Lena✨ Profile picture
Aug 15, 2022 215 tweets >60 min read Read on X
So... I wasn't really planning on doing this because I'm busy with homework and hadn't thought of participating, but I just thought about this idea again and now I want to add a bit to this for #WwxLqrWeek

So, buckle up because I'm not sure of my threadficing (?) abilities 😳
Day 1: Reluctant allies (and maybe day 2: curses)

LWJ is three years old.
Well, he's actually 16, but is now stuck in a 3 year-old body.

No one knows how this happened, not LQR nor LXC, but it came out of nowhere. One day, he just didn't show up to class.
When they went to investigate, babyJi was asleep in his bed, hugging his pillow with chubby hand and snoring softly against it.

LQR had decided to keep this a secret to everyone else, since he didn't want to bring any unnecessary attention to this problem.
He also didn't want any gossip or alarm that might stress him more than it should.

At least, that was the plan until a certain rule-breaker decided to ask for LWJ.

When WWX arrived at the library to continue his 1 month-long punishment, he found LXC waiting there,
saying he'd be the one overseeing his punishment while he worked on a personal matter.

WWX was baffled, to say the least.
He had been weirdly sad when LWJ didn't show up to class the day prior, and was secretly hoping LWJ would show up today, which of course didn't happen either
He'd never admit he's been a bit upset because of this but, well, he's been upset because of this for three days.

So the only thing he could think of was, of course, look for LWJ himself, since LXC would vaguely say: "he's busy" or "he can't come to class but will join you soon"
Which is how he finds himself outside the jingshi, trying to find a way to peek inside since all the curtains are closed.

He moves to the back and finds an open window. He looks through it and finds...

He doesn't see anything out of place.
He keeps scanning the room and the only thing that looks suspiciously weird might be the small ball of bed sheets on the bed.

Although, when looking at it carefully, it doesn't really look like a normal ball of bed sheets. There's... Hair? Peeking of of it?

And then, it moves.
WWX holds his breath for a moment until the ball stops moving, and now he can see the shape.

It's a child.

The kid moves his head a little to the side and the sliver of light shining through the window's opening hit him in the eyes, making him stir a little, and then he's awake
WWX still doesn't dare move, even as the child rubs his eyes, yawns and moves to sit properly on his bed, scanning the room until he finds WWX.

They look at each for a moment, the kid with wide, curious eyes as his tiny chubby fists hold his sheets, while WWX is processing
what he's seeing.

It's the eyes that do it for him though.

The light-colored eyes that he knows oh so well by now because of how desperately he want them to look at him, for some reason.

The eyes from the owner he's been missing these past few days.
Suddenly, someone opens the door and both turn to look at the person joining them.

It's non other than LQR himself.
(got distracted playing Solitaire ccakxbo. I'll be having dinner and come back to this.)
They all look at each other: LQR glaring at WWX, WWX being caught red handed, not even daring to breathe or even move an inch, and LWJ on the side, looking at both of them with a thumb on his mouth.

"What are you doing here, WWX?" LQR asks coldly.
"I- I was just, I wasn't -" WWX stumbles through his words, not knowing what to say.

"Speak clearly." LQR scolds.

"I was worried about LZ, and thought about coming here to see if he was ok." WWX says quickly.
"Hm. Well, as you can see he's fine, so you can go back to the library. And make sure to add another ten copies of Conduct for skipping your duties."

"I- Y-yes, of course. I'll do that, but Senior Lan, if I may ask, what happened to him?"
There must be something in WWX's expression that makes LQR sigh heavily.

He goes to LWJ and picks him up gently.

"Come in, it's difficult to talk to you while you're outside."

WWX nods and runs to the entrance, ignoring LQR's glare. Once he's joined them, LQR hands him LWJ.
"Uhm... Senior Lan?" WWX asks shyly, his hands hovering close to LWJ unsure on what to do.

"Hold him. I need to make his bed."

"Oh..." And with the permission granted, he takes LWJ and holds him close to his chest.

LWJ looks at him with those big bright eyes, and WWX feels
this awful need to pinch his cheeks or maybe just squeal and coo at him because LWJ is so cute!

"We don't know exactly what happened to him," LQR interrupts his train of thoughts, "He woke up like this the other day, in the body and mind of a child. We don't know the source,
nor the cause, but from what we know, this may be a spell, rather than a curse."

"So someone did this on purpose..." WWX thinks quietly to himself.

"We are to believe so, yes." LQR says having heard him.
"Is there anyone you have in mind that could've done this?" WWX asks.

"I do not know." LQR says sounding a bit tired.

LQR continues making the bed while they're both silent. Once he's done, he extends his arms, expecting to be given back the baby.
Albeit reluctantly, WWX hands him back to LQR, and tries not to squeal again when he sees LWJ's eyes looking back at him and extending his little hands to him, as if asking to be back in WWX's arms.

"Well," LQR clears his throat, not commenting on what just happened.
"you should be heading back to the library. i hope you won't talk about this with anyone else."

"Yes senior lan. I promise I won't." wwx bows politely and moves to leave but, once he's by the door, he can't help but pause and look back.
He knows he might be rejected if he offers to help, but can they really expect him to go back and pretend like nothing happened when LWJ is in trouble?

"Senior Lan, if I may, I would like to help you take care of LZ." WWX says.

LQR only raises an eyebrow.
"Or looking for a way to undo this! I know a couple of things about talismans, curses and spells, so I could maybe help with that? Or just looking for the culprit! Whatever it is, I would like to help in any way to get LZ back to normal!"

His heart is racing like crazy.
He feels like he's being judged by LQR's searching and considering look, but he /really/ wants to help, and even if LQR says no, he'll try asking LXC or research on his own anyway.

"Why?" Is the only thing LQR asks.

"Because LZ's my friend!"
He says it without thinking but once it's out, he hesitates for a bit. "I- I mean, at least I think he is, to me. I don't think he likes me that much... But I can't stay back and do nothing! I want to help, if I may."

LQR narrows his eyes, not angrily, but deeply considering.
WWX is afraid he might've said something wrong until LQR sighs again and nods slowly.

"You may help. But that doesn't mean you're getting away with not fulfilling you punishment or going to class."

"No! I promise it won't get on the way!" WWX says too excitedly.

"Do you know how to take care of a child?" LQR asks suddenly.

"Oh... Not much..."

"Hm... Then I guess you'll have to learn."

"Yes!" WWX shouts as he vibrates with excitement.

"No shouting in the Clod Recesses!" LQR scolds him.

