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Aug 21, 2022 159 tweets 30 min read Read on X
#iwaoi s/ugar d/addies #tsukki s/ugar b/aby

The last few months Tsukishima knew his train was hurtling towards a cliff with no tracks. He had given up his sports scholarship to sign with the frogs, figured he could use the pay from the v league partnered with his pay from the
Part time job he had at the cafe at the museum to cover the loss. Balancing school, work, and volleyball? Check, done and over with. He’s been doing it since high school, easy peasy. Sure he didn’t have much of a social life but who would he see besides yamaguchi and yachi
Regularly anyways. The first shaking in his foundation that hinted at the eventual derailing was when the museum offered him an internship. There would be no pay, but they were willing to work with his volleyball schedule. He sat down, crunched numbers and schedules, and as long
As he gave up a couple of splurges(meals. He meant meals.) and worked at least 10 hours at the cafe a week, he could make it work. He would make it work.

It was a Wednesday night when his poor train finally lost control.

Wednesdays were his least favorite day of the week. He
Would take 10 mondays over a Wednesday. Classes from 8-1130, a quick snack for lunch as he headed to the museum from 12-4 for the internship, another class from 5-630, and then practice from 7- whenever his coaches deemed them done. This particular Wednesday was extra awful,
Midnight was a deadline for a paper he had been working on for weeks. He was thankfully done, just needed a quick final revision and then he could submit it. Practice runs long, and by the time he gets back to the locker room it’s already 1030. The walk back to his dorm takes
About half an hour, and he doesn’t want to risk it so he pulls out his shitty laptop to submit the paper using the frogs wifi as the rest of the team hits the showers. He hits the power button and nothing happens. Weird. Maybe the battery is dead. He plugs it in and still,
Nothing. Shit. Okay, problem solving, the paper is saved on his Google docs, if he skips the shower and jogs he can make it to the library and submit it. He might not be able to comb over it, but anything is better than a non submission. He throws his stuff in his bag, shouts a
Goodbye and takes off. He’s at the library by 11:10, sweaty but sacrifices must be made. He hurries to the computer lab to see more than half of the computers with out of order signs as the technician is fiddling around with them. Something about updates. The only computers
Working are taken. The people working on them swear they’ll be done shortly, but are working to beat their own deadlines and won’t let him bump in. His heart is slowly sinking as he sits on the floor to claim next in line and pulls out his phone to check the time. It’s 11:55 by
The time he gets to log in to a desk and he is on the verge of a panic attack. This paper counts for such a big portion of his grade and he cannot afford losing the remaining scholarship he has for grades. The seconds are ticking down and he doesn’t press submit until 1201. He
Shoots off a quick email to his professor, explaining the situation and asking for a one time exception to the 12 on the dot time. He notes his previous papers scores and early submissions, and tries to quell the beating of his heart and the shaking of his hands. He hears the
Screeching of the brakes on his train as he gets the reply that no, the professor will not make an exception. That if Tsukishima cared about his grades and couldn’t handle the work, he wouldn’t have taken up semi-pro volleyball. Tsukishima feels numb. He tries to do the math, to
Figure out if he will still be able to hit his required gpa but his head is filled with static. He’s so tired, was it even worth it? He doesn’t remember moving his breakdown to a bench outside, but he does blink back into focus as he hears a stranger ask him if he’s alright. He
Realizes he’s in public, full on hyperventilating and sobbing but can’t find it in himself to care.

‘Do I look alright?’ He snaps back, trying to gain control of his breathing.

‘Iwa-chan, do something!’ The stranger whispers.

‘Like what??’ He hears a second voice whisper
Back, before some shuffling as someone broad kneels in front of him. ‘Hey, it’s okay. Take deep breaths with me.’ This must be the second stranger. Surprisingly, the strangers deep voice telling him to breathe in and out help ground him and he slowly comes down.

‘Do you want to
Talk about it?’ The first stranger asks as he sits on the bench next to Tsukishima.

‘Pfft, yeah let me just rant to two complete strangers how my shitty laptop died and my ass of a professor won’t take a one minute late paper and now I’m going to flunk out of his class and lose
My other scholarship and end up living on the streets all cause I tried to do too much and couldn’t handle it,’ he feels himself getting worked up again as the panic digs in.

‘Oh good idea shittykawa, look what you’ve done’ the second stranger hisses. The dots in tsukishima’s
Brain connect, ‘iwa-chan’ ‘shittykawa’ no. It cannot be. His head jerks up and he sees gold medal winning volleyball player oikawa tooru and japans national team’s athletic trainer iwaizumi hajime sitting around him.

‘What the fuck?’ He tries to remember hitting his head, maybe
This whole day has been a daydream. A day nightmare.

‘A-ha! See, I told you that was him!’ Oikawa says, sticking his tongue out at iwaizumi. ‘You’re tsukishima Kei right? Middle blocker for the sendai frogs? You’re good, you could be division one.’

‘Tooru, he literally just
Stopped freaking out, will you shut up about volleyball for two seconds?’

