I can imagine why Fauci's retirement has been accelerated.
It will soon become apparent that he knew of the FCS ~15 Jan, 2020. IE, BEFORE H2H spread was
☑️, he knew it was HISTORICALLY contagious @EthicalSkeptic@chrismartenson
How do I know that he knew?
Because the VRC proudly described the speed with which they made the 2Proline switch and stabilized the 'native,' pre-fusion, uncleaved Spike.
They not only knew the FCS was there, they broke their own precedent to KEEP it for the vx @BretWeinstein
Now, why did Farrar and Fauci and Koopmans and Drosten wait two months, & author/commission 33 papers, before acknowledging what others had to report instead?
I hope it's not tied to this ⬇️
That could explain part of the @EthicalSkeptic's data @pizzapicklespur@AlexBerenson
This is highly concerning for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that furin expr. sharply⬆️in hypoxic conditions. Furin stimulates cancer cell mutations, so:
imm. suppression + extended hypoxia = ⬆️incidence, accel. onset cancers @EthicalSkeptic@FynneusMaximus
@MichaelWorobey@jjcouey@TotallyCanc3l3d (2)
After all, Bill Gallaher himself pointed out that SARS-COV-2's FP looked highly homologous to a certain retrovirus
He should know-he discovered the one in HlV
& thus SARS-COV-2
He recommended Fuzeon as a result, and he was proven✅
Your CO-author Garry can fill you in
@MichaelWorobey@jjcouey@TotallyCanc3l3d (3)
Imagine the luck - you happened to be working with the VRC on imprinting and efficacy of a vx prototype that targeted the FP just before the pandemic
Given the antigenicity and high conservation of class 1 FP's, why would fusion inhibitors or shots be ignored with SARS-COV-2?
Therefore, the notion that the NIAID could provide independent oversight is laughable - or would be, except for the fact that the deaths of 6.4M people remains unexplained, and the potential exists that their research somehow contributed to the origination of SARS-CoV-2.
@jjcouey@Kevin05573356@EthicalSkeptic@dasher8090@Doctor_I_am_The [2]
I was a Warrant Off. Instructor @ the USMC CBRN School from 2013-2016.
I taught the BWC to new USMC & Army CBRN WO's.
I re-wrote a majority of the full curr.
I worked 1 door over from the USMC doctrine guru for CBRN defense
I was a judge for the USMC '17 Innovation Challenge
@jjcouey@Kevin05573356@EthicalSkeptic@dasher8090@Doctor_I_am_The [3]
I was taught by the Edgewood Chem/Bio Center how to assess lab processes; as part of this, we simulated the manuf. of a toxic agent using materials you could purchase at any grocery store.