1️⃣Agreed✅: “The most important element of connection is the ability to connect at all.” Telemedicine can ⬆️ access.
2️⃣Telemedicine may actually be the “bedrock” of care for certain specialties or types of care.
It’s 2022. Let’s leverage 2022 technology.
3️⃣Incentives matter. If payers reward value, then ultimately it’s the outcome that matters; not the medium used to communicate.
Care redesign that improves population health won’t occur in a fee-for-service system.
The pandemic dragged medicine into the future.
We must focus on the ideal care model - depending on the population/patient - given the tools at our disposal.
This reminder is critical now because between outbreaks, when social conditions feel stable and a risk does not appear imminent, convincing our leaders to invest in preparedness can be difficult.