Yann Meridex 🌿🌄 Profile picture
Libérateur culturel • Guide païen • Réhumanisation, Hédonisme et Réenchantement
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Jun 7, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Exemple de perversion diététique

Le sucre et le sel donnent soif et poussent à boire bien plus d'eau que ça n'en "prend".

Ceux qui mangent peu sucré et peu salé boivent trop peu d'eau.

Or une sous-hydratation modérée chronique écrase tous les avantages à manger peu sucré/salé. Image Pire : être constamment en état de déshydratation modérée pousse à ne pas être dégoûté par l'assèchement lié au combo café/clope, qui transforme progressivement les gens en zombies frénétiques et desséchés, pénibles pour leur entourage.
Jun 6, 2023 19 tweets 3 min read
♀🔨 Il n'y a pas plus antiféministe que la gauche panclaste.

Quelle meilleure façon de maintenir sous emprise des nullipares névrosées, psychiquement stérilisées, que de nier l'instinct naturel derrière le désir de maternité, pour reléguer ce dernier à un futile caprice ? Le seul effet produit sur la société, c'est de rendre encore plus facile aux hommes infantophobes de profiter d'une femme à parasiter pour profiter de ses soins maternisants sans jamais lui offrir ce que toute femme désire ou finira par désirer dans sa vie.
Dec 28, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
Hindus are obviously told that Europeans are all good christians, this to make easier their conversion with the idea that "well, it works very well for them, christianity brings success, just sayin' !".

No. Apparently the more atheist countries on Earth and all the broad anti-Church and pagan-friendly sentiments amongst Europeans were hidden from their world. So many Hindus seem to never have heard about non-christian and anti-christian people.
Nov 21, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
The greatest chance of our time is the lowest infant mortality mankind has ever known.

In the past, even the very wealthy couldn't afford not to lose their children from illness.

I pity people who are not grateful to have living children in good health. How is it not enough ? Infant mortality has a deep impact on the psychology of a population.

Mothers know they will bury a part of their children before their 14 years.

Men prefer to cut empathy to escape the nurse mindset that is so hard to bear. They conjure this fear with misogyny and war impulse.
Nov 9, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
I'm from time to time asked what I think about "human sacrifice" in pagan societies.

There are way too many arguments on this missionary black legend, I'll put this in form later but tonight I want to share with you a few that are far enough satisfying for any reasonable person. Most "human sacrifices" are in fact simply delayed war casualties (Mesoamericans), executions of criminals (Gallic "Wickerman"), individual or mass suicides to avoid a terrible destiny (Jauhar)...

This is very far away from Abrahamic fantasms of "poor innocent forced virgins".
Nov 3, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
@HVfireGirlZ I totally see communism as a neo-christian faith (secularised ✝) from the insurrectional left-wing ✝. You sin "against the People" whatever you do if you're not already a red zombie. How could a thing like communism emerge in a world without this creed : @HVfireGirlZ Of course, conservative christianity preferred an alliance with black plague fascism and nazism against the red plague, but see how the Protestants fought with the Catholics. With secularisation, the revolutionary wing of the christian collective unconscious simply became red.
Aug 26, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Monotheism factually consists in praising an old fart, being the filthy compilation of the worst of toxic manliness under the name of "God", and some of his fellow women-hating male prophets. Polytheism is praising masculine and feminine deities with a spiritual, or superstitious, or rational approach, or a mix of any or all in proportions that will never be others' business.
Aug 26, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Christianity and islam are moral doctrines considering that the "temptress" or "tempter" is the one to blame, not the sexual criminal.

It's what chrislamist puritanism is all about : blaming the one who allegedly pushes someone to sin, not the criminal himself. In their puritan mindset, the "soiled" victim needs to be punished, or erased via "honor crime".

The criminal can just ask society and "God" (the victim doesn't matter) for forgiveness.

They easily forgive sinners who repent, not considered themselves as "instrument of crime".
Aug 25, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
The western left instrumentalizes social sciences, notably to produce direct and indirect critics against Indian society.

People saying "social science is evil rubbish" are like Mesoamericans who would demonize the horses and guns of the conquistadores without trying to use any. Western neochristians have much power because they produce discourses to judge their society and other societies.

They attack their enemies inside and outside of the West, and they social-study-wash their political doctrine into sociology.
Aug 25, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Wait, if plunder was the magic key to enrichment we are told, why the countries who did jihadi pillage for centuries are only shadows compared to the pagan civilizations they were once ?

Islam basically took the land of the richest empires to turn it into an ocean of rubble. There is a thin line between the denouncing of colonial plunder, and the criticism of civilizational power as always bound to pillaging.

The West is not great because of any pillaging by the private christian bourgeois interests, since this same bourgeoisie is waging war on us.
Aug 24, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
📸 Screenshot of an Afro-christian on Quora.