"Sorry." WWX says as calmly as possible.
(Well!! Time for me to sleep! It's getting late and I have to wake up early tomorrow :( hopefully I can update this soon! If school doesn't kill me this week...
But, until next time! 🐰💙❤️)
(ok!! Hi! I have like 45 minutes before going to class, so let's see if I can get something done!
Also, please ignore all the mistakes and repeated words 😅 writing in Twt is hard!!! And I get a bit too self conscious about it :p)
After agreeing to meet LQR once he's done with today's punishment, WWX quickly goes to the library, where LXC is already waiting for him, with a pile of books next to him on his desk.

He greets him and moves to take a seat in an instant. He works quickly and efficiently,
like he's never worked before.

Through this, LXC looks at him, amused but not saying anything, only working on his own thing.

Once WWX is done, he goes to turn in his work to LXC

"Hm, I wonder why Wangji says you're lazy and disruptive. You've been very well-behaved
these past few days, specially today." He says, almost teasingly.

"Oh!" WWX's cheeks flush a bit. He can't say he can't go and tease a reaction out of LXC, or that he feels more comfortable with LWJ in general, so he just settles with, "I found out about LZ. I'd been worried,
but now that I know, I'd like to do anything I can to help him."

"Uncle told you?" LXC says, surprised.

"Yes! I sneaked into the jingshi."

"Hahaha, ok!" LXC laughs, "Well then, what would you like to do now?"

"Hmm..." WWX thinks.
He knows that maybe helping find a way to turn him back to normal might be more efficient, but he also remembers LQR's tired look.

He has to prepare to leave for a discussion conference in a couple of days, go to his classes for the guests, and take care of a baby,
Plus... It might be a little selfish want, but he really wants to be with LWJ.

He wants to take care of him.

He says this to LXC, who smiles gently and nods.

"Dont worry, I can keep researching. It should be easier to find compared to a curse. You go help Uncle."
"Thank you, Zewu-Jun!" WWX bows deeply and leaves.

He goes to the Jingshi and he's glad to find both LQR and LWJ there.

LQR is grading some tests while LWJ is sitting by his side, prim and proper, only looking around. When he sees WWX though, his eyes widen a little.
WWX from his part, grins widely and mimics the baby's expression, laughing loudly when LWJ's widen a bit more.

"Tone it down, WWX." LQR scolds without looking up from his work.

"Sorry, Master." WWX says, moving to sit right in front of them both, but still smiling.
For a moment, he doesn't know what to do. He looks around the Jingshi, properly seeing it for the first time.

It's so... Lan Zhan, in a way. As in, everything is clean and in order. Nothing is out of place, but it also looks lived-in, if that makes sense. The smell of sandalwood
is also very comforting too.

It feels familiar, somehow.

He looks around until his eyes meet LWJ's again. It appears as if he hasn't looked away since WWX arrived, and he can't help but wonder what's behind those light-colored eyes, on this precious baby's mind.
(pausing here 😭 I was just getting inspired when my alarm scared the living daylights out of me 😭. But anyway, wish me luck, because I've no idea what I'm doing haha!)
(coming back with this! And it has come to my mind that maybe I'm imagining LWJ younger than what I said he was... Don't blame me, I've never interacted with babies in my life 😅 so... Let's imagine he's actually like 2 instead of 3
Ok, let's see how far I get.)
After having a mini staring contest with LWJ, WWX moves closer to him, slowly, so as to not spook the baby who just watches his every move.

Once he's close, he whispers, "Hey, Lan Zhan, do you know who I am?"

LWJ only shakes his head politely.

"Who do you think I am?"
LWJ looks at him for a moment before shaking his head again.

WWX giggles to himself before saying, "Well, I'm your shixiong, but you can call me Gege." He says as he winks cheekily.

"WWX, stop bothering him or I'm not letting you help us!"

"But I wasn't doing anything!"
LQR only huffs before going back to work once more.

"Gege?" LWJ says quietly.

To this, WWX's head snaps back to LWJ, surprised to hear him speak for the first time in a long time (and for being called Gege by LWJ)

"Yes Lan Zhan?" WWX asks.

"Why don't your robes have clouds?"
"Oh, that's because I'm a guest. I come from Yunmeng!"

LWJ seems to consider this for a bit before saying, "But does that mean you're not really my shixiong?"

"Hmmm, I am! But just for a while, before going back home!"

LWJ frowns at this. He thinks for a while before asking
"What is Yunmeng like?"

"Oh, it's beautiful! You'd love it! Lotus Pier specifically has the most beautiful scenery..." And WWX goes on a long tangent about his home, the people he knows and a couple of stories he's fond of.

Through this, LWJ looks at him with amazement,
which gives WWX an idea.

He moves to take some paper and ink and sits by a corner on the table as to not take too much space from LQR.

"Here, come closer Lan Zhan."

Shyly, LWJ looks up at LQR, who's looking at WWX. He turns to LWJ and nods.
Once given permission, LWJ moves to sit closer, but before he's fully seated, WWX carries him and sits him on his legs, hugging him close.

LWJ is still for a moment before he makes himself comfortable. Once settled WWX begings to paint some of his favorite palaces in Lotus Pier.
He keeps telling him stories, this time illustrated, and the evening goes on like this, with WWX's cheerful chatter and LWJ looking back at him with eyes full of wonder.

At some point, WWX notices LQR is not working anymore, only looking at both boys silently.
WWX stills for a moment before LQR only says, "Go on." And he does until it's time for dinner.

WXX's invited to have dinner with the Lans and, it goes pretty much as expected: it's dead silent.

WWX is even amazed by how proper LWJ is for his age: he doesn't move, doesn't make a
mess, doesn't complain or say anything.

He really is just a mini version of his older self, and once WWX thinks of this, he almost squeals. Almost.

Once he bids them farewell, LWJ looks at him sadly, before bowing properly. LQR, from his part, only says "You're better with kids
than what you'd made me believe."

WWX only bows and goes to his room with a huge grin on his face that JC pesters him to tell what's made him so happy when he'd been gloomy for days.

But that's a secret he can't tell.
(time for bed! This was a short one, but hope it was good haha. I'll try to continue it tomorrow ^-^ ✨ thanks for reading up until this point!)
(I'm back! I need a distraction hehe. Anyway, link to the top! )
A couple of days go by like this: WWX goes to class, works on copying rules while LXC does his research, and then joins LQR and LWJ in the Jingshi. He even gets to help LQR grade some work from younger classes!

But of course, he prefers to entertain baby LWJ.
On the 5th day though, LQR and LXC are too busy to take care of LWJ in the morning, and since they didn't want to leave him alone for too long, LQR had no other choice but to being LWJ with him to class.

No one dare comment on this, but of course, they all stared.
Everyone except WWX of course, who only tries hard not to coo and wave at LWJ who, since they arrived, has been looking at WWX.

It gets to the point where LWJ seems to get a bit tired and is trying hard not to fall asleep while kneeling perfectly next to LQR.
WWX clears his cough, loud enough to get LQR's attention, but quiet enough as to not distract everyone else.

