, it’s mine,” several advisers say Mr. Trump told them.

Daily Beast 8/16/22

thedailybeast.com/russian-state-… Image

Various members of the Reagan & Bush administrations continued doing business with the Russian mob, beginning in the late 1980s and continuing throughout the 1990s into the early 2000s.

For example: Ron Lauder moving into Moscow and Budapest in 1989 (at the same time

that Mogilevich and Nekrasov started Arbat Prestige in Moscow).

James Baker and Robert Mosbacher made arrangements in 1993 for Enron to launder Solntsevskaya drug money through Enron’s 600+ Cayman Island shell companies via this deal with Gazprom.

Which FBI Director

represented Semion Mogilevich?

William Sessions, a former FBI director and federal judge who warned about transnational organized crime in 1997, went on to work as a lobbyist and attorney for the top of the Russian mafia: Semion Mogilevich.

Wall Street Journal report dated April 17, 2007, states that Sessions is “trying to negotiate a deal with the U.S. Department of Justice for his client, who is charged with racketeering and is a key figure in a separate Justice Department probe of energy deals between

Russia and Ukraine.”

Prosecutor's had rejected Mogilevich offer to provide intelligence in exchange for freedom to continue his criminal operations.

Other U.S. political figures mentioned by WSJ for lobbying on behalf of transnational, former-Soviet criminals include

former Senate majority leader Bob Dole, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, and Paul Manafort.

Sessions’ associate Neil Livingstone told the Wall Street Journal that lobbyists at Barbour’s firm (Barbour Griffith) introduced GlobalOptions executives to a Cyprus-based firm,

Highrock Holdings, in 2004. That company is controlled by Dmitry / Dimtryo Firtash, who later admits that Semion Mogilevich is the “real power” behind his business.


Point of that side-track is to demonstrate, it's not like U.S. politicians have not found incentives offered by transnational organized crime too appealing in the past to turn down.

Broke Rudy Giuliani today?

Ironically, the United States Government is offering a reward of up to $5,000,000 for information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of Semion Mogilevich, today, in 2022!


Semion Mogilevich U.S. State Dept


Pete Sessions father is William Sessions.

Pete Sessions had joined Giuliani and his indicted cronies in speaking out against the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch in 2019.


Pete Sessions is a GOP House Rep from Waco, TX.

Sessions was elected to the 17th district congressional seat on November 3, 2020 from Texas. Image

When you think about Mogilevich, if the US Gov really wanted him, could the CIA or Military be utilized?

If no war crimes for any past acts of war, suppose not.

Can game out whether the prosecutor's declining his offer years ago was a fake. Doubt it, but fun to game out.

Sean Hannity providing mis-information to place a cloud of suspicion over DOJ investigation to enhance the argument that it's 'the Democrats and radical left' out to get President Trump.

America does not have laws to deal with mass mis-info and dis-info campaigns where Image

hostile adversaries piggy-back on claims by American "journalists."

Hence, one could argue the mega criminal conspiracy is in some sense an act of war (see thread above on this topic).

Way up in the thread in a few places, we make reference to the Submarine Spy Couple who Tried to Sell Nuclear Secrets to Brazil.

NY Times, March 15, 2022 article:


Sentencing happening 8/16/22 and judge is considering a plea.

John Bolton 8/16/2022 on MSNBC


Ad's can be comical - Is Gaetz an Informant?

Funny how Don Jr fails to point out Gaetz hired an Epstein lawyer.


It's almost like Donald Trump and Sean Hannity are working together on messaging.


Wittingly or unwittingly, aiding and abetting, John Cornyn, 8/16/2022

DOJ has not unsealed the remaining sealed component of the search warrant since, among other things, at least one suspect has a long history of witness tampering, conveniently abetted by @GOP, and Image

a history of intimidating prosecutors, sometimes speaking 'in code.'

There is the 'turn down the heat' threat to AG Garland that Lindsey Graham piggy-backed upon as did Jim Jordan.


Video link in prior tweet not presenting as desired, so let's try again.

Keep in mind the 'turn down the heat,' speaking in code, via a messenger to the AG came as Trump was claiming the FBI planted evidence then riled up the base to attack FBI HQ


aided and abetted by sitting Senator's and who knows by what accounts over on Truth Social and other right-wing social platforms, where they cheerlead the guy to go to the Cincinnati, OH FBI HQ with a nail gun and the MAGA guys to show up at the Phoenix, AZ FBI building.

As Donald Duck would say, Totally Out of Control - that's the state of the @GOP whose arguments align with that of hostile foreign adversaries from time to time.

A subset of the GOP responds well to incentives.

Admission of possibility implies acceptance of reality as opposed to denial, but once in front of a judge facing consequences, despite those being very minimal.

wusa9.com/article/news/n… Image

First, you made up the Russia Hoax.

Then the Ukraine Hoax.

Then the Election Hoax.

Then the self-coup conspiracy.

It was Russia, Russia, Russia.

Now it’s passports, passport, passports.

And planted evidence.

Many, many people are saying.

Step 1: Induce ppl to align as tribes, easy in two party-duopoly

Step 2: Once aligned as tribe, induce ppl to do battle as tribe

Paint radical left Ds as danger trigger by lying about threat

Construct common perceived enemy

Create sense of

des.ucdavis.edu/faculty/richer… ImageImageImage

shared identity

Create a shared belief in a higher calling or a group leader.

People can become aligned based on shared belief in an ideology or religion or mission — and can also become aligned based on a shared allegiance to a leader.

We can often feel very right at

an instinctive level jointly supporting our religion or our leader.

In each of those alignments and loyalties, there is a strong risk that the people with a shared belief will go to the dark side of that instinct, and will feel that people with different beliefs or

personal loyalty to a different leader are evil and need to be defeated, deterred, or even damaged in some way.

Both leader loyalty and loyalty to a belief system have the power to get people to do things that they would not do without that influence.

Mob behavior is

addictive in itself. Every police department in every major city has mob control training and equipment because our mob instincts are so powerfully seductive when they are activated.

The Lincoln Project on Liz Cheney's primary loss:

"Tonight, the nation marks the end of the Republican Party. What remains shares the name and branding of the traditional GOP, but is in fact an authoritarian nationalist cult dedicated only to Donald Trump."

Liz Cheney, in conceding the GOP primary in Wyoming, references

Lincoln coming back to take the presidency — “Lincoln was defeated in elections for the Senate and House before he ultimately won the most important election of all.”

Cheney warns that “poisonous lies” can destroy nations and the United States is vulnerable.

Cult members wallowing in untruths are naturally threatened by Cheney.

She makes them uneasy because to believe her is to believe their own folly and delusion.

The 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump

Gonzalez — RETIRING
Kinzinger — RETIRING

Herrera Beutler — LOST PRIMARY

Newhouse — WON PRIMARY

If Andrew Yang or Elon Musk succeeds in ending the

two-party duopoly, it won’t be because either creates a viable third party alternative, but because each is aiding, wittingly or unwittingly, the authoritarian movement in its quest for a uni-party system.

Modern technology has allowed us to transfer very primal mob behavior to the internet, and we are perfecting mob behaviors and mob alignments in our electronic settings.

The sheer hatred and shared hatred that exists on many internet sites has no historic parallel

because our traditional lynch mobs, ethnic cleansing mobs, and direct intergroup attacks all were situational, and they tended to be time limited by logistical realities of functional and physical mobs — and the internet mob hatred seems to be perpetually self extending,

and it has the ability to continue building negative energy from its own existence over periods of time.

A trutherism movement is missing.

A candidate who understands the role of the internet in modern politics with social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Truth Social, Gab, Parler, Instagram, TikTok, etc. is required to counter the lies, deception, and manipulation and social engineering.

That's a new requirement atop the usual requirements to run for some public office.

Didn't Obama have a social media strategy in 2008 that worked?

Those who seek to deceive will use patterns of instinctive behavior with modern social media tech to manipulate.

Authoritarian movements must crush all dissent.

There is no opposition or criticism of Trump permitted in a GOP that Trump controls.

Total fealty and obedience to the leader is demanded and required. Total loyalty.

No fault can be spoken of,

and no lie disputed.

The GOP is full on authoritarian, aided and abetted by foreign adversaries seeking to influence US foreign policy and to sow discord and chaos domestically.


What is desperately missing is accountability.

The DOJ can't move fast enough.

President Biden fails to acknowledge the threat by refusing to fire obstructionist IG's Trump had appointed to effectuate a cover-up or to stand out of the way of one.

Some good news on political races is Val Demings is a solid candidate in Florida, offering voters a competent choice over an incompetent Marco Rubio, or to use a Trump term, Little Marco.

Suppose this thread is talking about political races as its adjacent to the

discussion of the authoritarian movement and the failed self-coup that is trying to re-birth itself by taking over the GOP more fully with more loyalists while trying to control state legislatures and to change secretaries of state to effectuate a take-over of the next

Presidential election, as Judge J Michael Luttig warned: "clear and present danger to our democracy now."

The U.S. intelligence community had penetrated multiple points of Russia’s political leadership, spying apparatus and military, from senior levels to the front lines, according to U.S. officials.


The United States had obtained

“extraordinary detail” about the Kremlin’s secret plans for a war it continued to deny it intended, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines later explained.

The problem statement leaves out how do defend against cyber intrusions, electronic voting machine Image

manipulations, or social engineering of domestic US voters subject to PsyOps campaigns.

But with America having insight into Putin's plans in Ukraine, Putin would find an informant like someone in Trump's orbit or Trump himself a valuable asset.

In the WaPo article, you learn that the French, as represented by François Heisbourg considers American Intel to be prone to political manipulation.

The US midterms are an operation of the authoritarian movement to gain more power & to take control of one or both houses of Congress, especially the lower house, to kill the J6C.

Kevin McCarthy, for example, is fighting to keep his phone records secret and away from J6C.

To counter some of the criticism of DOJ, at least FARA counts are up, as expected.

Recall Trump pardoned Elliot Broidy?

What's the use of laws when you may have a President who not only can offer pardons or commutations, but who will grant them

for transactional self-gain or to further a criminal conspiracy, as in when Trump pardoned Mike Flynn on Nov 25, 2021.

On Nov 25, 2021, Phil Waldron came to the WH from PA, and following a WH meeting stated, “The White House focus turned to pushing Republican-led

legislatures in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia to replace Biden electors with those for Trump.”

You know what else happened on Nov 25, 2021, a date falling weeks after an election Trump knew he lost?

Donald Trump pardoned Mike Flynn.

Talk about appearances.

Looks like Trump pardoned Flynn in a quid-pro-quo for Flynn and Waldron to help Trump stay in power.

Phil Waldron admits “that whole [fake elector] strategy started from that [November 25] Pennsylvania hearing.”

Waldron was referring to a hearing where he testified before a group of Pennsylvania legislators.


William Barr resigned in part because Trump asked him to seize voting machines and Barr refused.

SIDE NOTE: Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) was head of the House Freedom Caucus and introduced Trump to Jeffrey Clark.

Like I said, the Russians, the Saudis, etc seek to influence and steer US Foreign Policy via useful idiots in the GOP. Image

Funny how the GOP Senator's and House Reps (named in thread above) like to try to convince ppl DOJ is politicized but fail to condemn when Donald tells you if he get's back into the WH, DOJ will be politicized as his gestapo force. Image
Trump: the documents at Mar-a-Lago are “mine” and not “theirs."



Knowingly converts to his use or the use of another ...

Would DOJ charge 18 641? AG Garland has been reluctant to charge a former POTUS with even being mean.

Steve Bannon makes threats, vowing MAGA will destroy the Gestapo FBI.

He was convicted of 2 counts of contempt of Congress.

The guy must be laughing all the way to the bank at the lack of accountability coming from DOJ.

And in the separate NY case not related to the election but to Trump Org tax fraud and business operations:


Saudi Arabia where males can place females in prison.

Now you understand another reason the MAGA party is aligned with the Saudis.

It's nukes, rolling back to a partriarchy in America where a girl is daddy's property then hubby's property, and it's quid-pro-quo's to Image

the Trump's and Kushner's.

It's the Saudi / Russia axis that worked with the 2016 Trump Campaign.

The MAGA party aligns on foreign policy, status of females, and more with the Saudis.


The plea deal does not require Mr. Weisselberg to cooperate with the Manhattan district attorney’s office in its broader investigation into Mr. Trump, so they handed them a pass. NY has incompetent DA.


Wait. The plea deal does not require Mr. Weisselberg to cooperate with the Manhattan district attorney’s office in its broader investigation into Mr. Trump.

Perhaps Letitia James pushed Alvin Bragg into pleading out Allen Weisselberg, so James can force Weisselberg to

testify against Trump in October?

When you plead guilty, you lose your Fifth Amendment protections for those crimes.

Leitta James is competent. Alvin Bragg is incompetent.

Since Weisselberg can’t plea Fifth for anything he pled guilty on, he can be subpoenaed to

testify before the Manhattan DA grand jury & in the NY AG civil case, unless Manhattan DA is crooked.

So Weisselberg is not required to cooperate with the Manhattan DA office in its broader investigation into Mr. Trump, but will Weisselberg get a subpoena

and be forced to later "cooperate" or appear before Manhattan DA too?

From planting falsehoods regarding the execution of a search warrant, hoping Ds will run with anything fake, to provide ammo to paint the entire probe a witch-hunt (Jim Jordan specialty), next up, Donald is fake endorsing Dan Goldman for NY-10.

Dan Goldman was dumb enough ImageImageImage

to say, Buckle Up Donald. Dan's coming for you, playing right into Donald's bait, hook, line, and sinker.

Wait until he endorses other Ds where he knows the R will lose to play a PsyOps role in the mid-terms.

Frankly, it's a smart move for him.

If he convinces any

MAGA party ppl in those districts to vote D, he's not losing anything as he knows those districts will have D winners.

If MAGA party voter's call his bluff, as they will with the Dan Goldman endorsement, it's a running joke for them.

Well played.

The ghost of Jamal Kashoggi is asking why Nikki Haley resigned and probing whether it was related to any Saudi Nuclear deal Kashoggi might have been investigating.

Kash Patel carried away with Kari Lake's BDE comments.


Nikki Haley, Aug 17, 2022

She must believe the MAGA party is full of dummies.

Catching 66 terrorists would be a home-run for Biden.

Really - 66? How many terrorists did Donald catch and prevent from entering to do harm?

Ahh .. maybe she's baiting liberals into mocking Image

her, claiming Joe Biden is amazing for catching terrorists at the border to manufacture a story that the border has terrorists & that his big and beautiful wall is warranted?

It's a lie and it's baiting.

66 terrorists would be largest blow to terrorists in how long?

Campaign finance laws are a joke and / or the DOJ is a joke in execution of laws.

Jim Jordan's campaign paid the treasurer of the campaign who paid Cleta Mitchell, allowing the Jordan campaign to hide from public filings such a payment for representation against the FEC,

a feckless organization without teeth to prosecute campaign finance violations. Image

From Atlanta Journal-Constitution, more on the Coffee County, GA conspiracy by Trump legal team.


Have you noticed how some crimes related to J6 and the fraudulent electors scheme are so pervasive and committed by those so institutionally ensconced that our justice system does not know how to handle it and so instead does nothing?

Before the defender's tell us, but the

search warrant and but the 100s of low level ppl charged, and but DC USAO is underfunded and understaffed, ask, why is it that way?

Have you noticed the Weisselburg plea mentions federal tax fraud, yet no known federal investigation and certainly no indictments?

When DOJ does not get this far until 18 months after the crimes, they're providing sufficient time for the perps to destroy evidence & for the capos to get their stories in sync.


Ingraham and Jones move on from Donald but slings shots pull back when opportunity clears a path.


When Donald fails to announce a run for 2024 before the 2022 mid-terms, it's because he's hedging and not confident the GOP will fare well in the mid-terms, which gives a little comfort that he is not aware of a plot to steal votes in the midterms.

Being a declared

candidate means FEC filings and harder to take money from the MAGA party people, but it also provides even more protection from DOJ investigation(s).

Having the GOP nomination and declaring a run provides Donald the strong-hold on the party coffers, blocking Ron Desantis

or Glenn Youngkin, and provides Donald a platform to be on TV again to call for "trial by combat" if he's charged with anything while a declared candidate.

He's weighting benefits / costs of declaring early, where next summer would be the usual time to declare.

It's the

hedging he's doing now by not declaring before mid-terms that's mildly interesting.

House J6C has only about five months of life remaining if GOP takes the House.

The problem with Garland's from the bottom up approach where the peons were investigated initially and for

over one year is it plays into the MAGA party hands by giving them the power to say DOJ only goes after the peons while also allows the MAGA party king-pins to destroy evidence and permits time for loss of memories and witnesses and for witnesses to sync stories.

You know how American president's talk about 'peace in the middle east?'

The operation to run Trump in 2016 was about several prongs, but one was for a culture war within America.


Recall there was a brief period when Trump considered not running for a second term so that he could focus on launching his post-Presidency media empire.

Such a media empire would allow him to both mint cash and control the narrative.

He started criticizing both CNN

and Fox News, thinking he’d displace both in his quest to be the new king of media.

Tempting, but it’s really hard to turn down the Oval Office, especially when it protects you from investigations.

Soon the Trump team came up with the solution.

Do both. Hence, moving

Devin Nunes from his obstructionist role in the House on the Intel Committee to Truth Social.

Digital World Acquisition Corp. (DWAC) raised $5B. From where did the money come?

When Trump announces a 2024 bid, it can shield DWAC from prosecutor's and the SEC.

Given Biden will not fire IG's Trump appointed, even when those IG's are obstructing an investigation and possibly assisting to destroy evidence, you realize that although Biden is in office, he lacks power,


and although Trump is not in office, he has power.

Trump has power to put Biden in a corner and it's only because Biden allows it.

On Biden cutting off Patel or Solomon from records at the Archives, it's a legal gray area.

SCOTUS has held that people have a 5th amendment liberty interest (not a property interest) in a security clearance, and they can't be stigmatized by its denial without

due process.

What MAGA party ppl liked about Trump was he challenged legal gray areas, sometimes only by threatening to do so but not actually doing so.

What ppl dislike about Biden is when an action might be a legal gray area, there is no push to challenge it.

When you have the power of that office, you should challenge the status quo for the greater good.

Donald challenged it but for furthering the purpose of criminal conspiracies.

When an action might provide the appearance of being political (e.g., firing Trump IGs),

Biden fails to act.

If Biden were to start pulling a Trump and cutting off ppl from records, forcing Trump to sue the President, ppl might respect Biden more.

It's not rocket science.

It's a fight with a toddler over truth.

What's missing is an adult to tell the toddler, no.

So much for Joe.

He's done some acts worthy of the office like not extending Donald a clearance and not citing Exec privilege over Donald's records, but he's failed to fire Trump IGs and failed to cut off Patel or

Solomon from records at the Archives.

Moving on ... in Donald's 2nd post, notice so says the guy who celebrates Kyle Rittenhouse at Mar-a-Lago. Image

Lindsey Graham was a no-show to the Grand Jury in GA yesterday, defying both a GA court order and a SC federal court order.

He must show on the 23rd.

But must means Maybe Until Some Tomorrow when you are Graham and operating under the 2022 rules.

Warrant application was based upon a violation of § 793(d) is a reasonable inference one can draw.

IOW, Garland acted because Donald had stuff he should not and Garland had no choice, but Garland chose not to fight over whether or not Donald was authorized to have the

materials (in his possession) in the first place.

So Garland goes with

§ 793(d) makes it a crime for "whoever, lawfully having possession of ... information relating to the national defense [w/ knowledge of risk] ... willfully retains the same and fails to deliver it on Image

demand to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it."

To simply say, the government demands its property back.


If Magistrate Judge Reinhardt issues an order to release any part of the affidavit and Govt objects within 14 days, the issue goes to Art III judge to review under the contrary to law or clearly erroneous standard.

When DOJ takes to next Monday to submit a redacted copy, redacting (almost) everything, and the court issues an order on Wednesday, then the USA can appeal on Sept 7.

Sept 8 is 60 days from the midterms.

By then any charges can be filed and the case will be

transferred to DC.

Weissman mentions on NBC that a redacted affidavit could reveal repeated exchanges between DOJ and Trump lawyers trying to negotiate return of doc.

This would demonstrate exhaustion of good faith and less intrusive measures.

Beyond a redacted warrant

being released, shall wait until Sept 8, 60 days before mid-terms, to see whether DOJ might actually charge anyone, or simply be satisfied that it got back stolen national defense information.

That tells whether the AG is a 'let's just move on' kind of guy, like

oe Biden, or a let's uphold the rule of law kind of guy.

Expect a lawyer to be charged with obstruction.

“In this case, the court has found probable cause there’s a violation of one of the obstruction statutes, and that evidence of obstruction would be found

at Mar-a-Lago” said DOJ's Jay Bratt in court today.

Bratt also opposes unsealing with redactions — says there’s grand jury material and it would show “nothing of substance."

Narrator: But it could reveal repeated exchanges between DOJ and Trump lawyers, giving DOJ Image

leverage to say to corrupt GOP Senator's that we gave Donald many, many chances, but he just would not listen.

Patrick Bynre arguing that Trump verbally appointed Sidney Powell special counsel & granted her a top secret security clearance.


Byrne then says he spoke with Giuliani TWO YEARS LATER, and Giuliani said Trump had in a matter of minutes "verbally reversed his decision and instructions" about Powell "and that is why the earlier decisions were never implemented."

Not surprising at this stage of the story over finding out whether Trump is a Russian asset, handing NDI over to the Saudis / Russians and still trying to transfer nuclear tech to the Saudis, the Russian's are mis-behaving.


CNN, August 18, 2022

Trump & allies have claimed he had a "standing order" to declassify documents from the Oval.

But 18 former top Trump officials say they never heard any such order, and that they believe it to be patently false.


Kash Patel & John Solomon want us to believe otherwise.

Would be nice for Barnes to beat Ron Johnson of WI in the mid-terms and for Kelly to beat Masters of Arizona, removing two useful idiots from the Senate.

In Ohio, would be nice for Tim Ryan to beat JD Vance to prevent a useful idiot from gaining a senate seat.

Republicans pulled millions out of WI, PA and AZ and are throwing 28 million dollars into TV and radio reservations into Ohio.

Would be nice if in PA, John Fetterman prevents Turkish agent Mehmet Oz from gaining a US Senate seat.

Would be nice for Raphael Warnock to keep his Georgia Senate seat to prevent useful idiot Herschel Walker from gaining a senate seat.

Val Demings in Fl can keep useful

idiot Marco Rubio, aka Little Marco, off Senate Intel.

Mandela Barnes can prevent WI Ron Johnson from doing more work on behalf of Mr. Putin.

The Senate will still have Rand Paul of KY, Josh Hawley of MO (or VA), Ted Cruz of Tx, John Cornyn of Tx, Tom Cotton of Arkansas.

James F. Hitselberger, a Navy contract linguist, was charged under 18 USC 793(e) with unauthorized retention of national defense information while serving in Bahrain.

In April 2014, the charge was modified to a single count of unauthorized


retention and removal of classified documents under 18 USC 1924, to which the defendant pled guilty.

On July 17, 2014, he was sentenced to time already served, and a fine of $250.00.

§ 2071(a) violations are felonies whereas violations of § 1924 are misdemeanors.

Did Donald Trump or one of his accomplices (e.g., Kash Patel, John Solomon) remove only copies of NDI, or were originals taken?

When original is left intact, the government is not deprived of the use of the record.

However, if original(s) were left intact, were any

altered in any way to conceal any crimes committed by sharing information contained in the “copies” stolen, if any such information was shared?

Only one court has interpreted § 2071 to apply to the removal of a copy of a record.

See United States v. Lang, 364 F.3d 1210,

1221-22 (10th Cir. 2004) (upholding conviction under § 2071 for copying affidavit and removing copy from clerk’s office).

If only copies of NDI were taken, the government could charge Mr. Trump or any of his accomplices (who took copies) with violations of 18 U.S.C.

§ 1924, which prohibits the unauthorized removal of materials containing classified information and focuses on the removal of information, rather than the destruction of documents.

But government search was related to a violation of

18 U.S.C.

§ 793
§ 2071
§ 1519 Image

Government could charge 793(d) from 1/21/21 to 6/3/22, then charge 793(e) for the remainder.

Wouldn't it be irritating if DOJ is content to have the NDI back and AG Garland decides NOT to move to indict because the issues are now resolved?

Even, keeping in mind willful

retention of "documents" clause doesn't require the knowledge of risk mens rea, and only requires "willfulness" = intent to disregard the law in general, not the specific statute.




Does the government need to charge § 793(e) to successfully charge § 2071?

Section 793(e) of Title 18 of the United States Criminal Code makes it unlawful for
anyone “having unauthorized possession of . . . any document [or] writing . . . relating to the

national defense, . . . [to] willfully retain[] the same and fail[] to deliver it to the officer or
employee of the United States entitled to receive it.”

A person convicted under this section can
be subjected to a fine or imprisonment of up to ten years, or both.

My guess is that neither § 793(e) nor § 2071 will be charged but § 793(d) will be charged and 18 U.S.C. § 1519 will be charged.

Trump's lawyer's will argue he did not have unauthorized possession of and that's one reason against 793(e), but for 793(d), it starts with ImageImage

Whoever, lawfully having possession of,

I'd charge with § 793(e), § 2071, and § 793(d) and challenge the arguments in courts where Trump's lawyer's would take it to SCOTUS and force a full 1/3 of SCOTUS, appointed by Trump, to rule on applicability of § 793(e) and § 2071.


Of course Trump awarded the guy who ran the bus company Trump used for his casino contests with the "prize."

Remember the guy whose bus company in GA was used to bus all the 1/6 ppl to DC that Barry Loudermilk denies?


Hal Martin:




The government never formally claimed that either caused hostile powers to obtain docs, much less voluntarily gave them to foreign actors.

Yet it used 793e to hold them accountable for the

damage their negligence caused.

Terry J. Albury:


Will there be "equal justice" for Donald Trump or his accomplices?

Trump's defense comes down to whether he had unauthorized possession of ... where he will argue he was authorized to

have possession of ...

For 793(e), if charged with it ...

But, see prior tweet on expectation ... under the current A.G.

Patrick Byrne - Motion to Intervene, pro se,
representing himself, indicates he is seeking info on the counterintelligence investigation.

pro se: Latin for "for oneself, on one's own behalf."

On the evening of December 17, Trump’s handpicked Image

acting Secretary of Defense [Miller] suddenly cut off [president-elect] Joe Biden’s team from national security briefings.

Less than twelve hours later, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Patrick Byrne were in the Oval Office for how long?

What meeting on Dec 18

is Byrne talking about in his motion to intervene, pro se?

Weren't they discussing using the Pentagon to seize voting machines?

On the very next work day of Monday, December 21, Donald Trump convened members of Congress willing to commit crimes, wittingly or unwittingly.

Six GOP House Reps asked for pardons realting to the Dec 21 meeting.


ON December 21, Trump met with Meadows and the House Freedom Caucus about January 6.

Immediately after this meeting on Dec 21, Michael Flynn began calling Ezra Cohen-Watnick at

the Pentagon about enacting Powell’s plan to have the Pentagon seize voting machines.

Kash Patel, following Dec 21, in late Dec, repeatedly met with Trump in person and spent all of January 6 in self-described “nonstop” contact with Mark Meadows.

When January 6 self-coup failed, Mike Lindell began demanding to see Trump.

Trump and Lindell met on January 15 at the Oval Office where Lindell presented a plan centering on Sidney Powell, Kash Patel, and the seizure of voting machines via a Pentagon-aided declaration

of martial law.

Once Jan 6th did not go as planned, the Flynn gang, including Mike Lindell, did not give up, meeting on Jan 15 to still try to find a way to seize voting machines using the Pentagon.

You know that December 21, 2020 meeting discussed above?

Look at this Maggie Haberman tweet from Dec 22, 2020.

Haberman refers to a document Sidney Powell was seen carrying into the White House.

Then on Jan 15, when Mike Lindell got his meeting with Trump at the Oval, Image

he too was found carrying a document that said something about Iran.

They were trying to manufacture a justification on Dec 22, before J6, and on Jan 15, after the failed self-coup on J6, to seize voting machines using the Pentagon (Ezra Cohen-Watnick) and undoubtedly

by Jan 15 using Kash Patel, moved to CIA as Acting CIA Director.

The reason Trump, Patel, and Solomon, among others, have the media discussing a "standing order" over declassifying documents is because of
§ 793(e), and by extension, § 2071.


Trump will find witnesses like Kash Patel or John Solomon or Christina Bobb who will testify at trial that he had such an order to attempt to manufacture reasonable doubt for § 793(e), and by extension, § 2071.

DOJ's task is to lock in witnesses who tell the truth.

Had said my guess is that neither § 793(e) nor § 2071 will be charged but § 793(d) will be charged and 18 U.S.C. § 1519 will be charged.

But happy for AG Garland to prove this conjecture wrong, as he should, and charge with § 793(e) and § 2071 as well.

I just don't have

that much faith in the AG, but happy for him to prove the doubters.

Apparently, Trump's accomplices do fear DOJ will charge with § 793(e) and § 2071 as well, given the supposed "standing order" declassifying documents narrative being pushed.

Just trying to preserve docs by placing them in Melania's sock drawer and in the bridal suite where the pool boy might end up for a tryst.



Colludy Rudy doing his best work.


Lawyer Bobb will "maintain we have not waived our right(s)."




Lawyer Bobb: "That's my understanding [that only 1 or 2 people had access to the room where NDI was stored]."

"I'd have to check with the maintenance of that area."

You know, the maintenance guys who are tasked with securing docs.


Well, yea, DOJ / FBI preferred to keep it silent, but Donald want's to use the media to push false and misleading narratives.


Donald's strategy is to dupe the MAGA party people into believing he wants transparency and the affidavit fully redacted and Lindsey Graham goes along with it.

Donald does want to see the steps DOJ have taken and are taking and he wants to know about witnesses.

He does not want inculpatory information about him becoming public, however, and that outweighs his other desires to have the affidavit fully redacted.

Hence, he's not in court arguing for it, but rather, sends lawyer Bobb to simply sit back and listen.


But he added a padlock ...

Nonetheless, throw perceived attractive women on the networks the MAGA party watches and dupe the MAGA party people.

Russian media is warning that if Friedrich Merz becomes German Chancellor, Ukraine will join NATO and the risk of war with Russia will escalate

Olaf Scholz's retention of power is regarded as the best bet to avoid a Russia-Germany conflict, as viewed by Russian media.

Recall Trump's problems with Angela Merkel?

Trump would have problems with Friedrich Merz and praise Olaf Scholz, acting as advocate for Putin and the Saudis, who installed Donald to advance foreign policy interests, drop sanctions, etc.

With Russian threatening a dirty bomb attack on NATO, will Scholz ban Russian's from coming to Germany?

It is all connected from 2016 Trump Campaign to present day (and prior).

Fulton County DA Fani Willis says any further delay in Sen. Lindsey Graham's testimony could "delay the revelation of an entire category of relevant witnesses or information."

"This would significantly harm the interests and administration of the [grand jury]."

Yes, and

that's Lindsey's goal, and he and Donald think they are above laws.

Do they work for Intelligence? Ha. Right.

DC Circuit opinion affirms Judge Jackson's summary judgment order in the @CREWcrew
v DOJ case.

Garland has to release the entire March 2019 Barr memo & opinion obviates the need for DOJ to seek a stay pending the decision whether to seek rehearing or en banc review,

unless AG Garland is a Trumper and wants to fight the opinion of the DC Circuit and appeal.

DC Circuit has made the call to release Barr Memo so Garland need not look too political, a stupid fear that both he and Biden have.

William P Barr, the useful idiot, or the protector of Intel Assets?

The useful idiot!

Ivanka and Jared both had a clearance, against the advice of intel community, during Trump's 4 years.

Biden cut off briefings for Trump.

Did he do so for

Jared & Invanka?

Intermission: Luis Miguel must be a Stone / Flynn protege in Florida. Image

The only argument the Trump lawyer's have is a political one, hoping the MAGA party is too gullible and too dumb.


They're [TS/SCI DOCs] mine.

No, they're mine. No, mine.!

In addition to selling nuclear NDI, Donald may have been informing people about U.S. and NATO assets at Svalbard, because, you know, his uncle went to MIT, & he really gets that stuff.


Habba .. Gabbaa ... what ... desperation ...

To the MAGA Party, a President who fools them is god, with ordained power to rule the land.

But they're living on Dinosaur Land, and one day, will become extinct.

MAGA Party Senate slugs Image

Some Rs are begging DOJ to provide accountability, although they won't say it out loud, so that the party they call the GOP can just move on.


Another HOUSE GOP Rep self identifies.


Lawyer Bobb back at it.

Must be nice to have lawyer's go on tv to try to convince ppl if you indict accused it's war.

Imagine George Floyd's family threatening the Minneapolis PD on networks for days.


Money in 'Merica buys you above the law privileges and ability to appeal then appeal then appeal then run out statue of limitation, etc.

From lawyer Bobb, to lawyer Habba, to lawyer Haligan, dis-info.

You know how Donald does not pay his attorneys?

Who is paying the three female lawyer's who make TV appearances so frequently on right-wing media outlets?


WaPo 8/22/22

Data copied from county elections systems by a pro-Trump effort was shared with election deniers and conspiracy theorists.


NY Times 8/22/2022

nytimes.com/2022/08/22/us/… Image

Kash Patel 8/22/22

Poof the magic wand


Vast Quantities - Yes
Obstruction - Yes

Intentional Mishandling - You judge

Disloyalty to US - Was he seeking more love letters or $$$ Image

If you're Donald Trump, why not confess?

Nothing has happened to you to date other than passes by the Senate on two sham impeachment trials, passes by the DOJ on Obstruction and other crimes, passes by State AGs on financial and tax crimes ,etc.

January: 150 classified docs

June: “few dozen” more

June: Trump lawyer tells DoJ “all classified material returned”

June-Aug video: “people moving boxes in and out, appearing to change containers documents were in”

August: ≈100 docs seized

Reasons Donald's lawyers provide for why a filter team is inadequate is that the public won't trust it.

It's so comical, you wonder whether the DOJ will go along with the non-sense?

A political persecution defense requires Donald's ppl talk up political persecution for Image

months and requires a subservient DOJ.

Trump's motion describes his threats on Aug. 11, 22: what was said & to whom & when.

The call was to the FBI Counterintelligence head Jay Bratt.

Motion claims call was hours before the AG Garland presser.

AG Garland took the bait and gave Donald special status, feeling Image

a need to speak publicly following the call to Jay Bratt.

Notice real public pressure does not move AG Garland but a call from Donald's lawyer's to Bratt moved Garland to hold a presser.

On June 8, 22, Jay Bratt communicate w/Donald's lawyers about Docs.

Also on June 8th;


What is the probability DOJ will keep bending over backwards to treat Donald as special and above all laws and grant him a special master request?

> 75% ?

Trump Models was a way of obtaining partners for himself and his friends, including when he wanted to hold leverage over his "friends."

Just a party favor for someone who inherits $0.5B tax free.

It's almost like the tax laws incentivized it.


Funny how so many, including me, poke fun at Donald's lawsuit, as it is bonkers, but even with a bonkers request, Donald has a good chance of DOJ saying, you got it buddy.

Sometimes, it comes down to attitude at DOJ, although they call is prosecutorial discretion.

Notice how DOJ will bend over backwards to the extent that surgery is required to not appear political, as will Joe Biden, but Trump will gladly accept Judge Aileen Cannon that he appointed, not fearing the optics of how it might look political?

Trump is basing his request for a Special Master on claims of executive privilege (EP), implying the docs belong to NARA.

Cannot use EP to protect Executive Branch from Executive Branch.

But Trump knows all this and his purpose is to have all the media calling him a

dummy and his lawyers dummies but they're intentionally being stupid to create an illusion and perception that DOJ is targeting him and out to get him.

The MAGA party will have Mike Turner and others on confusing people to attempt to have ppl believe it's business as

usual and that Donald is being treated so unfairly.

That's the game plan - be dumb by design in your legal filings as Donald knows justice system can be exploited and treated as a playground for a media narrative.

Bill Kristol has it right:


Contempt for rule of law is how Donald operates, and you can't blame him at this point as he is above the law, despite the AG claiming no one is above the law.

Donald continues to prove otherwise.

I've accepted that is how DOJ operates until it proves otherwise.

Ongoing investigations do not mean he's not above the law.

Convictions mean he is not above the law. DOJ could investigate for years and never charge as cover and narrative if they never intend to charge, which would be the case if Donald works for intelligence, which I do

NOT believe is the case in 2022, but I believe he was an informant in decades past on some things, with some probability that is > 0%.

Does not mean that's the case, but reasonable to infer it was feasible in the past at one time.

Criminals sometimes become informants.

Donald's lawyer's do not file notices of appearance per Local Rule 4(b) of the rules governing the admission, practice, peer review, and discipline of attorneys.

Even Trump Judge Cannon is like - check out the website for a how to.

Cannon will be super nice to the Image

Trump lawyers although they failed to submit a sworn affidavit or declaration to support their factual allegations in their “brief.”

Because these idiot judges are clueless morons is one reasonable explanation.

Judge Aileen Cannon is a Trump appointee confirmed by the

then-corrupt GOP Senate (who failed to convict Donald at either sham trial) about a week after Trump’s defeat in the 2020 election.

Lawyer Bobb is hilarious.


8/21/2022 by Jennifer Cohn

Underreported And Massive Theocratic Movement Joins Forces With Michael Flynn And Roger Stone


The lawyer's commend DOJ for taking its time to build an "air-tight" case and to collect documentary evidence that can be used in a jury trial that a jury can't ignore.

The trade-off was DOJ allowed America's most secret secrets to sit in rooms


a private club that rich people and foreign governments frequent, including spies for foreign governments.

I'm not sure that's a smart trade-off that was made, treating such information as not important enough to send in some elite military group to retrieve.

People will

say, but rule of law, and gotta take 4 months from the time Donald got notice of FBI involvement to the search warrant to build that air-tight case.

Much can happen in 4 months with the most closely guarded secrets of the U.S., including Top Secret,

Sensitive Compartmented Information and Special Access Program information.

Imagine DOJ not charging those responsible, after sitting around for at least 4 months to build that air-tight case being created by those wizard we hear about at DOJ.

"before I came into office"

The MAGA party Trumper's elected Jared Kushner.

Donald was just the mouth-piece while Jared was the "brains" behind it.


Garland on 8/11/22 noted he personally approved the decision to seek a search warrant.

It's probably because Garland treats Donald as very special, providing him months to just comply.

But ones does wonder whether the referenced Atomic Energy Act Image

is in play?

I doubt it, not because I doubt Donald would sell nuclear secrets, but because I doubt the DOJ had knowledge of it.

WaPo 8/23/22


Wait. DOJ gave Trump's "lawyers" time to look at documents to determine Executive Privilege, when the Image

Docs are that sensitive? Plays right into Donald's narrative.

The May 10 letter said government lawyers had concluded that executive privilege is held by the current president, not a former one, and that President Biden had delegated to Steidel Wall the decision as to

whether the FBI should be allowed to view the records.

“I have therefore decided not to honor the former President’s ‘protective’ claim of privilege,” she wrote, indicating she would allow the FBI to begin viewing the records in two days.

Before it was released

publicly, the letter was published by John Solomon, a Trump ally who runs a news website.

President Biden delegated to Steidel Wall the decision as to whether the FBI should be allowed to view the records.

What if Wall had said, no, FBI can't view the documents and

Donald gets to keep his prizes in his bedroom?

Philbin and Eisenberg do not know how classified docs got into boxes that were at Mar-a-Lago.

Does anyone besides the ppl who stole the classified info know how it got to Mar-a-Lago?

Lawyer Corcoran asked the Archives

to delay granting FBI access at Mar-a-Lago.

I find the Biden Admin handling of recovering top secret documents as a let's give them time approach to be utterly stupid.

You'd think Biden would send in a special ops team to take back stolen property to secure it.

Why wouldn't that be the urgency with which the situation is treated, given Donald tried a self-coup leading up to Jan 6, failing on Jan 6, and still tried to steal an election up until his final day in office.

You find out the guy is holding onto secrets and you give him

special treatment and months to comply?

Is that not utterly insane and a dereliction of duty by the Biden Administration?

While Biden has the 'let's just move on and forget Donald' attitude, a hostile foreign adversary could very well have had access to the nations top secrets while team Biden was like, we really want to forgive and forget and not be involved.

NY Times 8/23/2022


After the first impeachment, Donald tweeted a video claiming he would be President 4 Life and tweeted '4EVA' as well.

Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping in March 2018 after the ruling Communist party announced

it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida

aired by CNN in March 2018.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Rolling Stones: 8/23/2022

rollingstone.com/politics/polit… Image

John Solomon has claimed the letter proves Biden meddling.

The real scandal would be if Biden did NOT order stolen top-secret information be reclaimed and secured from a guy who tried a self-coup.

And that appears to be the actual case: Biden handed off decision making Image

to NARA acting Archivist Debra Wall.

Done by the book, but here, by the book meant leaving top secrets with a 'very stable genius' who attempted a self-coup.

I think maybe the book needs updated.


Many of those born wealthy, inheriting $0.5B, like Donald, for instance, are perceived as delusional.

Rich guys born into money like to refer to themselves using their last name (e.g., 'so much so that Trump doesn't have to worry about it.')


Men born into money lie to themselves to cope with their own inadequacy and to understand how they have so much, relative to their harder working peers, while being so inadequate.

Donald appears to have wanted some specific material in boxes, like maybe the real read-out from the extortion call that he always calls 'the perfect call,' for which a doctored version of the readout was provided for impeachment 1. Image

And the prior linked WaPo article:

“It could not be determined who was involved with packing the boxes at Mar-a-Lago or why some White House documents were not sent to the Archives, though people familiar with the episode said Trump oversaw the process himself, and did

so with great secrecy."

Cannot claim no one is above the law when for ages, Diplomats have repeatedly shown Americans that they are above American laws.


Steve Engel wrote the Memo as a Trump DOJ political appointee.

He was not a career prosecutor.

You'd think AG Garland would seek to punish for such conduct, but I dunno about Mr. Garland.

int.nyt.com/data/documentt… Image

BS Meter peaking on this Steve Engel Memo.

You know Kenn Starr and Brett Kavanaugh never once thought that the Clinton blow-job investigation was interfering w/his governing agenda. Oh wait, they did, all the time, and that was the whole point. Image

Plus having a political appointee make a declination decision is fraud.

DOJ is a criminal organization since those w/power that ran DOJ were crooks.

Trump is above the law. Image

Comrade Trump can't pay his bills but he sure had plenty of stolen top secret docs and NDI.


Under AG Garland, do you think William Barr, Steven Engel, or O'Callighan will ever be referred to the OPR and IG to assess ethical obligation violations?

What about DOJ regs with intent to deceive Congress and the public?

In two years, the Garland defenders will be

defenseless when we find out no referrals made of Barr, Engel, O'Callighan.

OPR should be able to issue a report that would instigate a disbarment.

Attitude is what's missing from Mr. Attorney General.

Stolen NDI?

Well, Donald refused to return documents and from June 3 to Aug 8, had been asked to return and did NOT.

Once you check out a book and fail to return, it's stolen property, right?

Of course, we're not talking books.


Spy of foreign adversary already known to have infiltrated Mar-a-Lago, the private resort where Donald was keeping NDI just steps from the pool boy's cabana.

You know it's not hard for a pretty young woman to get access to Donald's closets.


Michael Cohen: Mr. Trump speak in code.

Mr. Trump: Hold my Beer. Image

Meanwhile, the GSA on Friday rebuts Donald's bullshitting. Image

Forgot the link to the spy story.


The fact that DOJ allowed Donald to retain NDI docs (per June 8 "as long as they are secured" letter) knowing that Donald previously had unauthorized willful possession of NDI, undercuts likelihood of indictment, based on unauthorized, willful, possession after June 8th.

Does not make AG Garland look like that genius wizard ppl make him out to be by giving so much deference to Donald.

Makes him look stupid. I hear ppl saying, giving Donald time allowed AG Garland to build an air-tight case.

Okay .. we'll see.

Kash Patel - yes, don't see how DOJ does not indict.

Redacted affidavit makes clear DOJ is not buying Kash Patel story that Donald declassified the docs while POTUS.
4530 Image

Chad Wolf, wittingly or unwittingly, was acting to benefit the Russian Federation.