See how it's no exaggeration to say that modern Europeans are intellectually forbidden by christian historical narratives to acknowledge their pagan ancestors.

We are literally disgraced if we relate to our autochthonous ancestry. Image There is an anti-republic black legend about how French colonial teachers allegedly forced the colonized to believe in the phrase "our ancestors the Gauls", from a school book, as a replacement of their own ancestors. This legend is so childish that it's hard to debunk it 🤡
Aug 20, 2022 15 tweets 6 min read
Christianity brought only division to Europe, while missionaries claim the contrary to the low-educated.

Never-ending internal crusades, schisms, perpetual interchristian persecutions, inquisition, war of religions, since the deliberate dismantling of the pagan Roman Empire. People who don't understand anything about European history believe in the christian tale that christianity made Europe united.

🖼 St. Bartholomew's Day is what christian unity looked like in France.
Aug 19, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Paganism is not the cult of ashes but the definite will of not suppressing anymore the ardent embers of our ethnic heart by unleashing our pagan soul.

Paganism is the oldest and newest religion. Paganism never dies : it rises from ashes like the phoenix.

Paganism doesn't bleed, you can't kill it unless you kill the last human on Earth and cut down the last tree.

Burning books doesn't reach it, for paganism is not a story in a book.
Aug 18, 2022 16 tweets 6 min read
Fear of cats is fear of women.

This is no surprise that the Church burned so many cats, thus so many women.

The result of the persecution of cats was plague.

The result of the persecution of women was millions of children raised with inoculated terror and madness. My ancestors raised in true indigenous European culture were fond of cats.

At a time, it was an act of love for wealthy ancient Greeks to go on a ship heading for Egypt and bring back a beautiful cat to the woman they loved.
Aug 17, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Nobody on Earth can claim himself as native or indigenous while being allegiant to an ethnocide-based convert-or-die ideology like christianity, islam or communism. Hindus are the natives of India, but also Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Jihadis are indigenous of nowhere because their religion is hard-coded as a declaration of war against all ethnicities to absorb and digest them into the blob of ummah.
Aug 16, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
It's more of a temperament than a course : I was born radical, as an idealist dissatisfied by social lies. So all my life is a dedication to crafting the most right and humane politics that can inspire radical souls, instead of preaching moderate versions of terrorist ideologies. While returning a dissertation of mine, my high school philosophy teacher almost begged me before the class to do philosophy studies before anything else, but my heart was burning for joining the French Army to fight jihadists and genociders in Africa and elsewhere.
Aug 15, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Very true. One can be pagan without the abrahamic-style forced feeling of total blind materialistic faith in a deity. There are rites & festivals you can be part of without being burned on the stake if you don't "believe".

You only have to respect Gods and ancestors. Difficult ? The christian monks tried hard to find any accounts of pagan persecution of "non-believers" to disculpate themselves for this novelty they brought, but the notion simply didn't exist. Some pagans believe in divine interventions, others (like Epicure) simply didn't.
Aug 13, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Most whites are #atheist just because being pagan would be the acceptance that Hindus managed to resist what corrupted us before we developed liberal political systems to pull the Church away.

Not being pagan allows them to save their direct racial ego & feel superior to Hindus. You need a lot of true ethnic pride to gain the confidence required to be able to accept defeat with grace on that plan.

🥇🕉 Hindus are the winners of ethnic pagan defense against colonial religions.

They resisted both terrorist faiths ✝ ☪ and now they are on the rise.
Aug 12, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
1 - Cross of Jerusalem
2 - Cross of the Knights Hospitaller
3 - Kruckenkreuz

4 - Teutonic Order Tatzenkreuz
5 - Knights Templar Tatzenkreuz
6 - Nazi Hakenkreuz

Christianity has a long story of square centrosymmetric crosses for their crusades.

Nazi Hakenkreuz was the last one. Kruckenkreuz was the symbol of the Austrofascist "Fatherland Front".

Christian Austrian Hitler annexed Austria to Germany. It's impossible he didn't know that fascists were cross lovers.

Hitler never mentioned any "Swastika" in the German version of Mein Kampf, only Hakenkreuz.
Aug 10, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Christians enforced on us a long story of sadomasochistic cult of pain, for themselves and on others.

Their secularised dolorism that still imprisons European souls needs to be wiped out by the return of hedonism.

No healing from christianity could be done by perpetuating the endless spiral of blaming happiness and pleasure in the confusion with what is actually anti-hedonistic behaviors.
Aug 10, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf : "I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Creator. By fighting off the Jews, I am doing the Lord's work."

He quoted those same words in a 1938 Reichstag speech.

But still, school presents the Nazis as atheists or pagans. Find the error. Nazism is deeply rooted in christian conservatism.

The "Konservative Revolution" was the prominent political movement during the Weimar Republic preceding the rise of Nazism.

Antisemitism was an integral part of the christian Weimar Republic’s political and social culture.