LQR looks at him, about to reprimand him until WWX tilts his head to point towards LWJ. When LQR sees this, he silently picks LWJ up and continues giving his class while
walking around.

After a bit, he seems to get tired, so WWX only extends a hand and LQR, most likely without thinking, hands him LWJ.

WWX takes LWJ and let's his head rest against his chest, and holds him close with his left hand, while taking notes with the other.
For a moment, WWX envies LWJ, as in, he'd love to sleep too. He can't help but be bored! But he's been trying to take as many notes as possible so he can pass them to LWJ once he's back to normal.

Not that he needs them... But he wants to do this for him.
Once class is over, WWX turns to look at LWJ, and sees that he's already awake, looking down at his own robes.

"Hey," he whispers "how long have you been awake?"

LWJ, still playing with his sleeves, says just as quietly, "A while ago."

"And why didn't you tell me?" WWX teases
"We're you comfortable?"

LWJ nods and presses his face against WWX's chest, holding the front of his robes tightly with his little fists.

"Hey, what's wrong?" WWX asks, patting his back.

LWJ stays silent for a second. Around them, the last students are leaving the classroom
WWX turns to the entrance and only JC and NHS seem to be waiting there. WWX waves at them and then, they're alone with LQR as he is picking up his own things.

"There were a lot of people." LWJ whispers.

"Oh, Lan Zhan..."

"They were looking at me. I don't like it."
"Dont worry Lan Zhan. I'll protect you, ok? If you have to come back to class, you can stay with me and I'll take care of you."

LWJ nods against his chest but doesn't move.

LQR approaches them, about to say something when,

"A boy was looking at me weird too."
Both LQR and WWX look at each other and then back at LWJ.

"Who was it Lan Zhan?" WWX asks gently.

At this, LWJ pulls back and points to a table at the back of the classroom.

"He was sitting there."

They turn to look at where he's pointing and LQR stokes his beard, considering
"That is Su She's place." LQR says.

"Don't worry Lan Zhan, I'll protect you from that ugly, mean guy. And if he looks funny at you again, I'll beat him up!"

"Wei Wuxian..." LQR scolds, but it doesn't sound stern, so WWX only grins at him cheekily.
(time to work, see y'all later!)
(ok everyone! Time for a baby update haha, because I'm sleepy 😴)
When WWX joins LXC at the library, he sees the man deep in thought, not even noticing he's arrived.

"Hello, Zewu-Jun." He says.

"Oh, hello Wei Gongzi, I hadn't noticed you'd arrived."

"I just got here!"

"Haha, very well then."

They go throught te usual routine, meaning
WWX works on copying rules and LXC does research. Just as WWX is about to finish, LXC speaks up.

"Wei Gongzi, can I have your opinion on this?"

"Of course, what is it?" He moves next to LXC.

"This spell, it somehow resembles Wangji's, but there's something wrong with it..."
"I see what you mean... It's missing information!"


They go back and forth with ways to descipher what it's missing. The patterns suggest that this spell should wear off on its own, but the question is, how long will it take? Can it be fixed faster?
Time flies like this, with them coming up with solutions or theories on what happened to this spell's record and how they can fix LWJ's situation sooner. It gets to the point where LQR enters the library, LWJ in hand and says begrudgingly:

"Wangji has been sad all evening.
He asked for his... (Ahem...) Gege." LQR says, too formally, like he's traying hard not to scowl or roll his eyes.

"Aww, Lan Zhan! Did you miss me? I'm sorry!" WWX says as he keels and opens his arms.

He doesn't expect LWJ to go to him, which is why he's surprised when he does,
and not only that, he almost runs to his arms. Emphasis on /almost/.

WWX hugs LWJ close and looks up to the other Lans present. LXC has a soft, too knowing look, while LQR only stokes his beard, looking like he's trying to look for something in WWX's own eyes.
Another couple of days go by like this, taking care of LWJ and hiding his secret from JC and NHS.

On the 7th day since LWJ became a baby, he hears a soft knock on his door, well past curfew.

JC hears it too, but he only scowls and tells WWX to ignore it,
since it's no time to be bothering others.

WWX was about to do that when the knock came again, and it was soft, as if whoever was outside was afraid to make too much noise, but was still a bit desperate.

WWX can't help but be curious so, once JC seems to be asleep again, he
opens the door, only to find none other than baby LWJ.

"Oh Lan Zhan, what are you doing here? It's so late!" He says as he pulls LWJ close.

He's shaking.

"Lan Zhan? What's wrong?" WWX asks, concerned like he hasn't been in so long.

"Bad dream." LWJ whispers.

He tightens his hold on LWJ before pulling him up and carrying him away from the guest quarters.

"Let's go to the Jingshi, ok? You shouldn't be outside past curfew."

As they reach their destination, LWJ is still holding onto his robes, refusing to let go.
As if WWX would ever want to let go of him.

He sits on the bed and pats LWJ's back gently.

"I saw my mom." He whispers.

WWX stills for a moment, but gains his composure quickly.

"She was in her home in the woods woods. She didn't let me go with her.
She said she was going away and never coming back." LWJ's voice goes more silent with each sentence, until he's whipping quietly.

"Uncle and brother were away this week. I was afraid they would leave me too." LWJ's grip tightens even more, and he cries a bit louder.
"Oh no no Lan Zhan, but they didn't leave you. They were busy and had to out for a couple of days, but they didn't abandon you! You stayed with me, right? You weren't alone!"

"But Wei Gege will leave too."


"Wei Gege will go back to his lotus home."
"Oh..." And what can he say to this? He does have to go back to Lotus Pier eventually, and hopefully this spell will be gone by then, but if it's not...

"I won't leave you." WWX says and LWJ looks up to him.

"What?" LWJ asks.

"I won't leave you alone. You will always have your
Uncle and bother, because they love you so much and will always be by your side, but as long as you want me here with you, I'll stay, ok?"

LWJ seems to consider this for a moment before whispering "Promise?"

And WWX can't help but pull him back into his arms.

The next morning, WWX wakes at the ungodly hour of 5 in the morning, only to see LQR sitting by the Jingshi's desk, having tea.

As soon as he notices, he almost shoots out of the bed if not for the baby that's resting in his arms.

He moves as as slowly as possible until he's
out of the bed and goes directly to LQR, kneeling in front of him and bowing deeply.

"Senior Lan, I'm so sorry. I know I shouldn't be here, but Lan Zhan was having nightmares and came looking for me in the middle of the night and I didn't want to leave him alone and..."
He stops when he feels a hand on his shoulder. WWX looks up and is surprised to not find anger or disgust on LQR's eyes.

"It is no trouble."

Once WWX is kneeling properly, he continues, "Wangji used to do this when he was younger too. He'd look for Xichen and they'd spend the
night together. It used to happen the most after their mother..." He sighs deeply after this, not wanting to continue.