What docs are at MAL showing Chad Wolf's directive regarding EO13848?

Just one of many docs a cute Russian spy might want to obtain from useful idiots.


Fails to mention for what specific crimes.


From useful idiot Mulvaney and "but her emails" says "just about documents." Image

Useful idiot Grassley is just what the Russian Federation needs - Senator's to give legitimacy to a "cover-up" story that was simply Russian DisInfo paid for by D Firtash.

Guess Ron Johnson, Ted Cruz, Marsha Blackburn, Josh Hawley, Tom Cotton, L Graham can't do it alone. Image

It is always a delay strategy to delay until someone friendly to the criminal enterprise is in power. Image

NY Times 8/26/2022


John Woo clearly driven by money and will say what you want when paid.


WSJ Editorial Board clearly serve the top 20% and the slice at the very top who operates above any laws.


How? The usual lying and hypocrisy the GOP exercises that the Garland DOJ may choose to also exercise by failing to prosecute.


Useful idiot John Ratcliffe.


ODNI Avril Haines, to contrast with Ratcliffe, will lead an “assessment of the potential risk to national security that would result from the disclosure of the relevant documents.”

She says this will not “unduly interfere with DOJ’s ongoing criminal investigation.”

Putin and MBS are laughing their assess off at how stupid Donald makes US Intel community appear.

Attacks in DC and Miami, places Donald had a hotel, resort, or golf club while serving as an installed useful idiot for four years.



A Florida-based Russian businessman called Valery Tarasenko said in court documents that Yashchyshyn [woman in the photo] used 'her fake identity as Anna de Rothschild to gain access to and build relationships with U.S. politician[s], Image

including but not limited to Donald Trump, Lindsey Graham, and Eric Greitens.'

Meanwhile, the Trump Org, under indictment, has managed to rework almost all $900M of the debt it had coming due.

Two of its most troublesome Deutsche Bank loans, totaling $295M, are now

off the books, due to magical refinancing with Axos a Kushner family linked bank.


With headquarters in San Diego and Las Vegas, Axos is not a major financial player, with a market cap below $3 billion.

(Bank of America, by contrast, is worth $327 billion.) The firm launched on July 4th, 1999, as one of the country’s first digital banks — known then as Bank of the Internet USA. It went public in 2005 with the stock ticker BOFI.

Axos bank CEO and execs are prolific donors to Republican candidates and campaign committees.

Federal campaign records show Garrabrants giving heavily to the GOP in 2018, donating to a slew of Senate candidates including Missouri’s Josh Hawley, Texas’ Ted Cruz, and

Tennessee’s Marsha Blackburn.

He also supported the campaign of Devin Nunes.

Axos has several ties to Kushner.

Translation: where is the regulator's? This "bank" is screaming fraud and money laundering.

We hear about Jared Kushner's $2B from the Saudis, but we forget Steve Mnuchin was paid $1B by the Saudis too.

Why did the Saudi's treat Trump Admin like gold?

Because the useful idiots were a gold mine. Image

When you admit you had your leaker(s) from FBI / SDNY create the conditions for James Comey to produce an October letter regarding finding new info on the Weiner laptop pertaining to Hilary's emails. Image


GRU knew this in 2015, 2016, 2017, ....

"In sweeping and systematic fashion ... "

Mike Flynn was an intel expert.

Phil Waldron’s specialty was psychological operations, or PSYOPs, targeting foreign adversaries, as a Dec 2003 Army field manual describes:


“to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and Image

ultimately, the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.”

Organizations like GOP, Christian Nationalist churches, PACs, individuals like those in Trump Campaign, groups like voter's targeted with Cambridge Analytics / FB data, etc.

If Loomer is talking about that "routine audit" of Donald' taxes, it's just a joke. Image

Back to the useful idiot Trump Judge, Cannon, who requests seeing docs under seal.

She's like, let's see how far those fools at DOJ will permit me to take this, and how long can I stall for my client, Donald?


What she says:

Who serves Jared and who does Jared serve?

How many at DOJ are in on the plot?

All the ppl saying we cannot investigate Donald, let alone prosecute, are telling on themselves.

Meanwhile, Garland dots the Is and crosses the Ts, but of the words Institutional Complicity, not of the words, Indict or Prosecute.

Investigate, yes, but also must indict.

With no accountability or slow-rolling it, you assist any PsyOps whose goal it is to convince you the 2020 election was stolen.

Biden not firing IGs Trump appointed who still obstruct is just assisting an adversary by slow-rolling a more truthful narrative from emerging. Image

Use Trump to make "it look legit" in the 1980s / 1990s.

1993 hearing before the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations in a hearing on corruption in boxing.


In plain sight: if rule of law functioned in the United States, Donald Trump would have been impeached when he pardoned Stone and Flynn, weeks before 1/6.

Nov 25, 2021


According to Stephanie Grisham, Trump’s director of communications at the time:

Boxes of documents even came with Trump on foreign travel, following him to hotel rooms around the world — including countries


considered foreign adversaries of the United States.

GOP normalized reckless behavior. Surprised GOP didn't just write Putin a check and hand over Alaska.

Aileen Cannon is one of Donald's useful idiots.

Cannon didn't require sworn declarations, so Trump's team prevaricated.

Cannon didn't ask for a response from DOJ before jumping to conclusions.

justsecurity.org/82873/assessin… Image

Cannon is clearly Trump's defense counsel!

She selectively chooses not to know certain things by conveniently ignoring facts by not asking for sworn declarations.

Trump had filed the H Clinton case in Fort Pierce Division, as Trump loves Aileen Cannon.


M Garland has not been the right person for the job, which was obvious from the start.


Remember Helsinki?

Trump: I meant "I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be Russia"


AG Garland has the power to authorize filing of charges as to stolen documents case this week in D.C. to move the case away from Aileen Cannon.

Garland will yawn and just move-on.

Aileen Cannon Senate Judiciary Questionnaire:

Why does the GOP Senate even pretend? It's all bullshitting, lying, and hypocrisy. Image

Donald Trump: "I can do whatever I want."

Aileen Cannon: "Hold my Beer."


Cannon can do what she wants unless and until Garland charges someone.

Trump is laughing all the way to the bank.

The topic was on his mind.

Wonder why?


Lindsey Graham is by association a domestic terrorist.


While Kushner and Trump want ppl to believe they brought peace to the middle east, the message today is violence and riots in America or rule of law but not both.

The perfect mark and gift that keeps on giving.


Lindsey Graham and Josh Hawley threatening riots in the street are desperate for a more violent J6 event to prevent any investigations from revealing any proof beyond reasonable doubt as to their own culpability.

There will be celebrations across the globe.

Gowdy expects his viewers are brain dead.


Witting or unwittingly, the authoritarian take-over is working to control 2024 outcome. Image

After one sugar daddy Fl billionaire pays off Little Marco (e.g., wealthy ppl buy a politician by laundering bribery money into book purchases), what sugar daddy did Marco pick up to presumably replace Burr on Senate Intel ?


DOJ should not brief the Gang of Eight on the investigation (Mike Turner, Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham are useful idiots and crooks).

Richard Burr and Devin Nunes used to leak to Trump.

When Burr was in the hot seat, don't be surprised to learn Marco Rubio was put on

Senate Intel to be a compensated useful idiot.

SSCI Chair Richard Burr told Don McGahn whom the FBI was investigating in March 2017.

IOW, Burr was feeding Trump Intel. No wonder he got the hot stock tips.

Marco Rubio gets laundered book money and maybe stock tips too? Image

Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler, and Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe are also crooks willing to trade information and Senate votes for $$$.

Marco Rubio, Mike Turner, Kevin McCarthy are all on Gang of Eight and any one of them would happily leak information to Trump's lawyer's.

Mitch McConnell has earned the term old crow, presumably because he has not played along to feed intel.


Since we were discussing useful idiots on Senate Intel Committee, not only was Donald Trump a client, ... ?


Now we learn the search was to distract from gas prices.

Joni Ernst telling the MAGA ppl she thinks they're so distractable, Brandon can pull a search and poof, they'd all forget about the Fox gas price spin.

The MAGA Senator's expect stupid ppl.


Back to the Richard Burr story.

After he fed Don McGahn (and Trump WH therefore Trump) Intel, he stopped playing traitor, it seems, so AG Barr took his orders to target Burr.

Wonder how long it takes presumably unwitting useful idiots to figure out what they're part of?

Would Trump take an insanity defense?

Would we ever see those medical records Donald sent his body guard to steal from the Trump family doctor?

In the unlikely even it comes to an indictment, Alford Plea over insanity defense for the narcissist enables him to maintain

innocence while acknowledging that there’s sufficient evidence to convince a jury he’s guilty, with his story that the deep state had doctored evidence and is out to get him.

DWAC shareholders must vote to extend the deadline for the merger with Trump Media that is in limbo because of multiple investigations.

Donald is probably trying to get his site shut down by intentionally making threats for armed violence on the site so he can play victim

of a deep state out to get him.

Classic trick to cover for incompetence at pulling off a money laundering venue: try to get shut down to create a story that is more beneficial to you than the story of a failing Truth Social.

Tony Ornato unsurprisingly retires from SS to pursue private sector, meaning, time to collect on that favor with a sweet compensation in the private sector from those he served, most likely.


Trump asks you to suspend your reality and believe the "golden showers" from Steele Dossier is fake but his Intel on Macro is legit.


Obstructionist Jim Jordan attempting to interfere with an IG. ImageImageImage

Numbering skipped one last tweet.

Richard Grenell full on MAGA witting useful idiot.

Wonder what his compensation package looks like?

Donald has PACs to fund all this garbage. Will he get money laundered through books sales next?


Even Donald's so-called "medical doctor" Ronny Jackson does PR dis-info regularly over on Fox.

Perhaps the Fox paychecks are the payback for the activities Ronny permitted and covered up?

Another laundering scheme.


Totally normal for an MD to be talking about FBI planting evidence, right?

These useful idiots get paid via network TV contracts, book sales, etc.

While they are at it, isn't it instructive neither demand a re-do of the 2020 Bush v Gore election for which Roger Stone engineered a riot in Florida and corrupt recount?


In June 2022, Trump team refused to allow the FBI agents to look at the boxes in the storage room.

Obvious obstruction & concealment of classified records, and willfully retaining them in an unauthorized location.

Filing PDF: s3.documentcloud.org/documents/2227…

Delayed as usual for Trump legal teams.

Obstructed, as Trump did per Mueller on investigation into 2016 Trump Campaign and ties to Russia.

Trump team resisted Government efforts to recover classified Docs.


Trump (or his staff) concealed the records from investigators.

Must be indictments or DOJ resignations.

Obstruction 18 USC 1519 seems so obvious (via the lawyer's committing it).

18 USC 402 (disobeying the GJ subpoena) seems obvious. ImageImage

Trump never claimed the documents were declassified. Image

Recall Cassidy Hutchinson dumped the Trump attorney for another, Jody Hunt.

Donald's PAC or GOP has been paying for the attorney's of witnesses.

Under a common defense privilege arrangement, a witness lawyer can blab to Trump's team when a witness "flips" or reveals

anything that exposes Donald.

Suspect that is what happened with Cassidy Hutchinson, and no doubt, has happened w / others.

Did Trump tell lawyer’s Bobb and Corcoran that a thorough search had been done, leading them to commit obstruction and perjury and to lie to federal agents?

Or did lawyer Bobb do it all on her own?


The stmt on the diligent search where either Bobb, Corcoran, or Trump is lying or some combination thereof, committing obstruction and perjury. Image

Amici are former federal prosecutors Donald B. Ayer, Gregory A. Brower, John J.
Farmer Jr., Stuart M. Gerson, Peter D. Keisler, William F. Weld, and former New Jersey
Governor Christine Todd Whitman.

Why Trump's Special Master request should be



Will Trump appointed useful idiot Judge Cannon obstruct and permit the Special Master request, and if she does, not sure there is anything DOJ can do but it's up to Senate to penalize a corrupt and rogue federal judge, right?

Trump's passports were commingled with docs he was not allowed to have.

Trump used the passports as a talking point to gin up violence against FBI agents and DOJ prosecutor's. ImageImage

The person who did this, Donald, was part of a winning presidential campaign in 2016, infiltrated by Russian agents, arguing that his opponent could not be trusted with classified information, using evidence obtained, in part, from foreign adversaries.

Think Ornato will plead the 5th to a Grand Jury?


Given Donald Trump never read the PDBs, why would he read the stolen NDI?

Was it not for him?

Or was it valuable enough to him, personally, to read it?

The MAGA Trumper's think that if AG Garland does NOT indict now, it's due to politics.

Memo to Garland - rather than worry about looking political near mid-terms, indict when you have the evidence.

Donald is not running for Senate or House so what is the excuse? Image

Dates from Docs in the photo DOJ released 8/30/22 in reference to the July Trump - Putin meeting and the July 'perfect call' the following year.


If DOJ fails to indict Donald Trump for any crimes, I suppose that means Joe can steal NDI and place the secrets in Hunter's sock drawer's and MAGA would claim the docs belong to Joe, right?

Lindsey Graham would be threatening violence if Hunter's drawers are searched?

Memo to Putin and MBS: When a guy blows a $450 million inheritance and bankrupts casinos, and bangs porn chicks w/out protection, that guy is probably gonna fuck up being your useful idiot.

Which brings us to Melania. Do either of you know her?

Donald feeding info on ImageImage

nuclear stockpiles?


Locations? I'm going w/locations.

It's poetic that the useful idiot Judge goes by Cannon.

Trump whipping out his Cannon, referring to Aileen Cannon.

Ivanna sounds a bit like Melania ...

"We eat our pizza the wrong way."

Richard Grennell and other useful idiots piggy back on Donald's messaging.

When you have your passports next to NDI in your desk drawers, it does make it seem like you might have thought about travelling with NDI. Image

This is ludicrous non-sense.

Donald is not on the ballot in Nov 2022.

The AG can indict and does not need stupid excuses. Image

Melania allegedly would never allow Donald to put his items in her space.

Later, she will be calling this fake news.


Did Donald have an unredacted copy of the Carter Page application, as John Solomon suggested he did?

Why not, it ain't like AG Garland would separately charge him with that.

Trump has the world laughing at DOJ for treating him special.


If Trump’s lawyer, Evan Corcoran, and his custodian of records, Christina Bobb, are charged w/obstructing justice, will they continue to lie, or will they point their fingers at their boss?

Trump today, 8/31/22, claiming he declassified admits he knew the content.

Will lawyer Bobb think about talking to prosecutors about any "instructions" she received about responding to DOJ's subpoena, or is Bobb an asset of a foreign intel op ready to go all the way, hell or high water?

Trump attorney Alina Habba told NY State AG in May that

she personally searched for materials in that investigation all over Mar-a-Lago.

Did Habba come across NDI without a clearance?

Decoder ring:


The lie Trump is telling, claiming declassification, is that he formally withdrew government-wide protections for information that could be used to burn human sources of intelligence, presumably putting them at much greater risk of being murdered.

You are desperate when

you're claiming you declassified such information, revealing such reckless conduct.

Why would you make that information not as protected?

Darrell Issa, a known useful idiot who likes the money. Image

Kristi Noem, another useful idiot, not knowing what to say, gives boiler plate.


Donald: "luckily I declassified."

Why declassify and haphazardly store info taht can burn human sources of intelligence, presumably putting them at much greater risk of being murdered?

That's a flex to admit? Image

Plus, Donald says he secretly declassified, without telling anyone or clearing it with agencies.

It's almost like Donald deliberately exposed sources and methods to assist adversaries.

What was his payday?

AG Garland, after finding Trump had information and claimed he secretly declassified info that can reveal sources and methods, among other info, deciding, you know, we can wait this out a few more months, it ain't like he can't do any more damage, right?

I mean, if Donald Image

gets a few sources killed, no biggie, is the implication when you put politics over national security, as it is being reported that AG Garland may do.

Lawyer Bobb on Jan 5, 2021.

The Department of Homeland Security deleted January 2021 text messages from Trump appointees Chad Wolf and Ken Cuccinelli, messages sent and received during the same period of time former DHS employee and Trump lawyer Christina Bobb, then Image

posing as a “reporter” for far-right propaganda outlet OANN, was lobbying DHS to seize ballots and voting machines from her perch inside the Trump “war room” and “command center” at D.C.’s Willard Hotel.

Christina Bobb and Chanel Rion were posing as a “journalist” for OANN

on January 6th.

Lawyer Bobb Bobb wrote two versions of the executive order that circulated amongst Team Kraken and Trump’s lawyers the day before the six-hour December 18 Team Kraken-Team Trump summit at the White House.

By December 17, just 72 hours after all Trump’s

legal options to remain in power officially expired, Phil Waldron was passing around, via a series of urgent emails to Flynn, Giuliani, Ramsland, Katherine Friess, one of the executive orders that lawyer Bobb had co-written.

Is lawyer Bobb a foreign intel asset?

Bobb “was on at least one conference call about setting up alternate slates of electors for the January 6 certification vote."


Lawyer Bobb advocated for the partisan “audit” of the 2020 presidential election conducted in Arizona, where Stop the Steal / Mike Flynn's group had infiltrated the state legislature.

WaPo 8/31/2022

WaPo focusing on date of the docs in the photo, which WaPo think is Aug. 26, 2018.


In early 2018, Trump signed into law legislation that “stiffened the penalty for the unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents from

one year to five years, turning it into a felony offense.”

In 2018, Trump’s Department of Defense awarded a contract worth over $60,000 to Pointstream Inc., a cybersecurity firm whose CEO is Phil Waldron, and that once employed Ezra Cohen-Watnick.


Sean O’Donnell became DoD-IG, in charge of money laundering prosecutions at DOJ, in 2018.

Both Phil Waldron and Ezra Cohen-Watnick worked under Mike Flynn at the DIA.

In late 2018, WaPo, writing of Sidney Powell’s “kraken” lawsuits in November and December of 2020,

reported that Powell had “been briefed [by ASOG] two years earlier [on Ramsland’s Venezuela-focused conspiracy theory]."

ASOG is Dallas-based Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG), owned by Russell Ramsland [in photo] w Bobb.

ASOG was founded in Texas by Adam Kraft in Image


Kraft was a “senior official at the Defense Intelligence Agency” under Michael Flynn.

The two other co-founders of ASOG were Alvan “Locke” Neely, a former U.S. Secret Service agent, and J. Keet Lewis, at the time a member of the executive committee of the Council

for National Policy (CNP).

Remember that massive “blue wave” of Democratic congressional wins in 2018?

Getting back to WaPo's fixation on Aug 26, 2018.

Mike Flynn had infiltrated ASOG and Russell Ramsland is another useful idiot.

In 2016, Ramsland unsuccessfully ran

for Congress in Texas as a Tea Party candidate.

As WaPo reported in May 2021, “on November 15, 2020, Trump retweeted to his millions of online followers a video clip of [Russell] Ramsland [falsely] saying in a pre-election interview


that votes from 29 states were routed through ‘a server in Frankfurt, Germany’ and that [Spanish electronic voting system company] Scytl ‘controls and reports your vote.’

Ramsland contributed material to [Sideny] Powell’s lawsuits.

A Ramsland claim

[about the 2020 election] was amplified by Rudy Giuliani and Sideny Powell at a [November 19, 2020] news conference at the headquarters of the Republican National Committee.”

Flynn had Ramsland at ASOG doing PsyOp work w/ Phil Waldron and feeding Trump's useful idiot

lawyer's cooked information, and lawyer Bobb seems like more than an innocent useful idiot lawyer in the operations.

Intermission: So many stupid people in America, born into wealth and privilege, hold public offices, CEO roles, etc.


Useful idiot Andy Biggs, part of the conspiracy, witting actor.


Alina Habba running w/ the declassification story on propaganda network Real Voice America on 8/31/22.

Trump is unofficially now asserting he declassified everything recovered at least, but he never formally declassified and never told DOJ.


Had Trump formally declassified, he would have had to notify all agencies responsible for the respective intel.

The agencies would have taken steps to protect sources and methods.

Wouldn't you want to take steps to protect sources and methods


when you assert a private and secret right to declassify w/out informing agencies?

Oh wait. That does not even jive.

Had agencies been informed and taken steps to protect sources and methods, then the info Trump had would be worth less $$$.

Trump needed stolen NDI to

have value and hence never declassified and claims now he did, but secretly, previously.

IOW, had to ensure agencies were in the dark and not taking steps to protect sources and methods to get highest value out of the stolen Intel.

Plus a common defense agreement among the lawyers means Trump gets fed info about Navarro's comms w / prosecutor's and wld be tipped off if Navarro said anything incriminating.


Took the docs out of cartons, so the docs were not planted, but there in cartons, and the agents did spread them on the carpet for some evidentiary photos.

Alina Habba told a NY court that 6 days before the subpoena, as part of the AG investigation, and w/ Trump's Image

authorization, she searched MAL looking for records responsive to that subpoena.

How come Habba missed the cartons?

Was Donald moving cartons around to obstruct?

Trump obstructing justice for months is why we're close(r) to Nov 2022. It's like he had a plan to delay.

Pattern & Practice when no consequences (other than petty cash payouts)


Alina Habba NY Filing

She searched all desks, drawers, file cabinets ...

But, those cartons came from where?

And the NDI mixed w /passports in the drawers?

What if Habba is a spy and is conveniently a Trump lawyer for access to NDI? Image

Habba spends time at Bedminister, NJ club.

Wonder what docs they have stashed in Bedminister, NJ?

Was Habba aiding and abetting Trump?

Was she just lying to conceal what she presumably would have seen had she done a search as she stated?

There is probable cause to believe that Trump and his lawyers are hiding contraband in Bedminister, NJ that they have deliberately kept from law enforcement and the courts.

Habba and Bobb have been willing to commit possible crimes to obstruct and hide info.

Do you think the pressure AG Garland hears from Lindsey Graham, Josh Hawley, Ron Johnson, Mike Turner, etc will prevent DOJ from asking a NJ judge to approve a warrant to search Bedminister?

If a search is not executed in Bedminister, NJ, Garland is failing in his job!


After Trump began personally curating the classified stolen records he was hiding in late 2021, some of those records were removed from the storage area.

To NJ? NY? Image

It is not like Trump doesn't have a history of divulging intel secrets to the Russians.

He did so from the White House in May 2017 with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak when he provided military intelligence from Israel to

Russian spies in the WH.

Donald was the soccer ball, the inanimate object a foreign agent places in a space, boogeyed w/listening equipment to collect intel.

It's not like in 2017 the U.S. intelligence community did not have to withdraw


one of its leading human-intelligence assets in Moscow because Donald Trump's big mouth.

It is not like MBS has not boasted that Jared Kushner is in his pocket after Donald declassified intel on Saudi dissidents.


It's not like Trump wasn't going rogue on phone security while President.


You might use unsecure phones to discuss classified intel when your goal is for a foreign intel op to receive that info. Image

It's not like Trump was not at war with what he called the American 'deep state' and sided with Putin over American intel in July 2018.


Donald Trump was the soccer ball.

The other soccer ball was just a deception. Image

AG Garland provided Trump 18 months to just comply.

NARA burned a year trying to negotiate with Donald after Biden said you deal w/ it NARA lady.


DOJ spent months negotiating with Trump and his lawyers.

If you stole NDI, every single property you owned or leased would have been searched for classified records.

So, why hasn't AG Garland gotten a warrant to search Bedminister, NJ?

Just Comply

Donald said, no, I'm special, go away.

And they did for a while.

Kash Patel probably convinced Donald he was entitled to stolen NDI.

Kash Patel was at one time Principal Deputy at ODNI.


In that position, Kash Patel was the #2 intel official.

ODNI and the IC agencies under him would be regularly filing declarations in cases claiming certain info was classified.

If Trump did declassify, Patel would know it, but didn't tell those under him?

Patel a spy?

Expect Donald or Habba or Bobb or Patel to have moved docs from Mar-a-Lago to Bedminister, NJ.

Team Trump had led FBI agents to believe all the items were in a single storage location as of June 8, 2022, which was false.

Of course they'd not tell you of items in NJ. Image

If the U.S. intelligence community has evidence suggesting that Trump sought to sell America’s secrets to the Saudis or the Russians, or even that he sought to give away secrets for favorable business treatment, will the IC hide information from the American people as it

hid critical evidence of Trump's malfeasance during both the Trump-Russia and Trump-Ukraine scandals?

In both cases the IC insisted it had to hide info from the public for national security reasons.

There is still more to the 2016 election that is hidden most likely.

The IC should know by now that Trump will do all the obstructing and it's best the IC be transparent.

Lives will be at risk when the IC is silent so just be transparent, right?

In June 2022 Trump knew he was still hiding classified documents from federal investigators.

Heck, Trump greeted FBI agents who had come to his Fl estate, but refused to answer any of their questions, leaving them in the company of Evan Corcoran and Christina Bobb,

who he must have known would sign a false statement claiming that Trump had no more classified records to surrender to federal law enforcement.

NY Times Aug 13, 2022


When one observes that Trump uses his lawyers as useful idiots to commit crimes, one then asks, when would a foreign intel op send Trump a lawyer, ready to commit crimes, to gain access to information?

Will Trump flee to the Middle East, seeking the protections of Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Turkey?


Trump has discussed with friends the possibility that he would leave the country to go to foreign nations which he’d be most likely to sell U.S.

nuclear secrets.

Let's say Trump declassified docs only he was entitled to view as President, but told no one, except maybe Kash Patel, if I'm following his story.

Trump would be empowering himself to secretly show the documents that he had stolen to persons not

otherwise entitled to see them, under circumstances in which he had a legal excuse for doing so if he got caught doing so.

Why not claim you declassified everything and only you and Kash knew about it?

See how far you can run with that story when you think DOJ is full

of powerless fools.

What I wonder is, has the declassification story been pushed to Trump by Kash Patel, and Trump is the useful idiot, or is it the other way around?

Did Trump ever declare that he planned to make the information that he’d stolen public for free either through a future presidential museum or any other means?


Don't be fooled. We know he stole info on Special Access Programs, the highest-value secrets of America,

and we know he stole nuclear secrets.

Think about it this way.

Donald knew he had the stolen info.

Donald could decide who else could see or hear the info.

Donald, via the declassification story, would be in a position to ensure that no one gets in trouble for

viewing docs secretly if such a secret viewing was subsequently discovered by the public.

Donald wasn't about to make the docs public to the American public.


Dude was hoarding them to maintain highest value!

It's logical to assume that Trump planned all along to use to his political benefit, stolen NDI, if he were caught, and for his personal financial benefit if he were not caught.

Has anyone asked Donald, simply, why did you take the records?

Don't ask him, why did you

steal the records?

Just say 'take.'

Ask Donald, how much of what you took is missing?

Did lawyer Habba rummage through stolen NDI? Lawyer Bobb?

Anything not copied or removed or photographed or transmitted can still be summarized in a newly created document.


AG Garland can't separate the office of the president from the prior installed occupant.

Incompetence until there are indictments and charges.


Aileen Cannon about to provide a solid for Comrade Trump?


“possession of … Presidential records”

These Trump lawyer's really do expect DOJ is fool of powerless morons.

Are they correct? Image

How long until Donald's lawyers argue Donald has a right to do with top secret documents as he wishes?

AG Garland should then seek to hold Donald in solitary subject only to contact with attorneys with TS/SCI clearances.

Laughable to think AG Garland would actually

enforce such law and uphold rule of law when Donald's lawyer's argue Donald can do with top secret docs whatever the hell he pleases, including selling them for money.

What's the chance only Donald's lawyer's end up in prison and not Donald?

I suspect much higher than

career lawyer's believe as they have too much faith in American justice when it comes to wealthy people.

Indicting a former president would be unprecedented and Trump is banking on that as protection.

Do you know what was also unprecedented?

Inciting an insurrection

trying a self-coup, sharing intel with Russian spies, and stealing classified documents on your way out of the White House.

Prosecute Donald Trump or resign DOJ.

Lawyer Bobb is not on the latest filing.

The NRA records do not belong to Donald, but the lawyers represent

to Aileen Cannon that they do and thus Donald has standing, they argue.

Will the filing force AG Garland to file charges to prevent Cannon from granting a Special Master ability to see everything?

CIPA applies to only criminal proceedings and Garland's hand is so close

to being forced.

DOJ will not charge, however, unless they agree on "Goldilocks" docs.

Does Trump have "Goldilocks" docs hidden in NJ?

Trump's legal team seems to be forcing Garland to move on 793e but expect Garland will cower and only go for

Obstruction on an accelerated pace.

But the obstruction puzzle needs answered the question of whether lawyer Bobb or Corcoran lied?

Trump's lawyer's know Garland wants more time and are trying to speed up the process for once rather than the usual delay tactics.


I'm missing something as it feels I am.

Wait. Trump's lawyers (Bobb off the team on latest filing) do NOT say he declassified anything in his possession.

Trump is how many days away from saying “yeah I concealed the records, so what?” and daring DOJ to indict him before the midterms?

That what he wants?

Appears he wants prosecuted for obstruction now and nothing later.

The question for prosecutors on an obstruction case becomes whether the two lawyers willfully misled the DOJ so that Trump could keep the documents, or whether the lawyers made the representations because

they were misled by Trump.

Donald would love a he said / she said obstruction case and nothing more.

If Trump declassified everything, one would ask, why are his lawyers agreeing with DOJ that any Special Master should have a Top Secret/SCI security clearance?


the lawyers now do NOT say he declassified anything in his possession.

Change of course to speed up rather than slow down for once.

Pls give suspect on Obstruction Evan Corcoran access to status of investigation.


Cannon about to prove she's the useful idiot you think she is? Image

Donald's lawyer's asserting Donald is President on 8/31/2022.

Then say "in due time will establish standing to contest the unconstitutional search."

Translation: The criminal enterprise is banking on a mid-term favorable to House GOP to build narrative DOJ is corrupt. ImageImage

The bad news for the criminal enterprise is Sarah Palin lost in the #AKAL special election.

Separately, do you think Ron Johnson will pay Pam Travis legal fees from campaign money?


These numbskulls talking up reasonable expectations of privacy in one's home, while saying abortion is a crime, ignoring privacy ...

Anyhow, that applies only when / if homeowner is charged.

But Mar-a-Lago is not even a home w/a homeowner.

It's a private club with Image

a semi-permanent family whose patriarch purports to live there full time and call it his private home.

But if DOJ searches Bedminister or Trump Tower, will Donald's lawyer's call that his private home too?

With Trump's lawyer's appearing to be asking DOJ to charge obstruction in their PR masked as legal filing, wonder whether we'll see missile provocations from Russia and North Korea next week, just by coincidence?

So many MAGA candidates are tied to Trump heading into Nov 2022.

They have to go along w his lies or face reality that is harsh to their chances of getting elected.

When will ppl like Lindsey Graham pivot from Trump is innocent and there will be civil war to Biden

should pardon to 'heal the nation?'

Alina Habba 8/31/2022 divulges that Donald has guests, frequently, in the place where documents were recovered by FBI agents.


DOJ has been a joke to the wealthy behind J6.

Oath Keeper Lawyer Kellye SoRelle Has Been Indicted for Conspiracy but over a year late and DOJ failed to use her for information.

You never get a credible witness from a cesspool.

AG Garland insists

Jan 6 was a pyramid scheme and must be investigated from the bottom up.

The planners laugh all the way to the bank at the incompetence of DOJ.

The J6 planning was a concurrence of simultaneous plots and plotlines.

DOJ has approached it sequentially like fools.

However, even a DOJ of incompetence at the top can still indict people eventually since the bad guys were more incompetent.

That does not make DOJ a shining example as it has failed to proceed against Stone, Jones, Akbar.

During the 2020 campaign, Joe Biden promised he

would not do as Trump had done and fire IGs.

Biden took Trump's bait, hook-line-and-sinker like an idiot.

Cuffari at DHS should be fired.

Joe and Merrick could be performing much better holding criminals accountable.

Everyone is so desperate, they still get praise

for doing the least possible to hold the wealthy ones accountable.

Standing Order to declassify would be an abuse of power and impeachable offense.

The GOP Senate would not care, however, and would reward Donald's reckless behavior.


Special Master request by Trump: a red herring and waste of time.

IOW, a delay tactic and first favor from your corrupt Judge Cannon.


How long is the government going to take to get back gov property?

Facts show the government was being jerked around.

How long does the AG wait?

Even Bill Barr implies AG Garland has been driving miss daisy.


Failed self-coup and a GOP Senate that gives you a pass on two impeachments.

2016 Campaign infiltrated by Russian operatives.

43 empty classified folders --> are the contents in Bedminister? NY? Moscow? Saudi Arabia? ImageImage

Comrade Trump used Bill Barr and Bill Barr used him.

For now, Donald calls him a weak and pathetic RHINO.

The MAGA ppl are petty children.

By next year, Donald will be back to calling Bill Barr the greatest AG ever. ImageImage

Kevin McCarthy, Mike Turner, Jim Jordan, James Comer trying to obstruct.

Will Garland roll over?

That whole 'without fear or favor' line might just be bullshitting from the AG if he allows people like Mike Turner, Jim Jordan, and Kevin to influence an investigation. Image

Sadly, the investigation appears to be in its early stages since typically in espionage and natsec cases, a DOJ prosecutor pairs with a local prosecutor, and that's not happening.

The crooks in the House will try to shut down an investigation in its infancy from an AG

that waited until months prior to mid-terms, allowing Trump's ppl to delay.

Will DOJ allow Trump's lawyer's to dictate venue in S.D. Fla?

Or take reigns and move to D.D.C.?

How long until DOJ interviews ppl who packed the boxes found at Donald's private club?

The MAGA politics of normalization.


The MAGA politics to normalize then hypocrisy.


Remember Lisa Palmer?

Wonder whether she's ever met Mike Flynn, Phil Waldron, Al Hartman, or Russ Ramsland of ASOG?

ASOG is Dallas-based Allied Security Operations Group founded in Tx by Adam Kraft.


Dr Lisa Palmer, a psychotherapist who knows Donald Trump has hung out with criminal justice reformers so presumably her connection to Donald is innocent but, interesting hypothesis:


Another bullshitting "Sir ..." story.

One problem: Donald was not at the WH last week.


Taking out his anger from his own self-image on another.


Translation: Laws do not apply to people born wealthy.

It's that simple.


1923: Hitler’s coup failed. No real consequences.

10 years later, he and his co-conspirators took over Germany.

2021: Trump’s coup failed. No real consequences.

20 months later, he is holding hate rallies, his co-conspirators are still in Congress, his IGs are

still on the job, he gets his last-minute appointed federal judges (e.g., Aileen Cannon) to handle his case(s), and he dangles pardons to those involved with the planning and execution of the failed self-coup.

Meanwhile, Garland will spend a lifetime building that fairy

tale of an air-tight case.

How long before Trump dangles pardons for his attorneys- if he hasn’t already privately?

When Donald talks up the death penalty for drug dealers, it is just a temporary ask to provide a basis for eliminating his competition.

Have a thread

on that topic.

The reason MAGA Rs in the Senate (e.g., Ron Johnson, Tom Cotton, etc) and in the House call Biden's speech divisive was to prime the narrative for Trumps planned hate speech to get ppl comparing and contrasting.


Aileen Cannon finding out that under rule 65 she must issue a formal order bringing a criminal investigation to a grinding halt to most effectively do Trump's bidding.

Cannon is the kind who would issue a Rule 65 injunction, simply because she can, and DOJ can appeal.

AG Garland ignores since he knows his lack of charges to date enables.


Normalizing his criminal behavior by exaggerating other's behavior.

All he needs is dumb hateful people for that rhetoric to work as intended.


"Group of unelected ..."


"Before I came into office ..." says the unelected ...


A reason to indict Trump on something sooner rather than later is he will claim a blanket self-pardon, but before you laugh, that can buy him at least one year of delay.

Blackburn implies FBI and DOJ always been criminals. Image

But FBI falsely accused of misconduct at the same rally should have to hire lawyers?

Mixed messaging?


Donald Jr needs his followers to be brain dead.

Who would take folders with classified markings just to have empty folders lying around to make yourself look guilty? Image

And DOJ tries to convince people that no one is above the law.

Call a bullshitter a bullshitter?


Reality Winner was arrested and held in custody more than a year while prosecutor's built a case.

Donald is a greater threat to Nat Sec and gets special treatment only because the people running DOJ treat him special.


Donald will keep DOJ lawyers in court forever.

He can be arrested at any time.

He is above the law.

Why is everyone shocked that Aileen Cannon ruled for Trump, acting as Trump's counsel, for actions that even William P Barr called "a crock of shit?"

The fix was in by Nov 2020. She's not impartial fools!

As his appointee Cannon argues, a "wrongful indictment" of Donald

would cause "indelible stigma."

Cannon wants to protect Donald from indictment to prevent an unforgettable mark of disgrace of the guy that appointed her, and she say it in writing!

Injunction vs investigative use -> DOJ can and must appeal.

storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco… Image

Is the fix in with AG Garland too?

In 2000, the fix was in with Scalia.

Thread is spot on:

Will Cannon name Devin Nunes as Special Master?

When a Trump Judge gives Donald what he demands without legal justification, you'd expect Congress to

remove said Judge.

America is a failed state and banana republic unless and until the decision is appealed and corrected such that precedent is not etched in stone, although future courts would not follow the precedent set, one would conjecture.

Will an appeal hurt DOJ's position, however?

Cannon cites Nixon v. GSA (1977) to sustain EP claim, ignoring that the PRA (1978) was passed to create clarity around this subject.

Cannon conveniently ignores the fact that SCOTUS leaving former/present EP claims open was

vis a vis Congress, not in a completely intrabranch context.

Cannon assumes ODNI national security review can be done divorced from DOJ.

Will Cannon screw up the fingerprint review of who touched what? Isn't that the point?

DOJ has sufficient

evidence to indict now on at least one charge.

But Mr. Garland will spend a lifetime seeking an airtight case in a DOJ and federal court with air leaks.



The Cannon order is designed to stop the criminal investigation.

Can DOJ safely follow up on investigative steps it would have taken before the MAL search?

When that is a question, expect AG Garland to fumble and cease a criminal investigation.

Garland must now prove

steps were planned before the search to continue with investigate steps of the criminal investigation.

Again, Cannon decision was designed to stop the government’s criminal investigative review of materials.

Every defendant suffers massive reputational damage from an


To all drug dealers: have your lawyer cite this case law in other criminal cases!!!

Other judges will ignore you, but cite it anyway.

The Justice system is such a heaping pile of bullshit in America. It's a joke and total disgrace.

When Cannon enjoins the government from using Mar-A-Lago-seized records in its criminal investigation until a special master can be appointed to check for "privilege," I'm not sure it's only about delay.

It's about cooking what is permitted at trial to protect Donald.

Is Garland, if not a crooks, more afraid of Trump Judge Cannon acting in bad faith to drag the special master’s review out forever and to cook what's to be used as evidence, or more afraid of appeals courts acting in bad faith to drag on the appeals forever?

It's not like

a SCOTUS that is 1/3 Trump Judges doesn't have a documented history of delaying review of lower court orders to benefit MAGA Republicans and Republicans.

The appeal route leads to delay to afford opportunity for Trump 2024 to become reality.

AG Garland & DOJ could appeal the portion of the crooked Cannon decision enjoining Crim investigation proceeding, while defying her attempt to derail the criminal investigation.

Force SCOTUS to shut down DOJ and tell the crooks to go fuck themselves.

That's what is

missing from AG Garland. Not his style.

If any other former president had information that could assist in dealing w/a national security breach/threat, they would promptly meet w/executive branch officials & provide that information.

Trump not offering tells you all you

need to know.

It's not rocket science. Trump is concealing from the Biden Exec Branch to whom the secrets were sold, bartered, or given away for free.

SDFL allows Fort Pierce to be a judge shop for Trump and Epstein.

Who inside the federal system works for

the criminal enterprise?

Will people now be arguing whether a district court in FL can override the President's EP decisions without creating precedent?

Donald and Aileen to make a mockery of the courts and laugh all the way to the bank and the incompetence.

Indeed, Cannon has committed obstruction of justice by treating Donald as a king.

However, DOJ selectively fails to charge people with money or power with obstruction of justice.


It's almost like Cannon is auditioning to replace Clarence Thomas, should Trump regain power in 2024, by showing Donald she's willing to do all that she can to delay criminal investigations into Donald Trump and to obstruct investigations.

Cannon: if case gets to indictment only to find it was based on evidence the government shouldn't have, Trump would suffer a blow to his reputation unequal to ordinary people.

Cannon thinks Donald is a king from the 1200s.

In fairness, so too did Mick Mulvaney, in 2016. Image

Cannon audaciously decides we must protect one rich kid's ego over the security & independence of over 300 million Americans.

If Donald is feeding adversaries info or was a Manchurian Candidate, that's of less import than his ego if he's innocent of malice or ignorance.

The rational mind would assert DOJ will appeal to the Eleventh Circuit and Judge Cannon’s decision will be stayed and overturned.

That requires much faith in the federal courts.

Biden responding to Aileen Cannon's appearance at a rally:


Mystal gets it.

Not a rage peddler.

A realist angry at the corruption.

When you observe a Senate corruptly permit no conviction on two instances of impeachment while refusing to hear from witnesses, and also approve Supreme Court


selections by a corrupt President, without demanding investigations, while permitting an FBI to serve a corrupt President whose goal it is to see to it that a SCOTUS pick is not investigated, you recognize the GOP and system is corrupt and failing.

For the Eleventh Circuit - Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice (Alabama, Florida, Georgia)

supremecourt.gov/about/circuita… Image

When do we find out that Ginny Thomas and far-right Council for National Policy recommended Aileen Cannon change her name from Aileen Bazooka to Cannon?

Ginni Thomas and Russell Ramsland both serve on the board of the Council for National Policy (CNP).

Ginni Thomas has

a history of promoting dubious job candidates, of which Aileen Cannon fits the bill.


Rs do not control all the federal courts.

However, controlling one circuit, via Thomas, or another via Alito, and permitting judge shopping in a district in Fl of a Thomas circuit is ___.


Rs are seeking to control local secretaries of state.

Cannon did have to leave a footnote on venue for one thing and for that, Cannon and Clarence Thomas cannot come to Trump's rescue. Image

Given all this non-sense from Presidents and Senators about fearing appearing political and separate fear of indictments within 60 or 90 days of an election, to minimize sounding like the hypocrites most of the legislators are, the Senate could pass a law that states that

in any case where a former president is a litigant, all of that former president's judicial appointees shall have to recuse themselves.

This would ensure Donald or his successor does not get to appear before a judge they put on the bench, at the last minute, or any minute

Lindsey Graham in Jerusalem.

Meanwhile, does Newt Gingrich get any benefits from the Vatican?

An issue of identity, exploited for power and profits.


Aileen Cannon was appointed during a period when multiple plans were being refined to steal an election, one plan culminating in a spectacle on J6, ending in a failed self-coup attempt.

The pyramid scheme, however, is not best investigated via


the bottom up approach of AG Garland.

When a judge tries to remove the ability to punish a former president for his rampant abuse of power and obstruction and attack on your Capitol, you’re not a free country.

300M+ in a hostage situation.


Let's hope DOJ and Cannon do not appoint William P Barr as Special Master.

Despite Barr saying the right things on television recently, Barr should not be trusted as a Special Master on a Trump case.

Maybe Barr would decline to be SM?


Aileen Cannon, in a civil case, enjoined the Executive's chief law enforcement officer from looking at TS/SCI government docs that his agency has had for 4 weeks because a private citizen who stole them might claim a privilege at some point, despite that belonging to the

current Executive.


Moreover, private citizen was given at least two opportunities, after being asked, to return stolen property.

Only logical conclusion is Cannon is auditioning to replace Clarence Thomas should Trump come back into the WH in


It's strange but obvious what Cannon is doing by permitting one part of the executive branch to use the materials (i.e., a part that would not bring a criminal case) and another part not permitted.

What an inherent contradiction in allowing the executive branch

to use the files for one purpose while blocking it from using them for an active criminal investigation.

The criminal justice system clearly does NOT treat everyone equally.

What if the stolen property was within the legal and geo boundaries of a private club owned by

Trump Org and not by Donald Trump?

With Cannon using the existence of a small number of personal items found in the search (and properly seized pursuant to warrant) to find standing to review ALL docs including vast majority that are stolen, it raises the question, is

Donald and his handlers unsure what docs the government has and what docs copies were not made of?

The Judge is literally obstructing a DOJ investigation.

Judges have too much judicial power.

Aileen Cannon is attempting to control the executive branch's investigation to stop it from potentially violating Trump's rights, per Cannon.

