#CatholicTwitter#CatholicChurch#Soul#pain 1/ Fr Ephrem has been talking about the soul in his recent sermons. Today’s Gospel (12th Sunday after Pentecost) is about love. The soul is very much apart of God’s love, all our senses are taken from the soul.
Like a corpse, the “spiritually dead” might have eyes to see, ears to hear, skin to feel, but they cannot see, hear, feel when God speaks to them. It is the soul that sees, hears, feels, who possesses the senses. All are not purely biological, our souls are what drives us.
3/ We are not just biological creatures answering to the laws of physics, anatomy and physiology, but of the psyche, aka our souls. Physical pain is real, but the source also comes through the soul. Through humility, and prayer, recognizing our nothingness without Him, is when >
4/ true healing begins. When we pray to God, a spiritual act, we speak from the heart, where our soul resides. When there is pain, especially repressed pain, as Our Lord Jesus Christ suffered for us, it too resides from the heart, despite “feeling” it elsewhere. >
This 2017 article notes the long lasting physical effects of “broken heart syndrome” dailymail.co.uk/health/article… . There is documented cardiac damage caused, even though there was not a particular “physical” cause.
6/ Dr John Sarno, MD, noted a classic study (one of many correlating the findings) of over 3000 people of all ages, having abnormal MRI’s of their spine, despite NOT having back pain. Why is this?
7/ The answer lies within the soul. What effects the soul, even though it may not be on a conscious level, may have happened very long ago, or just last week, pain manifests from those hidden wounds that only God can heal, if we allow Him.
Next time you see a veteran, a retired policeman/fireman, friend, relative, or any other loved one (or stranger), who mentions the pain their in, say a prayer for them. Their pain might not be all about “old age.” Their soul likely needs God’s comfort as well. 🙏 /end
#rainbowbridge As I sit here one year later, staring at this same spot, trying to reckon what exactly happened, and why it happened. I recall being told in college by one of my mentors, to “look for the gift” whenever we experience the pain of loss. 1/
#rainbowbridge that was in 1987. I’d already had my share of hard knocks with loss (who didn’t?), but it never seemed to end. Is that a bad thing? No, I no longer think it is.
#rainbowbridge just the night before I found myself in the ER with such elevated blood pressure, the nurses were surprised I wasn’t about to have a stroke. I had no symptoms. The next morning I left for about 30 min to fill a prescription until I could follow up w/ my doctor. 3/