Lena✨ Profile picture
Fan Artist and advocate for Acespec WangXian & HuaLian 🖤🩶 🤍 💜 | stuck in MXTX hell since 2018 | 🇲🇽 | She/her | +20 | Back to my HuaLian brainrot era ah!
Feb 14, 2023 131 tweets 23 min read
LWJ has been receiveing small gifts for almost two months, and he doesn't know what to make of this.

The first time, he found a bunch of strawberries on his work desk, he thought he might've left them there the previous night and forgot (which is strange, since he thinks his memory is good).

The second time, it was a single rose. He thought a crow or some bird brought it by accident.

The fifth time, it was a tiny hat for his cat Bichen, which had bunny ears on the top and a little blue bow on one of them.
Feb 7, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
You know? For the past couple of days since I read this, I kept thinking about this thread and I believe it pin points exactly what made MDZS elevate my standards for romance, what I struggled to put into words, and why romance in film/shows feels bland in comparison to me. Because, ok, in these past few weeks, I've re watched a couple of movies that help me compare this to what the OP says in the thread.

The first example is HTTYD.
I love that movie, I really do, but when I watched it two weeks ago, there was a certain detail that felt off to me,
Jan 23, 2023 137 tweets 25 min read
LWJ is currently at a dream version of the forest on the back of the Cloud Recesses.

How does he know this is a dream?

Because WWX is there, peeking from behind one of the trees, looking at him as though he's surprised he's there.

But that's not right...

#蓝忘机0123生日快乐 WWX left the Cloud Recesses a little over a year ago, after his fight with JZX so there's no reason why he'd be in Gusu.

But there he is anyway, looking at the bunnies surrounding LWJ as he keeps them company with so much awe that it makes LWJ's heart skip a beat.
Jan 3, 2023 30 tweets 6 min read
WY has been acting strange all night, but it can't be because of the mistletoes... right?

It's a bit silly to think about it like that, but LZ has noticed that, with every mistletoe he puts away, WY seems to get... Nervous? Sad?? Upset??? And it's not because LZ is doing it to bother WY, but he's... Afraid. He doesn't want to be under the mistletoe at a party with so many people around, with who knows who, and at the same time, he also doesn't want WY to kiss someone else...
Dec 16, 2022 29 tweets 6 min read
"He loves me, he loves me not.
He loves me, he loves me not.
He loves me...
He loves me not."

LZ sighs as he looks at the last petal, reminding him of what he can't have. He knows this is ridiculous, to have a flower decide what another person feels about him, but... it gives him a bit of hope. The first time he tried, he didn't think to much about it, but he had gotten a good result, and it made him feel... Like there was a tiny chance.
Dec 16, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
500 followers giveaway! ✨

As promised, here it is!
Two winners! One for a ("short") fanfic and one threadfic!

To enter:
Like + rt

Ends Sunday 18th ✨

More rules below!!! 👇🏻
(Pls read them before entering!) Image Important details!:

I don't do: NSFW, omegaverse, pregnancy, break ups, cheating, etc.

Can do: gender/cis swap, angst with happy endings, main ships only with e/o

For ships preferably only WangXian, BingQiu or HuaLian ^-^ ✨
Dec 15, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
✨ P4P Project Updates ✨ Image The products have been sent for production!! ✧⁠\⁠(⁠>⁠o⁠<⁠)⁠ノ⁠✧
(Since last night, actually hehe) Image
Nov 22, 2022 87 tweets 16 min read
Since class is over and I still have to wait 2 hours for my bro to leave his, I'll try to WangXian-ify my own experience with wisdom teeth removals 👀

WWX is getting his wisdom teeth removed soon, but he's afraid the anaesthesia will make him confess to his bff by accident! And he's seen it!!! So many videos on YouTube about people being sooooo high after the surgery they say all kinds of things!!!

And sure, WWX may say some pretty random stuff all the time, especially when he's with his bff, but he can't risk having his feelings known!
Nov 19, 2022 35 tweets 7 min read
"Lan Zhan?"

Oh no... Why is he here? What does he want? He can't - Not here... Why? WHY?

"Hey, Lan Zhan! We haven't seen you in class for a while, are you- Lan Zhan, are you ok?"

This makes LWJ stop. What did WWX see in him that made him instantly realize something was wrong? Does he really know him that well?

No... That can't be it. He must be teasing, he must be...

"Hey." WWX greets as he sits next to him on the grass, his hand hovering close but not touching. LWJ doesn't know if he's grateful for that or...
Nov 18, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
One poke, and he eats the pocky.
Another poke, and he still doesn't lift his eyes from the screen, but takes the pocky.

It's been like this for a while now. 5 Pockys to be exact, and LZ still won't look at WY.

