Charles Rixey, MA MBA (c) 🐭 Profile picture
-Helped leak the DEFUSE proposal -Exposing SARS-CoV-2's origin w/ #DRASTIC -Dad/OIF Vet/Historian -USMC/DoS WMD Support:
Κασσάνδρα Παρί پری Profile picture Lis 🇺🇸 🐭 Profile picture Dan D. Aridor دان اريدور Profile picture Ava Profile picture The Millennial VC Profile picture 24 subscribed
Jun 26, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
To all those who've thanked me,
and supported me,
I want each of you to know that
the honor is ALL

I wish you could see what I see,
that you are all worth it.
The loved ones you lost,
deserve it.
And we will not stop until you are given the truth.
I swear it... [2]
Because they lied to us.

Drs & Nurses wore trash bags and used masks at the start of a pandemic that never should've happened.

Spouses couldn't hold the hands of their loved ones as they died, because scientists chose to protect themselves, not you.
Jun 24, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Speaking from a position of some authority on the issue,

The origin of the pandemic has never been terribly complicated.
But it was, and remains,
terrible. Image @AGHuff [2]
Now, let's compare my Watchmaker conclusions, as of May 1, 2023, with the DNI report on COVID's origins that just released:

@KanekoaTheGreat @Jikkyleaks @ichudov @BretWeinstein @chrismartenson @Kevin_McKernan @drdrew @TexasLindsay_ @KimDotcom…
May 18, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
I'd summarize this by saying that it provides even more options for the process that led to the Pradhan et al insertions, expanding beyond just HlV homologies.

BTW, none of the options are "zoonotic."

Further, THE vital repository of glycosylated epitopes in any case……

Image @alykhansatchu @MonaRahalkar @humblesci [2]
Consider, for instance, what Spyros Lytras DIDN'T say here [pic#1]
He forgot to mention that the unprecedentedly long n-loops are exactly Pradhan inserts#1-3 from... HlV v-loops
That's a big miss.
The new article, , adds other possible sources for the………
May 10, 2023 4 tweets 12 min read
3 years have been wasted arguing about raccoon dogs at the Huanan Market.
Aggregated case data from 38 Chinese studies shows ~5,809 more cases than officially reported from the WIV & BSL-4 districts
-& the mkt districts had 4,901 LESS than reported… Image @chrismartenson @emilyakopp @Engineer2The @quay_dr @AGHuff @WashburneAlex @VBruttel @alykhansatchu @Bryce_Nickels @franciscodeasis @DrJBhattacharya [2]
The data also shows that the entire net gain on the WIV side of the Yangtze River - & the net loss on the mkt side - can be explained by those same districts.

&, ALL 38 data sources come from studies by🇨🇳drs & scientists
-82% from Wuhan itself
& ALL ignored by the CCP's WHO…… ImageImage
Mar 29, 2023 5 tweets 14 min read
~Thus Shrugged Prometheus~

They KNEW - The REAL case against Fαυci et al
[link in response⬇️]

We don’t need to know the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus to know the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic.
It's time to ask the REAL questions [2]
Fαυci knew SARS-CoV-2 wasn't natural - for the same reasons the D0E did, too.
-However, I said that 9 months ago; what's more important is what I've found since
@alykhansatchu @Jikkyleaks @Fynnderella1 @chrismartenson @WashburneAlex @AGHuff @ichudov…
Mar 19, 2023 5 tweets 18 min read
In 2018, a group of retired military leaders/scientists ranked 33 known bi0weαροns in 12 relevant categories
In 2022, they scored SARS-CoV-2 w/the same rubric

As a potential BW, the COVID-19 virus was 4th-of 34
Food for thought
@KimDotcom @Jikkyleaks… @KimDotcom @Jikkyleaks @alykhansatchu @akheriaty @AGHuff @BioSRP @DrLiMengYAN1 @hkakeya @Engineer2The @COVIDOversight @RepBradWenstrup @GingerBreggin [2]
Civilians typically assume that militaries would want highly lethal germ weapons, but strategically, the opp. is true.

We should all ponder the impl. of SARS-CoV-2 being ahead of all but 3 actual/potential BW's.

The origin DOES matter...
@MaajidNawaz @Doctor_I_am_The
Mar 19, 2023 4 tweets 11 min read
A "Special" virus
Within a single 37 AA sequence, SARS-CoV-2's spike contains
-An SEB-like Superantigen
-An ENaC motif
-A Prion-like Domain