WWX turns to looks at LWJ, who's still sleeping soundly on the other side of the room. He thinks about what LWJ had said.

"I'm just surprised he came to you."
WWX turns back to look at LQR.

His comment, it doesn't sound like a reproach, or like it was wrong. In fact, it sounds genuinely curious, but also understanding, like he'd expected it.

"You are a good person, Wei Wuxian. You have a good heart"
WWX feels like he could cry from those words. It's one of the most genuine compliments he's ever received, aside from those coming from JYL.

But to hear this from LQR, who surely must've hated him at the start...

"Thank you, Senior Lan. I'm just...
I want to try my best to help Lan Zhan. He deserves only the best."

"Hmm." LQR strokes his beard. "He does..."

And that's something WWX has found out these past few days, a thing LQR and him have in common:

They both want the best for LWJ.
(Ok!!!!??? I spent more time on this than I'd planned!!!!
Hope this wasn't too messy haha, I'm just coming up with stuff as I keep going, and doing this at midnight may not be the best combination haha.

Anyway, time to sleep!! See you tomorrow!)
(Update time!!
Also, I want to bring this up because we've reached the point where idk how to include it now jsjs, so... Yeah, little detail 😅✨ )
On the 10th day after LWJ had been de-aged, both WWX and LWJ are outside, on the Jingshi's steps sharing some fruit since it's been a hot day, when a very important thought comes to WWX's mind.

"Hey, Lan Zhan?"

"Mn?" LWJ turns to look at him, eyes wide and cheeks full.
"Tell me, what games do you play here in Cloud Recesses?" WWX asks.

It takes a moment for LWJ to answer as he chews his food. "We can't play much. We can't make too much noise in Cloud Recesses." He says, very seriously.

"Oh, come on! But surely you can play something!"
"Hmm..." LWJ looks down, deep in thought. "Xiongzhang and I don't play many games... But we play music together." He turns to WWX, looking at WWX like he wants to know if that's the right answer.

It's so cute WWX just huffs and chuckles lightly.

Of course they were brought up
more strictly than the rest of the kids in CR. These past few days, he's been getting hints as to what happened with the twin jade's parents, so of course they couldn't enjoy their childhood like everyone else.

And he can't blame LQR. In fact, it makes sense. He wants to protect
his nephews, after all.

But, now that he's been given the chance, WWX is going to change that! He's going to let LWJ enjoy a bit of the childhood he missed whole he still can!

"Do you know how to play hide and seek?" WWX asks.

LWJ thinks for a moment before he nods.
"Then... Would you like to play with me?" WWX grins.

Again, LWJ thinks for a moment before he nods again, looking determined.

"Great!" WWX exclaims as he gets up. "What do you want to do first? Hide or seek?"

"Hm... Seek."

"Ok! Count to ten and then look for me! Ready?"
"Mn." LWJ nods.

"Ok... Go!" And with that, WWX runs away.

He hides behind a bush where he can still see LWJ. Once he's done counting, he looks for WWX, quietly and calmly. He looks nervous, but he still plays along.

Of course, it doesn't take long for LWJ to find him.
"ah, you found me!" He says as he lets himself fall on the grass.

"Mn. Again!" LWJ says.

"Again?" WWX looks up at the baby crouching next to him.

"Mn. Again, please."

"Haha, ok!"

He keeps hiding and LWJ finds easily finds him, at least until he hides on top of a tree and
LWJ can't find him.

It takes him longer to find WWX, but he hasn't taken his eyes from LWJ so, when LWJ calls out to him, sounding a bit desperate and afraid, WWX comes out of his hiding spot in an instant and "hides" closer.

"Here Lan Zhan, look! You found me!"
LWJ goes to hug him and happily (though his face doesn't show it) says, "Mn. I found Wei Ying!"

They change roles and now it's WWX's turn to look for LWJ.

At some point, they get closer and closer to the Jingshi that LWJ decides to hide there... But LQR is there?!
When did LQR arrive? How long has he been here?

The confusion must show in WWX's expression because he explains. "I've been here for a while now Wei Wuxian. I leave you alone with my nephew for a couple of hours and you're turning him into a troublemaker."

"I- no, that's not- "
He thinks of a way to explain what they're doing when he notices there's something off...

He had been preoccupied with being punished for messing around with LWJ that he hadn't noticed the obvious bulge under LQR's sleeve!!!

He tries hard not to laugh out loud.
"Ah yes, Senior Lan. You see, I've been trying to taint your little nephew since we met." He says as he walks around the Jingshi, circling the table LQR's sitting next to.
"But you see, you really taught Lan Zhan well... He's been scaping from my grasp when I'm so close to
turning him into a troublemaker, just like me!"

He purposefully walks past LQR's funny-looking side, but still sees it trembles a little bit.

"But ah, that Lan Zhan. He can't get away from me!" And he lurches forward, taking LWJ out of his hiding spot.
"You can't escape from me Lan Zhan, you're mine!!" WWX says as he begins to attack LWJ's belly, tickling him nonstop.

Its the first time he's ever heard LWJ laugh out loud, and it's the most adorable sound he's ever heard.

As this happens, LXC arrives at the Jingshi,
surprised to see the weird turn of events.

"Well, well, what is going on in here?" LXC asks, clearly confused.

"We're playing hide and seek!" WWX says cheerfully, stopping his attack on LWJ, who manages to get away and hides behind LQR, a timid but genuine smile on his face.
"What do you say, Zewu-Jun, will you help me turn little Land Zhan into a troublemaker like me?" WWX asks, smirking at LWJ.

"I think a bit of fun could be good for him, yes." LXC says, teasingly as his little brother looks at him.

"Not under my watch." LQR says, seriously.
They all turn to look at LQR, thinking maybe this has gone too far, but then, he pulls LWJ closer and whispers something in his ear, and LWJ nods very seriously in return.

After a beat, LQR says, "Well? Why are you not counting?"

At this, WWX laughs out loud for a long time
until he's told to tone it down by LQR.

They play together all evening long, with LQR not moving from his place, but giving LWJ advice (no, that's not cheating), and WWX and LXC looking or hiding.

By the end of the day, LWJ falls asleep long before curfew, with a huge smile on
his face.

From his part, when WWX is back to his own room, he lays awake for a long time, happy with how the day went, but also not being able to shake the thought of LWJ smiling away.

What would grown-up LWJ's smile look like? Would WWX be able to make him smile?
Would he be able to make him laugh?

He wishes he can see it someday, if LWJ still wants him by his side.
(someone should take my phone away, i have to sleep!!!!

I hope this update wasn't too OOC haha, but I really wanted LQR to play games with them haha, so yeah...

But anyway, thanks for reading so far!

Linking top of thread 👇🏻and see you tomorrow!)

