This is in comparison to structural interventions, which often alter upstream factors and institutions. My favorite example of the latter is laws and policies, but can also include infrastructure and built environmental changes, etc.
But leading public health officials in the US have completely followed the #MethodologicalIndividualism that has dominated public health policy and priorities for much of the 20th c. until now. See:
The reasons #MethodologicalIndividualism fail as a dominant mode for public health is that such approaches tend to frustrate the twin aims of justice in public health:
(1) improvements in absolute pop health; (2) compression of health inequities.
We can see BOTH in Mx. Harad's thread. There are limits, even for persons w/ significant privilege, on the extent to which our individual acts can shelter us from significant public health exposures/harms.
Eventually, even our best individualized efforts may be insufficient to protect us when we do not work collectively on structural levels to address such population health hazards.
As for the second of the twin aims, to the extent our individual acts DO capture health benefits, they are "agentic" -- they depend on the resources individual agents can bring to bear in buffering a health hazard.
This means that #MethodologicallyIndividualist interventions tend not to work, and to the extent they do work, tend to disproportionately benefit the most affluent -- thereby EXPANDING health inequalities.
This is also reflected in Mx. Harad's thread. While individual acts won't work that well indefinitely to protect us from something like COVID, to the extent such acts do provide shelter, it is overwhelmingly the most well-off who can harness such benefits.
The least well-off, of course, has been unequally exposed to COVID since March 2020, and it will only get worse in the absence of action on the structural level.
#MethodologicalIndividualism is an absolute catastrophe if it is allowed to subsume the entire field of public health practice in responding and controlling to any population health hazard, let alone an emergent one.
The academic argument for these ethical claims is laid out here:
Honestly, the complete takeover of population health policy and approaches by a #medicalized notion of #MethodologicalIndividualism sort of fills me with despair -- not just now, but for the future of public health.
Of all the missteps CDC has made, the doubling-down on approaches that position the individual as the unit of change (#MethodologicalIndividualism and b/c of the source) essentially sanctions it as the dominant mode for public health practice is arguably rock bottom.
It's in the scientific guidance as well. Look at this sentence:
This is of course NOT a Whole Population Approach or even a structural approach to health equity which would require action from those with the power and agency to redress the effects of #StructuralViolence and
The Kid is a patrilineal Jew (raised Jewish). We've had ++ discussions about how the orthodox rabbinate are not popes, & no one has the authority to exclude zher from Jewish community.
@hey_alma We've discussed our obligations to observe halacha on this and many other issues -- but it is absolute nonsense to me that a person raised Jewish from birth, observing important practices & rituals, being called to Torah for B'nai Mitzvah, is nevertheless deemed to be cosplaying+
@hey_alma Judaism b/c the "wrong" parent is Jewish. Sorry, wrong and transgressive answer. A person who seeks to live a Jewish life and actively engages in Jewish traditions and communities is Jewish. IDGAF what the orthodox rabbinate thinks about this. They are not popes. +
I am super happy to announce that I have been awarded a US$5000 grant from @StraussLibrary to develop an OER ("Open Educational Resource") Casebook of Public Health Ethics Teaching Cases.
Other than the wonderful CDC Casebook, teaching cases in #PHEthx are scarce.
I should know, since I have been scraping the Internet for a decade trying to find them. One of the first-day axioms in #PHEthx is that in important ways it is simply different from health care/clinical ethics. Good teaching cases must reflect these differences.
But some of the early casebooks are frankly dated, and other than the remarkable CDC Casebook ⬇️ there simply are not any good collections of cases really focused on public health ethics & law/policy (let alone open-source ones, either).
I've found it profitable to trade on a distinction between what I've termed "operational" vs. "structural" #PHLaw#PublicHealthLaw
One task public health lawyers can perform is helping public health officials understand the full scope of their legal authority.
This task is critically important to functional public health governance, esp. b/c the scope of this authority has changed rather dramatically in the US since the Palpatine began.
We might term this work "operational public health law," since it is focused on operative provisions of public health law that govern the scope of (at least) state action. It can illuminate what interventions public health officials can "operationalize."
Tomorrow's session in our doctoral seminar on public health ethics centers "Disability, Ethics, & Public Health."
We began this convo in the fall history of public health seminar via extensive discussions on eugenics and basic notions in critical disability studies.
Tomorrow we'll extend our work by attempt to apply working knowledge of #DisabilityJustice and #DisabilityEthics to public health practice and policy. Last week's application exercise of the REAP Framework in evaluating the influence of #StructuralRacism in policy serves +
As a critical bridge to this week's unit, since of course ableism and racism intersect past and present in all sorts of nefarious ways in public health contexts.
(The app exercise involves continuous Medicaid coverage under the current PHE)
I see that we are still slavishly worshipping at the idol of RCTs in epidemiologic science as the evidentiary warrant for public health action. I have written LOTS on the foolishness of this, its disastrous ethical & policy implications, & it's role in #ManufactureOfDoubt.
It's almost as if people have never heard of the #PrecautionaryPrinciple. If we demanded evidence of exposure-harm or intervention-benefit that flowed from RCTs to warrant public health interventions, we would have essentially NO public health action AT ALL.
More on this, from my 2016 paper on importance of maintaining epistemically reasonable standards for proof of harm (& benefit!) as warrant for public health action:
(The subject of the paper is COIs and lays out my arg for regarding them as ordinary epidemiologic exposures)