Well within the ambit of Dvaita siddhantha #RAGHAVENDRA is a unique & matchless heritage
Had #Prahlada#Raayaru been selfish and returned back to Vaikunta when he was called by none other Bhagavantha in the form of Lord Narasimha what would have happened? +++
But, Prahlada Raayaru didn't do that. He politely refused and instead preferred to stay back on earth propagating the divine culture and bhakti of ParamaAtma SriManNarayana. +++
Sri Prahlada Rayaru is Bhakti-Vibhootiroopa of Bhagavanta; Sri Krishna says in Bhagawadgita that He is Prahlada among the devoted;
He is one of the greatest devotees of Vishnu; Parama Bhaagavatottama; He (Shankukarna) is Vishnu Parivaara Devata having visesha Vaayu aavesha. ++
Sri Guru Raayaru is an incarnation of Bhakta Prahlada (Prahlada Raayaru) whose Apratima Vishnu Bhakti has been mentioned by Sri Madhvacharya in his scripts; ++
Worshiping Sri Guru RaAyaru is Hari Preeti; Only such of those who follow the footsteps of Sri Guru Raayaru will get the Grace of Lord Narasimha; Bhagawan Vishnu will not get pleased if His devotees are ignored/disrespected; ++
Several Daasa Sreshtas including Sri Vijaya Dasaru have worshipped/eulogized the glory of Sri Guru Raayaru. There is no exception that people from all walks of life including Yatis worship Sri Guru Raayaru and visit Mantralayam the abode Guru Sri Raaghavendra. ++
Irrespective of affiliation, Sri Rayaru Brundavans are established and spread across the country. This itself shows the glory, value and significance of Sri GuruRayaru. ++
With so much of sanctity, significance and merits associated with; one should never resort to dosha chintana; disrespect or abuse or ignore Sri Guru RaAyaru. Our Saadhana is and should be through RaAyaru only. ++
His dhyaana/remembrance/aaraadhana/worship should be niranthara....
> every day,
> every hour,
> every minute,
> every second and in
> every situation.
> #Sarvakaala#SarvaAvastha;
For unlearning Vipareeta Jnaana and learing Yathartha Jnaana one should worship Sri Guru Raayaru;++
A well wisher of society, Sri Raghavendra Swamy is a great divine and gifted soul destined to provide solace and succor to millions of needy people. ++(contd.)
He is...
> A helping hand to the needy;
> a remedy to the suffering;
> a consolation to the grieved;
> a healer to the sick;
> Bhava Roga Vaidya (doctor of humanity)
> Sri Guru Raayaru is Mr. Dependable to the common man. +++
#POOJYAAYA the very word itself gives a sensational feeling of humility and respectfulness towards Sri GuruRaAyaru who is PoojyaAya; Poojaniiya; He is the one who is venerable, worshipable, worthy of worshiping; (contd...+)
the one whose name in the recent history of Hindu religion and spirituality is mesmerizing, highly popular, considered as a remedy, a healer, which people will be longing to recite; +++
He is #RAGHAVENDRA, Mantralaya Guru Sarvabhouma popularly #RaAyaru undoubtedly D most acclaimed Saint, verily divine royal lineage. Kaliyuga Kamadhenu, Kalpavriksha; His glory is everlasting. He should always B adored with utmost reverence; devotion; faith; obeisance, gratitude++
2day his temples R spread across D country with millions of devotees adoring him. Perhaps my words R inadequate 2 describe HIm. 1 can only feel him rather experience him by his worship. 2 describe Guru Rayaru "kEnasHakyate" naMbi keTTavarillavO ee gurugaLa | naMbadE keDuvaruMTE"+
Prahlada Raayaru always believed & had utmost/unstinted faith in Hari sArvottama SriManNarayana who protected him every time from the hardships of his father Hiranyakasipa. Same faith percolated down in all his incarnations & Sri GuruRaayaru is no exception to this dictum. ++
Same way all of us should have utmost faith & trust in Sri GuruRaayaru who is Bhavaroga Vaidya; panacea for all illness.
If and if only one surrenders at the lotus feet of GuruRaaghavendra and worship/serve Him with all humility, sincerity, devotion and trust, for such, ++
He (Raghavendra) becomes Kalpavruksha/Kaamadhenu & also bestows upon, Hari Sarvottama Jnyaana & Hari Bhakti which is Satya, which is Dharma. Rayaru charitre, mahime, gunastavana never ends; our capacity 2 describe him is limited, when our limit is reached we abandon it half way.+
Yatha-shakti, Yatha yogyata Sri GuruRaayara seva on the occasion of RajaAdhiRaaja GuruSaarvabhouma Sri Raaghavendra Swamy Aaraadhana Mahotsava Saptaaha starting from today (10.08.2022 to 16.08.2022) - Sri GuruRaajo Vijayate🙏🙏🙏
Rayaru seva doesn't mean and limited to only doing Pradakshina around His Brundavana. Spreading the glory, significance and merits of Sri GuruRaayaru is also Raayaru SEva. Please do it Yatha-shakti.
If Raghavendra Stothra spells out mostly the merits of worshiping Sri GuruRaayaru, Sri Raghavendra Mangalashtaka describes mostly the glory of Sri GuruRaayaru. Both composed by Sri Appanacharya are the gems that came out from his desk a great service to the devout society.
One of the most acclaimed Saints in Madhva sampradaya, Sri #VadiRajaru in his previous birth is believed to be the Brahmana who carried Rukmini Devi's message to Lord Sri Krishna during Dwapara Yuga. +
Born in 1480 AD, Sri Vaadiraajaru lived for 120 years before making sajeeva Brindavana pravesha in the year 1600 AD at Sode the seat of his Moola Brindavana.+
Conceptualized to bring out a unified script confined to Sreshta Madhva Yathis, a humble effort has been made targeted at novice segment. There are several subsects/groups among the Madhva Matha and there are eminent Yati personalities in each group/subsect. +
It may not be possible to cover all of them under one script as it will become highly voluminous. Therefore, in this exercise, only selective personalities (18 in number including HariDasas) as per the prerana I have received, based on ++
There is a sampradaya to offer #Anna to Crows at the end of Pithru Sraaddha with a belief that if the Crow/s touches/eats the offering, Pitrus gets satisfied (Trupti). It is a Vachana given by Sri YamaDharmaRaja that has an anecdote+
dating back to Ramayana kaala during the regime of Ravanasura, when Bramhaadi dEvatas attend Yagna performed by a SuryaVamsa King (Marut) in the guise of birds. Sri YamaDharmaRaja attend in the guise of a CROW. After the Yajna, Devathas gave boon to respective birds. (+)
ये च मद्विषयस्थावै मानवा क्शुधयार्दिता: |
त्वयि भुक्ते सुत्रुस्ताप्तॆ भविष्यंति सभांधवा : ||
01. the sun that shines in the day time at all places; 02. the moon that remains a witness at night; 03. the air that pervades everywhere; 04. the fire;
05. the sky (or space or AkAsha); 06. the mother earth we live on; 07. god VaruNa who lives in water sources; 08. our conscience called the heart; 09. Yama the god of Death who punishes those who move away from dharma; 10. The deity Ahas in charge of the daytime;
Performance of our duties as per our varnaashrama dharma is our first sadhana. Duty to parents is our enjoined karma in the scriptures. (+)
When we respect and adore our parents and see the almighty in them, we are trained to be obedient, disciplined and of righteous conduct. This makes us eligible to seek a teacher and study the Shastras. (+)
One should always do (as long as one lives) what is pleasing to those 2 (Father & Mother) & to the preceptor; on these 3 being satisfied, all austerity becomes completed.