#Thread on yet another real life incident that goes to portray how we see the two genders with different lens and weighing scales for the same flaws,
Which it turn confirms the double standards that we subject 50% of the population to.. ++ #GenderEquality
In our community in bangalore, of late many have given their villas on rent to bachelors. As expected, late nights, loud music, frequent visits from friends of both the genders have hassled the residents, seniors more so.
Recently the first group of girls joined as tenants +
They too are loud and indulge in late night loud parties/ late deliveries/ late visitors like the other 3 houses with the band of boys! 🙄
But now security guards, residents including some very progressive people are talking about the tenants’ character.
My family has overheard people talking if these girls are into prostitution. The security guys investigate about the guys visiting the girls with the maids.
The overall level of gossip has gone up. My mom told me one of them is very aggressive & ill behaved +
I thought maybe.
Then one night the security guard comes to the RWA in tears and accuses the female resident of physically abusing him, slapping him and even tearing his shirt.
Even I felt this was a case of misplaced feminism and poor behaviour by the female tenants +
But given the seriousness of the incident, the president of RWA went through the CCTV footage followed by questioning which revealed only long verbal altercation between the guard and the lady, possibly abusive language & some aggressive body language but no ++
evidence of any physical abuse or contact could be seen.
The security guard confessed to lying on most of the incident and on physical abuse /slapping etc, though he seems to have been verbally abused by the lady.
I was so shaken when I realised the level to which +
Guard can stoop to just get even with a woman who he thought has more power than him.
The point isn’t that the woman was correct. She may have a difficult personality, the point isn’t that women are greater or better than men +
The point is we have poorly behaved, aggressive abusive men by the dozens & many women too.
But our tolerance to put up with bad behaviour is lower for a woman.
The ease with which we pass verdicts about a woman’s character is exceptional. ++
The tipping point that demands an action, a reaction or a change is just different for men vs women.
Girls visiting bachelors won’t be commented upon, or even if it is it will be about the women who visit.
Single women who have Boys visiting will be discussed +
dissected, investigated, commented upon and even slut shamed.
Why? A different moral compass or Character certificate test For women?
I have seen sooooo many abusive men but gender rights of men are never discussed. A couple of badly behaved women & everyone starts screaming +
that this is the result of “giving” women more rights, freedom, feminism bla bla.
I mean seriously? The number of badly behaved women may continue to be on the rise, but that’s not because they are women because they are getting the rights, power & access to abuse of power only+
Should the ones found at fault be punished ? Of course they should.
But that shouldn’t make one comment on women empowerment.
With great power comes great responsibility. Yes. But there are enough irresponsible people in the gender that got some power first.
A patient with newly diagnosed stage 4 lung cancer had a heart attack/CABG a few years after which he quit smoking as per his doctor's advice.
He is angry & tells me that he thinks he got lung cancer bcoz he quit🚬
So this is what I explained to him. #Thread #DiaryOfAnOncologist
After you quit smoking, it takes a long time for your body to heal and reduce the risk of diseases & death related to 🚬.
After smoking cessation it takes about
1 month - for better energy levels
3 months - for improved fertility
1 year - COPD/cough/mucus gets better +
3 years - to start ⬇️risk of heart attacks, stroke and cervical cancer
5-9 years - to start ⬇️risk of lung cancer
10 years - to ⬇️ risk of oral/larynx/ esophageal cancer by 50%
15 years - to reverse↩️ risk of pancreatic cancer, heart attacks& stroke to that of non smokers+