Jamie Walters, CAIA Profile picture
Financial Software Engineer. Trader. Irrepressible and opinionated. Wannabe Satirist. Physics, Math, and Political Science enthusiast. Thinker. Polymath.
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Jul 21 94 tweets 16 min read
The managed opposition has withdrawn, as cabal officer James G. Rickards has been predicting for over one year.

Biden was going to win in a landslide, and they've pushed him aside.

Joe knows about Nov 22, 1963 Big Lie and doesn't want to face the cabal in that manner. Joe also must understand how the cabal made Jimmy Carter a one term POTUS and has calculated that he will make himself a one term POTUS, to not give the cabal that runs America the privilege.

House Speaker Mike Johnson says if Democrats replace Biden at this late stage,
Jul 20 235 tweets >60 min read
When you accept Trump is an American cabal asset, sort-of like Lee Oswald (dangle) here's the drill.

The cabal staged a "lone gunman" assassination attempt on Trump to make Russia and China confused and they want them to believe a "deep state" actually tried to kill Trump. That is the Mike Flynn and Ivan Raiklin messaging, the cabal Army PsyOps guys.

But Trump has been a GOP Deep State cabal laundering asset his whole life.

He's presented as Russia's Manchurian Candidate, but he's an American cabal asset.
Jul 18 100 tweets 17 min read
@StringwallApp @Matt_Fleming321 American cabal men think that by allowing somewhere for the United States monetary supply to inflate into, they can permit America to pay off debts without losing any demand or net-purchasing power via the congruent appreciation of bitcoin to the dollar.

@StringwallApp @Matt_Fleming321 With stable coins priced in USD like was oil, the cabal can manipulate all the crypo-currencies (with derivatives linking them) to hide the true state of the USD and inflation.

As oil being traded in USD continues to be threatened, the cabal will move to forcing bitcoin and
Jul 17 192 tweets 26 min read
This thread is broken up by X / Twitter, so will repost it and keep going in a new one.

The cabal believes in the next five years, America may face a debt crisis, similar to the kinds the cabal created in Mexico, Argentina, Russia, etc. Former Speaker of the House and cabal prep boy Paul Ryan expressed this sentiment in a recent op-ed with The Wall Street Journal titled “Crypto Could Stave Off a U.S. Debt Crisis.”
Jun 26 157 tweets 25 min read
The manifestations of a foreign policy that was most starkly identified in the 1992 US defense department policy planning guidance document that was authored by Richard Cheyenne's staff in the defense department immediately following the dissolution of the Soviet Union on December 31, 1991, and the American cabal's install of V Putin as Acting POTUS of the new Russia on 12/31/1991 is how to understand U.S. foreign policy under W Bush | Cheney, Obama | Biden, Trump | Pence, Biden | Harris.
Mar 3 197 tweets 32 min read
@page88 which reduced German reparations payments and temporarily resolved the reparations issue by having American firms lend money to German states and private companies.

Under that compromise, the money was invested and the profits sent as reparations to Britain and France, @page88 which used the funds to repay their own war loans from the U.S.

In the 1920s John Dulles was involved in setting up a billion dollars' worth of these loans.

Don't be confused into thinking these were for the benefit of the American government.

These were schemes to enrich the
Mar 1 56 tweets 11 min read
Foremost Group CEO Angela Chao, sister of Mitch McConnell's wife, Elaine Chao, was found dead shortly after midnight on Feb. 11, 2024, after being pulled out of a car that had gone into a pond on a ranch in Johnson City, Texas, about 40 miles from Austin. Image The ranch where Chao died is owned by a corporate entity connected to her husband, venture capitalist Jim Breyer, who has an office in Austin.

Angela and Elaine Chao's father and mother founded the Foremost Group, which was another cabal deal.
Feb 28 71 tweets 15 min read
No reason in this world for the #SCOTUS ...

Well, when you accept America has a carefully maintained illusion of democracy that that the #SCOTUS is full of cabal foot soldiers, things make a little more sense.

It was George HW Bush who made Clarence Thomas a Justice. The #SCOTUS delivered for the cabal's Manchurian Candidate and laundering asset when Trump's taxes came up.

Then Trump's violation of the Emoluments Clause was protected by the #SCOTUS.
Feb 20 158 tweets 26 min read

Here's another angle to add to my response yesterday.

Cassidy Hutchinson, an aide to former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows testified on June 28, 2022, as the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack presented its findings in their sixth public hearing.

During the hearing, the committee played a video deposition from Flynn, who served for a short time as National Security Advisor under President Donald Trump deposition, where he pleaded the Fifth when asked whether he thought
Feb 20 63 tweets 10 min read

When thinking about John Warnock Hinckley Jr., the man who trailed Jimmy Carter and who shot Ronald Reagan two months into his Presidency, who may have been subject to mind control by the George HW Bush clan, considering Allen W Dulles 1950s Princeton
Image Mind Control initiative, one is reminded of The Citizen’s guide to 5th Gen Warfare by Mike Flynn.

Flynn talks about how to make people kill people.

