You are originally booked to travel from Mumbai to San Francisco via Doha in Sep. Due to some changes u have to fly earlier and pay the Airlines ~INR 14K for the change. The Airlines ( @qatarairways ) has partnered with @IndiGo6E for the Mumbai to Doha leg of the journey 1/
U show up at the Mumbai airport on the day of the flight and to your horror are told by @IndiGo6E that they do not have info on ur change of date, the Qatar desk tells U sorry we didn't inform Indigo of the change but can't do anything and Indigo can't do anything either. 2/
What would you expect in such a situation? The Airlines will put u on the next flight, maybe upgrade you to make up for their goof up etc. But what do they do, they reschedule you for the samefight the next day and here is the best part, they charge you $200 for it. 3/
This happened early this morning with my mother in law who is a senior citizen, travelling by herself from Mumbai to SFO. I dropped her to the airport at 1 am and after 5 grueling hours of running counter to counter she came back home tired, harrased, and charged $200 extra 4/
Can someone on Twitter please guide us on what should we do, is this normal business practise? Can someone help