Idk Profile picture
Idek dude, this is a side account, I’m 31 and I have nothing to say. nsfw at some points so 🚫no minors🚫. (she/her)
Jul 9, 2024 53 tweets 10 min read
#krtsk ft eventual tsukki nekoharem nsfw

The phone rings five times before it’s answered at the last second.

‘Hello?’ His voice only sounds a little familiar. Usually, the context he’s hearing it in involves more growling, more raspiness. His day to day voice only hints at the Oceans it holds.

‘Hello,’ Tsukishima says, forcing himself to go through with this no matter how awkward he feels. ‘Is this Kuroo Tetsurou?’

He doesn’t know how to explain who he is. In his three weeks of mulling it over, and planning out word for word iterations of their
Jul 1, 2024 27 tweets 5 min read
#krtsk cw tw age gap !!

Kuroo is nervous. He doesn’t know why he’s nervous, not really. On the surface, it’s because he’s meeting his girlfriend’s youngest son today. Deep down, his brain doesn’t accept that as an answer.

He’s already met her oldest son, and they got along Perfectly fine. He’s a people person, he knows how to deal with all types of personalities, without batting an eye. Almost thirty years of working with the JVA and their eccentric players have honed his people skills.

So why was he nervous?
Jun 15, 2024 27 tweets 6 min read

‘Tell me your bio is a joke.’

When Tsukishima had seen his former teacher on the app he had downloaded, he had originally swiped as a joke. There was no way the Kuroo Tetsurou, heartthrob of Karasuno, would swipe back. It was vindicating to confirm he was gay though. His bio? Absolutely not a joke.

He had less than a month to lose his virginity before he turned nineteen and he was determined to make it happen. He had only had the app for a few hours when DMs started rolling in, but his eyes caught on this one. Everyone else could wait.
May 8, 2024 24 tweets 4 min read

Kuroo hates his neighbor.

Correction: he hates his neighbor’s boyfriend who moved in three months ago, six months after Kuroo missed his one and only shot to ask out his original neighbor. The neighbor, Kuroo’s long lost soulmate, the one who got away, was Tsukishima Kei, and Kuroo has had a crush on him since the day he moved in. He had offered to help carry boxes, joking that Tsukishima’s arms looked like they needed a break, and Tsukishima had glared at him in
Mar 4, 2024 23 tweets 5 min read
#BoKuroTsuki royalty omegaverse au where kingdoms are ruled by alphas and alphas alone. Two alphas marry and they’ll both have harems, omegas who live to serve them and birth their heirs.

When Tsukishima presents as an omega, and his dad essentially donates him to the crown, he Takes small solace in the fact that he avoided a worse fate. The kids in the estate had all told horror stories of whore houses that omegas were sold to, kidnapped and trapped in. He had seen their faces when he presented, a mix of pity and fear and mocking disgust.

Sure, his
May 17, 2023 53 tweets 10 min read
This but make it #krtsk where Kuroo is the blue and tsukki is the gray. And kuroo tries again, a year later, but at the exact time and tsukki texts him a place and a time for their first date. OK this but a #krtsk #kurotsuki mini thread!!

Kenma shook his head as Kuroo paced back and forth in the room. ‘Panicking isn’t going to make the time pass any faster.’

‘Shh shush I didn’t ask for your judgement. He said try again in a year, I’m not missing my chance.’

May 16, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
#oitsukki #oitsk

When oikawa wakes up, the bed next to him is empty. He frowns, throwing an arm out to the indent left by the blonde as if it would bring him back. The sheets are still warm, so oikawa forces himself into a sitting position to look at the time on his phone. He Squints, just making out the 3 am time stamp without his contacts or glasses, and he huffs. Where could Tsukki have gone? He sees tsukki’s pants over by the door to the room, so he most likely is somewhere in the house. He debates going back to sleep but his curiosity gets the
May 15, 2023 50 tweets 10 min read
#oitsk #oitsukki nsfw!!

Tsukki goes on a trip with the museum. It’s the frogs off season and they need someone to go to Argentina and meet with a department head there, and tsukki’s boss can’t make it so they ask him and of course he says yes?? The frogs are doing amazing But he won’t play volleyball forever, he’s going to do all he can to further his career at the museum.

So he goes and the museum is amazing and the head of the department is close to his own age and despite his rusty hold on the language he learned years ago, they converse well
May 14, 2023 29 tweets 6 min read
What if #krtsk #kurotsuki where when tsukki is a college student who works part time at a cafe inside the sendai airport. His worst(read: favorite) customer is a messy haired business man who flies more than any sane person should named Kuroo. Tsukki absolutely refused to get a job on campus. He would not deal with strictly college students all day, he already had to deal with them for classes and half the members of the frogs are college aged. So he gets a gig at a smaller coffee stand in the sendai airport, where he
May 9, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
#krtsk #kurotsuki nsfw the morning before the qrt:

Tetsurou woke up to the sound of the shower. He yawned, stretching out to half lay in the still warm spot his husband had left. He hummed to himself as he looked at the clock, rubbing his eyes and sitting up. The sun was just Starting to rise, the early birds trailing out to start their day at the ocean. He knocked twice on the bathroom door, short sharp raps to alert Kei of his presence before he opened it. Kei had to have just gotten in because he was just starting to scrub his hair, and that was
May 8, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
Nsfw #krtsk #kurotsuki cause I’m on vacation.