‘Rude iwa-chan!’ Tsukishima must be hallucinating. There is no way these two men know who he is. They’re both volleyball legends, people he used to watch play when he was younger. Oh god, not only do they
Know who he is, they just watched him have a full on breakdown on a bench. His face is probably all splotchy like it gets when he cries and where are his glasses even at?

‘Why are you at my college?’ He blurts out.

‘Oh, this and that. Had a meeting with an old friend of ours.
This professor of yours, who wouldn’t take your paper. What’s his name?’ Oikawa asks, examining his nails.

Tsukishima pulls out his phone to show them the harshly worded email from the professor and watches as both of their eyes darken.

‘Hard ass, he’s just mad because he
Didn’t get any pro offers,’ iwaizumi states, finally standing up from his kneeling position.

‘He went to school with us back in the day. Don’t worry, we’ll have a word.’ Oikawa’s face shifts back into his normal cheery face he uses in interviews. ‘Now, tsukki-chan, it’s late.
You can crash with us tonight so you don’t have to go back to your dorm.’ He throws his arm over Tsukishima’s shoulders after iwaizumi pulls them to their feet.

‘I. My dorm is like five minutes that way?’

‘Now, now. Nothing beats a good nights rest in an actual bed, not those
More coming later !! Taking a break to be an adult !!!
‘Cots they call a dorm bed.’ His arm is still around Tsukishima as he guides him to the parking lot. ‘And we have a shower you don’t have to share with everyone else in the building.’

Tsukishima cringes as he remembers his skipped shower. ‘Thank you for the offer, but I don’t
Even really know you, I couldn’t possibly impose.’

‘It’s no trouble at all.’ Iwaizumi reassures as they reach their car.

‘Besides, we’re not total strangers. We can text your friend, kageyama, let him know where you are if you’re worried about it.’

‘He is NOT my friend.’
Despite the protests, Tsukishima gets in the backseat of their car and an hour later finds himself freshly showered and staring at the worlds softest looking bed.

‘Here. You can use my charger for your phone.’ Iwaizumi is helping him get settled in the guest room. ‘What time do
You need to be back at school by? I have to leave early but I’ll make sure oikawa is up to give you a ride back to campus.’

‘My first class is at 9.’

‘Okay. Set your alarm for 8, I’ll have breakfast ready. Goodnight Tsukishima-kun.’

He’s convinced that he is not going to be
Able to fall asleep, but the second his head hits the pillow he is out. He wakes up as his alarm is going off to find his clothes from yesterday that had been shoved in his gym bag freshly laundered, and after a quick breakfast with oikawa, they head back to the campus. Oikawa
Must sense that Tsukishima is nervous about his first class being with the professor who rejected his paper, because he keeps the conversation light. As he pulls up to the sidewalk, he puts the car in park.

‘I don’t know how to say thank you for last night oikawa-san.’

Don’t. We didn’t do much anyways,’ oikawa waves off his protests and wishes him good luck.

Outside of his classroom, Tsukishima stalls. He really does not want to go in there and see his professor, but he knows he cannot afford a mark on his attendance, not after last night.
He slides into a seat in the back row a few minutes before the professor shows up and spends the lecture waiting for some kind of public call out about missing deadlines. It doesn’t come, but at the end of the class, the teacher asks for him to stay behind. At least my
Humiliation will be a private affair, he consoles himself. His professor turns to him as the room clears out.

‘Tsukishima. It has come to my attention that my actions last night were unfair. My advice to you did not come from a place of concern, and for that I apologize. You
Are one of the best students in this class, and you clearly have more on your plate than half of the other students put together. I looked over your paper last night and I will make a one time exception for the late submission. Please, if you are struggling in the future, do not
Hold this interaction against me. I will help you whenever it is needed.’ Tsukishima is almost stunned into silence. He stammers out a thank you, and starts back to his dorm in a daze. Halfway back to the dorm he vaguely recalls the promise from oikawa to talk to his professor
But shakes it off. There’s no way the two are connected. Thursdays schedule leaves two hours between his morning class and his shift at the museum that is normally spent studying, but he decides to call yamaguchi to discuss the fever dream of the last 24 hours. He pauses in
Relaying how soft the bed at oikawa and iwaizumi’s place was to say greet his roommate who is on his way out.

‘There’s a package on your desk,’ his roommate mouths, waving goodbye. Must be another care package from akiteru. He grabs scissors and starts to open it.

‘Wait, so
You stayed the night with Oikawa Tooru and Iwaizumi Hajime and you didn’t even let them rail you?? Tsukki, I’m disappointed in you!’

‘I was literally having a crisis yamaguchi. I was crying. In public. They were absolutely not looking for a hookup, they probably just..’ he
Trails off as he gets the package open to see a brand new laptop with a note taped on it.

‘Thanks for the company at breakfast. Good luck at your game on Saturday, we’ll be watching~ xoxo’ he flips the note over to see a phone number scrawled.

‘Tsukki? Tsukki hello?’

Sent me a laptop. Why would the send me a laptop, this looks expensive as hell!’ Yamaguchi is losing it in the background, wheezing as Tsukishima rips open the box. ‘Stop laughing I’m serious!’