But under our system of separated powers, that has to be dealt with ex post, not through an injunction.

Until Cannon proves

otherwise, which she may.

Recall how Donald's lawyer's argued about separation of powers during the impeachment sham trials?

Now the bozos would be arguing the opposite.

LA v. Lyons, 461 US 95 (1983).

Just like the FBI did not investigate Brett Kavanaugh, Trump probably

ensured the FBI did not do a background check of Aileen Cannon, ignoring any contacts with Ginni Thomas or CNP and ignoring any unexplained foreign travel or contacts.

A Trump-appointed judge has repeatedly went out of her way to give Trump unprecedented and extraordinary protection from an ongoing criminal investigation.

Banana Republic!

Should non MAGA Senator's be on the networks complaining "so unfair" like Graham, Cruz, Cotton,

Blackburn, Cornyn, Johnson do to attempt to influence the courts and the DOJ?

Who are the shareholders of Mar-a-Lago Club Inc?

Cannon even granted relief that Trump's attorney's never asked for, in a case outsider her jurisdiction.

Don't tell me money doesn't buy judges.

Does the geo boundaries of where the stolen property was held not matter?

Would the government need a warrant to search your hotel room, for example?

Yes, but exigent circumstances sometimes exist which can allow police to conduct an immediate


search of a hotel room without a warrant, although probable cause must still be present.

Such an emergency situation might be present when:

there is a grave threat to the safety of police officers, the public, or their property, OR

there is the likelihood that a

criminal will escape, OR

evidence of a crime will be lost or destroyed.

DOJ had right to fear evidence of a crime might be lost or destroyed.

There was a grave threat to the property of the government.

Nonetheless, it was the right choice to obtain a search warrant.

Once you have the courts you can pretty much do whatever you want.

Maybe that is why Comrade Putin was in the federal courts computer systems, gaming out a plan, and using useful idiots in America to fill positions in districts and at SCOTUS to enable control of courts?

If DOJ cannot find "goldilocks docs" to use in a trial to charge Donald, it should create such docs by having Biden Admin extract human sources from harms way such that DOJ can use some docs to indict & charge.

You cannot invoke executive privilege to shield someone from

criminal prosecution where there's a specific need for that evidence in a pending criminal trial.

DOJ has evidence - it just needs to decide what evidence to reveal to a jury at trial.

No more excuses for not having a pending trial.

Charge and get a trial pending.

There's no viable argument for top-secret human source info to be subject to Exec Privilege when the current President rejects.

So determine a "goldilocks doc" around top-secret human source info and file charges, sealed.

How can we charge more money for the membership?


One wonders whether Donald has made himself untouchable by partnering with some rogue elements of CIA and whether Truth Social was CIA run by useful idiots from CIA?

IOW, trying to make it look legit for an op to reverse spy on adversaries, but


it's a rouge operation out of control?

Trump did have useful idiots at ODNI and in intel positions.

Pompeo was at CIA.

Not impossible that some secret program was set up to launder funds through the legal structures tied to Truth Social in ways CIA has partnered with

organized crime in the past to launder drug money.

This does not make Truth Social or Trump legit.

It would just mean Trump and associates took over a part of CIA to illicit purposes.

How would that work across a Presidential transition? Would the agency reveal any

operations to Biden?

All hypothetical, but one wonders.

DailyBeast, 9/6/22 Trump Judge Shopping in Florida


Of course, it was useful idiot Marco Rubio who assisted in shopping for Aileen Cannon.

Rubio is bought and paid for and Trump even admits it about Little Marco.

Books sales to launder money to him was only the beginnnig.


Don't forget that useful idiot Marco Rubio was appointed to temporarily serve as chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, May 2020.

You know how Donald loved temp appointments in the exec branch?

Well, Donald got temps in the legislative too.

Rubio's appointment as interim chairman of the panel came by way of the opportunity created after Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) was forced to inform Senate leadership that he would step aside as chairman while he faced an FBI investigation into his stock trades.

Also recall that as soon as Little Marco was appointed Chairman of Senate Intel, that same week, Donald pushed another useful idiot, Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas), through Senate Intel for a vote for Ratcliffe to "run" ODNI.

Aileen Cannon silencing critics, 9/6/22.

#CancelCulture ?

Bought and Paid for "judge" suggested by Marco Rubio, a bought and paid for useful idiot.


Anderson Cooper replaced by Rick Santorum at CNN.

Donald Trump and Jeff Zucker are friends and when Donald pointed at CNN and clamored lying fake news in the past, it was part of a plan to move CNN more toward a MAGA right.

Donald propped up Fox and preferred Image


He was good at having media giants compete for his attention.

Citizens United laid the groundwork.


Recall Trey Gowdy did not seek reelection in the 2018 midterms, where Democrats took majority control of the House.

Rather, Trey joined law firm Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, while he already landed a deal with Fox in Jan 2019, rewarding him for the

TV circus created by Trey as chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi.


Then, recall Trey Gowdy was dismissed from Fox so he could rep Trump with Jay Sekulow in late 2019 on the 1st impeachment?

But within months, Fox hired Trey back.

Fox also has Douglas Macgregor on payroll.

Gowdy, Santorum, and people who analyze criminal conspiracies are often the same ones who participated in them in some way.

It's like they are accomplices, witting or unwitting, rewarded by "the media"


which is to say, by a few billionaire's who control the media, with lucrative TV or book deals.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) was hired as a Fox contributor in June 2017, a reward for aiding and abetting.

Wonder if he is jealous that Devin Nunes got to be CEO of

Truth Social?

Fox hired Trump mouth-piece Sarah Sanders in 2107 too.

Recently in 2022, Tulsi Gabbard is rewarded with a contract by Fox. They clearly view her as a useful idiot.


In 2013, Fox had hired Dennis Kucinich, who Roger Ailes viewed as a useful idiot to put on TV.


As @sarahkendzior brilliantly puts it, the world is a white Bronco and the highway never ends.

William Barr was not willing to call a crime a crime in regards to Trump on Obstruction and gave Donald passes on the Mueller probe.

Now he's on Fox willing to call a crime a crime.

The highway never ends. Rehab to build credibility for the next


payday when you have to provide cover for some benefit?

Donald has claimed many things with a changing story, but his next to last claim was he magically declassified everything he had, although he accused FBI of planting that which he later claimed to have declassified.

Anyhow, if you follow his bouncy flawed logic,

turns out, Donald had a document describing a foreign government’s military defenses, including its nuclear capabilities.

WaPo 9/6/22


Mr. Putin would enjoy hearing about North Korea’s or Iran's and the Saudis would too.

You know

Russian Intelligence had targeted Donald’s pay-to-play private club since Jan 2021.

The corrupt court of Aileen Cannon gave the list to Donald's attorneys who may have leaked generic information to give the basis to claim it's the prosecution leaking.

No doubt

Alina Habba or maybe lawyer Bobb will have a media tour making such claim.

If not the lawyer's expect Kash Patel and Donald himself to accuse prosecutor's of providing generic information.

It’s worth remembering that Trump was impeached for trying to extort a

foreign leader, Zelensky.

We know blackmail is exceedingly within his realm of behavior.

Any nuclear power could be the one implicated.

The reporting is vague and worth noting that it need not be a nuclear weapons country, but could be a country with a nuclear program,

like Iran.

Was Trump holding onto docs about Iran’s nuclear program? If so, what for? Profit? Leverage?

Was the information about an ally or an adversary?

Donald might have secrets pertaining to France because (1) if Putin wants to move against NATO, France is

essential, and (2) Donald also had dirt on Macron's sex life.

The former head of the CIA said the nuke docs found at Donald's private club & golf course (that hires immigrants at near minimum wage on temporary programs) are so secretive they are kept in safes inside the


The guy whose campaign had over 100 contacts w/Russian agents and who invited Russian spies into the Oval office to then share secrets has been a national security threat since before stumbling into the W.H.


Are you at least 99% confident that Jared & Ivanka have seen whatever nuclear documents Donald had?

The MAGA subset of the GOP, including Marco Rubio, Ron Johnson, Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, etc, abandons any national security concern in service to Donald Trump.

Useful idiots.

Useful idiot Marco Rubio 9/7/22.

Not worth watching, but documenting.


Donald has the Soviet Union on his mind. Image

🧵documenting Donald's child-like communication behavior, indicative of a mob-boss wannabe.


William Barr 9/7/2022

Do not be surprised to later learn Barr is acting as Donald's defense.

Does not look that way now, but wait ...


Mike Lindell still peddling 9/7/2022


Remember when the MAGA subset of the GOP, including Matt Gaetz, treated Nat Sec like Donald and faced zero consequences?

No wonder Donald stole nuclear secrets.


Why wouldn't he when zero accountability to date from a corrupt GOP Senate.

The government has in effect been incentivizing theft and criminal behavior, rewarding Donald's crimes at each juncture.

The MAGA world is a white Bronco on a never-ending highway.

The response one expects from Lindsey Graham.

DOJ waited in part due to Donald's obstruction to delay.

But DOJ could have moved faster & approached the investigation(s) as pyramid scheme.

Graham is simply a co-conspirator to at least one crime.


Michael Flynn, one of Donald's handlers?


Should have mentioned that is Flynn with the girlfriend of Roger Stone.

Stone has at times talked about a Flynn run for President.

Assume that depends on whether Donald is charged with anything.


Preventing a trial and suppressing evidence at trial is an obvious goal of Aileen Cannon, acting on behalf of her client, Donald Trump


9/7/2022: Judge Mehta on the public right to a speedy trial, where DOJ opposes Stewart Rhodes motion to delay his trial by 90 days.

Judicial Competence, by contrast, with Aileen Cannon's, corruption. Image

DOJ has gone out of its way to show deference.

But, no, unfortunately, that time has not come to an end.


In addition to Aileen Cannon, another example of a federal court system that's corrupt and a failure.


Navarro venting over Kushner and Mnuchin, both of whom made bank on the Saudis.


One wonders whether Alina Habba leaks info with falsities to set up what she calls the "left wing media?"

How does Habba know leaks came from DOJ, as she asserts?

Could it be leaks come from Team Trump to smear DOJ or the media?


Little Marco and Alina Habba having huddles?


Stewart Rhodes changing lawyers and talking about Ray Epps and DC Pipe bombs smells like a Trump / Flynn / Stone affiliated attorney might be working with Rhodes now, curiously timed, after Donald again asserts possibility he'd pardon people like Stewart Rhodes.

Comrade Putin has plenty of useful idiots in the U.S. Senate, having made it more similar to Russia's DUMA.


Given Judge Mehta is overbooked, pretty clear DC needs expanded courts and judges to deal with even a small volume of criminality.

What a joke is the court system.

Not that you need a book from a former federal prosecutor to inform you, the MAGA subset of the GOP is projecting when accusing Biden Admin of targeting political adversaries for prosecution, as one would expect a large criminal enterprise that took over the government to


From NY Times, 9/8/2022


Trump DOJ officials were often motivated by partisan concerns in pursuing investigations or blocking them; in weighing how forthright to be in court filings; & in shopping investigations to other prosecutors’ offices. Image

When you hear Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan, or Lindsey Graham desperately trying to convince Fox viewers of their lies, recognize they project what they knew the Trump DOJ actually did as they are all tied to the criminal enterprise.

Is AG Garland not that grand-master wizard some hope, or are we missing something in the strategy, assuming any strategy?


Intermission from the Late Show, 9/7/22


A federal grand jury investigating activities leading up to the failed self-coup subpoenaed Trump's leadership PAC, Save America.

Will they be attempting to connect some of Donald's fundraising schemes to funds used to bus people into DC for 1/6?


A bus company owned by one of Donald's friends from Georgia who also is friends with Congressman Barry Loudermilk literally bused hundreds of useful idiots into DC for the "be there be wild" protests to provide cover for an organized militia.

According to Save America's statement of organization filed to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), the committee was established just days after the 2020 election.

At the time, the filing said the new committee is affiliated with the Trump campaign and the Trump Make

America Great Committee, a small-dollar focused, joint-fundraising committee between the president's campaign and the Republican National Committee, which has been sending out donor solicitation emails for Save America.

Similar to regular political action committees,

leadership PACs can only accept up to $5,000 per donor, far less than the upwards of $800,000 donations that the Trump campaign and the Republican Party's high-dollar joint fundraising committee, Trump Victory, had previously raised.

Basically, Trump's campaign has

several legal structures for "fundraising," and if prosecutor's are competent, which is a big if, they eventually may figure out that a small dollar donation scheme was used to fund the 2016 Trump campaign during its cash crunch using a mix of legit domestic and foreign


When you "donate" under $200, you don't have to report anything nor does the receiver under FEC laws, so imagine a gift card scheme to go around regulations where foreign entities make a high volume of under $200 "donations" to a campaign like Trump's 2016 or

that of say MT Greene from Georgia or Lauren Boebert of Colorado by using voter reg data to falsely make "donations" to appear to be coming from "real Americans" but are just money laundering pods to funnel money around.

The recipients can even be unwitting useful idiots.

The useful idiots from the Senate are quiet.

The subset of the GOP that ignored impeachable offenses.


Zelensky of Ukraine to Macron of France on the invasion day telling Macron it is important he speak to Putin.

Now, does this add new color to why Trump might have Kompromat on Macron's sex life (to assist Putin whose goals align with

2016 Trump Campaign) and why Trump might have nuclear secrets pertaining to France, although it could be another nation.

NY AG James: "After an investigation by my office and the Manhattan DA, Steve Bannon has been indicted for stealing more than $15M from thousands of Americans in a sham effort to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico."

Trump: "Mexico will pay for it."

Do you know who or what legal structure owned the website/domain/server where BuildTheWall merchandise was sold online via interstate commerce?

TRUMP®️ MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN®️ Committee website/domain/URL/server was owned by The Trump Organization, the same

organization that is trying to hide the Trump Tower / Russia server communications from 2016 by installing John Durham to obfuscate a campaign funding scheme that used Trump Tower servers to communicate with Russian servers, presumably to facilitate laundering campaign

funds via <$200 transactions using stolen voter registration data to make it look like real people were donating money to the 2016 Trump Campaign.

DOJ says ODNI halted its risk assessment as a result of the uncertainty of the extent of Cannon’s order that enjoined the DOJ and the FBI from reviewing seized docs with classified markings.

Trump and Cannon are obstructionists with Cannon serving


as Donald's defense counsel and as his obstructionists willing to abuse judicial power.

DOJ’s filing implies they still haven’t found or accounted for all the classified documents they believe are missing.

But, ODNI has halted risk assessment.

Comrade Putin pleased.

"Moreover, the government and the public are irreparably injured when a criminal investigation of matters involving risks to national security is enjoined."

Chris Miller versus Chris Miller.

Pentagon operations on January 6 seem to have been coordinated by Kash Patel and Ezra Cohen-Watnick, not by then Secretary Miller.


Peter Navarro messaging to the pebble brains of the MAGA bloc.


Steve Bannon 9/8/22 on message.

Meanwhile, Donald praises his useful idiot Judge, Aileen Cannon, that Marco Rubio introduced to the Senate for quick confirmation.

Cannon, however, is more than a useful idiot. She is a willing accomplice. Image

"The government does not understand" referring to Aileen Cannon's orders.

The only thing the government needs to understand is Cannon is a corrupt Judge who is part of a criminal enterprise. Image

More Steve Bannon drama from 9/8/2022 in Manhattan.


Aileen Cannon checking with her boss, Donald, about granting DOJ's partial stay request, since she feels she has no choice, but Donald is the kinda of criminal who gives co-conspirator's like Cannon "courage."

Cannon does not fear impeachment.

Donald may inform Aileen he's got more people to share secrets with and more delay is demanded.


Marco Rubio was effectively paid for his services as a useful idiot, initially, via a book deal, an easy way for the wealthy to launder funds to their puppets.

Was Donald's plan to pay Dinesh by buying his books using PAC money?


Or was the pardon of Dinesh the down payment and no book sales laundering needed?

Marsha Blackburn 9/8/2022

Wonder what Marsha will say about the Save America PAC?

Will Don McGahn's employer send him packing to distance itself from exposure?

How could McGahn not have reason to know it was a fraud? Image

Donald can never have enough Habba on Fox.


You know Donald will see any consequences against PA Troopers as an opportunity to gin up rage by bullshitting at a rally.

All the officers should face consequences; otherwise, why have such a policy? for prior approval?


How did Marco Rubio determine that Aileen Cannon was the best candidate most qualified for the role?

Does money buy happiness and judges?


To refuse the DOJ order, Aileen Cannon is going to have to assert that the Federal Government doesn’t own its secrets.

Donald is probably telling her via intermediaries, damn right, Aileen.

Make it happen. You owe me.

All the Republican members of the Gang of Eight

have demanded a briefing.

DOJ implies they intend to brief Congress on what Trump stole.

I think it is foolish to brief the GOP Senator's who will just feed info back to Donald.

Little Marco is a very useful idiot.

Fair point - why no photos of Cannon for last 14 years?

Normal to scrub social media?


Wonder how much ketchup was splattered on walls when Donald threw a tantrum when he learned he did not get his judge, Aileen Cannon, for his "lawsuit" to air-grievances and target perceived threats?


Donald and Habba must be having a pity party, crying we need to buy more judges.

Call Little Marco - the market is open.


Indeed, the courts are open for criminal enterprises with funding to use and abuse and be laughed at.

"When you're a star, they just let you do it," said Donald, referring to abusing the American Justice System (and women).


Will the Judge impose sanctions?

Had Donald gotten Aileen Cannon as desired, Donald would have been dominating the media w falsehoods targeting Clinton, into the midterms.


Will Donald and Habba amend and refile against the United States, and at what time will that most benefit the media narrative of the criminal enterprise?

After primaries end for the next Presidential election?

Putin's General moving into Florida politics on GOP Exec Committee


Donald wants Paul Huck, former Jones Day partner.

His other pick is there simply because he had to submit two names.

Jones Day represents Lindsey Graham in the Georgia case and is the principal election firm of the RNC.


Huck is married to Barbara Lagoa, an Eleventh Circuit Appeals Court judge who was on Trump's SCOTUS short-list.

Huck used to advise Gov. Charlie Crist at the same time Trump's current lawyer, Chris Kise, worked for Charlie Crist.

Huck would be willing to be Donald's useful idiot.

A consultant to Ballard Partners had this to say about Huck:

A Ballard Partners consultant would know.

The Turkish money launderers were repped by Ballard Partners, Trump's main lobbyist in 2016.

Pam Bondi of Florida was another Ballard Partners lobbyist.

Erodgan has used Ballard Partners.

On May 11, 2017, the day Ballard Partners signed Turkey as a client, Wexler spent more than $8,000 of the Turkish government’s money on travel expenses.

Turkish President

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had his first Oval Office summit with Trump five days later, as Erdoğan’s bodyguards assaulted peaceful protesters on the streets of Washington.

Donald is still trying to implement the 2016 foreign policy of Putin's General, Mike Flynn.

Probable cause to search Bedminister, NJ but nothing from the grand wizard AG Garland.


Wonder whether grand master Garland will allow Donald to conflate access with possession?

Tuesday will be the first session Congress is back in session since the search in Florida.

Will the grand master reveal to the gang of eight, including Aileen Cannon's pal, Marco

Rubio, information that will help Donald's defense so that Marco can share with people who will share with Donald's legal team and Aileen Cannon?

It is a criminal enterprise so expect crime. It's not rocket science.

A box a day will keep Merrick Garland away ...

DOJ and Donald cannot agree on a Special Master.

Delay & confusion that Aileen Cannon hoped to create, per Donald's orders, as now Aileen picks Donald's next useful idiot to be SM.

DOJ should petition to have her recused from the case because the defendant is the

person who appointed her, but grand wizard Garland will fail to do that.

Hopefully Garland does not inform Gang of Eight while the delay is dragged out.

Meanwhile, Putin's General, Mike Flynn with Bannon and Stone push on with Independent State Legislature theory.


And John Roberts wants you to ignore the illegitimacy of SCOTUS.

SCOTUS is out of its bounds & it's activism is out of control.


DOJ should never have allowed Donald Trump to have stolen documents.

They should’ve been all over him the moment he left office, having not shared information with the transition, having executed a pre-election “purge” that put radical Trump loyalists in positions of

authority at DOJ, DHS, the Pentagon, and the State Department.

This was orchestrated by Ginni Thomas, Barbara Ledeen, and John McEntee.

The “purge” made a coup attempt possible.

Biden should have removed Trump's IGs on day one.

I suspect allies view Biden Admin

as blind to the threat of Donald Trump and the criminal enterprise that includes Mike Flynn.,

DOJ does not even know whose hands some of the stolen NDI material was touched by or who's eye's viewed it.

DOJ has put us all at risk.

Congress needs Pentagon visitor logs for December 1, 2020 to January 20, 2021, but those were destroyed with Secret Service texts from a couple of guys loyal to Donald.

The movements of Kash Patel, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Michael Lindell, Sidney Powell and Michael Flynn

during that time span are only partially known.

There’s a reason Sideny Powell was ensconced at a hotel near the Pentagon writing a coup plot that required aid from Patel and Cohen-Watnick at the Pentagon.

There is a reason Mike Lindell met with [son of Brazilian

neo-fascist dictator Jair Bolsonaro] Eduardo Bolsonaro in Pentagon City on Jan 5, 2021.

By January 5, 2021, Lindell and the rest of Team Kraken had prepared a 15-page document calling for martial law and a Second U.S. Civil War, following meetings with, among others,


There’s a reason the Army (as represented by a Trump IG) lied about the role of [Mike Flynn’s brother] Charles Flynn on January 6.

There’s a reason a whistleblower calls Charles Flynn an “absolute liar.”

Eduardo Bolsonaro, son of Jair Bolsonaro, is a member of the Brazilian congress, and has a handle on Brazilian intelligence.

Brazil’s Bolsonaro government sees Venezuela as its chief geopolitical enemy, orchestrated in part by the Russian Federation with an assist from Image

Donald Trump.

Recall how Trump was fascinated by the drug trade from Venezuela to America and tried to punish the suppliers not loyal to Donald's friends while permitting the one's loyal to Donald's friends?

Eduardo Bolsonaro was in a position on January 6 to provide manufactured evidence about Venezuela-led hacks to Team Kraken.

Bolsonaro had incentive to permanently poison any potential for a reconciliation between the United States and Venezuela.

Bolsonaro was to produce

new “evidence” of transnational hacking that perhaps would, in Donald Trump’s mind, but certainly in Mike Flynn’s, justify the imposition of martial law and a seizure of voting machines by the Pentagon for the Jan 2021 self-coup.

Analyze the suppliers of drugs Trump Admin

targeted and the suppliers not targeted.

Precisely - Aileen Cannon conveniently shuts down the criminal investigation and AG Garland has been moving at glacial pace, making it easy for even dumb criminals.


It's like the lawyer's willing to rep Donald expect the American Justice system to be a joke and for there to exist a market for buying judges and outcomes.


Not a fan of Business Insider.

Christina Bobb article ...


CBP W Texas looks at Biden Admin and yawns. Image

Mark Warner not on this before the Senate recess means Warner is asleep behind the wheel.

Marco Rubio is an obstructionist and lost cause.


William Barr and Donald Trump sought to use the U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan to support Trump and pursue his critics, which we already knew.

NY Times 9/12/2022 Geoffrey Berman book tour:


We also already knew that U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman was fired because his investigations got too close to Trump.

And we already knew William P Barr permitted the lawlessness.

And we know AG Garland chooses to do nothing with respect to a former President removing

a federal officer to obstruct justice.

Removing Berman to obstruct justice was a crime that has gone un-punished and uncharged.

Donald made criminal use of presidential removal power to obstruct justice in several pending investigations in SDNY.

Donald proved he was above the law then and now on obstruction of justice and abuse of power.

Donald proves also he is above the law for inciting the Insurrection in violation of 18 USC 2383 & Brandenburg test.

Geoffrey Berman 9/12/2022


Undoubtedly, Donald would meet w/ lawyers, perhaps those who rep potential witnesses and share info?


TRUMP on Hugh Hewitt's show, says he has not been asked to testify before the Jan. 6 grand jury nor has he received a target letter of any kind.

He says (falsely) that alternate slates of electors are "very common."


Donald makes usual threats.

Fake slates ... I was not involved, said Donald, throwing all the useful idiots under the bus.


Kash Patel - foreign agent who uses a Manchurian Candidate?


DOJ is glad it wasn't Paul Huck.

But Donald is still fairly content.

Aileen Cannon treats classified markings like stickers for your school lunch box.

Cannon says it is "disputed" that the documents are classified, but Donald never said in

court that he declassified material and submitted zero evidence to the effect.

AG Garland does have the ability to use the material marked classified, however, to establish that Donald kept and concealed NDI.

AG Garland should charge #Donald and hold him pending trial

thereby rending Aileen Cannon moot.

But I don't expect anything out of AG Garland but delays and the continual building of a fantasy air tight case.

Radical Trump defense lawyer, Aileen Cannon, is going to steam roll right over AG Garland and Donald, Marco Rubio, and

Aileen Cannon are laughing all the way to the bank.

Aileen Cannon says Trump is entitled to more process than anyone else.

Cannon says her decision is impacted by "the position formerly held by plaintiff."

Translation: Donald is above the law with his purchased defense

lawyer who happens to be a Judge in Florida.

Prediction: AG Garland will concede that Donald Trump is above the law, although he could file a request for stay from the 11th Circuit, and he could charge Donald tonight.

But he won't charge.

Cannon disregards

Executive Branch classification concerns, and Joe Biden will roll over as the chief executive, acting powerless.

He could raise hell with the Senate who have the power to keep a judge in line.

But he won't. Biden won't even fire Trump's IGs.

Extraordinary that Aileen Cannon found that Trump's concerns outweighed the Executive Branch's national security concerns and entitled him to relief no other citizen receives.

Above the law. Thug life.

The Biden White House should take national security seriously and provide Aileen Cannon's
background report to the Intelligence Committees.

I just don't think Joe Biden acknowledges that national security threat.

11th Circuit can force DOJ to request a stay from

Clarence Thomas, who is in on the J6 self-coup plot with Ginni Thomas.

We're still watching an attempted coup and take over of American democracy, and one begins to question the competence of the Biden Administration.

The Separation of Powers issues Cannon has

manufactured is by design.

Enemies of democracy love taking advantage of old school institutionalists and Biden and Garland might prove to be just that as did Jim Comey.

Ron DeSantis is the next useful idiot Manchurian Candidate shock jock that the Flynn and Stone

operation can pivot to.

It is no surprise Ron shipped Venezuelan's to MA.

This thread covers the Bolsonaro angle of J6 and how the Russian Federation pitted Brazil vs Venezuela and aligned Donald Trump with Bolsonaro / Brazil.

George Conway 9/16/2022 on CNN

The banana republic in which we live is such a crock of shit, it is a form of tragic comedy.

Yes, orders by a single Justice, namely Clarence Thomas, can be reviewed by the full Court.

Would the full Court

overrule a denial of emergency relief by a single Justice, Clarence Thomas?

Do people really have that much faith in the Roberts Court with three Trump appointees?

Each document marked as classified is evidence of obstruction. But why did DOJ fail to pursue obstruction?

If Dearie handles his new role as a non-criminal actor and Aileen Cannon accepts his recommendation, the DOJ may be full steam ahead, but Cannon will not accept any recommendation from Dearie adverse to her client, Donald Trump.

Sadly, DOJ will fail to see this.

DOJ pointed out that it cannot separate the criminal investigation from the national security investigation.

But the Cannon District court enjoined prosecutors from presenting evidence to a grand jury to protect her client, Donald Trump.

Cannon wants you to believe that Trump might be able to assert either ownership or privilege over documents marked classified.

The lady is a criminal co-conspirator.

It is clear that Donald and his handlers are trying to create obstacles in the hopes that useful idiot Donald Trump can suppress some of the evidence against him and obvious Aileen Cannon was put in that position to do just this.

It's no biggie says Aileen Cannon, manufacturing a separation of powers issue.


DOJ filed it's "notice of interested persons" in the appeal of Judge Cannon's order, listing the husband of 11th Circuit Judge, Barbara Lagoa, because he was among Trump's special master picks

Will Judge Lagoa, a Trump nominee, recuse from any appeal?

Late last year, according to internal court documents obtained by Insider, US attorneys secretly convened a grand jury that examined the conduct of Charles McGonigal, the former head of counterintelligence at the FBI field office in New York City.

Failing to disclose activities covered by the Foreign Agents Registration Act, such as lobbying and public relations, is punishable by a $250,000 fine and up to five years in prison.


Of course the Russian operation had the former

head of counterintelligence at the FBI field office in New York City in their pockets.

Two former heads of the FBI, Louis Freeh and William Sessions, went on to work for the Russian mafia.

Another FBI head, James Comey, removed the head of the Russian mafia from the

ten most wanted list.

Moreover, former FBI Director William Sessions son, Pete Sessions, was the target of a foreign intel operation.


Notice that last tweet mentions Venezuela and prior tweets talk about Russia setting up a conflict between Venezuela and Brazil, with useful idiot Trump favoring Bolsonaro of Brazil?


Pete Sessions and Ginni Thomas are both all-in on the independent state legislature theory and Russian Intelligence recognizes how useful of idiots they are.


Remember Trump foreign policy campaign advisor Walid Phares?

Trump blocked investigator's from getting the air tight case they desired to show his 2016 Campaign was a fraud and funded in part by foreign money, perhaps by selling policy,


with Mike Flynn as broker.

Mueller's team tried to understand the $10 million contribution Trump gave his campaign 11 days before the 2016 election & the Trump campaign's ties to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

Stephen Bannon discussed his role setting up

a meeting between Trump and Sisi of Egypt.

Jessie Liu, the US attorney overseeing the case was pushed out after GOP idiots in congress were asked to get rid of her.

Michael Sherwin stepped into the job and closed the case, which was what Trump and his handlers wanted. Image

Robert Philip Hanssen was spying on behalf of the CIA.

The CIA and their Russian mob friends needed to keep tabs on the FBI’s meddling.

Comrade Putin understands how to put elements of FBI against elements of CIA.


Former FBI Director Lous Freeh is working with Pam Bondi to free Marsha Lazareva.


Comrade Putin had Paul Manafort provide confidential election-related data to his chief civilian agent doing business in America, Oleg Deripaska, in 2016.

Deripaska was sanctioned by the Treasury Department in 2018 for acting as an agent for the Kremlin, and has been

accused of ordering the murder of a businessman.


"If McGonigal is mixed up in any way shape or form with Deripaska, that strikes me as unseemly, to put it politely," says Tim Weiner, the author of "Enemies: A History of the FBI." [Per Insider]

Before his retirement in 2018, McGonigal led the WikiLeaks investigation into Chelsea Manning, busted Bill Clinton's national security advisor Sandy Berger for removing classified material from a National Archives reading room, and led the search for a Chinese mole inside

the CIA.

In 2016, when reports surfaced that Russia had hacked the email system of the Democratic National Committee, McGonigal was serving as chief of the cybercrimes section at FBI headquarters in Washington. In that capacity, he was one of the first officials to learn

that a Trump campaign official had bragged that the Russians had dirt on Hillary Clinton, sparking the investigation known as Operation Crossfire Hurricane.

Later that year, FBI Director James Comey promoted McGonigal to oversee counterintelligence operations in New York.

McGonigal's profile on LinkedIn says he is the senior vice president of "global security and life safety" at Brookfield Properties, the one that bailed out Jared Kushner's 666 5th Avenue.

Did McGonigal get assigned to Cleveland Div of FBI due to proximity to Epstein

operation for Leslie Wexler, who grew up in Ohio?

Was Comrade Putin pitting CIA ops up against FBI counter-intel?


Recall it was Jared Kushner who held the most secret (and later lied about) meetings with Kremlin agents, both himself and through intermediaries, before and immediately after the 2016 election.

Dimitri Konstantinovich Simes has been suspected of collaborating with the

KGB since the 1970s due to the ease which he managed to leave the USSR with, regarding his Komsomol and academic career and strong ties with the highest Communist party circles.

Since at least 2015, Simes oversaw Maria Butina while she was engaged in illegal lobbying

activities in favor of the Russian government, and also published her in his magazine.

The investigation into Russian meddling in the US presidential election showed that Simes discussed with Jared Kushner, attempts to establish an informal channel of communication with

Trump’s 2016 campaign. Former Russian ambassador to the US Kislyak and also Paul Manafort were involved in those discussions.

Simes and Manafort organized Trump's speech on foreign policy at the Mayflower Hotel in April 2016.

Jared Kushner, the ever useful idiot, placed

Simes as Trump’s top adviser on Russia policy in 2016 so that George Papadopoulos and Russian Alfa Bank adviser Richard Burt could write the Trump campaign's foreign policy, which Putin's General, Mike Flynn also pushed.

Trump and Kushner were useful idiots to Russia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Qatar, etc.

Putin had these fools thinking at one time that the sale of Rosneft would give both families, Trump and Kusher, a payday.

But Jared did get the $2B from the Saudis eventually.

Paul Manfort has so much leverage over Donald Trump, he can make him do anything.


It is no surprise Trump Pardoned Roger Stone, Paul Manafort and Charles Kushner together in Dec 2020.

Comrade Putin remembers former Reagan administration official Richard Burt and missed his useful idiot Regan and GW Bush after 8 years of Obama / Biden and the threat of H R Clinton.


Kushner partnered with Brookfield Properties and took full control of Monmouth Mall, buying out its then partner Brookfield Properties.


Charles Kushner, who Trump pardoned with Manafort in Stone in Dec 2020 put Jared in contact with the Qatari Investment Authority for 666 bail out.

All these countries mentioned were looking to make Trump and Kushner useful idiots - each family was in financial trouble and

each led by stupid men born into wealth who were told they were smart their whole life, but truly dumb people.

Charles McGonigal of FBI made James Comey a fool and it's no wonder corrupt GOP Senator's are not afraid to call Jim Comey bad names.


People like Kennedy of Louisiana recognize Comey was a dope.

Rudy Giuliani and Joseph diGenova had Jim Comey where they wanted him 1.5 weeks before the 2016 election, forcing Comey to reopen the Clinton investigation.

Comey was probably a mostly honest servant, but he

was just not a bright guy, trusting in some people too much, not recognizing how susceptible people can be to foreign influence.

New York City FBI field office was working for the Russians via Mr. McGonigal, reporting to Oleg Deripaska, it would seem.

Remember when Trump Admin permitted Brookfield to buy Westinghouse?

Westinghouse had an Iraqi subsidiary. Tom Barrack and George Nader know things.

Rick Perry was another useful idiot, and looked the part even more than Donald Trump.


Building nuclear reactors across the Middle East, via Putin's General, Mike Flynn's Middle East Marshal Plan, required Donald Trump and Jared Kushner to share nuclear secrets, presumably to the Saudis, Emiratis, and Egyptians.


One wonders whether CIA had assets inside Brookfield and whether any went rogue?


Leon Black unexpectedly quit Apollo investment firm after Epstein inquiry, leaving by summer 2021.



Per justsecurity, in order to finance its over $1 billion deal on [Kushner’s] 666 Fifth Avenue, Brookfield receive[d] a $300 million-plus mezzanine loan from Apollo Global Management.

Oh. Nice. A firm with a compromised CEO with ties to Qatar that had previously loaned

$184 million to the Kushner [family] in November 2017 provides $300M to Brookfield Asset Management for the over $1B bailout of Kushner.

Links between Qatar and Brookfield converge on the listed property fund BPY.

Through a sovereign wealth fund

[the Qatar Investment Authority], Doha is one of BPY’s biggest investors, holding $1.8 billion worth of BPY preferred equity.

The securities have a debt-like quality, and Qatar can force Brookfield Asset Management to buy them back for $1.8 billion over the next six


IOW, Qatar can tell Brookfield to do whatever it wants.

The Kushner's were happy to sell nuclear secrets, with useful idiot Trump guzzling down his diet coke, thinking he was making a bigly deal, and Kushner later got $2B from MBS and the Saudi sovereign wealth


One would expect Jared has inflows from the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), although none have been reported.

Sergey Shestakov, a former senior Soviet official, registered as a Foreign Agent for a top aide to Oleg Deripaska.


Yevgenyi (Evgeny, Evgeniy) Fokin, has reportedly been flagged by the FBI as a former senior Russian intelligence official.


Sergey Shestakov said in his filing that NYC FBI guy McGonigal, then at Brookfield, had helped him

“facilitate” an introduction between Spectrum and [Oleg] Deripaska’s aide [Yevgenyi Fokin.

The filing also states that McGonigal helped introduce [Fokin] to Kobre & Kim.


Comrade Putin had been plotting for decades.


Sergey Shestakov was the chief of staff for the Soviet ambassador to the United Nations.

He explains how the Soviets saw the fall of the wall.

Comrade Putin has had the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) busy making useful idiots of

out Americans.

U.S. sanctions relief is another element Putin desired and Trump / Kushner delivered.

Yevgenyi Fokin runs a Russian energy entity that is owned by Oleg Deripaska that needed sanctions relief.

Russia was reportedly never able to deliver wealth or progress except to those who learned how to do organized crime.

The intelligence community, namely, the KGB and its successor, the FSB, specialized in making things work.

They aligned with crime gangs.

One wonders to what extent the American CIA has aligned with organized crime in the last two decades beyond what is known of the 60s to 90s.

In Russia, this led to a situation where you could become rich and be protected if you chose your personal alliances well.

Sound like Trump Admin?

If the head of your crime gang got into trouble, you got into trouble.

Donald sure would love to operate that way too.

A group of St Petersburg local politicians who called for Vladimir Putin to be sacked over the war in Ukraine faces the likely dissolution of their district council following a judge's ruling.

Sound like Comrade Trump's judge, Aileen Cannon?


Dmitry Palyuga, of St. Petersburg's Smolny municipal council, co-authored a petition calling on the Russian president to step down that was sent to Russia's State Duma.


Comrade Putin would like to operate like Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un in North Korea, although Russia has more square kilometers.

Comrade Trump drools over the ability to operate a criminal enterprise while being President.

Does Putin, however, really work for Xi in 2022?

Does Chinese organized crime control turf east of the Urals?


Is America working with Russian military on eliminating the Russian intelligence community and organized crime relationship that brought Putin to power?

Then it's a fight over "doing business in Russia" between the US and China.

Unless Comrade Putin starves people and Xi Image

loses leverage with starving people in China too.

It is no surprise that America, once more a federal nation, is reverting to being a collection of local states that each has and deploys more authority than the federal government, and it's no surprise DeSantis in Fl is

influenced by Stone and Flynn and no surprise Abbot in Tx and his corrupt AG Paxton are in power.

Comrade Putin would like America fractured and states asserting more power.

You think there might be Carter Page materials in the docs Trump stole?

How will Dearie deal with that material?

Carter Page discussed a deal in Moscow with Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin.

Rosneft deal closed in December 2016 and Qatar Investment Authority stood to benefit,

and could serve as a way to pass money to Trump / Kushner, masking serving as an intermediary.

When the basis of a government search is illegal, then anything revealed by that search is illegal and inadmissible as evidence in a criminal trial.

You know that's what Trump

and his handlers are banking on with Aileen Cannon, who smells like an agent for a foreign power, introduced by useful idiot, Marco Rubio, and is controlling the search.

Trump and Kushner cannot allow the government to know more about financial ties to players like Qatar, UAE, Saudis, Russia, etc.

Mueller was successfully blocked.

Dearie was one of the judges who approved an FBI and DOJ request to surveil Carter Page.

Now I know why Trump's lawyer's submitted him.

They want evidence tossed out by Aileen Cannon, who is willing to control the situation for her client, Donald Trump.

DOJ should

not be so stupid and recognize the conflict with Dearie and demand another Special Master.

OMG, is Garland this foolish?

Donald and his criminal enterprise will appreciate a slow Dearie, but that's not why they submitted him.

It is to get evidence tossed by Cannon.


Aileen Cannon would do well in Putin's Russia, Orban's Hungary.


This is why the independent state legislature theory / fraud is Mike Flynn, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Donald Trump's new approach.


Do you think AG Garland will bring Kash Patel under a Grand Jury to talk under penalty of perjury about Trump's alleged "declassification" magic?

Trump and Patel know the answer and that is why they bullshit and do whatever the want - they know DOJ is incompetent.

NY Times March 2017 on Sergey Kislyak


Ha, the Center for National Interest, of which Dimitri Simes was president, was the Nixon Center.

In 1994 Nixon appointed Simes to lead the Nixon Center.

Simes with useful idiot Richard Nixon.

Recall Cannon cited Nixon v. GSA (1977) to sustain EP claim, ignoring that Image

the PRA (1978) was passed to create clarity around this subject.

From Nixon to Ronald Reagan, on a Make America Great Again shtick, at which time Putin was about 29 in 1981.

After Nixon, it was dirty trickster Roger Stone who invented the

slogan “Make America Great Again” for Ronald Reagan.

How to square that in 1968, the USSR offered Hubert Humphrey financial help for his campaign?

Well, the October surprise of 1968 helped Nixon.


In 2013, Simes attended Valdai International Discussion Club alongside Putin, where both took part in a two-hour panel discussion.


Aileen Cannon is there to protect people by getting evidence tossed out.


Richard Burt is a former member of the Senior Advisory Board of Alfa Bank.

Then Board Member at LetterOne: letterone.com/about-us/

Alfa Bank is a part of Alfa Group, financial and industrial consortium created and owned by the Russian oligarchs Mikhail Fridman and

Petr Aven.

Petr Aven and Mikhail Fridman of Alfa Group and Letter One are close and long-term allies of Putin.

A 2007 report of the global intelligence company Stratfor which has a reputation of being a “shadow CIA” and is trusted by


many national governments, connects Fridman and Aven to Solntsevo mafia.


Richard Burt is also a member of Advisory Board and from 2002 to 2007 served as an Executive Chairman of Diligence LLC,

a Washington-based, private global intelligence firm with William Webster, former director of the CIA and FBI on its advisory board.

A stake in Diligence is owned by Oleg Deripaska’s business partner, Nathaniel Rothschild, according to the New York Times from March 2007

Speaking of Rothschild's, remember this:


More interference by Donald.


Lawyer Bobb has many duties.


Trump’s new(er) lawyer, who is seeking the highest security clearances known to the US Govt, as part of the special master litigation, was an agent for Venezuela and the Maduro regime.

Comrade Putin has been working both Venezuela and Brazil.


FBI Agents don't have access to the materials, but a foreign agent might get access?

No surprise that useful idiots DeSantis and Abbott of Fl and Tx trafficked Venezuelan refugees using a transport company with ties to Russia.

And no surprise useful idiots Ted Cruz

and Marco Rubio "demand answers" from DHS.

Putin's job is just too easy with all these stupid Senator's or corrupt Senator's taking paydays from the Criminal Enterprise.

Does Senate Judiciary not refer Aileen Cannon for a 1001 charged because the Ds on the Committee Image

think that AG Garland is incompetent?

All Rs on that Committee are MAGA useful idiots or corrupt members of the criminal enterprise, unless Sasse is legit. ImageImageImage

When folks tell you Garland is a competent wizard, slowly and methodically building an air-tight case, ask them about this oversight.


For the people who choose to believe what Donald is selling, this one implies that following four years of MAGA and a GOP tax policy, that America is in decline and a failed nation.

NO self-reflection from the MAGA base.

Stone, Manafort, Flynn - must be writing Donald's Image

talking points again, like Flynn's people wrote the 2016 foreign policy platform for the GOP.

His handler's are happy with him.


Bribed Navy officers with prostitutes and cash for sweet contracts, not too different from how one suspect USSS (secret service) agents were bribed by Donald's handlers connected to Russia.

DOJ wholly incompetent.


Fat Leonard escaped to Venezuela & heading to Brazil.

Leonard recorded orgies involving Navy officers and those videos ended up in China's hands, reportedly.

Wonder how many USSS orgy videos are in Russian or Saudi hands?

Do not expect Chris Kise to assist US Gov to

extradite, unless ordered by Donald, in exchange for something of value.

Really, DOJ is wholly incompetent, or part of a criminal enterprise itself, as directed by the owner's of America.

Why does DOJ want to keep so many secrets?


NY Times 9/19/2022

Steven Mnuchin solicited funds for his own private equity fund, ultimately getting $1 billion from the Saudis and $500 million more from the Emiratis.


NY Times 9/19/22

Eric Herschmann warned Donald late last year of legal liability if he did not return government materials he had taken when he left office.

Donald “willfully” retained NDI.