Kei knew that when they chose a tropical island for their honeymoon, that it would be hot but he hadn’t expected this. 90 degrees and humid was fine when they could take a reprieve in their room where the air conditioning cut it Down to a more tolerable temperature but on their second to last day, the air conditioning unit had broken, and there were no other available rooms. Tetsurou had been understanding, joking with the repair man who was looking at it, and assuring the lady at the counter that they
May 1, 2023 32 tweets 7 min read
Everyone’s annoying me irl today so here’s some #sunatsukki #sntsk nsfw supernatural blurbs ~~

Suna has been watching the blonde for a few months now. He frequents this club often, it’s known for its fang bangers, humans who would do anything to get a vampire to bite them. He assumed that’s what the blonde was here for. He had a steady stream of pursuers, the young vampires who also frequent the club falling over themselves for him. He can’t blame them, it’s been a while since a human had peaked his interest so. The human was tall, taller than Suna
May 1, 2023 45 tweets 9 min read
I’m out of my element here but uh #akatsukki #aktsk nsfw post time skip where they meet after a while of not seeing each other.

Life is life and once they’re both in uni, their friendship shifts solely to texts and calls. They’re not often but when they do happen, it’s a bright Spot in Akaashi’s day. Tsukishima has always been on his level, and there was something so satisfying about talking about literature with him. Kuroo could keep up on the topics but often argued just to argue, while Tsukishima stuck to his convictions of course, but he wasn’t
Apr 26, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read

Growing up as a twin, Atsumu did not share food. Their mother did a good job keeping them under control during dinners, but it was every man for themselves when it came to snacks. If you didn’t hide your favorite snacks when you bought them, they’d be gone. If you Waited to be told to get seconds, there would be nothing left. It was something he never grew out of. Suna tried to sneak a piece of his lunch once in school and Atsumu didn’t talk to him for a week. Everyone in msby learned quickly that if you didn’t want Atsumu to skip you for
Apr 19, 2023 23 tweets 5 min read
#bakt with established #akatsukki #bokuroo magic and soulmate au where!!

Tsukki and akaashi are together and they have been forever. They own a little magic restoration shop where they take old and beaten down magical items and restore them to new. One day Kageyama who was in The same class as tsukki comes in with something, and tsukki being tsukki makes a lil shit comment to him. Kageyama brushes it off, but his new boyfriend oikawa is mad. Mad enough he places a curse on tsukki and akaashi(truly the innocent bystander). They don’t realize it at
Apr 18, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
Nsfw nsfw #kurotsuki #krtsk (cw: spanking) where when things get to be Too Much for Tsukki, and he’s overwhelmed to the point of snapping at everyone, Kuroo included, Kuroo knows exactly what he needs. They’ve been dating a long time, they can both read each other like books. They’re still working on Tsukki communicating somethings bothering him before he gets to the edge of the cliff, breakdown staring him in the face, but Kuroo understands that sometimes it’s hard for him to do that. Sometimes Tsukki can’t recognize he’s getting to that point until
Apr 14, 2023 50 tweets 10 min read
Okay! This but #krtsk #kurotsuki with like an /actual/ age gap nsfw

Kuroo is closer to 45 than 40, and a pretty well established JVA employee. He runs most of the sponsor events, is always setting up special exhibitions. Some would say he’s married to his job. Those people Would be all of his ex-partners. When he was younger, a fresh faced 20 year old just dipping his toes into the corporate world and the dating pool of professional alphas, he had played the game. Never commit long, capitalize on your youth. He might be an omega but he wasn’t going
Apr 7, 2023 54 tweets 11 min read
Tsukki sends this to bokuto when he wants to get laid and is outside of his house. No one believes Bo because tsukki deletes his texts afterwards. #bktsk #bokutsuki nsfw nsfw


Kei sends the text off, zipping his jacket up further as he waits for Bokuto to come open the door. The night is cold after a long day of burning sun, and it sends goosebumps over his skin. Goosebumps he would rather be caused by the occupant of
Apr 7, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
Ok this is not my regularly scheduled fandom but like #skk for bsd whereeee dazai is the youngest ceo of Mori Corp and chuuya is a from the wrong side of the tracks window cleaner.

Chuuya takes the blame for something shirase did because he doesn’t have any priors(or record At all) and gets sentenced to community service. Part of his deal to avoid jail time includes having a steady job but no one wants to hire him so he keeps getting shitty customer service jobs and listen this man cannot do customer service? He keeps getting fired for fighting the
Apr 2, 2023 133 tweets 25 min read
This one might be out there but like thinking nsfw and maybe angst(but happy ending) #kenkurotsuki omegaverse thoughts.

Kuroo and kenma are alphas and tsukki is an omega. Kenma and kuroo move in together once they both graduate and tsukki joins them when he graduates as well. Kenma’s on the asexual spectrum, they don’t often crave sex but they’re not like sex-repulsed. They’ve had relationships in the past, and they’ve hooked up with people before. Their rut is abnormally short though, it only lasts two days tops.

Meanwhile Kuroo and tsukki have
Mar 31, 2023 30 tweets 6 min read

Atsumu pulled his jacket tighter around his neck as he walked home. Spring was around the corner, but winter wasn’t leaving without a fight. It was so cold, he almost regretted how he had stormed out of his brothers shop. Almost, but not quite. He’d put up with A freezing cold walk back to his place if it meant not having to listen to his twin rag on him for his unusual relationship status(like Atsumu didn’t know what Osamu was doing when Bokkun and his editor boyfriend would stay in the onigiri shop well past closing time).

He had,