(aah sorry! I don't think there will be an update today :( I'm falling behind on two other things I must finish (mdsz mini bang and merzine) so I'll try to focus on those. But maybe tomorrow! Because I reaaally want to continue this!!!
Still, thanks so much for reading so far!💕)
(I'm baaack!!!! I basically died these past few days with homework and other stuff I had to do haha, oops!!! But let's get on with this shall we? We're almost at the end. Not sure how much longer this may be, but we'll see!)
"Wei Wuxian, you're spacing out again" JC scolds.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." WWX continues walking like nothing happened.

"What's wrong with you lately? It's like your mind's all over the place! Maybe you shouldn't be taking care of that child, I don't even know why you'd offer to help
Master Lan."

"Well, have you considered that maybe I just /want/ to?" WWX says.

"Ugh, whatever. As long as you're not putting our sect to shame it's fine, I guess."

"But really Wei Xiong, it seems like your mind is somewhere else lately. Are you sure you're ok?" NHS asks.
"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" WWX says, trying to sound convincing enough.

"I know what you're doing, and you have to stop it, Wei Wuxian." JC warns.

"What do you mean?!"

"You're worried about something, i know it!" JC exclaims.
"Listen, it's fine, I'm not- "

"Hey, out of the way shortie!" Someone says just in front of the group.

As the trio of friends round a corner on their way to the dinning hall, they see a Lan disciple pushing away a child, who trips on his robes and falls to the ground.
"Stupid Lan Zhan." SS mutters.

"HEY!" WWX calls out.

Full of rage, he surges forwards and punches the other disciple on the face, making him tumble backwards and falling down too.

"What the heck do you think you're doing?!" WWX asks, surprising himself by how angry he sounds.
The disciple tries to sit up. "What is it with you, huh? What do you care?"

"What do I care?!" WWX moves to take the front of his robes and pulling him forward. "Now you listen to me! Don't you ever dare put a single finger on this, or any other child, do you hear me?!"
"If you dare approach Lan Zhan again I swear you're going to regret it!"

"Wei Wuxian!" JC calls out, trying to calm his brother down.

"What is going on here?!" LQR asks, sounding furious.

"Master Lan..." WWX let's go of the disciples robes and stands back.
He sees LWJ move to hide behind LQR, holding onto his robes tightly and looking at WWX with clear worry.

LQR looks at LWJ, towards the disciple and lastly, to WWX.

He's furious, but with whom is still unclear.

"Wei Wuxian, you go kneel in the ancestral hall."
WWX is surprised, but still nods, without complaint.

"You two," He turns to JC and NHS "You'll tell me what happened here and Su She, you're also coming with me." He says as he picks SS up and pulls him along, leaving WWX behind.
He stays there for a moment, thinking back on what just happened, before he notices he's not alone.

LWJ is standing there, looking at him.

"Hey, Lan Zhan..." WWX says tentatively, kneeling down and opening his arms.

In an instant, LWJ is in his arms, hugging him tightly.
"I'm sorry." LWJ says.


"Gege will get in trouble because of me..." LWJ answers quietly.

"Hey, Lan Zhan listen to me." He pulls back to look him in the eyes. "I know what I did wasn't right, but I don't regret it, ok?"

LWJ looks at him skeptically.
"I'll get punished, so what? I promised I'd protect you no matter what, right?"

LWJ nods looking down full of guilt.

"Hey, look at me." He says as he puts a finger under LWJ's chin and tilts his head back up. "I'd accept punishment a thousand times if it means you'll be safe."
LWJ goes back into WWX's arms and cries in his arms.

As he caresses LWJ's back he looks up to find LXC standing there, looking at him with that knowing look of his.

After LWJ has calmed down, LXC takes him back to the Jingshi so WWX can go to the ancestral hall.
Once there, WWX reflects on many things.

It's true what JC and NHS were saying about his behavior lately. He can't help but feel worried about LZ, since it's been 15 days and there's still no sign of the spell wearing off.

And yet, this isn't the only thing on his mind.
These past few days, he's been thinking about what he feels for LWJ.

To be honest, he's been missing him like he'd no idea he could.

Sure, he's been with LWJ far more time than he'd ever imagined, but that's still not the LWJ he likes to tease and joke around with.
He's not the same LWJ he's been wanting to duel on a sparing session nor the one he wants to kidnap and take to visit Caiyi with.

He is LWJ, but not the one whose attention he's been craving for since they met on that start night, on top a rooftop under a full moon.
And even late at night, when he can't sleep and LWJ doesn't go to him because he's having a nightmare, he stays awake thinking about how much he's enjoying taking care of a child, and how nice it'd be to have one.
He thinks about what it'd be like to take care of a child with LWJ by his side, as a family.

He thinks and thinks and the more he does, the more he wants to see it, to live it.

They're still too young, not even ready to marry yet, much less adopt and take care of a child,
but WWX is sure he'd like to share his future with LWJ.

He's lost in thought again, not paying attention to anything around him, that he doesn't notice when someone joins him after an hour or so.

When he turns, he sees LQR kneeling beside him, completely silent.
"I..." WWX starts. "I'm sorry, Master."

They stay silent for a while before LQR says, "No."


"You're not sorry." LQR clarifies.

WWX is slightly stunned for a moment before he chuckles.

They spend a couple of minutes like that, in silence, until LQR says, "Let's go."
(Time for bed!!!
Hope this one didn't clash too much with the previous fluff hehe, I just wanted WWX to enter his overprotective mode and this happened 😅
There's one last update left ... Hopefully haha, but we're close to the end.
Thanks so much for reading so far!!! ✨)
(I'm back! Let's see how far I get before I feel sleepy)
They're both walking slowly, almost aimlessly (or at least that's what WWX thinks) on the outer areas surrounding the CR after leaving the ancestral hall.

WWX doesn't dare speak unless prompted, in hopes that LQR won't get angrier than he had earlier.
It's funny how things change in so little time.

Two weeks ago, WWX would've said and done anything to see how LQR would act, if he would make him copy rules, throw a scroll at him or make him leave the class again.

Now though... WWX feels like he wants to prove himself.
Prove himself that he can be better, that he can be one of the best disciples even if LQR's classes still bore him to death, that he can be one of the best cultivators out there.

... To prove that he can protect LWJ, no matter what. That he'd do anything to make sure he's safe.
Again, not that he needs it.

LWJ is a capable cultivator. One of the best from this generation, actually! So it's not like he'd even need WWX by his side once this spell is gone.

And still... WWX dares hope that maybe, just maybe, he can have a spot next to him, and if he ever
needs him, he'll be there in a second, ready to fight by his side and protect him from anything.
After a moment of silence, LQR finally speaks up.

"Violence in not the best approach to solving conflict, you know that." LQR says and WWX dares think he even sounds... Disappointed?

