Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #CustomerExperience

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Jun 21st 2023
One of the keys to business success is providing an exceptional customer experience.

In this thread, we'll explore effective strategies and valuable tips to help you deliver outstanding customer service.

#CustomerExperience #CX

- Thread -🧵 Image
#1 Understand your customers:

Take the time to truly know your customers - their needs, preferences, and pain points.

This will enable you to personalize interactions and anticipate their expectations.

#2 Clear communication:

Communication is crucial for a great customer experience.

Be responsive, and proactive in addressing customer inquiries or concerns.

Promptly resolve issues, keeping customers informed throughout.

Read 14 tweets
Jun 19th 2023
🚀 In the Age of AI, personalized customer experiences are crucial for competitive advantage. Companies like Home Depot, JPMorgan Chase, and Starbucks are leading the way. #CustomerExperience #AI #Personalization @HBR

A quick recap🍿👇 Image
📈 Competitive advantage is based on the ability to capture, analyze, and utilize personalized customer data at scale. AI is the key to understanding, shaping, customizing, and optimizing the customer journey. #Data #AI #CustomerJourney
💡 Brands like Sweetgreen and Stitch Fix have designed transformative first-party, data-driven experiences as well. Personalization is the design target for every touchpoint. #ChallengerBrands #Personalization #DataJustice2023
Read 9 tweets
Jun 14th 2023
Live from #GartnerTGI |  Product Management: Intensify Product Analytics To Design for Sustainable and Compelling CX with Gartner VP Analyst Adrian Lee: #CX #CustomerExperience Image
About this session: Adrian explores how product managers can create compelling customer experiences through product analytics and more agile CX responses: #GartnerTGI #CX
Let’s take a look at the number 1 critical challenge for product managers. #GartnerTGI #CX #ProductManagement Image
Read 20 tweets
May 21st 2023
I need your help in sharing my latest experience with @bookingcom and Akicity apartments.

They have unjustly labeled me as a tourist seeking a free stay in a luxurious apartment, which couldn't be further from the truth.
I refuse to let them get away with this.
A thread 👇 Image
Please spread the word within your network and travel groups (by sharing the link/post below, not this one) to help me raise awareness. It would mean a lot! 🙌🏻
Here‘s what happened: Image
Check-in: I found myself stranded on the street with my luggage for a 45 min. An Uber Eats driver, who didn’t speak English, handed me the key while delivering food to customers. The language barrier made it impossible to obtain essential information, such as the Wi-Fi password. Image
Read 17 tweets
May 18th 2023
@amazonIN @JeffBezos i returned a pair of headphones I ordered from amazon and now I’m being told that the product is different from the one you guys sent. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON??
I contacted your team and I was told that they have investigated into it and are processing my ImageImage
refund. A few minutes later I’m told that my refund is cancelled and that I’ll need to send mail to some other team to continue to get help in regard to this…
Since I have returned this item why is my refund not being processed. YOUR LOGISTICS TEAM CAME AND TOOK MY PRODUCT And
Read 8 tweets
May 11th 2023
Welcome to #chatbotvoice2023 from Berlin.

I'm throwing up some tidbits around #conversationalai live from the 5th World Chatbots & Voice Summit from Berlin.
First up, Christoph from @GetCyara

We're talking testing and assuring quality in #conversationalai Image
Testing is an impossible manual task and it needs to be automated. Done wrong, it can cost heavily. So it is a huge, but important challenge. Image
Read 83 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
Data analytics is more than just a buzzword. Let's understand its real-world applications and how it can help you make better decisions and drive growth in your business.
From healthcare to finance to marketing, data analytics is being used in a variety of industries to make better decisions, improve operations, and drive growth.
In healthcare, data analytics is being used to improve patient outcomes. Doctors and hospitals are using data to identify patterns and predict patient outcomes, helping to prevent diseases and improve treatments.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 4th 2023
Here's why I'm bullish on #Tesla $TSLA :

1/20 Tesla has been disrupting the automotive industry with their electric vehicles and innovative technology. So, what gives Tesla a competitive advantage?
2/20 First and foremost, Tesla has a strong focus on sustainable energy and environmentally-friendly technology. This has helped the company differentiate itself from traditional automakers.
3/20 Another factor that gives Tesla a competitive advantage is their focus on software and technology. Tesla has been investing heavily in autonomous driving technology and has been a leader in the space.
Read 20 tweets
Jan 3rd 2023
My 2022 Year in Review and look ahead to 2023…

An unusual year of ups + downs that took my research agenda to unexpected places.

Yet the result was invaluable + ended up taking my work to useful new places.