There is nothing else even close to it in nature
@WogPogReal @EthicalSkeptic @TyCardon
@Fynnderella1 @Jikkyleaks @JesslovesMJK Image @WogPogReal @EthicalSkeptic @TyCardon @Fynnderella1 @Jikkyleaks @JesslovesMJK @DrLiMengYAN1 @SteveDeaceShow @DeaceOnline @NestCommander @KimDotcom @KimIversenShow @SomeB1tchIKnow [2]
If wet markets in Wuhan can build quantum decepticons, then maybe it's time to close wet markets in Wuhan.
Just a thought.
I'd love to see examples of any TWO of those elements in a consecutive stretch of AA's, in any viruses.
The list is short-never mentioned by virologists?
Mar 14, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
I thoroughly enjoyed this thread by @uberboyo, even though I disagree with the main assertions in its premise
There are .similarities between 'woke' & some elements of early [state-sanctioned] Roman Christianity, but the REAL lesson is tied to the poisoning effects of politics... @uberboyo [2]
Rural Romans prev. hated all sorts of things that came from 'Rome,' including:
-the deification of emperors
-extending the franchise to new provinces

Even historians back then chuckled at how angrily new citizens would reject extending citizenship to others
Mar 2, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
What did I just say yesterday, @AGHuff
(see tweet #2) (2)
In my watchmaker argument / tweets from July, I called out Korber's in multiple graphics

Feb 28, 2023 7 tweets 28 min read
Since we're on the subject of retraction, @alchemytoday, and especially @RobertFGarry1, here's some context you should consider⬇️.
Proximal Origin deserves a review first.

@chrismartenson @Jikkyleaks @R_H_Ebright @alykhansatchu @WashburneAlex @

@alchemytoday @RobertFGarry1 @chrismartenson @Jikkyleaks @R_H_Ebright @alykhansatchu @WashburneAlex [2]
I'll let my 9-month old thread on that subject speak for itself, for the moment.

"Unknown diversity" is a bizarre statement, given the high pos rate of actual SARS-CoV in tested civets et al

The problem is that SARS-CoV-2 lacked diversity AND any animal +'s [of 10K's]
Feb 25, 2023 4 tweets 16 min read
In a recent stream, I guessed that Worobey/Pekar et al had maybe seen 5 of the Wuhan epid studies I used for a new meta-analysis.
Of the 219, only 12 & 14 made their cut...
@chrismartenson @Jikkyleaks @Fynnderella1 @AGHuff @WashburneAlex @garyruskin @gdemaneuf @KimDotcom @chrismartenson @Jikkyleaks @Fynnderella1 @AGHuff @WashburneAlex @garyruskin @gdemaneuf @KimDotcom @JamieMetzl @alexandrosM @emilyakopp @CovidLawCast @BretWeinstein @TexasLindsay_ @RobertKennedyJr @NassMeryl @MichaelWorobey [2]
... which is a shame, because that means that the 🇨🇳scientists who authored the WHO Report - AND Worobey, Holmes and the rest of Fauci's rear guard - ignored 100's of 🇨🇳studies while trying to prop up false statistics to save the market narrative.
@TheLiamSturgess @dasher8090
Feb 17, 2023 10 tweets 46 min read
I sense further disappointment in the near future for Maria, @chrismartenson.
Here's the latest, expanded "Watchmaker" conclusions
@WashburneAlex @Jikkyleaks @justin_hart @JesslovesMJK @RMConservative @bret
@Parsifaler @Kevin_McKernan… @chrismartenson @WashburneAlex @Jikkyleaks @justin_hart @JesslovesMJK @RMConservative @Bret @Parsifaler @Kevin_McKernan [2]
Let's consider some of the new key findings, starting with the fact that Fauci & Koopmans & Drosten & Farrar et al KNEW that the FCS could make SARS-CoV-2 a pandemic-level virus - but hid its existence for 6 weeks until they could control the narrative
Feb 16, 2023 5 tweets 9 min read
In addition to being able to utilize the DC-SIGN pathway in the lungs, SARS-CoV-2 specifically binds to the lipopolysaccharide from...
p. aeruginosa
@JesslovesMJK @Parsifaler @chrismartenson @Jikkyleaks @Kevin_McKernan @MartinaSisters @DoorlessCarp @Fynnderella1 [2/3]
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa is an incredibly common bacterium which is frequently seen in hospitals. It's also increasingly antibiotic-resistant.
SARS-CoV-2 actually binds to the toxin motif of Pseu. A.
@BretWeinstein @quay_dr @Doctor_I_am_The…
Feb 13, 2023 4 tweets 13 min read
Hey @trvrb,
I'm still waiting to hear why you said this⬇️, despite already having seen Bill Gallaher's post from 3 days earlier.
You forgot to mention that that tiny tiny sequence was the Furin Cleavage Site
@Jikkyleaks @chrismartenson @JesslovesMJK @WashburneAlex ImageImage @trvrb @Jikkyleaks @chrismartenson @JesslovesMJK @WashburneAlex [2]
The elephant in the room is that you lied about the exact feature at the heart of the entire gain-of-function debate.
This is despite your little social media 'boost' that made your profile hotter than Joe Rogan's - for 6 weeks!
@AGHuff @akheriaty @CovidLawCast @justin_hart ImageImageImageImage
Feb 12, 2023 5 tweets 8 min read
I'll stand up and say it

Who in Congress, in the White House, will call on Ukraine to explain we saw?
I agree with S. Ritter - this looks like the use of a chemical weapon against Russians, not a fake.