"I know, Master Lan. It wasn't right for me to do that." WWX says guilty,
but just as LQR had said in the ancestral hall, not regretting it either.

"Then, what happened?" LQR asks.

It takes a moment for WWX to reply, until he says, "I couldn't stand seeing Lan Zhan get hurt... When I saw that guy pushing a kid away, it had already made me furious,
"I mean, he's from the Lan Sect, so he should know better! It's written on the rules! But when I heard he knew it was Lan Zhan I just- I acted on impulse and took my anger out on him... But I just don't understand! How did he know?! No one has said anything, so either he has been
"spying on us, or he's the one who cursed Lan Zhan in the first place! It makes sense! Being from here, he'd know where to look for those spells in the library, and he's the one who had been looking weirdly at Lan Zhan that first day he came with us! I just don't understand why?"
"Wei Wuxian." LQR says, cutting him off effectively.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to rant... Or make accusations." WWX says apologetically.

LQR stays silent for a minute, looking at him even if WWX doesn't dare look up from the ground.

LQR sighs before saying,
"I did not want to tell you so you wouldn't be angered any more than you already are but, yes. Su She was the one who did it."

"Wait, really? How?" WWX asks.

"He admitted to it before me and the elders. We still don't know the reason." He stops walking and turns to WWX again,
"You should not get involved with him anymore. Xichen and I will be dealing with him accordingly." LQR says, clearly trying to hide how furious he is by all of this.

"Oh... Of course, Master Lan." WWX replies, suddenly afraid. He's never seen LQR this angry before, not even when
he talked about using resentful energy in class.

They resume their walk, quietly again, before LQR suddenly asks, changing the topic, "Wei Wuxian, why do you insist on calling Wangji by his birth name?"

WWX pauses for a moment, his cheeks heating up, before he admits,
"It... Started as a tease..." He admits, "I was trying to get him to look at me back then, but then... I guess it grew on me... Lan Zhan is a very pretty name after all." He pauses for a second again before quietly adding, "It fits him."

"Hm..." LQR thinks, stroking his beard.
"I'm surprised he reciprocated. Wangji had never called anyone by their birth name before, even as a child." He finishes.

"Is that so?" WWX suddenly feels too self conscious.


WWX doesn't know what to say, so he doesn't say anything else.
"Ha cares for you." LQR adds too seriously.

"W- what?" WWX asks, surprised and skeptical.

"You heard me."

"Oh..." And WWX still doesn't know what to say.

"Which is why I expect you not to mess around and play with his feelings anymore, do you understand?"
"I'd never do that!" WWX says loudly.

He freezes for a moment when LQR stops walking and looks at him, an eyebrow raised but otherwise with a blank expression.

"I- Master Lan, I know I've come cross as a tease, and that I like joking around and getting reactions out of LWJ
because he's just a stoic stick in the mud."

At this LQR's eyebrow lifts a little bit higher.

"But I promise that back then, when I said I was Lan Zhan's friend, I meant it! And I know Lan Zhan doesn't feel the same way about me,
"and he's in his right to do so after I've been doing everything to make him hate me. But... Lan Zhan is very important to me."

He stops for a moment to collect his thought before he continues, "I feel silly for only seeing it now that he's not even himself, but... I miss him."
"Silly, right? He's here, he's safe and I've spent more time next to him than I could ask for. I've seen him laugh and cry, I've held him in my arms and played games with him and I still can't help but miss him!"

He breathes for a moment before finally adding,
"I'm just afraid that once he's back, he won't want me by his side anymore... And yet, I still want to see him again. The Lan Zhan I know, miss and- "

/And fell in love with/ he almost says.

After a beat of silence, he dares look up at LQR, who's already looking at him,
A hand behind his back, the other still stroking his beard, and eyes too knowing, almost like those of LXC.

LQR looks at him for a little bit longer, before he nods slowly.

"Wangji doesn't hate you." He says in the end,
"And once he's back to normal, I hope you will tell him what you just told me. He deserves to know."

"I- I dont-" WWX stutters.

"Will you tell him?"

"I... Yes, I will." WWX says, insecure.

"Good."QR says before he starts walking towards Jingshi, as WWX follows.
(Again, added more to this than intended mcbsks. But still not done yet!!!
I want to sleep now though so... Bye!)

(Top of thread again just in case hehe 👇🏻✨)
(who's ready for the finale? ✧\(>o<)ノ✧ let's see if I can make it until the end or if I'll make this longer again and fall asleep in the process hehe)
Once they reach the Jingshi, LQR and WWR re welcomed by the sight of LXC hugging his little brother close in the Jingshi's stairs, telling him a sorry and playing with some toys.

As soon as they come closer, LWJ lifts his gaze and looks between WWX and LQR, clearly concerned.
When he doesn't see any trace of anger on LQR or distress on WWX's expressions, he visibly relaxes and tentatively smiles at them.

WWX can't help but return the smile with one of his own.

"Welcome" LXC says as he stands up to properly greet them, "Is everything alright, uncle?"
"Yes. I shall tell you later." LQR replies, clearly less agitated than before.

"Very well then." LXC takes LWJ and they all enter the Jingshi. They play games again, draw and entertain LWJ while LQR does his own work.

Throughout the evening, the atmosphere becomes lighter,

They have dinner together and though no one says a word, they all know they're having a good time together.

WWX feels welcome, like he could belong here.

Once they're done and LXC and WWX are about to leave to their own quarters, LWJ holds WWX's sleeve and says,
"Can Gege stay?"

It's the first time he's been asked to stay in front of LWJ's family, so he looks up, nervous, to look at the other two.

LQR nods slowly and LXC smiles.

"I'll come back once you're done bathing, ok? So I can wash off myself too." WWX offers.
LWJ nods, pleased, and let's go of his sleeve.

Once LQR is done helping LWJ bathe and WWX is back to the Jingshi, just as promised, LQR leaves, only saying, "I leave him to your care."

And after hearing this, knowing that LQR trusts him enough to take care of LWJ,
it makes him impossibly happy.

After he's gone, WWX turns to find LWJ sitting on his bed, looking at him expectantly.

"Say Lan Zhan, would you like for me to brush your hair?" He says, still grinning.

LWJ, with as much seriousness as a baby can express, nods while
holding out a brush to him.

WWX takes it and moves to sit on the bed, behind LWJ.

He brushes his short hair carefully, making sure to untie nots (not that he has many), before he starts braiding it.

"Wei Gege?" LWJ suddenly asks.

"Yes Zhan Zhan?"
"Do you want to have kids when you're older?" He asks curiously.

WWX sputters for a moment before collecting himself and replying, "Yeah, I think I would like that."

("If I can take care of them with you, if you ever go back to normal" he thinks.)

"Why do you ask?"
"Mn. I think Wei Gege would be a good dad. You're very good with me." LWJ says, still as serious as ever.