‘Oh my god tsukki. Oh my god. Maybe they want to be your s/ugar d/addies?’

‘No. No.
Absolutely not. They just felt bad for me or something. Maybe they bet on the frogs games and they want me to be on top of my game.’ He shakes his head in denial.

‘Whatever you say tsukki. I gotta get to class, please at least text them back. If not for you, ask them if
They’ll take me instead.’ Tsukishima hangs up the phone in response. He is not going to message them.

Saturday rolls around, and the frogs match is scheduled to start soon. Tsukishima has spent the last few days ignoring the urge to message the number he saved in his phone.
He goes through warm up stretches and drills and the frogs lose the first set, but win the second. His long term strategy is starting to play out, the opposing setter was already starting to slip up towards the end of the second. The third set is almost a blow out, the frogs
Winning 25-19. Skin still buzzing from a match well played, he chances a glance to the stands. He makes eye contact with oikawa who immediately stands, waving and shouting ‘yoohoo tsukki-chan!’ He feels his face flush and his eyes dart away.

Back in the locker room, kyoutani
Corners him. ‘You know iwaizumi-san?’

‘Kinda? Do you know him?’

‘Those two were alumni at my school, our coach tried to bring them in as often as he could so we could learn from them or some shit. Iwaizumi is cool, the other one not so much.’

‘If by the other one you mean
The literal gold medalist?? What is wrong with both of you, how are you not freaking out??’ Koganegawa joins in the conversation. ‘Tsukki, can you get me his autograph? Or?? His email??’

‘Uh no. I only met them once at it was at like 1 am.’ He brushes the setter off, grabbing
His bag and heading out. He’s stopped on the way out by the sight of his coach talking to oikawa and iwaizumi. The two of them break away from the conversation, shaking hands with his coach and heading towards him.

‘Tsukishima. Good game. We were hoping you would allow us to
Take you out to dinner to celebrate your win.’

‘Yes tsukki-chan, what sticky blocks you have. You definitely pissed off that other setter.’ Oikawa leans into tsukishima’s space as he talks.

‘I can’t go out to dinner, I don’t get paid til next week.’ Tsukishima curses his
Meager bank account, drained after his last phone bill came out. Maybe he should switch to a prepaid phone, he’d have to cut back on talking to yamaguchi but he would be able to afford a meal out once in a while again.

‘Oh no, it’s a celebration. We’d pay.’ His eyes narrow as
He thinks about the call with yamaguchi.

‘Are you offering for the whole team or just me?’

‘Just you, sadly we don’t know anyone else on your team.’ Oikawa says, not looking sad at all.

‘You know kyoutani,’ Tsukki retorts as the rest of the team starts filing out of the
Locker room. The three of them turn to see kyoutani scowling as koganegawa rambles.

‘Hm. The restaurant doesn’t let in mad dogs unfortunately!’ Oikawa raises his voice as they get closer. Iwaizumi slaps him on the arm and greets kyoutani.

Tsukishima catches koganegawa’s eye
And mouths ‘mad dog?’ Raising his eyebrows in question. Koganegawa shrugs in response.

‘Oikawa, iwaizumi, kyoutani, koganegawa.’ Tsukishima lists off, pointing to each person as he names them. ‘Great now we all know each other. Oikawa-san was just offering to take us out for
A celebration dinner.’

‘Oh. Right. Yes I was offering that to all of you,’ Oikawa lies.

‘Oh wow, dinner with both of you? I think I’d die. I wish we didn’t already have plans! Tsukki! You have to go for all of us and tell us how it is!’ Leave it to koganegawa to ruin his plan.
The five of them talk about the match for a couple more minutes before they part, with a vague promise of a group dinner soon.

‘Well Tsukishima, you can’t disappoint your teammates. They’re expecting a full review.’ Iwaizumi smirks and links his arm through both of theirs.
Tsukishima scowls at how the tables have turned, but finds himself in the backseat of the older duos car without much protest. They arrive at a restaurant that is far out of his price range, and he can’t help but feeling underdressed. Most of the patrons appear to be in business
Casual while he is in his after practice joggers and a faded t-shirt from his university. Oikawa and iwaizumi don’t bat an eye though and lead him to a table towards the back. Tsukishima raises an eyebrow in question as they skip the line waiting to be seated.

‘We have a
Standing reservation. This is tooru’s favorite restaurant.’ Iwaizumi explains as he pulls out a chair for Tsukishima. He opens a menu only to immediately close it when he catches price of the sight.

‘Absolutely not. I’ll have a water and that’s it.’

‘Don’t look at the prices,
Order something you like or we’ll order for you.’

‘Oikawa-san, I’d have to work a full shift at the cafe to order an appetizer here,’ Tsukishima argues.

‘Which is why we’re paying, tsukki-chan. Pick something or I’ll order you one of everything to make sure we get something
You like.’ He smiles sweetly but there’s a glint in his eye that makes Tsukishima believe him. After he reluctantly places an order, they fall into conversation easily. The topics range from upcoming games, to tsukishima’s studies, to rumors about who will be selected for the
Upcoming national team. The meal is drawing to a close when Tsukishima can’t ignore the elephant in the room anymore.