A longish 🧵 on #cio #cloud #digitaltransformation #FutureOfWork. 1/x
First up is my detailed analysis titled “The #Cloud Reaches an Inflection Point for the #CIO in 2022.” It remains very pertinent reading.

Written as the cloud industry reached an early maturity point, it highlighted a top hot issue: Complexity…

Then I took a deep dive into #decentralization, perhaps one of the most significant generational revolutions of our era:

What is #Web3 and Why It Matters…

Regardless of what happens to #crypto, the underlying tech esp. #blockchain, is an inflection.

Read 19 tweets
Oct 26th 2022
What difference does it make for businesses to use real-time #data instead of batch data processing?

The answer, if you ask us, is that it makes a huge difference. But let’s see what market research group @IDC thinks. ⬇️
A recent IDC survey has found that best-in-class market players have #DataStreaming strategies and plans implemented across the enterprise. Their research shows a clear correlation between a business' digital maturity and its use of real-time data.…
Information from batch data processing can often be outdated ➡️ Having #realtimedata available is key to business intelligence & making better decisions. Businesses with a higher level of enterprise intelligence show higher revenue growth & customer acquisition, according to IDC.
Read 8 tweets
Aug 27th 2022
You are originally booked to travel from Mumbai to San Francisco via Doha in Sep. Due to some changes u have to fly earlier and pay the Airlines ~INR 14K for the change. The Airlines ( @qatarairways ) has partnered with @IndiGo6E for the Mumbai to Doha leg of the journey 1/
U show up at the Mumbai airport on the day of the flight and to your horror are told by @IndiGo6E that they do not have info on ur change of date, the Qatar desk tells U sorry we didn't inform Indigo of the change but can't do anything and Indigo can't do anything either. 2/
What would you expect in such a situation? The Airlines will put u on the next flight, maybe upgrade you to make up for their goof up etc. But what do they do, they reschedule you for the samefight the next day and here is the best part, they charge you $200 for it. 3/
Read 6 tweets
May 25th 2022
Customer experience has fast become a priority for businesses. Gone are the days when the key to winning over buyers was only through product quality or price 💫

Thread 🔽
But, in the last few years, the market has been flooded with options for customers to choose from, so why would they go for anything less? 🤔
In this article, we have curated the best customer feedback tool that you should go for when looking to get insights into your buyer's experience with your businesses 🚀

Read more:…

#wednesdaythought #feedback #CustomerExperience #designer #developer
Read 3 tweets
Mar 1st 2022
Welcome to the #Stellantis Strategic Plan presentation and discover how we are shaping the #FutureOfMobility ▶️
At this moment, our thoughts and prayers go to our 71 Ukrainian employees, their families and friends. We have set up a dedicated team to support them and, to the best of our knowledge, they are well.
At #Stellantis, we see 5 megatrends converging to create a New Era of #Mobility. Find out how ▶️
Read 23 tweets
May 30th 2021
@FURLENCO Hye folsk; this is regarding account FUR6076064905. My bro works for a hospitality venture which got impacted due to covid lockdown. and not able to clear dues on time <1/n>
He is paying his dues on time so far and expected to get you more business once lockdown is removed. But it seems your team is harashing him past past 15 days with 2-3 different callsa from different number. <2/n>
as a outsider I'm observing this abuse from a while desided have a mature/adult conversation as call are coming even on sunday. When I was trying to understand the sitution your team guy called me idiot . he called me from 8095876903 <3/n>
Read 10 tweets
May 6th 2021
@flyspicejet @MakeRefund11 As I have said earlier as well. I refuse to email impersonal email addresses incessantly. I have emailed several times before but I keep getting the same copy and paste script email responses.
@HardeepSPuri @DGCAIndia @MoCA_GoI @PIB_India @mygovindia @jagograhakjago @MEAIndia
@flyspicejet @MakeRefund11 @HardeepSPuri @DGCAIndia @MoCA_GoI @PIB_India @mygovindia @jagograhakjago @MEAIndia As you can see the refund request was originally raised in September 2020. But @makemytripcare didn't care nor did @flyspicejet and @MakeRefund11 was farthest from their minds
@flyspicejet @MakeRefund11 @HardeepSPuri @DGCAIndia @MoCA_GoI @PIB_India @mygovindia @jagograhakjago @MEAIndia @makemytripcare Then I was serving my notice period at place of employment. So again after my handing over, etc. I re-started my chase with @flyspicejet as you can see from the screenshot and managed to get a response from one Ms. Nishtha Gulati
Read 9 tweets
Dec 1st 2020
Excited for my first re:Invent and getting ready for the @ajassy keynote coming up!

#awsreinvent #AWS #cloud
Loving the opening music act 🎸
Zach Person is the musician playing, so awesome...