It makes WWX smile even more though. If LWJ thinks this, then it must be true.

He finishes braiding LWJ's hair and just as he thinks that LWJ will want to go to sleep,
LWJ turns and asks, "Can I do Wei Gege's hair too?"

He's so cute it hurts so much. How can WWX ever say no to him?

"Of course." WWX says.

LWJ moves to stand behind him and just like that, he brushes WWX's damp hair.

He shouldn't be thinking about this, but WWX can't help but
imagine what it'd be like if he were to do this with the older LWJ, how his long fingers would feel running through his hair, with how much care he'd do it, and if he'd talk about something or maybe even sing.

Does LWJ know how to sing? WWX thinks he must. With that voice, he'd
be great, as with everything else he does.

Still, he likes spending time with baby LWJ too. He likes how his tiny fingers wrap around his much bigger ones, how his little head hides in the curve of his neck, and the sound of his laughter.

He'll cherish these moments because,
After all, he doesn't know if these will be the last he'll be able to spend this close to LWJ.

"I'm done." LWJ says after a while.

And, huh. He braided it too? A bit lopsided, but neat.

"Wow Lan Zhan! Who taught you how to braid hair?" WWX asks, genuinely impressed.
"My mom." He says quietly.

"Oh." WWX doesn't know what to say. "Well, you're pretty much an expert, you're amazing, you should braid yours more often too! She'd be happy if you did."

LWJ's eyes shine, pleased with himself. He nods before putting the brush away and preparing
to get into bed.

WWX helps him and makes sure he's fully covered before lighting off the candles and getting in bed too.

LWJ moves closer and hugs him.

"I wish Wei Gege could stay with me forever." LWJ says silently, in the dark.

WWX, after overthinking things,
coming to terms with his feelings and being conflicted between wanting LWJ back but not wanting this to end, feels his eyes welling up.

"I will be with Lan Zhan for as long as he wants me to." He says.

"Never go then." LWJ whispers back.

Soon after, LWJ falls asleep while
stays awake for a long time.

He pats LWJ's head and feels the rise and fall of his little chest pressed against his.

He then falls asleep like this, well past curfew.

"Wei Ying." WWX hears in his dreams.

He smiles and moves closer to the soft pillow he's hugging, rubbing his cheek against it before softly saying "Lan Zhan" and start snoring softly again.

He feels the pillow freeze in his dreams, before he's shaken softly.
"Wei Ying." That deep and melodic voice calls out again, a bit desperately.

WWX feels himself coming back to his senses, thinking this is a very strange dream.

He moves to hold the pillow even closer when suddenly, he remembers he's not supposed to be hugging a pillow, but a

His eyes snap open in a second and the first thing he sees are those light colored eyes looking up at him, except there's nothing left of the baby with chubby cheeks and large eyes, only the features of a teenager with high cheekbones and sharp jawline.
WWX can't be blamed if he takes a little longer to process things, considering it's 5 in the morning and it's been 16 days since LWJ became a baby.

WWX looks at him longer, trying to see if he's dreaming LWJ like this: in his arms, his head pressed against his chest
and his arms around his waist, before simple saying, "Lan Zhan?"

"Wei Ying." He answers, and sure enough, that's the voice he hasn't heard in more than two weeks.

It startles him so much he pushes himself back and falls from the bed, landing on his butt.
"Wei Ying! Are you ok?" LWJ asks concerned.

"I- Yeah, I'm fine. Just surprised."

"Mn." LWJ moves to sit properly, offering a hand for WWX to help him get up.

WWX hesitates before taking it, getting up and sitting on the edge of the bed, trying to give LWJ space.
"You're back..." WWX says. Stupidly, he thinks.

"Mn." LWJ looks down at his hands, nervous.

"When did you get back to normal?"

"I am not sure. I just noticed."

"Right..." WWX says, unsure of what to say or do.
They both stay quiet for a while, awkwardly, before WWX asks, "What... Do you remember? About these last few days?"

" I remember... Everything." LWJ says.

Suddenly, WWX feels anxious about this. Will LWJ feel obligated to spend time with him or tolerate him as thanks
for helping? Will he now feel too awkward around him after everything that happened that he won't want to be close to him ever again?

WWX is so afraid any of this might happen he feels slightly sick.

"Wei Ying?" LWJ calls.
"Y- yeah?" He answers.

"About what I've said these past few days..."

("Oh no, here we go." WWX thinks.)

"I..." LWJ hesitates, " I don't want you to feel forced to be with me because I said so."


"I- " LWJ stutters.

He's never seen LWJ this nervous before, or having trouble expressing himself.

"What I said last night... I don't want you to feel like you owe me that because I asked."


"But..." WWX starts, "You meant it? As in, even now, you'd want that?"
LWJ looks down again, not meeting his eyes.

"You'd want me to be with you?" He asks without even trying to hide how hopeful he feels.

LWJ from his part, still not looking up, nods, his ears turning red.

And even now, when LWJ looks the same age as himself, WWX can't help but
think he's still the cutest person he's ever met.

So, without being able to contain himself, he tackles LWJ back into the bed and starts kissing him all over his face: his cheeks, his temples, his nose, his eyelids, his jaw... And he laughs as he does this too.
He laughs, feeling giddy and nervous at the same time, but unable to stop himself.

He laughs until he feels his eyes well up; until he feels his cheeks hurt from how wide his smile is.

"I missed you Lan Zhan!" WWX says, "I didn't know I could miss you this much, but I did!"
"I'll still miss the baby you who'd let me hug you while you napped and play hide and seek with me, but you don't know how happy I am to have you back!" He says as he hugs LWJ.

LWJ from his part, is still as a rock, not daring to move until, little by little, he starts to relax,
tentatively moving his hands to WWX's waist and then holding him closer.

"We could..." LWJ starts but cuts himself off.

"What?" WWX asks.

LWJ shakes his head, unwilling to finish the thought.

"Lan Zhan..." WWX teases as he moves his hand towards LWJ's waist,
knowing fully well he's ticklish.

"What did you want to say?" He insists, feeling LWJ freeze under him and his hold on his waist tighten slightly.



"I thought we could... Still do that."


"Play hide and seek..." LWJ stops for a moment, the blush from
his ears reaching his cheeks.

"Hugging while napping..." LWJ finishes, closing his eyes tightly and hiding his face in WWX's neck.

"AH LAN ZHAN?!" WWX exclaims full of excitement, "How bold of you!!!"

"Wei Ying!" LWJ scolds, distressed.

"Wait, wait, Lan Zhan, look at me!"
And LWJ does.

"Do you mean that? You..." He stops for a moment to breathe, to calm himself down a bit, "You really want to spend more time with me?" And again, he can't hide the tinge of insecurity he feels.