‘Can I ask you guys a question?’

‘Of course.’

‘What are you doing?’

‘What do you mean?’ Iwaizumi asks, setting his napkin down on the table.

‘This. Like
Taking me out to dinner, letting me crash at your place, buying me a laptop. You guys barely know me. Why me?’

Oikawa leans forward, placing his forearms on the table.

‘Easy, tsukki-chan. We’re interested in you.’

‘Interested in me?’ He repeats, trying to ignore the flare of
Heat he felt low in his stomach.

‘Yes, you’re a very interesting person. An interesting player too. We’d like to…help you.’


‘Financially.’ Iwaizumi cuts in. ‘We know the pressure you’re under. You could think of us as your sponsors. Your benefactors.’
‘My benefactors?’ He vaguely remembers a time when he could do more than parrot the last few words spoken to him, but his brain is slowly melting from the conversation paired with the sight of the two of them. Oikawa still leaning into his space, Iwaizumi leaning back in his
Chair, legs spread and wine glass in hand.

‘Exactly. All you have to do is tell us what you need, and we’ll get it for you. We can help cover your bills too.’

‘And what do you want from me?’ He asks, half scared to hear the answer. ‘I’m not willing to sacrifice my schooling,
Or my internship, or my position on the frogs.’ Oikawa finally leans back, letting Tsukishima breathe.

‘Oh no of course not, but you could give up the cafe. You said it yourself, they pay you dirt. And we don’t want much more than this. Shared meals a few times a week, our
Treat. Some excursions whenever we’re all free. You can use our guest room whenever you want as well.’ Oikawa collects his card from the waitress as he finishes.

‘Is this like a sex thing?’ Tsukishima blurts out the second the waitress is gone. ‘Like you need to spice it up

‘No,’ Iwaizumi chuckles though Tsukishima does notice the way he looks him over as he denies it. ‘We would never expect anything like that from you Tsukishima. You can just think of us as really generous friends, if it helps.’

Expect or want, Tsukishima wants to ask.
Instead he settles on agreeing to think about it, and the three of them set off to their apartment, Tsukishima to the guest room and the other two to their bedroom.

The following day, Tsukishima is on the bi-weekly FaceTime catch up with yamaguchi and yachi. They’re all in
Their respective dorm rooms, and Tsukishima just finished recapping the conversation at dinner.

‘I told you. I told you they wanted to be your s/ugar d/addies.’ Yamaguchi shouts while yachi laughs in the background. Tsukishima scowls.

‘They specifically said no sex. I asked!’
Warning warning I don’t think I mentioned at the start of the thread but this is going to have nsfw parts !! No minors!!!
‘That’s what they all say and then two weeks from now you’ll be kneeling on their bedroom floor double fisting dicks!’

‘I will literally hang up on you,’ Tsukishima hisses. ‘Stop trying to make my life a bad porno.’

‘Tsukki, have you seen them? It’d be a good porno just
Because of how fine they are. Oikawa one hundred percent was the star of one of my first wet dreams.’

‘You’re shameless. Vulgar. Why are we friends. You’re ruining poor yachi’s ears.’

‘Now tsukki, you have to let him live through you. We all know he has had zero movement on
His crush.’ Yachi stops laughing long enough to chime in.

‘Yeah tsukki, let me live through you! Yachi’s definition of a spicy interaction is when her fingers brushed kanoka’s when she handed her the water bottle. I’m dying of g rated conversations over here!’

She screeches,
Face turning bright red.

‘You don’t understand yamaguchi!! It’s all about the hands!’ She retorts, half hiding her face.

‘Yeah, it’s all about the hands.’ Tsukishima agrees, thinking of iwaizumi’s hand curled around the wine glass and oikawas hand on his arm.
A few weeks pass by and oikawa and iwaizumi seem to be sticking to their words. The trio have gone out to a couple of meals, and spent a couple of relaxed nights watching movies in their apartment before retiring to separate bedrooms. Cutting back work at the cafe has lightened
Tsukishima’s stress, and he finds himself skipping less meals and even splurging on some more material things like clothes and fancy coffees. One of the first things oikawa did was upgrade his phone plan to unlimited everything and add him to a group chat that mainly consists
Of oikawa sending selfies and memes. Every once in a while Tsukishima will send a ‘aren’t you too old for memes’ or iwaizumi will link to an article about volleyball.

Yes, they are sticking to their guns about it being strictly friendly and honestly? Tsukishima is getting tired
Of it. He’s seen the way the two of them watch him, he doesn’t understand why they haven’t made a move yet.

The frogs are just getting back in town from an away game, and he’s heading to their place for a late dinner and movie marathon. Oikawa is blowing up the group chat
Again, directing iwaizumi who ran out for a few last minute items to ‘buy the good wine’ to celebrate another win for the frogs. He keeps hinting that tonight is going to be a special night and Tsukishima thinks this is it. Finally, someone is going to put a hand on his dick. Or
He’ll put his hand on someone’s dick, he’s not picky at this point. He’s glad too. He was working up the resolve to mention it if something didn’t progress soon.