Donald retained documents in violation of a subpoena.


When AG Garland has not indicted Donald come Jan 01, 2023, are we ready to hear about how Garland is building that air-tight case?

Will people demand AG Garland resign if he fails to indict for 793(e) by Jan 2023? July 2023?

Garland may not have the demeanor to indict

when Donald will argue he declassified, simply by overtly moving NDI while President.

People will say demeanor is irrelevant and facts matter.

Well, prosecutorial discretion involves demeanor and personality.

What's the media quota for Habba and Bobb?


As absurd it sounds, suspect the Garland DOJ will agree and follow OLC memo's from hacks owned by the top 1%.


Of course, Aileen Cannon abused her discretion.

A relief to see 11th Circuit right some wrongs.

William P Barr, 9/21/2022 back to being full of shit, even pulling out the Flynn / Waldron Trump Derangement Syndrome line.


Donald: "I declassified everything."

Then how come it's not on Twitter for the public to view?


All I had to do was think about it and boom it's reality.

Bullshit a bullshitter?


Hannity is so sure Chris Wray is watching.

Hannity threatens with a swinging pendulum.

Hannity is the enemy of the people.

Watching Hannity on 9/21/22 and believing the bullshitting requires willful blindness.

They don't even have William P Barr willing to roll over on this one.

Given Comrade Trump wants you to believe he can declassify via mere thought, shouldn't Biden inform him he re-classified via mere intuition to protect America, given a failed self-coup and hostile transition period where information was not shared.


Trump to Hannity: “because you’re sending it to Mar a Lago or wherever you are sending it.”

Unfortunately, AG Garland will possibly agree on the "because you're sending it to Mar-a-Lago" due to incompetence.

But "to other places," like Saudi Arabia, Russia,

Jared and Ivanka's crib?

Even an incompetent AG has a 793e case with that confession.

If a President has the power to declassify everything in his head via mental self magic, can he pardon and declare wars in his dreams and make is so by morning via thoughts?

Somewhat surprised of this from the 11th Circuit, but welcome news.


Back to Trump on Hannity: "There doesn’t have to be a process, as I understand it. If you’re the president of the United states, you can declassify even by thinking about it."

So Donald claiming he just thought about making a decision on the use and handling of the most

highly classified info and didn't tell the intel community--and has refused to tell the intel community about it 21 months later, and attempt to block DOJ / FBI from even reviewing what he claims he declassified by thought (after claiming the FBI planted NDI).

Can't keep

Donald's attorney's and foreign agents have jobs too.


The unanimous three judge panel:

Andrew Brasher: Trump appointee
Britt Grant: Trump appointee
Robin Rosenbaum, Obama appointee

Even the Trump appointees on the 11th Circuit recognize they can't go criminal for him on the appeal (at least for now), unlike Aileen Cannon,

who goes all-in with the criminal enterprise.

This pauses the effects of Cannon's ruling and 11th Circuit will hear full appeal from Cannon.

DOJ can continue its investigation of classified docs recovered.

Special master Dearie, who Donald asked for, can move at a

faster pace, and DOJ can use and doesn’t have to disclose the classified docs.

Donald's next game plan is to get evidence tossed, arguing Dearie has conflict re / Carter Page FISA. Sounds crazy, but Donald's legal battles are crazy and tend to just be bullshitting on

paper, behind the cloak of legal filings before courts.

When Donald Trump tells Hannity and all the viewer's they need to be brain dead "and my understanding [of the declassification process is ...]


When Donald tells Hannity and viewer's "my understanding of the declassification process is ...", funny Hannity doesn't remind viewers Donald understood it when it came to declassification of materials related to Crossfire Hurricane:


Donald at the time: "My decision to declassify materials is subject to the limits identified above & does not extend to materials that must be protected from disclosure pursuant to orders of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court ..."

Tish James says Trump tax records seized by the FBI from Mar-a-Lago may have been concealed from her investigators.

Why? What is DOJ or Intel Community trying to hide and why?

Is DOJ hiding corruption within CIA or FBI?

Something is off.

Donald wants you to believe as POTUS he had unfettered declassification authority.

Why is DOJ Nat Sec Division dropping the ball?

Who in CIA is possibly interfering with DOJ investigation?

When Trump says the deep state, maybe it's because he had rouge elements within

the CIA and was projecting as usual?

Russia had an FBI Agent on its payroll, Charles McGonigal, ex-head of counterintelligence at NYC FBI field office.

Donald projecting, dumbing it down for the MAGA brain dead.

Donald refers to himself in the 3rd person like every guy born into wealth faking it to himself to never come to terms with self incompetence.

NY Times 9/21/2022


Alan - because taxpayers bail out "the biggest banks in the country," and people from the top 1% make up terms like "too big to fail."


"You can't just willy nilly do it."

Donald showed up to boink a porn chick called Stormy without a rubber.

All he does is will nilly do it, and why not, when not held accountable for anything?


Earliest acts in NY AG complaint go back to 2011.

What have the IRS/FBI/DOJ been doing for 11 years?

Why do they look the other way?


The 11th Circuit opinion from 9/21/2022 calls the scheme that Cannon had set up, allowing the Intelligence Committee to continue its intelligence assessment, but prohibiting any investigation for criminal purposes, untenable.

No shit. Crooked Cannon was trying to prohibit

a criminal investigation to please her client, Donald Trump and to keep Marco Rubio safe.

Donald's possession on NDI was unauthorized. An element of 793(e) is met.

Given Donald is familiar with EO 13526, the Obama EO that Donald has repeatedly conceded, governed

classified information during Donald's entire Administration and still governs it, and given Herschmann's testimony to J6C, the willful retention element for 793(e) looking plausible.

In Oath Keeper hearing, Stewart Rhodes lawyer, Bright, is laying out the claim that the Oath Keepers had the QRF in anticipation that Trump might invoke the Insurrection Act.

Just need to show the three Amigos of Stone, Flynn, Akbar connect Trump to OKs weapon stash.

It's worth what someone, like guys who need money laundered, are willing to pay for it.

You don't say?


For years, Donald Trump said he could not release his taxes because they were under "routine audit" by IRS.

If that is true, where is the audit & if Letitia James is right, shouldn't that audit result in more than potential secret investigations?


Me thinks Trump's taxes are potentially protected by rogue elements from CIA or some other Intel agency, where rogue actors recognize Donald is a money launderer and who use his financials to learn about transnational laundering for perhaps illicit purposes?

Will Crooked Cannon avoid appellate review for abusing her privileged use of discretion to assist her clients, Donald Trump and Marco Rubio?

Jim Trusty can be trusted to follow Donald Trump's orders, but should not be trusted with a security clearance when he does not acknowledge who is the American President.

I'd think Biden is soft too if I were Trusty.


CNN 9/23/2022

Of course Donald and the Criminal Enterprise are attempting to stop a GJ from obtaining information just like he's trying to have evidence tossed from any potential trial using Crooked Cannon.


Donald recognizes using lawyer's to further a criminal conspiracy has benefits like being able to claim privilege disputes to judges too stupid to recognize a crime-fraud exception when it hits them in the face.

But not all the judges are so stupid or corrupted.

Indeed, Gaetz or Trump would have ppl feeding Devlin Barrett information to attempt to influence DOJ prosecutorial discretion and public opinion regarding charging decisions.


Old enough to remember when just in the last month, Donald put in a motion to Crooked Cannon a planted story to frame a narrative that DOJ cannot be trusted and that Trump (always the 3rd person with him) is innocent.

Devlin Barrett is the useful idiot at WaPo but it

means management from WaPo practice willful blindness.


But Donald telepathically declassified everything so why wouldn't he declassify Majewski's military records?


Orlando Sentinel 9/23/2022 quoting Greenberg's attorney.


It is almost like Matt Gaetz is what the GOP projects on Hunter Biden, but then you see clips of Don Jr and wonder whether it's a competition?

All three of those guys have issues. Some more than others.

Donald: "I love the poorly educated."

The Poorly Educated: Image

Remember Putin's General, Mike Flynn and his team wrote the GOP's 2016 foreign policy platform?

House Republicans just rolled out their official "Commitment to America” plan for 2023.

If America had a competent DOJ, it would show a foreign intel


service is literally writing the Commitment to America plan and prosecute for a FARA violation.

But this DOJ hasn't even acted on Eric Greiten yet.

One wonders whether John Wood, a senior "investigator" for J6C was put there to obstruct?

What Riggleman reveals in the teaser surprises who?

Why doesn't J6C have a tech firm or big 4 firm doing forensics + data analysis?

Riggleman seems like an honest guy, despite being a Republican, but why not hire the best people for the job, like ppl from Microsoft,

Google, Meta, Twitter, and small firms with people who could do what J6C should be doing?

Plausible Trump Org was doing data merging [of what data?] w / email servers and exchanging information


We have to keep our country gait?

The same crowd that's always in camera shot at every location doesn't even flinch.

Donald is policing or shall we say managing the Trumper's like the children he views them as.

He did say, "we love you, you're very special," after all.


Does CSA have any ties to Boebert's? Will Mike Flynn train any of the CSA employees? CSA was established in 1974 so Flynn would have to infiltrate it in the 2020s.


J6C distancing from Riggleman.

Will he earn a nickname of Wiggleman?

Politico reports Riggleman has a book coming out.

The guy is a self-promoter, but is he pre-informing team Trump what might come out of the J6C, or does he believe


team Trump already knows what J6C knows and the limited info revealed is harmless?

Digital World did not disclose the investors that pulled out. Sources told Reuters Sabby Management, which had committed $100 million to the PIPE, is one of the investors who have terminated.

If DW was created to launder,



as a way for Donald to get paid back for selling public policy and perhaps national secrets, isn't it in the public interest to know who is behind the legal entities committed to funding it?

Sabby Management is based out of Spicewood, Tx, a hedge fund legal structure, with

two clients and a $0.5B in assets.

The June 2022 Insider article:


If Donald regains power, DWAC and related entities are just one way he can launder money into his pockets to receive payment for selling public policy.

As previously disclosed, on December 4, 2021, in support of Digital World Acquisition Corp.’s (“Digital World”) proposed business combination (the “Business Combination”) with Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. (“TMTG”), Digital World


entered into securities purchase agreements (the “SPAs”) with certain institutional investors (the “PIPE Investors”), pursuant to which the PIPE Investors agreed to purchase up to an aggregate of 1,000,000 shares of Digital World’s Series A Convertible Preferred Stock

(the “Preferred Stock”) at a purchase price of $1,000.00 per share, for an aggregate commitment of up to $1 billion in a private placement (the “PIPE”) to be consummated concurrently with the Business Combination.

The shares are initially convertible into 29,761,905

shares of Digital World common stock, subject to upward adjustment as described herein. The PIPE is conditioned on the concurrent closing of the Business Combination and other customary closing conditions.

Pursuant to the SPAs, each of the PIPE Investors may terminate

its respective SPA, among other things, if the closing of the PIPE has not occurred on or prior to September 20, 2022.

Additionally, as reported in Digital World’s definitive proxy statement dated August 25, 2022, relating to its special meeting of stockholders,

currently adjourned to October 10, 2022, it is possible that the parties will restructure the PIPE or renegotiate such arrangements in view of the PIPE closing conditions, evolving market and regulatory conditions.

Between September 19, 2022 and September 23, 2022,

Digital World received termination notices from PIPE Investors representing approximately $138.5 million of the PIPE.

Donald would need to mix legit funds with illicit funds into the opaque legal structures.

Wonder whether Kushner would commit any of the $2B from the

Saudis to the DWAC and TMTG "merger?"

Pentwater, a $10 billion hedge fund based in Naples, Fla. was a player in the deal.

Some legit funds can mix with illigit funds.

Who is behind Truth SPC, a secretive fund? Is that Saudi or Russia or Emirati funds?

Red Rowan Investments?

nytimes.com/live/2022/05/2… Image

What am I supposed to say? Image

Most of the GOP Senator's gave Trump a pass on two impeachments.

IOW, expect them to be weak and useful idiots to the criminal enterprise.

Hopefully people vote out GOP Senator's who gave Donald a pass.


Bill Barr hopes DOJ does NOT charge Donald, even when DOJ has evidence.

Will Mr. Garland fool the optimists into believing he's building an airtight case into perpetuity?

The whole system is a joke.


One reason the system is a joke, and a reason within the power of people to alter, is people from Ky, for example, place Rand Paul into the Senate.

The joke is on the people sending GOP Senator's to a six year lottery winning.


It's almost like Kevin McCarthy is read-in on which groups supply drugs and which are tied to rouge intel assets; he deliberately uses "drugs" to create a talking point to try to be relevant to hold onto some power.


CNN 9/26/2022

The call was placed in the late afternoon, shortly after Donald Trump posted a video message on social media telling the rioters at the Capitol, “go home, we love you, you’re very special,” at 4:17pm.

Do they have the time right?


Is this the case of Riggleman overhyping a call that he presents in mysterious terms, out ahead of J6C, presumably to sale a book?

Are people so desperate for accountability, they accept a self-promoter?

Hiring a former GOP Rep to review texts

was a terrible idea when you have firms out there that could do it better.

Do not be surprised if Trump's handlers had made Riggleman their useful idiot.

J6C should analyze the books sales of Riggleman's book. It's not like the GOP has not paid people in the past via book sales, like Marco Rubio, for example.

No evidence of it, but one must look.

April 21, 2022 by Hunter Walker, co-author of Riggleman's book


CNN 9/26/2022

Phil Waldron, an early proponent of various election-related conspiracy theories, texted Meadows on December 23 that an Arizona judge had dismissed a lawsuit filed by friendly GOP lawmakers there.

Old news in the OSINT community.


President Vladimir Putin grants Russian citizenship to former US security contractor Edward Snowden on same day Snowden releases post to inform you CIA is not your friend.


Snowden writes " Presidents and their cadres have regularly directed the CIA to go beyond the law for reasons that cannot be justified, and therefore must be concealed — classified."

Is this building sentiment for Donald Trump's actions to feed classified intel and NDI to

America's adversaries?

Although Snowden may be right in overall theme on lack of transparency and corruption within the government, seems he's being used in a war between Russia, it allies, and America.

To the extent that the cause of transparency is conflated w/ Trump's

action's, Snowden's credibility on the issue of transparency is trash.

It's almost like Mr. Putin is angry the CIA, in his perception, is assisting Ukraine to defend from Russia's Special Military Operation.

He [Clarence Thomas] didn't participate in it, says Jenna Ellis.


"That's basically what Bush did to Gore," says Roger Stone, who engineered theft of the 2000 election.

Roger knows W Bush was a useful idiot preferred candidate of foreign adversaries in 2000 by the time the 2000 election rolled around.

Mr. footage of Stone on CNN. Unfortunately, CNN makes a few minutes of gossiping around a tiny clip.


That time in 2011 when Clarence Thomas "missed" reporting Ginni's income.


Those rules were made to be broken and easily ignore with money from a petty cash drawer.

Again, that system is a joke.

In the yo-yo of the narrative, lawyer Habba back to the FBI planted evidence narrative on 9/27/22.


Such a vulnerable person whose mental state is open to "new horizons" would be a perfect target for any foreign intel op, esp when such potential target is married to a SCOTUS Justice.


Do you think Liz Cheney would protect Ginni Thomas from J6C subpoenas?

And with Liz Cheney losing her House seat, if Ds hold the House majority, that opens up potential for J6C to subpoena Thomas?

Or has Liz Cheney been supportive of a subpoena to Ginni Thomas?


others on J6C inform the public of such internal deliberations, or will J6C operate in secret as most Congressional Committees?

The Chinese and Russian formation came a month after NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned about China’s interest in the Arctic and Russia’s military buildup there.


Stoltenberg said Russia has set up a new Arctic Command and has opened hundreds of new and former Soviet-era Arctic military sites, including deep-water ports and airfields.

Russia’s Navy is relocating its Kilo class submarines from Crimea to Russia.

Does this make those subs available elsewhere?


Meanwhile, Turkey and Greece, two NATO members, may be in conflict, presumably egged on by Russia.

Nothing could delight China and Russia more than to see NATO turn on itself.

With Russia's Navy leaving the Mediterranean Sea, will Turkey snatch up cash from Libyan oil fields?


Turkey’s maritime deal with the Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA) that largely ignores legal Greek and Cypriot claims is destabilizing the eastern Mediterranean, as are Greek actions like militarizing Aegean islands close to Turkish shores.

The Turkish Navy’s

aggressive maneuvering has led to numerous naval incidents with Greece, Cyprus, and Israel and an arms race with Greece—a fellow NATO member.

Recall in May 2021:


In June 2022, Putin sent a message to the United States in Syria when his

fighter jets attacked the al-Tanf garrison, where hundreds of U.S. troops are stationed.

Donald Trump handed Putin keys to Syria.


Did you catch how Turkey took an interest in an Arctic island called Svalbard in July 2022?


Review: Svalbard cable went down Jan 05, 2021 to Jan 06, 2021.


Between Jan 6th and 7th, 2021, somebody cut the world’s fastest internet cable in Svalbard and perhaps a cable that NATO might utilize to "spy" on Russia?

Could Erdogan and Putin have a keen shared interest to work together in the Artic?


Did you catch Vladimir Putin's naval doctrine from early Aug 2022 where the doctrine assumes "diversification and intensification of maritime activities in the Svalbard archipelago, Franz Josef island, Novaya Zemlya and Wrangel Island?"



caught Mr. Putin's drift.

On January 28, 2018, China’s State Council Information Office released a white paper detailing the country’s official Arctic policy for the first time.


Purple areas represent U.S. Geological Survey oil and gas reserve estimates; Arctic Council member states are highlighted in green, and observer states are highlighted in blue. Image

Trump and Pompeo, ever useful idiots, were handing over potential Artic assets. Why?


With rising temperatures, which nations will take assets in the arctic?

How will intelligence assets be utilized in the wars over real assets in the arctic?


Let's remember that a Soviet-backed coup took over the entire country of Czechoslovakia in February 1948, which shocked Norway and the Norwegians. Image

In 1949, Norway was the only NATO country to share a border with the Soviet Union.


nato.int/cps/en/natohq/… ImageImage


The Minister of Trade and Industry in Norway, Jan Christian Vestre, not only wants Norway to become a battery giant but also a sustainable mining nation.

His ministry is developing a new mineral strategy which promises both more mining as well as

recycling of minerals and metals.


An older thesis on Finland and Sweden joining NATO:


Turkey did NOT want Finland and Sweden in NATO but the Biden Admin coerced Turkey to relent.

Turkey then decided to pay for Russian gas with cash (sanctions workaround) and Turkish banks adopted the Russian payments system.

Russia has bases in Syria at Latakia and

Tartus plus those at the Red Sea base in Sudan and bases in Egypt and Libya.

Meanwhile, NATO manages the Eastern Mediterranean, East of the Suez, and The Middle East from Cyprus.

Donald Trump handed Putin and Erodgan more power in Syria.

Will Turkey under Erdogan

favor Putin or Xi going forward?

Xi seems to be running the show with Erdogan and Putin at the moment.

Leaders from Poland, Norway and Denmark attended a ceremony on 9/27/2022 to mark the opening of anew Baltic Pipe, a key stage in the drive to wean Poland and Europe off Russian gas.

The pipeline will transport natural gas from the Norwegian

shelf via Denmark and through the Baltic Sea to Poland.

The attack on Nord Stream 1/2 curiously happens same day that Poland announced opening of a pipeline to Norway.

euronews.com/2022/09/27/bal… Image

NY Times 9/14/2022

Ronald S. Lauder, the Estée Lauder heir, offered himself up as back-channel negotiator to purchase Greenland from Denmark.

Ron Lauder moved into Moscow and Budapest in 1989.


Everett Edward Kavanaugh was president of the Cosmetic Toiletry and Fragrance Assn in 1989, when Estée Lauder moved into Moscow to sell cosmetics to Semion Mogilevich’s Arbat Prestige.

Dmytro Firtash and the people connected to Itera were involved with Mogilevich’s Image

Arbat Prestige.

Is Lauder a useful idiot or part of a criminal enterprise?

Ron Lauder served as US ambassador to Austria in 1986 and 1987.

When did Jeffrey Epstein receive his Austrian passport that he used to travel to multiple countries in the 1980s?

Was it

engineered with Lauder's assist in 1986?

Lauder's presence in Budapest starting in 89, a few years before Mogilevich moved his HQ there, is just coincidence, right?

Vadim Rabinovich was Lauder's partner in Ukraine.

Useful idiot Ron Reagan appointed Lauder as deputy assistant secretary of defense for European & NATO policy in 1984.

Wait. Lauder ran for NYC Mayor in 1989, losing to Rudy Giuliani in the GOP primary?

Did Russia view Lauder or Giuliani as their asset in 1989? Image

Lauder's campaign managers were Roger Ailes of Fox News and Arthur Finkelstein.

From Roger Ailes to Roger Stone ....

Was Russia working both Giuliani and Lauder by 1989?

It's like Russian and American Intel were following useful idiot Donald Trump in 1987.


The Danish intelligence had accused Russia of forging a 2019 letter to Senator Tom Cotton, claiming to be from Greenland's foreign minister & alleging there'd be an independence referendum.

Tom Cotton claimed to have given Trump the idea to buy Greenland. Image

Now we learn Ronald S. Lauder, the Estée Lauder heir, offered himself up as back-channel negotiator to purchase Greenland from Denmark.

Recall US Ambassador Bill Taylor mentioned that the “Sec of Defense & State, CIA Director & NSA sought a joint mtg w/ Trump to convince

him to release the aid, but scheduling the mtg was difficult. One reason? “It was about the time of the Greenland q, purchasing Greenland, which took up energy in NSC”.

Donald Trump and Tom Cotton are such idiots! Image

Recall Mike Pompeo in Denmark 7/22/2020 asking Copenhagen to do more to block Russia's Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, a year after Trump offended the Danes by casually mentioning he wanted to strike 'essentially a real estate deal' to buy Greenland?

It's like Russia used

Tom Cotton and Donald Trump to thwart Denmark.

Oddly, Pompeo might have had some sense at the time?


One wonders, did Russian Intel have someone feeding them info on the workings of the American National Security Council (NSC)?

John Bolton assigned Fiona Hill to assemble a small team to brainstorm ideas on buying Greenland, engaging in talks with Denmark's Ambassador.

Bolton believed they lost a chance for something more realistic like an enhanced security arrangement with Denmark at the time due to Trump's ignorance.

What did this divert Fiona Hill from otherwise focusing upon at the time?

9733 Image

Amusing chatter from Oct 2019.

There were no troops for taking Greenland.

People can be so misinformed. Image

If Putin surrenders, folds, and gives up on his "Special Military Operation," it is only fitting that he would utilize his useful idiot, Donald Trump, to present Donald as the wizard who can broker a "peace" agreement between Russia and Ukraine.

This was predictable. Image

Putin will present Donald as the "I, and I alone can fix it," solution to the conflict manufactured to engineer concessions.

Biden and Zelensky will not fall for the chicanery coming from the Trump / Putin alliance.

Is it just coincidence that Comrade Trump is offering to broker a "peace deal" at a time when Comrade Putin is expanding unconventional and hybrid tactics outside of Ukraine to increase perceived bargaining power in any discussions and to move up a timeline? Image

IOW, bring pain by sabotage and destruction of infrastructure to force discussions?

Will Putin's General avoid discovery?


Cukoo for cocoa puffs or Q for Kash?

Kash appears to be following orders from Mike Flynn to lend praise to QAnon.

Kash Patel had signed his lunatic children's book, the 2nd one, with the QAnon “Where We Go 1 We Go All” slogan.


Donald's defense counsel, Aileen Cannon, delivers again, extending the deadline for the review into mid-December, after the mid-terms, and agreeing w/ Donald's objections to the Special Master telling him to put up or shut up with regards to claiming FBI planted evidence.

IOW, Donald need NOT submit a declaration about whether FBI “planted evidence."

Cannon makes DOJ look like a bunch of morons.

Maybe they are a bunch of powerless idiots, including the AG?


Ginni Thomas needs you to be gullible.

thefederalist.com/2022/09/29/gin… Image

The US Gov must know Donald was a Russian and Czechoslovakian intel target and perhaps elements from within CIA will protect Donald to protect organized crime?

When you observe the lunatic Aileen Cannon orders, you recognize, perhaps a criminal enterprise still operates

from within agencies at the intersection of organized crime and politicians to protects her, sort-of like how Sidney Powell made crazy legal filings and was seemingly acting like she had protection?

Jareh Sebastian Dalke must be clamoring to get Aileen Cannon as his defense counsel, but he can't afford her like Donald Trump's handlers can.


Dalke is charged by criminal complaint alleging three violations of the Espionage Act, which makes

it a crime to transmit or attempt to transmit NDI to a representative of a foreign nation with intent or reason to believe that information could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of a foreign nation.

Wonder whether Dalke will to go on TV and social media and say the government planted evidence, then get a judge to take it as golden and instruct the executive branch that the defendant need not put up or shut up?

Comrade Trump rooting for Dalke?

Anna Gabrielian, 36, a civilian anesthesiologist in Baltimore, and her spouse, Jamie Lee Henry, 39, an internal medicine physician assigned to Fort Bragg in North Carolina, charged with conspiracy and


improper disclosures related to what federal prosecutors termed “efforts to assist Russia in connection with the conflict in Ukraine.”

Imagine how a hostile government might use disclosure of individually identifiable health information (“IIHI”).

When you know the

conditions of people in the government, military, etc and you're Russia, you can then use those people and when those ppl stop serving you, you can murder them by amplifying their underlying conditions to mask the cause of death.

When you observe all of Donald Trump's neurological misfires and recognize he had his former bodyguard break into his doc's office in NY to steal records in 2016, then acknowledge his quack doc, Ronny Jackson, was a yes man, one wonders what those guys from the 1970s think

about the probability Donald was a Manchurian Candidate under the influence of drugs and subject to mind control?

First wife from Gottwaldov, Moravia, Czechoslovakia, marries Donald in 1977 and Trump becomes the target of a spying operation overseen by Czechoslovakia’s

intelligence service in cooperation with the KGB.

In 1987, Trump and Ivana visited Moscow and St Petersburg for the first time.

Soon after he returned to the US, Trump began exploring a run for the Republican nomination for president and even held a campaign rally in

Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Useful idiot Trump took out Ads in the 1980s that Moscow would have enjoyed. Image

Even before President Trump took office, an effort was underway to sniff out elements within the intelligence community perceived as disloyal.

It's almost like Putin's General, Mike Flynn, or someone else knew who to purge from CIA and tried, but


failed to effectuate a full purge.

But, why did the CIA have ties to Trump before he was in office? The Sept 9 2020 article states "Ex-CIA officials with Trump ties assembled "purge list."

Zach Dorfman of the Aspen Institute might want to divulge who were these ex CIA Image


Were ex-CIA in bed with Organized crime? Laundering money through Trump Real Estate?

Does Donald have black mail on IRS and that is why IRS has his returns under perpetual "routine audit?"

LA Times 04/4/1990:


The late Philippine dictator Ferdinand E. Marcos stashed millions of dollars in overseas banks and secretly invested in New York real estate to accumulate a “defense fund” to finance recovery of his country if communist insurgents took over, an attorney for his widow said.

He did it to be able to buy guns and whatever else would be required to “take back his country,” said attorney Gerry Spence.

And he did it because that is “what the CIA told him to do.”

Oh. CIA told a Philippine dictator to launder money through NY real estate to have a

defense fund to fight communists?

Spence, representing Imelda Marcos in her fraud, racketeering and conspiracy trial, also said that four prime Manhattan properties were purchased at the urging of then-Vice President George Bush, who Spence said he would try to call as a


Bush met with the Marcoses in Manila in June, 1981, and was concerned about the possibility of Philippine investments going to Libya, the attorney said.

“He (Bush) said he didn’t want the Marcoses to deal with (Moammar) Kadafi. He said to them, ‘why don’t you

invest in American real estate?’ ” Spence said.

“So the Marcoses, in an attempt to keep the goodwill of the United States, abandoned their idea of investing in Libya and began to buy real estate in Manhattan.”

No wonder by 2000, Russia had Roger Stone ensuring W Bush

a victory.

Saudi Arabian financier Adnan Khashoggi assisted laundering the funds through NY real estate.

Spence tried to characterize Marcos as “a loyal supporter of America” and a close friend of American presidents, especially Ronald Reagan.

Ahh .. check out thread on

how foreign governments like Russia have had preferred candidates for President since at least the 1950s, including Reagan and W Bush.

Marcoses moved millions of dollars out of the Philippines in the 1970s and 1980s because they feared a

communist takeover.

Gerry Spence: “The CIA knew all about it. It was an open secret between the CIA and the Marcoses.”

Spence said the CIA “was aware of every transaction that took place in this case.” And he said that U.S. leaders “knew every step of the way

what (Marcos) was doing.”

According to Spence, an old man he identified only as “Rubio” will testify that he helped Marcos take the gold left behind by the Japanese general who commanded the occupying forces.

“Rubio says that about twice a week (he and Marcos) would make

the trip into the northern Philippines by car and fill it full of gold,” Spence told jurors.

Catch that name, Rubio? Wonder whether that's a relative of Senator Marco Rubio, the Senator who rose to the Senate via a payment for a book deal, and who selected Aileen Cannon?

Gerry Spence said the investments - especially four pieces of prime real estate in Manhattan - were made at the advice of George Bush in 1981, when Mr. Bush was Vice President.

Was Bush advising a dictator to hide and launder through Trump real estate in 1981 and was Trump

known to CIA to be willing to assist with money laundering?




The NY Properties Marcos laundered through were owned by legal structures meant to disguise the truth.

Did CIA offload properties in NY that were utilized to launder money to the Trump Org eventually?

Is that why so much of Trump's financials

www1.cuny.edu/mu/law/files/2… Image

are untouchable and a mystery?

Is that why NY AG James said she could not get her hands on some of the financials of Trump's NY real estate and that some documents at Mar a Lago would be of interest to the NY AG?

40 Wall Street, is now known as the Trump Building

on Wall Street between Nassau and William streets.

In July 1995 Donald Trump signed a letter of intent to lease 40 Wall Street and renovate it for $100 million, the very same property that was at the heart of the case against Marcos who claimed CIA told him to "invest" in

NY real estate. Here, invest = launder.

Trump has given conflicting accounts as to the actual price of 40 Wall Street.

In November 1995, Trump stated he was buying the leasehold from Kinson for $100,000.

During a 2005 episode of The Apprentice, Trump claimed he only

paid $1 million for the leasehold, but that it was actually worth $400 million.

Trump's legal advisor, George H. Ross, restated this claim in a 2005 book.

On a 2007 episode of CNBC's The Billionaire Inside, Trump again claimed he paid $1 million for the leasehold,

but stated the building's value as $600 million. However, in 2012, it was reported that Trump paid $10 million for the leasehold, while the building's estimated worth was $1 billion.

Trump's estimate of the building's worth also conflicted with that of New York City tax

assessors, who in 2004 estimated the building as being worth $90 million.

The New York Times wrote in 2004 that the building had $145 million of debt.

According to Federal Election Commission applications filed in 2015 during Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, Trump

had an outstanding mortgage of over $50 million on the property.

Forbes estimated in 2020 that Trump owed Ladder Capital $138 million for 40 Wall Street as part of a loan that was to come due in 2025.

In November 2021, New York prosecutors were scrutinizing several of

the Trump Organization's properties for which, between 2011 and 2015, far higher values were presented to potential lenders than were reported to tax officials.

The most extreme case involved 40 Wall Street, which in 2012 was cited as being worth $527 million to lenders

but only $16.7 million to tax officials.

What if CIA has to cover its tracks with real estate it offloaded to useful idiot Donald Trump?

What if @NewYorkStateAG is misled by rogue elements who were ex-cia trying to protect secrets about 40 Wall St?

NY Post Nov 2017:

The Crown building, one of New York’s real estate jewels at 57th Street and Fifth Avenue connected to billionaire Vladislav Doronin.

Funny how a Russian billionaire gets involved with real estate previously owned by a


Netherlands Antilles corp called Lastura Corporation, which was owned by three Panamanian Corps that issued "bearer" shares in the 1980s and was one of five properties CIA told Philippine dictator Ferdinand E. Marcos to "invest" in.

In 1982, the Marcoses purchased 40 Wall Street for $71 million through NYLand (CF8) Ltd., a shell corporation based in the Netherlands Antilles.

The building's ownership changed hands a few times after the Marcoses were removed from power in 1986, but the lease was

transferred to Donald Trump in December 1995, and the building was renamed the "Trump Building".

In 1986, The Washington Post noted that in coded cables between the Marcos Family and their alleged "front" in Manhattan, Gliceria Tantoco, the 40 Wall Street building was

referred to using the secret code-word "Bridgetown."

Using secret code-words for NY real estate? Who does that? CIA working with organized crime and HW Bush?

President Marcos' only son, Ferdinand Jr., was given a house in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, purchased for $119,000,

while he was studying in the Wharton Business School of the University of Pennsylvania, same school Donald Trump brags about.



NY Times Feb 10, 1991


NY Times March 16, 1986

Maybe someone can correlate old info with any new info from Panama Papers?

nytimes.com/1986/03/16/wor… Image


The practice of stashing dirty money into secret
offshore accounts started in 1967 or around 5 years before Martial Law when the very first secret
deposit account was opened in the US and then in 1968 when Marcos opened his very first accounts in


Wonder why this book is hard to obtain? Image

AP March 9, 1987


Resorts International announced that holders of Class B stock representing 73 percent of the voting power in the company had agreed to sell their shares to Trump at a net price of $135 per share.

Analysts were seeking reasons for

why the Crosby family sold Resorts International to Donald Trump cheaply.

Was it CIA greasing the wheels?

In its 115-page report, the NJ attorney general's office charged that Resorts, in the Bahamas, did business with a convict, Wallace Groves, and with Louis Chesler,

once tied to reputed Mafia kingpin Meyer Lansky.

NY Times, Nov 13, 1983


Trump starting doing business with Bear Sterns in 1982 per what he told NY Magazine.

If CIA had a front at Bear Sterns, was it using Trump, unwittingly by the late 1980s?

NY Times, Dec 17, 2007


Born in the Soviet Union in 1966, Felix H. Sater immigrated with his family to Brighton Beach when he was 8 years old. At 24 he was a successful Wall Street broker, at 27 he was in prison after a bloody bar fight, and at 32

he was accused of conspiring with the Mafia to launder money and defraud investors.

Along the way he became embroiled in a plan to buy antiaircraft missiles on the black market for the Central Intelligence Agency in either Russia or Afghanistan, depending on which of his

former associates is telling the story.

In New York, the company Mr. Sater works for, Bayrock Group, is a partner in the Trump SoHo.

Alex Sapir, president of the Sapir Organization, was a partner in Trump SoHo.

A federal complaint brought against Sater in a 1998

money laundering and stock manipulation case was filed in secret and remains under seal.

Mr. Sater and Mr. Klotsman tried to cut a deal with the C.I.A., according to a book co-written by Mr. Lauria, “The Scorpion and the Frog: High Times and High Crimes.”

In exchange for leniency, the book said, they offered to buy a dozen missiles that Osama bin Laden had placed on the black market. The deal later collapsed.

Notice how CIA attempts to work with Organized Crime? How does an agency like CIA maintain control over the decades?


Felix Sater orked as an asset for the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency (or DIA) and tracked Osama bin Laden.

Then he worked for more than a decade for the FBI, providing intel on everything from the mob to North Korea’s drive for nuclear


Was Sater a double agent? Did CIA lose control of their asset?

Sater and his partners, including Tevfik Arif, a Kazakh real estate guy, started a company called Bayrock Group and sought to finance real estate projects across the globe.


Bayrock rented office space in Trump Tower.

Bayrock began to work with the Trump Organization on licensing deals in which Trump earned a fee by doing little more than giving his name to the project, while others put up the money and actually built the property.


too good to be true?

Why would a Russian and Kazakh give Donald Trump such a sweetheart deal?

AP, March 25, 2019

Sater looked to launder cash through Trump projects.


Curious about the Rubio reference to an old man named Rubio.

The Marcos home in Batac was eventually owned by Mariano’s sister, Antonia Marcos Rubio, elder sister of Mariano and Pio.

Huh. America has a US Senator named Marco Antonio Rubio who was


"virtual secretary of state for Latin America" during Donald Trump's presidency and who got Aileen Cannon her job as Trump's defense council.

“It was one of those things where they [Marco Rubio's parents] really didn’t share much information,” said Mario Rubio, Marco's


Documents show Mr. Rubio was sponsored by his sister-in-law, who was already living in Miami and who signed an affidavit in 1956 stating the family was “desirous of entering the United States of America as permanent residents.”


Andy Khawaja alleged that Chinese data was used to create fake Russia/Saudi/UAE funded prepaid gift cards to launder foreign cash into US political campaigns via small online donations beneath the $200 reporting threshold.

Marco Rubio and Rand Paul - were they recipients

of campaign donations through Stripe in amounts under $200 a pop?

Is the Trump Inaugural Committee hiding any evidence of any Stripe payments made to witting or unwitting useful idiots for the House or Senate?


Is Marco Rubio an SVR asset and did Donald call him Little Marco because Donald knew something the rest of us don't know?

Len Blavatnik contributed $1.5 million to PACs connected to Florida Sen. Marco Rubio during the 2016 election cycle.


Along with Rubio, Republican Senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham received hefty sums from Blavatnik as well.

Blavatnik, whose family emigrated to the U.S. in the late 1970s, is a longtime business associate of Russian oligarchs Oleg Deripaska and Viktor Vekselberg.

Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are both sons of Cuban dads who fought for Fidel Castro.

Are they targets of any foreign intel operations and is it any surprise they ran in 2016 when Trump ran?

Gotta have backup candidates as useful idiots in case your main guy, Donald, loses.

Trump and Rubio's asset, Aileen Cannon, has made 200,000 pages of evidence indefinitely denied to DOJ, the use of which also impacts the intel community’s review.

Connecting any dots?

DOJ will NOT be conducting interviews with the materials that Aileen Cannon is protecting for Trump and Rubio. NO fingerprinting them and using them to draft search warrants.

No figuring out who may have accessed the classified material.

Maybe by 2023 but who knows.

Those Russian Oligarch's keep attracting former FBI agents.


Fort Pierce is voluntary and a district conveniently without random assignment.

Rubio and Trump probably only had to give McConnell a junior mint to confirm her in the lame duck period.

How much illicit money to Mitch get for 2020 to snag 57.8% over 38.2%

from @AmyMcGrathKY where he wound up winning a seventh term with his largest margin of victory since 2002, defeating McGrath by nearly 20 percentage points?

It's not like McConnell hadn't show an interest in pleasing Russian Oligarchs in 2019.


Trump can manipulate the civil litigation process unless and until he is a defendant in a criminal case.

But don't expect AG Garland to save the day. He'll roll over if CIA demands it.

Aileen Cannon is probably protecting a CIA-linked criminal enterprise for whom Donald

served, wittingly or unwittingly (at times) since the 1980s.

Cyprus - Wilbur Ross ?


What did CIA give up to Felix Sater (double agent?) to learn about Osama Bin Laden?


Why did Bush family protect Bin Laden family?

Baltimore Sun, Apr 07, 1997


Alex. Brown Inc., the nation's oldest investment house whose roots in Baltimore date back almost 190 years, has agreed to merge with Bankers Trust New York Corp.

A. B. "Buzzy" Krongard was chairman & CEO of Alex Brown.

Deutsche Bank A.G. took over Bankers Trust Corporation in Dec 1998 announcement, following Banker's Trust merger with Alex Brown, Inc a year prior.

Perhaps CIA guys didn't plan for or anticipate that and perhaps some other government understood


what Alex Brown, Inc. was and recognized the value of buying up Bankers Trust after it merged with Alex Brown, Inc?

The purchase of Bankers Trust in 1999 was the largest foreign takeover of an American bank, pushing Deutsche Bank over UBS A.G. of Switzerland.

Deutsche Bank had acquired the British investment bank Morgan Grenfell in 1989, ten years prior.

Deutsche Bank laundered for Russian oligarchs between 2010 and 2014 so no wonder Deutsche snatched up Bankers Trust in 1999 as Russian Intel may have expected the CIA front

at Alex Brown, Inc. and ties to Donald Trump, their asset since the 1970s.

London's Morgan Grenfell, which Deutsche Bank acquired in 1989 had a trader, Peter Young, who traded in Solv-Ex and Russ Oil.



The Morgan Grenfell acquisition in 1989 included Morgan Grenfell Investment Management.

Bankers Trust in1999 came with its $285 billion money management group, then the seventh largest in the U.S.




The New Yorker, August 22, 2016


The UK economy not looking so hot by 2022 after Brexit and Boris Johnson ain't not accident. Image

Might get side-tracked here, but let's pause and look for a connection back to Richard Nixon's administration.

David M Kennedy was the former chairman of Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company from Jan 10, 1959 and then Richard Nixon’s first Treasury Secretary, and chairman of the US-Taiwan Business Council.


Michele Sindona of Italy utilized David M. Kennedy as an "investment adviser" and "ambassador."

NY Times, May 20, 1974


Sindona was an adviser to Pope Paul VI and an associate of New York’s Gambino crime family.

Suffice it to say, Sidona was into organized crime and Nixon's Treasury Secretary, David Kennedy, chairman of the US-Taiwan Business Council, advised Sedona.

jabezcorner.com/Grand_Bahama/o… Image

Earlier we talked about Alex Brown, Inc. that was eventually acquired by Deutsche Bank.

Carlyle Group had a founding investor from Alex Brown. Maybe we can explore that later. CIA must have wanted tentacles in a few finance and banking players.


How Money That Financed Watergate Was Raised and Distributed


NY Times, March 30, 2005

Rudolph W. Giuliani became a partner in Bracewell & Patterson of Houston, TX that employed several prominent Republicans and former members of the Bush administration.

Firm renamed Bracewell & Giuliani.


But by January 2016, Giuliani left the firm and it was renamed again, to Bracewell LLP.

Funny Bracewell LLP was appointed by U.S. District Judge J. Paul Oetken in 2021 to serve as special master in privilege review in a criminal investigation into Rudy Giuliani’s

dealings with Ukrainian officials.

Are any Bush family friends or Enron connected lawyers at Bracewell LLP?

Andrew Fastow, who was CFO of Enron, came from Continental Illinois Bank, and he was married to the daughter of a former Miss Israel of 1958. Was Fastow monitored

by the Mossad?

While at Continental, Fastow worked on the newly emerging "asset-backed securities".

The practice spread across the industry "because it provides an obvious advantage for a bank", noted the Chicago Tribune.

"It moves assets off the bank's balance sheet

while creating revenue."

Shit sounds like financial magic, right? Was Fastow CIA linked?

In 1984, Continental became the largest U.S. bank to fail in American history. Oops.

Due to his work at Continental, Fastow was hired in 1990 by Jeffrey Skilling at the

Enron Finance Corp.

Fastow was named the chief financial officer at Enron in 1998.

Skilling, together with Enron founder Kenneth Lay, was constantly concerned with various ways in which he could keep company stock price up, in spite of the true financial condition of

the company.

In August, Skilling, who had been promoted to CEO of the entire company in February 2001, abruptly resigned after only six months, citing personal reasons.

When reporters for The Wall Street Journal discovered an Enron "senior officer" had recently sold

his interest in several partnerships that had done business with Enron, they initially thought that officer was Skilling.

However, Enron spokesman Mark Palmer revealed that the "senior officer" was really Fastow.


After a former Enron executive leaked a copy of

the offering memorandum for one of Fastow's partnerships, LJM–named for Fastow's wife and two sons–to the Journal, reporters bombarded Enron with further questions about the partnerships.

The scrutiny conveniently died down after the September 11 attacks, but ramped up

anew two weeks later with pointed questions about how much Fastow had earned from LJM.

This culminated in a series of stories that appeared in the Journal in mid-October detailing the "vexing conflict-of-interest questions" about the partnerships, as well as the

huge windfall he had reaped from them.

On October 23, during a conference call with two directors delegated by the board, Fastow revealed that he had made a total of $45 million from his work with LJM–a staggering total, since he claimed to spend no more than three hours

a week on LJM work.

On October 24, several banks told Enron that they would not issue loans to the company as long as Fastow remained CFO. The combined weight of these revelations led the board to accept Lay's recommendation to remove Fastow as CFO on October 25, 2001.