LWJ, from his part, smiles at him and pulls him back in his arms.
WWX thought he'd miss hugging baby LWJ, but now that LWJ is hugging him close like this, he thinks he could get used to this too.

"Of course, Wei Ying. What I said last night, about me liking you, I meant it."

WWX gasps.

"Of course," LWJ continues. "It meant something else
last night, but it is true."

"And what does it mean now?" WWX asks, whispering.

"It means..." LWJ starts, "That I still want to be with you. Forever."

"Lan Zhan..." and he can't help it anymore.

WWX moves forward and kisses LWJ in the only place he didn't kiss earlier:
His soft lips.

It's clumsy and a bit messy. They're clearly both inexperienced, but they love it all the same.

When they part to breathe, WWX says, "Lan Zhan, I want to have kids when we're older. I want to adopt as many as possible and take care of them with you,
in a cottage built by us... Is that weird?"

LWJ smiles at him, and WWX forgets how to breathe again.

"If Wei Ying is weird for wanting that, then I am weird too, because I think it would be perfect." LWJ says and WWX can't help but kiss him again.
They stay like that for a long time, cuddling and kissing tenderly, completely forgetting about the world, until LQR arrives at the Jingshi.

They don't even notice until he clears his throat and both pull away quickly, trying to compose themselves as much as possible.
LQR looks between them and sighs.

"I expect you to behave yourselves now that it has come to this." LQR says before looking at WWX, "I left him in your care, and I hope you won't abuse that trust."

WWX blushes and smiles, "I promise I won't, Master Lan!"

"Mn..." LQR thinks.
"If you both agree, I shall speak with Sect Leader Jiang about this."

"Yes!" Both LWJ and WWX say in an instant.

"Well then." LQR turns to walk away. "Get ready for class and, Wei Wuxian, you will copy the rules one more time."

WWX is stunned for a moment before
laughing out loud.

If he is to marry into the Lan Sect, he should know the rules... Fair enough.

(Wuuuu, we made it till the end!!!!

I should reaaally go to sleep now haha but, quick note!

You all know LWJ will tease WWX by calling him Gege (._.

But anyway! Thank you so much for reading!!!

I had so much fun working on this, even if it was a bit messy at times.)
(I loved reading your comments and seeing that you were enjoying this just as much as I was! So really, thank you for reading, liking the tweets and commenting!

I'll try writing threadfics more often, it's super fun!

But anyway, good night!
Back to top!
(also, forgot to mention, but I think I'll eventually clean this up for AO3 ^-^ ✨ just to fix some ideas and pacing, so yeah... Wuuuu!!!

Ok, bye bye now!)

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More from @MusicMe_tc

Feb 14, 2023
LWJ has been receiveing small gifts for almost two months, and he doesn't know what to make of this.

The first time, he found a bunch of strawberries on his work desk, he thought he might've left them there the previous night and forgot
(which is strange, since he thinks his memory is good).

The second time, it was a single rose. He thought a crow or some bird brought it by accident.

The fifth time, it was a tiny hat for his cat Bichen, which had bunny ears on the top and a little blue bow on one of them.
The thirteenth time, it was a drawing of him working on potions. That one seemed like it was drawn somewhat recently.

Today, it's a small bouquet consisting of three peonies tied together with a bright red ribbon.

LWJ thinks it's cute.
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Feb 7, 2023
You know? For the past couple of days since I read this, I kept thinking about this thread and I believe it pin points exactly what made MDZS elevate my standards for romance, what I struggled to put into words, and why romance in film/shows feels bland in comparison to me.
Because, ok, in these past few weeks, I've re watched a couple of movies that help me compare this to what the OP says in the thread.

The first example is HTTYD.
I love that movie, I really do, but when I watched it two weeks ago, there was a certain detail that felt off to me,
and it was the Hiccup/Astrid "subplot" because while yeah... It's not super developed and it's not supposed to be the center of attention, I think what makes me go :/ is how Hiccup says in the begging "killing (X) dragon would definitely get me a girlfriend",
Read 16 tweets
Jan 23, 2023
LWJ is currently at a dream version of the forest on the back of the Cloud Recesses.

How does he know this is a dream?

Because WWX is there, peeking from behind one of the trees, looking at him as though he's surprised he's there.

But that's not right...

WWX left the Cloud Recesses a little over a year ago, after his fight with JZX so there's no reason why he'd be in Gusu.

But there he is anyway, looking at the bunnies surrounding LWJ as he keeps them company with so much awe that it makes LWJ's heart skip a beat.
LWJ looks back at WWX, taking in the sight of this dream's version of him: wearing his sect's purple robes, unlike the white ones he'd been wearing during his stay in Gusu, his red ribbon and those bright eyes that shine under the sunlight.

LWJ really missed the sight of him.
Read 137 tweets
Jan 3, 2023
WY has been acting strange all night, but it can't be because of the mistletoes... right?

It's a bit silly to think about it like that, but LZ has noticed that, with every mistletoe he puts away, WY seems to get... Nervous? Sad?? Upset???
And it's not because LZ is doing it to bother WY, but he's... Afraid. He doesn't want to be under the mistletoe at a party with so many people around, with who knows who, and at the same time, he also doesn't want WY to kiss someone else...
It's selfish, yes... For WY and for everyone else in the party, but LZ has noticed this strange atmosphere surrounding his roommate and him when they're both alone. He has noticed the way WY looks at him from across the room and looks away as quickly as possible when caught.
Read 30 tweets
Dec 16, 2022
"He loves me, he loves me not.
He loves me, he loves me not.
He loves me...
He loves me not."

LZ sighs as he looks at the last petal, reminding him of what he can't have.
He knows this is ridiculous, to have a flower decide what another person feels about him, but... it gives him a bit of hope. The first time he tried, he didn't think to much about it, but he had gotten a good result, and it made him feel... Like there was a tiny chance.
He felt like it was possible that the man with the brightest smile in the world could feel something for someone like him.

He hasn't gotten that same result again, and yet, he still tries.

He doesn't cheat nor counts the petals beforehand.
Read 29 tweets
Dec 16, 2022
500 followers giveaway! ✨

As promised, here it is!
Two winners! One for a ("short") fanfic and one threadfic!

To enter:
Like + rt

Ends Sunday 18th ✨

More rules below!!! 👇🏻
(Pls read them before entering!) Image
Important details!:

I don't do: NSFW, omegaverse, pregnancy, break ups, cheating, etc.

Can do: gender/cis swap, angst with happy endings, main ships only with e/o

For ships preferably only WangXian, BingQiu or HuaLian ^-^ ✨
This is only open to current followers though, because I don't like when people only follow to get something and leave if they don't get it (._.
(You can still follow if you like what I do ofc!!)

Also, please be patient, since there's many things I still want/have to do,
Read 6 tweets

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