He shows up to their place at the same time as iwaizumi and helps him carry the bags upstairs. The door opens and
They’re met with a delicious scent coming from the kitchen.

‘Oh perfect timing!’ Oikawa comes out from the kitchen and gestures to the table which has been set up for a three person candlelit dinner. ‘I present Oikawa’s fabulous homemade dinner!’

‘Nice,’ Tsukishima scoffs.
‘Where’d you order in from?’ They shed their jackets and Tsukishima heads to the table as iwaizumi cracks open the wine.

‘Tsukki-chan, so rude! I made it myself from scratch! Just for you, that’s the special occasion! I slaved over a hot stove all day and you doubt me?’
Tsukishima pauses. Surely the special occasion is not just a home cooked dinner, but a home cooked dinner leading to fun sexy times. (God did he just think sexy times? It’s been too long someone save him.) He covers up the pause by asking iwaizumi if he’s sure it’s safe to eat.
After a few more jokes, they all settle down to eat. It’s surprisingly good and the wine oikawa suggested pairs perfectly. The three of them are halfway through the second bottle as they relocate to the couch to watch a movie before bed. Tsukishima takes up his new usual place
In the middle, oikawa on his left iwaizumi on the right, both a little too close for a strictly platonic relationship. The wine and the food and the coziness of the couch are making him tired but he doesn’t want the night to end yet so he shuffles around on the couch until he
Is laying across the both of them with his head in oikawas lap. He looks at the tv briefly enough to realize he has no clue what they’re watching anymore and switches his gaze back to oikawa’s face. His eyes trace the older man’s lips. His wine addled brain isn’t quick enough
To stop him from reaching his hand out to brush his fingers along oikawa’s jaw. Oikawa startles at the unexpected touch before his eyes meet Tsukishima’s. He grabs tsukishima’s hand and places a kiss to the back of his palm.

‘Tsukki-chan,’ his voice is lower than normal and
It’s doing unfair things to tsukishima’s body. ‘Can I help you?’

‘I don’t know, can you?’ Tsukishima props himself up on his elbows, bringing his face closer to oikawa’s, still eyeing his mouth.

‘Hmm.’ Oikawa hesitates for a few seconds before the hand that had just been
Holding tsukishima’s grips the back of his neck and pulls them together. Their lips collide almost painfully. Tsukishima clumsily rips his glasses off and tosses them in the direction of the table. Oikawa uses the hand he has on tsukishima’s neck to guide him to a better angle
To deepen the kiss, and takes advantage of the small gasp Tsukishima lets out to slip his tongue inside. Tsukishima feels iwaizumis hand settle on his thigh and can’t stop the whimper that comes out at the contact. He hears iwaizumi chuckle and whisper ‘impatient’ before he is
Lost in the feelings. His body is on fire, oikawa’s kiss is dirty and wet and overwhelming and iwaizumi’s hand is hot and heavy and grounding where it’s rubbing circles into his upper thigh. He feels like he could be devoured by the two of them any minute now and is welcoming it
With open arms.

‘Stop hogging him, shittykawa.’ He hears iwaizumi say before they shift positions and he is straddling iwaizumi and connecting their lips together. Iwaizumi’s kisses are different, still passionate but he’s more precise. Where oikawa felt like he was trying to
Fuck his throat with his tongue, iwaizumi feels like he’s guiding him to exactly where he wants him to be. Oikawa hovers close behind them occasionally peppering a kiss on the expanse of tsukishima’s shoulders. After what felt like both forever but also not long enough, iwaizumi
Breaks off the kiss.

‘We should really head to bed. The guest bedroom is all set up for you still, change of clothes is laid out.’

‘Guest bedroom?’ Tsukishima blinks, slowly coming back to reality.

‘Yep! Goodnight tsukki-chan, we’ll see you in the morning.’ Oikawa answers
In place of iwaizumi. He leans down to chastely peck Tsukishima on the cheek before dragging his boyfriend down the hall to their bedroom. Tsukishima is left stunned and rock hard on the couch.

‘What the fuck.’ He repeats to himself a few times as he heads to the guest room
To shower and go to bed. When he wakes up in the morning, they eat breakfast like nothing had happened. Oikawa drives him back to his campus and drives away with a promise to text him soon to get lunch this week.

After consulting with yamaguchi and yachi over FaceTime later on
They decide that the two of them must have felt like they were taking advantage of him because of all of the wine. Tsukishima swears that he will get in their pants by the end of the month.

He does not.

The kissing does become a regular thing now though, movie nights ending
Up in make out sessions on the couch nine out of ten times over the next few weeks. But just as things hit a point where Tsukishima is sure he’s about to get his mouth around one of them, they break away and part for bed. He wants to bring it up but is having a hard time
Coming up with the right words. Maybe this is all they want and he doesn’t want to cross any unknown boundaries and ruin whatever this is. He’d rather stick to just some heavy make out sessions than lose them as friends by overstepping.