Can he blame him though? At least LZ is working on his projects with many days in advance, and while WY still has time, he too should work on his own homework.

After all, that was the idea of coming to the library in the first place, so WY wouldn't get distracted.

But it's so much fun though!!!
Nov 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Welp... Good night everyone! I'm going to bed!

Hopefully this app can still run longer, but if anything happens, I want y'all to know that I'm so grateful to have had the chance to be in this fandom. These past 4 years of creating MXTX content were the most fun I've had, And each and every single one of your works, either art or fanfics, always made me happy during the pandemic and when I left home for the first time for college just after that.

So thanks everyone for the amazing friends I made here, and hope this isn't the end.
Nov 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read

I'm coming here once more to share my alternate social media ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ

My ig is @ elenadb_ig
And my Tumblr is musicme-tc
at.tumblr.com/musicme-tc/mdj… And like I've said, if (when) this app d-words, and you've been checking up on my p4p project, I'll share all updates through email and on my Tumblr 👆🏻

If you'd like to be added to the email list, you can dm it to me without a problem!!

Nov 18, 2022 39 tweets 8 min read
"Don't you think his butt looks nice?" NHS asks WY out of nowhere.

"Excuse me, what?!"

"That player's butt." NHS continues as he points towards a player training on the basketball court. "I mean, he's not very good looking, but that bubble butt is impossible to miss." WY turns to the player NHS is talking about but is genuinely confused. Sure, that's a prominent butt, but why in the world would NHS look at someone's butt???

"Huaisang... I'm super confused right now. What are you talking about?" WY says.
Nov 15, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I've reached 400+ follows!!! 😭💕✨
Thank you all so much!!!

And for that, I shall do the thread fic/doodle requests I promised to do back when I got to 300 🫥 (in my defense, I was a bit busy hehe)

So comment below your prompts and what you'd prefer (mini fic or doodle)! 💕 Image Some rules first!
- I don't do NSFW, mpreg, abo, break ups, etc.
- I'll try to do most of the prompts, but I can't promise to do all of them :(
- I mostly write WangXian stuff, but I can try with HuaLian or BingQiu too 🥰
Nov 15, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
Hello everyone!
I wanted to make a small thread with the results of my interest check and some very important announcements about this project!

So, here we go! The forms' results:
Oct 31, 2022 57 tweets 11 min read
WWX feels like a clown...

Sure, he may be dressed as a clown, (a /scary/ clown), but he didn't expect to feel like one after seeing everyone in this party wearing matching costumes by pairs, as if it was planned...

#mxtxtober22 day 31
#Xiantober He goes to greet his friends and asks them what's up, and it turns out that pretty much everyone chose customs by pairs: JC and NHS, JYL and JZX, WQ and WN, LH and NMJ...

Each pair agreed to choose the same theme to dress up as, but WWX didn't know, so he doesn't have a partner,
Oct 21, 2022 16 tweets 4 min read

"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan!"

LZ looks up from the butterfly he's currently working on to gift to his mother when he's back home. He may look too serious for a toddler, but his eyes instantly light up at the sight of his best friend. "Wei Ying." Joy clear in his voice.

"Lan Zhan look!" WY says as he plops himself on the chair next to LZ's and holds out his tiny hand. In it, there's a flower that LZ has seen a couple of times but doesn't know it's name.
Oct 11, 2022 21 tweets 4 min read
Someone is kissing WWX.

They seem... Desperate, judging by the way they hold his wrists to keep him from moving and found the exact moment he was wearing a blindfold while having his guard down to make a move.

(#mxtxtober Day 10: kiss) It takes a moment too long for him to process the situation, being too overwhelmed by the feeling of those (soft) lips pressed gently and shyly against his. He can't deny it feels nice, comforting, but who is the person? And why does he not feel like he wants them to stop?
Sep 5, 2022 117 tweets 20 min read
Since I'll be stuck in the library for the foreseeable future, I'll try to kill time by maybe writing a bit, so let me offer you:

Modern WangXian AU where LWJ and WWX meet at the library and fall in love through the course of their college freshman year U_U ✨ LWJ likes working there because of the silence and there's not many people.

WWX likes to nap there... because of the silence and there's not many people.
Aug 15, 2022 215 tweets >60 min read
So... I wasn't really planning on doing this because I'm busy with homework and hadn't thought of participating, but I just thought about this idea again and now I want to add a bit to this for #WwxLqrWeek

So, buckle up because I'm not sure of my threadficing (?) abilities 😳 Day 1: Reluctant allies (and maybe day 2: curses)

LWJ is three years old.
Well, he's actually 16, but is now stuck in a 3 year-old body.

No one knows how this happened, not LQR nor LXC, but it came out of nowhere. One day, he just didn't show up to class.