On October 31, 2002, Fastow was indicted by a federal grand jury in Houston, Texas, on 78 counts, including fraud, money laundering, and conspiracy. On January 14, 2004, he pleaded guilty to two counts of wire and securities fraud, and agreed to serve a ten-year prison

sentence. He also agreed to become an informant and cooperate with federal authorities in the prosecutions of other former Enron executives in order to receive a reduced sentence.

Prosecutors were so impressed with his performance that they ultimately lobbied for an even shorter sentence for Fastow. He was finally sentenced to six years at Oakdale Federal Correctional Complex in Oakdale, Louisiana.

On May 18, 2011, Fastow was released to a Houston

halfway house for the remainder of his sentence.

Funny how Fastow impressed prosecutors with his knowledge of criminal activities.

Kirkland and Ellis created offshore shell companies for Fastow and Enron by 1997, well before Enron had hired former HW Bush Secretary of

State James A. Baker 3d and former HW Bush Commerce Secretary (1989 to 1992) Robert A. Mosbacher to help develop overseas projects.

Do not forget that Kenneth Lay helped in HW Bush campaign in 1992.


Basically, a CIO operation at

Continental Illinois moved to Enron in 1990 one might speculate, and Andrew Fastow was an asset.

No way CIA keeps track of all its assets and no way some do not go rogue.

With that Enron talk and links to the HW Bush Administration, we come to the W Bush Administration.

When George W. Bush took office in 2001, his first White House counsel, Alberto R. Gonzales, hired Brett Kavanaugh as an associate counsel.

Brett Kavanaugh advised the

White House on dealing with the investigation into the collapsed energy firm Enron.


You mean managed the investigation and what the public could learn?

The night of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Brett Kavanaugh and Brad Berenson, another former Anthony Kennedy Image

clerk in the counsel’s office, worked till early morning in American University’s law library researching emergency powers statutes.

Ken Lay was not happy when HW Bush lost to Clinton after the money spent on Bush.

Brett Kavanaugh and


Rod Rosenstein worked for Ken Starr of Kirkland and Ellis to take down Bill Clinton.

Are we supposed to believe it is just coincidence that Ken Starr was defense counsel for Jeffrey Epstein when Kirkland and Ellis worked with Deutsche Bank on private equity deals and for

whom Justice Anthony Kennedy's son worked, while Deutsche was laundering Russian money?

W Bush got America into Iraq and Afghanistan.

Don't you think that not having an exit strategy was maybe the point?


“Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." said the CIA's Presidential Daily Brief on 8/6/2001.





Two dozen members of Osama bin Laden's family were urgently evacuated from the United States in the first days following the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, according to the Saudi ambassador to Washington.


One of bin Laden's brothers frantically called the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Washington looking for protection, Prince Bandar bin Sultan told The New York Times. The brother was sent to a room in the Watergate Hotel and was told not to open the door.

The freakin' Watergate.

The Bush family has a long, close relationship with the House of Saud.


I have traced at least $1.4 billion in investments and contracts over the last 20 years from Saudis to companies in which the Bushes and their allies have had prominent

positions -- among them, Harken Energy, Halliburton and the Carlyle Group.


Cliff Barker of Enron drove to a remote location and shot himself in the head on 25 January 2002.

Days before Barker’s suicide, Enron’s share price had plunged below $1, Ken Lay had resigned and Arthur Andersen had announced that its Houston division had shredded

thousands of documents.

Kenny Boy’ (Lay) and the ‘man with the big idea’ (Skilling) as well as other ex-Enron executives allegedly got away (Skilling and Lay await trial in January 2006) with a total of around $1bn through a blend of

mark-to-market accounting (signed off by the SEC and Arthur Andersen), false profits, a determination to see through the de-regulation of the energy industry, friends in high places (the Bush family) and the selling of stock at ‘just the right time’.

Lou Pai, former head

of Enron Energy Services, was one of the principal culprits.

The ‘invisible CEO’, as Pai was known, left Enron Energy Services, EES, with losses of over $1bn but conveniently pocketed over $250m, while simultaneously becoming the second largest land owner in Colorado.

Lou Pai was Chinese American.

Pai worked for the federal government in the 1970s before joining Enron.


What don't we know about Lou Pai?

Seems too convenient he sold his Enron before it tanked via being "forced" to unload his interests due to a conveniently timed divorce and impregnation of a stripper.

This is misplaced but throwing it in here to come back to.


Wasn't it strange that in 2016 the American public never heard about Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort facing a $10 Million penalty for Significant and Long Standing Anti-Money Laundering Violations?

But Hilary's emails were talked about.


Former FBI Director William Sessions once condemned Russia's mafia.

‘We can beat organized crime,’ he told a Moscow conference in 1997.

Sessions became a lawyer for Semyon Mogilevich.

In January 2019, Paul Manafort's lawyers submitted a filing to the court, in

response to the Robert Mueller Special Counsel's accusation that Manafort had lied to investigators while supposedly co-operating with the investigation.

Through an error in redacting, the document accidentally revealed that while Manafort was Donald Trump's campaign

chairman, Manafort met with Konstantin Kilimnik, gave Kilimnik polling data related to Donald Trump's 2016 United States Presidential campaign, and discussed a Ukraine-Russia peace plan for the Russo-Ukrainian War with Kilimnik.

As a Russian Main Intelligence Directorate

GRU agent, Konstantin Kilimnik is a known member of Russia's intelligence community.

Although most of the polling data was reportedly public, some was private Trump campaign polling data managed by Brad Parscale.

Manafort asked Kilimnik to pass the data to

Ukrainians Serhiy Lyovochkin and Rinat Akhmetov.

Remember that time when Paul Manafort arranged a meeting between Dick Cheney and Rinat Akhmetov way back in 2007 or so?

What was that about?

After Bill Clinton fired FBI Director Sessions in 1993, he was angry and ready to work for Russian mobsters.

Louis J Freeh was sworn in as Director on September 1, 1993, another one that wanted to profit from organized crime.


In 1996, Arik Kislin hosted a fund-raiser for Giuliani.


Putin 9/30/22 says "The west has said for centuries it is bringing freedom and democracy to the world. Everything is exactly the opposite."

Putin sending Donald Trump a bonus check and thanking Ted Cruz, John Cornyn, Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, Marsha Blackburn, Marco Rubio,

MT Greene, Lauren Boebert, etc?

Putin talks about what MAGA talks about like sex change operations and wokeness.

Putin has his guy in Italy and he and Karaganov are angry useful idiot Donald Trump lost power.


Karaganov and Putin are also not happy Boris Johnson is out of power but talking anti-Putin / Karaganov. Image

Virginia will block schools from accommodating transgender students and Youngkin pleases Comrade Putin as does DeSantis and Greg Abbott.


Marta Rita Velazquez had introduced Ana Belén Montes to the Cuban Intelligence Service (CuIS) in 1984.

Montes served as an intelligence analyst at the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) from September 1985 until she was arrested for espionage by FBI agents on Sept. 21, 2001, ten days after 9/11.


The indictment against Velazquez was originally

returned by a grand jury in the District of Columbia on Feb. 5, 2004, but had remained under court seal until April 25, 2013.

Montes had been a government employee for over 22 years at the time of her arrest in Sept 2001.

Her career, ironically, started out at the

Department of Justice in 1979 as a paralegal within the Office of Privacy and Information Appeals.

That position required her to process Freedom of Information Act requests, prepared affidavits for court and where she was first introduced to the world of sources, methods,

and counterintelligence. She worked within the DoD’s Defense Intelligence Agency from 1985-2001.

Montes brother Tito was an FBI special agent and her sister Lucy was an FBI Spanish-language analyst.

Montes former boyfriend Roger Corneretto was an intelligence officer

for the Pentagon specializing in Cuba.

Review of the Actions Taken to Deter, Detect and Investigate the Espionage Activities of Ana Belen Montes” (180-page pdf) in June 2005 by DoD, but much redacted.



FBI stonewalled DoD IG and rejected all requests from the DoD’s Office of the Inspector General to review their report on Robert Hanssen.

They're still tight lip on that topic.

A podcast that may be of value but have not listened yet:


Montes developed a hatred for the Reagan administration’s policies in Latin America and especially for U.S. support of the contras, the rebels fighting the communist Sandinista government in Nicaragua.

Before 9/11, DIA supervisors who were ignorant of any investigation into Montes had selected Montes as a team leader to process target lists for Afghanistan.

If Montes obtained the Pentagon’s war plan for Afghanistan, DIA officials worried, the Cubans would eagerly

pass the information to the Taliban.

Wouldn't Marco Rubio be a nice replacement of Montes?

Marco Rubio, after serving as a city commissioner for West Miami in the 1990s, was elected to represent the 111th district in the Florida House of Representatives in 2000.

As Rubio took office as Florida Speaker, Jeb Bush was completing his term as governor, and Bush left office in January 2007. Rubio hired 18 Bush aides.

What a prime Intel target.

Jeb Bush was succeeded by Charlie Crist, a moderate Republican who took office in

January 2007. Rubio and Crist clashed frequently.

Rubio served as Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives from 2006 to 2008.

Upon leaving the Florida legislature in 2008 due to term limits, Rubio taught at Florida International University.

On May 5, 2009, Rubio stated his intent to run for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Mel Martínez, who had decided not to seek reelection and subsequently resigned before completing his term.

Before launching his campaign, Rubio met with fundraisers and supporters

throughout the state. In his campaign, Rubio received the support of members of the Tea Party.

Rubio was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2010.

In 2013, Rubio was part of the bipartisan "Gang of Eight" senators that crafted comprehensive immigration reform legislation.

Rubio voted against publishing the Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture. In 2016, Rubio said the U.S. should "find out everything they know" from captured terrorists and should not telegraph "the enemy what interrogation techniques we will or won't use."

In March 2015, Rubio and Senator Mike Lee, Republican of Utah, proposed a tax plan that according to The Wall Street Journal, combined thinking from "old-fashioned, Reagan-era supply-siders" and a "breed of largely younger conservative reform thinkers" concerned with

the tax burden on the middle class.

Rubio and Mike Lee were simply useful idiots at the time for the top 10% and mostly the top 1%.

In February 2021, Marco Rubio voted to acquit Donald Trump for his role in inciting the mob on J6.

Marco Rubio has acted like an SVR asset, but is Cuba also keeping tabs on Lil' Marco?

Forgot to drop this link earlier where retired FBI Special Agent Pete Lapp discusses the case of DIA analyst Ana Belén Montes.


If Marco Rubio is not a witting or unwitting asset of either Cuban Intel or Russia's SVR, then is Aileen Cannon, who Marco Rubio introduced for her convenient district position during Trump's lame duck?



Patriot, Dalke said, sounding like Putin's General, Mike Flynn and Donald Trump.

“I want to know who stood with me when it mattered most, so I’ve asked my team to send me a list of EVERY AMERICAN PATRIOT Image

who donates to this email,” warns one email signed by Trump in 2016.

"Join the Trump Army, join the patriots," another Trump fundraising email said.

Trump Campaign emails warned readers, they were for "Patriots" only. ImageImage

Following Putin's 9/30/22 speech, US Treasury has a press release:


Recall when Jill Biden, wife of then U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, arrived in Cuba in Oct 2016, greeted at Havana’s international airport by Josefina Vidal, who was leading negotiations with the United States as head of U.S. affairs at the Cuban Foreign Ministry, again, in Image

Oct 2016, just before Comrade Trump was installed?

Josefina Vidal was KGB-trained, expelled from the U.S. in October 2003 for her suspected operational links to Cuban spy Ana Belen Montes.

Was Russian Intel working with Cuban Intel in 2016?


US President Joe Biden says Nord Stream pipeline explosion "was a deliberate act of sabotage, and now the Russians are pumping out disinformation and lies."

With US mid-terms approaching, Mr. Putin will not take any irrational actions like nuclear actions before discovering whether his GOP useful idiots take power of the House in the American legislature.

With a GOP controlled American legislature, Putin need not use nukes.

Zelensky's remarks were more symbolic than practical in applying for “accelerated ascension” into NATO.



Turkey, Georgia and Kazakhstan are helping Russia to avoid sanctions. Biden dances with Turkey.

Putin, like Trump, must be the big boss, the hero defending Russia, requiring bigger enemies and conflicts, hence Putin's speech painting the West as the enemy of Russia.

But with Trump, he painted the enemy of America as the Democrats and media.


Will Ana Belén Montes be released from a US federal prison in Tx in January 2023?

NY Times, Dec 29, 2020

Pompeo was considering placing Cuba on a naughty list, acting as useful idiot for Russia?


Reagan administration first added Cuba to the terrorism list in 1982.

NY Times, Dec 05, 2020 on Havana syndrome (needs better term):


Cuba's regime has managed to exploit cracks in US intelligence to sell secrets to Iran, China, Russia,

North Korea, but Trump / Pompeo nearly played into Russia's interests viz-a-vi Cuba.

Would Trump / Pompeo target U.S. diplomats searching for the secrets behind Havana Syndrome?

Or would a foreign intel svc want Americans to believe that Trump would target diplomats?

Putin turned Trump and his useful idiots into assets to keep America out of Cuba as it's too valuable to Russia's interests to have America out of Cuba.


Havana was a major player in the so-called Cuban Missile Crisis, a 13-day political and

military standoff between the U.S. and the Soviet Union in 1963 over the installation of nuclear-armed Soviet missiles on Cuban soil.

Even though many people thought the world was on the brink of nuclear war, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev reached an agreement with

President John F. Kennedy to remove the Cuban missiles under the condition that Washington would not invade the island.

In summer 2014, Russia made a deal with Cuba to reopen an electronic listening post


on the Caribbean island that was used by the Soviets to spy on the US during the Cold War, per Russian officials at the time.

During his visit to Cuba summer 2014, Mr Putin agreed to write off 90% of Cuba's $32bn (£19bn) Soviet-era debt, Kommersant reported.

The Lourdes base began operations in 1967 and provided intelligence for Soviet state security bodies. It also handled secret communications for the Soviet navy.

When Russia shut the base in 2001 the annual cost - the rent paid to Cuba - was $200m.


Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo, Donald Trump all were useful idiots to Putin's ambitions in Cuba.


Jan 26, 2022


When asked about whether talks between Putin and Diaz-Canel on Russian-Cuban "coordination...in the international arena" included possible increased military-technical cooperation or the deployment of Russian military bases on the

Caribbean island, Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov answered bluntly "No."

Of course by Jan 2022 after failing to re-install Trump in Jan 2021, the answer would be No.

Around 2014, amidst the middle of the Ukrainian crisis and after Russia pardoned 90% of Cuba’s 35 billion USD dollar debt, rumors emerged that the Lourdes facility would reopen.


While Moscow was quick to quash these rumors, it discreetly sent the order to multiply investments on the island and exchanges between high officials in both countries.

In December 2020, Cuba became an observer member of the Eurasian Economic Union, a multilateral group

where it is the only non-former Soviet member.

2017: trafficlist.altervista.org/russia-regains…

Is Mr. Putin's interest in Venezuela and Brazil and ability to create conflict between the two correlated with the info that Cuba gets oil from Venezuela?


A deafening silence: US policy and the Sigint facility at lourdes by William Rosenau Image

Russia had complete coverage of transmissions of all US geosynchronous communications satellites. ImageImage

The W Bush administration was concerned that a hardline US position with respect to Lourdes could provoke a backlash by the Soviet military, which had suffered a number of recent humiliations, including the retreat from Afghanistan. Image

Loudres could be used to sell Sigint to North Korea, Iran, Iraq, etc.

Donald Trump, similarly, can be used to broker NDI?

For the US government to criticize the presence of a Sigint facility in Cuba, while it operates complexes in Australia, Turkey and other countries that intercept Russian communications, would by hypocrisy that Mr. Putin could loudly bring up.

In 1977, for example, Senator

Daniel Patrick Moynihan criticized the Carter administration for tolerating Soviet Sigint activities in Cuba, arguing that its reluctance stemmed from 'a fear of offending the principles of detente'.

Similarly, in 1992, Congressman Henry Hyde recalled a conversation

in which he asked a senior Russian intelligence official whether Lourdes was still intercepting US telephone calls.

The official, according to Hyde, replied that 'You're still collecting on us, aren't you?'

Maybe a reason Trump is in Florida with Roger Stone isn't just

about zero state income taxes and nice weather?

Brad Parscale was located in Florida.

Can Russia listen to everything the useful idiots communicate about in Florida?

Is Russia listening to Matt Gaetz and his buddies in Florida, obtaining Kompromat on these useful idiots?

Useful idiot Lindsey Graham visits Mar-a-Lago


Florida cesspool

SigInt pays Image


Sept 1976

The 1976 directive was originally marked TOP SECRET / SENSITIVE (XGDS), where XGDS stood for “exempt from general declassification schedule.” It was declassified on September 13, 2011.

irp.fas.org/offdocs/nsdm-f… ImageImage

On November 30, 2020, Charles Flynn nomination for promotion to general was submitted to the U.S. Senate and was confirmed by voice vote of the full Senate on December 20, 2020.

Notice that date in relation to Trump's self-coup planning meetings?

On January 25, 2021,

the Department of Defense announced that Flynn will be the next commander of the United States Army Pacific at Fort Shafter in Honolulu.

There’s a reason the Army lied about the role of Mike Flynn’s brother, Charles Flynn on January 6.

There’s a reason a whistleblower now calls Charles Flynn an “absolute liar.”

Pentagon operations on January 6 seem to have been coordinated by Kash Patel and Cohen-Watnick

Charles Flynn was inexplicably inserted back into a chain of command on January 6, and Charles Flynn was an essential part of the decision to keep National Guard troops away from the Capitol for hours on January 6.


After a 25-minute interagency call ended at 2:55 PM ET on J6, more than an hour after the Capitol riot, and well over a half-hour since the Capitol had been breached, Michael Flynn’s brother Charles became more involved in the chain of command at the Pentagon.


As Col Matthews reported, “LTG Flynn then [at 2:55 PM] directed that a secure video conference bridge be established between the Army Staff and the D.C. National Guard Leadership.

At approximately 3:05 PM, MG Walker joined from his office the secure video conference

hosted by LTG Flynn. Present with MG Walker were BG Dean, [myself], 1LT Nick, and CSM Brooks.”

The conference call Flynn convened at 3:05 PM ET stayed open until 5:15 PM ET—a total of 130 minutes, presumably to stall efforts for a deployment of the Nat Guard.


WaPo 9/30/2022 on Donald's lawyer's


In 2016, Donald Trump publicly said, “I know I used to say that the [2016 GOP primary] elections were [going to be] rigged, but now I’ve won it, so now that [language] isn’t interesting [to me] anymore.”

Roger Stone was prepared to utilize Stop the Steal for the 2016 GOP

Primaries, to protect Trump’s brand if he lost the 2016 GOP primary, but didn't have to run with Stop the Steal in 2016.

But by 2020, Stone, Mike Flynn, and Ali Akbar promoted Stop the Steal, as did useful idiot, Donald Trump.

Donald Trump met with Roger Stone in

Florida just days before January 6 - aha - Florida.

Will Russia engineer a take over of the US House of Reps by the GOP come Nov 2022 mid-terms, with an assist from Roger Stone and Mike Flynn, to bury the J6C investigation?

Will more Reps similar to Boebert and MT Greene

arrive to Congress come Jan 2023?

Will any authorities examine the funding of any such candidates?

Will FBI look the other way under Wray?

Mike Flynn readying the governor of Fl, Tx, Az, SD to declare war come 2024?

Can you believe Mike's brother is Commanding General of United States Army Pacific? Under his command are Army forces in Hawaii, Alaska, the Pacific Ocean, South Korea

and Japan.

Mike Flynn and Patrick Byrne are leading a coordinated, multi-state effort to probe local election officials in battlegrounds such as Michigan, Arizona, and Texas ahead of the November election.


Is "Operation Eagles Wings" only for PsyOps?

No one has reported any participation by Phil Waldron, however.


Does Putin know something about quinoline drugs that the rest of us do not?

Donald Trump promoted hydroxychloroquine.

Who would benefit from a bunch of Americans suffering from anxiety, panic attacks, paranoia ?

In 2014 Mike Flynn was running DIA, which was coincidentally when Edward Snowden obtained docs from a network run by DIA. Image

Ali Akbar provided a list of “leaders” of the Stop the Steal Committee before J6 in an interview.

The alphabetized list:

Megan Barth
Tracy Beanz
Alexander Bershowitz
Matt Couch
Michael Coudrey
Chandler Crump
Jenna Ellis
Kimberly Fletcher
Michael Flynn
Nick Fuentes

Rudy Giuliani
Jim Hoft
Courtney Holland
Alex Jones
Vernon Jones
Debbie Kraulidis
Ed Martin
Jenny Beth Martin
Shameka Michelle
Kevin Mooneyhan
C.J. Pearson
Andrew Pollock
Sidney Powell
Scott Presler
Ricky Rebel
Ian Smith
Ashley St. Claire
Brandon Straka
Rose Tennet

L. Lin Wood

Did you catch Scott Presler on the list?

He's a foot soldier's in Putin's General's psy-op army. Image

Comrades Putin and Trump have House Judiciary GOP working for them.

Jim Jordan wants you to believe DOJ and FBI are free of influence from Russian operatives and that Biden should not attempt to purge any bad guys, but that Trump was right to fire


"nut job" Jim Comey and blab to Russian spies in the oval office about it.

That's House Judiciary GOP in 2022, with useful idiots Jim Jordan, Louie Gohmert, Darrell Issa, Ken Buck, Matt Gaetz, Andy Bigss, Mike Johnson, Tom McClintock, Greg Steube, Thomas Massie, Chip Roy.

Mike Flynn is seemingly carrying out orders to attempt to engineer a GOP take-over of the House so that come Jan 2023, the Stop the Steal duet of Stone and Flynn can install Donald Trump as Speaker of the House and House Judiciary useful idiots can regain power.

CRT worked for MAGA in Virginia to get Youngkin but the MAGA latch-on to the transgender topic, although it brings old white boys of inherited wealth to the MAGA voting booth, it makes young voter's angry and motivated to vote against MAGA.


The "vets and retired cops" can be manipulated to vote MAGA.

Maybe Putin had Trump pushing quinoline drugs pre-2020 election to soften those vets and retired cops minds to psy ops manipulation, but Trump failed to push the drugs.


If you can get MAGA drugged up on something that makes them paranoid and more gullible, might that be of value when you have a General running a psyops campaign like Flynn with Waldron, and Stone tagging along?

More medical or mental health related corruption?


A paranoid MAGA potential voting base to induce compliance to psyops campaign, plus having your internet trolls call out rational thinkers as having Trump Derangement Syndrome to attempt to bury the truth?

Weaponize the Martha Mitchell effect ?


Case in point Image

If Flynn engineers a GOP takeover of the House, they'll try to wind back Mark Meadows (if MAGA ever lost him?) and label Cassidy Hutchinson a lunatic liar - Martha Mitchell Effect.

Forgot to mention Flynn's trying to make Kari Lake
governor of Arizona, having had Akbar and presumably Waldron doing PsyOps in Az since 2016.


This guy taking the same "vitamins" as Mike Flynn, Paul Gosar, or Donald Trump?


Eye Brow motion


Stop the Steal, Roger Stone, Feb 12 2020 video deposition - too large a video to post but some clips.

Do these guys all take "vitamins" some with more regularity than others?


Jonathan Kwitny on the Golden Triangle and the OSS / CIA.

From McCoy's Politics of Heroin, CIA operations against China in the early Communist years, and against Communist movements in Indochina later on, were responsible for creating the largest single source of heroin Image

for the US market. This was the famous Golden Triangle.

CIA owned Sea Supply Corp, headquartered in Bangkok and Civil Air Transport, headquartered in Taiwan. Image
9999 Image
10000 Image

1950s from Truman to Eisenhower onto Reagan and HW Bush into 1993 juxtaposed against CIA Directors.

Imagine the turmoil between Nixon to Ford in Aug 1974 for which William E Colby could take advantage. ImageImageImage

KMT leader Chiang Kai-Shek and his wife Madam Chiang were friends with Henry Luce, Head of Time Inc when TV was being born, and head of Time and Life Magazines, and his wife, Clare Boothe Luce.

Chiang, partnered with CIA elements, could get US support from Luce magazines

General Claire Chennault and his wife Anna lobbied for Chiang.

General Douglas MacArthur was a friend to Chiang from WW2 days and wanted to take a war to China in the 1950s to help the KMT reconquer the mainland.

Heads of the US American Legion and Freedom Foundation

from the 1950s, Generals, Cocke and Black, helped to run a bank for the heroin trade out of the Golden Triangle to America.

OSS / CIA goal was to help Americas "friends", the KMT, but they never could overthrow Mao Tse-tung.

General Edward Lansdale, with CIA

operatives, took over from France in 1954 onwards, the conduct of war(s) against Indochinese independence movements.

Ngo Dinh Nhu, brother of U.S. selected and installed President Ngo Dinh Diem got rich trading dope, as did other US backed Vietnamese leaders of the


The Montagnard (or Hmong / Meo) were America's mountain allies who had prime poppy land.

With CIA building runways in poppy land, the opium trade grew, using CIA's Air America, formerly Civil Air Transport.

Some Air America crews made bank on the trade.


idiots running America and CIA were laser focused on "fighting communists" while permitting an opium empire.

CIA traded intel for air transport of heroin or opium.

Norton Air Force Base was a United States Air Force facility 2 miles east of downtown San Bernardino in

San Bernardino County, California. The based received airplanes of opium or heroin, including stuffed in dead GIs.

Michael Hand probably helped to train the Montagnards and worked with Air America crews.

In the early 1970s Nugan Hand was organized.

Maurice Bernard Houghton was a puppet master for Nugan Hand, allegedly.

He was pals with 1987 Reagan Admin air force generals Richard Secord and Harry C. "Heinie" Aderholt, and former CIA officers Edwin Wilson and Thomas Clines.

Hong Kong and Bangkok wore on US military boys from Vietnam so the US Gov negotiated with Australian Gov to permit US military boys to get some R&R (escorts and booze) in Sydney, Australia, by Oct 1967.

Maurice Houghton was at the center of the action.

What was Project "404?"

Generals Aderholt and Singlaub returned from the Golden Triangle to run right-wing paramilitary groups in America.

Sound familiar with Oathkeepers and ProudBoys of our generation?

Generals Aderholt and Singlaub were Reagan's useful idiots,

coordinated via Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North.

Where did funding come from to overthrow the government of Nicaragua?

Nugan Hand was not officially chartered until 1973.

William Bird of Bird Air per NY Times


Bill Young (CIA officer)


Sir Peter Emil Herbert Abeles


In 1979 Abeles entered into an agreement with Rupert Murdoch to take over Ansett Transport Industries. Murdoch and Peters had a 50-50 ownership of Ansett Airlines.

Sir Paul Strasser (died in 1989) was one of Sydney's best-known property developers.

Money laundering?



Did Sir Paul Strasser take on Houghton to "broker real estate" at the request of Admiral Yates?

Smedley Butler was

right, War is a Racket, but even Butler was perhaps not fully aware of the self-dealing in the 1950s to 1990s.

CIA and military top brass traded opium, heroin, prostitutes in Sydney, Bangkok, etc.

Bernie Houghton


Lieutenant colonel bobby keith boyd was assigned by the Army to command the Sydney R&R center, meaning, a brothel of sorts.

Did some of the upper military chaps run brothels with the enlistees from poor American places

as customers?

Bernie Houghton was friends with Michael Hand of Nugan Hand and had cozy relationship with Australia's version of the CIA, presumably because Houghton was CIA or working for some US Intel operation.

Abe Saffron ran King's Cross in Sydney like

Matthew "Matty the Horse" Iannello ran Times Square, NYC.

Matthew Joseph "Matty the Horse" Ianniello (June 18, 1920 – August 15, 2012) was a New York mobster with the Genovese crime family, of which he was


once the acting boss. During the 1960s and 1970s, Ianniello controlled the lucrative sex industry centered near Times Square.

Organized crime intersected with CIA and US military, fluidly.

Soon, we'll come up on this story in our brief chronology.


Let's come back to 40 Wall St where we hypothesized CIA off loaded it onto Trump Org as it had been used by CIA for decades and was once owned by the dictator of the Phillipines who HW Bush told to buy NY Real Estate.

But before this time,

William Colby, former CIA head, sent a bill to Nugan Hand, dated April 4, 1980 and was on the stationary of the Washington office of Colby's law firm at the time, Reid & Priest, home office, 40 Wall St, NY.

Did CIA attempt to overthrow the gov of Australia in 1975?

Bernie Houghton was sort-of a Bernie Madoff of his day, taking cash savings from Americans serving overseas in Saudi Arabia to provide cash flow for Nugan Hand.

Even General Manor fleeced US service enlistees of cash for "investments" in Nugan Hand instruments.


CIA was a key player in a drug smuggling operation headed by President Diem's brother, Nhu, that poured heroin into the United States. Image

Nugan Hand during its solvency in the 1970s, laundered the operation's money.

KWITNY presents Nugan Hand as perhaps the most successful of the ventures disguised as private businesses through which the CIA pursues its ends beyond the scrutiny of the public, press or


Brief autobiographies of players in Nugan Hand and other concerns show a flow of operatives between intelligence entitities and "the private sector."

IOW, intersection of organized crime, CIA, military, politicians.

Admiral Earl Yates presided over

Nugan Hand; General LeRoy Manor, former U.S. Government liason to Philippine President Macros, ran the Philippine Office; General Edwin F. Black, intimate of CIA bosses Allen Dulles and Richard Helms, ran the bank's Hawaii office.

Don't forget the connection to

40 Wall St, NY of Macros.

Actors and CIA partners come and go.

It is the roles that stay, and that we need to be concerned with.

Francis Nugan was a playboy heir to a modest food-processing business in Australia, built in part from US military contracts his father had for supplying food to a navy base in nearby Philippines.

IOW, Francis Nugan would be to Michael Hand like useful idiot Donald Trump

is to his handlers.

Michael Jon Hand was a US ex-Green Beret, perhaps a bit like Mike Flynn in the context of comparing the Nugan Hand relationship to the Trump Flynn one.

Hand grew up in New York City, where he attended De Witt Clinton High School.

How did the story end for born rich Frank Nugan?

Nugan Hand collapsed in January 1980 following the apparent suicide of Frank Nugan.

CIA would not want the negative publicity of any association to the tragedy of Nugan Hand.

Link to Iran Arms Deal and Nugan Bank Denied
March 30, 1987




What was the nature & duration of the CIA's relationship with Kermit L. "Bud" King, the guy who brough Michael Hand to Australian real estate?

Patrick Charles Eugene Boone



It was 1968 and Seattle-based developer Paul Stocker chartered an aircraft to scour the east coast of Australia for the site of Australia's first mega-resort. He already had similar developments in seven American states. He eventually decided on 1,300 hectares of

farmland surrounding the tiny village of New Brighton (population 150).

Two CIA agents, both linked to the undercover operations of Air America, were recruited to sell the land to US troops in Vietnam. They were Michael Hand (later to achieve fame through the Nugan Hand

bank) and Buddy King, the ace Air America pilot who was to die under mysterious circumstances in Sydney in 1975.

WENDELL West sold Ocean Shores to New York billionaire Daniel K.Ludwig who already had a variety of business interests in Australia, apart from his gigantic

forest-felling and mining operations in the Amazon jungle.


Interesting that Hand was so confident he could find American military guys or civil service employees in Hong Kong or Vietnam with $100K to spare.

How many folks pocketed from the opium / heroin business?

oceanshorescc.com.au/wp-content/upl… Image

Air America had been exposed as a CIA front by 1980.

Continental Air Service relationship to CIA was also exposed.

US Agency for International Development (AID) was used to funnel CIA funds.


Perhaps Bud King was flying heroin to Australia's east coast out of the golden triangle?



Clip from CBS from 1982 from the only TV news in the USA that covered Nugan Hand.


Will pick back up on this story of OSS / CIA over the years but for now, from AP News 10/1/22


Let's find any connections with James Si-Cheng Chao.

James Si-Cheng Chao, fled mainland China after communists led by Mao Zedong won the Chinese civil war in 1948.


Chiang Kai-shek’s defeated Kuomintang Party withdrew to Taiwan. James Chao and his wife Ruth Mulan Chu Chao went first to Taiwan, where Elaine, the oldest of six daughters, was born in 1953 in Taipei.


James Chao, a ship captain in his 20s,

made his way to New York.

In 1964 he started acquiring dry bulk ships, when he landed his first big contract with the U.S. government, shipping rice to Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War.


Do you think CIA actors would allow Foremost Group

ships to return empty from the Golden Triangle?

The family’s shipping firm, Foremost Group, operates mainly among the United States, Brazil and Canada and China. More than 70% of its freight goes to China.

The family business grew substantially over the four years

that Elaine Chao was in the Trump cabinet:

Growth was almost half a million dollars a day.

When Chao assumed office in January 2017, the Foremost fleet was valued at half a billion dollars. Its value more than doubled.


Most of the wealth Chao and McConnell have disclosed in their annual government ethics filings comes from her inheritance when her mother died in 2007. She received as much as $25 million from her mother.

Donald Trump identifies with Elaine Chao in that both inherited

wealth, but Donald a half billion that we know about, and both benefit from US Gov contracts to their families in the past, and both families perhaps played with organized crime and with CIA elements in the past.

Foremost Group, the New York-based shipping company founded by Mr. Chao in 1964, landed its first big contract with the United States government, shipping rice to Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War.

LBJ was newly President in 1963 and in 1964, plenty of opportunity for Image

ambitious CIA rogue actor's to make money out of the Golden Triangle, but plenty of folks from the military to civil service would need "in" on the profits to make it happen.

Trump and Pompeo wanted to offer Taiwan diplomatic recognition as free and sovereign, playing

into Putin / MBS to push Xi closer to them against America.

Civil Air Transport was headquartered in Taiwan.

Donald perhaps conflates a heroin / opium operation out of golden triangle with the Coco reference.


Remember that Chinese Civil War in 1948?

OSS / CIA goals following this time was to help Americas "friends", the KMT, but they never could overthrow Mao Tse-tung.

James Chao went to Taiwan in 1953 and perhaps CIA could view him as


competition or useful asset.

From the 1950s, Generals, Cocke and Black helped to run a bank for the heroin trade out of the Golden Triangle to America.

Chao family’s shipping business (Foremost) shipping contract with the US government to move rice to Vietnam perhaps

was also utilized to move heroin / opium after unloading rice?

Donald Trump is the kind of guy to use state secrets against agencies like IRS or CIA and to use secrets against say Chao to influence Mitch McConnell.

Michael Hand laid the groundwork for arms deals prior to leaving Sydney Australia for South Africa in early 1975 according to Wilhelmus Hans.

Was Michael Hand always following CIA orders or a rogue actor at times for self profit or for sport?

How would CIA "leadership"

keep a bunch of military guys in line?

Michael Hand perhaps recognized that when you bring in Admirals and Generals, you can perhaps blend into organized crime yourself for profit, if you can loosen the strings from Washington.

When you observe actions illegal in

American legal system like arming the White South Africans, you wonder, who was the puppet master?

Did the US Gov cooperate with South Africa in the war against majority rule in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe)?

Wasn't like CIA wasn't playing with arms in Angola at same time.

Michael Hand set up shop in southern Africa for fifteen months where he coordinated guns, ammunitions and helicopters for delivery to Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and Angola.

In Pretoria, South Africa he incorporated the company, Murdoch Lewis Proprietary Ltd., to handle the

delivery of these shipments.

Murdoch Lewis Proprietary - any connection to Rupert Murdoch?

Bernie Houghton enabled the resources of shady Edwin WIlson, a CIA agent working for Task Force 157, a covert arm of the Office of Naval Intelligence, to set up shipments out of

Boston for South Africa and a spy ship for the Shah of Iran.

Edwin Wilson, who bought a thousand acre farm in northern Virginia, supplied Colonel Muammar al-Qaddafi with thousands of CIA designed bomb timers, more than 21 tons of Composition C-4 and years of training

for his commandos by U.S. Green Berets, was finally sentenced in 1982 to life in prison.

Bernie Houghton also brought on board Admiral Earl F. Yates, a retired chief strategist for the U.S. Pacific Command, who became the president of the Nugan Hand bank stationed out of

Sydney Australia, where it was founded.

This opened the flood gates for more from the military intelligence community to fill posts:

General Leroy J. Manor (manager of the Manila branch); General Edwin F. Black (president of Hawaii branch);

General Erle Cocke, Jr. (president D.C. branch); Dr. Guy Parker (an expert from the RAND Corporation who came on as a bank consultant); Richard Secord; Walter McDonald (retired CIA deputy director, headed Annapolis branch);

Dale Holmgreen (former chairman CIA's Civil Air Transport, manager Taiwan branch); Theodore Shackley (former CIA deputy director for clandestine operations); Richard L. Armitage (was special consultant to the Pentagon in Thailand who oversaw the transfer of heroin profits

from Indonesia to Shackley's account in Tehran, Iran); William Colby (former director of the CIA as legal counsel).

Many of these men knew each other from Vietnam and Laos, which for some, was the training ground for developing traits in covert profits, information

gathering and shadow communities that relied on companies and banks to remain secure and hidden from the press and congressional oversight.

One tie involved around the bank was the development of a new company, API Distributors Inc., which was owned by Ted Shackley

and recently retired thirty year vet of the agency, Thomas Clines (a man who, upon resigning, borrowed a half million from Ed Wilson to set up a new company which won a $71 million contract for arms delivery to Egypt).

API's goal had been to break into the Middle East

oil market.

This is certainly a clear example of former high ranking personnel in the U.S. government seeking to exert clandestine influence in the Middle East oil market via privileged connections in the intelligence, banking, law, and government communities of the

United States.

The connections sewing the fabric of the bank could not continue. The bank had never made a real profit, rather it ripped people off, laundered drug money coming out of the Golden Triangle (Australia experienced their first heroin epidemic in over fifty

years at the height of the bank's activities), and blocked investigations through its connections.

Due to increased obviousness, the fabric rotted, Frank Nugan was found dead in his car by apparent suicide, Michael Hand escaped Australia with the help of Thomas Cline

and ex-Green Beret James O. Spencer, only after months of pulling funds out and declaring the bank insolvent.

Despite the fantastic abuse of position and connections, and the immediate criminality of funneling drug money to support arm transfers to places determined to

be Cold War conflicts by people who were not in a legal position to make that determination, this story was reported in the U.S. almost only by Jonathan Kwitney, a Wall Street Journal reporter who made the front page three days in a row with it, and then it was buried.

Between Helms and Colby, James Rodney Schlesinger, who was best known for serving as Secretary of Defense from 1973 to 1975 under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, served as CIA Director for a few months in 1973, a perfect time period of turn-over for

rouge actor's connected to Michael Hand to take some "entrepreneurial" moves, sliding under CIA radar on some actions, or knowing Washington had little power to keep operations under full control, given all the Admirals and Generals involved.

Schlesinger was extremely

unpopular with CIA staff, as he reduced CIA staff by 7%, and was considered a Nixon loyalist seeking to make the agency more obedient to Nixon.

Wilson v. Barcella



How many folks got off the hook with CIA "asking" DOJ to turn a blind eye?

Douglas Schlachter contended that he thought Edwin P Wilson was working for the CIA but was "for some time not convinced that

he was operating outside the protection of the government," until the very late stages.

Schlachter--who began working for Wilson in 1971, while Wilson was still an agent with the CIA--issued a statement through his attorney saying that "from the beginning of my

employment with Edwin Wilson . . . I always believed I was acting for an official U.S. intelligence operation."

Whether that is true or not, imagine the opportunities CIA guys had to trick other guys into thinking an op was sanctioned when acting for self profit.

Holden Roberto was getting money from the CIA.


In addition to financing from opium / poppy / heroin out of the Golden Triangle, was Nugan Hand getting funds at one point by selling Ivory from Zimbabwe to finance arms purchases for Angola ops?

CIA relationships in the 1950s to 1980s with private citizens would be interesting to discover.

Was the Nugan Hand relationship unofficial at times?

Sept. 4, 1973–Jan. 30, 1976 was the term of William Colby as CIA Director when much was happening perhaps between CIA and

private citizens, some former military.

Who was Commander, Office of Naval Intelligence (COMONI) and Director of the National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office (NMIIO) during William Colby's tenure at CIA?

Under Comrade Trump, recall shenanigans w Spencer & Modly Image

Questions around whether operations in the 1970s under William Colby were official and carried out by CIA or ONI or both or were the ops the activity of private players using an opportunistic official cover for an operation either counter to or in accordance with US policy

ring eerily similar to back channel foreign policy under Comrade Trump with Mike Flynn and Mike Pompeo and Spencer and Modly.

Pertinent to Donald Trump's criminality?

nytimes.com/2018/10/31/obi… Image

Mike Flynn on NSC was like a wannabe Henry Kissinger but more rogue and dangerous, and serving a hostile foreign power? Image

Did Roger Stone study William Colby?

Look at that, Richard Nixon was President in 1972 (1969 to 1974), coming into power and firing Helms for Schlesinger but that didn't serve Nixon so CIA got William Colby,

What might Roger Stone know? ImageImage

Colby's explanation reflects the general belief in the CIA that legislative and judicial restraints simply do not apply to the agency-as long as it is acting under presidential order.

Bill Barr subscribes to Unitary Executive Theory.

Congress must take some ImageImage

responsibility for contributing to the agency view of being "above the law," since it specifically exempted the CIA from all budgetary limitations which apply to other government departments.

Did Roger Stone provide Nixon the "courage" to take illegal actions and is he Image

the conduit for providing Trump, the Manchurian Candidate, ideas, perhaps some of which Donald never fully understood?

By the 1947 law, the CIA falls under the National Security Council and reports to the President through it and takes its orders from it .

But the NSC had in fact become a moribund
body during the Nixon administration and the agency reported sometimes to the President but more often to the NSC staff headed by Henry Kissinger.

Almost like Comrade Putin studied this time frame and put Mike Flynn on the NSC.

Perhaps Putin learned from the not-so-smart and willing to be corrupt Kissinger and Colby?


Another Marcos in Phillippines and Kissinger ... Image

An email from Jared Kushner to Paul Manafort and Corey Lewandowksi describing his meeting with Henry Kissinger and the guidance Kissinger provided to the Trump campaign. Image

Michael Flynn email to Steve Bannon December 19, 2015 about steps that need to be taken to defeat ISI, which included engagement with Russia Image

Flynn was chatting up Kislyak and Trump invited him into the oval office. Image

Cambridge Analytica email to Corey Lewandowksi about entering into a contract with the Trump campaign. ImageImageImage

Email from Barbara Ledeen addressed to "Ms Herridge" about a big story: “material we have found on the deep and dark web regarding stories you have been pursuing.”

The pre-election “purge” of the Trump administration that put radical Trump loyalists in positions of Image

authority at DOJ, DHS, the Pentagon, and the State Department was orchestrated by three people: Ginni Thomas, Barbara Ledeen, and John McEntee.

Notice Barbara Leeden?

Their “purge” made a coup attempt possible on Jan 6, 2021.

Michael Ledeen, husband of Barbara Ledeen

is friends with Mike Flynn.

Any surprise that Barbara Leeden was a top staffer for two top Trump congressional allies, Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina?

Comrade Putin gets close to American idiots in power some how, right?

Ezra Cohen-Watnick is friends with the Leeden's.

Ezra Cohen-Watnick interned with the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) in 2008 and worked there as a civilian in 2009.

Comrade Putin recognizes the importance of the ONI.

Cohen-Watnick was at the DIA during the time

period, 2010 to 2017, when Jack Posobiec, an alt-right OANN anchor, was in the Navy.

Recall useful idiot Chuck Grassley falsely claimed to have intelligence suggesting Vice President Mike Pence would not be coming to the Capitol on January 6?

Catch that Barbara Leeden

was a top Grassley staffer?

Rudy Giuliani, Victoria Toensing, Joe diGenova, Devin Nunes, Kash Patel, John Solomon, Phil Waldron and Russell Ramsland worked in contravention of federal criminal statutes to secure raw power for Donald Trump.

On June 5, 2015, eleven days before Donald Trump announces his candidacy for President of the United States, a staffer for Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Barbara Ledeen, emails a 25-page proposal for “investigative services” to Steve Bannon, the co-founder and executive

chairman of far-right digital media outlet Breitbart and the vice-president of Cambridge Analytica—the latter of which is then working for the newly announced presidential campaign of Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX).

