I'm just going to show you a few comments of butthurt WP that their precious town is on the list and we are just making all of it up to be divisive. No benefit of the doubt granted here is there. It's just simply NOT possible. #ThisIsAmerica#VilliansInThisAmericanHorrorStory
This adds to the constant circle of denial we face in this country every day.
And the reverse of that is that women are actually fine being single tho!! Cause they can do bad by themselves. Then you try shame them on body counts!!
The whole thing calling men simps for sympathizing with women and working in partnership. It's men trying to police other men to keep the pool limited in expectations. It's all YOU!! But keep pulling up like you are tho so we know.
Y'all are trying to get women to level down to your standards and I find that completely odd. In every single relationship, I was in I was leveling up not going backward. I don't know why anyone would want to do that. And I was never alone unless I chose it.
Now here is why anyone needs to be cautious of Fox narratives. "convicted" is closely thrown around here. A reminder that there are over 70% in jail right now that have never seen a trial. If you want this to be even. Release all of them until their trials happen.
People around him were convicted of crimes and still demanded to not have to sit in jail. Let's chat about unequal justice. Lady justice seems to see quite well to me. Cause all of a sudden breaking the law doesn't mean anything even when national security is at stake.
Go back to Mueller's report and search for individual 1 and keep telling us he still has not done anything wrong when we know the parties involved were convicted of crimes. buy he's some how innocent.
Really having a hard time with NYT asking this question. Y'all have participated in so much of spreading it. Giving people like Jones the benefit of the doubt. Legitimizing people with stories like the Nice Nazi Nextdoor & fringe Black groups 4 clicks. twitter.com/i/spaces/1lPKq…
Trying to be objective with and about people who have gone down conspiracy theory rabbit holes ignoring their family but eventually actually making money on their lies is really problematic.
Finally Joe mentions what I was going ask about media amplifying the disinfo. I requested to speak. All questions remained single sided.
Going to say this until some of you get it. What America did after 1808 was homegrown. They were increasing their economic values by the increase of Black bodies. Forced births, rapes, and abortion laws. They stopped importing other countries continued. That's chattel slavery.
No from of indentured servitude compares. NONE, those are false equivalences. And from there other laws were written about where we could go, live, vote, and eventually how we got paid. Which lead to tip wage laws in existence RIGHT NOW. none of these laws were written for WP.
Again on the tip wages and why other countries think it's weird, we have it. That we can't seem to pay people a livable wage. That other Americans are chipping in on corporate profits. THINK!!! Why are these companies paying the least amount of taxes too? cbsnews.com/news/tipping-j…
In the South before the Civil War, white women couldn’t vote. They couldn’t hold office. When they married, their property technically belonged to their husbands.
But, there was one thing they could do. They could buy, sell, & own enslaved people. buff.ly/30mubFC
This is for others to understand when you use things like the handmaid tale and talk about Gilead something fictional that removes our existence in the story it's so offensive. Because y'all participated in forcing us to give birth as your exchange of currency.
participating in the control of the bodies of others but demanding to have rights like your husbands?!! Just think about that. That's why you can't just say all women. We are not all seen as fully human and have the right to even move freely across this country right now.
Layme no disrespect but WW weren't enslaved on this land. The women that were are Black and had everything to do with their skin color. And it was in place by law and practice til this day written into the 13th amendment. The founding fathers named our value.
And in the Dobbs opinion only ONE set of fetuses are named. And they are Black. No other fetuses were named. Please don't whitewash this. It's offensive. Take a look at our infographic. We can work together as long as you are willing, to tell the truth.