Attended public schools growing up...strong advocate for "choice".
Wants more standardized testing, apparently she like knowing she was smarter than the other kids.
@BrianJean just walked in, was supposed to be on Zoom.
.@BrianJeanAB fashionably late, good political entrance actually......
Wants the best for Albertans.
Education makes the future better, if the wrong leader is chosen, effects will last for decades.
Question time.....
1. Over the last 3 years the Government of Alberta has taken an adversarial tone toward public sector workers, including teachers. Going forward how will you work with the Alberta Teachers Association to build the best possible public education system?
.@ABDanielleSmith says she has already stated talking to ATA working to improve relationship.
.@RajanJSaw acknowledged an decrease in trust and will work to improve
Seems to be completely unaware than administrators are teachers, not management.
Load groans from crowd when she says it's best to continue with curriculum, otherwise it would be disruptive.
.@LeelaAheer says she did speak out, "I work for you (constituents), not the leader of the party."
Wants to rebuild the relationship with teachers.
.@dtloewen The attacks on public servants has to stop, and the relationship has to be rebuilt.
.@BrianJeanAB We want the same things for our kids as you wasn't for our kids.
Remove ideology from curriculum....(I have yet been shown any of this ideology)
Question 2
Teachers are expected to implement the new K-6 curriculum without adequate resources or PD. If you become Premier, how would you proceed with curriculum development and implementation? How will you consult teachers and have them play a leading role in the process?
.@RajanJSaw Government did a report on curriculum and then didn't follow the advice in the report.
Again, she will halt curriculum.
Teachers and other experts need to be at the table to develop curriculum.
.@rebeccakschulz talked to teachers about curriculum, they said it wasn't age appropriate.
Listen to teachers.
"All of your voices will matter."
Our voices will be at the table.
.@LeelaAheer asks crowd who has been consulted on curriculum, crowd laughs.
Trust has to be rebuilt.
AB teachers have to be part of the process.
My job is to work with you, not make you promises, we need to sit down and figure this out.
Curriculum only piloted in two places.
.@dtloewen asks crowd if curriculum rollout was was.
Thinks the curriculum can be "fixed", crowd says.....nope.
.@BrianJeanAB says some of the curriculum is ok, some isn't.
Slowdown roll out, maybe one subject per year.
Optional pilot year, teachers can pick and choose subjects.
Can't through baby out with bath water, re: curriculum, only problem is that there is no baby.
Says parents aren't seeing their values reflected in schools....hence the push for school choice.
Question 3
95 % of students are served by AB's public, separate & francophone schools. However, much of the conversation around education has been focused on charter, private and home schooling. How will you ensure that public schools are prioritized and funded appropriately?
I do believe in parent choice, and public education.
.@LeelaAheer when using public dollars, there can't be any discrimination.
We have to get off the funding roller coaster.
.@dtloewen public education is very important, fully funded and meets parents expectations.
More funds for busing.
The vast majority of parents in Alberta send their kids to public schools, and they need to be strong.
.@BrianJeanAB It's important to have options for parents.
Public schools will be the priority for a Jean led government.
Clear opportunity to improve relationship with ATA.
Need more stability so schools can plan accordingly.
In rural AB, there isn't an option for choice.
Very different between rural and urban in regards to needs and options.
Charter schools can lead the way (comimentary) for the public system.
Every approach should accepted.
.@RajanJSaw Won't lecture a room full of teachers, everyone deserves access to a great education.
Wants more schools built.
Believes in parent choice, but public education has to be the priority.
Last question...
Your gov't chose without consultation with the teachers affected to have AIMCO take over control of the assets of the AB Teachers’ Retirement Fund. Do you believe now that this was the right decision and do you intend to unilaterally remove ABs from the CPP.
The 2018 curriculum draft already contained some changes, plus Alberta's student are really good at math and reading, #8 and #3 in the world. 2/n
.@DavidStaplesYEG In the last 15 years, what curriculum changes have led to this doubling? Specifically, can you name two changes to the math curriculum?
The current curriculum draft has been praised by two or three guys. 3/n