It’s a rare Friday night where he neither
Has plans with oikawa and iwaizumi or has a game the next day. Koganegawa spent all of practice bugging Tsukishima to come out to a new club with them after practice. Mentally Tsukishima caved after the second time he asked, but he’s been pretending to consider it just to see the
Outlandish arguments koganegawa comes up with on why he should go. They’re in the locker room changing when kyoutani joins in.

‘Just tell him you’ll go already. Kogane already told futakuchi he’d get you to agree to come out.’

‘Noo, that was a secret!’

‘You think that the
Way to get me to agree to go out with you guys is my ex-fuck buddy?’ Tsukishima raises his eyebrows.

‘Dude everyone here knows you need to get laid.’ Kyoutani says. ‘I don’t know what your weird old men boyfriends are doing but if they’re not up to it, we know futakuchi is.’
‘They’re not my boyfriends,’ he grumbles. ‘I’ll go but only if you meet me at my dorm, I’m not getting there an hour before you again.’


It’s around 1030 by the time the three of them make it to the club koganegawa was raving about. They get inside fairly easily and
Meet up with futakuchi and a few of his friends. It’s been a few months since Tsukishima and him had seen each other, but they fall back into old habits like no time has passed. They throw back a few shots and dance to a few songs before heading to a corner of the club a little
Ways away from the noise of the bar and dance floor. They’re leaning against the wall with their shoulders, facing each other. Futakuchi is crowding into tsukishima’s space, fingers trailing down the arm not touching the wall as he whispers what he plans to do to Tsukishima that
Night. Tsukishima would be lying to himself if he said he wasn’t picturing everything being done by oikawa or iwaizumi but beggars can’t be choosers right? Futakuchi was always good enough, never left Tsukishima without them both getting off. He’s right in the middle of
Describing something elaborate involving his tongue when they hear someone clear their throat behind them.

‘Can we help you?’ Futakuchi asks as he pulls back slightly looking annoyed.

‘You can’t. He can.’ Tsukishima whips his head around to see oikawa with a sickly sweet
Smile on his face staring down futakuchi as iwaizumi stands behind him with his arms crossed. ‘Tsukishima,’ he continues, ‘can we talk to you privately.’

‘He’s busy if you didn’t notice,’ futakuchi answers for him, reminding Tsukishima why they had stopped hooking up in the
First place.

‘You know, I probably would have said no if you didn’t just say that,’ he sighs pulling away completely. ‘Be a good boy and stay here, maybe I’ll come back for you when we’re done talking.’ He moves to pat futakuchi on the head but he dodges the hand scowling.

‘You love it.’ He turns to the other two men. ‘Lead the way.’ Oikawa grabs his hand and drags him upstairs to a bathroom in what appears to be an unfinished vip section. ‘Are we even allowed to be here?’

‘We know the owners, it’s why we’re here. What are you doing
Tsukishima?’ Oikawa questions, face morphing to a pout.

‘I think it was fairly obvious what I was doing.’

‘Were you going to hook up with that creep?’


‘Why?’ Tsukishima is slowly losing his patience with oikawa.

‘What do you mean why? Why else do you hook up
With someone? I wanted to get off, that’s why.’

‘I think what tooru means is why him, why didn’t you call us?’ Iwaizumi chimes in. This is when Tsukishima snaps.

‘Call you?’ He hisses. ‘For what? The two of you have been like fucking edging me for weeks? I don’t know what
Kind of weird game you’re playing where the second I get hard you ditch me! Do you think getting a boner is the equivalent of actually getting off? Why not us??’ He continues incredulously. ‘Maybe because I actually wanted someone to fuck me and clearly the two of you don’t want
To.’ He can feel his fingers starting to tremble and his eyes watering as the sting of rejection he’s been trying to ignore catches up to him. He vaguely recognizes the feeling of iwaizumi’s hand on the back of his neck before he’s pulled against his chest into a hug.
‘Stall.’ He hears oikawa order and then is shuffled into a surprisingly spacious stall where oikawa pushes away iwaizumi’s tender hand to spin Tsukishima around and catch him in a bruising kiss. He backs him up until his back hits iwaizumi’s chest and breaks away long enough to
Say ‘tell us to stop and we will’ before he is working his tongue into tsukishima’s mouth again. Oikawas hands are braced on either side of their heads against the wall and iwaizumi slides his hands around to tsukishima’s front, one hand skimming across his stomach while the
Other one reaches up to roll one of tsukishima’s nipples. He groans against oikawas mouth. The kiss lasts for a few minutes before oikawa is threading his fingers through tsukishima’s hair at the back of his head and tugging so they’re making eye contact.

‘You want hajime to
Fuck you?’ Tsukishima gasps out a yes, rolling his hips to grind back against where iwaizumi’s dick is pressing against his ass. Iwaizumi’s hands have dropped down, one rubbing Tsukishima through his pants while the other one starts unbuckling them. ‘Want him to split you open
Right in this stall?’

‘Please,’ he begs as finally, finally iwaizumi’s hand makes skin contact with his cock. He wants to look down, to see the large hand wrapped around him, but oikawas eyes are dark and Tsukishima can’t bring himself to look away.