Michael Thomas Flynn (born December 24, 1958) which is one year before Lee Oswald goes to NC to be trained as a double agent,
Feb 19 142 tweets 32 min read
Nixon could have been framed for Nov 22, 1963, Big Lie, should he ever stop obeying the Power Control Group (Prescott and George HW Bush) given Nixon made the call to Howard Hughes Jr. by secure phone, while VP to Eisenhower, and told Hughes Jr. that he wanted him to set up an assassination team to assassinate Fidel and Rauel Castro and Ernesto "Che" Guevara and the five other leaders of the then new Revolutionary Government in Cuba.

For the chain of people involved, see this thread:

Feb 19 109 tweets 18 min read
What if all of Trump Org's failures are NOT failures but a success?

The American Power Control Group perhaps made use of those "failures" for some purpose?

For the American cabal, was Trump an agent? Agent: person who engages in clandestine intelligence activity under the direction of an intelligence organization but who is not an officer, employee, or co-opted worker of that organization.
Feb 18 36 tweets 8 min read
If you've followed my threads the past few days, you'll recall discussion of both Lee Oswald and John Hinckley Jr.

I've asserted that Hinckley Jr. may have been subjected to mind control.

It's possible that Oswald was a troubled youth who had been subjected to mind control, but let's be clear - Oswald was a patsy, just as he claimed while in custody in Dallas, TX after the crime took place - a crime for which Oswald was being framed.

In considering how Hinkley Jr. and Oswald may have been subject to mind control, it reminds me of my old threads
Feb 18 16 tweets 3 min read
Jim Garrison had suggested that Ruth Paine might have been involved in setting Lee Oswald up as the "patsy".

Ruth was of course involved, but was she unwittingly involved in a conspiracy about which she knew nothing? Garrison points out that Paine's father "had been employed by the Agency for International Development, regarded by many as a source of cover for the C.I.A.

Her brother-in-law was employed by the same agency in the Washington, D.C. area."
Feb 17 49 tweets 11 min read
We are witnessing a different version of the Fall of 1963 being replayed.

The Propaganda says that Alexei Anatolyevich Navalny = Donald J Trump, implying Biden will eliminate Trump, but it's GOP Deep State DECEPTION

Putin thinks he has Trump in his pocket, but what if the
fascist American GOP Deep State cabal controls Donald J Trump as is running a multi decade deception operation with asset Trump?

See start of this thread:

Feb 13 167 tweets 27 min read
Thread on the hiring of Lee Oswald on October 15, 1963 at the Texas School Book Depository: In 1931, David Harold "Dry Hole" Byrd (24 April 1900 – 14 September 1986) founded Byrd-Frost Incorporated with Jack Frost, which operated 492 East Texas wells that produced an average of 4,000 barrels a day.
Feb 10 156 tweets 27 min read
@alegalnerd According to The New York Times, Ronald Reagan's campaign team credited Rupert Murdoch and the NY Post for his victory in New York in the 1980 United States presidential election.

nytimes.com/interactive/20… @alegalnerd Reagan later "waived a prohibition against owning a television station and a newspaper in the same market", allowing Murdoch to continue to control the New York Post and The Boston Herald while expanding into television.

Feb 5 112 tweets 22 min read
With James Lankford making the media rounds, a reminder, Trump Admin increased illegal immigration.

The cabal desires cheap labor.

The cabal will move into Mexico and set up a Mexico | Columbia supply chain to replace the Germany | China supply chain. Germany was set up by the cabal (i.e. Hitler was selected by Allen W Dulls) and Germany builds the machinery that is used in China in factories to build the stuff that ends up in Wal Mart in America.

But the fascist American GOP Deep State cabal is perhaps ready to pivot to
Jan 21 194 tweets 33 min read
On June 4, 1968, Robert Kennedy won the California Democratic primary for president.

Shortly after midnight, on the morning of June 5, 1968, he gave a victory speech at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California. John Meier worked with Bob Maheu in the Howard Hughes Jr. organization (CIA Front) in the late 1960s and was one of the few people actually to work with Hughes in person.

Dec 7, 2023 88 tweets 19 min read
NewsNation GOP "Debate" Dec 6, 2023 has previous Fox GOP Deep State Propagandists Megan Kelly laundering Tom Fitton of "Judicial Watch" Propaganda.

The cabal clearly has an in with NewsNation. Ron DeSantis is making it clear tonight on Dec 6th, 2023 that he will be endorsing Donald Trump by July 2024.

Vivek Ganapathy Ramaswamy makes it clear he's already endorsing Donald Trump which means Vivek's campaign is for the VP spot on a Trump Ramaswamy ticket.
Oct 20, 2023 27 tweets 5 min read
March 6, 2023

@Schwarzenegger "Hate is the path of the weak."

"The greatest power of all - the power to change your own life."

The Nazi's could never conquer her mind. That's a powerful lady. Imagine if the MAGA base had mind's that were impenetrable to GOP Deep State propaganda.

We should, however, inform people that Allen W Dulles selected Hitler as a man who would be obedient and repay the loans that the client's of Brown Brothers Harriman would be making to