Barbara Ledeen’s husband, Michael Leeden, is, at the time of

her email to Bannon, co-authoring a book with retired lieutenant general Michael Flynn, the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Barbara Ledeen’s email to Steve Bannon is a self-described “opposition research” proposal: she proposes that, alongside a

company called Investigative Consultants, Inc. (“ICI”) partly run by William S. Lofgren—the man “responsible for all CIA operations in the former Soviet Union and Easter Europe” from 1993 to 1996—she will offer “investigative services” to Bannon, or any entity or campaign

connected to Bannon, that would lead to the “obtaining…of the emails of certain accounts linked to the former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, as well as other members of the William, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.”

Ledeen offers as justification for this

illicit scheme to collect private emails a claim that the Clinton Foundation, in her words, is “known [to] accept[ ]…foreign money from organizations, institutions, individuals and cut-outs of dubious distinction.”




Ledeen proposes to use “tools” to “recover[ ] seemingly deleted emails….[from] the Deep Web, the Dark Web, the Peer-to-Peer [sic] and on private, but leaking domain servers of the recipients or re-senders

[of emails from Clinton’s server].”

You see, Comrade Putin understood these born wealthy Americans are nothing more that a bunch of useful idiots.

Leeden: “Our view is that the private Clinton email domain server was, in all likelihood, breached long ago.

The Chinese Intelligence Services, together with the Russian and Iranian cyber intelligence forces co-equally or alone could re-assemble the server’s email content and easily transection it to contributions, lobby funds, travel records and the like, for Pres. Clinton and

former Secretary Clinton.”

Mike Flynn had founded Flynn Intel Group in Virginia the fall of 2014, a few months after the presidential administration of Barack Obama fired him from the Defense Intelligence Agency.

On June 12, 2015, one week after his friend Barbara pitched her complex intelligence services to Bannon, Flynn reincorporated the Flynn Intel Group in Delaware, doing so, according to the New York Times, with a new partner, Philip Oakley, “a former Army intelligence

analyst, longtime Flynn friend, and owner of two small companies that provided software for defense and intelligence clients.”

Mike Flynn possessed a top-secret security clearance during this time.

Mike Flynn had booked contracts with two Russian companies, one an

airline (Volga-Denpr Airlines) and one a cybersecurity firm (Kaspersky Lab).


On June 12, 2015, a week after Ledeen had written Bannon, Flynn, Oakley, and a third partner, Bijan Kian, were on the first day of an enterprise for which

(through Oakley’s defense and intel companies alone) Flynn would earn $90,000 in the ensuing months.

More on Flynn from FARA email March 7, 2017


Kian in December 2018 was federally indicted for acting as an unregistered agent of the Turkish

government and for making false statements to the FBI.

A corporate entity attached to a nuclear-reactor proposal, ACU, “proposed ending Ukraine’s opposition to lifting sanctions on Russia by giving a Ukrainian company a $45 billion contract to provide turbine generators

for reactors to be built in Saudi Arabia and other Mideast nations.”

The proposal included not only a $45 billion payment to Turboatom, a bribe to encourage the Ukrainian government to support ending sanctions on Russia over its 2014 annexation of 7% of Ukraine’s

sovereign territory, but also a more direct greasing of the wheels to ensure Ukraine’s compliance with a plan ACU’s managing director would claim in internal documents had the support of Trump himself: “loans to Ukraine from Gulf Arab states…[that would] require Ukraine

to support lifting United States and European Union sanctions on Russia.”

The players: Russian, Ukraine, Israeli, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, and Qatar - that is, elements from those countries have ppl with knowledge of 2016 Flynn plans.

Saudia Arabia, UAE, and Egypt

needed a useful idiot like Rick Perry at DOE.

Zelensky of Ukraine understands the grand bargain Flynn was working on at that Jared Kushner was willing to sell anything for profit to himself rather than in the interests of the United States.

An email from Ivanka Trump to Trump 2016 campaign co chair Sam Clovis saying Don Jr can "also be helpful in terms of thinking about military advisors on the civilian side." Image

Mark Burnett and Celebrity Apprentice to build the Trump brand were adjacent to a long-term strategy.

Roger Stone email to Steve Bannon August 28, 2016: “Trump can still win — but time is running out. Early voting begins in six weeks. I do know how to win this Image

but it ain’t pretty."

Someone forwarded an email to Michael Flynn a week before election day 2016 from a person who wrote that they had a declassified FBI document they wanted help with. "It apparently involved a contract to investigate the servers." Image

Flynn: "Get me a number."

Was Henry Kissinger one who decided that America should partner with the Russian mob to dismantle the Soviet Union back in the day? Image

Derek Harvey was an "aide" to Devin Nunes, who is now "running" Truth Social.

Foreign Policy tagged Cohen-Watnick and Derek Harvey, the NSC’s top official on Middle East issues, as pushing for increased action against Iranian-backed forces in Syria.

Derek Harvey was Michael Flynn’s guy inside the White House of a clandestine and illicit six-nation deal that Trump spent the first year of his presidency seeking to consummate, the “grand bargain,” that Jared Kushner worked on for profit for himself, Flynn and Trump.

Isn't it too convenient that Cohen-Watnick’s texts and secure messages were destroyed?


Mr. Putin's tentacles in Israel.

Just making note to come back to this topic later.


The 2016 "grand bargain" nuclear tech players: Russian, Ukraine, Israeli, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, and Qatar.

Notice in Mr. Putin's speech 9/30/22 he's seeking an axis of powers, speaking to grievance-driven populations in other nations, asking them to join him?

In America, MAGA, through Manchurian Candidate Donald Trump, speaks to grievance-driven subset of GOP base.


The Koch Network

People like Michael Leeden of American Enterprise Institute are useful idiots of the Koch Network.


At least 44 Trump administration officials had close ties to the Koch brothers and their political
groups, particularly VP Mike Pence, White House Legislative Affairs Director Marc
Short, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and White House budget director Mick Mulvaney.

Trump’s need to fill out his administration with staffers matched the Kochs longstanding push to lower taxes for the rich and undermine regulations.

The Koch Network saw opportunity with the pebble brains from team Trump.

citizen.org/wp-content/upl… Image

Ever the bait-and-switch salesman, Donald Trump consistently used populist language to
disguise plutocratic aims, although it didn't take much effort with the brain dead MAGA base.

A central idea of Trump’s campaign as marketed to the bottom with negative net worth

was that an outsider was needed to stand up for the little guy against the powerful.

Hook, Line, and Sinker



Coming back to Michael and Barabara Leeden, two useful idiots crucial to Mike Flynn's operations, did you know that in the 1980 lead up to the US presidential election, Michael Ledeen, along with Arnaud de Borchgrave, wrote a series of articles published in The New

Republic and elsewhere about Jimmy Carter's brother, Billy Carter's contacts with the Muammar al-Gaddafi regime in Libya.

Ledeen testified before a Senate subcommittee that he believed that Billy Carter had met with and been paid off by Yasser Arafat of the

Palestinian Liberation Organization.

Five years later, in 1985, a Wall Street Journal investigation suggested that the series of Billygate articles written by Ledeen were part of a larger disinformation campaign intended to influence the outcome of that year's

presidential election.

Leeden has participated in disinfo campaigns in the past.

Republican nominee Ronald Reagan defeated incumbent Democratic President Jimmy Carter in a so-called landslide victory in 1980.

Yes, Reagan was the Soviet's preference over Carter.

According to the reporting, Francesco Pazienza, an officer of the Italian intelligence agency SISMI, alleged that Ledeen was paid $120,000 for his work on Billygate and other projects.

Pazienza and Ledeen were very active in disinformation efforts.

At SISMI, Pazienza stated, Ledeen warranted a coded identification: Z-3.

Pazienza was later tried and convicted in absentia for using "extortion and fraud to obtain embarrassing facts about Billy Carter".


Roger Stone was involved to get Reagan installed as was Michael Leeden, used for pay, to spread disinfo.


Trumps fascination with South American drugs - what's old is new.


From Nixon to Reagan to W Bush, the dirty trickster Roger Stone shows up.


William Casey was Reagans Campaign Manager in 1980, sort-of like Paul Manafort was to the Trump Campaign.


Michael Leeden was a Russian asset with regards to Italy and America.

Leeden was pals with Jimmy Cayne of Bear Stearns.

Felix Sater took classes at Pace University but dropped out at 18 to work at Bear Stearns in 1984.

At 18! How's that work?


Jeffrey Epstein went to Bear Stearns from 1976 (after his gig at Dalton arranged by Donald Barr) to 1981 and remained closely involved, until Bear Stearns collapsed in 2008 under Jimmy Cayne, friend to Leeden.

Bear Stearns was the Trump Org investment banker beginning

in 1982.

Before Donald Trump took control of Resorts International in 1987, it was Bear Stearns who used $600 million in junk bonds to finance the Taj Mahal and help Resorts International expand from the Bahamas into Atlantic City.

Trump was a useful idiot to launder.

Resorts International has direct links to mafia kingpin Meyer Lansky.

Resorts International Bahamas was a favorite hangout for Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger.

The cast of characters from the period under Nixon needed to launder cash coming out of their

Golden Triangle heroin trafficking operation.

The Nixon administration and CIA wanted to eliminate the old French Connection and replace it with heroin from the Golden Triangle, partly in order to help finance operations in Southeast Asia.

Maybe we can explore alliances between the Mafia, right-wing extremists, neo-fascist OAS and SAC veterans in France, and Miami-based Cuban exiles at a later date. ImageImage

What is funny is it was the Reagan administration’s plan to destabilize the Soviet Union from within, although Reagan was the Soviet's preferred guy over Jimmy Carter.

Rudy Giuliani’s 85-86 crackdown on the Five Families of NY paved the way for the Russian Vor to rise Image

to power.

Think that might have been negotiated by the Reagan administration, as part of a "despot outreach program?"

The Soviets recognized Reagan as a useful idiot.

Paul Manfort


The [Manfort] firm won clients because it adeptly marketed its ties to the Reagan administration, and then the George H. W. Bush administration after that.

Yes, Regan, HW Bush, and W Bush - useful idiots.

In one proposal, reported Image

in The New York Times in 1988, the firm advertised its “personal relationships” with officials and promised to “upgrade” back channels “in the economic and foreign policy spheres.”

No doubt it helped to have a friend in James Baker, especially after he became the

secretary of state under Bush.

“Baker would send the firm clients,” Kelly remembered.

“He wanted us to help lead these guys in a better direction.”

The firm’s international business accelerated when the Philippines became a client, in 1985.

We're finding ourselves back in the Philippines.

President Ferdinand Marcos desperately needed a patina of legitimacy: The 1983 assassination of the chief opposition leader, Benigno Aquino Jr., had imperiled U.S. congressional support for his regime.

Marcos hired

Manafort to lift his image; his wife, Imelda, personally delivered an initial payment of $60,000 to the firm while on a trip to the States.

When the neoconservative icon Jeane Kirkpatrick introduced Savimbi at the American Enterprise Institute, she declared that he was

a “linguist, philosopher, poet, politician, warrior … one of the few authentic heroes of our time.”

This was a racket—Savimbi paid the firm $600,000 in 1985 alone—that Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly did its best to keep alive; the firm’s own business was tied to

Savimbi’s continued rebellion against Angola’s leftist regime.

Former Senator Bill Bradley wrote in his memoir, “When Gorbachev pulled the plug on Soviet aid to the Angolan government, we had absolutely no reason to persist in aiding Savimbi.

But by then he had hired

an effective Washington lobbying firm.”

We'll have to cover Angola shortly.

By the late 1980s, Manafort had a new friend from abroad, whom he mentioned to his partners more than any other, an arms dealer from Lebanon named Abdul Rahman Al Assir.

“His name kept popping up,” Peter Kelly remembered.

While Al Assir never rated much attention in the American press, he had a familial connection who did. He was, for a time, the brother-in-law of the Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, the middleman used in the arms-for-

hostages scheme that became the Iran-Contra scandal.

In the early ’80s, Khashoggi was worth $4 billion; his biography, published in 1986, was titled The Richest Man in the World.

Manafort was said to have walked away with $10 million in cash from Ferdinand Marcos, money he promised he would deliver to Ronald Reagan’s reelection campaign (which itself would have been illegal).

Manafort took Al Assir as his guest to George H. W. Bush’s

inauguration, in 1989.

In 1991, Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly was purchased by the mega public-affairs firm Burson-Marsteller, the second-largest agency in the world.

In 1995, Manafort left Burson. Taking a handful of colleagues with him, he started a new firm—

Davis, Manafort and Freedman—and a new chapter, one that would see him enter the sphere of the Kremlin.

The risks of popular uprising were very much on Rothschild’s and Deripaska’s minds during the last months of 2004, when they handed Manafort a specific task.

Ukraine had descended into political crisis, one that jeopardized business interests

they’d already developed in the country (Rothschild had various private-equity investments; Deripaska had an aluminum smelter).

They sent Manafort to Kiev to understand how they might minimize the dangers.


In 2006, Rick Gates, who’d begun as a wheel man at the old firm, arrived in Kiev. (Gates did not respond to multiple requests for comment on this article.)

Manafort placed him at the helm of a new private-equity firm he’d created called Pericles.

Sounding like

Jared Kushner's $2B PE fund loaded with Saudi cash?

Manafort secured financing from Oleg Deripaska to fund Pericles.

In 2007, Manafort persuaded him to commit $100 million to the project.

Understanding why Manafort worked for the 2016 Trump Campaign "for free?"

As Deripaska’s world came crashing down from 2008 GFC, his representatives asked Manafort to liquidate Pericles [private equity fund] and give him back his fair share.

Manafort had little choice but to agree. But that promise never translated to action.

Trouble in paradise?

An audit of Chorne More that Rick Gates said was under way likewise never materialized.

Then, in 2011, Manafort stopped responding to Deripaska’s investment team altogether.

Deripaska wouldn’t let go of the notion that Manafort owed him money.

In 2015, his lawyers filed a motion in a Virginia court.

Again seeing why Manafort would work "for free" for 2016 Trump Campaign?

Manafort struggled to collect money owed him by Yanukovych’s cronies following 2014 Orange Revolution.

Manafort egan taking out loans

against his real estate, some $15 million over two years, his indictment revealed.

This is not an uncommon tactic among money launderers—a bank loan allows the launderer to extract clean cash from property purchased with dirty money.

“I rreally need to get to” Trump, Manafort told an old friend, Tom Barrack, in the early months of 2016.

Barrack, a confidante of Trump for some 40 years, had known Manafort even longer.

Tom Barrack is currently as of Oct 2022 on trial for acting as a foreign agent

for the UAE.

When Manafort asked for Barrack’s help grabbing Trump’s attention, he readily supplied it.

2016 email Barrack forwarded to Kushner & Manafort from Barrack's associate and co-defendant Rashid al-Malik:

"...the only channel to the Candidate is Thomas Image

Barrack as they both told you personally."



We arrive at the question:

Manafort met Barrack in Beirut while working with Fluor for Vorys Sater Seymour & Pease.

Was the Saudi subcontractor Saudi BinLadin Group?

washingtonpost.com/politics/hes-b… Image

UAE connection and Flynn Grand Bargain involving many players, including UAE, Russia, Saudi Arabia, etc, covered earlier.


With the arrival of Donald Trump, Manafort smelled an opportunity to regain his losses, and to return to relevance.

Back in the ’80s, Manafort's firm had represented Trump when he wanted to reroute planes flying over Mar-a-Lago.

Since 2006, Manafort had kept a pied-à-terre in Trump Tower, where he and Trump had occasionally seen each other and made small talk. This exposure yielded perhaps another crucial insight: Trump’s parsimony.

When Manafort offered Trump his services, he resisted his

tendency to slap a big price tag on them; he would provide his counsel, he said, free of charge.

To his family, Manafort described this decision as a matter of strategy: If useful idiot and Manchurian Candidate Trump viewed him as wealthy, then he would treat him as a

near-equal, not as a campaign parasite.

Useful idiots Reagan and Bush teamed up with Manafort and Stone to sell public policy to hostile foreign adversaries and global organized crime, and Comrade Putin recognized Manafort could do it with Trump too, as did MBZ and MBS.

In the late 1970s Manafort landed a job with the law firm of Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease in Washington, D.C., where he was assigned to work with a Saudi construction company.


With a useful idiot American President and CIA Director, the KBG

recognized Lebanon as a place to recruit Americans, and this is during same time period as Manafort worked for Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease representing a Saudi Construction Co, perhaps in Lebanon?


Can you believe it - same KGB agent, Victor Cherkashin, handled both Aldrich Ames and Robert Phillip Hanssen.

Is he too old to handle Donald Trump? Image

If you were not already convinced William Casey was as much a crook as any other.


Neglected to finish the Michael and Barbara Leeden story.

To support Project Veritas in 2017 and 2018 and while she was a staff member on the Chuck Grassley led Senate Judiciary Committee, Barbara Ledeen was tasked to help discredit H.R. McMaster because he had stated

that President Trump had the intelligence of a "kindergartner" and was an "idiot."

Also, because McMaster was not the corrupt idiot Trump's handlers needed him to be.

Leeden posted numerous comments on Facebook supporting Project Veritas including

"We owe a lot to Erik Prince" because of his efforts to support Project Veritas and many disparaging posts about McMaster.

Her involvement in the campaign to discredit McMaster led to Barbara Ledeen being named as a member of the Groundswell group; she admitted passing

on information to Project Veritas but said "I am not part of a plot."

Hearing that in the 1970s CIA was a dirty word in most countries among the public, including in allies like Australia.

Imagine the reputational damage to such an institution effectuated, perhaps unwittingly, by Mike Pompeo, ever willing to play politics (e.g., "a smooth

transition to a second Trump term," quipped Pompeo in Nov 2020).

When a former CIA director signals running for President, perhaps it does more harm than good, overall?

The treaty creating Pine Gap was signed 12/9/1966, and provided that after an initial nine years, either party could terminate the agreement on one year's notice.

Thus, by Dec 1975, the Australia side could terminate any agreement, which would not be acceptable to the US

considering perhaps billions had been spent on Pine Gap, a satellite surveillance base and Australian Earth station approximately 18 km (11 mi) south-west of the town of Alice Springs, Northern Territory in the center of Australia.

Operations started in 1970 when about

400 American families moved to Central Australia.

Gough Whitlam, the 21st Prime Minister of Australia (between 1972 and 1975), considered closing the base which some have claimed led to the downfall of the Prime Minister, who was already in a politically precarious


Victor Marchetti, a CIA officer who had helped run the facility, said that this consideration "caused apoplexy in the White House, [and] a kind of Chile [coup] was set in motion", with the CIA and MI6 working together to get rid of the Prime Minister.



On 11 November 1975, the day Whitlam was scheduled to brief the Australian Parliament on the secret CIA presence in Australia, as well as it being "the last day of action if an election of any kind was to be held

before Christmas", he was dismissed from office by Governor-General John Kerr using reserve powers, described as 'archaic' by critics of the decision.

Milton Corley Wonus, called Corley, replaced John Walker as station chief at Pine Gap in 1975.

Wonus was a devotee of

the Bourbon and Beefsteak, a restaurant where service members and civile servants from America would go, but not for the food - the ladies.

Corley's marriage to Rosalind Wonus ended in divorce.

Corley was friends, perhaps, with Bernie Houghton.

Michael Hand and

Frank Nugan disliked the Whitlan government.

It seems very plausible that either CIA under William Colby did interfere in Australia in 1975 to overthrow a PM, or rouge elements of CIA tied to Bernie Houghton, Nugan and Hand facilitated something?

WaPo Obituray of Corley:


In 1973 Frank Nugan, an Australian lawyer, and Michael Hand, a former CIA contract operative, established the Nugan Hand Bank. Another key figure in this venture was Bernie Houghton, who was closely connected to

CIA officials, Ted Shackley and Thomas G. Clines.

Shackley was raised in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Working under Shackley on Cuba was Thomas Clines, Rafael Quintero, Luis Posada Carriles, Rafael and Raul Villaverde, Frank Sturges, Felix Rodriguez and Edwin Wilson.”

Speculation has been were the rouge CIA actor's unable to tolerate JFK? Another story for another time, but Russian Intel would benefit from such a story.

Shackley was hoping to eventually replace HW Bush as director of the CIA.

However, the election of Jimmy Carter

was a severe blow to his chances.

Carter appointed an outsider, Stansfield Turner, as head of the CIA. Keep in mind, Russia wanted Carter out and installed Ronald Regan next.

Director Turner eventually found out about Shackley’s “Secret Team”.

He was especially

worried about the activities of Edwin Wilson and the Nugan Hand Bank.

One of the men Wilson employed was former CIA officer Kevin P. Mulcahy. He became concerned about Wilson's illegal activities and sent a message about them to the agency.

Shackley was initially able to block any internal investigation of Wilson. However, in April, 1977, the Washington Post, published an article on Wilson's activities stating that he may be getting support from "current CIA employees".

Stansfield Turner ordered an

investigation and discovered that both Shackley and Thomas G. Clines had close relationships with Wilson. Shackley was called in to explain what was going on. His explanation was not satisfactory and it was made clear that his career at the CIA had come to an end.

Richard Helms, reportedly said: "Ted (Shackley) is what we call in the spook business a quadruple threat - Drugs, Arms, Money and Murder."

After leaving the CIA in September, 1979, Shackley formed his own company, Research Associates International, which specialized in

providing intelligence to business. He also joined with Thomas G. Clines, Raphael Quintero, and Ricardo Chavez (another former CIA operative) in another company called API Distributors.

According to David Corn (Blond Ghost) Edwin Wilson provided Clines with

"half a million dollars to get his business empire going".

Shackley also freelanced with API but found it difficult taking orders from his former subordinate, Clines.

Shackley also established his own company, Research Associates International, which specialized in

providing intelligence to business (in other words he sold them classified information from CIA files).

Comrade Putin might have studied this episode and keep good relations with Comrade Trump? Mike Pompeo? Jared Kushner?

In his book, The Crimes of a President,

Joel Bainerman argues that the "Secret Team" still used the Nugan Hand Bank to hide their illegal profits from drugs and arms.

What might Kusner be able to launder via a PE fund seeded with $2B from the Saudis? Or what might Donald Trump and Devin Nunes be able to

launder, if DWAC / Truth Social / TMTG were to flourish?

The President of the Nugan Hand Bank was Admiral Earl P. Yates, former Chief of Staff for Strategic Planning of US Forces in Asia.

Other directors of the bank included Dale Holmgree

(also worked for Civil Air Transport, a CIA proprietary company) and General Edwin F. Black, (commander of U.S. troops in Thailand during the Vietnam War).

George Farris (a CIA operative in Vietnam) ran the Washington office of the Nugan Hand Bank and the bank’s

legal counsel was William Colby.

In 1980 Frank Nugan was found dead in his car. His co-founder, Michael Hand had disappeared at the same time.

The Australian authorities were forced to investigate the bank.

They discovered that Ricardo Chavez, the former CIA

operative who was co-owner of API Distributors with Thomas G. Clines and Rafael Quintero, was attempting to take control of the bank.

The Corporate Affairs Commission of New South Wales came to the conclusion that Chavez was working on behalf of Clines, Quintero and

Wilson. They blocked the move but they were unable or unwilling to explore the connections between the CIA and the Nugan Hand Bank.

The Secret Team (Shackley, Thomas G. Clines, Richard Secord, Ricardo Chavez, Rafael Quintero, Albert Hakim, Edwin Wilson,

and Richard L. Armitage set up several corporations and subsidiaries around the world through which to conceal the operations of the "Secret Team".

Many of these corporations were set up in Switzerland. Some of these were: (1) Lake Resources, Inc.;

(2) The Stanford Technology Trading Group, Inc.; and (3) Companie de Services Fiduciaria.

Other companies were set up in Central America, such as: (4) CSF Investments, Ltd. and (5) Udall research Corporation. Some were set up inside the United States by Edwin Wilson.

Some of these were: (6) Orca Supply Company in Florida and (7) Consultants International in Washington, D.C.

Through these corporations the "Secret Team" laundered hundreds of millions of dollars of secret Vang Pao opium money.

Shackley had still not given up hope that

he would eventually be appointed director of the CIA.

His best hope was in getting Jimmy Carter defeated in 1980 (with a Roger Stone or Russia help?)

Shackley had several secret meetings with George H. W. Bush as he campaigned for the Republican nomination

(his wife, Hazel Shackley also worked for Bush).

Ronald Reagan won the nomination but got the support of the CIA by selecting Bush as his vice president.

According to Rafael Quintero, during the presidential campaign, Shackley met Bush almost every week.

It is believed that Shackley used his contacts in the CIA to provide information to Reagan and Bush. This included information that Carter was attempting to negotiate a deal with Iran to get the American hostages released.

This was disastrous news for the Reagan/Bush


If Carter got the hostages out before the election, the public perception of the man might change and he might be elected for a second-term.

According to Barbara Honegger, a researcher and policy analyst with the 1980 Reagan/Bush campaign, William Casey and

other representatives of the Reagan presidential campaign made a deal at two sets of meetings in July and August at the Ritz Hotel in Madrid with Iranians to delay the release of Americans held hostage in Iran until after the November 1980 presidential elections.

Reagan’s aides promised that they would get a better deal if they waited until Carter was defeated.

Aha ... Russia does not look guilty now, although its leaders preferred Reagan over Carter.

Looks like William Casey, George HW Bush, Shackley and others were willing to

use CIA resources to defeat Jimmy Carter.

On 22nd September, 1980, Iraq invaded Iran.

The Iranian government was now in desperate need of spare parts and equipment for its armed forces.

Carter now proposed that the US would be willing to hand over supplies in

return for the hostages.

Once again, the CIA leaked this information to Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush.

So CIA was interfering in the US election.

This attempted deal was also passed to the media.

On 11th October, the Washington Post reported rumours of a

“secret deal that would see the hostages released in exchange for the American made military spare parts Iran needs to continue its fight against Iraq”.

In October, 1980, Shackley joined the company owned by Albert Hakim (he was paid $5,000 a month as a part-time

“risk analyst”). Hakim was keen to use Shackley’s contacts to make money out of the Iran-Iraq War that had started the previous month.

A couple of days before the election Barry Goldwater was reported as saying that he had information that “two air force C-5 transports

were being loaded with spare parts for Iran”.

This was not true.

However, this publicity had made it impossible for Jimmy Carter to do a deal.

Ronald Reagan, the ever useful idiot, on the other hand, had promised the Iranian government that he would arrange for

them to get all the arms they needed in exchange for the hostages.

According to Mansur Rafizadeh, the former U.S. station chief of SAVAK, the Iranian secret police, CIA agents had persuaded Khomeini not to release the American hostages until Reagan was sworn in.

In fact, they were released twenty minutes after his inaugural address (October Surprise).

The arms the Iranians had demanded were delivered via Israel. By the end of 1982 all Regan’s promises to Iran had been made.

With the deal completed, Iran was free to resort

to acts of terrorism against the United States. In 1983, Iranian-backed terrorists blew up 241 marines in the CIA Middle-East headquarters.

The Iranians once again began taking American hostages in exchange for arms shipments.

On 16th March, 1984, William Francis

Buckley, a diplomat attached to the U.S. Embassy in Beirut was kidnapped by the Hezbollah, a fundamentalist Shiite group with strong links to the Khomeini regime.

Buckley was tortured and it was soon discovered that he was the CIA station chief in Beirut.

Shackley was

horrified when he discovered that Buckley had been captured. Buckley was a member of Shackley’s Secret Team that had been involved with Edwin Wilson, Thomas Clines, Carl E. Jenkins, Raphael Quintero, Felix Rodriguez and Luis Posada, in the CIA “assassination” program.

Buckley had also worked closely with William Casey (now the director of the CIA) in the secret negotiations with the Iranians in 1980.

Buckley had a lot to tell the Iranians.

He eventually signed a 400 page statement detailing his activities in the CIA.

He was also

videotaped making this confession. Casey asked Shackley for help in obtaining Buckley’s freedom.

Three weeks after Buckley’s disappearance, President Ronald Reagan signed the National Security Decision Directive 138.

This directive was drafted by Oliver North and

outlined plans on how to get the American hostages released from Iran and to “neutralize” terrorist threats from countries such as Nicaragua.

This new secret counterterrorist task force was to be headed by Shackley’s old friend, General Richard Secord.

This was the

beginning of the Iran-Contra deal.

Some of these CIA guys were a bunch of idiots and some simply corrupt self-dealing assholes.

Talks had already started about exchanging American hostages for arms. On 30th August, 1985, Israel shipped 100 TOW missiles to Iran.

On 14th September they received another 408 missiles from Israel. The Israelis made a profit of $3 million on the deal.

In October, 1985, Congress agreed to vote 27 million dollars in non-lethal aid for the Contras in Nicaragua.

However, members of the Ronald Reagan

administration (useful idiots) decided to use this money to provide weapons to the Contras and the Mujahideen in Afghanistan.

The following month, Shackley traveled to Hamburg where he met General Manucher Hashemi, the former head of SAVAK’s counterintelligence division

at the Atlantic Hotel.

Also at the meeting on 22nd November was Manuchehr Ghorbanifar. According to the report of this meeting that Shackley sent to the CIA, Ghorbanifar had “fantastic” contacts with Iran.

At the meeting Shackley told Hashemi and Ghorbanifar that the

United States was willing to discuss arms shipments in exchange for the four Americans kidnapped in Lebanon.

Shackley was out-brained.

The problem with the proposed deal was that William Francis Buckley was already dead (he had died of a heart-attack while being


Shackley recruited some of the former members of his CIA Secret Team to help him with these arm deals.

This included Thomas Clines, Rafael Quintero, Ricardo Chavez and Edwin Wilson of API Distributors.

Also involved was Carl E. Jenkins and Gene Wheaton

of National Air. The plan was to use National Air to transport these weapons.

In May 1986 Wheaton told William Casey, director of the CIA, about what he knew about this illegal operation.

Casey refused to take any action, claiming that the agency or the government were

not involved in what later became known as Irangate.

As a result of the scandal, the White House chief of staff, Donald Regan and his National Security Adviser, John Poindexter, were forced to resign.

Useful idiots got played.

Wheaton now took his story to Daniel Sheehan, a left-wing lawyer.

Wheaton told him that Tom Clines and Ted Shackley had been running a top-secret assassination unit since the early 1960s.

According to Wheaton, it had begun with an assassination training program for

Cuban exiles and the original target had been Fidel Castro.

Gene Wheaton also contacted Newt Royce and Mike Acoca, two journalists based in Washington.

The first article on this scandal appeared in the San Francisco Examiner on 27th July, 1986.

As a result of this

story, Congressman Dante Facell wrote a letter to the Secretary of Defense, Casper Weinberger, asking him if it "true that foreign money, kickback money on programs, was being used to fund foreign covert operations."

Two months later, Weinberger denied that the

government knew about this illegal operation.

On 5th October, 1986, a Sandinista patrol in Nicaragua shot down a C-123K cargo plane that was supplying the Contras. Eugene Hasenfus, an Air America veteran, survived the crash and told his captors that he thought the CIA

was behind the operation. He also provided information on two Cuban-Americans running the operation in El Savador.

This resulted in journalists being able to identify Rafael Quintero and Felix Rodriguez as the two Cuban-Americans mentioned by Hasenfus.

It gradually emerged that Thomas Clines, Oliver North, Edwin Wilson and Richard Secord were also involved in this conspiracy to provide arms to the Contras.

On 12th December, 1986, Daniel Sheehan submitted to the court an affidavit detailing the Irangate scandal.

He also claimed that Shackley and Thomas Clines were running a private assassination program that had evolved from projects they ran while working for the CIA.

Others named as being part of this assassination team included Rafael Quintero, Richard Secord,

Felix Rodriguez and Albert Hakim. It later emerged that Gene Wheaton and Carl E. Jenkins were the two main sources for this affidavit.

It was eventually discovered that President Ronald Reagan had sold arms to Iran.

The money gained from these sales was used to

provide support for the Contras, a group of guerrillas engaged in an insurgency against the elected socialist Sandinista government of Nicaragua.

Both the sale of these weapons and the funding of the Contras violated administration policy as well as legislation passed

by Congress.

Alas, useful idiot Regan was unscrupulous, having come into office, defeating Carter, with CIA assistance, unwittingly.

Backing up to our 1975 Australia / Pine Gap story, Houghton clearly had important contacts in Australia.

When he applied for a new

Australian visa in 1972, he gave the immigration officers the name of Leo Carter, director of the Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO) in New South Wales, to support his application.

Leo Carter also arranged for him to get permission for unlimited

re-entries to Australia in the future.

Allan Parks claims that Houghton was active in the drug trade in the 1970s. "There's no doubt about it, he'd fly anything.

The Golden Triangle, that's where he got his opium from. There was one flight, he flew in slot machines.

He did some deals over in India."

In the early 1970s Houghton spent a great deal of time with Michael Hand.

A former CIA colleague, Douglas Sapper, claimed "Michael Hand showed up in Laos a lot.

I saw him in Phnom Penh (Cambodia) from time to time."

Sapper also saw

Hand with Houghton in Vietnam. Houghton later told the police that he was with Hand buying surplus U.S. war material for resale.

In 1973, we covered that Frank Nugan, an Australian lawyer, and Michael Hand, a former CIA contract operative, established the Nugan Hand Bank.

Another key figure in this venture was Bernie Houghton, who was closely connected to CIA officials, Ted Shackley and Thomas G. Clines.

Nugan ran operations in Sydney whereas Hand established a branch in Hong Kong.

This enabled Australian depositors to access

a money-laundering facility for illegal transfers of Australian money to Hong Kong.

According to Alfred W. McCoy, the "Hand-Houghton partnership led the bank's international division into new fields - drug finance, arms trading, and support work for CIA covert

operations." Hand told friends "it was his ambition that Nugan Hand became banker for the CIA."

In 1974 the Nugan Hand Bank got involved in helping the CIA to take part in covert arms deals with contacts within Angola.

It was at this time that Edwin Wilson became

involved with the bank.

Two CIA agents based in Indonesia, James Hawes and Robert Moore, called on Wilson at his World Marine offices to discuss "an African arms deal".

Later, Bernie Houghton arrived from Sydney to place an order for 10 million rounds of ammunition

and 3,000 weapons including machine guns.

The following year Houghton asked Wilson to arrange for World Marine to purchase a high-technology spy ship.

This ship was then sold to Iran, a spy ship.

See how changing from Carter to Reagan was a monetary disaster for


By 1976 the Nugan-Hand Bank appeared to have become a CIA-fronted company. T

his is reflected in the type of people recruited to hold senior positions in the bank.

For example, Rear-Admiral Earl P. Yates, the former Chief of Staff for Policy and Plans of the

U.S. Pacific Command and a counter-insurgency specialist, became president of the company.

Other appointments included William Colby, retired director of the CIA, General Leroy J. Manor, the former chief of staff of the U.S. Pacific Command and deputy director for

counterinsurgency and special activities, General Edwin F. Black, former commander of U.S. forces in Thailand, Walter J. McDonald, retired CIA deputy director for economic research, Dale C. Holmgren, former chairman of the CIA's Civil Air Transport and Guy J. Pauker,

senior Republican foreign policy adviser.

One of those that Earl P. Yates brought in to help the Nugan Hand Bank was Mitchell WerBell. Yates later told the Joint Task Force on Drug Trafficking he recruited WerBell as a consultant because he "had extensive experience in

Central America".

Former CIA agent, Kevin P. Mulcahy later told the National Times newspaper "about the Agency's use of Nugan Hand for shifting money for various covert operations around the globe." Records show that Houghton received $364,000 in expenses over the

eighteen months he was an executive of Nugan Hand Bank.

The investigative journalist, Jonathan Kwitny, became convinced that the Nugan Hand Bank had replaced the Castle Bank and Trust Company in Nassau, as the CIA's covert banker.

The bank, run by Paul Helliwell, was forced to close after the Internal Revenue Service discovered that he Castle Bank was laundering CIA funds and drug profits.

On 1/7/1980, Robert Wilson (House of Representatives Armed Services Committee)

and Richard Ichord (chairman of the Research and Development Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee) had dinner with Bernie Houghton at the Bourbon and Beefsteak Bar and Restaurant in Sydney.

On 27th January, 1980, Frank Nugan was found shot dead in his

Mercedes Benz.

With his body was a Bible that included a piece of paper.

On it were written the names "Bob Wilson" and "Bill Colby".

Bernie Houghton was in Switzerland at the time and he immediately rang his branch office in Saudi Arabia and ordered the staff to

leave the country.

Houghton also visited Edwin Wilson's office in Geneva and left a briefcase with bank documents for safekeeping.

Soon afterwards, a witness saw Thomas G. Clines going through the briefcase at Wilson's office and remove papers that referred to him and

General Richard Secord.

Two days after Nugan died, Michael Hand held a meeting of Nugan Hand Bank directors.

He warned them that unless they did as they were told they could "finish up with concrete shoes" and would be "liable to find their wives being delivered to

them in pieces".

Michael Hand, Pat Swan, Bernie Houghton and his lawyer, Mike Moloney, spent the next few days removing files from Nugan's office. They also began paying back selected clients. One estimate is that over $1.3 million was paid out in this way.

According to one witness, Thomas G. Clines helped Bernie Houghton escape.

Michael Hand also left the country accompanied by James Oswald Spencer, a man who served with Ted Shackley in Laos.

The two men traveled to America via Fiji and Vancouver.

One report published

in November, 1980, suggested that Michael Hand was living in South America. It claimed that he had managed to escape with the help of "former CIA employees".

An investigation by the Joint Task Force on Drug Trafficking discovered that the clients of the Nugan Hand Bank

included several people who had criminal convictions relating to drug offences including Murray Stewart Riley, Donald William McKenzie, James Lewis Williams, Malcolm Craig Lord, Charles Robertson Beveridge, Barry Graeme Chittem, Murray Don Newman, Bruce Alan Smithers,

James Sweetman, James Blacker, Colin Courtney, Stephen Demos, John Brooking and John Ceruto.

According to the records the bank was making $100,000 a year from tax advice.

In reality, it was receiving it for money laundering.

One right-wing organization called Accuracy in Media defended the Nugan-Hand Bank claiming it was really an honest but hard-luck banking organization that had been maligned by an anti-military press.

Was Reed Irvine an asset of a foreign adversary or CIA rouge actors, or none of the above?


In 1981 Bernie Houghton was found selling arms to Egypt.

According to Jonathan Kwitny this was probably part of a deal organized by Ted Shackley and Edwin Wilson to obtain $71.4 million from the U.S. Treasury in commissions as shipping agent for the sale of jets, tanks,

missiles, and other arms to the Egyptian government.

The Australian government asked the Royal Commissioner D. G. Stewart to investigate the Nugan-Hand Bank scandal.

The Stewart Royal Commission was published in June, 1985.

It stated that the "Nugan Hand Ltd. was at

all times insolvent... and flouted the provisions of the legislation as it then stood in that large volumes of currency were moved in and out of Australia".

Stewart went on to blame the dead Frank Nugan and the missing Michael Hand for the illegal activities of the bank.

Rear-Admiral Earl P. Yates, William Colby, General Leroy J. Manor, General Edwin F. Black, Walter J. McDonald, Dale C. Holmgren, Guy J. Pauker and

Bernie Houghton were considered blameless.

Despite the evidence, Hand and Patricia Swan, Nugan's secretary, were accused of being the only ones "responsible for the shredding of documents".

William Casey must have been working the Stewart Royal Commission to create that

report. Did Reagan have a clue?

On 11 July 2013, documents revealed through former NSA analyst Edward Snowden showed that Pine Gap, amongst three other locations in Australia and one in New Zealand, contributed to the NSA's global interception and collection of internet

and telephone communications, which involves systems like XKEYSCORE.

Keep in mind, Mike Flynn was head of DIA when Snowden obtained the documents.

Mr. Putin must have been curious about Pine Gap.

According to Daniel Sheehan: “From late 1973 until April of 1975, Theodore Shackley, Thomas Clines and Richard Armitage disbursed, from the secret, Laotian-based, Vang Pao opium fund, vastly more money than was required to finance even the highly intensified Phoenix

Project in Vietnam. The money in excess of that used in Vietnam was secretly smuggled out of Vietnam in large suitcases, by Richard Secord and Thomas Clines and carried into Australia, where it was deposited in a secret, personal bank account

(privately accessible to Theodore Shackley, Thomas Clines and Richard Secord). During this same period of time between 1973 and 1975, Theodore Shackley and Thomas Clines caused thousands of tons of US weapons, ammunition, and explosives to be secretly taken from

Vietnam and stored at a secret "cache" hidden inside Thailand." This money, with the help of Raphael Quintero, found its way into the Nugan Hand Bank in Sydney.

In 1975 Richard Secord was transferred to Iran as chief of the Air Force's Military Advisory Assistance Group (MAAG).

With Ted Shackley, Thomas G. Clines, Edwin Wilson and Albert Hakim, Secord established an arms sales company called Egyptian American Transport and

Service Corporation (EATSCO). Later EATSCO was convicted of embezzling millions of dollars from the Pentagon.

Those guys were real white collar criminals, huh?

But, in April 1980, Secord was promoted to the rank of major general and was in charge of rescue efforts for

U.S. hostages held in Iran.

What a blunder by Harold Brown, then Sec of Defense, and Jimmy Carter, or someone under them.

Suppose William Casey had them all blinded?

The following year Secord was appointed as deputy assistant secretary of defense for international

security affairs.

Soon afterwards, with the help of Oliver North, coordinated the campaign to win congressional approval for $8.5 billion AWACS sale to Saudi Arabia.

Secord was suspended for three months in 1982 while he was being investigated by the FBI about his

links to Edwin Wilson and EATSCO.

He was reinstated by Frank Carlucci but took early retirement from the USAF in May 1983.

Secord now established the Stanford Technology Trading Group International (STTGI).

According to Lawrence E. Walsh, who carried out the official

investigation into the scandal (Iran-Contra: The Final Report): "Using a complex web of secret Swiss bank accounts and shell corporations managed by Willard Zucker at Compagnie de Services Fiduciaires (CSF) in Geneva, they built a lucrative Enterprise from covert ops

business assigned to them by Lt. Col. Oliver L. North."

Frank Charles Carlucci III GCIH was an American politician & diplomat who served as the United States Secretary of Defense from 1987 to 1989 in the administration of President Ronald Reagan.

Useful Idiot.

In October, 1985, Congress agreed to vote 27 million dollars in non-lethal aid for the Contras in Nicaragua.

Covered this earlier in the thread.

However, members of the Ronald Reagan administration, including George Bush, decided to use this money to provide weapons to

the Contras and the Mujahideen in Afghanistan.

Morons these guys! And many of them corrupt.

In November, 1986, Ronald Reagan set-up a three man commission (President's Special Review Board) to cover his incompetence.

The three men were John Tower, Brent Scowcroft and

Edmund Muskie.

Richard L. Armitage was interviewed by the committee. He admitted that he had arranged a series of meetings between Menachem Meron, the director general of Israel's Ministry of Defence, with Richard Secord and Oliver North.

However, he denied that he

discussed the replenishment of Israeli TOW missiles with Meron.

Lawrence E. Walsh, who carried out the official investigation into the scandal (Iran-Contra: The Final Report) later pointed put: "Secord was indicted in March 1988 for conspiring with North,

Vice Adm. John M. Poindexter and Hakim to defraud the U.S. Government of money and services, and for theft of Government property.

After the trials were severed and the main conspiracy counts dropped due to problems with classified information, (a crock of shit that may

benefit Trump, Kushner, etc) the Grand Jury in April 1989 charged Secord with nine additional felonies as a result of his false testimony before Congress in 1987."

Walsh's report implicated Oliver North, John Poindexter, Casper Weinberger and several others but did not

mention the role played by Bush.

It also claimed that Ronald Reagan had no knowledge of what had been going on.

Really? Was Reagan that much a useful idiot?

Bush was not innocent but corrupt to the core.

The House Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran was also established by Congress.

The most important figure on the committee was the senior Republican member, Richard Cheney.

As a result George Bush was totally exonerated when the report

was published on 18th November, 1987.

The report did state that Reagan's administration exhibited "secrecy, deception and disdain for the law."

Another crock of shit. No wonder Cheney ran the show with baby Bush later in W's White House.

The Grand Jury in April 1989 charged Secord with nine additional felonies as a result of his false testimony before Congress in 1987.

Also indicted were Oliver North and John Poindexter. North, indicted on twelve counts, was found guilty by a jury of three minor counts.

The convictions were vacated on appeal on the grounds that North's Fifth Amendment rights may have been violated by the indirect use of his testimony to Congress which had been given under a grant of immunity.