Clarify for🇺🇸 that we didn't $ for CK - Zyklon B - in Ukraine
@RandPaul @RandPaul [2]
AC, not CK - Hydrogen Cyanide, a blood agent, a known chemical weapon.
Hitler refused to use chemical weapons, having exp. them in WWI.
He did use it in Ukraine, as Zyklon-B, against Jews.

Is this who we support? Silence is consent
@wtyl_live @Jikkyleaks @akheriaty
Feb 11, 2023 9 tweets 15 min read
Senator Paul,
I can tell you all about the DEFUSE proposal.
I can also tell you all about the specific elements of the SARS-CoV-2 genome that the prophet Nostradamus [Peter Daszak] discussed within it.

But, there's more to this story... [cont]
@JesslovesMJK @RandPaul @joshrogin @JesslovesMJK @RandPaul @joshrogin [2]
You see, those 4 prophetical elements in the DEFUSE proposal don't make sense in the context of a 'bat vaccine,' which was the stated goal of DEFUSE.

They DO make sense within the context of the NIH & USAID grants, however - the ones that WERE funded.
Feb 1, 2023 4 tweets 6 min read
P&I [Pneumonia & Influenza] data is confounded by the fact that Pneu can be caused by > 2 dozen viral and bacterial pathogens

If you take out COVID-19 & flu, the leftover is....
potentially one of many things.
Not pandemic flu

The burden of proof is on you, @I_Am_JohnCullen @I_Am_JohnCullen @Jikkyleaks @LynnFynn3 @AGHuff @EduEngineer @WashburneAlex [2]
The notion that an outbreak of 1918 H1N1 Spanish flu could wax and wane while undetected is insane. We found H7N9 & Nipah viruses in plant samples from the WIV, but the entire planet found no pandemic flu genome?
Further, immune imprinting since '09 would reduce the impact
Jan 26, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
In 2018, a group of retired military leaders/scientists ranked 33 known bi0weαροns in 12 relevant categories
In 2022, they scored SARS-CoV-2 w/the same rubric

As a potential BW, the COVID-19 virus was 4th-of 34
Food for thought
@KimDotcom @RWMaloneMD…
Image @KimDotcom @RWMaloneMD @alykhansatchu @wtyl_live @Jikkyleaks @chrismartenson @Fynnderella1 @akheriaty @AGHuff @BioSRP @Project_Veritas [2]
Civilians typically assume that militaries would want highly lethal germ weapons, but strategically, the opp. is true.

We should all ponder the impl. of SARS-CoV-2 being ahead of all but 3 actual/potential BW's.

The origin DOES matter...
@MaajidNawaz @Doctor_I_am_The
Jan 15, 2023 9 tweets 21 min read
SARS-CoV-2 Magic Trick #5: Size Matters

No, really - which is why the Zoonati keep trying to explain away those little bits [inserts] found by @asrayagiriraj & friends.

Yep, the reason Fauci had his 2/1 conclave...
Let me explain...

@ichudov @Jikkyleaks @Fynnderella1 @asrayagiriraj @ichudov @Jikkyleaks @Fynnderella1 [2]
This Sep '22 paper seems legit - until you realize that Lytras et al come from... U. Glasgow [A. Rambaut]

This paper takes great care to explain away the extra 'girth' as a product of the highly variable, outward-facing n-loops...
Jan 4, 2023 7 tweets 27 min read
"By 2020 such id's came in bulk"
I.E. by 2020, social media platforms were very familiar with the process of receiving marching orders from the US IC
Has anyone ever asked why they were pro-Fauci - not pro-US - after January of 2020?
@EthicalSkeptic @fynn_fan @TheJikky @KimDotcom @EthicalSkeptic @fynn_fan @TheJikky @KimDotcom [2]
Has anyone ever asked why the US IC would want/support Fauci's requests to intervene in social media in regards to COVID measures?

To me, all of this looks like violations of the 1st Am. - specifically to obstruct justice.

But... of what?
@TyCardon @JanJekielek @mtaibbi
Dec 22, 2022 4 tweets 7 min read
It's time to revisit our release of EHA's DEFUSE proposal in Sept 2021
It showed intent to:
-Insert FCS's
-Dysregulate interferon
-Exploit DC-SIGN [HlV]
all on a No See'm chimaera

- & ALL 4 elements are found in SARS-CoV-2
@AGHuff @TheJikky @chrismartenson @WashburneAlex @AGHuff @TheJikky @chrismartenson @WashburneAlex [2]
Here's 3 people who break the importance of the DEFUSE proposal down very well, starting with....
Russell Brand
@rustyrockets @RepGallagher @BretWeinstein @MaajidNawaz