Here is his Instagram -
Read 75 tweets
Oct 27th 2020
@Flipkart I have ordered a Nike Air Vibenna shoe during the big billion days for an offer price of Rs 2469 which was comparatively little lower than other sites having offers at the same time(price now showing is Rs 4157). The product was delivered on Oct 27 after ten days. (1) Image
My issue is not solved yet and executives calling from your social media team are not able to give me a solution.
If its only refund and replacement, can you assure atleast this time that you will be sending me a new genuine product packed well in a week ? It's been over a month
Because it's been more than a month and I can't wait till new year that too to receive an old used kinda item. Your team is not able to assure that you will be sending me a genuine product. So confirm it first.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 19th 2020
1/ The future of offices will determine the future of #CustomerExperience and #productmanagement. Offices used to be warehouses for people to sit and work, so their design was form-fit to the purpose. With the high likelihood of permanent or semi-permanent remote work...
2/ the #futureofwork and the office will be predominantly (like 85% of sq ft) collaboration and innovation spaces designed for short-term team group work or periodic convocations. Pre-COVID state of working was about coming together and breaking out, but at a different cadence...
3/ and meetings were too frequent. But with better time management and stronger mental commitment to #innovation time" we have the great potential to dramatically improve the products and services we provide and how we provide them. Sacred cows will be slain. Immovable...
Read 5 tweets
Apr 6th 2020

Your customer is your priority. Make him comfortable and he will always come back.

You relieve them the "stress" of saving your number and coming to WhatsApp when you add a link that takes them straight to your inbox.

As the days roll by, we..
...detest "stress" and seek ease.

Take off all stress from us.

Offer delivery, (Maybe free, maybe subsidized rate). Offer to assemble the property. Offer free consultation.

Do everything to show you think of your customer's comfort.

#Marketing #Salesforce #lockdowneffect
#DigitalMarketing #sales #copywriting #Advertising #Businesses #CustomerExperience #CustomerService

See thread. Follow for valuable content: April is explosive.
Read 3 tweets
Jan 18th 2020
Grandi tweet questi giorni su #Amazon e sulle #edicole. Non condivido quasi nulla di quello che leggo, ma bene: anzi, benissimo. Argomenti distinti, ma con una matrice comune. La protezione dal mondo cattivo.
Su Amazon c’è sicuramente anche un tema di regole. Modello europeo o modello statunitense? Affrontata in questa maniera, e non parlando del presunto "dumping fiscale", la cosa ha un suo senso.
Non ho risposte, ma raccomando una lettura, questa, che sto iniziando anche io in questi giorni:…
Read 12 tweets
Dec 4th 2019
Once upon a time...

..there were no websites, FAQs, online chat support, call centres, multiple ways to contact service providers, processes designed to be ‘efficient’ & anticipate every eventuality through flowcharts & scripted responses.

There was just good #customerservice
Once upon a time... staff were not trained to become robots in a customer service machine. They were allowed to think, apply common sense, problem solve, take ownership rather than re-direct customers to another silo in the machine.

#CustomerExperience #CustomerService
Once upon a time... staff used to sort out customer problems rather than manage complaints procedures. It was quick & efficient for both customer & organisation, and a lot cheaper.

Once upon a time... there was just good customer service.

#CustomerService #CustomerExperience
Read 7 tweets
Sep 16th 2019
While I’m on the subject of strangers being weird. Here’s a #thread on a #homophobic #microaggression I experienced, also from this @HiltonHotels hotel I’m in. It includes some thoughts on behavior for #customerservice folks.
So I am in Houston where one of my partners lives. My partner is a white non-binary femme & we had spent the day together before I checked into the hotel yesterday. The person checking us in said “Are you two together?” and I said yes.
The front desk person began checking me in and then said “Do you want a double suite?” I didn’t understand & asked them to repeat. The person said “You’re registered for a king bed, do you want a double suite instead? With two beds?”
Read 7 tweets
Aug 9th 2019
Long thread alert 🚨
By a mother who was in Emergency Room last night with her 2 months old baby.
It’s not a hate rant so trolls stay off as you will be conveniently ignored.
1/2 Disclaimer- it’s not to defame any brand.
I have been a loyal customer of @mamaearthindia products (all of them) until yesterday I opened this box of disaster for the first time to use on a very small nappy rash on my baby’s perianal area. @GhazalAlagh @VarunAlagh
1/3 the moment I applied this cream on her rash , she started crying excessively. I thought it’s just because I touched her affected area. (She has worn diaper only 4th time yesterday in two months) she is on cloth nappies. The rash was minimal. The crying became louder
Read 16 tweets

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