‘Shit, we didn’t bring
Condoms just lube.’ Iwaizumi curses as his hands drop back off of tsukishima. Tsukishima is embarrassed by how loud he whines at the loss of contact.

‘I’m clean, tested two months ago and I haven’t been with anyone since. Please,’ he begs. Oikawa and iwaizumi have a silent
Conversation before oikawa is tugging Tsukishima until he is bending over slightly.

‘Okay, okay. Open him up.’ Tsukishima isn’t sure how he stops himself from cumming as iwaizumi fingers him, hypersensitive after months of being the only one touching himself. He holds it
Together though, and soon enough the blunt tip of iwaizumi’s cock is pressing into him. He can feel himself dripping onto the floor as his own neglected dick leaks between them. He rests his forehead on oikawas shoulder to ground himself as iwaizumi buries himself inside of him.
He can’t hold back the moans as iwaizumi starts fucking him, slow but deep thrusts. Oikawa rearranges him a bit so tsukishima’s arms are thrown over his shoulders and his face is in the crook of his neck. Oikawa chuckles.

‘This what you wanted baby? Is this what you were so
Desperate for that you were willing to let that man cling all over you for?’ His voice is mean, the words harsh but his hand has relaxed from its tight grip in tsukishima’s hair to card through it tenderly, reassuringly. A shudder runs through Tsukishima. ‘Would you have let him
Fuck you like this? So hungry for cock you’re taking it in public?’

‘Tooru-‘ iwaizumi starts in warning.

‘Shh it’s fine, you like it don’t you tsukki-chan?’ Tsukishima nods, unable to find words and iwaizumi’s cock nudges his prostate with every thrust.

‘Don’t worry,’ he
Coos. ‘We’ve got you now. We’ll keep you nice and full as long as you behave. You can do that for us can’t you? Be our good baby boy?’

Tsukishima feels his sanity slipping, blood rushing from the dual sensations of iwaizumi slamming into him and oikawa’s words.

‘Yes,’ he
Manages to choke out again. ‘Please, I’ll be so good for you, please.’

‘That’s right. How about you let hajime pump you full of his cum and then he can drive us home and you can suck me off in the backseat? How does that sound?’

Tsukishima answers with a shout, burying his
Face even closer to oikawa’s neck as he comes untouched. Iwaizumi follows shortly after, groaning as his thrusts turn into more of a grind as he spills inside Tsukishima. They take a few minutes to dote on Tsukishima, oikawa kissing his tear stained cheeks and finger combing his
Hair back into place as iwaizumi helps reposition his clothes. They keep him sandwiched between the two of them as they head back downstairs and work their way to the doors, each of them keeping constant contact with him. The fog is finally starting to lift when Tsukishima looks
Up to see futakuchi still leaned against the wall where he left him, frowning. He gives a two finger salute as he follows iwaizumi out of the doors, already imagining the lecture he’s going to get from kyoutani. Not from ditching him, but he knows koganegawa is going to let
Futakuchi stay over and kyoutani will have to listen to him bitch all night. He resolves to bring kyoutani’s favorite snack to their next practice as he slides into the backseat. Oikawa slides in the opposite side and clasps their hands together.

‘You don’t actually have to do
Anything,’ oikawa starts before Tsukishima cuts him off with a glare.

‘Shut up and let me blow you.’ He spends the next 15 minutes giving what he hopes is the best head of his life, alternating between bobbing up and down, lips wrapped tightly around his dick, and using his
Hand to jerk him off while he mouths at oikawa’s balls. It’s messy, spit is dripping down his chin and he knows the seat must be getting soaked but hearing the low groans coming from oikawa has him half hard again.

‘You’re cleaning the seats tomorrow shittykawa. We’re almost
Home so wrap it up before one of our neighbors see us.’ Iwaizumi warns from the front seat. Tsukishima doubles his efforts, taking oikawa’s cock as deep as he can, hand jerking the rest and moaning, letting the vibrations flow through oikawa who comes with a hand on the back of
His head, curses spilling from his lips.

They park and make it upstairs to their place without any incidents. They corral him to the kitchen, getting him a glass of water and asking if he’s hungry.

‘No, but I wouldn’t mind getting off one more time before I pass out.’ He
Blurts out, filter gone.

‘Of course.’ Iwaizumi chuckles. ‘I think it’s only fair that you get to fuck tooru, after the way he talked to you at the club.’

‘I suppose I could be into that,’ oikawa sniffs. ‘But only if you finger me first tsukki-chan.’

‘Or I could eat you
Out,’ he counters.

‘Deal.’ Oikawa shakes his hand before snatching the water glass away and heading down the hallway. After round three, they clean up in a quick shower before they all head to bed in the main bedroom, Tsukishima once again sandwiched in the middle.
He’s the first to wake up the next morning and spends at least ten minutes debating continuing to lay there and soak up the warmth from the couple while he has a chance and getting up and being productive. Just as he starts to panic that maybe he should get up and leave before
They wake up and kick him out, iwaizumi wakes up and grumbles a good morning, pulling Tsukishima closer to him to kiss his forehead.