Poindexter was also convicted of lying to Congress,

obstruction of justice, conspiracy, and altering and destroying documents pertinent to the investigation.

His convictions were also overturned on appeal.

Secord pled guilty to one felony count of false statements to Congress and on 24th January, 1990 he was sentenced

to two years probation.

When George Bush became president he set about rewarding those who had helped him in the cover-up of the Iran-Contra Scandal.

Bush appointed Richard L. Armitage as a negotiator and mediator in the Middle East.

Donald Gregg was appointed as his

ambassador to South Korea.

Brent Scowcroft became his chief national security adviser and John Tower became Secretary of Defense.

When the Senate refused to confirm Tower, Bush gave the job to Richard Cheney.

Perhaps Bush knew Tower would not get a Senate

confirmation and had counted on it.

Later, Casper Weinberger, Robert McFarlane, Duane R. Clarridge, Clair E. George, Elliott Abrams and Alan D. Fiers, Jr., who had all been charged with offences related to the Iran-Contra scandal, were pardoned by corrupt Bush.

No wonder Roger Stone pushed W Bush into the WH in 2000, as perhaps Russia preferred another Bush, but certainly organized crime was like, hell yea.


By 1991, John Tower met his fate presumably for having pissed off HW Bush.

His fate allowed William P Barr to rise.


Returning to the corruption covered earlier around profiting from the heroin trade in the golden triangle, Paul Lional Edward Helliwell main CIA job was to help Chaing Kai-shek to prepare for a future invasion of Communist China.

The CIA created a pair of front companies to supply and finance the surviving forces of Chaing's KMT.

Paul Helliwell was put in charge of this operation.

This included establishing Civil Air Transport (CAT), a Taiwan-based airline, and the Sea Supply Corporation,

a shipping company in Bangkok.

It was Helliwell's idea to use these CIA fronted companies to raise money to help support Chaing Kai-shek. According to Joseph Trento (Prelude to Terror): "Through Sea Supply, Helliwell imported large amounts of arms for the KMT soldiers to

keep the Burmese military from throwing them out of the country.

The arms were ferried into Burma on CAT airplanes. CAT then used the "empty" planes to fly drugs from Burma to Taiwan, Bangkok, and Saigon.

There the drugs were processed for the benefit of the KMT and

Chiang Kai-shek's corrupt government on Taiwan."

Civil Air Transport (CAT), later renamed Air America, provided the CIA with the air power needed to sustain its covert operations for the next twenty-five years.

Helliwell was to play an important role in running these

covert, and often illegal operations.

By the late 1950s it became clear that Chaing Kai-shek would never be strong enough to invade China.

The main focus changed to stopping the spread of communism to countries like Burma, Thailand, Vietnam and Laos.

How much of that

effort was cover for corrupt CIA guys and military guys to profit off the drug and arms trades further?

In 1960 Paul Helliwell was transferred to provide business cover for the CIA’s Cuban operations.

According to Peter Dale Scott (The Iran Contra Connection) Helliwell

worked with E. Howard Hunt, Mitch WerBell and Lucien Conein on developing relationships with drug-dealing Cuban veterans of the Bay of Pigs invasion.

It was during this period that Helliwell met Ted Shackley and Thomas Clines.

Helliwell later became CIA paymaster for

JM/WAVE. In this way, Shackley was able to finance unofficial CIA operations against Cuba.

JM WAVE was the Central Intelligence Agency station in Florida. Located south of Miami in a heavily wooded 1,571-acre tract.

The numerous buildings were said to belong to

Zenith Technological Enterprises.

After the Bay of Pigs disaster President John F. Kennedy created a committee (SGA) charged with overthrowing Castro's government.

The SGA, chaired by Robert F. Kennedy (Attorney General), included John McCone (CIA Director),

McGeorge Bundy (National Security Adviser), Alexis Johnson (State Department), Roswell Gilpatric (Defence Department), General Lyman Lemnitzer (Joint Chiefs of Staff) and General Maxwell Taylor. Although not officially members, Dean Rusk (Secretary of State) and

Robert S. McNamara (Secretary of Defence) also attending meetings.

At a meeting of this committee at the White House on 4th November, 1961, it was decided to call this covert action program for sabotage and subversion against Cuba, Operation Mongoose.

Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy also decided that General Edward Lansdale (Staff Member of the President's Committee on Military Assistance) should be placed in charge of the operation.

The CIA JM WAVE station in Miami served as operational headquarters for Operation


The head of the station was corrupt Ted Shackley and over the next few months became very involved in the attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro.

One of Lansdale's first decisions was to appoint William Harvey as head of Task Force W.

Harvey's brief was to

organize a broad range of activities that would help to bring down Castro's government.

By the spring of 1962, JM/WAVE employed more than 200 CIA officers. They in turn ran over 2,200 Cuban agents. JM/WAVE had a navy of over 100 craft, including the 174-foot Rex, that

had the latest electronic eqquipment and 40-millimeter and 20-millimeter cannons. The CIA station also had a large number of V-20 Swift craft and access to F-105 Phantoms from nearby Homestead Air Force Base.

William Harvey was ordered to activate an assassination plot against Fidel Castro. This became known as the ZR/RIFLE project. Harvey arranged for David Sanchez Morales to move from Mexico City to join the project based at the JM WAVE station.

In the winter of 1962 Eddie Bayo claimed that two officers in the Red Army based in Cuba wanted to defect to the United States. Bayo added that these men wanted to pass on details about atomic warheads and missiles that were still in Cuba despite the agreement that

followed the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Bayo's story was eventually taken up by several members of the anti-Castro community including William Pawley, Gerry P. Hemming, John Martino, Felipe Vidal Santiago and Frank Sturgis. Pawley became convinced that it was vitally

important to help get these Soviet officers out of Cuba.

William Pawley contacted Ted Shackley, the head at JM WAVE. Shackley decided to help Pawley organize what became known as Operation Tilt.

He also assigned Rip Robertson, a fellow member of the CIA in Miami, to

help with the operation. David Sanchez Morales, another CIA agent, also became involved in this attempt to bring out these two Soviet officers.

In June, 1963, a small group, including William Pawley, Eddie Bayo, Rip Robertson, John Martino, and Richard Billings, a

journalist working for Life Magazine, secretly arrived in Cuba. They were unsuccessful in their attempts to find these Soviet officers and they were forced to return to Miami.

Bayo remained behind and it was rumoured that he had been captured and executed.

However, his death was never reported in the Cuban press.

Why did the guy, Bayo, who claimed two Russian officers in Cuba wanted to defect to the US, die on a trip with other rogue / corrupt CIA guys?

William Douglas Pawley had worked closely with Claire Lee Chennault,

who had been working as a military adviser to Chiang Kai-shek since 1937.

Recall Paul Helliwell's main job was to help Chaing Kai-shek to prepare for a future invasion of Communist China?

Helliwell continued to work as a lawyer in Miami and served as legal counsel to a

Panamanian holding company that controlled a Bahamian gambling casino connected with Meyer Lansky.

Did Russian Intel get to any of those corrupt CIA guys and turn them? Would we ever know for sure?

Intermission for another story to pin and come back to regarding Nikola Corp.

When you see former NY DEA, police, military guys in the story, you ask, has an intel svc gotten to these guys with an interest in NKLA?

I'd ask same about Tesla.


Reagan, HW Bush, W Bush --> useful idiots to organized crime and to elements of CIA, especially guys that had the blessings of William Colby back in the day.

Nugan Hand collapsed in 1980.


There were other "banks" since 1980, but Enron by 1993:

W Bush became Putin's useful idiot and a useful idiot for domestic actor's who had connections to his father, HW Bush.


Did Putin arrange a deal in 2001 (remember 9/11?) to sell discounted Russian Federation debt held by Czech Republic to the
bin Ladin family worth $770 million?

W Bush White House blacked out the portions of a congressional report that detailed the Saudi role in 9-11.

The Bank of Credit and Commerce International, or BCCI, was a Pakistani bank established in 1972 that came to be known by the nickname the “Bank of Crooks and Criminals,” due to its penchant for shady clients.



NY Times Oct. 26, 1991 CIA / BCCI


AmeriCares was founded & led until 2002 by Robert Macauley, a college roommate of George H.W. Bush, paper mill millionaire, & self-described agent in the CIA’s precursor, the OSS. Image

During the Soviet-Afghanistan conflict in 1984, AmeriCares brazenly took sides, evacuating wounded members of the mujahideen to Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington D.C.

Translation: HW Bush and his CIA were partnered with the mujahideen. Image

CIA "proprietary corporations" were seemingly everywhere.

This use of proprietary companies opens up to the participants an opportunity to make substantial profits while "living their cover."

Who did Donald meet in Italy 10/1/22?

He feels the needed to do another promo for Bolsonaro following his Italy trip.


Notice how America heads into the mid-terms with Louis DeJoy still running the USPS, thereby in control of the mail, during another election.

WaPo 10/3/2022

"Trump himself eventually packed the boxes that were returned in January, people familiar with the matter said."


Isn't it old news that Donald ask aides whether GMax mentioned him after her arrest?

Independent 10/3/2022


He's lying.

Mark Meadows will cover for him as corrupt cowards do.

But there are others.


Mike Lee was not trustworthy during the 2nd shame impeachment trial. Image

Elmer fell for the Stone / Flynn / Akbar legal cover courage juice.


With Trump taking on the FBI & Cannon saying to Dearie, no Donald need not put up or shut up, Cannon is an accomplice.

They must have someone in the FBI working for them?

Was Pompeo like Allen & Foster Dulles but in one guy, instructed by Kochs?


Salon, 10/3/22

Despite the reporting, don't expect lawyer Bobb to turn on Donald.


Donald Trump praised Herschel Walker to Dick Nixon 1983.

Donald praised Nixon over Vietnam.

Dick Nixon was a useful idiot for Dulles brothers although Nixon / Dulles manipulated each other over the years.


Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas gives DOJ until next Tuesday at 5pm ET to respond to Trump’s motion / emergency application.

Thomas telling DOJ he needs some info from DOJ before he decides whether to deny Trump's application or refer it to full SCOTUS.

Would Thomas grant Donald's wishes alone, or permit the full Court to resolve it?

Expect Thomas to look for excuses to give Donald what he's seeking and to go it alone, although full Court can overrule him. But they won't.

Donald has his defense counsel Cannon in Fort

Pierce and he's got Thomas on top of 11th Circuit so expect chicanery from criminals, but happy to be shocked if Thomas denies Donald's application after hearing from DOJ.

To vacate a lower court stay, Trump would have to show he is suffering irreparable harm, in theory.

In practice, with a corrupt Cannon and a corrupt Thomas, Trump need only ask for some bullshitting and some whacky rulings.

It's up to congress to police a corrupt judicial system.

MAGA chicks just say it - "I want control of the senate."

The hypocrisy and bullshitting along the way is par for course.


MAGA power brokers fearful of not getting control of Senate.

Walker's deep commitment to Christ? Without mentioning @ReverendWarnock is a reverend with integrity?

Gingrich the bullshitter.


Fitton conveniently neglects to mention Donald's lawyer's have not made such argument and we cannot presume the records are declassified.

That mental magic power of ability to declassify simply by thought, as Trump claimed, needs tested. Image

SCOTUS, 1/3 illegit Trump appointees, grant cert on Glacier Northwest case.

They're going to try to take power away from labor unions, exactly what the Koch Network and dark money groups paid for, among other agenda items.


Donald's goal with Cannon and Thomas is to make DOJ unable to use docs they believed are classified.

Cannon will take power over SM Dearie and claim certain docs are NOT classified, and this will protect Donald from a criminal investigation.

Plus, not all of Donald's lawyer's know what docs Trump stole, so the lawyer's want a copy of a subset of docs DOJ says were classified from the universe of docs recovered.

The criminal enterprise has global tentacles and another corrupt FBI Special Agent.

It's like Putin obtained all the info on past CIA and DIA activities (wink to Mike Flynn) and had the KGB study everything and is repeating the 1950s to 1990s corruption of the Dulles

brothers, and the corruption of CIA Directors HW Bush, Colby, Woolsey etc.

Babak Broumand, 56, of Lafayette, California, and former FBI Special Agent was found guilty of one count of conspiracy, two counts


of bribery of a public official, and one count of monetary transactions in property derived from specified unlawful activity.

Some connection to the Halkbank case and Iranian sanctions avoidance / Turkish Cash for Gold scheme?

Armenian Organized


Crime -->

Broumand, an FBI special agent from January 1999 until shortly after search warrants were served on his home and businesses in 2018, was responsible for national security investigations and was assigned to the FBI Field Office in San Francisco.

According to evidence presented at his 11-day trial, from January 2015 to December 2018, Broumand accepted cash, checks, private jet flights, a Ducati motorcycle, hotel stays, escorts, meals, and other items of value from an organized crime-linked lawyer – identified

in court papers as “E.S” and each man acted to conceal the true nature of their corrupt relationship.

Of course, there were escorts for payment, similar to how organized crime reels in Secret Service guys.

In return for the bribe payments and other items of value,

Broumand conducted law enforcement database inquiries and used those inquiries to help E.S. and his associates avoid prosecution and law enforcement monitoring. Specifically, Broumand informed E.S. whether a particular person or entity was under criminal investigation by

stating that E.S. should “stay away” from that person or that they were “OK.”

Remember how Russia was in DOJ computer systems, among other agency systems?

Gotta stay on top of what prosecutor's are investigating when you're part of a global network of criminal


The bribes Broumand accepted were deposited into the accounts for Love Bugs LLC, a Lafayette-based lice-removal hair salon business that Broumand and his wife started in 2007.

Good old fashioned money laundering biz front, right?

From a corrupt FBI Special Agent to a corrupt special agent with U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), Felix Cisneros Jr.


In May 2016, Broumand interfered with an FBI investigation into Felix.

Donald has his call logs to protect what?

What about that "perfect call" for which we've never seen the transcript, un-doctored by Donald?


bloomberg.com/news/articles/… ImageImage

Putin's General, Mike Flynn, has been busy since J6.

Meanwhile, MAGA wing of GOP is still pushing the independent state legislature theory. Image

666 Fifth Avenue - Rudolph W. Giuliani July 1999 rededication ceremony.

The 40th floor of the new 666 features the Grand Havana Room, perhaps a wonderful place to place listening devices for foreign intel operations to record useful idiots?


How do we know whether Cannon got the MAL case by random selection? We do not.

Trump did not flag, as required, that the case was related to a pending matter.

You know how rogue agents of CIA have in the past run interference with DOJ or in the case of Director Casey,

asked DOJ to look the other way, with the blessings of the Dulles brothers?

It's possible a CIA guy is running interference with DOJ with an assist from corrupt judiciary.

Donald had Devin Nunes in the House Judiciary to run interference with congressional impeachment


In the case of CIA, if some elements of the agency are running interference, it's not at the direction of Donald but to protect its own dirty secrets.

I'd not be surprised if that's the case with respect to 40 Wall St.

But of Donald's stolen NDI?

OPEC + oil production cuts might be called an October Surprise given the corrupt Trump Admin was aligned with a corrupt Saudi regime and Donald or Jared could call in a favor to the Saudis to assist the GOP in the mid-terms.

It's not like useful idiot Donald has not ... Image

The No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels (NOPEC) bill, which passed a Senate committee 17-4 on May 5, is intended to protect U.S. consumers and businesses from engineered oil spikes.

The bipartisan NOPEC bill would tweak U.S. antitrust law to revoke the

sovereign immunity that has protected OPEC+ members and their national oil companies from lawsuits.

With the Senate Judiciary Committee passing the bill in May, it needs to pass the full Senate and House and be signed by the president to become law.

Countries could take

similar action against the United States for withholding agricultural output to support domestic "farming," a corrupt American industry that protects old white money.

In 2019, Saudi Arabia threatened to sell its oil in currencies other than the dollar if

US Congress passed a version of the NOPEC bill.


John Cornyn opposes the NOPEC bill as he's a useful idiot.


JJ is right on time even before gas prices rise.

With JJ already talking up rising gas prices, makes it even more plausible Trump / Kusher called in a favor to the Saudi's, promising something if you can just help us with the mid-terms so we can shut down J6C and run Image

Jared Kushner and Kushner’s allies reportedly blocked top-level U.S. government support for MBS’s cousin, former Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef (MBN)—a long-time intelligence and counter-terrorist asset for the U.S.—when MBN

vickyward.substack.com/p/rex-tillerso… ImageImage

attempted a legal coup d’état in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 2017.

MBN believed he had enough support from the so-called “Council of Ministers” to back him in a regime change.

You see how Krooked Kushner and MBS align?

If successful, both King Salman and MBS

(then deputy crown prince) would have been unseated and replaced by MBN.

In 2017, Pompeo was CIA Director and likely supportive of Kushner's back channel self dealing.

They rewarded Pompeo by 2018 with the Sec of State appointment.

More evidence that Elon Musk is a useful idiot for global organized crime.

If Elon controls Twitter, so many player's who have leverage over Elon (e.g., Russian aluminum) get to then dictate how Twitter operates.

Plus, foreign adversaries

recognize whether Starlink is a CIA proprietary and would like Kompromat on Musk.


Musk / Twitter case, Oct 5, 2022 Image

Ppl are talking about the sealed list of docs seized from Mar-a-Lago that DOJ determined to be potentially privileged was made public due to a docketing error, but what if it wasn't really an error by the court?

What if a rogue CIA operator asked the court for a favor?

Unlikely, but worth asking.

Courts using Pacer e-filing make docket errors with some frequency, and one wonders, with Russian Intel in the judiciary systems under Trump Admin, does some rogue actor selectively decide when such "docket errors" happen?

The Saudi's recognize an alignment with the GOP is profitable and the GOP recognizes an alignment with the Saudi's helps keep them in power to profit.

Biden admin could sanction OPEC but it won't. Image

The thing to watch is whether the announcement by OPEC + to cut output becomes reality.

Perhaps the announcement is the Oct surprise, coordinated with the MAGA GOP messaging system, while they're still deciding on the follow through?

Rudolph William Louis Giuliani, Jan 6, 2021:

Let's have "trial by combat."

It's like useful idiots are spoon fed talking points that come out sounding eerily similar. Image

Trump's handlers have leakers inside DOJ, perhaps an AUSA?

It's another October Surprise attempt to gain control of the Senate and House.

Hunter has zero role in the WH, unlike Jared and Ivanka had, but that probably doesn't matter to the


message Trump's handler's wish to permeate among American voter's heading into the mid-terms.

So much for Garland's DOJ running a tight ship and not leaking.

With the info coming out of the OathKeepers trial, one recognizes, there is corruption inside the FBI.

With the attempt to destroy texts, one observes the corruption that was in the US Secret Service.

With the DoD IG Report by Pentagon IG Sean O’Donnell about the Pentagon’s alleged actions on January 6, one recognizes the corruption inside the Army / DoD.

Sadly, Biden fails to remove Trump appointed IGs that are known to have created fictional reports replete with factual inaccuracies and discrepancies.

It's like the 2020 election had the candidates picked for the people not by the people.

Donald is telling on himself and his FBI connections.

Is Wray on Donald's payroll or some rank and file guys?

Or is it Kompromat that is the incentive? For the SS guys, I'd go with Kompromat. For the FBI - more like financial incentive. Image

Another useful idiot of global organized crime, Andy Biggs, whining. Image

On Dec 23, 2020, Proud Boy Bertino accepted an invitation from Enrique Tarrio to join a new Proud Boys chapter that Tarrio called the "Ministry of Self Defense" (MOSD).


Organize and direct using top-down structure. Image

You know what else happened on Dec 23, 2020?

Michael Flynn made his first post-election contact that we know about with Ezra Cohen-Watnick at the Pentagon.

Ezra oversaw “the world’s greatest national security intelligence apparatus," the apparatus that Flynn's pal

Phil Waldron asked the Trump Admin to use to work on the question of whether the 2020 election had been hacked by foreign actors.

Mark Meadows would know more.

Recall that Donald wanted Mark Meadows to call Roger Stone and Mike Flynn, two of the three Stop the Steal

Amigos, on Jan 5, 2021.

So, on Dec 23, 2020, "Ministry of Self Defense" (MOSD) of Proud Boys is setup and has new recruits while Flynn is making contact with Ezra Cohen-Watnick at the Pentagon.

More on Dec 23, 2020: Pro-Trump organizer Cindy Chafian sent a follow-up email about the planned January 6 event, saying that 15,000 participants were expected.


"The protests/rallies [are] expected to be similar to the previous Million MAGA

March rallies in November and December 2020," the U.S. Capitol Police agreed in their December 23 "Special Assessment" (21-A-0468 V.2).

The Secret Service added: "There are approximately fifty nine (59) groups identified as potentially participating in First Amendment

activities on January 6, 2021 at or around the White House Complex (WHC) ... Expected attendance is around 20,000 participants."

Barry Dean Loudermilk would know a little more.

On Jan 2, 2021, Trump-appointed Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller's staff coordinated with the FBI, DHS, and USMS on whether these agencies had any concerns regarding the January 5-6, 2021 election protest events; the FBI had no specific concerns; DHS was not

increasing its posture and was not tracking any threats to federal facilities; and USMS was not responding to protests on January 5-6, 2021.


Kash Patel headed Chris Miller's staff.

Seems Kash Patel falsely reported to Sean O’Donnell that

“the FBI had no specific concerns” about January 6, that DHS “was not tracking any threats to Federal facilities [including the U.S. Capitol]”, and that the U.S. Marshals Service had no plan to be involved in responding to January 6 at all.

And Sean O’Donnell graciously

went along with it, later writing a false report as an IG, covering up perhaps criminal actions taken by one or more persons at the Pentagon or within the US Army.

Chris Miller, Kash Patel, Ryan McCarthy, and Ezra Cohen-Watnik by Jan 4, 2021 all had bad Intel about J6, and it's enlightening that their bad intel conveniently might advance the political ambitions of Donald Trump or his handler's, with Mike Flynn and Roger Stone being

the intermediaries.

This bad info would perhaps lead to a delayed joint session of Congress on J6.

NY Times 10/6/2022

Justice Dept. Is Said to Believe Trump Has More Documents



No wonder Donald's buddies leaked a Hunter Biden story earlier in the day, given the NY Times reporting coming later in the day.

CNN 10/6/2022 corroborates NY Times reporting (prior tweet) and adds Donald has an "ongoing obligation to return the documents marked as classified."


Biden at a Dem fundraiser in NY 10/6/22 saying “First time since the Cuban missile crisis, we have the direct threat of the use of a nuclear weapon if in fact things continue down the path they are going," or language to the same effect (as the quotes being reported may

mis-state what was said), is NOT the right venue to drop that type information.

At any rate, let's say Ukraine is facing a direct threat of the use of nuclear weapons.

Why doesn't Biden DOJ recognize the Nat Security threat that Trump is, given missing NDI, and search

for docs at other Trump properties?

The damage that Trump has caused to national security by his willful retention of NDI docs, including docs regarding the nuclear secrets of at least one other nation, is a significant factor that should

persuade Garland to approve indicting Trump for violating 18 USC 793(e).

Given Biden fails to fire Trump's IGs, he is not recognizing the national security threat that Trump posed and poses.

The One Division Rule is why Marco Rubio introduced Aileen Cannon for the role and why Trump drooled over having Mitch push her through.

The "County where action arose" implies Donald knew with action arising in W Palm Beach, a case could easily be assigned to a friend.
10427 Image

DOJ MAL Prosecutor's acting like regulator's, gingerly negotiating compliance, rather than indicting to promote compliance.

Negotiating with terrorists is what terrorists enjoy, laugh, and snicker about.


American GOP, House, Senate, or Presidential candidates as useful idiots for a foreign adversary, with some gleefully showing it in campaign ads.


Contrasted against Weissman's tweet at 10428, the gingerly approach of DOJ undermines the false narrative that DOJ is out to get Trump, but why the hell is DOJ worried about optics and politics?


Sure, DOJ has (hopefully) placed Trump under surveillance to collect info and one could argue that makes him more valuable as an unindicted criminal actor.

But that requires much faith in an Administration that has not fired Trump's IGs and still employs Chris Wray.

If DOJ is run by a strategy master, slowly and meticulously building a case, with Trump under surveillance, being investigated for espionage, there are plenty of character's who might have come into contact with NDI to monitor.


Including Brazil's Bolsonaro, who for some reason, Donald provides his "complete and total endorsement," which Donald doesn't provide for free.


You and I would not be walking the streets if the DOJ believed we had stolen NDI, let alone if DOJ believed that after recovering some stolen NDI already.

DOJ would not simply allow us to live free with NDI at our properties.

That's why I don't buy that DOJ has Donald

under surveillance for espionage.

DOJ spent months, presumably cultivating sources inside Mar-a-Lago, so it could learn precisely where some documents were, at Mar-a-Lago.

But what about at other properties like Bedminister or in NYC?

I would not assume it's a

certainty DOJ is on top of loose NDI at other Trump properties.

I mean, we still have Chris Wray running the FBI and Trump's IGs still have their jobs, a stunning and profound lack of judgement coming from the top.

Putin's General, Mike Flynn, understood the role of saboteurs to amplify a desired msg about ANTIFA or BLM, but this thread provides some facts on BLM protests.

I do think Russia was actively operating inside America during Trump's reign,

using Mike Flynn & his associates like Phil Waldron & others.

Protests in Portland, Wisconsin, or in Minnesota possibly included saboteurs w/connections to foreign intel operations.

Russian Intel didn't stop after studying how to amplify division in the 2016 election. Image

Remember the scene filmed by Tanya Kerssen from Whittier neighborhood, Minneapolis, MN from May 30, 2020, released shortly after 9:30 p.m. local time, whereby police and National Guard canvas and sweep residential streets,


ordering people to get inside?

Failure to comply resulted in being shot with paint canisters.

Curfew from the Mayor mentioned “a nighttime curfew is imposed in all public places within the City of Minneapolis, including streets …”. Somehow, in Trump’s “rough em’ up”

America, that translates to get off your own porch on your own private property.

Fox News had reported that MN Governor says U.S. Military is providing "intelligence support" and intercepted communications from the National Security Agency (NSA).

Taking reporting with

grain of salt, given the source is Fox News, but it was from Lucas Tomlinson who covers Pentagon for Fox News.

Thought NSA had no role in domestic law enforcement matters?

If true, this may implied invocation of NSA's 702 Program that provides for sharing of

information with FBI if it relates to active full investigations involving foreign intelligence or terrorism.

This surveillance was reportedly used to uncover NY subway plot.

Translation - did FBI / NSA suspect activity being directed inside MN from outside the U.S.?

Mayor Carter stated earlier that Saturday, people
were throwing incendiary devices and then running behind protestor's.

MN AG Ellison mentioned video of white guy in a gas mask holding black umbrella (i.e. "black bloc") breaking windows.

A.G. Barr had claimed "far left extremist groups" were responsible.

Did someone get ahold of the once top-secret Simple Sabotage Field Manual, written in 1944 by the CIA’s precursor, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), and decide to use it inside America, including

on Jan 6th, 2021?


It's not like sabotage isn't on the minds of those in Russia, even if potentially projecting.


Biden, 10/7/22 "I didn't realize how much serious damage the previous administration did to our foreign policy."

Profoundly idiotic. Image

A pro-Russian MAGA GOP take-over of the House of Representatives is what the Putin / Flynn / Trump / Stone / Manafort axis seek.

The Biden administration would be unable to move further funding packages forward in support of Ukraine with


a MAGA GOP take-over.

Beijing, reportedly, sees a lower risk in meddling in the midterms versus a presidential election.

Russia is still aligned with the MAGA GOP: Oz in PA Senate, Lake for AZ Gov, Dixon for MI Gov, Walker for GA Senate, etc.


One might interpret Biden's statement as implying he has learned of what Trump was sharing from his stash of stolen NDI, but that's just an interpretation.

Biden not seeing the danger that Trump posed tells you how profoundly ignorant he has been.


You know where Donald is not hiding NDI?

His property in northern, VA. His handler's are not that dumb.

They don't want a search executed in Va that might lead to espionage charges in EDVA.

No. They want stuff moving through SDFL or perhaps NJ or SDNY.

NY Times Nov 5, 2003


Intelligence (Siloviki)

Organize Crime (Vory)

The vory—as the Russian mafia is also known—was born early in the twentieth century, largely in the Gulags and criminal camps, where they developed their unique culture.

Identified by their signature tattoos, members abided by the thieves’ code,

a strict system that forbade all paid employment and cooperation with law enforcement and the state.

On Christmas Day 1991, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev announced that after 74 years as one of the world's most powerful nations, the Soviet Union no longer existed, and

would break up in 15 separate countries.

The collapse meant thousands of Soviet nuclear weapons were spread across four of the newly formed states, including Russia and Ukraine.

Russia kept its nukes.

Ukraine gave up its arsenal in 1994 in exchange for a promise from

Russia and others that its borders would not be violated.

Putin calls the Soviet collapse the "greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century."

Russian forces seized the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine in 2014.

From 1991 onward, American Presidents

pursued a set of policies that were premised on a democratic transformation, but ignored global organized crime and money laundering, until then FBI Director Bob Mueller starting speaking about it.


Siloviki and Vori ran Russia with Putin at the

top and the oligarchs sucking up the riches.

In America, we nearly have a similar result, with nearly all the wealth concentrated among the top 10%.

Organized crime in both places.

If Trump were to come back into power, he'd execute an even greater purge like

the Great Terror of 1937.


Putin in Sept 2022: "If Russia feels its territorial integrity is threatened, we will use all defense methods at our disposal, and this is not a bluff."

Hence, Biden's comments 10/6/22.

Putin: "Those who are trying to

blackmail us with nuclear weapons should know that the winds can also turn in their direction."


One potential problem of America and NATO not willing to join Ukraine beyond supplying money, supplies, and weapons is the rest of Europe sees that America will not risk a nuclear confrontation for a small country, even when the country has vast resources.

Or does that

apply to only small countries that were once part of the Soviet Union or those that still border the Russian Federation?

The countries of NORDEFCO, made up of Finland, Sweden Norway, Denmark, and Iceland are forming a stronger alliance and not


waiting to find out.

Back to the nuclear threat.

How had it ended in the past?

Useful idiot Nixon hugged Brezhnev:


Useful idiot Regan hugged Gorbachev.

I don't expect a hugging resolution between Biden and Putin.

Deterrence & arms control will be on Biden's mind.


Whoever comes next, however, on each side, is a different story.

As Putin tries to unravel Image

the US and NATO by trying to bring down America from within, using a Manchurian Candidate, the blunder of Jan 6 may lead to a backfire and a downfall of Russia as we know it, from within.

Using tactical nukes in Ukraine is not an option for Putin as China and Iran don't

want it.

Putin's purge, not the same as the Great Terror of 1937, makes the situation within Russia a little more unstable.

Ironically, such a purge is what Putin's General, Mike Flynn, wanted in the US under Trump, and Trump purged Inspector Generals (IGs), Image

installing his useful idiots and men loyal to him, like Sean O’Donnell.

Ginni Thomas was among the useful idiots who urged Trump to execute a purge.


In fact, the pre-election “purge” of the Trump administration that put radical Trump loyalists in positions of authority at DOJ, DHS, the Pentagon, and the State Department was orchestrated by three people: Ginni Thomas, Barbara Ledeen, and John McEntee.

A “purge”

conveniently made a self-coup attempt possible.

Funny how Putin has just executed a purge in Moscow.

Who will MAGA try to install in the Senate for Nebraska to replace Ben Sasse?

M Garland did what CIA asked of him (or told him) in the Oklahoma City case to cover up info from public, and he'll do what he is told in the Trump case too.

All the pro-Garland tweets back when he was confirmed were for the useful idiots on the


D side of the aisle to excitedly support him for the AG spot, following four years of a Trump criminal enterprise.

Garland will do what he is told and DOJ will put on a show but if he's told by CIA Trump is off limits, Garland will just comply.

It is a myth to believe

Garland led a years-long secretive search for McVeigh. Garland played no role in capturing him.

Jamie Gorelick is perhaps a CIA linked lawyer who also plays nice with organized crime and was Garland's mentor.

Garland is a good guy but we don't need someone who will do

what he's told by elements from CIA.

Why does Biden keep Chris Wray, appoint M Garland, not fire Trump's lying IGs, and not see to it that DeJoy is replaced at USPS?

FBI, CIA, Secret Service all have players who decide to play nice with global organized crime for


It's funny lead defense counsel for Oklahoma City bombing conspirator Terry Nichols was Daniel Petrocelli of Los Angeles, same lawyer for Jeff Skilling of Enron.

The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was a United States federal government complex located at

200 N.W. 5th Street in downtown Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

On April 19, 1995, at 9:02 am the building was the target of the Oklahoma City bombing, which killed 168 people.

Secret Service had offices at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building.

One of their missions is to

investigate financial crime.

Huh. Did you catch that lead defense counsel for Oklahoma City bombing conspirator Terry Nichols was Daniel Petrocelli of Los Angeles, same lawyer for Jeff Skilling of Enron.

Was SS investigating Enron and did CIA actors need to stop

the SS?

It's not like CIA hasn't run into conflicts with DOJ in the 1950s to 1990s.

Those Dulles brothers enjoyed relationships with global organized crime.

How many financial fraud schemes were/are used to fund secret private proxy wars?

Did foreign intel services

like the KGB have an interest in Oklahoma City and did CIA tell Garland at the time how to proceed?


Funny how then outgoing FBI director, Louis Freeh, accepted responsibility for the bureau's "serious error" in failing to deliver more than 3,000 pages of evidence in the Oklahoma City bombing to Timothy McVeigh's lawyers.


What did Louis Freeh need to hide?

Some of the documents in question involved witness testimony about other possible conspirators.

Can't just be coincidence that Mark Wauck reported Robert Phillip Hanssen in 1990, but that Hanssen wasn’t arrested until Feb 2001,

four months before Louis Freeh announced his plan to leave.

If you follow, you ask, did Russian Intel weaponize "religion" to use as a tool to launder money from organized crime and to wage hybrid warfare against democracies that attempt to have

rule of law?

It's not like Mike Flynn, Putin's General, or Roger Stone are not using religion for weaponization purposes.

New Apostolic Reformation is a Christian authoritarian movement.


Irish Times, Sept 23, 2000: The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Alexiy II of Moscow and All Russia, was a long-serving KGB agent.


Just as Russian Intel Services cozy up to different flavors of organized religion then make each useful idiots, strategically sharing select information about the groups that they support in order to provide legal cover and protection for their criminal rackets, so Russian

Intel services (and others) do with America's political parties, especially the GOP and especially the MAGA GOP.

It's like these intel services specialize in pitting one organized religion against another when it benefits the goals of the power brokers in Moscow, and

this specialty is used to pit one major political party in America against another.

What are we going to learn, if anything, about the operations of the Stop the Steal Organizers, Flynn, Stone, and Akbar from the Rhodes trial? ImageImage

665 FBI employees, including 45 senior-level officials, resigned or retired between 2004 and 2020 following a misconduct probe but before a final disciplinary letter could be issued.

Comrade Putin's Intel services had been busy with FBI and


Secret Service agents, including the ones targeted with honeypots for Kompromat.

Trump’s defense lawyers, [for 2nd impeachment sham trial] furious and blindsided by Raskin’s witness move, had vowed just before the vote that if Raskin called even one witness, they would seek to depose at least one hundred of their own,


including Pelosi and Vice President Kamala Harris.

That meant possibly hours of floor debate about which witnesses were relevant — and possibly days or weeks of testimony that could overshadow Biden’s presidency until late February or March.

It was a threat that met

its mark, as senators on the floor, including other Democrats who had just backed Raskin’s witness strategy, fretted about having to endure elongated proceedings.

My god, these Democrats were morons and the Rs were eager to have zero accountability.

What’s more,

Several Republicans had indicated to [Chris] Coons that they were ready to convict the president — but if the trial spun out of control, there was no telling what might happen.

Some Ds calculated that Biden still needed the Senate to confirm most of his Cabinet, and he

had a legislative agenda to get onto the floor.

Chris Coons meant well, but what an idiot. My god Coons was a pathetic moron.

CNN, 10/07/22 on an alleged November 2020 Oath Keepers planning meeting that discussed plans to bring weapons to Washington, DC, and prepare to “fight” on behalf of former President Donald Trump.


Given the American government does not tax churches nor do state and local governments collect property taxes from churches, it's a tax free vehicle for organized crime to infiltrate with "donations."


NY Times, 10/07/2022

President Biden has signed a classified policy limiting counterterrorism drone strikes outside conventional war zones, [Iraq and Syria still have loosened rules] tightening rules that President Donald J. Trump had loosened.


Was Sheldon Adelson simply a conduit to launder proceeds from some other source(s)?


When you observe the MAGA subset of the GOP and the Senators and House Reps aligned with foreign interests and consider the timing of the OPEC + announcement, you realize, it's an information war heading into the mid-terms and useful idiots will use anything for an edge. Image

Donald and Kash Patel's magical declassify by mere thought getting some attention? Image

Funny useful idiot Chuck Grassley's office received a whistleblower disclosure on FBI agent Tim Thibault.

Washington Examiner Oct 07, 2022


Is Barbara Ledeen still running point on useful idiot Grassley (and L Graham)?

Michael Ledeen is friends

with Mike Flynn, so the Ledeen's serve as a conduit to feeding disinformation and weaponized info to useful idiots Grassley and Graham.

Recall that Grassley falsely claimed to have intelligence suggesting VP Mike Pence would not be coming to the Capitol on January 6?

Hearing that Trump will have to put up or shut up on exec priv.

Heard that with respect to his claims the FBI planted evidence, yet loose Cannon said, nope, Donald doesn't need to put up or shut up so sit down Dearie.

The saga continues.

Donald understands a quid-pro-quo.

In his head: Bitches gonna give me the Trump-Russia docs for the NDI I am entitled to.

Of course, he is not entitled to the stolen NDI.


Donald allegedly made a false statement to Mark Meadows who readily conveyed the lie to former deputy White House counsel Pat Philbin, who conveyed the lie to Archives lawyer Gary Stern.

WaPo: 9/16/22

washingtonpost.com/national-secur… Image

One would think that this law 18 USC 1591 applies to Donald Trump and perhaps Mark Meadows.


What might Kash Patel and John Solomon have to say?

Were these guys trying to give up IC assets to Comrade Putin?

In June, Trump announced he had designated Solomon and Patel as his official representatives to the National Archives.

ABC News Oct 07, 2022


DOJ must have probable cause of stolen NDI (or other materials) being present at Bedminister, for example, to obtain a search warrant.

Even if DOJ has probable cause, would they at this point be hesitant to execute a search?

If Donald has someone on the inside or somehow

can be alerted to the next search, he can order his people to move docs as one would expect Donald wants to have DOJ execute a search and come up empty-handed to control the media circus, given his "but the FBI planted evidence" story at MAL has not taken off like he or

his handlers wished it would.

It's still suspect that after SM Dearie told Donald and his lawyer's to put up or shut up about the FBI planting evidence story that loose Cannon intervened to shut up SM Dearie instead, permitting Donald to continue to claim FBI planted

evidence at MAL.

Or perhaps AG Garland is just overly cautious, which means, has someone at CIA asked him to be?

"Fair probability" that evidence of a crime will be found at a particular location controlled by Donald Trump based on

"commonsense" "reasonable inferences" drawn from the "totality of the circumstances" constitutes probable cause, and sure has seemed like PC has existed for some time at at least two other Trump properties.

You would think DOJ Nat Sec Division wants to recover all documents for national security reasons and that prosecutor's want to best develop a case.

But a case should be fairly developed based on the existing evidence.

Wonder whether there are ppl inside DOJ at this

point arguing over whether to indict sooner vs later and whether to obtain another search warrant before or after any indictments?

You'd think they would obtain any search warrant(s) of other Trump properties before any indictments, but given how difficult it might be to

deal with the criminal enterprise, DOJ might be worried that loyal Trump subjects are moving docs around, or whether Donald himself moves docs around from one property to the next.

Is Donald that ballsy, to move docs around, still, in Oct 2022, or more likely he'd order

someone else to do it for him.

"The FBI, according to these sources, had also asked in recent months whether the ex-president had a habit of transporting classified documents from his Florida estate Mar-a-Lago to the other Trump properties."

"The feds specifically

discussed both the New York City and Bedminster locations with certain witnesses," Asawin Suebsaeng and Adam Ransley reported for Rolling Stone magazine.

RollingStone Oct 07, 2022


The Department of Justice, National Archives, and

House Oversight Committee have all revealed they fear Trump is still in possession of government documents.

Valeriy Tarasenko, associate of fake heiress who wandered Mar-a-Lago had met with the FBI and turned over a host of documents and photos tied to an investigation into Ms. Yashchyshyn, her trips to the former president’s estate,


and businesses she formed – two with Mr. Tarasenko – over the past seven years, records and interviews show.

Remember, Lindsey Grahams shared an aide with Chuck Grassley, Barbara Ledeen. Image

Comrade Trump working for Comrade Putin.


Surely, Putin's General, Mr. Flynn is using both domestic and foreign intel officers to engineer an election outcome.


When you try to use the paranoia of the Manchurian Candidate to obtain any info that might give up CI sources collecting info damaging to Russia? Image

It was and is a free-for-all.

From free coffee and doughnuts to free NDI and nuclear secrets.

Come and get it. Image

A federal grand jury in Charlottesville, VA has indicted Gerald Leonard Drake, 63, from Winchester, Va., for mailing threatening letters, stalking, and planting a pipe bomb at the Cedar Creek Battlefield in Middletown, Virginia during a Civil War reenactment event in 2017.

In the mailings sent to victims and two newspapers, Drake purported to be a member of Antifa and threatened harm, including referencing the Unite the Right riots in Charlottesville.

The indictment, which was unsealed following Drake’s arrest on Thursday, 10/6/22,

charges him with fifteen criminal offenses including: mailing threatening communications, malicious use of explosives, possession of an unregistered destructive device, unlawful manufacture of a destructive device, use of explosives to commit a federal felony, & stalking.

Translation - the 2017 attack was a false flag attack trying to frame Antifa, an organization that saboteurs were attempting to throw anything on that would stick, to later use for J6 and other events.

In the aftermath of the riots in Charlottesville, and at a time when

people sought to heal, this Drake instead sought to sow political discontent and mayhem.


I don't think the DOJ PR tells us everything they know.

Expect more false flag ops to be uncovered in Portland Oregon and Kenosha, WI, unless US

Intel agencies interfere with DOJ / FBI.

There must have been other false flag ops to frame Antifa.

Recall that Rudy Giuliani had broadcast on Jan 08 and published on Jan 10 from the Willard Hotel war room that the J6 assault on the U.S.


Capitol was the work of left-wing antifa agitators.

From Rudy's monologue:

"America, we are under attack! Not by these police officers, necessarily, but by the Deep State! We are in the middle of a militant, leftist, Deep State, globalist operation! [They’re] trying

to make Trump supporters look like idiots—and that we’re violent agitators—when truth and fact, there are people dressed up in MAGA [Make America Great Again] hats and other gear that are pretending to be MAGA supporters!

And they’re instigating! They’re playing on the

emotions of all Trump supporters! {He points to a nearby crowd of Trump supporters.} Listen to this! Listen to this! These are people that love cops! We love the police! But a few antifa dressed up as Trump supporters!"

It was Trump supporters, not antifa, who attacked

the U.S. Capitol on January 6, but Rudy tried desperately to make people believe it was Antifa and that Antifa was trying to frame Trump.

Rudy was responding to the claims that Trump incited and insurrection by trying to pull of a magic trick to brainwash the public into

believing that Antifa was there on J6 pretending to be Trump supporters.

Sounds crazy and nuts, but watch the video. We're talking about flatulent and fruity Rudy.

What's more is that Eddie Block of the Proud Boys, from the San Francisco Airport on January 7, 2021,

told us that the Proud Boys deliberately dressed like antifa on January 6.

Reading a viewer’s question out loud, Eddie Block said: “Why didn’t we wear Proud Boy colors yesterday?”

Because we heard that antifa was going to try to wear Proud Boys

colors to try to fit in with us, so we decided to try to look like them [antifa] instead. That’s why.

And no, we’re not going to do it again next time, so don’t think, antifa, you’re going to figure us out—because we change our shit up all the time.

Did the Proud Boys

not know they were useful idiots that Trump and his handler's were using and ready to throw under the bus if shit hit the fan?

Proud Boys didn’t dress up like antifa for J6 because they were scared of antifa.

They dressed up as antifa to try to blame a terrorist attack

and self-coup incitement to insurrection on the U.S. government on antifa.

