Most whites are #atheist just because being pagan would be the acceptance that Hindus managed to resist what corrupted us before we developed liberal political systems to pull the Church away.
Not being pagan allows them to save their direct racial ego & feel superior to Hindus.
You need a lot of true ethnic pride to gain the confidence required to be able to accept defeat with grace on that plan.
🥇🕉 Hindus are the winners of ethnic pagan defense against colonial religions.
They resisted both terrorist faiths ✝ ☪ and now they are on the rise.
Germans became Nazis because they had no pride outside of their crusaders' past.
It's why they thought their identity was to launch a crusade against Slavic infidels.
See their christian crusade propaganda depicting non-christians as savages and recruit more volunteers :
If Germans had authentic ethnic pagan pride, they would have seen the crusades as a crime against mankind, and not invaded or genocided anybody.
But christianity destroys ethnic pride and forbids the cult of ancestors ! So people turn to crusade pride...
Ethnic pride is all about embracing our paganism, our culture, and the cult of our ancestors.
When ethnic pride is forbidden by christianity and neochristianism, it gives racial arrogance.
It is racial arrogance that leads so many whites to be non-pagan atheists so they don't have to recognize their past as an ethnocided people.
Atheism even allows them to keep the crusades in their hearts, not rejecting them as destructive against our people or other peoples.
Forgetting ancestors is so easy. This is why atheism rejecting paganity is easier than identifying, for example, with pagan atheism. Indeed, they could embrace paganity and be atheists. There are atheist branches in Hinduism and atheism was part of every ancient pagan society.
But not choosing a political camp allows white atheists to forget their ancestors and feel superior to pagan natives everywhere.
Even better, they keep an escape route back to christianity if they need it for any social accomplishment or benefit.
The conversion show must go on.
Atheism allows avoiding the exhausting everyday fight against christian politics, missionary trolls, gaslighters, christian and neochristian alleged friends...
And it allows feeling superior to pagan ancestors as well as to contemporary Hindus.
Racial arrogance is a compensatory pride from suppressed ethnic feelings leading to defending chrislamist convert-or-die religions as one's identity.
Jihad pride and crusade pride is all that remains when the pride of our ancestries is forbidden in the name of fake universalism.
🧵 Related thread on neochristian atheism as the broomstick of christianity.
No healing from christianity could be done by perpetuating the endless spiral of blaming happiness and pleasure in the confusion with what is actually anti-hedonistic behaviors.
As Epicure taught (through the few we know that was spared), happiness can be reached by renouncing vain desires, and focusing on what is really good on a wise quest for authentic and sustainable happiness.
The untold reason one shall refuse hate, is because hate makes people weak. Cursing others is not an inspiring project.
Free countries have so many more people ready to give their lives for freedom, motherland & ancestors than haters manage to groom fools into suicide bombing.
Being proud and unapologetic makes your enemies hate you more and make mistakes.
This is why Maratha Empire crushed the Mughals, and in a long time, Pakistan will become Hindu again, without a fight.
In the longer term, Love & Liberty are better conquerors than swords and guns.
Obviously, soft power must always come with hard power.
Occident manages to fascinate because it has power to do the worse, but it doesn't. Peace is a demonstration, not just speculation.
With third-largest defense budget in the world, India will be able to radiate this power.
⚠ Something every native should know about ✝ missionaries.
Christians maintain databases compiling demographic information on every tribe, every smallish group with their exact location within a country or the world.
They justify this silent crusade against ethnic cultures by using the concept of "unreached peoples", with a commandment to "save people" from themselves as if the world needed them.
"Unreached groups lack enough followers of Christ and resources to evangelize their own people."
They have even a subdivision of the "deaf community" in my country 🫣 With specific guidelines to reach deaf persons and harvest their souls (and money too).
"For many Deaf people, the Bible is out of reach (...) the best people to reach a Deaf person is another Deaf person." 😩