‘Do you want breakfast? Your choice, that lump will be out for another hour at least.’ They glance over at oikawa who has buried himself in a
Majority of the blankets on the bed, head tossed back drooling.

‘I always thought he would wake up looking more..graceful?’ Tsukishima moves to untangle his legs from the sleeping figure as iwaizumi snorts.

‘No. He’s always a train wreck in the mornings, it’s why he was
Always worried about you sleeping in our bed. Didn’t wanna crack the illusion.’ Tsukishima snatches a blanket from the bed to wrap around himself, heading to a chair at the island in the kitchen to watch iwaizumi cook. He can’t help but think how nice it would be to wake up with
Them every morning, and decides to indulge today. If he can’t have them like this again he will take advantage of the time he has. He must have zoned out because in what feels like the blink of an eye iwaizumi is standing in front of him, sliding his fingers through Tsukishima’s
Bedhead. He kisses tsukishima’s forehead again, too intimate a gesture for Tsukishima as he feels his face heat up.

‘Eat,’ he gestures to the plate he sat in front of the blonde. ‘I’ll wake up sleeping beauty and after breakfast the three of us can talk.’ Tsukishima hums in
Agreement, picking up the fork to dig in. He looks up as oikawa stumbles into the room, scowling.

‘Rough night?’

‘Rough awakening. That brute flipped me out of bed.’ He slides into the seat next to Tsukishima, and clings to his arm. ‘I’m injured, kiss me better?’

‘Maybe if
You didn’t still have drool on your chin.’ He retorts, pushing oikawa’s face away.

‘So rude!’ Oikawa whines dramatically. ‘No one here appreciates me.’

‘I’d appreciate if you shut up and ate your food.’ Iwaizumi walks back in the room and sits on the other side of Tsukishima.
After they finish eating, they move to the living room with oikawa and iwaizumi on the couch and Tsukishima sitting on the normally unused chair. Oikawa and iwaizumi are doing that thing where they communicate by looks and he feels like the tension is making it hard to focus.
‘Why do I feel like I’m about to be lectured?’ He jokes weakly, trying to dispel the weird energy.

‘Tsukishima,’ iwaizumi starts, face serious. ‘First of all, we’d like to apologize.’

Here it comes. He knew the rejection was coming, had tried to prepare for the sorry we’re
Just not into you like that last night was a mistake talk but that didn’t make it hurt any less.

‘It was never our intention to make you feel like we were not interested in you romantically. We didn’t want you to feel pressured into something but it appears we went too far in
The opposite direction.’

‘I..what?’ Tsukishima thinks he might be hearing them wrong.

‘When we first started this thing, you asked us if it was a sex thing and we didn’t want you to think you had to like put out for us to want you around. We like you Tsukishima.’ Oikawa scoots
Forward to reach out and grab Tsukishima’s hand. ‘As in romantically. As in we would like for you to be our boyfriend, but are willing to settle with just remaining friends if you don’t feel the same.’

‘I thought you were going to break it off with me, I thought I ruined it
Last night.’ He can feel his eyes starting to water again and tries to blink it away.

‘That’s funny, we thought the same thing when we saw you at the club. We’re really shit at this. Oikawa clung to me like a koala in grade school and I’ve been stuck with him ever since. This
Is both of ours first time trying to pursue someone romantically and we really fucked it up.’

‘I’d say so,’ he huffs out a watery laugh. ‘If your idea of romancing was kissing and then radio silence for eight hours it’s a miracle you two got together yourselves.’

‘We can make
It up to you tsukki-chan. We’ll take you on real dates and romance you into our bed at the end, not the guest bed.’

‘My commitment to school and volleyball and the museum aren’t going to change,’ he warns them. ‘I don’t want you guys to feel like I’m not giving you enough time’
‘Of course. Trust me no one understands busy schedules more than us. Once training kicks back in for the Olympics I’ll be busier than ever and out of the country when they’re going on. Oikawa spends time back in rio when their season starts. Distance sucks but it’s worth it for
Mornings like these. Nights together when we can.’ Iwaizumi finally scoots over, patting the cushion between them. Tsukishima grabs his blanket and crawls into his spot in the middle.

‘Give us a chance, tsukki-chan, we’ll be the best boyfriends you’ve ever had.’

‘Okay,’ he
Nods. ‘But only if I never have to sleep in the guest room again.’

‘Deal,’ oikawa whispers as he leans in to press a chaste kiss against tsukishima’s lips.

‘Always have to be the first to kiss him,’ iwaizumi grumbles as he dips in for his turn.

Later that day, they’re
Sprawled back in bed when Tsukishima groans.

‘What’s wrong?’

‘One more condition.’


‘You have to give my best friend your autograph, but not on a picture of your face.’


• • •

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Jul 9
#krtsk ft eventual tsukki nekoharem nsfw

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‘Hello?’ His voice only sounds a little familiar. Usually, the context he’s hearing it in involves more growling, more raspiness. His day to day voice only hints at the
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Jun 15

‘Tell me your bio is a joke.’

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People would’ve taken that to mean no.’

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