Michael Flynn, Michael Lindell, and Sidney Powell were desperately trying to get Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807 prior to January 6.

Building up Antifa as a domestic terror group then

goading the Proud Boys to dress up like Antifa was more fodder for invocation of the Insurrection Act.

Even Bill Barr was on the "far left extremists" bandwagon for the events in MN.

The whole damn Trump Admin served as useful idiots for four years in a massive intel breech and scandal, led by a Manchurian Candidate.


Fox News had reported that MN Governor says U.S. Military is providing "intelligence support" and intercepted communications from the National Security Agency (NSA).

Was Mike Flynn battling on the inside with his ppl against non traitors


searching for answers who might uncover another false flag operation that Bill Barr was eager to pin on "far left extremist" groups?

The whole Trump Admin was a bunch of useful idiots while a multi-year plot was unfolding, using Donald Trump as a Manchurian Candidate to effect foreign policy objectives beneficial to Russia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc.

Russia's Intel services were essentially using a once

top-secret Simple Sabotage Field Manual, written in 1944 by the CIA’s precursor, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), and decided to use it inside America, including on J6, 2021.


During the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, the careers of two military officers often intersected.

Army General Michael Flynn and an Army Reserve colonel named Phil Waldron worked together on secret projects in both countries, per Phil Waldron.

When Flynn was appointed to

run the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency in 2012, Waldron said he worked at the DIA’s clandestine service.

Side Note: In 2014 when Mike Flynn was running DIA that is when Edward Snowden obtained docs from a network run by DIA.


Flynn was an intel expert. Waldron’s specialty was psychological operations, or PSYOPs—targeting foreign adversaries, as an Army field manual describes,


“to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and

ultimately, the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.”

Now the two military veterans, along with at least two other retired and reserve officers, are engaged in a new mission, this time with a domestic target: They are central to the

far-right effort to persuade Americans that the 2020 election was stolen from then-President Donald Trump.

Putin had his General, Mike Flynn, running a domestic PsyOps program in the United States.

Getting desperate, they tried to involve Eduardo Bolsonaro, son of

neo-fascist Brazilian dictator and Trump ally Jair Bolsonaro, to provide cooked Intel for J6 to provide a basis to invoke the Insurrection Act.

On January 15, 2021, Mike Lindell carried a document into the Oval Office insisting that BLT Prime Team member Kash Patel be Image

made head of the CIA.

In that role, Kash Patel would not only have access to all foreign intelligence compiled by the CIA, but be in a position to frame that intelligence in support of a Pentagon seizure of voting machines, in the ever evolving plans that had to adapt.

Speaking of domestic PsyOps


And when domestic PsyOps intersects with useful idiots that served in Trump Admin Image

Mike Lindell is still at it.

"A whistleblower who was doing work for the CIA," claims Mike Lindell, but who is this guy?

Mike is such a gullible moron.


Domestic PsyOps on right-wing media with useful idiot Senators amplifying works like a charm.


Secret Service explicitly downplayed the risk posed by the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers on Jan 6th and we have learned someone in the Secret Service was in contact with Oath Keeper Stewart Rhodes, and we know the texts of key SS guys are allegedly destroyed.

Mike Flynn and Phil Waldron must be getting bonus checks.

Donald Trump's helicopter pilot was arrested for flying cocaine into Ohio, and Donald gave him an apartment & had his sister, a federal judge, throw a case in his favor.

Kevin McCarthy

found Madison Cawthorn useful until Madison spoke of cocaine & orgies.

Krebs: "Affecting the vote at scale undetected is nearly impossible."

Isn't that why Manafort gave Kilimnik polling data, so they could focus on a few precincts in a few targeted states?

Although most of the polling data was reportedly public,


some was private Trump campaign polling data managed by Brad Parscale.

I've heard too many false assurances about the security of our election system.

In September 2016, after media reports that Russian hackers had targeted America’s election system, James Comey Image

testified to Congress that, “[T]he vote system in the United States .. is very, very hard for someone to hack into…Those things are not connected to the internet, but the voter registration systems are."

In October 2016, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson and ODNI Director

James Clapper similarly claimed in a joint statement that “[s]tates ensure that voting machines are not connected to the Internet."

You can find more statements of public officials saying the same thing, but it's all false.

In 2015, the swing states of Florida and

Wisconsin had allowed ES&S to install cellular (wireless) modems in some or all of their precinct ballot scanners.

ES&S installed them in parts of Michigan, Illinois, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Indiana too.


A longer accounting of statements made by public officials to provide false assurances.


Flynn sending out an SOS.


Secretary of State offices + Independent State Legislature Theory


When MAGA talks about big dick energy, suppose that means planning to end America's period as a representative democracy while gloating about it at a rally for a criminal enterprise thus far immune from prosecutions.

"Because the world is changing."


The MAGA talking point of appeasement that useful idiots Donald Trump and Elon Musk sing is a component of the Flynn & Waldron PsyOp and influence operations.


Mike Flynn banking on a 2nd Trump Presidency and bringing that Middle East Marshall Plan to fruition.


The Flynn Infodemic packaged and repurposed against the United States.

USAID was cover for CIA personnel in past decades. Then Mike Flynn had a relation with USAID for Iraq elections.

Allen Dulles, who headed the CIA in its early years, was

responsible for using religious groups as cover for intelligence activities.

After the creation of the CIA ,Christian missionaries played a very important role in destabilizing various countries and in carrying out espionage activities on behalf of the CIA. Image


Seems Russian Intel uses Mike Flynn to weaponize "religion" to use as a tool to launder money from organized crime and to wage hybrid warfare against democracies that attempt to have rule of law.




Note to self: Talbot in The Devil’s Chessboard mentions USAID and I cannot recall the coverage at the moment but it's perhaps relevant to Flynn in Iraq elections applied to US elections in 2020.

theintercept.com/2015/11/02/the… Image

Weaponization of religion --> Mike Flynn's operation reaches useful idiot Lauren Boebert, pitching compulsory "biblical citizenship" training on "Flashpoint", televangelist Ken Copeland's dominionist TV channel.


Remembering Michele Bachmann



Forrest Wilder, a Texas Observer columnist who had been following the "New Apostolic Reformation", NAR, and its influence on political figures, told The Christian Post that it is not a

specific church, denomination or organization, but is a movement of an "interlocking array of churches, ministries, councils, personal friendships and alliances" that are connected for a common cause.

Wilder maintains that higher-ups such as Texas Pastors Tom Schlueter

and Bob Long, who he reports proclaimed Texas the "prophet state," are cozying up to political figures such former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and GOP presidential candidates Michele Bachmann and Gov. Rick Perry, the initiator of The Response, to establish Christian

dominionism in America.

"Dominionism is simply that Christians of this belief system must take control over the various institutions of society and government."


Notice the cozying up to Palin, Bachmann, and Perry by NAR figures?

Useful idiot Michele Bachman has a lifetime privilege to go into the House Chamber.

Bachman was in the tunnels on Jan 6, 2021 where she says she saw 40 Secret Service evacuating Nancy Pelosi to House Office Bldg.

Keep in mind, religious

NAR figure Lauren Boebert tweeted when Nancy Pelosi was evacuated.


New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) invasion of Alaska in 2008 failed to deliver Sarah Palin to the White House.

Good time to link you to the large Palin thread that turned into a thread about foreign influence operations to get GOP candidates

You know the Trump, Pence, and Pompeo fascination with the moonies cult?

Religion + Organized Crime = profits to launder?


Gene Bailey, Lance Wallnau, Pastor Hank Kunneman, Mario Murillo, Lauren Boebert, Mike Flynn, Patrick Byrne and Donald Trump Jr



In 2015, spurred by the lengthy prophecy of a 27-year-old wunderkind named Jeremiah Johnson, many Pentecostals and charismatics embraced the idea that God had chosen Trump to restore America’s Christian moorings.

Didn't Mick Mulvaney quip in 2016

that Donald Trump coming into power was the "arrival of the new king?"


Trump in church?

LOL - Yea, when church + organized crime = money laundering partnership or competition.


Michele Bachman and Sarah Palin seem to be under the influence of the same go-go juice.

When Lauren Boebert starts to more closely resemble Palin and Bachman in speech, tone, and body language, you gotta ask, what is the source for all three?

Mike Flynn talking up one religion and one nation under "god."

What better place to execute a PsyOps exercise than in churches full of broken souls and gullible people seeking answers in life?


It's about the vote counter's - tally up.


Donald - "biggest crowd I've ever seen?" "Jan 6th"

The PsyOps continues.

Will Eddie Block reveal who told his Proud Boys Chapter that Antifa was going to dress up like PB which goaded those PBs to dress up like Antifa?


Donald Trump has been reading intelligence reports lately, perhaps some he stole, bragging about what he now knows about HW Bush and W Bush.

He's threatening to divulge more info to keep ppl in line?

On Obama, I don't know what to make of this, but it's an article from EIR whose founder was Lyndon LaRouche, Jr.

In its 2019 obituary of LaRouche, New York magazine reported that LaRouche's attempts to pose as a Democrat in the 1980s


were originally an attempt at a spoiler operation to divide the opponents of Ronald Reagan.

In December 1980, LaRouche and his followers started what came to be known as the "October Surprise" allegation, namely that in October 1980 Ronald Reagan's campaign staff

conspired with the Iranian government during the Iran hostage crisis to delay the release of 52 American hostages held in Iran, with the aim of helping Reagan win the 1980 United States presidential election against Jimmy Carter.

Yes, that is a plausible theory.

The Iranians had agreed to this, according to the theory, in exchange for future weapons sales from the Reagan administration.

The first publication of the story was in LaRouche's Executive Intelligence Review on December 2, 1980, followed by his New Solidarity on

September 2, 1983, alleging that Henry Kissinger, one of LaRouche's regular targets, had met Iran's Ayatollah Beheshti in Paris, according to Iranian sources in Paris. The theory was later echoed by former Iranian President Abolhassan Banisadr and former

Naval intelligence officer and National Security Council member Gary Sick.

The Washington Post wrote that LaRouche and his wife moved in August 1983 from New York to a 13-room Georgian mansion on a 250-acre section of the Woodburn Estate, near Leesburg, Loudoun County,

Virginia. The property was owned at the time by a company registered in Switzerland.

Companies associated with LaRouche continued to buy property in the area, including part of Leesburg's industrial park, purchased by LaRouche's Lafayette/Leesburg Ltd. Partnership to

develop a printing plant and office complex.

LaRouche reportedly accused the Leesburg Garden Club of being a nest of Soviet sympathizers, and a local lawyer who opposed LaRouche on a zoning matter went into hiding after threatening phone calls and a death threat.

In leaflets supporting his application of concealed weapons permits for his bodyguards in Leesburg, Virginia, he wrote:

"I have a major personal security problem ... [Without the permits] the assassination teams of professional mercenaries now being trained in Canada

and along the Mexico border may be expected to start arriving on the streets of Leesburg ... If they come, there will be many people dead or mutilated within as short an interval as 60 seconds of fire."

Regarding LaRouche's paramilitary security force, armed with

semi-automatic weapons, a spokesperson said that they were necessary, because LaRouche was the subject of "assassination conspiracies".

Helga Zepp-LaRouche founded the Schiller Institute in Germany in 1984.

In the same year, LaRouche was able to raise enough money to

purchase 14 television spots, at a cost of $330,000 each, in which he called Walter Mondale—the Democratic Party's presidential candidate—a Soviet agent of influence, triggering over 1,000 telephone complaints.

In 1984, media reports stated that LaRouche and his aides had met Reagan administration officials, including Norman Bailey, senior director of international economic affairs for the National Security Council (NSC), and Richard Morris, special assistant to

William P. Clark, Jr.

There were also reported contacts with the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the CIA.

The LaRouche campaign said the reporting was full of errors.

In 1984 two Pentagon officials spoke at a LaRouche rally in

Virginia; (catch that? Two Pentagon officials at a campaign rally?)

A Defense Department spokesman said the Pentagon viewed LaRouche's group as a "conservative group ... very supportive of the administration." White House spokesman Larry Speakes said the Administration

was "glad to talk to" any American citizen who might have information.

According to Bailey, the contacts were broken off when they became public. Three years later, LaRouche blamed his criminal indictment on the NSC, saying he had been in conflict with Oliver North over

LaRouche's opposition to the Nicaraguan Contras.

According to a LaRouche publication, a court-ordered search of North's files produced a May 1986 telex from Iran–Contra defendant General Richard Secord, discussing the gathering of information to be used against LaRouche.

King states that LaRouche's Executive Intelligence Review was the first to report on important details of the Iran–Contra affair, predicting that a major scandal was about to break months before mainstream media picked up on the story.

The LaRouche campaign supported Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).

SID - what's old is new.

Dennis King wrote that LaRouche had been speculating about space-based weaponry as early as 1975.

He set up the Fusion Energy Foundation,

which held conferences and tried to cultivate scientists, with some success.

In 1979, FEF representatives attended a Moscow conference on laser fusion. LaRouche began to promote the use of lasers and related technologies for both military and civilian purposes,

calling for a "revolution in machine tools."

According to Dennis King, LaRouche's associates had for some years been in contact with members of the Reagan administration about LaRouche's space-based weapons ideas.


LaRouche proposed the development of defensive beam technologies as a policy that was in the interest of both the United States and the Soviet Union, as the alternative to an arms race in offensive weapons, and as a generator of spin-off economic benefits.

Between February 1982 and February 1983, with the approval of the National Security Council, LaRouche met with Soviet embassy representative Evgeny Shershnev to discuss the proposal. During this period, Soviet economists also began to study LaRouche's economic forecasting


However, following Reagan's public announcement of the SDI in March 1983, Soviet representatives broke off all contact with LaRouche and his representatives.


Physicist Edward Teller, a proponent of SDI and X-ray lasers, told reporters in 1984 that he had been courted by LaRouche, but had kept his distance. LaRouche began calling his plan the "LaRouche-Teller proposal," though they had never met. Teller said LaRouche was "

a poorly informed man with fantastic conceptions."

LaRouche later attributed the collapse of the Soviet Union to its refusal to follow his advice to accept Reagan's offer to share the technology.


Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld

reported in his 2011 memoir that at a 2001 dinner in Russia with leading officials, he was told by General Yuri Baluyevsky, then the second highest-ranking officer in the Russian military, that LaRouche was the brains behind SDI.

Rumsfeld stated that he believed

LaRouche had had no influence whatsoever on the program, and surmised that Baluyevsky must have obtained the information off the Internet.

Not sure I buy what Rumsfeld wrote.

In 2012 the former head of the Russian bureau of Interpol, General Vladimir Ovchinsky, also

described LaRouche as the man who proposed the SDI.

A familiar LaRouche pattern was challenging the scientific competence of government experts, and arguing that LaRouche had special scientific insights, and his own scientific associates were more competent than

government scientists.

Remind you of how Donald Trump and Rand Paul treat Dr. Anthony Fauci?

LaRouche's view of AIDS agreed with orthodox medicine in that HIV caused AIDS, but differed from it in arguing that HIV spread like the cold virus or malaria, by way of

casual contact and insect bites—which, if true, would make HIV-positive people extremely dangerous.

In October 1986, hundreds of state and federal officers raided LaRouche offices in Virginia and Massachusetts.

A federal grand jury indicted LaRouche and twelve of his associates on credit card fraud and obstruction of justice.

The charges stated that they had

attempted to defraud people of millions of dollars, including several elderly people, by borrowing money they did not intend to repay.

LaRouche disputed the charges, alleging that they were politically motivated.


Sound like how Donald Trump

presents his public defense?

On December 16, 1988, LaRouche was convicted of conspiracy to commit mail fraud involving more than $30 million in defaulted loans; eleven counts of actual mail fraud involving $294,000 in defaulted loans; and a single count of conspiring

to defraud the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. He was sentenced to 15 years in federal prison, but was released on parole after serving five years on January 26, 1994.

The trial judge called LaRouche's claim of a political vendetta "arrant nonsense", and said "the idea that this organization is a sufficient threat to anything that would warrant the government bringing a prosecution to silence them just defies human experience."


of how the Trump Organization might play it as a political vendetta?

Defense lawyers filed unsuccessful appeals that challenged the conduct of the grand jury, the contempt fines, the execution of the search warrants, and various trial procedures. At least ten appeals

were heard by the United States Court of Appeals, and three were heard by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark joined the defense team for two appeals, writing that the case involved "a broader range of deliberate and systematic misconduct and

abuse of power over a longer period of time in an effort to destroy a political movement and leader, than any other federal prosecution in my time or to my knowledge."

Will elide a discussion of Ramsey Clark for now.

In his 1988 autobiography, LaRouche says the raid on his operation was the work of Raisa Gorbachev.


In an interview that same year, LaRouche said that the Soviet Union opposed him, because he had invented the Strategic Defense Initiative.

"The Soviet government hated me for it. Gorbachev also hated my guts and called for my assassination and imprisonment and so forth."

He asserted that he had survived these threats, because he had been protected by unnamed U.S. government officials.

"Even when they don't like me, they consider me a national asset, and they don't like to have their national assets killed."


Lyndon LaRouche ran for president again in 1992 with James Bevel as his running mate, a civil rights activist who had represented the LaRouche movement in its pursuit of the Franklin child prostitution ring allegations.

It was only the second-ever campaign for

president from prison.

Could Donald Trump be the third?

For a time LaRouche shared a cell with televangelist Jim Bakker.

Bakker later wrote of his astonishment at LaRouche's detailed knowledge of the Bible.

According to Bakker, LaRouche received a daily

intelligence report by mail, and at times had information about news events days before they happened.

Bakker also wrote that LaRouche believed their cell was bugged. In Bakker's view, "to say LaRouche was a little paranoid would be like saying that the Titanic had a

little leak.

Viktor Kuzin, a member of the Moscow City Council and a founder of the Democratic Union in Russia, travelled to Minnesota in 1993 to meet LaRouche in prison, and afterwards participated in international campaigns to exonerate LaRouche.

An advertisement

calling for exoneration was published in several U.S. newspapers, signed by Kuzin, Civil Rights attorney J. L. Chestnut, former Ugandan President Godfrey Binaisa, and others.

Chestnut was interviewed in the Tuscaloosa News saying that when he met LaRouche,

"I told him that he might as well be black and in Alabama."

The exoneration campaigns garnered the support of a number of State Representatives and State Senators in the U.S., as well as a former justice of the Washington State Supreme Court.

Whoo Boy - another preview Image

of how the Trump saga might play out?

LaRouche was released on parole in January 1994, and returned to Loudoun County.

The then former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark wrote a letter in 1995 to then-Attorney General Janet Reno in which he said that the case against

LaRouche involved "a broader range of deliberate and systematic misconduct and abuse of power over a longer period of time in an effort to destroy a political movement and leader, than any other federal prosecution in my time or to my knowledge".

He asserted that,

"The government, ex parte, sought and received an order effectively closing the doors of these publishing businesses, all of which were involved in First Amendment activities, effectively preventing the further repayment of their debts."

He called the convictions

"a tragic miscarriage of justice which at this time can only be corrected by an objective review and courageous action by the Department of Justice."


Beginning in 1994, LaRouche made numerous visits to Russia, participating in conferences of Image

the Vernadsky State Geological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), the RAS Institute of the Far East, and other places.

He addressed seminars at the RAS Institute of Economics, the RAS Institute of Oriental Studies.

He spoke at hearings in the State Duma

of the Russian Federation on measures to ensure the development of the Russian economy at the point of destabilization of the world financial system. Two of his books were translated into Russian.

On September 18, 1996, a full-page advertisement appeared in the New Federalist, a LaRouche publication, as well as The Washington Post and Roll Call. Entitled "Officials Call for LaRouche's Exoneration", its signatories included Arturo Frondizi, former President of

Argentina; figures from the 1960s American civil rights movement such as Amelia Boynton Robinson (a leader of the Larouche-affiliated Schiller Institute), James Bevel (a Larouche movement participant) and Rosa Parks; former Minnesota Senator and Democratic presidential

candidate Eugene McCarthy; Mervyn Dymally, who chaired the Congressional Black Caucus; and artists such as classical vocalist William Warfield and violinist Norbert Brainin, former 1st Violin of the Amadeus Quartet.

In the 1996 Democratic Party presidential primaries, he received enough votes in Louisiana and Virginia to get one delegate from each state, but before the primaries began, the Democratic National Committee chair, Donald Fowler, ruled that LaRouche was not a

"bona fide Democrat" because of his "expressed political beliefs ... which are explicitly racist and anti-Semitic," and because of his "past activities, including exploitation of and defrauding contributors and voters." Fowler instructed state parties to disregard votes

for LaRouche.

Strangely, LaRouche opposed attempts to impeach President Bill Clinton, charging it was a plot by the British Intelligence to destabilize the U.S. Government.

Was LaRoche spreading Russian propaganda?

On Jan 6, 2021, recall YMCA music played at the end ImageImage

to get people to move to march to the Capitol?

Like religion, YMCA or Boy Scouts, as non-profits that don't pay taxes, are good targets for organized crime.


Numbering system of this thread got messed up.

Moving on. Forgot to provide this link earlier.


Continuing with our LaRouche parallels, in 1999 China's press agency, the Xinhua News Agency, reported that LaRouche had criticized the Cox Report,

a congressional investigation that accused the Chinese of stealing U.S. nuclear weapons secrets, calling it a "scientifically illiterate hoax."

On October 13, 1999, during a press conference to announce his plans to run for president, LaRouche predicted the collapse of

the world's financial system, stating, "There's nothing like it in this century. ... it is systematic, and therefore, inevitable."

He said the U.S. and other nations had built the "biggest financial bubble in all history," which was close to bankruptcy.

In 2002 LaRouche's Executive Intelligence Review argued that the September 11, 2001 attacks had been an "inside job" and "attempted coup d'etat", and that Iran was the first country to question it.

The article received wide coverage in Iran, and was cited by senior

Iranian government officials, including Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and Hassan Rouhani.

Mahmoud Alinejad wrote that, in a subsequent telephone interview with the Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran, LaRouche said the attacks had been organized by rogue elements inside

the U.S., aiming to use the incident to promote a war against Islam, and that Israel was a dictatorial regime prepared to commit Nazi-style crimes against the Palestinians.

Despite LaRouche's self-identification with the left and some left-wing policies, his critics have

said that he had "fascistic tendencies", took positions on the far right, and created disinformation.

An article in the Southern Poverty Law Center website names LaRouche as "a fringe ideologue and conspiracy theorist whom Chip Berlet, senior analyst at Political Research Associates and an expert on the radical right calls "the man who brought us fascism wrapped in an

American flag".

Manning Marable of Columbia University wrote in 1998 that LaRouche tried in the mid-1980s to build bridges to the black community.

Marable argued that most of the community was not fooled, and quoted the A. Philip Randolph Institute, an organization for

African-American trade unionists, declaring that "LaRouche appeals to fear, hatred and ignorance.

Flynn PsyOps studied the past ...

LaRouche seeks to exploit and exacerbate the anxieties and frustrations of Americans by offering an array of

scapegoats and enemies: Jews, Zionists, international bankers, blacks, labor unions—much the way Hitler did in Germany."

During LaRouche's slander suit against NBC in 1984, Roy Innis, leader of the Congress of Racial Equality, took the stand for LaRouche as a character

witness, stating under oath that LaRouche's views on racism were "consistent with his own."

SideNote / Parallel: Donald Trump sued CNN, claiming defamation and seeking more than $475 million in damages, and filed in federal court in Florida in Oct 2022.

Asked whether he [Roy Innis] had seen any indication of racism in LaRouche's associates, he replied that he had not.

The LaRouche movement, has been described as a cult or cult-like by critics and anti-cult organizations.

Sound like the Trump cult?

Radical right politics in Australia and intersection with religion:



QAnon: The Calm Before the Storm, March 2022


CNN, July 7 2020

Keep an eye on “Operation Eagles Wings," organized by The America Project, a 501c4 founded by Overstock Founder Patrick Byrne.

It's a "monitoring program in eight key states going into the 2022 election."


More weaponization of religion:


Roger Stone at ReAwaken America Tour professed his faith in Jesus & his belief that there's a "Satanic portal" above the White House.


Recall, Eddie Block of the Proud Boys, from the San Francisco Airport on January 7, 2021, told us that the Proud Boys deliberately dressed like antifa on January 6?

HuffPost Feb 25, 2021


Marjorie Taylor Greene's friend,

Anthony Aguero, was caught on tape completely contradicting Greene’s Capitol riot claim, which is same contradiction Eddie Block of Proud Boys made.

“We were all there. It was not antifa, and it was not BLM,” Aguero said in a video shortly after the attack.

“It was Trump supporters that did that yesterday. I’m the first to admit it, being one myself.”


Translation: Marjorie Taylor Greene knew the drill for Jan 6th and was using people like Anthony Aguero and the Proud Boy's chapter of Eddie Block as

useful idiots, even goading some Proud Boys into dressing up in disguise to appear to be Antifa. Image

MotherJones, Feb 3, 2021

motherjones.com/politics/2021/… Image

Peters met with Proud Boys before Jan 6th and was pals with MT Greene years prior.

Translation - Proud Boys Eddie Block chapter were goaded to dress up in disguise as Antifa and MT Greene would know more about the plot. ImageImage

Genevieve Peters with Roger Stone ImageImage

MT Greene has never been question under penalty of perjury regarding her relationship with the Proud Boys. Image

Marjorie Greene & Matt Gaetz Fund from FEC filing ... hmmm ... might be one to explore further.


Will link to this article again.


Patriot Caucus member Velma Anne Ruth (Flynn Op)


A who's who of self-coup co-conspirators?

Of course, Brig. Gen. Ernest Audino, pictured with useful idiot GW Bush.

Brig. Gen. Ernest Audino was partners on a corporation registered by Flynn associate Velma Anne Ruth.

Remember Trump screwing up in Syria, helping Putin? Image

Daily Beast Oct 17, 2017


An event called “A New Chapter in American History” sponsored by the London Center for Policy Research, a foreign policy think tank based in Lower Manhattan.

It is a group founded and led by Herbert London,

a conservative intellectual and failed New York State candidate for governor and comptroller in the 1990’s.

It operates out of small office at King’s College, an equally obscure 600-student evangelical college founded by Campus Crusade for Christ in 1999 that once

employed the conservative provocateur Dinesh D’Souza as its president before he resigned in a sex scandal.

Recall Donald Trump pardoned Dinesh D'Souza who went on to produce the bullshitting video 2000 Mules?


Besides Flynn, among the London Center fellows are Monica Crowley, who was in line for a top national security job until she resigned in the wake of a plagiarism allegation; James Woolsey, a former CIA chief who served as a senior advisor to the Trump campaign and

transition; Allen West, the fiery former Florida congressman who met with Trump twice in two days at Trump Tower in December to discuss national security issues; Emmett Tyrell, the editor of the American Spectator who predicted that Trump would win long before the rest of

the conservative intelligentsia figured him out; Walid Phares, who advised Trump on Middle Eastern policy during the campaign; Betsy McCaughey, who advised the president on economic matters; Clare Lopez, a former CIA operations officer and anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist

who believes that the Muslim Brotherhood had secretly infiltrated the Obama White House and who was in the running for a national security job; and Bud McFarlane, a former Reagan national security advisor who met with Trump during the transition as well.

Other former Trump officials, like Sebastian Gorka and K.T. McFarland, are also affiliated with the London Center but have no formal role.

London Center’s suite of offices at King’s College must have been organized by Mike Flynn and Russian Intel, seeking former CIA guys,

including James Woolsey, eager to participate with organized crime.

Oddly, Woolsey was barred from Russia in retaliation for U.S. sanctions in April 2021.

Did they add him to the list in a false flag move?

No mention of Woolsey:


Flynn calls with Kislyak were on 12/29/16, six days before FBI decided against closing the case.

Perhaps Peter Strzok is a hero in this story and who knows what the government may not have flagged re Flynn if not for him?

Were there rotten people inside the FBI in early 2017?

FBI took steps in early 2017 to close its investigation into former Trump adviser Michael Flynn before abruptly reversing course


By Jan. 4, 2017, the FBI had drafted a document summarizing findings on a probe — code-named “Crossfire Razor” — of whether Flynn had been acting as a Russian agent during the 2016 campaign.

“Hey, don’t close RAZOR,” FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok wrote to an agent whose name is redacted but is identified in the conversation as the official case agent. He adds, “7th floor involved,” a reference to the highest echelons of FBI leadership.

It’s unclear when the FBI learned that Flynn’s calls with Russia’s then-ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak, had been intercepted.

The FBI interviewed Flynn about those calls in late January 2017, just days after Trump took office and Flynn became his

national security adviser.

Trump fired Flynn weeks later for lying to Vice President Mike Pence about his calls with Kislyak, a move I'm sure Trump hated to have to take, but he had no choice.

Was Mike Pence just an unwitting useful idiot?

Politico, April 29, 2020


Acting Attorney General Sally Yates did go to White House counsel Don McGahn a few days later and tell him that Flynn was vulnerable to blackmail because of a tension between his denials and evidence about what Flynn Image

actually discussed with Kislyak.

Useful idiot Don Jr on April 29, 2020. Image

Back to London Center story - Tony Shaffer, a retired lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army was another protege of Mike Flynn who served as the London Center’s communications director. Image

On Donald's way out, did the FBI actually get him to sign an EO that would provide Donald with some legal frictions to taking classified docs related to Crossfire Hurricane? Image

With Elon Must tweeting about how to transfer people living in democracies into being ruled by dictators, does he speculate that Truth Social / DWAC / TMTG is linked to organized crime and money laundering, as Elon's statements might be him shopping for funding to buy


If Elon owns Twitter and some foreign adversary finances it (e.g., Saudi Arabia), how might they use Twitter and tinker with algorithms to manipulate opinions in countries?

Donald is back to the same bullshitting, using his "democrat run cities" language again to the MAGA crowd.


Donald to a Las Vegas crowd telling them about imposition of "unscientific mask mandates".

Are these ppl brain dead? Do they not remember the comedy set of the Trump / Pence coronavirus task force?


QAnon music

Much of Donald's talking points paint America as a "shithole" country.

Who wrote his script for the Vegas speech?


Feel like I need to come back to the parallels with Lyndon LaRouche to Donald Trump.

Sergei Glazyev, former Economic Advisor to Putin & leader of State Dumas committee on Economic Policy:


Sometimes you gotta read this crap to try to understand the parallels.

In 1977 Lyndon LaRouche married Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who is German and 27 years younger than him.


Apparently Helga is speaking in NYC on 10/15/2022


She doesn't like a green new deal (threatens oil money) and is into bit coin perhaps?

Wait. The Schiller Institute sponsored Daniel Burke to run for Senate from NJ and he lost 11/3/2020? ImageImage

Putin: "The transition to national currencies in relations with CIS members will strengthen sovereignty and deepen integration."


The Bank of Russia had a conference in late Sept 2022 in Moscow on coordinating trade outside of the dollar world, in terms of the Chinese yuan and the Russian ruble.

Interested parties included the Moscow Exchange, Gazprom Neft and Rusal, Russia’s big aluminum producer.

Catch that? Russian aluminum producer - that perhaps Elon Musk needs?

And interested in DogeCoin maybe?

Does this scene in Germany remind you of "Famers for Trump" or the Truckers Convoy's in Maryland?

Comrade Putin has parallel operations in Germany and America to interfere in domestic politics. Image

Of course, Roger Stone would know Lyndon LaRouche, refer to him as a good man, and inform he got "fucked over by the Bush's."

July 30, 2017 Pasadena, CA

I've been trying to find a Democrat Presidential Candidate for President that

foreign adversaries preferred and had only found GOP candidates, until now .... was La Rouche a useful idiot candidate, preferred by foreign intel services, like Trump, W Bush, HW Bush, Reagan, Nixon?

More digging to do.


The first world leader to call President George W. Bush after 9/11 was Vladimir Putin.

In fact, he had called him two days before, on September 9, to warn Bush that, based on unfolding events he had observed in the environment, ImageImageImage

he had "a foreboding that something was about to happen, something long in preparation."

Source whose reliability I don't know:


Why am I looking at those sources for info on Putin calling W Bush on 9/11?

On Oct 08, 22, Donald Trump was screaming he wants HW Bush investigated and prosecuted along with W Bush.

Kash Patel pumping up Adam Laxalt, a useful idiot candidate for Nevada.

Grenell came to NV in '20, lied about voter fraud.

Comical they pair Patel and Grenell, the P&G duo.

Kash Patel -> from children's fairy tales to adult political fairy tales

Kash Patel expects the John Durham investigation will “explode” the FBI’s “confidential human source corruption coverup network” being used for their “disinformation

campaign to the American public.”

Translation --> Donald and Kash are looking to burn RU sources for Comrade Putin.


Kash Patel understands importance of House Judiciary and House Intel Committees to run interference on investigations and control information flow.


Patel accuses Biden Admin of politicizing the national security apparatus.

He's feeling invincible, given no indictments.

Didn't Kash Patel lie about the GSA being involved in packing boxes that were shipped to Mar-a-Lago?

Kash Patel, June 21 to ABC:

“I’m going to identify every single document that they blocked from being declassified at the National Archives and we are going to start putting that information out next week."

Never happened. Guy's a bullshitter.

Kash Patel on Steve Bannon.

Bannon says Reagan was the best arms control guy America's ever had and said Biden fought him on everything.

Reagan was a useful idiot and a candidate foreign adversaries preferred.


Chris Miller versus Chris Miller

Unless under oath, expect lies.


Your head spinning yet?


In 2019 Trump installed Kash Patel at NSC & then DOD.

During his time at NSC & DOD

Kash helped Trump blackmail Ukraine,
Kash blocked Biden’s transition team from access to DOD,
Kash deleted his phone records that related to January 6, and
In 2021, Kash became under

investigation for leaking Classified documents.

On June 19, 2022 Trump suddenly designates Kash Patel & Jon Solomon as his NARA representatives.


When Donald tells you it was a "perfect call," well, you get it.

Georgia Sec of State call

Zelensky call

And the "perfect letter."


NY Times, Oct 08, 2022


Judge Antony Trenga's Order: pacer-documents.s3.amazonaws.com/179/515692/189…


Will pair this with next tween raising same possibility and questions.


Tommy Tuberville trying do outdo George Wallace.

Recall Trump's "when the looting starts the shooting starts," comments when he was Manchurian Candidate President?

Minden Nevada - a town siren has blared since 1921.

Until 1974, it served as a

warning to non-white people (including native americans) that they were required to leave town before the sun faded behind the rugged mountaintops of the Carson range.

AP News July 26, 2021


It's almost like Flynn, Stone, or Russian Intel plan

the venue and write the talking points for useful idiots.

Interesting Kash Patel recognizes importance of GOP majority for House Judiciary and House Intel at Nevada rally and day later Jim Jordan talking about GOP taking over House Judiciary.


Roger Stone selling merchandise at a gun show, an interesting choice of venue.

Who visits gun shows?

This setup is like that of retired wrestler's who do shows for small town venues a decade after falling out of the mainstream.


From church tours to gun shows.

Know your audience.


Isn't it bonkers that Joe Biden permits Charles Flynn to command US Army Pacific?

It's not a case of guilt by association.

Look at Charles Flynn;' participation on Jan 6th and the call line and the IG report that tried to cover up activities.


It's also non-defensible that Joe Biden has yet to fire Trump appointed loyal IGs who were willing to fabricate falsehoods in official reports.

Still maintain we were presented with Biden v Trump and we the people didn't pick the match-up.

Comical Russian propaganda film to dissuade people from abandoning Russia for America, following the story of two dissidents seeking asylum in Alaska from Russia.

The MAGA GOP is Russian propaganda too.

From Trump, to Ted Cruz, to Ron DeSantis


culture wars and 'don't say gay,' to Glenn Younkin's book bans and private equity supplier for the books that Va and Fl permit.

One large swamp of useful idiots and those willing to participate in organized crime.

Portrays America as a gay-loving PC hell.

Every hear a

Bill Maher monologue on PC (political correctness)?

Foreign intel services piggy back and amplify the material beneficial to their goals. Image

Ted Cruz and Ron DeSantis: Stealing nuclear secrets is bad, but have you considered the threat of a gender-neutral Mr. Potato Head?

Putin's useful idiots wrapped in Shakespearan comedy?


City comedies had a moral purpose: they mocked Image

current follies and vices.

Shakespeare was remarkable for insisting on the comic in the midst of tragedy. All his tragedies include clowning.

All Shakespeare’s major tragedies include a minor character who makes jests at the expense of the tragic actors.


was not the first tragedian of his era to do this: Christopher Marlowe’s tragedy Doctor Faustus features clown scenes parodying the terrible ambition of the play’s protagonist, leading him to sell his soul.

Jim Comey for NY Times, May 01, 2019


Jim Comey: "Mr. Trump eats your soul in small bites."

"Of course, to stay, you must be seen as on his team, so you make further compromises. You use his language, praise his leadership, tout his commitment to values."

"And then you are lost. He has eaten your soul."

Shakespeare utilized by Russian Intel Services and Mike Flynn's PsyOps - Act 2:

What is frightening can also be absurd.

Hamlet has the grave-digger joking about mortality. He was often omitted in 18th- and 19th-century productions as offending against dramatic


Also an embarrassment to later interpreters was the Porter in Macbeth, jesting about the effect of alcohol on a man’s sexual performance at the very heart of the play’s darkness.

Tucker Carlson - testicle tanning

It is often forgotten that even Othello has

a Clown.

In Act 3, Scene 1, a scene rarely included in modern productions, Othello’s Clown mocks Cassio with doubles entendres about venereal disease that Cassio seems not to understand, comically enacting the cluelessness about sexual motives that lies behind the

oncoming tragedy.

Tragi-comedy has often been thought to be Shakespeare’s special creation. It is a term that can usefully be applied to four plays that Shakespeare wrote late in his career: The Winter’s Tale, Pericles, Cymbeline and The Tempest. Though these all

end with the prospect of a marriage that will redeem the errors of the past, none of them has much room for laughter.

All of them dramatise anger, violence and bitter jealousy.

Are we talking about Shakespeare or Trump rallies?

Let's continue to expose the PsyOps techniques.

NY Times, May 08, 2018


In the broader context of the “sovereign individual” movement, “red-pilling” is an online induction mechanism that gradually draws people into an information milieu aligned

with its goals, with celebrities and key figures in the “intellectual dark web” serving as gateways, wrote Dave Troy.

And he's spot on in the analysis.

Elon Musk, Kanye West, Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens, Don Jr. and Ivanka frequently wink and nod at each other.

Musk announced his “full support” of West’s abortive 2020 presidential candidacy, before saying he no longer did a week later. Don Jr. made sure to note West, Owens, and Kirk hanging out together.

While it is tempting to dismiss these characters as circus clowns, they

have considerable capacity to draw people increasingly further into the “sovereign” information sphere.

The Atlantic, July / Aug 2017

How the Nobel Prize–winning economist James M. Buchanan shaped today’s antigovernment politics


Nancy MacLean has described this process as inherently deceitful. In her book “Democracy in Chains,” she says that Charles Koch, after many failed efforts to bring people to the sovereign epiphany, realized it was necessary to go about it in a stealthier way.

Because if Americans understood the implications of his vision and what that meant in practice, they would never support it; in fact, they would actively oppose it.

So Koch, working with economist James Buchanan, [see Atlantic article at Tweet 10782] identified a kind

of technology in the form of a series of incremental “interrelated plays” [sounding Shakespearean?] that could be employed both in series and in parallel that each would be met with approval of the majority of the people, but would ultimately result in the destruction of

the state and the rise of the sovereign individual.

The Koch Network of born-rich idiots is like the modern version of the network that the Dulles brothers served via Sullivan & Cromwell, serving global organized crime.

Russia can align with this network and turn them

all into useful idiots, amplifying shared goals like destruction of the state, but from within for Russia's ambitions.

The initiatives of CNP-affiliates Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens, Scott Presler, Cassandra Fairbanks, Brandon Straka, Ali Alexander, Steve Bannon, and so

many others should be seen as “interrelated plays.”

Ultimately 5GW is about hacking mass perception of reality.

The successful application of the Fifth Generation of Warfare (5GW) is "indistinguishable from magic."

When powerful networks subvert the mechanisms of a democracy, it becomes a plutocracy, which is what the Koch Network wants, and can use Donald Trump to that end, although he may not have been their preference.

The Koch Network brought us Citizens United.

From democracy in chains to authoritarian oligarchy?


More on weaponization of religion and Moonies.


Untangling the Bush Family connections to organized crime.

• • •

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More from @JWalters314

Aug 10
Typical rich white boy who avoided Vietnam = Bones Spurs Trump

Draft boards were pumping the poor whites into Vietnam.

It was class warfare.

The Yale Ivy Skull and Bones had leverage over LBJ once they got rid of JFK and eventually the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
passed August 7, 1964, on a foundation of lies and deceit.
Ventura, born James George Janos, has an older brother who served in the Vietnam War.

Ventura has described himself as Slovak since his father's parents were from Slovakia; his mother was of German descent.
Read 380 tweets
Aug 10
A group of men tried to use the American Legion with Smedley Butler as an orator to retired Vets of the Legion to gin up support for the Gold Standard and to paint FDR as a POTUS against Vets in the early 1930s.
Nine wealthy men went on to Fund the Business Plot, also called the Wall Street Putsch of 1933 to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Robert Sterling Clark, heir to the Singer Sewing Machine fortune, and Grayson Mallet-Prevost Murphy Sr. were two of the nine men that tried to fund an overthrow of FDR in 1933. Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini of Italy was aligned with Grayson Mallet-Prevost Murphy Sr.
Read 150 tweets
Aug 6
America and China are in a new cold war.

The concept of “Cloud Capital,” controlling digital platforms and shaping consumer behavior is a Cloud Cold War.

Power stems from owning copious amounts of cloud capital and only the United States and China possess this capital.
Only two nations have cloud computing infrastructure: America and China.

Capitalism has evolved into technofeudalism, dominated by a new ruling class—the cloud capitalists—who exploit digital platforms for profit, exacerbating inequality.
Cloud Capital is an automated means of Behavioral modification.

Cloud Capital manifestations grab our attention and first it manufactures our desires then it sells directly to us the things that will satiate the desires.
Read 28 tweets
Jul 21
The managed opposition has withdrawn, as cabal officer James G. Rickards has been predicting for over one year.

Biden was going to win in a landslide, and they've pushed him aside.

Joe knows about Nov 22, 1963 Big Lie and doesn't want to face the cabal in that manner.
Joe also must understand how the cabal made Jimmy Carter a one term POTUS and has calculated that he will make himself a one term POTUS, to not give the cabal that runs America the privilege.

House Speaker Mike Johnson says if Democrats replace Biden at this late stage,
Republicans will file lawsuits challenging ballot access in every state.

The GOP will be trying to block the D nominee and the 2024 election will be more like 2000 which placed W Bush into power via legislative coup.
Read 94 tweets
Jul 20
When you accept Trump is an American cabal asset, sort-of like Lee Oswald (dangle) here's the drill.

The cabal staged a "lone gunman" assassination attempt on Trump to make Russia and China confused and they want them to believe a "deep state" actually tried to kill Trump.
That is the Mike Flynn and Ivan Raiklin messaging, the cabal Army PsyOps guys.

But Trump has been a GOP Deep State cabal laundering asset his whole life.

He's presented as Russia's Manchurian Candidate, but he's an American cabal asset.
Trump is given a script to mention Hannibal Lecter because it draws attention and fascination, but it perpetuates the story of "bad people" flooding "into our country."

The cabal fucked Jimmy Carter out of a second term with Iran-Contra, but they had Hinkley Jr. on back-up,
Read 235 tweets
Jul 18
@StringwallApp @Matt_Fleming321 American cabal men think that by allowing somewhere for the United States monetary supply to inflate into, they can permit America to pay off debts without losing any demand or net-purchasing power via the congruent appreciation of bitcoin to the dollar.

@StringwallApp @Matt_Fleming321 With stable coins priced in USD like was oil, the cabal can manipulate all the crypo-currencies (with derivatives linking them) to hide the true state of the USD and inflation.

As oil being traded in USD continues to be threatened, the cabal will move to forcing bitcoin and
@StringwallApp @Matt_Fleming321 related experiments to be traded in USD.

MBS of Saudi Arabia must be on board with the transition from the petro-dollar to the stable-coin dollar that Thiel and Vance will attempt to usher in during a 2nd Manchurian Candidate Admin.

Read 100 tweets

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